Stocking up on Corona? Including Making It Ed to Be Kept out with Easier to Treat People Travel Restrictions
SHUT DOWN North Dakota high school sports on hiatus, SPORTS EARLY EDITION SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2020 INFORUM.COM President Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus By The New “I’m urging every York Times state to set up emer- President Donald gency operations cen- Trump on Friday after- ters effective immedi- noon officially declared ately,” he added. a national emergency Trump said he was that he said would give waiving interest on states and territories student loans, and access to up to $50 bil- that with oil prices lion in federal funds to low, the government combat the spreading would buy large quan- coronavirus epidemic. tities of crude oil for He also gave broad the nation’s strategic new authority to the reserve. Photos by Helmut Schmidt / The Forum 0DU\6FKPLGWULJKWZDVUHVWRFNLQJKHUOLTXRUFDELQHWZLWKDVWRSIRUZLQHDQGOLTXRURQ)ULGD\0DUFKDW+DSS\ health secretary, Alex His comments Azar, who he said +DUU\¶V%RWWOH6KRSRQWK6WUHHW6RXWKLQ)DUJR marked the first time would now be able to he has addressed the waive regulations, giv- coronavirus as a prob- ing doctors and hospi- lem within the coun- tals more flexibility to try’s borders, not just respond to the virus, something that need- Stocking up on Corona? including making it ed to be kept out with easier to treat people travel restrictions. remotely. Trump, who has Cases in the U.S. been accused of down- Shoppers buying ‘a have climbed to almost playing the crisis, 2,000, even with sparse detailed the admin- little extra,’ even at testing, and the death istration’s efforts to toll has risen to 41. The speed testing, which United States is facing was announced earli- the liquor store the prospect that those er Friday.
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