Pro Couchbase Server

David Ostrovsky

Yaniv Rodenski

Apress Contents J

About the Authors xvii

About the Technical Reviewers xix

Acknowledgments xxi

Introduction xxiii

Part I: Getting Started 1

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Couchbase Server 3

From SQL to NoSQL 3

The CAP Theorem 3

NoSQL and Couchbase Server 4

Couchbase as Key-Value Store vs. Document Database 5

Couchbase Server Architecture 5

Data Storage 6 Installing Couchbase Server 7

Selecting a Couchbase Server Edition 7

Installing Couchbase on Different Operating Systems 8 Configuring Couchbase Server 9

Creating a Bucket 14 Summary 16


Chapter 2: Designing Document-Oriented Databases with Couchbase 17

RanteR: The Anti-Social Network 17

Mapping Application Entities 18

Using a Relational Database 20

Using a Document-Oriented Approach with Couchbase 21

Designing Keys 22

Natural Keys 22

Creating Your First Document 23

Counters 25

Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) 26

Metadata 26

Document Versioning 27

Versioning Considerations when Using the Couchbase SDKs 27

Versioning Considerations in Couchbase Views 28

Summary 28

Part II: Development 29

Chapter 3: The Couchbase Client Libraries 31

The Java SDK 32

Adding the Java SDK Manually 32

Using Maven 32

Using the CouchbaseClient Class 32

The .NET SDK 35

Manually Referencing the Assemblies 35

Using NuGet Package Manager 35

Using the CouchbaseClient Class 35

The SDK 38

Linux 38

Windows 39

Mac OS X 39

Using libcouchbase 39 viii m CONTENTS

The Node.js SDK 43

The PHP SDK 44

Linux 44

Windows 45

Mac OS X 45

Using the PHP SDK 46

The Python SDK 48

Linux 48

Windows 48

Using the Python SDK 48

The Ruby SDK 50

A Simple Ruby Script 50

Building a Rails Application 51

Inside the Couchbase Client Libraries 53

Thread Safety 54

Couchbase Client Initialization 54

Performing Operations Using the Couchbase Client 55

Reconfiguration 56

Summary 56

Chapter 4: CRUD and Key-Based Operations 57

Persistence and Replication 57

Concurrency 57

Document Expiration 59 Database Operations 60

Storing Data 60

Retrieving Data 63

Retrieving and Updating Data Concurrently 66

Pessimistic Concurrency through Locking 69

Appending and Prepending Binary Data 71

Numeric Data 74


Deleting Data 75

Observing Data 76

General SDK-Related Notes 77

Summary 77

Chapter 5: Working with Views 79 MapReduce 101 79

Creating a View in Couchbase 80

The Map Function 82

Creating Views from Code 84

Querying Views 86

The Reduce Function 89

Views and Persistence 94

Updating Indexes 94

Views and Expiration 95

Geospatial Views 96

Creating Geospatial Views 96

Summary 98

Chapter 6: The N1QL 99

Executing N1QL Queries 100

The N1QL Language 103

The FROM Clause 107

Query Conditions and Expressions 113

Sorting and Grouping 115

Indexing Properties 116

Exploring the Query Execution Details 118

Summary 120

Chapter 7: Advanced Couchbase Techniques 121

Software Error Handling 121

Reading Replica Documents 122

Handling Temporary Out-of-Memory Errors 123


Implementing Transactions with Two-Phase Commit 124 Maintaining Sets of Items 134

Using CAS as an ETag 137

Using Couchbase as an Out-of-Process Session Store 139 Summary 141

Chapter 8: ElasticSearch Integration 143

Setting Up ElasticSearch Clusters 143

Forming a Cluster 145

Setting Up Replication between Couchbase and ElasticSearch 145

Querying with ElasticSearch 148

The ElasticSearch Query DSL 150

Summary 162

Part III: Couchbase at Scale 163

Chapter 9: Sizing and Deployment Considerations 165 Planning the Couchbase Cluster 165

RAM 166

Storage 168

Storage Performance 169

CPU 170

Nodes 170

Network Topology 171

Replication 174

Swap Space 175

Summary 175

Chapter 10: Basic Administration 177

Building the Cluster 177

Adding a Node to the Couchbase Cluster 178

Removing a Node from the Cluster 180

Rebalancing 181


Swap Rebalancing 183

Changing the Data and Index Path 184

Backing Up and Restoring 184

Using cbbackup to Back Up Data 184

Using cbrestore to Restore Backed-Up Data 187

Using cbtransfer to Transfer Data 189

Backing Up and Restoring Using Data Files 189

Database and View Compaction 190

Dealing with Compaction 190

Auto-Compaction 193

Triggering Compaction Externally 196

Compaction in Action 197

Faiiover 200

Automatic Faiiover 201

Manual or Monitored Faiiover 202

Dealing with Failed Nodes 204

Summary 205

Chapter 11: Monitoring and Best Practices 207

Less Obvious Couchbase Mechanisms 207

Replication and Queues 207

Working-Set Management and Ejection 209

Controlling the Purge Interval 210

Monitoring 210

Monitoring Couchbase at the System Level 210

Detailed Per-Bucket Monitoring 214

Server Resources 216

Summary (the Category) 218

vBucket Resources 222

Disk Queues 224

TAP Queues 226 r, CONTENTS

Views 228

XDCR 228

Memcached Buckets 228

Statistics and Cluster Health 229

Using cbstats 230 Retrieving Statistics from the HTTP API 231

Generating a Cluster Health Report with cbhealthchecker 232

Server Warmup 234

Logs 235

Alerts 236

Optimizing Disk Throughput 238 Summary 239

Chapter 12: Couchbase Server in the Cloud 241

Couchbase Server on Amazon Web Services 241

Considerations for Deploying Couchbase Server on AWS 242

Setting up Couchbase Server on AWS 244

Couchbase Server on Microsoft Azure 256

Considerations for Deploying Couchbase on Microsoft Azure 257

Setting Up Couchbase Server on Microsoft Azure 260

Best Practices for Running Couchbase in Microsoft Azure 265

Summary 266

Chapter 13: Cross-Datacenter Replication (XDCR) 267

Prerequisites 267 Setting Up Unidirectional XDCR 268 Advanced XDCR Settings 271

Conflict Resolution 272

Bi-Directional Replication and Advanced Topologies 273

xiii r? CONTENTS

Monitoring XDCR 274

Outbound XDCR Operations 274

Incoming XDCR Operations 276

Recovering Data from a Remote Cluster 277

Summary 279

Part IV: Mobile Development with Couchbase 281

Chapter 14: Couchbase Lite on Android 283

Getting Started with Couchbase Lite 284

Adding Couchbase Lite to an Android Project 284

Creating a Couchbase Lite Manager 285

Creating a Couchbase Lite Database 287

Using Couchbase Lite 287

CRUD Operations 288

Attachments 290

Views 291

Defining Views 291

Querying Views 292

Summary 292

Chapter 15: Couchbase Lite on iOS 293

Getting Started with Couchbase Lite on iOS 293

Adding Couchbase Lite to an iOS Project 293

Creating a Couchbase Lite Manager 295

Creating a Couchbase Lite Database 295

Using Couchbase Lite 296

CRUD Operations 296

Attachments 298


Views 299

Defining Views 299

Querying Views 300

Summary 300

Chapter 16: Synchronizing Data with the Couchbase Sync Gateway 301 Couchbase Sync Gateway 301

Installing the Sync Gateway 301

Running the Sync Gateway 302

Working with the Sync Gateway 304

Channels 306

The Sync Function 306

Sync Gateway Administration 309

Authenticating Users 309

Access Control 310

Shadowing Couchbase Server Buckets 311

Deploying the Sync Gateway 311 Summary 312

Index 313