Cub Scout Booklet All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated or adapted into any language, or reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means whatsoever, including illustrations and cover designs, without the prior written authorisation of the Interamerican Scout Office, which represents the owners of the copyright. Reservation of rights applies equally to the national scout associations which are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Copyright registration: 133.001 ISBN: 956-8057-12-9 This first edition of 3,000 copies was printed in June 2003. Interamerican Scout Office Av. Lyon 1085, 6650426, Providencia, Santiago, Chile tel. (56 2) 225 75 61 fax (56 2) 225 65 51
[email protected] World Organization of the Scout Movement Cub Scout Booklet You are already at the Trail-Finder Wolf stage! Now you and you think can walk and a little before run faster and acting, too. more freely you must be asking a lot more about the things you don't know You will learn a lot of new things with us You are going to have some good times. We promise. 2 You are also able to help your smaller sisters and brothers in the Pack, who will be beginning to follow in your footsteps. This Booklet belongs to Address Telephone Pack Scout Group I joined the Pack on This Booklet is private property. Please do not read it without permission. Thank you! 3 the adventure of the cold lairs Near the hills of Seonnee, the home of Akela's Free People of the Wolves, were the Cold Lairs.