Guantanamo Gazette
Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 59 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Thursday, March 30, 1989 Masonic Lodge gives graciously to those in need By JOSN LISA M. ENLOE Basnight continued. But the lodge hasn't stopped there. "Charity begins at home," and the Recently, they donated a couch and love Caribbean Naval Masonic Lodge believes seat to the residents at Oil Point 8. in that wholeheartedly, not by giving All the money the lodge uses comes materialistically unless the need arises, but from either membership yearly dues or by giving of their time, talent and sincerity. donations. "Anything and everything the "Our organization is based on the Bible community gives to us, we give back to the but we're not a church; however we're community," Basnight said. seeking the same end goal, the path to So how did the Masons get started? heaven through brotherhood and friend- "Our lodges date back to King Solomon's ship," said Mike Basnight, the lodge's time,"saidBillKnowles,thelodge'ssecre- worshipful master and a civilian engineer- tary and civilian structural inspector for the ing technician for the Public Works De- Public Works Department. partment. "Our lodge is known as a Blue Lodge On St. John the Baptist's Day, June24, which is chartered from the Grand Lodge 1717, four of the "old" lodges met in in Massachusetts," Basnight continued. London and formed the first Grand Lodge The Masons practice charity and be- of England, thereafter known as the Pre- nevolence and strive to promote human mier Grand Lodge of the world.
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