yiuiwGMJf^. ^j ^j^j^<^ IMPORTERS OF



This splendid Hall, universally admitted to be THE BEST IN THE DOMINION

Is fitted up in the most complete manner, has a x^erfectly appointed stage, and will seat eight hundred persons comfortably, can now be engaged for CONCERTS, THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES,

On the most liberal terms, which can be ascertained on application to I\OBEI\T WELSH, Proprietor.



CORNER QUEEN & DALHOUSIE STS., BRANTFORD. Powder, Shot of all kinds, Wads. &c.,

always on hand, of beat quality, and at lowest prices. IV. ADVERTISEMENTS.


MANUFACTURER OF Reaping and Mowing Machines, THEESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWERS, Grai^ Drills, Seed Drills, Field pollers,



And all kinds of Agricultural Machines and Implements.

THE AYR COMBIIED lACHIIE Having given so much satisfaction during the two last harvests, the manufacturer tound it necessary, m order to meet the demand, to enlarge his premises, and has removed a part of his business into new and commodious premises, which he has ntted up with the most Improved Machinery, and where he trusts to be meet able to the increasing demand for his Machines and Implements. Ayr, Ont., March, 1869. COUNTY OF BBANT


FOR 1869-70




No. 86 King Street West, , aiid 3 Ki^g Street, Hamiltmi.






Custom Made Boots and Shoes.



Carriage and Waggon Factory.

The subscriber is prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch and on moderate terms. He is also sole proprietor (for the County of Brant) of

Bruce's Patent First Prize Two Horse Cultivator, Which took First Prize at the last Provincial Exhibition at Toronto, Kingston and Hamilton. Farmers will do well to call and examine before purchasing any other. Also, KSNNSY^S PATENT ONTARIO HAHROWS, which are allowed by all farmers to be the best in use. EEFAC

edition of the County of Brant Gazetteer and Director\ i resfpectfully presented to the public with a sincere hope that it will n

; ! 1 1 M ! , ; i 1 id that the compiler will receive tliat considera-

desire on lii> ; ri malvc the as reliable an earnest i m book

-' ];'' .itioii lias i'> 1h- (.1 (tallied from so many different sources that errors will unavoidably creep in, and whenever such may

1- -r.:^; n if i- in 1).' liriiicd i]]r ])iil(Hc will generously overlook them.

Tlie publisher desires to present his acknowledgments to the mem- bers of the Press in the county, the County Clerk and many other gen- tlemen for the kindne==r'> rxi .n ir-npo,] at their hands both by himself f>nd a^irei'it''.

To the advertisers and subscribers especial gratitude is due for the very liberal support given by them to the enterprise from the com- mencement. JAMES SUTHERLAND, PuhUsher, March, 1SG9. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS.

Pages. Pages.

Ahrens, I. H. , Paris, opp. 129 Ker's Music Hall, Brantford 3 * American Hotel, Hamilton . 12 McLean, S., Brantford opp. 85 American Hotel, Toronto.... opp. 145 McLean, Thos,, Brantford, bot- Baker, John, Paris opp. 92 tom lines. Bell, Benjamin, St. George 10 Maus, Lewis, Paris opp. 112

Brantford Engine Works, inside Masterson, Wm. , Brantford .;.... 3

back cover. Meacham, J. B., Brantford. . opp. 96 Brown ifc Battersby, Paris... opp. 80 Metropolitan Hotel, Toronto 11 City Hotel, London opp. 93 Michigan Central R. R., Detroit. 164 Clegliorn, A. & J. & Co., inside Morton, A. & J. Y., Brantford.. 2 front cover. Parker & Cattle, Paris opp. 144

Coleman, Tlios. W. , Paris... opp. 129 Patterson, Robert, Princeton. .opp. 97

Commercial Hotel, Brantford. . opp. 81 Penman & Adams, Paris opp, 144 Cox, Henry, Burford opp. 84 Pethick's Hotel, Stratford ...opp. 145

Crawford & Armstrong, St. Ransford, E. V. , Brantford. . opp. 65 George opp. 84 Riley's Hotel, Dund;>s opp. 80 Dickson, D. S. R., Paris..... opp. 129 Schuler & McGlade, Paris... opp. 112 Fear, Samuel W., Mt. Pleasant. 6 Sims & Harpin, Brantford 16

Fleming, Gavin, Glen Morris ... 6 Sinclair, R. , Paris opp. 64

Galloway, Jas. , Harrisburgh 13 Snowball, Wm. , St. George 15 Gill & Gardner, Brantford 166 Spencer, Hugh, Brantford 16 Great Western Railway 161 St. Lawrence and R. W. 165 Gore Hotel, Paris opp. 64 Stewart & Mathison, Brant- Hall, T., Paris opp. 92 ford opp. 113

Howell, W. , Brantford 2 Strong's Hotel, London opp. 93

Hudson, Andrew, Brantford.. opp. 9Q Sutton, J. P. , Brantford 16

Keefer, J. N. , St. George 13 Watson, John, Ayr 4

Kenney, Tlios., Brantford... opp. 84 White, Thos. W. , Hamilton 14 .


'AGE. pj.A.GE. 140 Iberton . 150 Langford \ liiage uf 149 Appendix . 150 Middleport, 140 Ayr . 150 ^Mohawk of. 140 Bishopsgate, village ri . 132 Mount Pleasant, village 142 Branchto'VNTi . 154 Mount Vernon, village of...

of . . . 144 Brantford Town . 66 New Durham, villiage

Braiitford ToAVTisliip . 17 Newport, village of

Burford, towiiskip oi . 34 Oakland, towaiship of 49

Cainsville, \'iilage of . 134 Oakland village 142

Catlicart, \allage of . 135 Onondaga, township of 53

Claremont, village of . 132 Onondaga, village of 143

County and judicial information. . 85 Paris, tow^n of 112 15G Dumfries South, township of . 57 Princeton 144 Gait . 155 Rosebank of lU Glenmorris, village of . 135 St. George, village 147 Globe's Corners . 137 Scotland, village of 144 Harley, village of . 137 Shipman' s Corners 149 Harrisburgh, village of . 138 Tuscarora 04 Kelvin, village of . 138 Tuscarora, towTiship of X. ADVERTISEMENTS BENJAMIN BELL, PROPRIETOR OF THE ST. aEonaE AGRICULTURAL WORKS,

And the only mannfacturer of the Genuine ST. GEORGE OOMBINED REAPER & MOWER.

This Machine, for simplicity of construction, strength, durability and ease of draft, is acknowledged by the practical fanner to excell all other Machines, Also 'ew


will be made for the season of 1869.

An Inspection of Workmansliip and Material Heqnested befor^^ Piir- cliasino; Elsewhere.


Send for Illustrated and Descriptive Cataloyuo.



Corner of King and Bay Streets,


THOMAS BROWN, Proprietor.

The Metropolitan is within a faw minutes walk of the Railway Depots and Steamboat Landings, and situated in the centre of the City ^^i- ADVERTISEMENTS.




This Hotel, one of the Largest and most Oentrally Located m the City, offers superior accommodation to travellers, either for business or pleasure. Strangers arriving either by Train of Cars or by Lake Steamer will find the AMERICAN HOTEL OMNIBUS


TERMS, S1.00 PER r)A.Y

In connection with this hotel the proprietor has fine Commodious Stables for the accomodation of those bringing horses or dealing in them.

Stages leave daily from this house for Port Dover and intermediate places, fo and intermediate places, Dundas, &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. XIU.

3. m. m,-&mwmwi. ST. GEORGE, ONT., General Merchant



]]oots and kSIiocs, Patent Medicines, tk., (t-c,

All of which he sells at prices to defy competition. Call and examine before going elsewhere to purchase.

(POSTMASTER.) Greiieral Dealer in

Dry Goods, Groceries, HARDWARE, C^OCKEI\Y,

Boots & Shoes, Ready Made Clothing


]S£ain Street, near tlie Station, HARRISBURG, ONT. XIV. ADVERTISEMENTS. WHITE'S CABINET ORGANS Comprising all the New and Valuable Improvements.

The Best and Cheapest in the World. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION.


And other Avell-known and reliable makers.

One of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Sheet Music, Music Books, Musical Merchandise to he found in the City.

Specifications of Church Organs, and Price List of Cabinet Organs and Melodeons furnished on application to T, W. IVHITE, 38 King Street West, Hamilton, Ont. ADVERTISEMENTS. XY. ST. aEonaE




Wooden Axle Waggons, -with four skenes, laid with steel, with box. $72 00 $77 00 Iron Axle Waggons, double braced, with box 93 00 98 00 Iron Axle, extra heavy for teaming 110 00 115 00 \Vhippletrees and Neck-Yoke 5 00 Seats and Wooden Springs 3 00 Spring Seat and Foot-board 8 00

The subscriber is prepared to furnish any amount of LUMBER WAGGONS on the shortest notice, having seasoned lumber for three hundred on hand, and of the best quality of white oak. Farmers in need of Waggons would do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. The Factory is one of the oldest in the Province, having been in operation for thirty years. For durability and lightness of draught, hia Waggons cannot be equalled. WILLIAM SXOWBALL,, ST. GEORGE, ONTARIO.


The subscriber is prepared to pay the highest price for flax, \\-ith seed on or rotted. FLAX DRESSED ON SHARES.

St. George Flour and Grist Mills.

The subscriber has always on hand the best flour for family use. WM. SNOWBALL, ST. GEOKGE, ONTARIO. xvi. ADVERTISEMENTS.


OFFICE—No. 4 NORTH side Colborne Street, next door to Thomas McLean's Dry Goods Store.

Mr. SUTTON lias had 24 years constant practice in Montreal Kingston and Brantford and performs all operations in tlie best possible manner, and at reason- able rates. C01^TSTJIJT-A.TI03S^ I^I^EE.

SIMS & HARPIN, Conveyancers^ Land Agents^ &c. BEANTFOED, ONTAEIO,

Loans Negotiated, Titles Searclied, Bents Collected, cC-c.

OFFICE—Entrance on the West side of Market Street, between the Stores of Adams & Brophey and T. McLean.







Tliis township is bounded on the north by the township of South Dumfries, on the south by the township of Oakland, on the west by the township ot Burford, and on the east by the townships of Onondaga and Ancaster. The township of Brantford is composed of a part of the Six Nations Indian tract on the Grand River. Thevlands of which it is composed remained in the occupation and possession of the Six Nations Indians, (excepting some portions thereof which had been leased by the late , as agent for the Six Nations Indians, to various settlers), until the year 1830, when the town plot of Brantford was surrendered for sale and settlement, as also a part of the north part of the township after which various surrenders were made for settlement, until the whole of the territory, comprising this township as well as the township of Onondaga, was surrendered for sale and settlement. The Grand River in its various meanderings runs througl| the centre of this to-wnship on its course to Lake Erie. It is watered in the east part by Hynd's Creek, Fairchild's Creek, and their tributaries ; and on the west side of the river by Horner's Creek, which enters it in the 4th concession at the point mentioned in the remarks on Burford, but after it enters Brantford it takes the name of " the Whiteman's Creek," until its entrance into the Grand River in the third concession, at the place originally known as " The Whiteman's Farm." The person called "The Whiteman" was made prisoner by the Six Nations Indians when very young, during the American Revolution, and grooving up with the In- dians, married a woman of the Mohawk tribe, and settled at the inter- section of this creek with the Grand River. The south-west part of the township is watered by the Mount Pleasant Creek and other small streams. The principal roads are,—the road leading from Hamilton, passing through Cainsville, the town of Brantford, towards London, intersecting the township of Burford, at the village of Bishop's Gate, at the place

indicated in the remarks on Burford ; the Mount Pleasant road, lead- ing from the town of Brantford through the beautiful village of Mount Pleasant to Oakland. The roads leading from Brantford to Paris and

St. George ; the gravel road leading from Brantford south through Oak- land to Port Dover, caUed Cockshutt's road—and the road leading down the river to the township of Onondago. Various concession and side lines are also opened in various parts of the township. The river Canning also waters a part of the first concession on the "west side of the Grand River, which stream enters the main branch of

Thomas McLean, Importer of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford- 9 18 TOWNSHIP OF BRANTFORD.

the Grand River at Paris, immediately on the line between the town- ships of Brantford and South Dumfries. The soil is variegated and differs from the timber. On the west side of the river, from Dumfries down to the second range east of the Mount Pleasant Road, it is plain land, sandy soil, but very productive. This part of the township is one of the most beautiful tracts of country ima- ginable. It is also plain land on the east side of the river, from Paris to Brantford, and extending east some three or four miles from the river. The rest of the township is timbered land, strong soil, and some- what inclined to clay in some places. On the whole it embraces as fine a tract of land as can be found in the country. The regular concessions number from north to south, and the lots in the concessions number from west to east. But the plan of the town- ship is very irregular—much of it had been settled by leases from Joseph Brant, without much regard to regularity or consistency. In the survey of the rest of the township, particular respect had to be paid to these Brant lease tracts. The town of Brantford is situate about the centre of the townshij), as also in about the centre of the county of Brant.

Number of acres taken up in 1846 was, 58,035 ; number of acres un-

der cultivation, 42,273 ; which figures, compared with the table given- below, will show the progress made by the township. In 1846, there were six grist, and six saw-mills in Brantford, and the population was a little over 5,000. The value of rateable property was $457,000. The present state of the townsliip will be seen in the following report of its census for 1861.



Total population, 6,904; England and Wales, 1,114; Scotland, 514;

Ireland, 576 ; natives of Canada, not of French origin, 4,216 ; United States, 334 ; Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, 13 ; New Bruns-

wick, : Prussia, 73 German States and Holland, 55 , Sweden and Nor- way, 2 ; Indians, 38.


Church of England, 1,659 ; Church of Rome, 552 ; Established Church of Scotland, 194 ; Free Church of Scotland, 304 ; United Pres- byterians, 576; Wesleyan Methodists, 1,742 ; Episcopal Methodists, 268; New Connection Methodists, 42 ; other Methodists. 85 Baptists, ; 885 ; Lutherans, 12; Congregationalists, 91; Quakers, 10; Christians, 50;

Thomas McLean, Millinery and Mantle Booms. In this Department the Newest Styles always introduced at very Lowest Prices. ;


• Protestants, 9 ; no religion, 147 ; no creed given, 52 other creeds not classed, 226.

Keturns of Agricultural Produce, Lands Held, Occupiers of Land, &c., for the Township of Brantford, 1861.

Total occupiers of land, 671 ; occupiers of ten to twenty acres, 31 occupiers of twenty to fifty acres, 134 ; occupiers of fifty to one hun- dred acres, 263 ; occupiers of one hundred to two hundred acres, 184; upwards of two hundred acres, 32 ; amount held in acres, 64,555 under cultivation, 53,358 ; under crops, 43,271 ; under pasture, 8,854 ; under gardens and orchards, 1,232 ; wood and wild lands, 11,198 ; cash value of farms, $3,048,482 ; cash value of farming implements, $136,- in gardens orchards, quantity of land held 914 ; produce and $20,425 ; by townspeople, not being farmers, 500 acres ; number of acres of fall wheat, 29,574 ; bushels of fall wheat, 211,886 ; acres of spring wheat.

3,609 ; bushels of spring wheat, 64,486 ; acres of barley, 1,223 ; bush- els of barley, 32,990 ; acres of rye, 298 ; bushels of rye, 3,832 ; acres of peas, 2,942 ; bushels of peas, 94,685 ; acres ol oats, 4,017 ; bushels of oats, 107,362 ; acres of buckwheat, 418 ; bushels of buckwheat, 8,827 acres of Indian corn, 1,121 ; bushels of Indian corn, 42,150; acres of potatoes, 1,081 ; bushels of potatoes, 115,791 ; acres of turnips, 474 ; bushels of turnips, 190,436 ; bushels of carrots, 765 ; acres of mangel wurtzel, 57; bushels of mangel wurtzel, 16,981 ; bushels of beans, 230: bushels of clover, timothy and other grass seeds, 476 ; hay, 7,455 tons ; hops, 73,565 lbs; maple sugar, 17,236 tt)S ; cider, 16,506 gallons; wool, 36,980 lbs; fulled cloth, 2,271 yards; flannel, 6,391 yards; flax and hemp, 2,193 lbs; number of bulls, oxen, aad steers, 331 ; milch cows,

2,795 ; calves and heifers, 2,460 ; horses over three years old, 2,219 ; fillies, value of same, $157,032 ; colts and 655 ; sheep, 10,472 ; pigs,

4,971 ; total value of Uve stock, 876,292 ; butter, 232,484 lbs ; cheese,

ft>s, 11,079 S)s ; beef, in barrels of 200 lbs, 596 ; pork, in barrels of 200

2,422 ; carriages, kept for pleasure, 555 ; value of same, $36,277. Census, 1868. —Population, 5,300; number of horses, 2,804; cattle,

5,653 ; sheep, 18,092 ; hogs, 3,600 ; total value of real and personal property, $5,907,089 ; number of acres cleared, 154,218 ; total number of acres held, 171,359.


Township of Brantford.— 1st range or r e or w mt p, signifies first range east or west of Mount Pleasant ; r t Ruggles tract ; s t Stewart tract ; k t Kerr tract ; c t Clench tract t Gilkison tract ; m t Mair ; g tract ; s h b a south half block lot t Phelps tract ; b a block A A ; p ; d t Digby tract ; f t Farley tract.

Tweeds, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Meltons, Broadcloths, Vestings, and every article belonging to the Men's Department. Clothing made to order. . ;


Pleasant , r 1 river lot 2nd or 2 r e m p second range east of Mount ;

1 1 Lovejoy tract ; w t Westbrook tract o b ox bow ; 2 c b t 2nd con- cession Burtch tract.

mc t McGill tract ; b 1 bank land ; c t Cockshutt's tract ; h h Harley hill gore, asply, Clifton farm. ; j t Jones' tract. s h m or n li m south of Hamilton road, or north of Hamilton road : lot e 2 r n h r 3 second range north Hamilton road 3 ; p echo place ;

; ; t s k Smith & Kerr tract e n Eagle's nest o b ox bow ; j R Jersey road ; n h r north Hamilton road.

b e Babcock estate ; b c block C;lrshrl01st range south of

c Pulcher tract ; st r 3 St. road, Hamilton road, lot 10 ; p g George 3rd concession 3rd lot ; o p b 4 c Oakley park 3rd concession block A ; b 1 and b t n h r Brant lease or Brant tract north Hamilton road ; m f

locks. li Mohawk flats ; b 1 Brantford Burwell farm—2 r s r b d 2nd range south Hamilton road block D ; m 1 Mission lot ; e p Echo place

hill ; 1 letter r Jersey r s h Smith's g g ; j w road west j n p north Paris road ; d r Dumfries road.

Adams, Thomas, 3 a f Aulesbrook, John, 3, 5 f. Adams, Uriah, 1 con. 1 f. Aulesbrook, Thos., 3, 6 h. Agnew, George, 2, 37 f Avery, Silas, 3, 7 f. Agnew, James, 3, 37 f Bailey, Benj., 3 con. 84 h. Agnew, Samuel, 1, 33 f Baker, Henry, 4 r 4 f

Akins, John, 4, 7 t. Baker, Ira, 1, 1 to 3 f.

Almose, David, 2 r 5 f. Baker, Samuel, 2 r 46 f.

Anders, Morris, 2, 41 f. Baker, William, 4 r 5 f.

Anderson, James, 3 r 4 h. Baldwin, M. D., e n f.

Andrews, Geo., s h r 12 £ Ball, Mrs., 2, 37 f. Andrews, Morris, 3, 42 f. Ballachy, Geo. J., k t h.

Apps, Charles, 3, 8 f. Ballachy, John. Apps, Wm., 3, 8 f Banister, Samuel, k t h. Armour, Robert, 4, 2 h. Baquley, Charles, 1 r 1 h.

Armstrong, Mark, 1, 19 f. Barker, John, st h. Armstrong, Thomas, 1, 18 f Barr, James, 1 r e pt 5 h.

Armstrong, Wm., 1, 1 f. Barrett, James, r t.

Ash, Alfred, 3, 44 h. Barten, Geo., s h r a f.

Ash, Chas., 3, 44 h. Bary, Luke, s h r 7 and 8 f.

Ash, Jesse, 2, 37 h. Baston, Thomas, 2, 30 f. Ash, Mrs., 2, 37 h. Batty, David, Eagle Nest, h. Ashbaugh, Fredk, 1, 43 h. Batty, John, Eagle Nest, h.

Ashbaugh, John C., 1 r e pt 3 f. Batty, John, 3, 60 f.

Ashworth, A. Abel, 2 r 46 f. Batty, John, 2, 29 f. Atkinson, Thomas, 4 r 2 f Beam, Jonathan, 1 r e 9 f. Atkinson, William, 3 r 6 f Bellhouse, John, 3 con. b t 49 h.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, holds a Splendid Stock of Carpets. Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Wool Carpets......


Bellhouse, Thomas, 2 con, 40 h. Bowers, Wm., 4, 38 h.

Benedict, Alonzo, r 2, 6 f. Bowes, Rachel, 1 r w pt 8 f.

Benedict, Erastus, r 2, 6 f. Bown, John F., Dr., n h r 4, 37 f.

Benham, David, 2, 35 f. Bown, Robert R., en f.

Bennett, A. B., Oakley Park, f. Boyce, Edward, 1, 10 h.

Bennett, A. B., 1, 34 f. Boyes, Robert, 4 c f Berney, Darby, 2, 3 h. Brake, Peter.

Berry, Edward, 1, 1 f. Braund, Chas., 1 a w pt 8 f.

Berry, James, 1, 1 f. Bray, John, 2, 4 f.

Berry, John, s h r 7 and 8 f. Brazier, George, 3 r 21 f.

Berry, John, 1, 28 f. Breshin, Patrick, Smithhill, h.

Biggar, Charles, 2 r 2 f. Bressett, Lewis, s h r 2 Range, 4 h. Biggar, Charles, 1 r e 3 h. Briggs, Alexander, pt 5 h.

Biggar, George. Britton, Carson, Holmdale, f.

Biggar, Hamilton, c t f. Brooks, John, p t h. Biggar, Herbert, r w 10 f. Brocks, Richard, s t f Biggar, Herbert, jr., pre 9 f. Brooks, Richard, jr., s t h. Biggar, James, 2 r 3 f Brooks, Thomas, s t f.

Biggar, Eobert S., 1 r e 3 f. Brooks, Widow, s t f

Bingham, George, 1 re e pt 5 f. Brooks, Wm., Paleston, 9, 40 f.

Bingham, Job, s h r 13 f. Broughton, Richard, 3 b t 86 h.

Bingham, John, 4 f. Browett, Frederick, sh r 13 h.

Birket, Thomas, Eagle Nest, 12 f. Brown, Alfred, 3 con d h.

Birket, Miles, 3 con. letter d, h. Brown, David, 2, 38 f.

Bank British North America, Brown, George, 1, 15 f.

Holmedale f. Brown, James, 3, 38 h.

Blacker, Edward, s t f. Brown, John, 3, 38 h. Blacker, Edward, jr. Brown, Thomas, 2, 2G h.

Blacker, John. Brown, Walter, s h r f.

Blendell, Wm. S., 1, 48 f. Brown, Wm., k t f

Blunt, Ed., Farley track, n h r e f. Brown, William, 2, 20 f.

Bodwell, Samuel, s h r a 10 f. Brunston, David, 2 r w 5 h. Bone, Edward, 5, 2 h. Bryce, George, 1 r w pt 7 f.

Bonham, Elam, 3, 31 f. Bryce, John.

Bonney, John, k t. Buchanan, Findlay, 1 con. 1 f.

Bonny, John, 4, 2 h. Buck, Ensign, 3, 45 and 46 f.

Book, Henry, n h r 3 f. Buck, Ensign, 2, 45 f.

Book, Henry, 2, 50 f. Buck, William, 2, 45 f.

Book, Peter, 2, 50 f. Buckley, William, 2 con. 40 f.

Boslough, John, 3 r 4 li. Buffalo & Lake Huron R. R., rr f.

Bosworth, N. Thos, t c 1, 10 f. Bullen. George, s h r 2 r 5 f.

Bougen, John, 1 re 10 f. Bundy, Mark, s h r 2 r 6 f. Boughslaw, John, 1 r e 6 h. Bunnell, Enos, Eagle place, h.

Bourne, Joseph, s t f. Burk, Dennis, 5, 28 h. Bouslaugh, Jas., 2 r w 2 h. Burkey, Michael, 2, 24 h.

Thomas McLean invites special attention to his Large Stock of Eeady Made Clothing, Market and Colbome Streets, Brantford......


Jane, Cainsville, f. Barrel, Charles, 3 letter d f. Clark, Joseph, Cainsville, h. Burtch, DanL, 2 r 5 h. Clark, Thomas, Appleby, h. Burtch, David, 1 r w 5. Clark, 18 and 19 f. Burtch, David, 3 r 6 h. Cleuter, Hudson, 3, r 8 h. Burtch, David, 2 r 5 f Cleaver, Samuel, 2 r 8 h. Burtch, Stephen, 3 r 6 h. Cleaver, William, 2 Joseph D., Smith's Hill, f. Byron, Jeremiah, 2, 44 f. Clement, Cadzon, Wm., Eagle nest h. Clement, Wm., 2 r w 3 h. c t f Cahill, Patrick, d t. Clinch, Hannah, Caidney, Roderick, 2 r c f Coalbeck, John, 2, 50 h. Cainsville, f. Calbeck, Mrs., Digby tract f. Coalbeck, John, McGill's t, h. Cameron, Jas., 3, 36 h. Cochrane, James, h. Cameron, Mrs. James, 2, 35 h. Cocks, William, 2, 35 place, f. Campbell, David, 2 r 4 f ^ Cockshutt, Ignatius, Eagle land, f. Campbell, George, 1. 22 f. Cockshut, Ignatious, Bank Campbell, Jas., 2 & 3, 13 to 15 h. Cockshutt, Ignatius, g t f Campbell, Thos. Cole, John, 3, 41 and 42 f. Campbell, Wm., 1, 34 f. Cole, Thomas, 1, 45 f. Canley, Stevens, g t f Coleman, Miles, 2 r, 45 f. Carlyle, Alex., k t. Collings, John, 4 and 5, 2 f.

Carlyle, Alex., 5, 13 f. Collins, John, Eagle Nest, f. Carlyle, Jas., 4, 13 h. Comerford, John, 5, 3 h. Carlyle, John, 1 r w p t 8 f Connel, John, 1, 28 f. Carlyle, John, 4, 13 h. Conworth, John, 1, 3 h.

Carlyle, Thomas, 2, 25 f. Conworth, Wm., 1, 3 h.

Cams, Francis, 4 & 5, 2 f. Cook, Abraham B., 1 r w 8 f. Carpenter, Cyrus, s t f Cook, Alex. H.,M.D., 1 r w 7 f.

Carrahar, Jas., Smith hill f. Cook, Andrew, 1 r w 1 and 2 f. Carroll, Ed., 2nd s h r 6 f Cook, Charles, 1 r w p t 2 h.

Carrol, Thos., 3, 42 f. Cook, Cornelius, 3 a f.

Carson, Jas., 8, 4 f. Cook, John, k t f. Carter, John, g farm h. Cook, John E,. 2 r w 6 and 7 h.

Cawley, Charles, Eagle place, f. Cooper, Henry, Dumfries road, f. Charlton, Peter, Eagle Nest, h. Cope, Henry, 3, 7 and 8 f.

Charlton, Thomas, 1, 35 f. Cornish, Geo. H., Rev., Cainsville, h. Chatterson, Elias, 1, 42 h. Cornwall, Benj., n h r 1 r 7 f Chatterson, Joseph, 1 r u f Cornwall, Morgan, n h r 7 f Chatterson, Robert A., m t f Cornwall, Thos., Holmdale. Chatterson, Solomon, 2 n w 4 f Corrigan, Andrew, 1, 3 h. Chave, Walter, s t f Coven, Michael, 1, 16 f.

Cheavers, Philip, 4, 40 f. Cowhird, James, 3 con. a f.

Chisholm, John, 2, 6 f. Cowhird, Thos., Smith's Hill, f.

Cholisco, James, Echo place, 5-6 f. Cox, James, 1 r e 5 f

Chrispin, Charles, Greenfield, f. Craig, Thos., 3, 36 h. Clark, James, n h r h. Crawford, Ann, 3 and 4, 13 to 15 h.

Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Dress Stuffs, Mourning Goods, Black Colored Dress Silks at Thomas McLean, Brantford- ......


Crawford, James, 3, 21 f. Derry, Wm., 4, 3 h.

Cra^vlbrd, Thos. D., 2, 22 f. Deverell, W. Joseph, 4, 16 h.

Creese, Isaac, 4, 2 f. Devereux, Jane, s h r f.

Creese, Robert, 4, 3 f. Devlin, Hugh, 1 n 2 f Creighton, John, Cainsville, f. Devlin, John, 1 r w 7 f

Crii'ps, Morris, 4, 2 f. Devlin, Robert, 1 n 2 f.

Crispin, Lyman, 2 r 6 f. Dewar, David, 2 r 6 f

Crocker, M. Jas., 4, 8 f. Dewit, Jonathan, 5, 4 and 5 f Croom, William, Cainsville, h. Dewit, Morris. 5, 2 and 3 h. Cropp, Hodger, brickyard, h. Diamond, Martin, s h r c f

Culbert, Wm., Eagle nest, li. Dick; Peter, Echo place, f.

Camming, E. John, 2 r 6 f Dick, Thomas, s h r 10 f.

Cumming, Robert, 2 r 6 f. Dickie, Hector, 3, 20 f

Curry, Mrs., Cainsville, f. Dickie, Hiram, 3, 21 and 22 f

Curtis, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1, 14 f. Dickie, Isaac, 3, 19 and 20 f

Danskin, Andrew, 2, 42 f. Dobbs, WilHam, 1, 32 and 33 h. Danskin, David, 2, 43 h. Dodds. John, 2, 31 and 32 h. Danskin, James, 2. 43 h. Dodson, Stephen, 1, 11 h. '2 Darnley, George W., 3 con. b f. Donelly, John, 1 aed f

Darnley, Joseph W., 2 r 82 h. Donhue, John, 1, 38 f.

Darnley, McJames, 2 r 82 f. Donhue, Michael, 1, 29 and 30 f. Davidson, James, Dumfries road, h. Douglass, R. John, 3, 4 h.

Davidson, Joseph, 1 n 2 f Douglass, Wm. A., 4, 1 f.

Davidson, Thomas, 2, 14 & 15 h. Dowling, Michael, n h r^ f.

Davidson, William, 4, 13 & 14 h. Downing, Joseph, 4, 2 f.

Davis, Alfred, Eagle nest, 19 f Drake, Abraham, 1, 38 f. Davis, Henderson, Eagle place, f Drake, Cyrus, 2, 50 f

Davis, Humphrey, Eagle nest, 7 f Drake, George, 1, 44 f Davis, Humphrey, k t f Dresser, James D., Cainsville, h. Davis, Samuel, 18 f Dickworth, John, 5, 16 and 17 h. Davis, Timothy C, Toll house, h. Duggan, Daniel, 4, 18 h. Dawson, Archibald, 1 r e 7 h. Duncan, Alex., Cainsville 15 f Day, Daniel, sh r 10 f Duncan, Wm., Cainsville 4 f Day, George, s h r 5 h. Dunne, John, Eagle place.

Day, Ira, s h r Whiting tract, f. Dutton, Chas., Kerby tract 3 h. Day, John, n h r 6 f Eadie, Colin, g t f Day, S., s h r h f Eadie, James, k t f Day, Sampson, n h r 6 f Eadie, John, 1 r 2 f Deagle, Martin, s h r h f Eadie, Robert. 1 r e f

Dealtry, Wm., Paleston tract, f. Eadie, William, 1 r 2 f Decater. A. 1 r w pt 4 h Eadie, Wm. M., 2 r w f

Dell, Richard, 3, 53 h. Eaton, Richard, r 3 block a f.

Dempstie, Robert, 1 r e pt 5 f. Edmondson, Christ., 3, 38 f.

Denton. Edward, 4, 37 f. Edmondson, Wm., 2, 46 & 47 h. Depew, Wm., 1, 8 and 9 h. Elliott, Andrew, g t f.

Thomas McLean aims at selling the best value in Grey and White Cottons in the Dominion......


place, f. Elliott, John, 4, 2 f. Foster, John, Eagle Elliott, Matliew, Echo place h. Foulas, Daniel McG., t f. Elliott & Co., Brantford locks h. Foulas, Daniel, s t f Ellis, A. AV., 1 r w f. Fountain, Elisha, 1 r e f Ellis, Henry, 1 r w f Foulger, Edward, s h r 26 h. Ellis, John R, k t f. Fowler, George, 1, 1 h. Ellis, Joseph, Eagle nest f. Fowler, Josiah, k t f Emmett, Moses, bank land h. Fowler, Sam., Eagle place 2 £ Fpps, Henry, 2nd s h r 4 and 5 f. Frank, Michael, g t f Twin, Samuel, s h r 13 f. Franklin, George, 3 r 4 f Fair, Alex., n h r h. Franklin, Job, s h r 4 h. Fairchild, Benj., k t f Franklin, Wm., 3 r 2 h. Fairchild, Stephen, s t f Frazee, Daniel, s t f Eairchild, Timothy, 1 r w f Frazee, David, 4, 1 h. Eairchild, Wm. 1 r w f. Frazee, Ezra, k t f Fallas, John, g t f Frazee, Josepli, 4, 5 f. Farley, Philip, 3, 21 f. Frazee, Lewis, 4, 5 and 6 f.

Farlow, Adam, 1, 1 f. Frazee, Thomas, k t f

Farlow, Robert, 1, 1 f. Freer, E. S., Dumfries rd f.

Faucett, John, 1 r 2 to 4 f. French, Geo. J., 4, 4 h. Ferres, Charles, 2 con. 38 h. Fulton, Wm., Westbrook tract h.

Ferres, Janies, 3 con. 6 f. Fussell, Philadelphia, 2, 2 f.

Ferguson, Alex., 4, 21 h. Gabel. John W., 4, 8 f.

FergusoniDavid, McG t f. Gaffery, John, 2, 28 f.

Ferguson, James, 1, 24 h. Gaham, Michael, 1 r 2 f. Ferguson, Thos., 2, 31 to 33 h. Gammon, Richard, 1 r w f Ferguson, Wm., 3, 29 and 30. Gardham, John, 3 a f

Feterson, Geo., 3, 20 and 21 f. Gardner, John, 2 range e s h r 6 f File, Bernard, s h r 3 f Gardner, Wm., Smith and k t f File, Daniel, s h r 2 and 3 f. Garnon, George, 1 r e f

File, John, s h r 2 and 3 f. Gauntlet, James, Newport f.

File, Richard, s h r 2 and 3 h. Geddie, Wm., 2, 11 and 12 f. File, Wm. Henry, 3, 55 f. Gerettee, John, k t f

Fisher, C, 4 r 3 f. Ghent, Sampson, s li r f.

Fleming, John, 1, 41 f. Gibbs, John, 2 c 37 f.

Fleshman, Jas., s h r 60 h. Gidney, Joshua, 2, 4 f.

Fonger, David, 2, 49 f. Gill, Joseph, 1 r 84 f. Fonger, Isabella, 2, 50 f. Gillespie, Robert, b g f Fonger, John, 2, 48 f. Gillon, Jas., 2, 39 f.

Fonger, Lewis, 3, 41 f. Good, Allan, 3, 27 f.

Fonger, Nelson, 2, 48 f. Good, Anne, 2 25 f.

Forbes, Alex., k t f. Good, Eliza, 2, 25 f.

Ford, Thomas, c t f Good, John, 2, 24 f. Ford, Wm., 3, 36 h. Good, Robert, 2 con. 39 h. Forrest, 1 Wm., r w f Good, Thomas, 2 con. 39 f.

THOMAS McLean, wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Brantford......


Goodfellow, Mrs. McG. t f. Harpin, James B., s h r 23 f.

Goodfellow, Willaim, k t f. Harrington, William, Murray tract,

Goubcher, "Wm., Greenfield, f. h. Gowans, Jos., Eagle Nest. Harris, Sarah, 4, 10 h. Grace, James, 1 r 2 f Harris, William, 1 r e f Grafton, James J, Eagle nest, h. Harrison, George, Cainsville, h. Grafton, John S., Jagle nest, h. Harrison, Moses, Bankland, h. Grantham, Alfred, s t f Hart, Darius, 3, 21 to 23 f. Grantham, Charles, Cainsville, f. Hartley, Hartley, 3 c 41 f. Grantham, Thomas, b 1 a f Hartley, Joseph, 3 c 9 f

Grants, Mrs., Echo place, f. Hartley, Robert, 3 c 8 h. Green, WilHam, 3 r 5 k. Hartley, Yeoman, R. Newport, f.

Greenfield, Charles, 1, 44 f. Hasling, David, 4, 18 and 19 h.

Greenfield, G. A., 2. 31 h. Hassard, Alexander, Cainsville, f.

Greenfield, James, 1, 39 f. Hatcher, John, 3, 43 f.

Greenfield, Mrs., 2, 42 f. Hatcher, Wm. R., 3, 43 f.

Greenny, Francis B., Cainsville, f. HaviU, Wm., 1, 10 f.

Greenwood, Robinson, Eagle place, f. Hawley, Henry, 1, 26 and 27 f.

Greenwood, Samuel, 3, 55 f. Hawley, Henry, 1, 27 and 28 f.

Griffen, Alanson, Eagle nest, f. Hazel, Isaac, n h r f.

Griflfen, Cjtus, Eagle nest, f. Head, Edward, 2, 44 f. Gripton, Robert, d t f Heatley, James, 5, 6 h.

Guest, Richard, 1 r e f Heatley, Mary, 4 and 5,.^ f.

Gunston, Thomas, 3 r 2 f. Heaton, Crosby, No. 8 Gumett, James, 1 r w f Heaton, James, 1 r e f

Gurnley, Charles J., 2, 8 h. Heaton, Thomas, Smith's hill, f. Haight, Elisha, 1 r w h. Henry, Jacob, 2 r 2 f. Hall, John, 5, 7 h. Henry, Nicol, 1 c 1 h. Hamilton, David, 3 and 4, 11 h. Henson, Alfred, Cainsville, h.

Hamilton, John, n h r Brant lease, Henwood, Reginald. M.D., d t f.

h. Herriman, James, 2, 46 f. Hamilton, Robert, n h r h. Hern, Richard, 5, 2 h. Hammill, James, 2 range s h r 1 f Heron, Albert, 1, 40 h.

Hammill, Richard, 2 range s h r 5 f. Heron, Edwin, 1, 40 f.

Hammill, William, 2 range s h r 1 f. Hewitt, George, Echo place, 1 and

Hammond, Henry, s h r d f. 2, 7 and 8 f. Handy, Martin. Hickox, John, Mohawk flats, h. Hannant, Solomon, Holmdale, h Hildred, Wm., Oneida school, loth.

Hansfield, Levi, Holmdale, h. Hill, Amos, 1 j t f

Hansfield, Thomas, Holmdale h. Hill, Byron, 1 j t f.

Hardy, A. S., 1 r w f Hill, Elvin, 1 j t f.

Hardy, David, 1 r e f Hill, Henry, Newport, L 85 f.

Hardy, Morris, 1 r e f. Hill, Joseph, Farley tract, h.

Hargraves, Ambrose, Eagle place, f. Hoagg, Andrew, 2, 7 f. Harper, Robert, c t f Hoagg, Wm., 3 r 6 h.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Flannels in Red, White, Blue, and Fancy Flannels, Home Made Flannels, Brantford......


Ilott, Wm., Cainsville, h. Hoag, Wm, 2, 8 f. Henry, f t h. Hobson, Charles, Echo place, 9 f. Imalach, Francis, 23 h. Hobson, Henry, Echo place, 8 f. Irwin, 1, and 2 f. Hobson, James, Echo place, 7 and Irwin, Matthew, 4 5, e a 3 to 7 f. 8f. Jackson, George, p 5, Richard, 46 h. Hoffman, Herman, s h r f Jackson, 2, Jarvis, Charles, 2, 21 f. Hogle, Daniel, 2, 27 f. Holding, Thomas, Newport, lot 1 h. Jarvis, Henry, 3, 15 to 18 h. Holland, James, 2 r 45 h. Jarvis, Joseph, 1, 27 h. Hollenshead, Henry. Jarvis, Thomas, 4, 14 and 15 f. Hollingworth, Allen,* woollen fac- Jenkinson, Absolam, 1, 1 f. tory. Jennings, Abm., 3, 19 h. h. Holme, John, Holmdale, f. Jimby, James, 4, 2 Honeyford, James, 10, 4 f Johnston, Joseph, s t f Hopkins, Isaac, 3, 48 to 50 f. Johnston, Jos. B., j t f. Hopkins, James. Johnston, Peter, c t h. Horgrieves, John, Ox bow, f. Johnston, Ralph, 3, 47 f. Horning, Joseph, k t h. Johnston, Francis, 5, 3 h. Horning, Josh. 5, 7 and 8 f. Johnston, Henry, 5, 3 h. Hoskins, Richard, 4, 2 f Johnston, Quinton, m t li.

Hough, Henry, 1, 1 f. Johnston, Wm., 1, 10 h. Houlding, George, Buckland, h. Jones, John B., 4, 17 f. Houlding, Thomas, 3 r 48 f Jones, Levi, 4, 7 h. Houlding,1Filliam, r 80 I Jones, Robt. Lloyd, 5. 8 and 9 f. Houlding, Wm. C, Buckland, h. Jones, Stephen J., J. P., 3, 27 and Howard, Thomas, 2 con. 3 h. 28 f. Howarth, Michael, g t h. Jones, Stephen J., Oakley place, Howell, Isaac, 1, 42 and 43 f 13 f.

Howell, Isaac L., 1, 9 f. Jones, Wm. L., 1 r e f. Howell, John, 2, 47 h. Judge, Michael, s and k f.

Howell, Sampson, 1, 36 f. Judge, Owen, m t h. Howell, S. Wm., 3 r 4 h. Jull, Thomas, n h r c h. Huggins, Wm., 2, 31 to 34 h. Kay, George, 1 r w f. Hughes, Edward, 2 c 58 h. Keith, Mrs. Maria, Totally h, f.

Hunns, Jesse, 1, 10 f. Kelly, Robt. L., 4 and 5, 2 f.

Hunt, Andrew, 2, 35 f. Kendrick, John B., 3 f.

Hunter, Hugh, 2, 1 f. Kendrick, Joseph, 3 c f Hunter, Peter, 3, 30 h. Kenny, John, 1, 31 f. Hunter, Robert, 2 c 37 h. Kerr, John, 2 and 3, 24 to 26 f.

Hunter, Thomas, 2 c 31 h. Kerr, Obed, 4, 22 and 23 f.

Hunter, Thomas, 1 r e f Kerr, Robert, 2 and 3, 24 to 26 f.

Hunter, William, 2 c 58 f. Kerr, Walter, k t f Husband, Allen. Kerr, William, s t h.

Hyndman, John, 3 r 5 f Ketchrie, Geo. E., 2, 28 f.

Hyndman, Wm., 4 r 5 h. Kier, Solis, 1, 41 f.

Thomas McLean, Importer of General Dry Goods, Wholesale and Eetail, Golbome and Market Streets, Brantford......


King, James. 3 r 4. Little, John. 1 r e f. King, John, s c c h. Little, Wm., 4, 3 and 4 h. Kinnaird, Abraham, m u m t f. Louch, Alex., 3, 17 and 18 h.

Kinneai, David, 1 c 3 f. Lovejoy, Wm., s h r f

Kirkby, George, 2, 42 h. Lovitt, Charles, 3, 9 f. Kirkuby, John. Ox bow, h. Lovitt, Thomas, 3, 9 h. Kitchen, Cyrus, 1, 36 h. Lovitt, AVilliam, jr., 3, 9 h.

Kitchen, Daniel H., 2, 36 L Lowes, Henry, sr., 4 a f. Kitchen, Edgar, 2, 41 h. Lowes, Henry, jr., 3 s t h.

Kitchen, Isaac C, 2, 49 f. Lowes, John, 3 s t h.

Kitchen, H. T. H., 1, 37 f. Lowes, John, sr., n h r 9 f.

Kitchen, Wm. H., 1, 36 f. Lowes, William, 3 f h. Knight, Palmer, 3 b and c h Luck, Frederick, 2, 23 h.

Knox, John, Smith Hill, f. Ludlow, Thomas G., f t f. Kuhn, Jacob, ec p f. Ludlow, William, s h r 10 f. Laird, Eobert, k t f Lund, John, 3 r 8 h.

Lake, Wm., 5, 12 f. McAlister, Henry, 3, 4 f.

Lampkins, Edward, n h r, 3 and 4 f. McAlister, John, 3, 4 f. Lampkins, George, 3 g f McArt, Hugh. Lampkins, John, n h r, 2 f. McAustin, John, 3 r 3 f Lane, Matthew, 1 r c f McCombs, Nicholas, 1 r e h.

Lane, Philip, 3, 59 to 51 f. McConkey, Cicero, ec pt f. Lane, Thomas, 5, 3 h. McCormick, Eobert, 1. 13 to 17 h.

Lane, William, 3, 49 to 51 f. McDonald, Arthur, 2, 14 f. Lane, William, 1 v e h. McDermid, Dermid, 1 r e h.

Lang, Bartholome, 1, 37 h. McDermid, John, 2 r av f. Langs, Ed. K.,nhr9f. McDonald, Donald, 3 r 3, h. Langs, Hiram, n h r 5 f McEwen, Arch., 1 r w f Langs, Jacob, n h r, 5 f. McEwen, Dugald, p t f. Langs, Nelson, n h r 9 f McEwen, Duncan, Phelps t, h.

Langs, Squire, n h r, 8 f. McEwen, John, Phelps t, f. Langs, Wallace, s h r 8 f McEwen, Peter, 1 r w h.

Lawson, David, Cainsville, f. McEwin, John, 2 r f h. Laycock, Mrs. Jane, Ruggles. McFarland, John, 1 r e h. Laycock, Nelson, e p f McGaw, Hugh E., Ox bow, 2 f.

Lebaleston, James, 2, 27 h. McGeary, John, k t, f.

Lee, David, 1, 44 f. McGeary, Thomas, 3, 1 and 2 h. Leeming, William, c t f McGibbons, James, Sifton farm, h.

Legacy, M., r r s h r 5 f. McGrory, John, 4, 9 h. Lewis, Benedict, Newport, lot 1 h. Mclntire, Henry, 4. 1 h. Lewis, Levi, k t h. Mclntyre, Daniel, k t f

Lil, Nicholls, 1, 47 f. Mclntyre, Daniel, s t f.

Likins, Wm., CainsviUe, f. Mclntyre, David, 3 r 1 h.

Lindley, George, Smith hill, f. Mclutyre, Eddie, s t f

Lisconce, John, 1 r w f Mclntyre, John, jr., 3 r 1 f.

Thomas McLean sells his Goods on the Small Profit System. Don't fail to call at 6 Colbome Street and 3 Market Street ......


Mellican, John, McG. t h. Mclntyre, John, sr., 3 r 1 f. Mellican, Patrick, bank 1 h. Mclntyre, Mrs. Mary, 3 r 2 and 4 f. Messacar, David, 4, 2 f. Mclntyre, Nichol, 2 r 1 f. Metcalf, Henry, 4, 20 h. Mclntyre, Peter, 3 r 1 h. William H. Mclntyre, Robert, 1 r w f Metcalf, Middleton, William, s and k t h. Mclntyre, Eobert, k t f. George W., 1, 5 and 6 h. Mclntyre, Samuel, k t h. Midgley, Henry, Echo place, h. Mclshel, Malcolm, k t h. Miles, Miles, William, 4, 1 f. McKay, David, 1, 4G f. Miller, James, 2, 11 and 12 f. McKay, Mrs., s h r 10 f. Miller, John, 2, 13 to 16 h. McKennon, John, 2, 30 h. McKennon, Roger. Miller, Lewis, 3, 56 f. Miller, Morris, 1, 4, 8 f. McKie, Samuel, 1, 10 f. R. munn b f McKie, William, 2, 13 to 16 h. Miller, C, and 57 h. McLaren, James, 3 h. Miller, Samuel, 2, 56 10 and 11 h. McLaughlin, Sam'l, sr., 1, 29 and Miller, Stephen, 5, Miller, William G., 2, 56 f. 30 f. place, f. McLaughlin, Sam'l, Br., 1, 31 f. Millican, Patrick, Eagle 2 r 47 f. McLean, Edward, r 73 f. Milloy, Donald, McLean, Thomas B. Milloy, John, r 73 h. McLein, William, 3 c 73 h. Milloy, Nichol, 2 r 47 f. farm, f. McLein, William, 3 c 40 f. Mills, George, Haley McLeland, John, 5, 6 h. Mills, James, s h r 3 f McLelland, John L, 4, 2 f. Mills, Isaac, Sifton farm h. McLeod, Cornelius, 1, 1 h. Milne, Alex., n h r 8 f McNaugh, John, k t f Mintren, Thomas, Echo p, 3 f. McNaughton, James, e a n. Misner, Adam, 2, 51 and 52 f. McVicar, Alexander, Munns b f. Misner, Andrew, 2, 54 f. McVicar, George, 2, 22 f. Misner, Darius, 2, 56 f. McWebb, George W., 3, 1 and 2 h. Misner, Emerson, 2, 53 f. McWilliam, Aaron, k t f Misner, Geo. N., 2, 54 f.

Malloy, Colin, R. Newport, f. Misner, Peter, 2, 54f. Maloney, Patrick, Holmdale, h. Misner, Peter, 2, 51 and 52 f.

Manna, David, 4, 2 f. Misner, Phineas, 2, 54 f. Manna, Edward, 4, 3 h. Misner, Samuel, 2, 55 f. Marton, George, 2, 24 h. Mitchell, Ambrose, r 85 f. Mathews, Charles, 5 h r 7 and 8 h. Mitchell, Arthur, Riggles, h. Marquis, Duncan, 1 r e f Mitchell, Daniel, s t. Matthews, John H, 2 r 1 h. Mitchell, James, 1, 34 and 35 h. Matthews, William, s and k t f Mitchell, John T., r 86 h.

Maxwell, James, 2, 2 f. Mitchell, Wm., 3 r 5 h. Maxwell, John, m t h. Molaskey, Henry, 3, 7 f. Maxwell, Robert, 4, 16 and 17 h. Moody, Charles, 4, 4 f. Mayled, Thomas, Brantford locks. Moore, Wm., Eagle nest, 10 h. Meggail, Martin, 2 r 6 f Mordue, Jos., 1, 50 h.

Thomas McLean is noted for selling Cheap Dry Goods, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford......


Mordue, Josh, jr., o s 1, h. Oles, Matthew, s h r 2 f. Mordue, Jos. sr., Cainsville, f. Oliver, Daniel, Ox bow, h. Mordue, Robert, 2, 47 and 48 f. Orr, James, g t f Mordue, Thomas, sr., 2, 49 f. Orr, John, g t f More, Alexander, 4, 1 to 3 f. Orr, John, s h r 60 h. Morrell, Samuel, F. f. Oxley, John, sr., 1 r w f Morrison, James, 1 v e h. Oxley, John, jr., 1 r w h. Morrison, John, Eager farm, h. Palmer, Charlotte, 1, 11 and 12 f. Morton, Robert, s t f Palmer, Edward, 1, 44 and 45 f. Mosher, John G-., Smith's hill, f. Palmer, George, 2, 6 f. Mott, Alonzo. Palmer, John, 2, 6 f. Mott, Danl, Echo place, f. Palmer, Stephen, k t f Mott, Jacob, k t h. Palmer, Stephen, 5, 9 f. Mott, Jacob, 5, 4 and 5 f. Palmerston, Joshua, 2 con. 39 f. Mott, Mrs. Matilda, pt 8 k t f. Parker, George, stf.

Moyle, Wm., 1, 21 f. Parker, Stephen, 1, 1 f. Mullins, Thomas, R. R. crossing Papell, James, 1, 38 f. parish. Parsons, Edward, 3 r 9 f Munson, Luman, 4, 2 h. Parsons Robert, 4, 2 h. Murhead, William, c t f Passmore, E. C, Eagle place, f. Murragh, Michael, Clifton farm, h. Passmore, Sam. K., Eagle place, f. Murray, Robert, 1 r e f Patton, John, Newport land, h.

Musson, Thomas, 1 r w f. Pearce, John, Eagle nest, 14 h. Myerscough, Thomas, 1 con. 1 f. Pearce, Richard, 1, 26 f. Myers, David, s h r 1 h. Pearson, Manuel, s t h.

Myers, Mortimer, s h r 1 h. Peatman, George, 4, 14 and 15 f.

Narraway, William, 2, 43 f. Peatman, George, k t h. Nellims, John, 4, 2 h. Peatman, Henry, Echo place, h.

Nellis, Rev. Abraham, s h r 66 f. Peer, Dennis, s h r a f

Nellis, A. H., stf. Peet, Almond, 2 r 8 and 9 f. Nellis, Charles, k t h. Peet, Andrew, 2 r 8 and 9 h.

Nellis, Wm. G., 5, 1 to 3 f. Peet, Charles, 2 r 8 and 9 h. Nelson, Paul, 3, 3 h. Perkins, William, c t f.

Nelson, Hins, Dumfries road, 3 f. Perrin, Mrs. Charlotte, 1 r e f.

Nixon, Charles, k t h. Perrin, Andrew, 4, 3 and 4 f.

Nixon, Cyrus, 2, 5 f. Perrin, David, 5, 3 and 4 f.

Nixon, Wm., 1, 4 f. Perrin, Hiram, 1 r e h.

Noble, Sevic, 1, 7 f. Perrin, Thomas, 4, 3 and 4 f. Norris, Edward, Gillarton's farm, h. Perrin, Thomas, jr., 4, 4 and 5 h. Norris, Henry, McG. farm, h. Perrin, William, 5, 4 f.

Norris, James, s h r 7 and 8 f. Perry, Alfred, s t h. O'Connor, Thomas, 3, 41 h. Perry, James, stf.

O'Heir, John, Cainsville, f. Petrie, Lemon, 1 Jones tract, h.

O'Dare, Joseph, 5, 2 h. Pettit, John B., 1, 5 to 7 f.

Oles, Alexander, s h r 2 f. Pettit, Jonathan D., 1, 5 to 7 h.

Thomas McLean is famed for keeping Splendid Prints, Beautiful Pat- terns, Good Colors and Good Cloths, Brantford......


Jeremiah, 2, 19 f. Phair, Robert, Eagle place, 10 f. Roberts, James, 6 f. Phelps, Charles, p t h. Robertson, 3, John, 1, 6 to 8 f. Phelps, Eliza, 1st r s w r 3 f. Robertson, Robinson, Benjamin, 5, 2 h. Phelps, Epephras, 1 r e f. James, 2 r 8 f. Phelps, Hiram, p t h. Robinson, Joseph, s h r Cary farm, f. Phelps, John, 1st r s w r 4 f. Robinson, Sarah, t f. Phelps, Solomon, 1 r e f Robinson, Mrs. m Robson, Grieves, 3, 10 h. Philipo, John, senr., 2 r 6 f. Riggles, h. Philipo, John, jr., 2 r 6 h. Robson, Lawrence, PhilHps, Frederick. Robson, Thomas, k t f. h. Phillips, George, c t h. Roddick, James, 3, 8 Pickles, James, c t h. Roddick, Wm., 3, 10 h. Pickles, Simon, Grove farm, h. Rogers, Edwaid, 3 r 40 h. s t f Pike, George, 1, 28 and 29 f. Rooney, Patrick, Pilgrim, Evins, m t f Rouse, Julius, 1 r w f. Plewes, David, Holmdale mill. Roy, David, 3, 40 f. Potruff, Robert, 2, 9 f. Roy, Peter, 3, 4. Potter, George E., 1 r w f. Rushton, George, Ox bow h. h. Purdy, Allen, 3, 56 f. Rutherford, David, Toll house Purley, Daniel, 3, 7 f. Rutherford, David, 3, 11 h. Quin, John, 3, 39 h. Rutherford, Donald, McG. t f. Racey, Thomas, No. 5 h. Rutherford, George, 2, 14 to 16 h. Raines, Mrs. Eliza, 1 r e f Rutherford, James, 1 r e f. Ramey, Caspar, 1, 49 and 50 f. Rutherford, James, 2, 3 h.

Ramsey, Arthur G., s h r 7 f. Rutherford, John, m t f. Ramsey, James, 3, 22 to 24 f. Rutledge, John, 3 c 37 Ji- Randell, Edwin, 1, 22 h. Rutledge, William, 3 c 37 h. Redpath, Robert, 4, 10 h. Ryan, Edward, 1 r c h. Reed, James, 4, 3 h. Ryan, Hamilton, 1 r e h. Reed, Joseph, 4, 3 h. Sage, George, jr., 3, 40 f. Reeder, Moses, 2, 15 to 18 h. Sage, Jesse, 3, 40 f. Reid, James, Cainsville, h. Sage, Walter, 2, 39 f.

Reid, John, s h r 2| f. Sager, John, r s n port f. Reid, John, s t h. Sampel, Alexander, Eagle n 1 h.

Reid, Thomas, Cainsville, h. Sanderson, H., 2, 24 f. Renwick, Geo. Top, 2, 8 h. Sanderson, Richard, 2, 15 to 17 f. Renwick, Walter, 2, 8 h. Sanderson, Robert, 3, 18 and 19 f. Reynolds. George, 2, 29 h. Sanderson, Thomas, 1 r 78 f.

Reynolds, Orvill, 5, 7 h. Sargent, Thomas, 3, 48 f. Rich, James, Paper mill, h. Sayles, Albert, 2 r 9 h. Riley, William, McG., t h. Sayles, Edwin, 1 r w h.

Riley, WiUiam, 1 Con. 1 f. Sayles, George, 3 r 2 h. Rispin, Thomas, 3 h f Sayles, M., 2 r 7 h.

Rispin, William, 3 h h. Sayles, Solomon, 1 r w f.

Roberts, David, Newport 1 f. Sayles, Thomas, 1 r w f.

Household Furnishings, Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Thomas McLean, Brantford......


Scot, Isaac, 4, 2 f. Smith, Arthur, W., s & k t 1 & 2 f. Scott, Albah G., 2, 31 to 34 f. Smith, Christopher, 2 c 40 f. Scott, Charles, 1 r w h. Smith, Courtland, s h r 6 and 7 f.

Scott, Gideon, 1, 10 h. Smith, Daniel, Newport, f. Scott, James, 2 c 37 h. Smith, Francis, 1 r 77 h.

Scott, John, 2 c 38 f. Smith, George, 2, 28 f. Scott, Thomas C, f. Smith, Henry, 3, 15 f.

Seacord, J. S., 4, 14 h. Smith, Henry, 2 r 9 f. Sealey, James, s h r 9 f Smith, John, 1, 12 and 13 f.

Secord, John, 1 r w h. Smith, Joseph, Newport, f.

Sewell, Wm., 1 Jones tract, h. Smith, Oliver, s h r 6 and 7 f.

Sharp, Alexander, w h r 6 and 7 f. Smith, Richard, 2 c 37 f. Sharp, Andrew, 2, 48 f- Smithson, Robert, e h. Sharp, David, w h r 6 and 7 f. Smith, Samuel, Cainsville, h.

Sharp, John, 4, 3 h. Smith, Sylvester, 2, 52 f.

Sharp, William, 3 r 7 h. Smith, Sylvester, s h r 10 f.

Shatsburgh, Frederick, 2, 40 h. Smith, Valentine, ec pi 1 and 2 f.

Shaw, Margaret, 3, 15 and 16 f. Smith, William, 2, 23 f.

Sheen, Michael, Echo place, 1 f. Smith, William K., s & k t 1 (^' 2 f.

Shehan, Eichard, 1, 39 h. Snider, John, sr., 3, 41 f. Shehan, Timothy, 1, 39 h. Snider, Robert, h.

Shehan, Timothy, 1, 39 f. Snider, Robert, 2, 40 h.

Shenston, Thomas S., Dumfries r, f. Sovereign, Albert D., 1, 1 f.

Shepard, Dewilton, Cainsville, f. Sovereign, Warren, 1, 11 h.

Shepard, Mrs., Cainsville, f. Spencer, Hugh, McGill t f.

Sherman, Wm., 2 range s h r, 6 h. Spencer, Lyman, 1, 1 f. Shillard, Henry, b a f Spinces, Thomas, g t f. Shillard, Thomas, m t f. Squire, John, e n 13 f. Shipman, Mrs., 1, 32f. Squire, Jesse, e n h.

Shipman, Paul, 1, 31 and 32 h. Stally, Martin, 1, 1 f. Shipman, Robert, 3 a h. Stamp, Arthur, 3 s t f

Shippard, Robert, m t h. Starr, Joseph, n h r 1 2 f. Shoultz, Frederick, m t f Steel, Edward, 2, 8 and 9 h. Shuett, Henry, 1, 42 f. Steele, Mrs. M. A., 1 r w h. Sibbick, George F., 1, 3 and 4h. Stenabough, Isaac, Cainsville, h.

Sigman, John, Holmdale, f. Stenabough, Joseph, 3 gore a, f.

Silverthorn, Alason, s t f. Sterling, James, k t f.

Silverthorn, Gideon, ea pi 3 to 6 f. Stevins, George, 3 r 7 h.

Simpson, Ed., ea n. Stevinson, Douglas, m t f. Simpson, George, ea bl pi 9 f. Steward, Champion, 3 r 40 h.

Simpson, William, 1, 2 to 5 f. Stewart, Charles, 1, 45 f. Skimmin, George, 1 r 5 h. Stewart, Finley, 1, 20 h.

Skimmin, Hugh, Ox box 2 f. Stewart, James, 3, 6 f.

Skimmin, John, Ox bow, 2 f. Stewart, Mrs. Jessie, No. 8 k t f.

Skimmons, G. & H., 3 f Stewart, Johnston, Riggles f.

THOMAS MCLEAN'S Stock of Dry Goods is not Surpassed in the Dominion......


1 r h*. Stewart, Kobert, k t f. Thomas, Madison, w Stokes, James H.^ Eagle -nest, h. Thomas, Wm., n h r 1 f. Stonley, Jas., 1 Jones tract, h. Thomson, James E., 4, 3 h. Story, Wm., n h r d h. Thompson, John, 2, 27 h. 1 r f Stone, John, 1 r e f. Thompson, John, e Stowe, John, 1 r e f Thompson, John, 4, 1 and 2 f. Stowe, William, 1 r e f Thompson, Wm., 1, 1 f. Stratford, Matthias, 3 r 2 h. Thorp, John, 3, 45 h.

Stratford, Thomas, 1 c 1 f. Tisdale, Joseph C, 2, 10 f. Stratford, Wm. H., s and k t 17 to Tisdale, Sol. S.,5, lto3f.

20 f. Todd, David, 3, 36 and 37 1l Street, Noah, Ox bow, 2 h. Tomlinson, George, McG. t f. Strobridge, Benjamin, 2 range, 4 f. Tomlinson, John, Burtch t f.

Sturges, Samuel, 2, 34 f. Toronce, John, 1, 15 to 17 f. Sumler, John, Brant lease, f. Townsend, Alva, No. 8 f.

Sutton, John P., Ea Bh pi, 1 to 4 f. Townsend, Geo. Henry, 4 and 5, 5 f.

Swayze, Israel Smith, 2, 5.3 f. Townsend, John Z., 2, 4 and 5 f.

Swayze, William Henry, 2, 53 f. Townsend, Peter, 4, 7 f.

Sylvester, David, 3, 30 to 32 h. Trotter, George, 1, 25 f. Sylvester, WilHam, 3, 31 to 32 h. Truckel, Wm. Tansley, Nelson, 5, 4 h. Truesdale, James, n h r h.

Tapley, Samuel, 4, 3 f. Tufford, Geo. W., 1, 6h. Taylor, Charles, 1, 31 and 32 f. Tufford, John, 1,5 and 6f.

Taylor, George, 3 r 6h. Tufford, Morris, 1, 1 f.

Taylor, John, Greenfield, f. Tufford, Elaph, 2, 1 f.

Taylor, Joseph, r n port f. Turnbull, Peter, 3, 37 f.

Taylor, Eichard, 2, 30 f. Turnbull, Wm., 2, 36 f. Taylor, Eichard, 1 r e f Turnbull, Wm., Eagle place, h.

Taylor, Samuel, Brantford locks, j f. Turner, John, m t h. Taylor, W. S., s and k t h. Underbill, Elizabeth B., 3, 1 & 2 f. Tenant, Eichard, 1 r e f Vair, George, 2 r 45 h.

Teneyck, Martin, 4, 12 h. Vanderlip, Addison, s h r 1 and 2 f.

Tennant, James, s h r 12 f. Vanderlip, Edward, n h r 10 f.

Tennant, John, s h r 12 f. Vanderlip, Ed., W., s h r 9 f.

Tennant, John, 2, 3 f. Vanderlip, Hermin, s h r e f. Terhune, Garrett, k t f. Vanderlip, Ira, s h r 1 f Tew, John, 1 1, and 2 f. Vanderlip, Ira, s h r 11 f. Thomas, Abraham, 1, 31 and 32 f. Vanderlip, Jas, J., n h r 10 f. Thomas, Charles, West Fairchild's Vanderlip, John, n h r 10 and 11 f. Creek, f. Vansickle, 2,51f. Thomas, David, 5, 10 f. Vansickle, Benoni, 1, 35 f. Thomas. David, k t h. Vansickle, Elijah, 3, 59 f. Tliomas, John, Brantford locks, h. Vansickle, Elijah, 3, 58 h. Thomas. Joseph, J. P., West Fair- Vansickle, John, 1, 34 h. child's Creek, f. Vansickle, John D., 3, 59 f. Thomas McLean extends an invitation to every one who reads to come and thisnoticse examine his large Stock of 1)ry Goods, SS . , . .


Vansickle, Morris, 3, 57 li. Westbrook, Levi, jr., n h r 4 f.

Vansickle, Peter, 3, 59 f. Westbrook,- Levi, senr.,Westb'k tf.

Vansickle, William, 2, 50 f. AVestbrook, Peter, n h r 26 f.

Vince, James, McG. t f. Westbrook, Trueman, n h r 5 f.

Vince, John, 2, 29 li. Westbrook, Wellington, s h r a 2 f. Wade, Kenney, g t f Westbrook, Wilkinson, s h r a 3 f. Waldon, James, 4 h. Westbrook, Zeeman, n h r 3 h.

Wall, George, 1, 8 h. Westlake, John, 3, 46 and 47 f.

Wall, John, 1, 25 and 26 h. Westlake, Walter, 3, 47, f.

Wallace, Edward, 4 d h. Wheeler, AVm., 3 r 44 f.

Wallace, Jeremiah, 3, 24 to 26 h. Whetmore, Eobert, Cains^'ille, f. Wallace, John, Holmdale h. White, David A., 2, 5 h. Wallace, Joseph, 3, 24 to 26 h. White, John, m t f

Wallace, Robert, 3, 24 to 26 h. Whiting, Daniel, w and b t f. Wallace, Samuel, 3, 25 h. Whiting, Isaac, Cainsville, h.

Warbrick, William, 3 f f. Whiting, John, w and b t f.

Ward, Alfred, 2, 44 h. Whiting, John, jr., w and b t f. Ward, Thomas, 2, 44 and 46 f. Whiting, Matthew, s h r 9. Warren, John, paper mill, h. "WTiitlaw, Charles. 1 r e h.

Waterhous, Henry, ea n 15 f. Whitman, Josh. 4, 2 f.

Waterous, A. T., ea nest 4 and 10 f. Whittaker, Stark, Aspley, h.

Waterous, C. H., ea nest 4 f. Whittaker, Wm., Aspley, h.

Waterhouse, John, ea nest, 3 & 5 f. AViffen, James, Smith and Kerr t^ h, Waters, George, 4, 6 f. Wiggins, Ben., n h r h. Watson, George, k t h. Wright, Hugh J., 3, 6 h. Watson, Henry, 2, 44 to 47 h. Wright, Hugh, sen., 4, 12 and 13 h. Watson, John J., 1, 25 h. Wilcox, Allen, School lot, h. Watts, Charles, m t f. Wilder, Alex. Sylvester, s h r, gore, Waugh, James, 1, 28 h. h.

Waugh, AVilliam, 1, 27 f. AVilks, Geo. H., Ea. pi, a 1 and 2 f.

Weaver, Joseph. 1, 43 f. Wilkinson, Henry, Smith's hill, f. Weaver, Peter, 1, 48f. Williams, Geo., 2, 38f.

Webling, Edward, 1 r w f. Williamson, Wm., s andk t h. Webster, Thomas, ea pi d 5 to 7 f. Wilson, Christopher, 9 th. West, Geo., 2, 40 f. Wilson, Furbas, 4, 11 h.

West, Mrs., 1, 40 and 41 f. Wilson, Mayland, 2, 53 f.

Westbrook, Alex., Westbrookt, f. Wilson, Peter, 2, 11 and 12 f.

Westbrook, Amb., m t f. Wilson, Peter, 1, 48 f. Westbrook, Andrew, s h r a 1 f. Wilson, Eanold, 3 r 5 h.

Westbrook, Anthony, s h r a 5 f Wilson, Steph., jr., 4 and 5 10 f. Westbrook, Charles, 1 r e f. Winters, Joseph, 2 c 42 h.

Westbrook, Eugene, Brantford 1, h. Woodley, George, R. N port, f.

Webster, Geo. Thos., s and k t f Wood, S. G., 3, 18 f. Westbrook, Geo. W., n h r f. Woods, Jas., Ea. pi, h.

Westbrook, James, s h r a 4 f. Woods, Randel, Pat. th f.

Thomas McLean, Linen Bleached, and Unbleached, Table Cloth by the Yard and by the Piece, Brantford. 3 . .


12 and 13 k* Woods, Wm., 2 range s h r 8 f. Yoe, John, 1, 30 f. Woodyat, Thos., s & k 1 18 to 23 f. Yoe, Benjamin, 3, Workman, Hugh, Brickyard, h. Yeowend, Fredk., 1 r w f Abraham L.. 5, 1 to 3 f. Wray, Wm., 1 r w li. Young, Wright, Andrew, 3, 29 and 30 f. Young, Chas. Wye, John, k t h. Young, David, 2 r 9 f. Yapp, Wm., Smith's hill, h. Young, James, 2 r 9 f h. Yardingtonf Jas., s and f t f. Young, Wm., 4, 1


The township of Burford is situated in the north-west part of the County. The first conveyance of land in this township which was registered, was a mortgage from one Eolph Church to George Forsythe and John Symington, dated November 8, 1798, and recorded November 19, 1800, on lot number three, in the first concession, and lots seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty in the third concession. The first patent of lands was granted January 9, 1798, being on lot twenty-one, in the twelfth concession, and lot sixteen, in the fourteenth concession, and various other lots. Burford was originally surveyed in the early part of 1798, part by the late Deputy Surveyor, Stegman, and part by the late Deputy Surveyor, A. Jones. The settlement of Burford began at an early day, under the superintendence of the late Thomas Hornor, Esquire, along the south side of , in the first concession, and in the sixth and seventh concessions in the east part of the township. Burford is the most westerly township of the County of Brant, and is bounded on the north by Dundas Street, (commonly called the Gover-

nor's Road ;) on the west by the township of Oxford ; on the south by

the township of Windham ; on the east by the townships of Brantford and Oakland. The principal roads are the old London Road, leading through the township direct from Brantford to Oxford, a little north of

the centre of the township ; one branch of which leads south-westerly to

Norwich, from a point a little east of the centre of the township ; the other branch leads from about number nineteen northerly to Woodstock. Homor's Creek enters Burford from the north, near the west quarter of the township, runs southerly through the first, second, third, fourth and

fifth concessions ; it then turns easterly and leaves Burford near the line between the fifth and sixth concessions, but in the fifth concession, and enters the township of Brantford. There are numerous mill privileges along the route of this creek. A creek known as Big Creek rises in Oxford, and enters Burford at the south-west quarter of the west line of the township, and after running diagonally across that part of the town-

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Men's and Boys' Beady Made Clothing, 6 Colbome and 3 Market Streets, Brantfrod. ;

COUNTY OF BRANT. 35 ship in a south-easterly direction, it passess into "Windham, at about the south-west quarter of the south line. There are some valuable mill privileges on this creek. There are other smaller streams in various parts of the to^vnship, which are tributaries to the principal streams. The concessions number from the north, and the lots number from the east. The east part of the township, from the front of the sixth conces- sion, is plains land, of a good quality of sandy soil, embracing, perhaps, nearly a fourth-part of the township ; the rest of the township is tim- bered land, and in some parts well supplied with pine timber. The soil in the timbered lands is a rich sandy loam, and capable of a high state of cultivation. The township is now pretty well settled with industri- ous and respectable inhabitants. The villages of Claremont, Burford and Sydenham are situated along the old London Road, and the village of New Durham is on the Norwich Branch of the said road. Post- Offices.—Burford, Cathcart, Harley, Kelvin and New Durham.

In 1817, the population numbered 550 j in 1841, about 2,000 ; and in 1852, the number had increased to 4,133. In 1866, the number of acres assessed was 66,654, valued at $1,333,052.

Keturns of Agricultural Produce, Lands Held, Occupiers of Land, &c., for the Township of Burford, 1861.

Total occupiers of land, 332 ; occupiers of ten acres and under, 4 occupiers of ten to twenty acres, 5 ; occupiers of tweuty to fifty acres,

162 ; occupiers of fifty to one hundred acres, 231 ; occupiers of one hundred to two hundred acres, 102 ; occupiers of upwards of two hundred acres, 28 ; amount held in acres, 52,203 ; acres under cultivation, 30,-

372 ; acres under crops, 22,514 ; acres under pasture, 7,284 ; acres under gardens and orchards, 574; wood and wild lands, 21,831 ; cash value of farms, cash value of farming implements, $1,610,060; $55,187 ; produce gardens orchards, quantity of land held of and $10,058 ; by townspeople not being farmers, 1,343 acres ; acres of fall wheat, 5,573 ; bushels of fall wheat, 90,008 ; acres of spring wheat, 2,450 ; bushels of spring wheat, 32,394; acres of barley, 636 ; bushels of barley, 14,420; acres of rye, 102 ; bushels of rye, 981 : acres of pease, 2,250 ; bushels of pease, 96,937 ; acres of oats, 2,220 ; bushels of oats, 62,508 ; acres of buckwheat, 437 ; bushels of buckwheat, 8,089 ; acres of Indian corn, 502; bushels of Indian corn, 12,510; acres of potatoes, 574; bushels of potatoes, acres of turnips, bushels of turnips, 65,977 ; 288; 82,963 ; bushels of carrots, 20,380; acres of mangel wurtzel, 11 ; bushels of mangel wurtzel, 3,450 ; bushels of beans, 142 ; bushels of clover, timothy other grass seeds, 575 tons of hay, maple sugar, and ; 4,612 ; 599,4701bs ; cider, 17,441 gallons; wool, 18,022lbs; fulled cloth, 7,489 yards; flax and hemp, 2901bs; bulls, oxen and sheep, 242 milch ; cows, 1,916 ;

Thomas McLean's Stock of Carpets is not surpassed in the Dominion. Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, .


old, value of calves and heifers, 1,557 ; horses over three years 1,411 ; fillies, sheep, pigs, 3,368 total same, $93,668 ; colts and 405 ; 5,966 ; ; cheese, value of livestock, $160,102; butter, 123,0951bs ; 24,4351bs; beef, in barrels of 200lbs, 132; pork, in barrels of 200lbs, 1,348; carriages kept for pleasure, 418 ; value of same, $23,747 ; carriages kept for hire, 22. Population, 5,600.

Census of 1868.—Horses, 2,114 ; hogs, 2,947 ; sheep, 13,352 ; cattle, property income, 4,731 ; total value of real and personal and $1,344,-

; land, ; 407 ; number of acres, 65,096 occupiers of 1,234 number of acres cleared, 37,296. Population, 5,020.

Abell, Joseph, 3, 23 f. Ayers, Mrs., 7, 12.

Abrey, Wm., 2, 20 f. Bailey, Harrison, 2, 6 f. Adair, David, 13, 6 f Bailey, James, 2, 6 f. Adams, Mark, tanner, 10, 22 h. Bailey, Wm., 2, 8 f. Adams, Oliver, tanner, 9 21 f. Baker, Jas. Alfred, 2, 1 h.

Aikins, Wm., 10, 12 f. Baldwin, James.

Aikins, Wm., 10, 24 f. Ballard, John, 5, 4 f.

Akins, Adam, 10, 13 f. Bannister, John, 8, 10 h.

Akins, Edward, 10 s half 12 f. Barker, John, 1, 22 h.

Allan, Wm., 3 1 h. Barker, Samuel. 2, 2 f.

Allen, Angeline, 8, 21 f. Bastedo, Thos. B. G., 2, 13 f.

Allen, Clias. E., carpenter, 10, 22 f. Bates, Geo., 11, 22 h.

Allen, Chas., H., f. Bates, John, 14, 17 f. Allen, Geo. S., 9, 20 f. Bawtinheimer, John A., 6 2 h.

Allen, Jas. 0., 8, 21 f. Beamer, Christopher S., 3, f. Allen, Josiah, 10, 20 f. Beamer, David, 1, 9 h.

Allen, W. R, 10, 20 h. Beamer, David S., 1, 20 f. Almas, David, 14 e half 13 f. Beamer, D. L., 1, 20 h.

Alvidge, Geo., 2, 4 h. Beamer, Geo., 1, 20 f.

Alward, Robert, 14, 17 f. Beamer, Henry Ryan, 1, 9 f.

Anderson, W., saw mill, 14, 10 f. Beamer, Jacob, 1, 9 f.

Andrew, Mrs., 1, 24. Beattie, RoUand, 4 s pt n |- 13 h. Anson, Thos., 7, 18. Beckham, Jas., 13, 20. Armour, Geo., 11, 13 h. Beckham, John A, 13, 20 f. Armour, John, St. Clair, 14, 13f. Belyed, Jesse, 6, 6 h. Armstrong, Adam, 5, 23 f. Bendin, Richard, 3, 1 1 h. Armstrong, Adam, 5, 22 h. Bennett, Josiah, 9, 13 f. Armstrong, Mary, f. Bennett, Josiah, 7, 13 h. Arnold, Joseph, 12, n half 11 f. Bennett, Wm., 9, 15 h. Aulesbrook, Geo., 7, 17 h. Berry, James, 1, 1 f. Aulsebrook, John, 4, 4 f. Berry, John, 6, 14 f. Avery, Geo., 22 h. 8, Bezzo, Ann, 13, 1 f. Avery, Silas, 4, 11 f. Bigger, Wm., Mt. Pleasant P. I 0., Axford, Israel, 11, 13 f. 10, 10 f.

THOS. McLean, Brantford, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. . .


Bingham, Jacob, 6, 1 f. Burch, Juliette, 13, 13 f. Bingham, Jacob, 6, 1 h. Burch, Stephen, 13, 10 f. Blair, Wm., 3, 11 h. Bum, Eobert, 11, 23 h. Blewitt, Charles, 2, 17 f. Bums, Denton K, 2, 18 h. Blewett, Charles, 2, 17 h. Bums, Dowie D., 3, 15 h.

Bonham, Ezra, 8, 8 h. Burns, James, 3, 18 f.

Bonham, John, 9, 2 f. Bums, Eobert, 3, 18 h. Bonham, John, 10, 16. Burtis, Townsend, 12, 21. Bonney, John, 7, 8 f. Butler, Jos., 5, 22 h.

Bonney,AVm.,3, 10 f. Burton, Eobert, 10, 6 f. Boss, Henry L., 1, 13 h. Burton, Eobert, ll,si, 7f. Bothwell, Henry, 10, 12 h. Byrne, Claudius, jr., 6, 3 h. Bowman, Abm., 14, 4 h. Byrne, Claudius, Eev., sr., 5, 3 f.

Bowman, Elias, 12, 13 f. Cain, Jas., 1, 19 f. Bowman, Ephraim, 12, 12 h. Cain, Michael, 1, 5 h.

Bowman, George, f. Cameron, Wm., 9, 22 f. Bowman, Harvey, 13 s J, 10 f. Campbell, Thomas E., 6, 1 f. Bowman, Isaac, 14, 4 h. Campfield, Ziba, 14, 13 f.

Bowman, Jas. A , 13, 9 f.' Carder, John, 7, 22 f. Bowman, John, f. Cardwell, Eobert, 6, 4h.

Bowman, John, 14, 4 f Games, James jr., 10, 8 f.

Bowman, John S., 12, 13 f. Carpenter, Geo. A., 14, 12 f.

Bowman, Nelson, 12, 13 h. Carroll, George, 2, 3 f.

Bowman, Peter, 13, 12 f. Carter, Jacob P., 10, 9 f.

Bowman, Solomon, S., 12, 14 f. Carter, Joseph, 6, 1 f.

Bowman, Wm., f. Carter, Eobert R, 9, 7 h.

Boyd, Joseph, 9, 17 f. Carter, Samuel, 6, 13 f. Brady, M., 14, 12 f. Casner, Aaron, 8, 24 h.

Bradley, Joseph, 13, 9 h. Casner, Wm., 9, 24 f.

Bradt, John, 14, 19. Cassady, Edward, 2, 1 f. Brabbs, Hardy, 14, 5 £ Catton, George, 7, 4 h.

Brinn, John, 9, 17 f. Catton, John, P.M., 6, 5 f.

Brooks, Thomas, 3, 10 f. Cavin, Eobert, 6, 6.

Brooks, Wm., 4, 11 f. Cawley, Samuel, 5, 24 f.

Brown, Frederick, 8, 10 f. Chamberlain, Charles, M.D., 14,

Brown, John, 6, 12 f. 16 f. Brown, John, J., 8, 10 h. Chambers, George, 2, 19 h.

Brown, Wm., 14, 1 f. Chambers, Silas, 14, 22 h.

Brown, Wm., 1, 17 f. Chant, John, 5, 17f.

Brown, W. Geo., 4, 5 h. Chapin, Wm., 14, 20 f.

Bryary, Wm., 6, 1 f. Chapman, George, 14, 12 f,

Buchannan, John, 1, 5 h. Charles, John, 9, 24 f.

Buckborough, Daniel, f. Charles, John M., 3, 15 f.

Buckerough, D., 11, 3 f Charles, John M., 5, 3 f.

Bugbee, Levi, 3 h. Charles, AYatts, 6, 4 f.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Carpets, Household Furnishings, S8 TOWNSHIP OF BURFORD.

Crittenden, John, 2, 4 f. Chave, Thomas T., 5, 13 f. Joseph, Eev., 14, 13 h. Chisholm, John, 3, 4 f. Crocker, Smith, 7, 13. Chisnell, Hugh, 6, 2 h. Cronkhite, Austin, 14, 17 f. Choat, Margaret, 5, 17. Cronkwright, Henry, 14, 17 f. Church, Eev. Philip, 2, 4 f. Cronkwright, Adam, 2, 9 h. Church, Kev. Seth, 1, 4 h. Croyer, Clark, Charles Henry, 14, 8 h. Crozier, Wm., senr., 2, 3 f. Crysler, Alpheus, 6, 10 h. Clark, Hugh, 8, 3 f. Dr., 3 h. Clayton, John, 5, 17 f. Crysler, 6, 14 f. Cleark, Edward, 5, 6 f. Crysler, James, 7, 5 h. Cleark, George, 2, 6 f. CuUen, Thomas, 6, Cleark, Samuel, 2, 4 f. Daniels, George, 6, 3 f. 2 f. Clement, John, 7, 20 f. Daniels, Lawrence, 5, Clement, William, jr., 7, 20 f. Daniels, Wm., 6, 3 f. Clements, Eliza, 10, 22 f. Darnley, Thomas, 4, 2 h. Clements, James, 9, 6 h. Darragh, Dr., 7, 3 h. Cle^nents, Margaret, f. Davis, Daniel, 3, 16 f.

Clements, Sarah, f. Davis, Evan, 1, 15 f. Clements,W. sr., 10, 14f. Davis, John, 1, 5 h. Cleverdon, W. T., 9, 4 f. Day, Charles, 3, 2 f. Cline,William, 10, 24h. Day, Ira, 7, 4 f. Clubb, Charles Nelson, 1, 15 f. Denby, John, 9, lot 1 & 2, 12. Cochran, John, jr., 3, 17 h. Denby, John, 10, 15 f. Cochran, John, senr., 3, 17 f. Denby, Joseph, 13, 14 f. Cockley, Timothy, 7,16 f. Denby, Joseph, 9 13. Colclough, Henry, 7, 13 h. Dewitt, Fredk., 5, 9h.

Cole, Hamilton, 14, 20 f. Dickie, John, M.D., 6, 4 f. Collins, John, 7, 4 h. Donn, Jacob, 9, 16 f. Conklin, Burnet, 9, 12 h. Doran, Delphea, 5, 17 f. Coon, Geo. K, jr., 11, 15 h. Doran, Pat. jr., 10, 24 h.

Coon, Geo. R, senr., 11, 16 f. Doran, Pat. sr., 10, 16 f.

Coon, Stephen, 10, 16 f. Doran, Peter, 4, 16 f.

Coon, Wm. S., 9, 18 f. Dornan, Wm., 6, 14 f.

Cope, Henry C., 4, 9 f. Douglas, Alex,, Brantford, P., 6 f.

Cornell, Jonathan, 14, 18 f. Douglass, David, 9, 24 f.

Cornell, Samuel, 14, 18 f. Douglass, James, 10, 24 f.

Coslin, John, 6, 24 f. Douglass, John, 9, 24 f. Costin, John, 6, 19 h. Douglass, Wm. A., 6, 1 f.

Cowan, Thomas, n r h. Doran, John, Cathcart P.O., f.

Cox, Henry, 6, 3 h. Doyle, Jas., 7, 19 h. Crabb, Henry, 14, 7 f. Dunbar, Wm., 14, 13 h. Crane, Charles, 13, 15 h. Dunn, Danl., 7, 12 h. Crane, Jas. B., f. Dunn, John, 12, 4 h.

Cred, Margaret, 6, 1. Dutcher, Levi K, 9, 5 f. Creighton, Wm., 7, 23 h. Dutcher, Ephraim, 9, 5 f.

Thomas McLean, Men's Clothing made to order in first class maimer, at reasonable prices. .


Dutclier, Henry R, 9, 5 f. Fonger, Wm., 5, 11 h. Dutcher, Thos. H., 4, 21 f. Force, Henry, 10, 23 f.

Dutcher, Thomas Jared, 6, 1 f. Force, Henry H., 3, 13 f.

Eakins, James, 2, 10 f. Force, James, 3, 12 f

Eakins, Solon, 1, 10 h. Force, James, 9, 22 f.

Ealand, Joseph, 2, 14 f. Force, James, 9, 21

Eaton, Elam, 2, 6 f. Force, Noah, 3, 13 f.

Eaton, Charles, 1, 6 f. Force, Vanransaler, 9, 22 f.

Eaton, Richard, 2, 6 f. Force, William, 6, 13 f.

Eddy,Adbul, 12, If. Force, William, sr , 3, 11 f.

Eddy, Constant, 12, If. Force, William, jr., 4, 12 f.

Eddy, John, 13, 4 h. Forman, Cornelius, 14, 12 f. Eddy, Joseph, 12, 1 h. Forman, William, 8, 19 h. Elkington, John, 4, 5 h. Foster, Alonzo, Township clerk, 13,

Elliott, Matthias, f. 2f

Elliott, Matthias, 10, 11 f. Fountain, Fleming H., 6, 8 f.

Elliott, William B., 11, 3 f. Fowler, Caleb, 6, 5 f

Entwisle, James, 12, 20 f. Fowler, Charles, H, 7, 11 h. Entwisle, James, 12, 21. Fowler, David, 6, 12 f

Epps, Richard, 9, 13. Fowler, George H., 8, 3 f. Exelby, George, 14, 20f. Fowler, Harvey, 7, 10 h. Exelby, John, 14, 20f. Fowler, Hiram G., 6, 4 h.

Exelby, Joseph, 14, 21 f. Fowler, John, M.D., 7, 4 f

Exelby, Mathew, 14, 20f Fowler, Melzar, 3, 3 f. Exelby,William, 14, 21f. Fowler, Nathan, B., 7, 10 f Falconer, Ralph, 11, 18 h. Fowler, Phoebe, 7 cr 5.

Farlow, Thomas, 3, 2. Fowler, Stephen S., 6, 4 f. Farrell, Daniel, 12, 15f. Fowler, William H., 7, 4 h. Farrell, William, 3, 9 h. Fowler, William H., 7, 4 h.

Farrington, Adam, 4, 20 f. Fox, Peter, 4, 17 h.

Fawcett, Robert, 1, 18 f. Fox, Thomas, 4, 4 h. Fidlin, John, 11, 16f. Frazer, I., 1, 19 £

Fidlin, William, f. Fredenburgh, Havalier, 1, 20 f. Findley, John, 7, 1 h. Freeland, Danl. A., 14, 4f Fish, John, jr., 4, 20 h. Freeland, John, 14, 4 f

Fish, John, sr., 4, 20 f. Freeman, Manuel, 2, 10 f.

Flanagan, Charles, 3, 1 f. French, Benj.. 4, 19 h.

Flanagan, John, 13, 1 f. Gage, Charles, 9, 3 I

Flewelling, George, 5, 18 f. Gage, Russell, 0., 12, 4 f.

Flewelling, Gilbert, 6, 5 f. Gage, Russell, S., 12, 4 f.

Flewelling, Isaac, 5, 18 f. Gamage, Samuel, 8, 5 h. Flewelling, Sam. B., 7, 4 f. Geddy, John, 10, 9 h.

Flewelling, Thomas B., 7, 4 f. Ghant, Jas. G., 12, 22 f.

Flock, Paul, 12, 3 f. Ghant, W. B., 12, 23f.

Fonger, Jacob, 6, 1 1 f. Gibbard, Richard, 6, 3 f.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ont, holds one of the Largest Stocks of General Dry Goods in the Dominion. 40 TOWNSHIP OF BURFORD.

£ Gibson, Alexander, 5, 1 f. Harris, Henry William, 1, 3 f. Giles, Fk, 7, 17 £ Harris, Henry William, 1, 3 Gilham, Henry, 12, 13. Hartley, James, 10, 22 £ Gilliam, Joshua, N. Norwich, P.O., Hartley, John, 10, 23 £ 12, 21- Hartsell, Elias, 10, 24 h.

Gillespie, Jos. 6, 1 f. Hause, Matthias, 7, 2 £ Gilmour, Josh., 7, 4 h. Hay, AVilliam, 13, 1 £ Givins, Alexander, 13, 12 f. Hearne, James, 6, 3 £ Givins, Alexander, 13, 12. Hearne, James, 6, 3 £ Glover, Anthony, 13, 1 f. Hearae, James G., 6, 5 £ Glover, Henry S., 10, 5 f. Heanie, James G, 6, 6 £ Gooch, John Jacob, 2, 5 h. Hearne, William, 6, 3 h. Goring, F. J. A., U, 3 f. Hearne, William, 6, 3 h. Goulding, Thomas Geo., 1, 12 h. Heaton, John, 7, 4 h.

Gowdy, Francis, 6, 4 f. Heaton, Jonas, 7, 4 £

Greene, John, 6, 8 f. Heaton, Mary, 7, 4.

Griffiths, Wm., 5, 5 f. Heddlesay, George, 14, 12 £ Grigg, Thomas, 2, 15 £ Heddlesay, George, 14, 12 h.

Griggs, Charles, 1, 15 h. Hedgers, Charles, 14, 16 £ Griggs, Geo., jr., 2, 20 h. Hellem, Joel, 14, 13 h. Griggs, Geo., sr., 2, 20 £ Hemmingway, Charles, 11, 14 £ Groom, William, 9, 12. Hemmingway, Charles, 11, 13. Grove, John W., 7, 4 h. Hendershott, Ezra, £ Haight, Hiram, £ Henderson, James, 5, 10 £ Haight, Isaac 23 h. Henderson, James, 5, 10 £ Hainer, John W., 12, 13 h. Henderson, James, 7, 3 £ Hall, Thomas, 12, 17 £ Henderson, John, 4, 1 £ Hammond, William, N. Norwich P. Henderson, John, 4, 1 £ 0., 11, 24 £ Henderson, Samuel, 5, 7 £ Handy, Lewis, 13, 1 £ Henderson, Samuel, 5, 7 £ Hanmer, David H., 9, 3 £ Henderson, Stephen F., 9, 12. Hanmer, Francis, 7, 7 £ Henry, David, 14, 14 h. Hanmer, Jas. G., 7, 7 £ Henry, Geo. C, 10, 22 £ Hanmer, John, 8, 24 h. Henry, Isaac Brock, 9 & 10, 19 to Hanmer, John D., 10, 15 h. 22 £ Hanmer, John D., £ Henry, Eobert, 4, 1 £ Harbottle, Robt., M.D., 7, 4 h. Henry, Robert, 4, 1 £ Harkison, Wm., 14, 1 £ Herrett, Stephen M., 7, 3 £ Harley, Archibald, 8, 10 £ Hersee, John, 1, 12. Harley, James, 3, 24 £ Hersee, Wm., 2, 11 £ Harris, Anson, jr., 1, 4£ Hersee, Wm., 1, 14. Harris, Anson, sr., 1, 4 £ Hersee, Wm., £ Harris, George, 13, 13 h. Hess, Jacob, 2, 7 £ Harris, Gilbert, 6, 10 h. Hess, Jacob, 2, 7 £ Harris, Gilbert, 6, 10 h. Hess, Jas., 2, 7 £

Thomas McLean, Brantford, makes Mourning Goods a Special Depart- ment Everything for ladies' and men's wear constantly on hand. COUNTY OF BRANT. 41

Hess, Jas., 2, 7 f. Howard, WUliam, 7, 4 h.

Hewett, Sibbens B., 2, 17 f. Huffman, Charles, f.

Heyland, Rowley, Rev., 7, 4 ^ Huffman, David K, 13, 13 f. Hey^vood, David, 9 f. Huffman, Henry, 1, 24 h.

Heywood, Richard, 5, 3 f. Huffman, Paul, jr., f.

Heyivood, Richard, 5, 3 f. Huffman, Paul, sr., 13, 13 f.

HiU, Amos, 2, 2 f. Huffman, Samuel, f.

Hill, A., 5, 11 f. Hull, Wm., 7, 1 f. Hm, Elvin, 3, i9f. Hunt, Jas., 13, 24 f. Hill, Elvin, 3, 9 f. Hunt, Jas., 4, 6f.

Hill, John, f. Hunt, Jas., 4, 6f. Hill, John, 9, 24 f. Hunt, Levi, N. Norwich P.O., 13,

Hill, Stephen, 3, 4 f. 13 f.

Hill, Stephen. 3, 4 f. Hunt, Robert, 7, 4 f. Hill, Thomas, 13, 12 f. Hunt, William, 9, 11 h. Hilliard, Samuel, 12,8 f. Hunt, William, 9, 11 h. Hillis, Thomas, 9, 12 f. Huntley, Harry, 2, 11 h. Hinsley, Thomas, 11, 10 f. Hurd, Wm., 5, 12h. Hinsley, Thomas, 11, 10 h. Hurd, Wm., 6, 17h.

Hinsley, William, 11, 24 h. Hurley, Michael, 2, 23 f.

Hipkins, Edward, M.D., 7 s 4 f. Hutchinson, George, 14, 23 f.

Hipkins, Henry, 7, 4. Hutchinson, Mark, 14, 23 f.

Hixon, George, 14, 20. Hutt, Fredk., 7, 19 f. Hixon, Henry F., 13, 1 f. Ifold, WiUiam, 1, 2. Hodgkins, William, 4, 12 f. Jackson, Joseph, Bailiff, 7, 2 f.

Holder, George William, 5, 10 f. James, John, 2, 12 f.

Holder, George William, 5, 10 f. James, Robt. S., 2, 14 f.

Holt, Lewis, 10, 6 f. Jay, Joseph, 13, 22 f. Hooker, Albert, 14, 1 f. Jeffrys, Jas. Hy., 9, 7. Hopkins, John, 10, 3 f. Jennie, John, 3, 14 h,

Horn, Stephen, 4, 7 h. Johnson, Benjamin, 1, 1 f. Horn, Stephen, 4, 7 h. Johnson, John, 5, 3 h.

Horner, Thomas Joseph, 1, 8 f. Johnson, John, 1, 2 f. Horner, Thomas Joseph, 1, 8 f. Johnson, Mary, 7, 4. Horton, James, 6, 4 f. Johnston, Alex., 9, 24.

Horton, James, 6, 4 f. Johnston, Alex., 10, 24 f. Horton, James, 7, 4 h. Johnston, Angus, 5, 11. Hotrum, Frederick, 7, 12 f. Johnston, Baptiste, jr., 12, 9 f. Howell, Alexander, 4, 18 h. Johnston, Baptiste, sr., 10, 9 f.

Howell, Enoch, 5, 17 h. Johnston, James, 6, 20 f.

Howett, James, 3, 15 h. Johnston, Peter, 6, 20 f.

Howey, James, 7, 19 f. Johnston, Richard, 11, 8 f. Howey, John, 7, 18 h. Jones, Benjamin, 6, 4 h.

Howey, Jonah, 7, 18 f. Jones, Isaac, 9, 17 f.

Howey, Orlanda, 8, 18 f. Jones, Thomas, 6, 4 f.

Thomas Mclean, 6 Colbome and 3 Market Streets, Brautford, is the place for Carpets. 42 TOWNSHIP OF BURFORD.

Jones, Thomas Lloyd, 6, 1 f. Levery, James, 3, 7 h.

Jones, William, 9, 17 f. Lawrence, Daniel S., 4, 15 f.

Jones, W. L., 6, 4 f. Lawrence, George, Windham P.O.,

Jull, John, senr., 7, 7 f. 12, 13 f. Jull, John Henry, 7, 7 h. Lawrence, Isaac, 4, 6 h.

Kane, Thomas, 4, 2 f. Lawrence, Jacob, 5, 15 f.

Keachie, Jolin M., 6, 6 f. Lawrence, Josiah, 4, 6 f.

Keene, Hiram, 1, 13 f. Lawrison, Purvis, 9, 24 h.

Kelley, Adam, 5, 18 f. Lawrison, Titus, 5, 20 f. Kelly, Adam, 8, 3 h. Ledger, Alfred, 4, 1.

Kelly, John, f. Lee, Alex. B., 14, 12.

Kelly, John, 8, 19 f. Lee, Alex. B., 10, 16 f.

Kelly, Philip, 9, 23 f. Lee, Henry, 11, 15 f.

Kelley, Sarah, 7, 4. Lee, Jas. S., 11, 18 f.

Kelly, Usual 0., 8, 7 f. Lee, William H., 11, 15 f.

Kennedy, Alexander, 6, 16 f. Leeson, Henry W., 5, 17 h.

Kennedy, William, 3, 22 f. Leeson, Henry William, 5, 17 f.

Kent, James, 11, 3 f. Leonard, Eussell, 14, 12 f.

Kettle, Hiram, 9, 6 f. Lester, Henry, 7, 10 f.

Kettle, James, 9, 7 f. Lester, John N., 7, 11 f. Key, John, 10, 24 f. Lester, Margaret, 7, 4.

Kiff, William, 10, 8 h. Lester, Solon, 2, 9 f.

Kipp, Benjamin, 1, 21 f. Lewis, Edwin, 2, 24 f.

Kipp, David, jr., 1, 19 f. Lewis, Henry, 1, 24 f.

Kipp, David, senr., 2, 22 f. Lewis, James, 1, 24 f.

Kipp, David, jr., 1, 13 f. Lewis, John M., 1, 11 f.

Kipp, Hamilton, 1, 23 f. Lewis, William, 1, 7 f. Kipp, Wm., 1, 14 f. Lewis, William H., 10, 2 h.

Kneil, Edmund jr., 6, 16 f. • Lightley, George, 6, 4 h. Kneil, Edmond, sr., 6, 16 f. Lindsay, John, f.

Kneil, John, f. 2, 2 Lindsay, John G., 1, 12 f. Knight, Thomas, 12, 7 h. Lloyd, James, 6, 4 f. Koucher, Elijah, 7, 1. Lockhart, Greyston, 2, 21 f. Ladd, John, 1, 20 f. Lockhart, John, 2, 21 h. Laird, Mrs., 5, 9. Lockyear, Thomas, N. Norwich, Laird, Philip, 1, 23 f. P. 0., 10, 24 f. Lalley, Stephen, 2, 4 f. London, Nancy, 8, 14 f. Landon, Stacey, 5, 2 f. London, Richard, 7, 12 h. Landon, Stephen, 5, 1 f. Longhurst, John, 14, 12 h. Lane, Daniel, 14, 12h. Longstreet, Samuel, 1, 19 h. Lane, George, 7 f. Loree, Abm., 14, 12 f. Larey, James, 7 h. 3, J Lossing, Miriam, 12, 23 f. Lattimer, Andrew, 5, 7 f. Lounsbury, John, 2, 15 f. Lattimer, Jas., 5, 6 f. Lounsbury, Morris, 3, 1 f. Lattimer, John, 5, 5 f. Lounsbury, Morris, 3, 2 h.

Thomas McLean's, Brantford, is the place for CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! .


Lounsbury, Samuel, 2, 16 f. McKenzie, John, 11, 23 h.

Lowdon, Jas., 3, 14 f. McKenzie, Robert, 10, 24 f. Lowdon, Joseph, 4, 15 f. McKenzie, Thomas, 1, 10 f. Lowdon, Thomas, 3, 14 h. McLeane, Archie, 6, 14 f. Lucus, Andrew, 1, 19 h. McWebb, George W., 4, 10 h.

Lumsden, Wm., f. McWebb, Thomas, 4, 11 f.

Lumsden, Wm., 14, 22 f. McWilliam, Alexander, 8, 2 f.

Lymburner, Fanny, 14, 14 f. McWilliam, William, 8, 2 f. Ljonburner, Oscar, 14, 14 f. McWilliams, Aaron, sr., 8, 1 f.

McCaffrey, James, 7, 3 f. McWilliams, Aaron, jr., 6, 1 f.

McCarman, Peter. 4, 4h. McWilliams, James, 8, 1 f. McCarthy, John, 13, 6 h. McWilliams, John, 7, 2 f.

McCaskell, AUan, 5, 13 f. McWilliams, W. James, 8, 2 h.

McClellan, James, P.M., 9, 12 f. Mas^nn, Thomas, 7, 2 f.

McClellan, James, 9, 22. Mail, William, 11, 22 f.

McClellan, John, 2, 12 f. Malcolm, Augustus, 13, 1 f.

McCombs, Joseph, 13, 3 f Malcolm, Duncan A., 14, 1 f. McCombs, Nathan, 14, 5 f. Malcolm, Eliakim, 14, 12 f.

McConnell, John, 3, 22 f. Malcolm, George, 13, If.

McCombs, Freeman, 14, 2 f. Malcolm, James, 13, 9 f.

McCormick. Jas., 11, 9 f. Malcolm, Lyman, 13, 1 f.

McCormick, James, 13, 15 h. Manning, James, 5, 18 f. McCubbin, Jas., 11, 14 f. Marshall, Francis, 9, 8 h.

McCubbin, Samuel, 11, 14 f. Marshall, H(^race, 1, 18 f.

McDonald, Ann, 6, 16. Marshall, William, 8, 12 to 14 f.

McDonald, Archibald. 6, 15 f. Martin, Elam, f.

McDonald, Hector, 10, 9 h. Martin, James, 1, 7 h.

McDowell, James, 8, 24 f. Martin, Mrs., 1, 1.

McDowell, Nelson, 13, 24 f. Massacer, David, 8, 4 f.

McEvory, Mary, 7, 5. Massecar, William, 11, 8 f.

McGee, John, 12, 12. Mather, Allen, 14, 12 f.

McGuinn, John W., 10, 7 f. Mathews, W. D., 5, 1 f.

Mclnally, James F., 13, 14 f. May, William, f. Mcintosh, Alexander, 9, 8 f. Maynard, William, 14, 24. Mcintosh, Judson, 9, 7 h. Meadows, Jos. E., 4, 21 h.

Mcintosh, Mrs., 7, 4. Medcalf, Franklin A., 8, 6 f. Mcintosh, Samuel, 6, 12 f. Medcalf, P., 10, 4 h.

Mclntyre, Alexander, 7, 22 h. Medcalf, William Henry, 8, 6 f.

Mclntyre, Malcolm, 6, 20 f. Meehan, William, 8, 19 f.

Mclntyre, Malcolm, jr., 7, 20 h. Menton, Dennis, 9, 19 f.

Mclrvine, Alexander, 4, 17 f. Merrigold, Charlotte, 5, 18 f. Mclrvine, James, 12, 12 f. Merrigold, Charlotte, 6, 15.

Mclsaac, Archie, 6, 9 f. Merrigold, George, 6, 15 f.

Mclsaac, Donald, 4, 1 B. Merrill, William, 14, 20 f.

McKay, John, 1, 23 h. Merritt, Gilbert, 12, 1 f.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, MILLINERY AND MANTLES. . .


Merritt, IB., 13, 3 f. Muir, Thomas, P. M., 4, 21 £

Merritt, Eobert, 12, 6 f. Muir, Thomas, 2, 21.£

Merritt, Thomas, 14, 1 f. Muir, William, 2, 24 £ Messecar, Seymour, 13, 8 h. Muir, William, 4, 22 £

Messecar, Silas, 13, 3 f. Munger, Isaac, 7, 2 £ Midwinter, Charles, 14, 9 f Murray, James, 8, 13 h. Miles, Elliott, 11, 7 h. Murray, Thomas, 8, 19 £ Miles, John, sr., 9, 18. Murray, William, 14, 3 £

Miles, John, jr., 10, 1 f. Nash, James, 13, 12 h. Miles, Joseph, 10, 4 f Neal, John, 11, 14£ Miller, Franklin, 6, 1 h. Neal, Michael, 10, 6 £

Miller, Jas., 8, 19 f. Neff, Peter, 6, 10 £ Miller, Wm., 13, llf. Nelms, William, 2, 24 £ Miller, Wm. S., 3, 19 f. Nesbit, JohnW., 9, 22 £ Mills, Wm., 5, 21 f. Newbiggin, George, 11, 18 h. Milmine, John, 6, 12 f. Noble, Francis, 1, 1 h. Mitchell, Geo. F., 14, 12 f. Nunick, Mary, 14, 2 £ Mitchell, John, 1, 14 f. O'Neal, Daniel, Paris Station, £ Mizner, David, 11, 13 f. O'Neal, James, 6, 1 £ Monett, Walker, 1, 3 f. O'Neal, William, 7, 1 h.

Montgomery, Eobt. B. , Eev. , 1 3, 1 h. Oles, John W., 9, 24 £ Moore, Ashman, 13, 1 f. Oles, Levi, 12, 11 £ Moore, Ed. F., 10, 18 f. Oles, Samuel, 10, 19 £ Moore, Jacob, 11, 2 f. Ollett, John, 11, 10 h. Moore, Jonathan, 9, 11 f. Ollett, William, £ Moore, Jonathan, 14, 5. Oliver, Robert, 3, 19 £ Moore, Jonathan, f. Oliver, Thomas, 4, 8 £ Moore, W. S., 13, 20f. Orser, William, 5, 15 £ Moore, W. S., 12, 24 £ Osmond, Samuel, 7, 24 £ More, Samuel, 3, 14 f. Oswald, Andrew, 14, 13 £ Morgan, James, 8, 22 f. Oswald, A. H., 14, 13 £ Morrell, Knox, 14, 4 h. Oswald, Andrew H., £ Morris, John, 12, 20 f. Oswald, Andrew H., 6, 5 h. Moses, Joseph, 12, 23 £ Oswald, Henry, 14, 16 h. Mott, Elias, 24 12, £ Padfield, James, Rev., 6, 3 £ Mott, Moses, 12, 24 £ Padfield, John H., 7, 3 h. Mudge, Richard C, 3, 15 £ Padrick, William, 3, 18 £ Mudge, Richard C, 7, 4 h. Failing, Edward, 3, 12 £ Muir, Allan, 4, 22 £ Palmer, Stephen, 3, 4 £ Muir, James, 2, 22 £ Park, Elizabeth, £ Muir, John, 2, 22 £ Parkhill, John, 4, 17 £ Muir, John T., 22 8, £ Parlee, Isaac H., 9, 13 h. Muir, John T., 23. 8, Parlee, Jol^n C, 9, 13 h. Muir, Robert, 7, 4 £ Parnall, Edward N., 4, 3 £ Muir, R. L. McKenzie, 2, 23 h. Parnall, G. H., 1, 1 £

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Importer of Dry Goods, Wholesale and Eetail. COUNTY OF BRANT. 46

Patterson, John, 14, 13 f. Rains, Harry, 2, 19 h.

Patterson, Thomas, 10, 17 f. Rains, John, 2, 18 f.

Patterson, William, U, 12 f. Rains, Robert, 3, 16 h.

Pearman, George A., 7, 4 f. Ramage, George, 13, 22 f.

Peatman, George, 6, 7 f. Ramage, James, 13, 22 f.

Peckham, George, 1, 22 h. Rambo, Stephen, 8, 13 f.

Peffers, George, 3, 23 f. Rambo, Stephen, 8, 14.

Pelton, Hamilton, 2, 6 f. Ramsay, James, 6, 21 h.

Perley, Charles, 9, 1 f. Ramsay, Jonathan, 2, 2 f.

Perley, Charles S., 7, 1 f. Rand, Charles, 11, 1 f.

Perley, Thomas, 8, 16 f. Rand, Daniel, 12, 9 f.

Perley, Thomas, 10, 1 f. Rathburn, Horace, 5, 12 f.

Perley, Thomas, 10, 2 h. Rathburn, Nelson, 7, 11 f.

Pettit, John G., Bailiff, 14, 2 f. Rathburn, Niles, 7, 11 f.

Pettit, Stephen, 7, 15 h. Reading, Edward, 2, 2 f. Pettitt, Hiram, 6, 16 h. Reading, John, 2 f.

Phillips, George, 14, 1 f. Reece, Daniel, 3, 12 f.

Phillips, Martin, 13, 1 f. Regan, Patrick, 9, 13 f.

Phipps, John, 12, 14 f. Reid, Charles, 7, 18 f.

Pilkey, Peter J., 13, 1 f. Reid, Henry, 7, 15 h. Pitcher, Alsing, 3, 13 h. Reid, James Ira, 6, 18 h.

PoUey, George, senr., 6, 18 f. Reitsel, Henry, 14, 12 f.

Pong, James, 10, 13 h. Reynolds, William, 14, 1 f. Poole, James, 7, 23 h. Rice, Augustus, 14, 12 h.

Poole, John, 13, 22 f. Rice, Augustus, 14, 12 f.

Poole, Mrs., 7, 22. Rice, William, 5, 6 f.

Poole, Thomas, 14, 21 f. Rich, Richard, 5, 23 f.

Poole, WilHam, 7, 24 f. Richardson, John, 4, 24 f.

Postell, William, 11, 10 f. Rixon, James, 6, 23 f.

Potruff, Peter, 6, 16 f. Rixon, William, 6, 23 f.

Potruff, Robert, 4, 9 f. Roberts, G. W., 2, 16 f.

Potter, John, 4, 23 f. Robertson, George, 1, 15 f.

Potter, Joseph, 4, 23 f. Robinson, Charles, 11, 21 f.

Potter, Mines, 4, 23 f. Robinson, James, 2, 22 f.

Powell, Alfred, 14, 13 f. Robinson, William, 3, 6 f.

Pringle, Joseph, D. B., 7, 22 f. Robinson, William, 11, 21 f.

Pringle, WiUiam, 10, 20. Rochester, James, 5, 15 f.

Prior, Henry, 1, 6 f. Ross, Mrs., 6, 3 f.

Proctor, Richard, 1, 17 f, Rowsell, Andrew, 14, 8 f.

Pulham, Francis H., 1, 16 f. Rowsell, William, 14, 3 h.

Quinn, Cornelius, 1, 24 h. Rounds, William, 7, 6 f.

Radford, Richard, 7, 21 h. Rowe, William, 7, 7 f.

Radloff, Charles, 1, 15 f. Rush, John, 10, 4 f.

Radloff, John, 1, 15 f. Rush, Nicholas, 11, 22 f.

Railer, George, 9, 3 f. Rush, William, 8, 5 h.

Thomas McLean, Importer of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Brantford. . .


Kusk, William, 6, 4 f. Sherman, David, 6, 12 f. Kussell, David, 3, 20 f. Sherman, Henry, 7, 21 h. Eussell, George, 3, 20 h. Sherwood, Jacob, 7, 5 f. Eussell, William, 3, 20 h. Sherman, John, 5, 17 h. Eutherford, John, 6, 4 h. Shillington, Edward, 9, 12 f.

Eutherford, Thomas S„ 5 8 f. Shillington, James, 10, 13 f.

Eutherford, William, 4, 8 f. Shillington, James, 9, 17 f. Eyder, Benjamin, 9, 13f. Shillington, John, 10, 12f.

Eyder, Charles, 8, 13 f. Shillington, John, 10, 11.

Eyder, Gideon, 7, 4 f. Shillington, Eobert, 10, 13.

Eyder, Henry, 8, 12 f. Shine, Timothy, 6, 4 f. Eyder, Henry, 8, 13. Showers, Michael, 1, 5 f.

Eyder, Jonathan, 9, 13 f. Showers, William, 2, 5 f. Eyder, Eolland, 7, 13 h. Shrubb, Henry, 11, 2 h.

Eyder, Samuel, 3, 22 f. Sibbick, John, 3, 10 f. Savage, George, 11, 20. Sibbick, William, 2, 8 h.

Savage, Solomon, 11,20. Sibbick, William, 3, 8 f.

Schooley, Abel, 10, 22 h. Silverthorne, Catharine, f.

Schooley, Azaliah, 9, 24 f. Silverthorn, Ira, 14, 8 h.

Schooley, Edward, F., Postmaster, Silverthorn, John, 13, 8 f.

9, 24 f. Silverthorn, Joseph, 9, 3 f.

Schooley, Nelson, 9, 24 f. Silverthorn, Thomas, 9, 4 f.

Schram, George, 12, 13 f. Simmerman, Allen, f. Scott, Gideon, 1, 1 f. Simmerman, Elias, 11, 3 f Scott, James W., Princeton P. 0., Simmerman, James A., 9, 21 h.

13, 13 h. Simmons, William, 9, 24 f.

Scott, John, N. Norwich P.O., 11, Simms, Edwin, 9, 20 f. 24 f. Simms, Edwin, 9, 21.

Scott, John, 12, 19. Simms, Solomon, 9, 21 f. Scott, Eobert, senr., 13, 1 f. Singer, Abm., 4, 15 h.

Scott, Eobert, junr., 14, If. Siple, Daniel, 2, 16 f.

Secord, Alexander, 8, 18 f. Siple, Ezra, 10, 24 f. Secord, David, 9, 20 f. Siple, Ezra, 9, 24. Secord, James C., 8, 20 f. Smiley, Eobinson, 1, 11 f. Secord, Matthew B., 6, 12 h. Smith, And., jr., 5, 22 h. Secord, Mrs., 18. 7, Smith, And., senr., 5, 22 f. Secord, Philip S., Brantford P.O., f. Smith, Benjamin, 9, 2 f. Selby, George, 1, 18 f. Smith, Benjamin, 13, 4 f Serpen, Wm. H., Clerk, Division Smith, Charles Douglas, 11, 5 h. Court, 6, 5 h. Smith, Daniel, 12, 10 f. Serpen, WiUiam H., 6, 5 h. Smith, Heirs of George, 11, 6 f. Shaver, George, 11, 12 f. Smith, Hiram H., 3, 8 h. Shaver, Hamilton, f. 7, 17 Smith, John, 12, 3 f. Shearer, John, 9, 20 f. Smith, John A., 6, 19 f. Shepherd, Lionel, 13 f. 4, Smith, John P., 13, 10 f.

Thomaa McLean, manufacturer of Ready-made Clothing, Brantford, Ontario. .


Smith, John Sidney, 7, 8 f. Swears, Jonathan, 1, 1 h.

Smith, John W., U, 16 f. Sweezey, Gilbert, 11, 19 f. Smith, James, 1, 14 h. Sweezy, Samuel, 11, 19 h. Smith, James A., 13, 4 f Symonds, Charles, 2, 12 f.

Smith, James S., 5, 1 f. Tallman, Daniel, 13, 14 f. Smith, Joseph, 14 17 h. Tanner, Silas, 2, 5.

Smith, Lucinda, 11, 5 f. Tansley, Edward, 3, 5 h.

Smith, Mathias, 14, 14f. Tansley, Thomas, 4, 7 f. Smith, P. T., Beamsville P.O. Tapley, Francis, 4, 4 h.

Smith, Eobert, 11, 20 f. Tapley, Samuel, 3, 4 f.

Smith, Eobert, 9, 15 f. Taylor, George, 6, 21 h.

Smith, Russell, 11, 4 f. Taylor, Henry, 5, 21 f.

Smith, Samuel, 11,24 f. Teggart, Edward W., M.D., 14, 1 f. Snider, John, 1, 8. Tennant, John, 3, 4 h.

Snyder, Christian, 6, 13 f. Terreberry, John, 6, 10 f.

Soper, Josiah, 5, 17 f. Terryberry, John, 6, 11 f.

Sours, Aaron, 13, 13 f, Thatcher, Thatcher, 6, 15 f. Spencer, Lyman, 2, 5 h. Thomas, Philip, 4, 21 £

Sprague, Hiram, 7, 24 f. Thomas, Robert, jr., 3, 21 h.

Steedsman, Abm., 9 lot 7, 13 f. Thomas, Robert, senr., 3, 21 f.

Steedsnian, Thos., 10 15 f. Thomas, Sidney, 6, 3 f. Steele, Alexander, 6, 14 f. Thompson, Charles, 7, 1 h.

Steele, Joseph, 4, 9 f. Thompson, James, 14, 11 f. Stellie, John, 2, 11 f. Thompson, John, J. P., 7, 1 h. Stephenson, F. H., 5, 17 f. Thompson, Robert W., Virgil P. 0.,

Stephenson, George R, 13, 23 f. 14, 11 f

Stephenson, George B., 14, 24. Thompson, Wellington, 9, 14 f.

Stephenson, John, 5, 17 f. Thompson, WilHam, 8, 16 f.

Stephenson, Richard, 5, 18 f. Thompson, William, 9, 14 f.

Stephenson, John, 6, 22 f. Tisdale, Bradford, G., 7, 4 f.

Stewart, Elisha, f. Tisdale, Francis, 7, 1.

Stewart, Elisha, 6, 4 f. Tillison, Levi, 6, 4 f.

Stewart, James, 13, 1 f. Tisdale, Lot S., 6, 8 f.

Stewart, James, 9, 12 f. Tocher, Robert, 2, 23 f.

Stewart, James, 10, 16f. Todd, William M., 3, 4 f.

Stewart, Thomas, 4, 18f. Townsend, Henry G., 6, 9 f.

Stewart, Wm. James, 9, 12 f. Townsend, John Y., 5, 1 f.

Stitt, James, senr., 1, 14 f. Townsend, John Y., 6, 7 f.

Stringham, John, 13, 22 f. Townsend, Thomas, 14, 17 h.

Sturgis, Daniel, 2, 18 f. Tremmel, Michael, 1, 5.

Sullivan, Stephen, 6, 12 f. Trimble, James, 4, 24 f.

Sulman, Wm., 5, 13 f. Tripp, Job, 7, 3 h.

Sulman, Wm., 7, 3 h. Troup, William, 2, 15 f. Swarts, Wm., 1, 21 h. Truckel, Henry, 3. Swears, Benjamin, 4, 12 h. Tufford, John, f.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ontario, Hats, Caps, Neckties, Shirts, &c., &c., &c. 48 TOWNSHIP OF BURFORD.

Henry, 11, 13 f. Tufford, Philip, 4, 11 f. Weir, Mrs., 20 f. Time, William, 3, 11 h. Weir, 5, Freeman, 3 h. Tupman, Henry, 3, 3 h. Wetherby, 6, John, 24 h. Tupman, Henry, 2, 2 h. Whale, 3, Hix, f. Turner, Jonathan, 7, 1 h. Whale, John 7, 4 Robert, 4 f. Turner, Jonathan, 7, 1 f. Whale, 7, Underhill, John, 5, 1 h. Wheeland, Thomas, 13, 7 f. Underhill, Mrs., 4, 2. Wheland, Thomas, 13, 1 f. Urmy, Abraham, 5, 24 h. Whelpley, John, 6, 3 f. Robert, 14 f. Urmy, Jacob, 3, 24 f. White, 10, Utter, Daniel, 12, 13 f. White, William, 5, 14 f. Utter, David, 12, 11 f. Whitmore, Charles L., 1, 15 f. Vanderlip, Electa, 6, 16. Whitmore, Charles L., 1, 15 h. Vanhorn, Charles, 6, 10 h. Whitney, Charles, 13, 1 f. Vanhorn, William, 5, 8 f. Whitman, Joseph, 4, 6 f. VanValkenburgh, Hiram, 14, 24 f. Whittaker, Lawrence, 9, 12 f. Vendecar, Lemuel, 6, 24 h. Whittker, John, 6, 5 f. Virtue, Mathew, senr., 3, 23 f. Wiggins, Robert, 6, 16 h.

Virtue, Mathew, junr., 5, 24 f. Wilcox, John J., 14, 6 f. Vowels, James, 1, 4 h. Wilcox, William B., 14, 6 f.

Vowels, James, 1, 4 f. Wilkins, Charles, 2, 11.

Vowels, Wm., 2, 5 f. Willetts, James B., 13, 16 f.

Wagner, Conrad, 1, 18 h. WiUetts, John, 13, 16 f.

Waldon, Samuel, 1, 6 h. Willetts, John, 13, 13 h.

Walker, Gideon, 14, 1 f. Willetts, Joseph, 13, 16 f.

Walker, William, 1, 18 f. Williams, Thomas, 10, 8 f.

Wallace, John, 7, 20 f. Wills, Frederick, 8, 20 h.

Walsh, Patrick, 9, 18 f. Wills. John, jr., 8, 20 h.

Wand, Henry, f. Wills, Ralph, 10, 21 f.

Warboys, David, 4, 16 f. Wills, Thomas, 8, 20 h.

AVarboys, Peter, 5, 17 f, Wills, William, 8, 20 h. Warboys, William, 5, 16 h. Wilsey, John, 11, 10 f. Ward, Charles, 13, 21 f. Wilson, David, 13, 21 h. Ward, Thomas, 14, 17 f. Wilson, Foster, Ancaster P. 0., 8,

W^ardell, Cyrus, 14, 8 f. 11 f.

Wass, John, 1, 3. Wilson, Henry, 5, 19 f.

Watkins, Charles, 4, 14 f. Wilson, John H., 11, 1 f. Watson, Francis W., 10, 5 f. Wilson, Margaret, 7, 23.

Watson, William, 3, 12 h. Wilson, Robert, 14, 12 f.

Webb, James, 11, 18 f. Wilson, Thomas, 6, 20 f.

Wedge, John, 7, 12 f. Wilson, Walter, 7, 23 f.

Wedge, Richard, 6, 12 11 Wilson, William, 13, 15 f.

Wedge, Richard, 6, 12 h. Wilson, William, 11, 1 f. Weir, George, 4, 19 f. Winegarden, Eli, 14, 19. Weir, Henry, 4, 19 f. Winegarden, Hugh, 14, 9 f.

Thomas McLean never loses sight of his leading policy of selling goods for the smallest possible profits. COUNTY OF BRA.NT. 49

Winegarden, Isaac, 14, 9 £ Woodley, John, 14, 12 f.

Winskel, Thomas, 7, 5 f. Woodrow, Jas. P., 11, 16 f.

Witts, Nelson, 12, 19 f. Woolcot, George, 12, 12.

Wood, Crossfield, 5, 17 h. Wright, James, 9, 15 f. Wood, George, 7, 6 h. Yeates, George, 11, 19 h.

Wood, Hamilton, 1, 13 h. Yeates, James, 12, 17 f.

Wood, Nathaniel, 3, 8 f. Yeates, Jarvis, 12, 17 f.

Wood, Samuel, U, 6 f. Yeates, William, 10, 20 f.

Wooden, Alanson, 9, 15 f. Yeigh, Edmund, J. P., 7, 3 f.

Wooden, Ira, senr., 7, 10 f. Young, Matthew, 12, 15 f.

Wooden, Ira C, 7, 4 h. Young, William, 12, 15 f.

Wooden, William H., 7, 4 f. Zimmerman, Ebenezer, 6, 16 f.


This township is bounded on the west by the township off Burford, on the north-east by the township of Brantford, and on the south by the township of Townsend, County of Norfolk. In shape it is nearly a right angled triangle, with its longest side adjoining the township of Brantford on the north. Oakland was originally surveyed by the late Deputy Surveyor, Thomas Walsh, in 1796, as an appendage to the township of Townsend, and called Townsend Gore. It was afterwards attached to Burford, and called Burford Gore. It obtained the name of Oakland upon being made a component part of the County of Brant. It is watered by Mal- colm's Creek, and its tributaries running from east to west. South of Malcolm's Creek, and at the east angle of the township, the land is heavily timbered with pine, oak, maple, and other hardwood. Soil loamy and strong. The rest of the township is composed of oak plains, good sandy soil, with gravelly and clay subsoil in various places. It is a good township for the growth of wheat and other grains, and is now well settled. The road from Brantford to Simcoe runs along the town line, between Oakland and Townsend. The following is the return of agriculture, produce, &c., for the town- ship in 1861. The figures, of course, are larger at this date : occupiers of land, 117 ; occupiers of ten acres and under, 5 ; occupiers of ten to twenty acres, 2 ; occupiers of twenty to fifty acres, 31 ; occupiers of fifty to one hundred acres, 56 ; occupiers of one hundred to two hundred

5 ; amount held in acres, 10,401 ; under cultivation, 7,533 ; under crops, 6,533; under pasture, 819; under gardens and orchards, 159; wood and wild lands, 2,868 ; cash value of farms, $402,978 ; cash value of farming implements, $10,915 ; produce of gardens and orchards, $2,-

Thomas McLean, Millinery and Mantle Rooms. In this Department the Newest Styles always introduced at very lowest Prices. ;;


quantity of land held by townspeople not being farmers, 88 acres 119 ; of fall wheat, 30,893 acres un- under fall wheat, 1,574 acres ; bushels ; of spring wheat, 10,548 acres under der spring wheat, 618 ; bushels ;

; acres under rye, 39 bushels of barley, 191 ; bushels of barley, 4,303 j

; bushels of peas, 82,947 ; acres under rye, 275 : acres under peas, 444

oats, 16,606 acres under buckwheat, 120 ; bush- oats, 532 ; bushels of j Indian corn, 247 bushels of els of buckwheat, 2,315 ; acres under ; potatoes, bushels of potatoes, 18,- Indian corn, 7,418 ; acres under 194;

turnips, 69 j bushels of turnips, 37,577 ; bushels of 375 ; acres under 40 bushels of clover, timothy and carrots, 2,586 ; bushels of beans, ; other grass seed, 147; tons of hay, 1,212; hops, —lb; maple sugar, gallons wool, 4,054 lbs fulled cloth, 453 6.385 lbs ; cider, 7,186 ; ; yds ; bulls, oxen, and steers, flannel, 1,324 yds ; number of 40 ; milch cows, horses over three years old, 337 value of 382 ; calves and heifers, 303 ; ; fillies, sheep, pigs, same, $20,105 ; colts and 115 ; 1,426 ; 875 ; total value of live stock, $46,177 ; butter, 26,291 lbs ; cheese, 4,312 lbs ; beef,

pork, in barrels of 200 lbs, ; in barrels of 200 lbs, 59 ; 378 carriages kept for pleasure, 103 ; value of same, $6,258.

Census, 1868. —Occupiers of land, 226 ; number of horses, 392 ; of total hogs, 542 ; of sheep, 2,363; of cattle, 779 ; value of real and personal property and income, $254,553. Number of acres held, 10,420 ; num- ber of acres cleared, 7,610. Population, 1,012.



Total population, 1,087 ; natives of England and Wales, 100 ; Scot-

land, 39 ; Ireland, 37 ; natives of Canada, not of French origin, 832

United States, 70 ; New Brunswick, 8 ; Prussia, German States, and Holland, 1. CENSUS BY RELIGION.

Church of England, 110 ; Church of Rome, 43 ; Established Church of Scotland, 35; Wesleyan Methodist, 86; Episcopal Methodist, 139; New Connection Methodist, 199; Baptist, 280; Congregationalists, 195.

Abbott, Haines, 1, 6. Baker, Laban, 1, 6 h. Abbott, W. J., 1, 6 I Baldwin, Mose»H., 3, 5 h. Abbott, W. J., 1, 7 f. Baldwin, 5, 3. Allen, Wm., 10, 6h. Beebe, Jordan, 1, 6 h. Anders, Jacob, 2, 7 and 8 f. Beebe, Smith, 2, 7 and 8 £ Avrill, Robert, 6, 1 h. Beecham, James, 1, 16 h.

THOMAS MCLEAN'S Stock of Dry Goods is not Surpassed in the Dominion. COUNTY OF BRANT. 61

Beecham, Peter, 1, 6 f. Gammon, Richard, 4, 8.

Bingham, Mrs. Alfrida, 1, 6. Gillespie, Robert, 1, 1 f.

Bowman, George, 2, 1 h. Glover, Robert, 1, 1 f. Brown, Benjamin, 4, 6 h. Gould, Wm., 2, 1 h.

Brown, Malcolm, 3, 6 f. Gould, W. H., 2, 1 f.

Brown, Neal, 1, 7h. Gruver, Jacob, 2, 1 f.

Burtch, Silas, 1, 12 f. Hagar, George, 1, 6 h.

Campbell, Duncan, 3, 10 f. Hall, Thomas, 2, 8 h.

Chapin, Charles, 1, 7 f. Hammond, Friend, 4, 7 h.

Chatterson, Albert, 4, 8 f. Handy, Perry C, 4, 4 h.

Chatterson, Henry, 4, 8 f. Harp, Elijah M., 1, 1 h.

Chatterson, Joseph, 4, 7 f. Helms, Wm., 5, 1 h.

Chatterson, Wm., 4, 7 f. Higgins, Thomas, 5, 1 f.

Church, Alfred, 3, 5 f. Howell, Wm. J., 2, 7 f.

Cook, Andrew, 5, 5. Hunt, Cyrus, 1, 1 f.

Cook, Edwin, 1, 6 f. Johnson, Abraham, 4, 3 f.

Cowan, Cornelius, f. f. 1, 1 f. Kearns, Barney, 5, 3 h. Cook, John W., 5, 5. Kearns, John, 5, 3 h.

Cowles, Eichard, 1, 6 f. Kearns, Patrick, 5, 3 h.

Culp, David, Eev., 1, 7 f. Kelly, Isaac, 2, 10 f.

Cunningham, George, 1, 13 f. Key, George B., 2, 4 h.

Cunningham, H., Mrs., 1, 13 f. Key, Henry, 3, 4 h.

Cunningham, Wm., 1, 12 f. King, Mary, 4, 6 f.

Devlin, Wm., 2, 9f. Knight, James, 5, 5 and 6 f.

Dunlop, Dr., 1, 14. Knox, Robert, 1, 6 f. Dunnett, Jas., 1, 7 h. Lawrence, 0. H., School-teacher, 1,

Dunnett, Samuel, 1, 7 f. If.

Durham, Jeremiah, 1, 1 h. Lawrence, Thomas, 1, 1 f.

Eadie, Robert, senr., 4, 4 f. Lefler, Christopher, 1, 10 f.

Eadie, Wm., 4, 3 f. Lefler, Neal, 1, 7 and 8 f. Eadie, W. R, 4, 7h. Lile, Charles, l,7h.

Easton, John, 1, 1 f. Lile, Wm., 1, 7 h.

Eddie, John, 5, 4. Lunn, Bridget, Mrs., 1, 15 f.

Eddie, Robert, junr., 3, 6 f. Lyman, Henry, 2, 1 f.

Eddy, Adveel, 3 and 2. McAllister, Wellington, 2, 11 f.

Eddy, Andrew, N., 1, 11 f. McDermid, Dermid, 4, 5 and 6 h.

Eddy, Constant, 3 and 2 f. McDermid, Hugh, 3, 3 and 4 h. Eddy, John, 1, 13f. McDonald, John, 1, 6 and 7 h. Eddy, Wm. D., 2, 10 f. McEwen, Archibald, 3, 9 f. Elliott, Orlin, 6, 1 and 2 f. McFarland, Wm., 2, 9 f.

Elliott, Robert, 1, 1 h. Mcllwaith, James, 6, 3 f. Ellis, Wallace, 5, 4. Mclntyre, Joseph, 2, 12 f.

Fairchild, Francis, 4, 6. Mclntyre, Peter, 2, 13 f.

Fairchild, John, 4, 6 f. McLin, John, Dr., 2, 1 f.

Fairchild, Peter, 1, 17 f. McWilliams, Aaron, 6, 1 and 2 f.

Household Furnishings, Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Thomas McLean, Brantford. .


Charles S., 5, 2 f. Malcolm, Andrew, 1, 1 f. Perley, Phillips, George, 1, 1 f. Malcolm, Charles J., 1, 1 f. Malcolm, Duncan, School teacher, Phillips, Martin, 1, 1. l,lf. Pilkey, Peter, 1, 1 h. 1 h. Malcolm, Eddy, 2, 1 f. Place, Wm., 2, Jonathan, 1 6 f Malcolm, Edward, 1, 4 f. Plowman, J., 1 h. Malcolm, Eliakim, 1, 4 f. Pollard, A. 2, 6 h. Malcolm, Eliakim, 2, 1 f. PottSj Samuel, 1, Malcolm, Finlay, 4, 5 f. Power, Wm.; 1, 7 f. Malcolm, George, 1, 1 f. Pretty, Henry, 1, 2 f. Malcolm, Hugh, 1, 1 f. Proper, John, 2, 6 f. Malcolm, John R, Dr., 2, 2 f. Prouse, T. 0., 1, 1 h. Malcolm, Jonathan, 1, 2 f. Racey, Thomas, 5, 4 f. Malcolm, Marcus, 1, 1 f. Rawe, John, 1, 1 h. Malcolm, Martin, 1, 1 h. Robbins, Christopher, 3, 7 h. Malcolm, S. D., 1, 6 f. Robinson, R. F. M., 1, 1 f. Malcolm, W. C, 1, 1 f. Sagar, Adam, 1, 2 h. Malcolm, Wm., 1, 1 f. Salsbury, Wm., 4, 3. Merritt, Benjamin, 3, 8 f. Sayles, John, 2, 12 f.

Merritt, Caleb, 3, 1 and 2 f. Scott, Mary Jane, 4, 6 f. Metcalfe, George, 4, 1 h. Secord, Asa, 1, 13h. Martin, James, 1, 5 and 6h. Secord, Asa, 2, 9 f.

Merritt, Robert, 2, 1 f. Secord, David, 1, 10 f. Martin, Thomas, 1, 6 h. Secord, George, 1, 10 f. Martin, Wm., 2, 2 h. Secord, Hiram, 1, 9 f. Martin, Wm., 2, 6 h. Secord, Robert, 1, 7 f. Massacar, Charles, 2, 1 h. Secord, Walter, 2, 9 h.

Massacar, Hiram, 1, 4 f. Secord, William, 3, 10 f.

Massacar, James, 1, 3 f. Segner, Roman, 1, 6 h.

Massacar, Matthew, 1, 2 and 3 f. Smith, Adam N., 2, 6 f.,

Massacar, Truman, 2, 3 f. Smith, Adin B., 1, 6 f.

Massacar, Wm., 4, 1 f. Smith, Benjamin, 5, 1 h.

Mathews, Nelson, 2, 14 f. Smith, Dennis W., 1, 6 f.

Mills, Thomas, 2, 5 f. Smith, Francis A., 4, 7 f.

More, John, 1, 1 h. Smith, George, 1, 6 f.

More, John, 2, 1 f. Smith, Isaac, 4, 7 f.

Myers, Benjamin, 1, 1 h. Smith, James H., 2, 1 and 2 f.

Nevill, John C, 1, 1 h. Smith, Susan, 2, 5 f.

Nobbs, Eobert, 1, 6 £ Smith, Walter, 4, 7 f.

Nugent, Francis, 1, 6 f. Smith, William, 2, 1 f. O'Reilly, George, 1, 1 h. Sowers, Abraham, 1, 15 h. Ormstead, Simon, 4, 8 f. Steel, WilKam, 2, 10 h.

'Peaker, John, 1, 7f. Stuttard, James, 1, 16 f.

Perley, Allen, 5, 2 f. Sullivan, Robert, 1, 1 f. Perley, Charles, 5, 2. Swayze, Ralph, 1, 7 h.

Tweeds, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Meltons, Broadcloths, Vestings, and every article belonging to the Men's Department Clothing made to order. COUNTY OF BRANT. ii

Sweaxs, "William, 1, 4 h. Walker, John, 1, 1 h.

Tennant, John W., 3, 10 f. Warren, George, 3, 2 f. Terrill, Andrew, 2, 1 h. Waters, A. J., 5, 3.

Thompson, Samuel, 4, 9 f. Westbrook, Abm., 2, 11 and 12 f.

Thompson, William, senr., 3, 8 f. Westbrook, Henry, 1, 7 f.

Thompson, William, jr., 3, 9 h. Westbrook, Hiram, 3, 7 and 8 f.

Tisdale, Lot S., 5, 3. Westbrook, Hiram T., 3, 11 f.

Toyne, John, 1, 6 f. Westbrook, Mordecai, s^r, 1, 7

Vanderlip, Charles, 1, 1 f. and 8 f. Vanderlip, Edward, 2, 7 h. Whitney, Lewis, 1, 1.

Vanderlip, Robert, 1, 7 f. Wilson, Samuel E., 1, 6 h.

Vandusen, James, 1, 1 f. Wilson, William, 4, 1 and 2 h.

Vivian, John, 1, 6 f. Woodley, Benjamin, 2, 14 f.

Vivian, Stephen, 1, 6 f. Woodley, Mathias, jr., 1, 13 h.

Vivian, William, 1, 7 f. Woodley, Mathias, sr., 1, 14 f.


This township is bounded on the north-east by the township of An- caster, west and north-west by Brantford, south-east by Seneca, and south by the Grand River. This township contains good land and is rapidly improving. The population in 1852 was 1,858, and the assessed value in 1854 amounted to $439,248. The lots fronting on the Grand River from Nos. 45 to 62 inclusive, are Indian Reserve. Fairchild's Creek passes through the centre in a south-easterly direc- tion, and is very serpentine in its course. The Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway passes through the township. A good wagon road passes through the township in a south-easterly direction. There are other roads of sufficient importance to accommo- date the settlers. Census of 1861.—Occupiers of land, 258; amount held in acres, under cultivation, crop, pasture, 20,762 ; 14,873 ; under 12,630 ; 2,113 ;

orchards, &c., 129 ; wood and wild lands, 5,889. Cash value of farms, $748,265. Number of acres assessed, 21,042. Total value of real and personal property, $434,575. Population, 2,064. Census of 1868. —Number of horses, 799; of hogs, 1,049; of sheep,

5,749 ; of cattle, 1,748. Total value of real and personal property, and

income, $435,405. Number of acres, 20,997 ; number of acres cleared, 15,686. Population, 1,614. Occupiers of land, 321.

Allan, Walker, 3, 23 f Atkinson, James, r r, p 74 f. Allan, W, J., r r., 78 f. Atkinson, John, ward n P s hi, Armour, John, n h sh 2, 15 f. 24 f.

Armour, Thomas, s s s h 2, 15 f. Axon, Frederick, s h 1, 14 f.

Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Dress Stofis, Mourning Goods, Black Colored Dress Silks at Thomas McLean, Brantford......


Hannah, s n 1 f Axon, Wm., s p n h 2, 12 f. Cooper, m Allen, r r 84 f. Baker, John, e p s h 2, 7 f. Corner, s h n h 23 f. Baker, Thos., jr., n p s h 2, 7 f. Corner, Wm., 1, Jas., 30 f. Baldwin, M.D„ r r h f. Cowie, 2, Banister, Robert, shnhl,22f. Cowie, Wm., 3, 20 f. Banister, Robert, nhnhl,22f. Cowin, Hy., w p n h 12 f. Bateman, Jas., r r 16 to 18 £ Crandill, S., 2 n p 25 and 24 f. r r f. Bennet, J^os., senr., r r 3 p 42 f. Cranston, Geo., 68 Bennet, Jos., junr., p r r 3, 42 and Creswell, Henry, r r 87 f. 43 h. Crockers, Wm., e p n h 2, 12 li. Bennet, Richd., rrefc86f. Dawson, Marshall, rr 56 and 57 h. s 3 h. Bond, Thos., n p 2, 20 f. Day, Matthew, m n Book, Adam, wh3, 17 f. Deagh, M., block 15 Brantford Book, John, e h 3, 17 f. township. Booker, Rev., 5. Deagh, John, 3, 18 t. Bracken, Jas., b h. Dennes, D. L., r r 65 f. Bradshaw, Seth W., s s n 7 f Diamond, Abm., p 1, 14 f.

Bradshaw, Seth W., b s s 4 f. Diamond, Gideon, 3 r r 17 f. Brown, Geo., senr., P. M., p n h Diamond, Joseph, p b 15, 63 f.

28 to 30 f. Dick, W., 72 h.

Brown, Joseph, r r 90 f. Dickinson, Joseph, r r 3, 14 f.

Buchanan, Alexr., r r 2, 13 and 15 f. Dickison, John, r r 1 c f

Buckwell, Wm., s s s 2 f. Dickison, Thos. H., n u 1 f. Buke, F. W., p b 16 f. Dixon, W., 3, 21 f. Buller, David, f s 23 f. Dorr, Peter, s p s h 2, 13 h. Bundy, Mark, w p n h 2, 9 f. Dougherty, Isaiah, s h 2, 17 f. Burriil, Wm., sr., r r p 26 and 27 f. Dougherty, Jas., s h 2, 18 f. Burrill, Wm., jr., r r p 30 and 31 f. Dougherty, Jas. T., s p n h 2, 16 f.

Butler, Adam, n h 1, 18 f. Dougherty, John, 41 f. Butler, David, 2 f 8 and 10 h. Douglas, Geo., p 1 3 to 5 f. Butler, Nathaniel, 3, 3 h. Douglas, Geo, p b 16 f. Calanan, Danl., n h 2 10 f. Douglas, Geo, p 3 18 and 19 f. Calder, Alexr., sh-1, 26 f. Douglas, John, r r e f c 85 f.

Cartmill, David, m s s 17 and 18 h. Douglas, Alexr., rr 77 f.

Chapman, Jas., 2, 27 f. Douglas, Wm., r r 3, 76 f.

Charleton, John T., r r t f. Douglas, Wm., r r 79 to 81 f. Charleton, Joseph, r r t f Edwards, D. C, 13, 2 and 3 f. Chivers, Jas., r r 32 f. Edwards, Elizabeth, s s s 4 f Christie, John, spnh 1, 28 to 30 Ellill, Rev. Wm., r r 53 h. h. Elliott, Samuel, r r 3, 70 h.

Clark, Joseph, r r 12 and 13 h. Fair, Alexr., 2, 28 f. Colbeck, John, r r 1 and 2 f. Fair, Joseph, f s s 5 and 6.f. Collins, Thos., s 12 h. Fair, Joseph, n h n h 19 f. Conroy, Thos., 2, 26 f. Fair, Peter, 3, 7 and 8 f. Cooper, Geo., r r 54 and 55 h. Fair, Wm., 2, 27 f.

Thomas McLean sells his Goods on the Small Profit System. Don't fail to call at 6 Colbome Street and 3 Market Street .


Ferris, Jas., senr., r r 2, 82 f. Herod, Alfred, s s n h 1, 27 f.

Ferris, John, s h 1, 25 f. Herod, James, 2, 25 f.

Fielder, John, pb 15 f. Hodgins, Isaac, 2, 20 to 22 f.

File, David, s h 2, 16 f. Hooper, William, s e p s h, 24 f. Findlay, Wm., s h 1, 27 f. Howard, William, r r, 15 and 1 6 h. Fleming, Pierce, m s s 9 f. Howden, Alexander, n h, 15 f. Ford, John, b s n half h. Howden, Alex., jr., n h 2, 18 f. Ford, Joseph, b ss 2 and 3 h. Howder, Alex., sr., n p 2, 23 f. Fryer, Henry, i 1 40 f. Howder, George, n p 2, 21 h. Fulton, Wm., b s s 1 h. Howder, John, s h 1, 22 h. Garrow, Thos., nenhl,27f. Howder, Thomas, s h 1, 23 h. Gilliard, R, 13, 5 and 6 £ Howell, David, p 1, 13 and 14 f. GiUiard, Philip, f s 16 and 17 h. Howell, Isaac, p b, 16 f. Gilmore, Thos. T., s h 2, 24 f. Hunks, Kennedy, n p 2, 14 f. Graham, Jas., 13, 4 f Hunter, Nathaniel, S r r, 18 f,

Grant, James, r r 3, 69 f. Ireland, George, b s s, 2 and 8 f. Green, Mrs., (squaw) r r k h. Jackson, James, r r p, 21 f. Greenly, Robt., r r s 9 h. Jennins, James, 3, 13 h.

Griffin, Wm., m s n 24 and 25 h. Jennins, Thomas, 3, 1 and 2 f. Griffith, Robt., 1 p 1 and 2 f. Johnson, John S., r r, 12 and 13 h. Hamilton, Alexr., p 3, 20 to 23 f. Johnston, George, r r, 35 and 36 f. Hamilton, Alexr., p 3, 41 f. Jones, David, s p s 1 h, 28 to 30 h. Hamilton, Alexr., 2, 1 and 2 f. Jones, Wm., m p s h 1, 28 to 30 f, Hamilton, Robt., 2, 31 f. Kew, George, 2 and 3 f.

Hamilton, John, r r w f c d and e f. Kew, Henry, 2, 5 and 6 f.

Hamilton, Robt., 22 h 22 f. Kirkby, Mary, 3, 4 f.

Hamilton, William, r r, 23 to 25 f. Kirkby, Samuel, 3, 18 f.

Hamnall, Miss, b s s, 7 f. Knox, A., s h 2, 22 f. Harold, Samuel, r r, 42 f. Lamb, Wm., n p s h 1; 28 to 30 f. Harris, James, sr., s h 1, 21 f. Lang, John, f s, 15 and 19 f.

Harris, Richard, 3, 12 f. Leonard, David, b s n, 5 f. Harris, Richard, s p s h 2, 1 1 f. Lewis, Ira A, b a, 15 h. Harris, Thomas, n h 2, 11 f. Lincoln, George, block 15, 9 to 11 f.

Harrison, Elijah, 3, 43 and 44 h. Lindsay, David, n h 1, 16 f.

Harrison, William, s h 2, 9 f. Lindsay, John, h.

Harrison, William, r r 3, 43 & 44 f. Ling, W., nhnh 1, 24 f. Harrison, William, jr., 3, 18 h. Ling, George, nhnh 1, 23 f. Hartley, Henry, t s w 22, 24, 25 f. Logan, John, p 3, 61 h. Hartley, John, 3, 19 to 21 f. Lynch, Michael, s p n h 2, 13 h. Hawley, A, r r, 6to8 f. Lyons, Alexander, s p n h 3, 17 f. Hawley, E. A., p r r 3, 3 to 5 f. Lyons, David, w p 1, 12 f. Hawley, Tans R, p 3, 41 h. Lyons, John, e p 1, 12 f. Heardsman, R., sr., r r, 33 and 34 f. McBay, Daniel, 2, 29 f.

Henderson, James, r r p, 22 f. McBay, James, n s 2, 24 f.

Henderson, John, t s e, 1 f. McDonald, Thomas W., 2, 6 f.

Thomas McLean, Importer of General Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford. . .. , .


Joseph, 7 f. McDonald, William, 2, 7 f. Painter, 3, Ed., s h 1, 20 f. McDormid, John, n p 1, 13 h. Patterson, Geo., r r 67f. McGuon, Michael, s s n, 2 f. Patterson, McGuon, Michael, b s s p, 2 & 3 f. Peddie, A., s h 2, 23 f. f Mclntyre, Daniel, r r p, 19 and 29 f. Peet, John, s21f. McKelvie, G. J., r r, 83 h. Poag, Robt., 2, 28 f. McLeod, Duncan, 1 p, 9 and 10 f. Poss, David, r r n p 3, 67 f. McMurray, Bradshaw, s h n h 1, Powers, Thomas, 10 and 11 f. s h. 19 f. Price, Balthasar, n p h 2, 13 McNaughton, Daniel, r r p, 31 and Rae, Andrew, r r 88 h.

32 f. Reeker, Fredk., w h 3, 19 f. McRoberts, James, n h 1, 20 f. Reid, John, 6, 3 f.

Marich, Robert, r r, 64 f. Reid, Weaver, f s 50 h.

Martin, William, 1, 15 f. Reddle, Morgan, p 3, 43 f. Mathews, E., 2, llh. Robertson, Robt., n s 1, 14 f. Mathews, Joseph, w s s h 2, 2 f. Robinson, John, r r, f h. Mathews, Robert, r r 3, 52 h. Robinson John A., s h 1, 16 f.

Mellish, Robert, r r 3, 3 to 5 f. Rowley, Henry, n h 1, 21 f.

Merrall, Jane, f s, 24 f. Ryerson, W. B., h.

Mirrall, Ebenr., s s, 6 f. Ryerson, W., 6 f

Mirrall, Ebenr., 3, 17 and 18 f. Scholfield, John, f s 6 f

Mirrall, John, f s, 10 to 14 f. Scholfield, W., b s n 8 f.

Miller, George, 2, 4 and 5 f. Sharp, Alex., 2, 11 f. Miller, William, 2, 29 h. Shotts, Henry, s h 2, 19 h.

Miller, William, 2, 30 f. Shotts, John, n p n h 2, 17 h. Milne, Francis, 2, 5 and 6 f. Sedall, Victoria, sh 2, 14f. Mitchell, Adam, r r, 58 h. Simpson, Geo., r r 3 h.

Mulligan, James, s p 1, 18 f. Simpson, Jas., r p 5 f Mulligan, R, s p s h 1, 19 f. Simpson, Saml., e p 3, 5 f. Mulligan, R, n h 2, 19 f. Singerton, Wm., n p 2, 22 f. Mulligan, Richard, nhshl,18h. Slater, Hy., b s n 4 f Mulligan, Richard, s h 2, 20 h. Slimmon, David, h. •Mulligan, William, npshl, 19f. Smith, David, f s 2 f Munro, Murdoch, 1, 26 h. Smith, Hy., fs 18h. Munro, John, 1, 26 f. Smith & Walker. Nasbit, Bright, p 3, 16 h. Souls, W. D. Nevin, Samuel, 1, 10 and 11 f. Southwell, Wm., f s 22 f.

Norris, George, s p 1, 13 h. Squire, B., f s 3 f. Norris, Robert, e p s h 2, 8 f. Squire, K. H., 2, 7 and 8f.

O'Hara, John, s h 1, 25 f. Stewart, John, r r 14 f.

O'Hara, John, 1, 25 f. Stewart, Robison, s h 1, 17 f.

Oliver, Wm., 3, 8 and 9 f. Stinebaugh, David, 2, 1 to 2 f. Olmstead, George, 2, 19 f. Strobridge, Levi, m s s 11 and 12 h. O'Rourk, Bryan, s h n h 1, 23 f. Summerhays, Chas., r r 6 to 8 f. Oughbred, Wm., r r p 27 and 28 £ Taylor, Nathaniel, f s 25 h.

Thomas McLean aims at selling the best value in Grey and White Cottons in the Dominion. . .


Thomas, Wm., 22, 71 h. Vanderlip, Ira, s s n 3 f Thompson, Isaac, pi, 10 to 13 h. Walker, Elijah, r r 75 f. Thompson, Rob., r r 9 to 11 f. Walkej, Francis, n p 3, 10 f. Thompson, Robt., sp 2, 12 f. Walker, Saml., s h 2, 10 f.

Thompson, Wm. , r r 9 to 1 1 f. Walker, Robt., r r 73 f. Thompson, Wm., 3, 22 h. Ward, John, 23, 20 f.

Tingue, Jas. Dr., b s n 2 h. Watt, Thos., eh 3, 19 f. s Tomlinson, S., r r g f. . Weaver, Henry B., h 2, 17 h. Trunkell, Wm., m s n 22 h. Westbrook, Peter, 3 p 1 f Cains- Tyson, Henry, senr., p 17 and 18f. ville. Tyson, Henry, jr., h. Whiting, Danl., b s n 1 f. Urie, John, n w p m e n h 1, 28 to Whiting, M., f s4, 7to 9f. 30 f. Wilder, M., h. Urie, John, n p n h 1, 28 to 30 f. Willson, Wm., b s c p a f TJrquhart, Murdoch, 3 r r 19 a h. Wilson, Albert B., b s s a f. Vansicle Cyrus, epnhl, 15f. Wilson, Stephen, p 3, 16 f. Vansicle, Geo., r r 38 to 40 f. AVin, Ryal, f s 20 h.

Vansicle, Geo., t s 24 f. Wood, Wm., senr., 2, 7 f.

Vansicle, Ira, e h 3, 11 f. Workman, Saml., n p s h 2, 13 f. Vansicle, Justus, w h 3, 1 1 f. Wright, John, p 1, 10 to 14 h. Vansicle, Wesley, n h 1, 17 f. Wright, Wm., r r s 2 h.

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DUMFRIES. This township was originally united with , which forms part of the County of Waterloo. This township was settled in 1816, by the Hon. Wm. Dixon. In 1817 the settlers numbered 38, making, with their families, a population of one hundred and sixty-three, who, in the same year, cleared two hundred and forty-five acres, erected a saw-mill and opened a store. South Dumfries is bounded on the north by North Dumfries, on the east by Beverly, south by Brantford, and west by Blenheim. The Great Western and Grand Trunk Railways pass through it, and there are two good gravel roads from Paris to Ayr and from Paris to St. George. It is well watered by the Grand River and rarely excelled for agricul- tural purposes. Large quantities of gypsum, invaluable for its fertilizing qualities, are found in beds on the banks of the river in the vicinity of Paris. Post Offices. —Glenmorris, Harrisburg, Paris, Paris Station, and St. George.

Census of 1861. —Occupiers of land, 370 ; number of acres held,

42,728 ; under cultivation, 33,934 ; under crops, 28,837 ; pasture, 4,229 ; gardens and orchards, 802 ; woods and wild lands, 8,794. Cash value of the farms, $2,037,649.

Thomas McLean is famed for keeping Splendid Prints, Beautiful Pat- terns, Good Colors and Good Cloths, Brantford. ;


In 1866. —Number of acres assessed, 45,934 ; total value of real

estate, $1,155,246 ; of personal, $75,450. Total value of real and per- sonal property, $1,230,696.

Census of 1868.^—Number of acres, 46,724 ; value of real property, $1,187,395; value of personal property, $91,700; amount of income,

$17,150 ; total assessed, $1,296,245 ; value of land per acre, $25.41 value of land, including personal property, $27.74; total population,

2,985 ; cattle, 3,921 ; sheep, 13,653 ; bogs, 1,316 ; horses, 1,613 ; dogs,

258 ; 1st class militia men, 252 ; 2nd class militia men, 263 ; 3rd class militia men, 148.

Arkman, Daniel, 1, 5 h. Batters, Wm., 6, 9 f.

Anderson, Peter, 3, 2 f. Batty, Christopher, 3, 6 f.

Aitkin, John, 3, 3 f. Bawtinhaimer, James, 5, 10 f.

Almas, Arman, 1, 13 f. r>awtinhaimer, Levi, 6, 4 f.

Ames, Myron, 2, 30 f. Beemer, Joseph, 4, 4 f.

Ames, Nelson, 3, 36 f. Beemer, Joseph, jnr., 4, 5 f.

Anderson, Mrs. Agnes, 6, 19 f. Bele, Benjamin, 3, 6 f.

Anderson, Daniel, 3, 3 f. Bele, Charles, 3, 6 f.

Anderson, Danl. A., 3, 26 f. Bele, George, 3, 6 f.

Anderson, Duncan, 3, 3 f. Bele, George, 6, 11 f.

Anderson, James, 2, 18 h. Bell, Geo. Jas., 1, 1 f.

Anderson, John, 4, 1 f. Bell, Thomas, 6, 19 f.

Anderson, Thomas, 4, 33 f. Berley, Charles, 5, 28 f. Appleby, Samuel, 5, 28 f. Bigger, James, S., 6, 38. Armington, Chancey, 3, 6 h. Biggs, Mrs. Jonah, 5, 10 h. Armstrong, Mark, 1, 21 f. Bingham, S. D., 2, 7 h. Arnold, Geo. H., 1, 1 h. Blane, Jacob, 2, 16 f. Arthur, George, f. 3, 3 Blane, William, 2, 16 f. Arthur, Robert, 3, 3 f. Bonham, Mrs. K, 3, 10 f. Atkins, Andrew, 3, 33 f. Boham, Elam, 2, 10 f. Atmore,, Thomas, 5, 9 h. Boham, Jacob, 2, 8 f. Austin, WiUiam, 2, 7 h. Boham, Joseph, 1, 8 f. Babcock, Charles, 1 f. 6, Bonham, Daniel, 4, 17 f. Baker, John, 19 h. 6, Bonham, Miller, 6, 19 f. Baldin, Mrs. John, 3, 6 f. Bosworth, T. Y., 3, 2 f. Ballingall, David, 3, 31 f. Bowman, Jacob, 1, 1 h. Barber, Christopher. 1, 35 f. Brockbant, Allen, 3, 6 h. Barber, Daniel, 1, 36 f. Brockbant, Richard, 6, 19 h. Barker, James, 2, 5 f. Brown, David, 4, 5 f. Barker, John, 1, 34 f. Brown, George, 5, 29 f. Barker, Mrs., 2, 27 f. Brown, George, 3, 8 f. Barnett, Allen, 6, 19 f. Brown, John; 1, 13 h. Barren, John, 1, 37 f. Brown, John, 3, 37 f. Bastic, David, 3, 6 h. Brown, M. W., 3, 31 f. Batchelor, William, 3, 6 f. Brown, Walker K, 6, 25 f. Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Flannels in Red, White, Blue, and Fancy Flannels, Home Made Flannels, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 59

Brown, AYm., 3, 37 f. Clark, John, 6, 18 f.

Brown, Wm., 3, 38 f. Clinton, John, 2, 11 f.

Bruce, James, 5, 3 f. Clump, Alonzo, 2, 16 f. Bryden, Robert, 3, 8 h. Clump, Cornelius, 1, 17 f.

Buchanan, Alex., 5, 21 f. Clump, John, 1, 21 f. Buchanan, Augusta, 5, 19 f. Coates, Robert, 5, 36 h.

Buchanan, John, 6, 3 f. Cochran, James, 5, 13f.

Buchbaugh, James, 6, 19 f. Coleman, John, 1, 1 h.

Buckberry, Samuel, 3, 6 f. Coleman, Thomas, 1, 27 f.

Buckberry, Wm., 3, 12 f. Colvin, Andw., jnr., 3, 29 f. Bullock, Joseph, 2, 22 h. Colvin, Andw., snr., 3, 29 f.

Burk, Christopher, 3, 6 f. Colvin, Mrs. Margt., 6, 19 f. Burnet, Allen, 6, 6 h. Conworth, John, 1 gore f.

Burnet, Walter, 6, 6 h. Cooper, Alex., 4, 2 f. * Burnett, Andrew, 4, 37 h. Cope, David, 5, 2 f.

Burt, Robert, 2, 3 f. Cope, Lewis, 5, 3 f. Burton, Henry, 1, 17 h. Copeman, Thos., 5, 7 f.

Burton, Wm., 1, 16 f. Corcoran, Patrick,' 2, 7 h.

Byers, John, 3, 6 f. Coultus, Charles, 3, 6 f.

Cale, John, 1, 6 f. Cousins, John, 1, 33 h.

Cameron, Allen, 3, 6 f. Cousins, Mrs. Mary, 3, 7 f.

Canada, Samuel, 2, 7 f. Craig, William, 3, 14 h.

Capron, Benfield, 1, 27 h. Crozier, William, 1 27 f.

Capron, Chancy, 2, 34 f. Crundall, Labreu, jnr., 3, 2 f.

Capron, Horace, 2, 29 f. Crandall, Laban, snr., 3, 2 f. Capron, Wm. H., 1, 31 h. Culham, James, 3, 6 h.

Carey, Michael, 1, 1 h. Culp, David, 2, 27 f.

Carnie, John, 1, 38 f. Cuming, Hanus, 5, 16 f.

Carr, John, 3, 28 f. Cummer, E. S., 6, 19 h.

Carr, Thomas, 3, 34 f. Cushman, Gilbert, 4, 5 f.

Carrick, Alexander, 6, 13 f. Davidson, James, 2, 37 f. Carroll, James, 1, 28 £ Davis, Clinson, 1, 9 h.

Chambers, Charles, 2, 15 h. Davis, David, 5, 3 f.

Chapman, Andw., 6, 34 f. Day, George, 1, 6 h.

Charli, James, 6, 7 f. Deans, James, 1, 37 f.

Charlton, Benjn., 1, 12 f. Deans, Matthew, 2, 26 f.

Charlton, Mrs. Maria, 1, 12 f. Detens, Fredk., 4, 4 f.

Charlton, Thos., 1, 21 f. Dickson, Wm., 3, 19 f.

Chisholm, Archd., 4, 12 f. Dixon, John, 1 gore h.

Chisholm, James, 4, 12 f. Dodds, Robert, 6, 31 h.

Chisholm, William, 4, 12 f. Doherty, George, 1, 18 h. Chittenden, Andw., 5, 33 h. Doherty, John, 6, 19 h.

Chittenden, George, 6, 33 f. Doud, Wallace, 6, 4 f.

Clarey, Mrs. Mary, 1, 1 f. Drake, Abraham, 1, 8 f.

Clark, James, 6, 1 f. Dryman, Wm., 5, 26 f.

THOMAS McLean, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Brantford. 60 TOWNSHIP OF ONONDAGO.

Duffin, Wm., 1, 38 f. Greenfield, Benjn., 1, 7 h. Dunbar, John, 6, 19 h. Grier, John, 4, 18 f. Durham, Joseph, 2, 1 f. Grier, Matthew, 4, 17 h. Easton, Eohert, 3, 32 f. Griffith, Enos., 6, 19 h.

Easton, Thomas, 6, 35 f. Griffith, Wm., 5, 6 f. Edmond, Hiram, 5, 3C h. Haas, Charles, 3, 6 h.

Edwards, Mrs. Mary, f. Haas, Fredk, 3, 6 f.

Ellis, Wm., f. Halbert, George, 1, 38 h. Fairbaine, John, 6, 29 h. Halcomb, Hyman, 2, 6 f.

File, M. Augustus, 1, 19 f. Hall, Thomas, 3, 38 f.

Flanagan, Alex., 6, 19 h. Hallet, John, 1, 35 f.

Flannagan, John, 6, 19 f. Hamilton, James, 4, 16 f. Flannagan, J. P., 3, 26 h. Hamilton, Norman, 6, 37 h.

Flemming, Gavin, 6, 19 f. Hammond, John, 4, 3 f.

Flemming, George, 6, 5 f. Harkness, Wm., 4, 14 f.

Flemming, Wm., 3, 6 f. Harley, Mrs. Bridget, 1, 1 f. Flett, Magnus, 5, 37 f. Harris, James, 3, 6 h.

Floster, Malcolm, 3, 38 f. Hawley, Henry, 1, 17 f.

Forbes, Daniel, 6, 19 f. Head,Wm., 5, 22 f. Forsyth, John, 3, 6 h. Hellecker, James, 6, 34 h. Foulds, Samuel, 4, 2 f. Hellecker, Michl, 4, 2 h. Frasar, Wm., 4, 12 h. Henderson, Wm., 6, 19 h.

Frazier, James, 2, 2 f. Hendry, David, 6, 36 f. Frazier, Mrs. Judith, 2, 2 f. Henry, John, 4, 31 h.

Fry, Wm., 1, 36 f. Hill, Amos, 1, 21 f.

Galloway, James, 1, 1 h. Hickcox, George, 3, 6 f.

Gaul, Isaac, 1, 3 f. Hill, J., 1, 21 f.

Geddis, George, 6, 19 h. Hill, S., 1, 21 f.

Gennett, Lois, 3, 29 h. Hill, Stephen, 1, 22 f. Germain, Alva, 6, 14 f. Hogath, Wm., 1, 1 h.

Germain, George, 1, 13 h. Howell, B. 0., 6, 34 f. Germain, George, 1, 13 f. Howill, Daniel, 3, 15 h. Germain, Sidney, 6, 14 f. Howell, Firman, 3, 10 f. Germain, Wm., 1, 13 h. Howell, George, 1, 12 h. Gillespie, James, 2, 22 h. Howell, George, 2, 2 h. Girdwood, George, 3, 36 f. Howell, Henry, 4, 8 f. Glan, Wm., 3, 7 f. Howell, Jonah, 4, 9 f. Gomer, Frederick, 2, 6 f. Howell, Joseph, 4, 34 h. Graham, John, 2, 17 f. Howell, Lemuel, 4, 10 f. Graham, Robert, 1, 18 f. Howell, Phillip, 1, 14 f. Graham, Thomas, 3, 7 h. Howell, Samson W., 1, 10 f. Grandin, Philip, jnr., 1, 13 h. Howell, Thos. U., 3, 8 h. Grant, Allen, 6, 19 f. Howell, Wm., jnr., 3, 17 f. Green, Elam, 2, 12 f. Howell, Wm., snr., 3, 17 f. Green, Richard, 2, 12 f. Huffman, Ogide, 3, 6 f.

Thomas McLean is noted for selling Cheap Dry Goods, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 6J

Hull, John, 1, 1 h. Kitchen, Nesbit, 3, 12 f.

Hume, Kobt., 3, 6 f. Kitchen, Salem, 3, 13 f.

Hunt, John. 5, 1 f. Kyle, Andrew, 5, 34 f. Hunter, Alex., 3, 14 h. Lake, James, 6, 10 f. Hunter, David, 2, 8 h. Lake, Thomas, 6, 9 f.

Hunt, George, 3, 6 f. Lapine, Lewis, 4, 28 f.

Hunter, Hugh, 1, 1 h. Laprich, James, 6, 18 f.

Hunter, Mrs. J., 1, 1 h. Lathshaw, Christopher, 5, 18 f.

Huson, Albert, 2, 8 f. Latshaw, Henry, 5, 25 f.

Hussey, George, 3, 6 f. Latshaw, Joseph, 4, 2 h.

Hutcheson, James, 1, 35 f. Laurison, Mortimer, 4, 6 h.

Hydingler, Albert, 3, 6 f. Laurison, P. D., 4, 6 f.

Inglis, Thomas, 6, 19 h. Laurison, Eichard, 2, 8 f.

Irving, John, 5, 1 f. Laurison, Sidney, 6, 6 h.

Jackson, Danl., 2, 21 f. Lawrison, Miller B., 1., 2 f.

Jackson, George, 6, 11 f. Leece, John, 6, 3 h.

Jackson, Henry, 6, 11 f. Lemington, Hiram, 1, 12 f.

Kay, John, 3, 6 f. Lephart, John, 2, 6 f.

Keachie, William, 3, 26 f. Little, Andrew, 4, 17 f.

Keefer, Jos. N., 3, 6 f. Little, James, 3, 7 f.

Kelly, Phillip, 5, 32 f. Little, William, 3, 18 f.

Kennedy, Alex., 4, 38 f. Livergood, Henry, 1, 1 f.

Kidd, Wm., 6, 26 f. Lochman, John, 1, 5 h.

Kingsberry, James, 4, 36 f. Lockman, Stephen, 2, 11 f.

Kingsberry, James, 5, 36 f, Lorimer, Samuel, 3, 6 f.

Kingsberry, John, 5, 38 f. Lyale, John, 1, 1 h.

Kingsberry, Saml., 5, 37 f. McAllister, J., 1, 28 h.

Kennedy, Patrick, 1, 14 h. McAux, John, 4, 36 f.

Kilman, Alex., 3, 16 f. McCarty, Jerry, 1, 1 f.

Kinney, Oliver, 1, 21 f. McCartney, Hugh J., 6, 28 f.

Kinney, Wm., 3, 16 f. McCartney, James, 6, 28 f. Kitchen, Alfred, 4, 13f. McCauley, Mich., 1, 14 h.

Kitchen, Dan. H., 3, 16 f. McCormick, Thomas, 1, 19 h.

Kitchen, E. K, 2, 7 f. McCormick, Wm,, 1, 19 h.

Kitchen, Edw., 3, 13 f. McCre, Alex., 6, 9 f,

Kitchen, Edw., 4, 7. McCre, Mrs. Martha, 5, 15 f.

Kitchen, Edwin, 3, 11 h. McCre, Wm., 5, 14 f.

Kitchen, J. B., 3, 13 f. McCre, Wm., 5, 15 f.

Kitchen, Jas. senr., 4, 7 f. McCrea, James, 6, 15 f.

Kitchen, Jas. E., 5, 6 f. McDonald, James, 4, 18 f.

Kitchen, John, 4, 11 f. McEwin, AVm., 3, 35 f.

Kitchen, Joseph, 2, 7 f. Mcintosh, Hugh, 6, 19 f.

Kitchen, Joseph, 6, 12 f. McKay, David, 1, 1 f,

Kitchen, Lemuel, 3, 15 f. McKenzie, Dane, jnr., 2, 11 f.

Kitchen, Martin, 5, 11 f. McKenzie, Dune, snr., 2, 13 f.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, holds a Splendid Stock of Carpets. Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Wool Carpets. .


Nelson, 15 h. McKie, James, 1, 27 h. Muma, 1, 48 McKinnon, Donald, 6, 19 £ Munn, Absolom, 6, £ 19 h. McLachlin, George, 1, 13 h. Munro, Duncan, 6, Patrick, 12 £ McLean, John, 5, 12 f. Murphy, 5, Alex., McMichael, John, 4, 38 f. Murray, 4, 13 £ Duncan, 6, 19 £ McNab, John, 6, 19 f. Murray, McNaught, John, 6, 25 f. Murray, James, 6, 24 £ McNaught, John C, 6, 21 f. Murray, John, 6, 19 h. h. McNealy, John, 6, 24 f. Murray, John, 6, 26 McPhearson, Alex., 6, 27 f. Nellis, Henry, 3, 30 £ McPhearson, Hugh, 3, 6 f. Nellis, James E., 3, 30 £ McPherson, John, 4, 3 f. Newst^ad, Benjn., 2, 35 £ McEea, Mrs., 6, 36 f. Newstead, Phillip, 3, 35 £ McRoberts, Alex., 3, 6 f. Newton, Thos., 1, 27 h. McWaters, Thomas, 6, 19 f. Nichol, John, 2, 32 £ Manholland, Darius, 1, 1 f. Nixon, Charles, 3, 1 £ Manwarry & Co., 3, 3 h. Noteman, John, 2, 8 £ Manwarry, Edwin, 3, 3 f. O'Brian, Hiram, 2, 34 h. Manwarry, Henry, 3, 5 f. O'Connor, John, 1, 1 £ Manwarry, N. E., 3, 3 f O'Connor, Patrick, 1, 27 £ Many, John, 1, 1 f. O'Connor, Thomas, 1, 1 h. Markle, Solomon, 5, 34 f. O'Hara, James, 2, 7 h. Markle, Walter, 5, 34 f. O'Neil, Charles, 6, 19 £ Marks, Fredk., 3, 6 h. O'Neil, Charles, 2, 34 £ Marshal, Peter, 6, 29 f. O'Neil, Daniel, 2, 33 £ Maua, Dorman, 3, 29 f. O'Neil, James, 2, 36 £ Mean, James, 4, 26 f. O'Neil, WiUiam, 6, 17 h. Meaua, Lewis, 1, 31 h. O'Reiley, Michael, 2, 8 h. Medaugh, Aaron, 3, 6 f. O'Ryan, Dennis, 6, 19 £ Menzies, Eobert, 4, 3 h. Oliver, George, 5, 14 £ Mena, John. 3, 27 £ Oliver, John, 5, 14 £ Miller, John, 6, 13 f. Ormandy, Thomas, 1, 1 £ Mitchel, John, 6, 31 £ Osborne, Daniel, 1, 13 h. Mitchel, Thos., 6, 37 £ Palmer, Edward, 1, m £ Mitchel, William, 4, 33 £ Paterson, Alexander, 1, 2 £ Mitchell, Miss, 6, 26 £ Patton, Aaron, 3, 4 £ Moore, Henry, jnr., 6, 2 h. Patton, David, 2, 32 £ Moore, Marvin, 6, 2 h. Patton, George, 3, 29 £ Morgan, Wm., 4, 15 h. Patton, Hugh, 3, 4 £ Morte, Godlove, 6, 4 £ Patton, Thomas, 2, 32 £ Mullen, James, 2, 14 h. Pembleton, Alexander, 1, 1 h. Mullen, William, 2, 13 £ Pembleton, Elam, 2, 2 £ Mullen, Wm. A., 3, 6 £ Pembleton, John, 4, 16 £ Muma, Charles, 1, 6 £ Pembleton, Nelson, 2, 2 £ Muma, MichL, 1, 6 £ IPenton, John A., 2, 32 £

Thomas McLean, Importer of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Colborae and Iffaxket Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT, 63

Peregrin, David, 5, 3 h. Shannon, John, 3, 22 f. Perkins, Robert, 1, 1 h. Sharp, James W., 6, 16 h.

Petrie, John, 4, 36 f. Sheenan, John, 1, 1 h. Petrie, Lemon, 1, 19 h. Shewart, Jacob, 1, 1 h.

Phillips, Alexander, 1, 6 f. Shoemaker, Lewis, 3, 1 h.

Pierce, Peter, 1, 1 h. Showers, Daniel, 4, 28 f. Porter, William, 5, 26 f. Showers, Gilbert, 1 gore, f.

Reid, David, 3, 9 f. Sickle, Peter, 5, lOf. Reid, David, 5, 11 f. Simpson, George, 1, 34 £ Richardson, John, 2, 7 h. Simpson, Ralph, 2, 6 h. Richert, Thomas, 2, 38 £ Skelly, Patrick, 1, 23 £ Richmond, William, 4, 38 f. Skelly, Thomas, 1, 24 £ Richmond, AVilliam, 6, 33 f. Skimon, James, 3 6 £ Robb, John, 4, 5 f. Sloan, Robert, 6, 13 £ Robson, David, 5, 17 f. Smith, Adam, C, 2, 2 £

Rochester, Charles, 3, 38 f. Smith, Alfred, 1, 4 h.

Rochester, Thomas, 4, 34 f. Smith, Eli, 5, 19 £

Ron, James, 6, 1 9 f. Smith, Frederick, 6, 19 h.

Ronald, David, 6, 7 f. Smith, George, 6, 14 £

Ronald, Hugh, 4, 14 f. Smith, Henry, 1, 4£

Ronald, James, 5, 12 f. Smith, James, 6, 14 £

Ronald, William, 4, 15 f. Smith John, 2, 8 £ Ronge, Charles, 2, 6 h. Smith, John, 1, 1 h.

Ronge, John, 2, 6 f. Smith, Mrs. Lidia, 5, 8 £

Rose, John, 5, 23 f. Smith, Mrs. Sarah, 4, 16 £

Roxburg, Enos, 6, 8 f. Smith, Solomon, 3, 7 £

Roxburg, John, 6, 8 f. Smith, Wm., 6, 19 £

Roxburg, William, 6, 10 f. Smoke, John, 3, 35 £

Ruddle, Phillip, 3, 6 f. Smuch, Jacob, 4, 35 £

Rutherford, WiUiam, 6, 14 f. Smuch, Philip, 5, 34 h.

Ryal, Thomas, 2, 32 f. Snow, George, 6, 19 h.

Rymal, David, 3, 6 f. Snowball, Robert, 3, 7 £

Rymal, Peter N., 4, 5 f. Snowball. WilHam, 3, 6 £

Saas, Frederick, 2, 3 f. South, Edward, 2, 10 h.

Sales, Solomon, 2, 32 f. Sovereign, Leonard, 2, 28 £ Sales, Thomas, 2, 32 f. Spoor, O. A., 1, 1 h. Scarfe, Henry, 5, 35 f. Spotteswood, Mrs., 4, 23 £

Scott, Andrew, 6, 7 f. Steel. Mrs. Catherine, 2, 17 £

Scott, George, 4, 1 f. Stewart, Thomas, 5, 16 £

Scott, John, 4, 1 f. Stinson, Elam, 2, 7 £ Scott, Thomas, 6, 19 f. Stinson, James, 2, 7 £

Scott, Walter, 5, 3 f. Stirling, Wm., 6, 19 £ Scrimminger, Geo., 3, 7 h. Stockton, Andrew, 5, 38 £ Settle, James, 2, 32 h. Stockton, Samuel, 5. 38 £ Sewell, Wm., 1, 21 h.' Stockton, Wm., 5, 38 £

Thomas McLean extends an invitation to every one who reads this notice to come and examine his large Stock of Dry Goods, Brantford. 64 TOWNSHIP OF TUSCORORA.

Vrooman, Nelson, 1, 1 f. Sudder, John, 5, 6 f. Jeremiah, 4, 1 h. Sweet, Edward, 4, 17 h. Wait, Wait, Jonathan, 3, 1 f. Tacker, Thomas, 6, 19 fl Wait, Smith, J., 5, 4 f. Telfer, Andrew, 2, 3 f. Francis, 2, 32 f. Telfer, Wm.,jr.,2,3f. Walden, Robert, 2, 24 h. Telfer, Wm., sr., 2, 3 f. Wale, Walker, Robert, 5, 32 h. Tew, Wm., 1 gore, f. Wallace, Hugh, 6, 35 h. Thomas, David, 3, 6 h. Wallace, John, 5, 37 h. Thomas, Sidney, 1, 13 f. John, 35 h. Thompson, John, 3, 10 h. Wallace, 6, Benjn., 6, 5 f. Thompson, Wm., 2, 38 f. Ward, John, 4 f. Timeners, George, 5, 2 f. Ward, 4, Azabat, 4, 1 f. Tinhn, John S., 4, 28 h. Washburn, Miss, 2, 31 f. Toner, Neil, 3, 6 f. Watt, James, 15 h. Toppin William, 6, 19 b. Waugh, 1, 24 f. Trotter, Jerrie, 5, 19 f. Weir, James, 6, 38 f. TurnbuU, Mrs., 6, 22 h. Wills, Martin, 3, f. Turnbull, Miss I., 2, 11 f. Westwood, Samuel, 1, 8 10 f. TurnbuU, Miss N., 2, 11 f. Westwood, Thos., 1, h. Turnbull, Robt., 2, 11 f. Wheland, James, 4, 2 20 h. Turnbull, Thomas, 4, 1 f. Whitcomb, Charles, 1, Turnbull, Thos., 5, 2 f. White, Andw., 4, 17 f. Van Atter, Wm., 2, 9 f. White, Edwd., 4, 17 f. 1 h. Van Every, Andw., 2, 7 f. White, Hugh, 6, h. Van Every, Chas., 1, 1 f. White, James, S., 6, 19 Van Every, Clark, 1, 11 f. Wilber, Charles, 3, 10 f. Van Every, George, 2, 7 h. Wilcox, Richard, 6, 3 f. Van Every Lemuel, 2, 7 f. Will, Horace, 1, 1 f. Van Side, Abram., 1, 8 f. Willoughby, Joseph, 2, 6 h. Van Side, David, 1, 7 f. Wilson, James, 3, 7 f.

Van Side, Isaac, 1, 7 f. Wilson, Robert, 4, 35 f. Van Side, J., 1, 1 h. Wilson, Thomas, 2, 3 h. Veal Onesimess, 2, 39 h. Windmill, Wm., 2, 6 f. Veal, Richard, 3, 39 h. Witty, Robert, 2, 7 f. VoUick, David, 3, 6 h. Wolfe, Augustus, 6, 19 h.

Vrooman, Daniel, 1, 1 £ Wrigley, Archd., 6, 27 h.

Vrooman, James, 1, 1 f. Wrigley, George, 6, 33 h.


This township comprises 42,000 acres, and forms part of the Indian Reserve. The original tracts of lands have been surrendered and sold, with the exception of over 50,000 acres, which now form their Reserves.

Thomas McLean invites special attention to his Large Stock of Ready Made Clothing, Market and Colbome Streets, Brantford- ADVERTISEMENTS. GORE HOTEL, PA.IIIS, OlSTT.

R. SINCLAIR, - - Proprietor.

The Gore Hotel is a splendid brick building. Its has been refitted and

Affords every comfort of Home to Travellers


A.n Omnibtis to and from all Trains,



Jennys & Son., New York; Steinway & Son, N. Y. ; Hayes & Rider,

N. Y. ; John B. Dunham & Son, N. Y. ORGANS, MELODEONS AND PIANOS

Cheaper than any dealer in the Country, COME AND SEE.

IVARE ROOM—Corner of Ocor^i^e and Dalliouiie streets, BI\ANTFOI\D.

p. 0. BOX 254. E. ^r. RA_]NrsFoiiD.

Eeto fcli EmoiT ]ffmna Jfnrfc €0nT}?mTn,


Good plain Rosewood Case, 7 -octave, Warranted for five years, for $2-50.

Rkferenck of them for the last five years—(leorge Taylor, Sheriff, Belleville Mr. ; Andrew Thompson, Manager of the (Commercial Bank, Belleville. E, V. RANSFORD, ;


The money received from the lands sold is invested by Government, which is the Trustee of all the Indian tribes in Canada. The amount at the credit of the Six Nations is about $800,000, while the moneys yet to be paid on lands, together with the value of surrendered lands unsold, will make a total of over one million of dollars. The first payment of interest money by the previous Superintendent, the late Mr. Thorburn, was in 1855, when $27,364 was divided among 2,383 persons, equal to $11 J per head, while this past year $35,678 has been distributed between 2,737, or per they had thus an increase in nine years of of in- $13J head ; $8,314 terest, and in population 354. These facts are an evidence of a large addition to the funds, and of their prosperity, as many other Indian bands are on the decrease. The Mississagua of the New Credit, a small band of Indians, over 200 in number, occupy a part of the lands in Tuscarora and adjoining township of Oneida, in the County of Haldimand. These Indians are separate from, and unconnected with the Six Nations. In this town- ship, the Six Nation Indians have lately erected a council house, a neat and commodious building, at a cost of over $1,000. A number of schools are established, under the care and superintendence of the New England Society and the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, and also several churches and meeting-houses. This township is exclusively an Indian Reserve without municipal institutions or taxation.



Total population, 2,144. —England and Wales, 189 ; Scotland, 91

Ireland, 121 ; natives of Canada, not of French origin, 1,665 ; United

States, 54 ; Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, 2 ; New Brunswick,

3 ; Prussia, German States, and Holland, 19 ; Indians, 1,040.


Church of England, 824 ; Church of Rome, 1 ; Free Church of Scot- land, 3 ; United Presbyterians, 10 ; Wesleyan Methodist, 648 ; Episco- pal Methodist, 57 ; Baptists, 246 ; Quakers, 1 ; no religion, 347 ; no creed given, 7.

Return of Agricultural Produce, Lands Held, Occupiers of Land, &c., for the Township of Tuscarora.

Total occupiers of land, 385 ; occupiers of ten acres and under, 7

occupiers of ten to twenty acres, 4 ; occupiers of twenty to fifty acres,

109 ; occupiers of fifty to one hundred acres, 245 ; occupiers of one

Thomas McLean's Stock of Carpets is not surpassed in the Dominion. Tapiitry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, All Wool Caipeti. 5 ;


upwards of two hundred acres, 3 hundred to two hundred acres, 17 ; ; under cultivation, 8,396 ; under crops, amount held in acres, 33,333 ;

• gardens and orchards, 21 wood 4 665 under pasture, 3,710; under ; value of farms, $184,241; cash value of and wild lands, 24,936 ; cash fanning implements, $9,899; produce of gardens and orchards, $444; fall wheat, 13,454 acres under under fall wheat, 854 acres ; bushels of ; acres under rye, 14 bushels of barley, 131 ; bushels of barley, 3,097 ; ;

peas, 339 bushels of peas, 7,888 ; acres under rye, 139 ; acres under ;

; acres under buckwheat, 133 ; bushels oats, 487 ; bushels of oats, 13,144 of buckwheat, 2,110; acres under Indian corn, 413; bushels of Indian potatoes, 244 bushels of potatoes, 13,774 com, 10,136 ; acres under ; ; carrots, acres under turnips, 8 ; bushels of turnips, 357 ; bushels of 211 sugar, lbs. wool, bushels of beans, 558 ; tons of hay, 675 ; maple 33,934 ;

yards; flannel, 15 yards ; number of bulls, oxen 64 lbs. ; fulled cloth, 47 calves heifers, horses over and steers, 183 ; milch cows, 373 ; and 407 ; three years old, 260; value of same, $19,869; colts and fillies, 114; sheep, 48; pigs, 1,362; total value of live stock, $37,051; butter, lbs., pork, in 21,885 lbs. ; cheese, 220 lbs. ; beef, in barrels of 200 20 ; barrels of 200 lbs., 274 ; carriages kept for pleasure, 17 ; value of same, $1,195.


Brantford is the County Town and judicial seat of the County of Brant. It is advantageously situated on the line of the Buffalo and Goderich section of the Grand Trunk Kailway, and is the most important station west of Hamilton, distant 75 miles from Buffalo, 86 from Goderich, 183 from Detroit, and about 75 miles by railway from Toronto. The town has the advantage also of the Grand River Canal navigation which places it in direct water communication with Lakes Erie and Ontario, and the cities of Buffalo and New York. The site of the town is one of the most delightful in Ontario. It is surrounded by an agricultural district unsurpassed in fertihty of soil and beauty of landscape. Brantford derives its name from the celebrated Captain, Joseph Brant, a chief and warrior of the Mohawk tribe of Indians. The town was laid out and surveyed in 1830 by L. Burwell, Esq. About 1840 the Grand River Canal Company commenced a work which has added materially to the progress and prosperity of Brantford and surrounding country. The stock of this company was two hundred thousand dollars, a great part of which was held by the Indians.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Men's and Boys* Eeady Made Clothing, 6 Colborne and 3 Market Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 67

In a commercial point of view few towns possess greater advantages than Brantford, and none excel it in population and public improve- ments. The present population is about 8,000. The public buildings are most respectable and creditable. First, the Court house is a very handsome white brick building with jail, built of stone, the whole enclosed by a good substantial wall—the entire cost of which, together with Registry office and other county buildings, was forty thousand dollars. The town hall and market house are in every way equal to the county buildings in style and appearance. The churches, banks, and school houses, are all elegant and neat structuree. Kerr's music hall is not excelled in the Dominion. It con- tains a stage, gallery, dressing rooms, with most complete appliances for theatricals, concerts, &c. ; it is 100 feet long, 52 wide, and 45 feet high, and is built of white pressed brick with stone facings, in the early Italian style of architecture, and has the capacity of seating one thousand persons. Brantford contains numerous large mercantile establishments, and can also with justice claim a front rank among manufacturing communities, having large establishments for the manufacture of flour, lumber, planed lumber, sash, blinds, doors, beat stuff, cabinet ware, boots and shoes, ale and porter, soap and candles, vinegar, potash, leather, morocco leather, starch, stone, and earthenware, carriages and wagons, confectionery, cigars, hoop skirts, fanning mills, pianos, guns and rifles, harness md saddles, and many other establishments not here enumerated, which, in the aggregate, give employment to a large number of industrious artizans. In the manufacture of steam engines, saw mills and mill machinery in general, Brantford possesses one at least of the most extensive in the

Dominion of Canada, viz. : that of Messrs. C. H. Waterous & Co., for a full sketch of which the reader is referred to the notices given in another part of this work of the various manufactories and other industrial establishments.

Sketches of the Principal Brantford Manufactories and othbr Establishments.

Brewers. —Mr. T. Spencer carries on an extensive business in this line, and is celebrated for the quality of his manufacture, employing about 14 hands. The brewery is a fine brick building of feur stories high, 70 x 43 feet, with two wings, one 43 x 43 feet, and the other 35 x 30 feet. Builders and Contractors. —Mr. James Tutt is largely engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of builders' and turners' materials. The mill is a good brick building, two stories high, 36 x 50 feet, with a frame shop 30 X 40 feet. About forty hands are employed, and a steam engine of twelve horse power. Messrs. Bellhouse & Large carry on a very large

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ontario, Hats, Caps, Neckties, Shirts, &c., &c., &c.

business, and are prepared to execute the largest contracts for buildings, &c. They employ about forty hands. Cabinet Makers. —Mr. W. Peirce employs ten hands, and turns out furniture of the best description and latest styles to the amount of about $10,000 per annum. Mr. W. Dalrymple also does a large business in this line. Carriage Makers. —In this important branch of trade, this town is well lepresented, and their manufactures are deservedly appreciated and celebrated. Among the principal establishments are those of Mr. Woods Lyons who employs twenty hands, Messrs. T. & J. Hext who turn out every description of goods in their line, giving work to an average number of twenty men. The Provincial Carriage Works, Mr. A. Spence, proprietor, who has an excellent reputation for the quality of the various articles manufactured by him—from twelve to fifteen hands are employed here. There are besides these some half a dozen smaller shops, but all good and durable work is produced. Confectioners. —Messrs. Leeming & Patterson are well known through- out Ontario as doing a most successful business in their line, employing a great number of workmen. They also manufacture cigars of the finest •quality. Fanning Mill Manufactory.—Mr. J. C. Wisner is engaged in this busi- ness, and uses an engine of ten horse power, and employs from five to six hands.

, Horse Shoers, &c. J. Jex, is , Farriers and —Mr. whose workshop on the corner of King and AVellington streets, does a good business in this line, employing five to six men. We may note here that in consequence of the intention of the members of this trade to advance prices for shoe- ing, the livery stable keepers intend starting a forge of their own, but it is hoped that this necessity may be overcome. hlour Mills. —In Brantford, which possesses such magnificient hydraulic power, there are, of course, many fine flouring and grist mills turning out great quantities of the important staple, flour. Amongst the most prominent may be mentioned the Holmdale Mills, Mr. D. Plewer pro- prietor, a fine range of buildings with storage room for 80,000 bushels. There are 6 water-wheels with a capacity of 80 horse power, and the mills turn out 200 barrels per diem. Mr. Wm. Calder has a fine mill with two run of stones, employing several hands, and manufactures a considerable amount of flour daily. Mr. Watt, of the Brant Flouring Mills, has water power to the extent of 60 horses and employs a number of work people. There are 5 run of stones in the mill. The Kirby Mills, Mr. Thos. Robson, proprietor, have 3 run of stones, employ water power equal to 20 horses. Found/rits. &c.—This town boasts certainly of some of the most, ex- tensive establishments under the above heading, not only in the Pro- vince, but in the Dominion. We here notice the Brantford Engine

Thomas McLean, manufacturer of Ready-made Clothing, Brantford, Ontario. COUNTY OF BRANT. 69^

Works, Messrs. C. H. Waterous & Co. proprietors. This establishment was commenced in 1844, and consists of a main building of brick three stories high, being 150 feet long by 80 feet wide. There are also boiler, moulding and blacksmith shops. 50 horse steam power is used to pro- pel all the machinery. They employ about 80 hands immediately in and around the works, and three gangs of millwrights stationed in dif- ferent sections of the country where the firm may have a contract of fitting up mills complete. They manufacture steam engines, boilers, grist and saw mill machinery, shingle, lath and stave machines, corn cob crushers and grain crushers. We must, however, refer to their latest invention which, under the modest appellation of the " Poney Saw Mill," is an actual leviathan as far as work is concerned, and about as insatiable for the amount of food necessary for its employment. Its cost to erect is ijot one-sixth of other descriptions of mills. In a mill that cuts one million feet of lumber per year with a 60-inch saw, it will save of what is usually cut into saw-dust, 120,000 feet of lumber, or, one inch board in every nine, or about 1 2 per cent of all the lumber cut. Having seen it in operation at the Provincial Fair in Hamilton, 1868, we, in common "vvith all who noticed its work, were astonished that so little a toy could accomplish so much and such splendid Avork. The Victoria Foundry, Mr. W. Buck, proprietor, is an extensive well known and justly celebrated house. The works which consist of a two story building, 300 x 44 feet, built of brick in the most substantial man- ner, and fitted up with every late improvement in machinery. A Steam engine of 50 horse power propels the machinery, and about 100 hands are fully and busily employed. Every description of stoves, castings, farming implements, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, &c., are here turned out in large quantities and of the best quality. Mr. B. G. Tisdale, the Britannia Foundry and Railway Stove Store, fronting on Colborne and extending back into Dalhousie sts., is 270 x 36 feet, an engine of 20- horse power is here used, and about 40 men are employed. Mr. Tis- dale is noted for the excellence of his wares, consisting of stoves, ploughs, agricultural implements, and every style of tin, copper and sheet iron ware. Mr. W. Stubbs, of the Dominion Iron Works, has in constant use an engine of 10 horse power, employs 12 hands, and turns out all kinds of agricultural implements. A good business is done here in re- pairing and general blacksmithing. Gas Works.—The works originally established by a Company, are now leased by Mr. John Maun. Gun Maker, &q. —Mr. W. Masterson is fully capable of attending to the wants of the community in this branch of business, and cannot be excelled as a workman; he also repairs Sewing Machines as well as every description of machinery. Hardware Merchants.—This branch of business is well represented here, and among the most prominent houses are Messrs. A. & J. Cleg-

Thomas McLean never loies sight of his leading policy of selling goods for the smallest possible profits. 70 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Morton Co., wlio hom & Co., who import very largely, and Messrs. A. & are also well known, do each a large and extensive trade. Livery Stables.—Messrs. A. Bradley & Co., Market St., have the most extensive establishment of this kind here, they have several Stage Routes and have always good teams for their customers. Messrs. Baxter, also, are well known and do a good trade in this line, and keep good turn outs. Music EaU.—The reader is referred to Mr. Welsh's advertisement, and from personal observation, can state that this Hall cannot be sur- passed in Canada. Pottery.—There is an extensive pottery carried on by Messrs. Weld- jng & Belding, which was established in 1846, about 20 hands are here employed. Printers. —" The noble art " is well represented here by Mr. Lemmon, proprietor of the Courier, Messrs. Stewart and Mathisoh, proprietors of the Uapositoi', and by Mr. W. Trimble who does a very good job business, although but recently started. Photographers.—Mr. Park who has a great reputation, is capable of attending to his patrons in a way that cannot be beaten ; and Mr. Edy, whose studio is on Colborne st., is an artist of great attainments, and is certain to please all who give him a trial. Saddlers. —In an agricultural county like Brant, saddlers must be in demand and bad workmanship will not pass muster. Messrs. Gill and Gardner, (successors to Mr. McKay), fully sustain the reputation he established, they invariably take first prizes when they exhibit at the Provincial Shows, and employ about 12 hands. Their work is of the best style and they turn over about $20,000 annually. Mr. J. T. Trig- gerson also is noted for the excellent quality and finish of his work. Soap and Candle Manufadiirers. —Mr. Charles Jarvis, junr., employs in this branch of industry from 8 to 10 hands, the premises are situated on Spring st., and are built of brick and wood, the brick building being 84 by 42 feet, two stories high, and the frame 30 by 40 feet, containing six large cauldrons. Mr. Jarvis turns out about 100 barrels of potash an- nually, and two hundred boxes of soap and 50 boxes of candles weekly, the receipts of the establishment are over $50,000 annually. Mr. A. W. Hazleton, Dalhousie street, established in 1862, occupies brick premises, two stories high, 30 by 40 feet. He employs about four hands and manufactures about 3 tons of soap and 6 barrels of potash weekly. Mr. A. W. Watts' factory is on Spring street. It is built of brick 35 by 100 feet, and is two stories high. 3 hands are here employed in the manufacture of soap and candles. Sheep Skin Tanneries. —Mr. John Ott in this line employs from 20 to 25 hands. The tannery is situated on Oxford street and is a frame building 3 stories high, 120 by 90 feet.

Thomas McLean, Linen Bleached, and Unbleached, Table Cloth by the Yard and by the Piece, Brantford. —


Mr. Michael Ott is also engaged in the same business on Dalhousie street. Starch aiid Vinegar Works. —Messrs. Imlach and Goold, Spring street, occupy frame buildings 60 by 40 feet, three stories high and 20 by 40 feet, two stories. An engine of 12 horse power is used, and from 5 to 7 hands employed. They manufacture every description of laundry and corn starch and vinegar. Tanners.—Mr. Michael Ott has been established in the business of manufacturing leather since 1860. He employs about six hands, and a steam engine of 18 horse power. Every description of leather such as sole, upper, kip, calf and harness leathers as well as tanned sheep skins are turned out by Mr. Ott in large quantities. The tannery is built of frame 2 stories high, and 80 by 45 feet. Vinegar Works.—Mr. D. Stevenson is engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of vinegars, and turns out about one thousand barrels per annum. The premises are brick, three stories high and 56 by 32 feet, BRANTFORD CHURCHES.

The Churches of Brantford are eight in number, and surpass those of any other town in the ProA^nce of Ontario, they are as follows : The Church of England.—Grace Church, situate on Albion Street, is a handsome brick and cut stone building, erected in 1859, at a cost of $24,000, having capacity to seat 800 on the floor and gallery. The style of architecture is " The Second period Gothic," and it consists of a nave and side aisles, chancel, porches, and vestries. The clear story is sup- ported by well finished iron pillars. The windows are filled in with stained and embellished glass, on which are depicted elegant illustrations of scriptural subjects : (especially those on the large chancel window.) Mr. John Turner was the architect, and deserves great credit for the ability he has displayed in the churches of this town. There is in con- nection with this church a large brick school house used for Sabbath school, lecture room, &c., built in the same style of architecture. The present Incumbent, Rev. James Usher, Canon, is in charge of the parish for over 32 years. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m., and 6:30 p.m. Roman Catholic Church.—The Roman Catholic Church, on Palace Street, is a very superior building of white brick with cut stone dressings. This church when completed will be 155 feet by 64, exclusive of but-

tresses ; the transepts are 90 feet in width ; the height of the nave is

52 feet, and of the aisles 32 ; the ceiling is groined with moulded ribs and bosses, corbats, &c. The church consists of nave, aisles, north and south chapels, sanctuary, with vestry in the rear. The front is finished with two towers, the larger one rising to the height of 180 feet. The

windows throughout are of handsome stained enameled glass ; and when finished, the total cost will be about $25,000. Mr. John Turner

Thomas McLean, Importer of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Brantford. —;

72 TOWN OF BRANTFORD. is the architect, and Eev. Mr. Carryon is the P. P., assisted by Kev. Mr. Bardeau. IVdlinfiton Street Freshjtenan Church.—The Canada Presbyterian Church, situate on the corner of Wellington and George Streets, is a sub- stantial frame building, haying a capacity to seat 400. This is the oldest Presb3rterian congregation in this place, being organized in 1846, under the ministration of the Eev. Mr. Drummond, who had charge of the church for twelve years, and was succeeded by the talented Rev. Joseph Young. In 1866, their present popular and energetic minister, Eev. Thomas Lowry, commenced to labor among them. There is a very handsome and comfortable brick manse in connection with this church^ and to the credit of the congregation the whole church property is free from debt. Zion (Canada Presbyterian) Church, Carltng Street. —Eev. Wm. Coch- rane, minister. This church was organized about 1854 or 1855. The jSrst minister was Eev. John Alexander, who, after labouring faithfully for some years, went over to i\iQ Baptist Church, leaving the Presby- terian Church in Brantford under great difficulties. After a short in- terval the Eev. Wm. Cochrane was induced to leave Jersey city, and take the oversight of this church. His labours have been abundantly blessed, as the congregation has more than doubled—so much so, that it was found necessary to put up galleries and otherwise repair the church, under the direction of Mr. John Turner, architect ; and it is now one of the neatest and finest churches in this section of the Province. There are three Sabbath Schools supported by this congregation. The church school, under the superintendence of A. Eobertson, Esq., has 200 children in attendance ; King's Ward, under Mr. C. Duncan, has 70 and East Ward, under Mr. A. Hudson, 60. Altogether this church is in a very prosperous state. Congregational Church, Victoria Square, Brantford. —Eev. John Wood, Pastor. This Church was organized in the year 1834. Its first pastor was the Eev. Adam Lillie, (now D.D. and Principal pf the Congrega- tional College of B. N. A. in Montreal,) who came from Britain to take the oversight of it in 1835. The next year a church edifice was erected on Dalhousie street, in which he continued to preach for about three years, when he removed to Dundas to take charge of the Theological Institute which was first established in that place, but was afterwards transferred to Toronto, and later still to Montreal. The vacancy thus occasioned remained unfilled for two years, the pulpit being supplied by neighboring ministers, and others, as they could be obtained. In 1841 the Eev. Thomas Baker was invited to the pastoral charge^ and continued to fill that position until 1848, circumstances then arising necessitating a change, when the Eev. Thomas Lightbody accepted the charge of the church, which he held until the autumn of 1852, when he removed to Sheffield, N. B.

THOS. ILcLEAN, Brantford, Wholesale and Retail I>ry Goods. COUNTY OF BRANT. 73

In December of that year, the present pastor, Eev. John Wood, a graduate of the Congregational College, and of the University of Toronto, was invited to supply the vacant pulpit, and afterwards take charge of

Congregational Church, Brantford. the church, and having accepted the call, was ordained, and installed in the pastoral office, on the 16th of February, 1853. The increase of the congregation necessitated additional accommoda- tion, and galleries were erected in the house of worship, and the im provements were made in 1857 at a cost of over $2,000. On the morning of Sunday, August litli, 1864, the former house of

Thomas McLean, Brantford, makes Mourning Goods a Special Depart- ment Everything for ladies' and men's wear constantly on hand. 74 TOWN OF BRANTFORD. worship was destroyed by fire through the act of an incendiary. The corner-stone of the new building,—of which, through the courtesy of the trustees, we are enabled to present an engraving,—was laid on the 10th of October of that year, and the edifice was completed and dedicated on the 19th of November, 1865. Its cost, including the new site, which is a very fine position on Victoria Square, (east side) was about $10,000. It is built of white brick with slated roof and spire, from a design fur- nished by Mr. William Mellish, and Av^as erected under his supervision. A bell of 200lbs weight, from Meneeley & Sons, Troy, N.Y., hangs in the tower, and a very fine organ, from the factory of S. R. Warren & Co., Montreal, occupies the gallery. The church is seated to accommo- date 500 persons. It is free from debt. Services—Lord's Day, at 11 a.m., and 6:30 p.m.. Sabbath school at 2:30 p.m. Lecture and Prayer Meeting—Tuesday evening at 7:30, (8 o'clock in summer.) Communion Service—On the first Sabbath of every month, in the morning. The pews are allotted, but not rented, all expense being defrayed by the weekly offering. All seats are free to strangers. The Baptist Church. —The Baptist Church, situate on West Street, is a handsome white brick and cut stone building. Its dimensions being 100 by 56 feet. The basement is used for Sabbath school, lecture room, and similar purposes. The church is divided into three aisles and six tier of pews with gallery at end, and has capacity to seat 800. This fine building stands on the site of the old church which was burned down in 1857, and re-erected the same year at a cost of $18,000. The height of the basement is 13 feet, the ceiling, which is 27 feet from the floor, is of panel work with stucco ornaments, and the walls represent bonded masonry. The windows are glazed with stained and enameled glass—the spire, when complete, will be 160 feet high, and the building, which is of Romanesque style of architecture, reflects great credit on Mr. Turner. In 1833 this church was first organized by Rev. Wm. Rees, agent of the American Home Missionary Society, who labored in this place for a period of eight years, and was succeeded by the Rev. John Winterbotham. This exemplary pastor was succeeded by Rev. S. L. Davidson in 1850, after whom the Rev. John Alexander had charge up to the period when the present paster. Rev. Wm. Stewart, commenced to labor in this church. For more than twenty years the congregation worshipped in a frame

building on Cedar Street ; and in 1855, a new brick church was erected at a cost of $7,000, which, in 1857, fell a prey to the devouring flames, and thus gave way to the present beautiful edifice erected on the same site. Notwithstanding the large dimensions of this building, it can hardly afford ample room for the present congregation, the membership being about 370, which exceeds that of any other Baptist Church in the

Thomas Mclean, 6 Colbome and 3 Market Streets, Brantford, is the place for Carpets. —


Province. There is also a large Sabbath school in connection with the church, numbering over 400. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a.ni., and 6:30 p.m., and Sabbath school at 2:30 p.m. Church Conference Monthly- Meetings, Bible Class and other religious services are observed. Rev.

Wm. Stewart, Pastor ; Dr. Sutton, Clerk ; and Francis Ellis, Treasurer. Wesleyan Methodist Church. —The Wesleyan Methodist Church is a respectable building of white brick and cut stone, situate on Wellington Street. It is 55 by 80 feet in dimensions. The basement is divided into lecture, school and class lOoms. This church was erected in 1854 at a cost of $14,000, and is of the Gothic style of architecture, and is well finished and seated, having a gallery on three sides. The walls are jointed and tinted, representing stone work ; and the ceiling, which in the centre is 38 feet from the floor, is of open roof finish, the angles being filled with Gothic tracery, and the whole painted and grained to represent oak. Rev. Mr. Gemley is the minister, and Mr. John Turner the architect. The Primitive Methodist Church. —This is a handsome brick building of Gothic style of architecture, situated on Market street, near the Rail- way Depot. This congregation was first organized in 1853 by the Rev. Thomas Adams, who succeeded in having this church erected in 1855, at a cost of $3,000, and has capacity to seat 300 persons. Of late the church has undergone a course of repairing—such as painting, papering, frescoing, &c., making it present a neat and beautiful appearance inside. It has also been supplied with a new double reeded organ, built by Williams & Co., of Toronto, and which is presided at by Miss Warner, the most celebrated musician of the town. The hours of preaching ser- are 11 a.m. 6|^ p.m. vices on Sabbath and Sabbath school at 2 J p.m. ; also a Bible class taught by the pastor. The week night services are as follows : —Tuesday—^Class. Wednesday—Ladies Aid. Thursday—Ex- position of the Scriptures and prayer meetings. At present the congre- gations are large. The church is crowded frequently, and they are feeling the necessity of building a new church, with greater capacity to give room to those who come to hear the word of life. Rev. T. Griffith, Pastor. EDUCATIONAL,

Brantford Grammar ScJwol. —This is a handsome brick building, divided into two departments. The senior being under the charge of Mr. Wm. L. Richardson, B.A., head master, and the junior division is taught by Mr. W. C. Middleton, assistant teacher. The number of pupils taught in this school is 40 to 50. The following gentlemen constitute the Board of School Trustees :

John Montgomery, Chairman ; J. Forde, John Taylor, George Foster,

James Weyms, Henry Lemon ; Robert Smith, Secretary.

Salaries. —Principal, $800 ; Assistant, $550 per annum.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Importer of Dry Goods, Wholesale and Eetail. 76 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

The Central School is situated on Sheridan st., abutting on George St., on the east, &c. It stands on three acres of land affording a large, handsome plot in front, and separate play grounds for the boys and girls. The building is of brick, spacious and well situated, affording ample accommodation for seven hundred pupils, who are distributed into ten divisions with a teacher to take charge of each. These divisions are each in a separate room, furnished with all the appliances necessary for educational purposes. Each teacher is confined within a certain curriculum in which, when the pupils are well-grounded they are pro- moted into each next higher division, until at last they arrive at the 10th, in which a high Mercantile, English and Mathematical Education is acquired. In this last division, Classics and French are taught to those who are desirous of learning them, with the view of enabling them to matriculate in the university or any other affiliated College.

The names of the teachers are as follows : —Dion C. Sullivan, L.L. B., Principal of the Brantford Public Schools, Charles B. Morse, Miss Eliza Craig, Miss Catharine Gillin, Miss Annie Stewart, Miss Harriet Coudy, Miss Ellen Gillin, Miss Lucy Burwell, Miss Mary Ballantine, Miss Harriett Woodyatt. Besides the Central School there are three ward schools under the superintendence of Mr. Sullivan. Kings ward school situated on Oxford street is divided into two departments, the senior being taught by Miss Sarah TurnbuU and the junior by Miss Lizzie Batson. The East Ward school is situated on Darling st., and consists of three departments, the senior being taught by Mr. William Britton, the next by Miss Mary Foster and the junior by Miss Sarah Blackwell. The North Ward School is situated on Albion street and consists of three departments, the senior being taught by Miss Sarali Poole, the next by Miss Mary J. Turnbull, and the junior by Miss Agnes Purves. From the highest division of each ward school the pupils who are found fit upon examination by the Principal are promoted into divisions seven and eight of the Central School, a certain standard or curriculum being assigned to each teacher of the ward schools to assimilate with the plan pursued by the Central School. Over sixteen hundred pupils have attended these schools ^vithin the past year. The Local Superintendent is the Eeverend John Gemley, Wesleyan Minister.

The School Trustees are : —Messrs. Charles Duncan, Chairman, John Minore, James Spence, John Ormerod,—Peel—Acheson, Andrew Hud- son, Thomas James, Thomas Cowherd, James Bellhouse. The Secretary is Duncan McKay, Esq. Roman Catholic Separate School is a handsome frame building divi- ded mto three departments. The male department is under the charge

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Carpets, Household Furnishings. ;

COUNTY OF BRANT. ^ of Mr. John K. Barrett, the female department consists of 1st and 2nd divisions and are taught by Sister Mary Agnes arid Sister Mary Frances Xavier. Total number of pupils about 275.


The Brantford Courier. —The Courier was commenced in 1839 under the proprietorship of the present publisher, Mr Lemmon. The paper is printed every Saturday morning; is moderately conservative in politics; contains the latest foreign and local news, and has a very large circu- lation throughout this County and its surroundings, and is an excellent medium for advertising. There is in connection with the paper a first-class book and job printing office, at which a large amount of plain, fancy and colored work is turned out in good style and at ex- tremely moderate prices. The Brantford Expositoi\ —This journal was first published once a week in 1851, but in 1856, it was issued twice a week. In 1857, some change was made in the proprietorship, and it was issued both as a weekly and semi-weekly ; but subsequently reverted again to a weekly, as published now by Messrs. Stewart

The Expositor is issued once a week on the follo-vving terms : —If paid in advance. —To mail subscribers, or called for at the Printing Office, per annum, $1 50 ; delivered at the houses of subscribers in the town, $2 00. If not paid in advance, 50 cents per annum extra -svill be charged in each case. BANKS.

Bank of Montreal is on the corner of Market and Darling streets. S. Read, manager; P. F. Blackader, accountant; W. B. Graveley, clerk.

Bank of British North America is on the comer of Darling and

George streets. A. Robertson, manager ; J. Carnegie, accountant ; J.

J. Hebden, teller ; Geo. Menzies, clerk.

Thoxnaa McLean, Men's Clothing made to order in first class manner, at reasonable prices. ;



^tna Live Stock Ins. Society, Thos. Webster, agent, Kerby House. Atlantic Mutual (Life), H. C. Allen, agent. British America (Fire), Kobert Sproule, agent, Market. Canada (Life^, C. E. Biggar, agent, office. Court House. Commercial Union (Fire and Life), James Wilkes, agent, Colbome street. European (Life), Thomas Webster, agent, Kerby House. Hartford, Conn. (Fire), James Wilkes, agent, Colbome. Home, New Haven (Fire), W. H. C. Kerr, agent. Market. Imperial Ins. Co., W. H. C. Kerr, agent. Market. Liverpool and London and Globe (Fire and Life), James Wilkes, agent, Colborne. London Assurance Association, A. W. Smith, agent, Office, Colbome. North British and Mercantile (Fire and Life), S. Kead, agent. Bank of Montreal. Phoenix (London), J. H. Stratford, agent, Colborne. Provincial (Fire and Marine), A. W. Smith, agent, Colborne. Standard (Life), A. W. Smith, agent, Colborne. Star (Life), Robert Sproule, agent. Market. Travellers* (Life and Accident), Conn., James Wilkes, agent, Colborne. Western (Fire and Marine), A. W. Smith, agent, Colborne.


Colborne street, established 1836. Contains 1,600 volumes. Thomas

Cowherd, President ; John Sutherland, Jackson Forde, Vice-Presidents William Watt, Treasurer James, Woodyatt, Secretary ; and Librarian ; Thomas James, Cabinet keeper ; Managing Committee, John Edgar, Samuel Tapscott, Robert Alger, Geo. R. Van Norman, Rev. William Cochrane, B. F. Fitch, Chas. Greenaway. Number of members about 70. MASONIC.

Officers of Mount Horeb, Chapter No. 20, elected 6th January, 1869. V. Ex-Companion J. W, Lethbridge, re-elected 1st Principal, Z. ; Ex-

Companion, John Taylor, 2nd principal, H. ; Ex-Companion Charles

Heyd, 3rd principal, J. ; Companion, Geo. H. Wilkes, scribe, E. ; Com- panion, Arthur S. Hardy, scribe, N. ; R. Ex-Companion David Curtis, re-elected treasurer ; Companion Hugh McK. Wilson, principal sojour- ner Campanion ; Wesley Howell, senior sojourner ; Companion Robert Turner, junior sojourner; Companion James Tutt, master 3rd veil;

Thomas McLean, Brantford, MILLINEEY AND MANTLES. —;


Companion J. B Meacham, master 2nd veil ; Companion John Gardham, master 1st veil ; Companion John H. Stratford, D. of C. ; Companion

James H. Rich, Companion G. Carpenter, stewards ; Companion Wm. B. Woodyatt, janitor. Brant Lodge No. 45 A. F. and A. M., G. R. C—Officers W. Bro. F. Mudge, W. M. ; W. Bro. J. Taylor, P. M. ; Bro. McLauhlan, S. W. Bro. T. Burnly, J. W. ; Bro. D. McKay, treasurer ; Bro. R A. Duncan, secretary ; Bro. H. Wilson, S. D. Bro. D. L. Benedict, McK. ; J. D. ;

Bro. M. Hannard, J. G. . Bro. Rev. D. "W. Duane, chaplain ; Bro. J.

Tutt, Organist ; Y. W. Bro. J. W. Lethbridge, Librarian ; Bro. C. D.

Tuiford, D. of C. ; Bro. W. B. Woodyatt, Tyler. Regular communica- tions Tuesdays on or preceding full moon. Doric Lodge No. 121, G. R. (7.—Officers V. W. Bro. Rignald Kenwood,

P. M. 3 W. Bro. Thomas Patterson, P. M. ; W. Bro. Samuel Hall,

W. M. re-elected ; Bro. Arthur S. Hardy, S. W. ; Bro. William Master- son, J. W. ; Bro. Dion C. Sullivan, chaplain ; Bro. Charles Heyd, treas., re-elected ; Bro. James P. Excell secretary, re-elected ; Bro. Thomas

Harrison, S. D. ; Bro. George H. Wilkes, J. D. ; Bro. John Humburch,

D. of C. ; Bro. Christopher Wilson, I. G. ; Bro. John Mcintosh, tyler. Charity Committee.—Bro. James P. Excell, Bro. Marshall Robson, Bro. Richard Oxteby. Finance Committee.—V. W. Bro. Thomas Raw- lings, Bro. Arthur S. Hardy, Bro. George H. Wilkes, Stewards. Bro. Henry A. Penfold; Bro. Thos. Spencer, Bro. Walter Plummer. Regular communications are held in the Masonic Hall, Colborne street, on the Friday, on or before Full Moon of each month. Bwrfoi'd Lodge, No. 106.—Office-bearers for 1869 :—W. B. F. Mudge,

W. M ; J. Bingham, I. P. M.; Wm. Groom, S. W. ; Wm. G. Nellas, J.

W. ; H. G. Townsend, treas. ; John Findley, secretary ; L. T. Whittaker,

S. D. ; A. Steedman, J. D. ; Wm. H. Crysler, D. of C. ; Brethren

Tisdale and Perrin stewards ; B. Conklin, I. G. ; James Wetmore, Tyler.

I. 0. 0. F.

Brant Encampment, No. 4. James Woodyatt, C. P. ; J. B. King,

H. P. ; E. Chalcraft, Scribe ; C. H. Clement, Treas. ; Ludlow Jackson,

S. W. ; P. B. Hatch, J. W. ; Jno. Noble, Guide; C. H. Clement, rG. C

Jno. Noble, Senti'l. ; Robert Mathison, 1st W. ; A. Clement, 2nd W. Meets on first and third Fridays in each month.. Gore Lodge, No. 34, meets every Thursday evening at their rooms,

Castello & Young's block, opposite the Market. L. Jackson, N. G. :

W. S. Campbell, Y. G. ; E. Chalcraft, R. & P. S. ; A. D. Clement,

Treas. ; Wm. Cowherd, Warden ; W. B. Woodyatt, 0. G. ; Jas. Gard- ner, Con. ; W. H. Masterson, I. G. ; F. J. Grenny, R. S. N. G. ; E. H.

Webling, L. S. N. G. ; John Workman, R. S. Y. G. ; J. Y. Brown, L.

S. V. G. ; John Clifford, R. S. S. ; Walter Bates, L. S. S.

Thomas McLean's, Brantford, is the place for CLOTiONG! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ;;



Brant County Lodge. —Henry Lemmon, Co. Master ; J. P. Carter, Dy.

Co. Master ; Samuel McLean, Co. Sec. ; A. Reynolds, Treas. In this County there is but one District Lodge, of which the follow-

ing are the Officers : —Samuel McLean, District Master ; W. McCaffie,

Dy. D. Master ; Edwin Q. Bradvin, Dis. Sec. ; Thos. Heeway, Dis. Treas. Suhm-dinate Lodges.—Lodge No. 197, meets in the Orange Hall on King street, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7 J o'clock p.m. The Kenny, Thos. Glover, present officers are:—Thos. W. M. ; Dy. M. ;

Samuel McLean, Sec. ; Dion C. Sullivan, Treas. ; Rolph Clinch, let Com. Man. Lodge No. 360, meets in the Orange Hall, on the second Tuesday of

: each month, the officers are as follows —Henry Lemmon, W. M. ; C.

Wilson, Dy. M. ; J. Masterson, Sec. ; Wm. Coyle, Treas. ; Dr. Wye, 1st Com. Man. L. 0. L. No. 1274, meets in the Orange Hall, on the first AVednesday of each month, the officers are as follows, viz —James Acheson, W. M.

Robert Jameson, Dy. M. ; Joseph McLean, Sec. ; Thos. Mooney, Treas. Robert Copeland, 1st Com. Man. Degree meetings when required. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.

Grand River t)ivision, No. 68, meets every Thursday evening in the

Temperance Hall : Thomas Webster, Provincial D. G. W. P., County of

Brant ; Andrew Hudson, D. G. W. P., Town of Brantford. The officers

: of the Division are —James Tutt, W. P. ; J. W. Gillingham, W. A.

T. R Findlay, R, S. ; H. Poole, A. R. S. ; G. W. Roger, F. S. ; A. Hud-

son, T. ; Jas. Aired, Con. ; Jas. Bellhouse, A. C. ; Henry Wade, Chap-

lain ; J. Boyce, I. S. ; Byron Wade, 0. S. ; Thomas Webster, P. W. P. Divisions are also established in the villages of St. George, Claremont, Mount Vernon, New Durham, Onondaga, and Mount Pleasant. BANDS OF HOPE

Are organized in connection with the Baptist, Congregational, Wesleyan, and Primitive Methodist Churches.


Organized 24th July, 1867. The officers are :—William Baxter,

Chief Engineer ; Thomas Webster, Brigade Secretary ; John McCann, Brigade Treasurer. Committee of Management :—Captains, E. Ormrod, John Steel, and James Gardner ; Lieutenants, R. R. Westrope, Wm. Gibson, G. Boxall, Wm . Tipper, Wm. Cowherd, and Joseph Elliot.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ont, holds one of the Largest Stocks of General Dry Goods in the Dominion. — —;;


The Firemaa's Hall, situated on the comer of Dalhousie and Queen Streets, consists of four engine houses with suitable meeting rooms at- tached, all of which are comfortably furnished, carpeted, &c. The building is built of red and white brick, is two stories high, "v\dth bell and hose tower, and is one of the finest buildings for the purpose in the Province. The Fire Department of Brantford is, therefore, thoroughly efficient, well officered, and since the organization of the present brigade, though a number of fires have occurred, they have all l>een confined to the building in which they originated.

The Brigade consists of the following companies : Victoria Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. —This company is composed of about sixty members, including officers. Their apparatus is complete, ha-^dng a carriage, one of the best in the province, built at a cost of about four hundred dollars ; its members are all young and able bodied men, and are fully up to their duties as firemen. The officers are :—E. Ormrod,

Captain ; R K Westrope, lot Lieutenant ; Wm. Gibson, 2nd Lieuten- ant; S. McLean, Secretary; H. Sinclair, Treasurer; R. Ferguson, 1st hook ; G. Forbes, 2nd hook ; C. Wade, curator. ExcJuinge Fire Engine Company, No. 4. —" We strive to save." This company runs an engine and hose carriage, v.^hich they put in its present state of efficiency mostly by their own exertions, the new running gear and folding breaks, ^nth squirrel tail suction, &c., having cost about $400 (independent of the engine proper which is the property of T, Cockshutt, Esq.,) it numbers about sixty members all up to their duties as many a hard fought fire has testified. This company has, on several occasions, been the recipient of several valuable acknowledgments for great services rendered on different occasions. The officers for the year 1869 are:— James Gardner, Captain; Wm. Cowherd, 1st Lieutenant

James Elliot, 2nd Lieutenant ; Thomas Webster, Secretary ; E. C. Pass- more, Treasurer ; John Elliot, 1st engineer ; Angus McCawley, 2nd engineer ; James Hawkins and Henry Howerth, branchmen ; Jacob Foster and John Roe, suctionmen. Hose department—^Angus McPher- son, Foreman ; James Kennedy, Asst. Foreman. t Washington Engine Company, No. 5. —This company has the honor of running the finest engine in the Province, it works five streams and is capable of accommodating 120 men in working it—cost $3000. Their hose carriage is also a splendid apparatus, carrying 1000 feet of hose. Its members consist of the bone and sinew of the town, being chiefly composed of young and able bodied mechanics—they are " always ready when duty calls"—numbers about seventy members. The officers are :

Captain, John Steel ; 1st Lieutenant, George Campbell ; 2nd Lieutenant,

Wm. Tipper ; Captain Hose, Andrew Steel ; Assistant Captain Hose,

Alfred Ball ; Engineer, James Stephenson ; Secretary, Patrick Ryan

Treasurer, Chas. Duncan ; Branchmen, David Davis, Dennis Burns and Edgar Smith. *

THOMAS McLEAN, Wholesale and Eetail Dry Goods, Brantford.



leaves Leaves Bradford's Hotel, Paris, daily, at 11 a.m., for Simcoe ; and returning Simcoe for Paris at 8 a.m.










This Hotel is the largest and most centrally located in the County, ofters superior accommodation for travellers, either for business or pleasure. Strangers arriving by train of cars, will always find the Commercial Hotel OmnilDTis at the Depot.


In connection with this Hotel the proprietor has line commodious STABLES for the accommodation of those bringing horses or dealing in tbeui.


Stages leave this Hotel daily for Simcoe, Hamilton, Paris and all points.



^2 TOWN OF BRANTFORD. VOLUNTEER FORCK — 38/^ Brant Battalion. ^The County of Brant constitutes the 38tli :Battalion, and comprises seven companies, eacTi company numbering 54 jden making in all 378 men. The companies are distributed as fol- three companies ; Paris, one company ; Mount lows : Brantford, Pleasant one company ; Burford, one company; and Prumbo, one com- pany. The following are the names of the staff officers and officers of each -company in the 38th Battalion : Lieutenant Colonel, William Patton, Major, Hiram Dickie, Surgeon Major, K T. Bo^vn. No. 1 Company, Paris Rifles.—Captain Baird, Lieutenant Totten, And Ensign Hughson. No. 2 Company, Brantford Rifles. —Captain Curtis, Lieutenant McAlister, and Ensign Thomas. No. 3 Company, Brantford Rifles.— Captain Ingles, Lieutenant Rus- sell, and No. 4 Company, Infantry, Mount Pleasant.—Captain Heaton, Lieu- tenant Rutherford, and Ensign Chatterson. No. 5 Company, Infantry, Brantford.—Captain Henry Lemmon, Lieutenant Ballachey, and Ensign Minore. No. 6 Company, Infantry, Buiford.— Captain Yeigh, Lieutenant Byrne, and Ensign Wetmore. No. 7 Company, Infantry, Drumbo.—Captain Laidlaw, Lieutenant PatteUo, and Ensign Watters. Andrew Morton, Paymaster; Francis Leeming, Quartermaster; David Spence, Adjutant and Drill Instructor to Battalion. There are four companies of Infantry and tliree of Rifles, but it is d.ecided that the Battalion is to be Infantry. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.

C. J. Brydges, Esq., Montreal, Managing Director ; W.- J. Spicer, Esq., Montreal, General Superintendent. Brantford Depot is situate about midway between Fort Erie and Goderich, the limits of the Buffalo and Goderich District line of the Grand Trunk being about 75 miles from Buffalo and 183 from Detroit. Here the company has large workshops where 150 mechanics are em- ployed in the building of cars, repairing engines, &c. Four regular daily trains leave this Depot each way, besides the freight and specials. This is the most important railway station west of Hamilton. The local officers resident here are :—J. Larmour, Local Superinten- dent ; R. Evans, Station Master ; J. Jones, Mechanical Foreman ; J.

Hinsman, Ticket Clerk ; F. Clough, Night Station Master ; B. Smith,

Thomas McLean sells his Goods on the Small Profit System. Don't fail to call at 6 Colbome Street and 3 Market Street ;


Baggage Master : W. "WTiite, Baggage Master ; \Vm. Rolph, Clerk in

Superintendent's Office ; J. E. Fenton, Train Dispatcher ; M. Colcleugh,

Train Dispatcher ; D. Robinson, Freight Clerk ; Wm. Watkins, Clerk

Mechanical Department , J. Bulman, Time Keeper j J. Savage, Road Master. STAGE ROUTES.

A Stage leaves the Commercial Hotel for Simcoe every afternoon at 4 o'clock. Returning, leaves Simcoe at 8 a.m., each day. A. Bradley, proprietor, Brantford ; A. A. Purcell, proprietor, Simcoe. A Mail Stage leaves Brantford for Hamilton every morning at 7.15 a.m., C. B. Moore, proprietor. A Stage leaves Burford every morning at 7 o'clock for Brantford from Brantford to Paris, at 9 a.m. ; returning, leaves Paris on the arrival of the afternoon express on G-. AY. R. (east and west), proceeding to Burford by way of Brantford.


St. Andrew's Society. —A. Robertson President; J. T. Gilkison, 1st

Vice President ; John Taylor, 2nd Vice President ; Robert Lindsay,

Secretary ; AYilliam Watt, Treasurer ; Rev. Wm. Cochrane, M.A., Chap- lain ; Dr. J. Y. Bown, M. P., Physician. Managing Committee.—Robert Turner, George Gill, Thos. McLean.


Brantford Caledonian Cliih. —James Watson, President ; George Gill,

Vice-President ; James Stark, Secretary ; John Secord, Treasurer. Managing Committee. —Matthew Truesdale, Robert McNaught, Thomas Watt, Henry Humburch. Established Oct. 1867. Objects mutual Improvement, meet once a week, (Monday evening at 8 o'clock), at their rooms, over Mason & Hamilton's Drug Store, corner of King and Colborne Streets. Athletic Lacrosse Club of Brantford. —President, Dr. C. D. Tufford;

Vice-President, W. D. Imlach ; Sec.-Treas., J. H. Stratford ; Captain, T. Woodyattj Vice-Captain, C. V. Howell.


South Brant Agricultural Society.—President, A. McEwen ; 1st Vice-

President, Adbeel Eddy ; 2nd Vice-President, Jas. Maxwell ; Sec. Treas., Duncan McKay. Directors. —D. Plewes, John Tennant, George Peat- man, John Eddy, R. S. Gage, A. Silverthorn, I. R Merritt, and George Keatchie. Auditors.—Allan Good and James Grace.

THOMAS MCLEAN'S Stock of Dry Goods is not Surpassed in the Dominion. —;


Brantford Hortimltural Society. —President, James Wallace, Esq.

Vice-President, Wm. Grant, Esq. ; Secretary, B. F. Fitch ; Assistant

Secretary, Walter Woods ; Treasurer, E. C. Passmore. Directors. John Sowdon, Wm. Sanderson, Wm. Thompson, James Grace, Robert Russell, John Sutherland, Jabez Rowe, James Woods, P. TurnbulL

Bnrford Agricultural Society. —President, David G. Hanmer ; Vice- President, Wm. Bonney. Directors. —Messrs. Adam Armstrong, Clau- dius Byrne, Edmund Yeigh, W. A. McWilliams, Russell S. Gage, Samuel McCubbin, James Lloyd, Titus Lawrason, and Malcolm Mclntyre,


President, Mr. Thomas Cowherd ; Vide-Presidents, all resident minis-

ters of the gospel being members of the Society ; Depositary and Treas.,

Mr. I. Cockshutt ; Secretary, Rev. J. Wood. Committee. —Messrs. Thomas McLean, James Woods, R. Duncan, J. Sutherland, J. Ker, Judge Jones, D. Plewes, E. Sims, W. H. C. Kerr, Dr. Corson, J. B. Harpin, G. Ballachey, Walter Jones, D. Brooke, AV. J. Imlach, T. S. Shenston, T. Foster, G. Foster, F. Ellis, L. J. Beemer, B. G. Tisdale, D. McNaughton, S. McCulloch, G. Clark, W. Turnbull, Jas. Wilkes, W. E. Welding, C. B. Moore, F. F. Blackader, C. Lane, W. P. Scott, E. C. Passmore, H. B. Leeming, J. Cocker, T, Brooks, W. Whittaker, J. Pat- ton, T. Houlding, R. Hamilton, T. B. Crawford, J. W. Bellemy and W.

Smith. . Y. M. C. ASSOCIATION.

Office-bearers. —President, G. R. Van Norman ; Vice-President,

; ; George Foster Secretary, R. W. Craig Treasurer, C. B. Moore ; Lib- rarian, S. Tapscott. Managing Committee. —W. H. C. Kerr, James McLaughlin, George Macdonald, H. B. Leeming, F. Elliott.

BRANT COUNTY COUNCIL. MUNICIPALITY. REEVE. DEPUTY REEVES. Town of Brantford Francis H. Leonard. Wm. Paterson and W. J. Imlach. " Paris John Lawrence, M.D. Andrew H. Baird.

Township of Brantford. . . Wm. Turnbull. W. S. Campbell and H. G. Townsend. " Onondaga... Matliew Whiting. (None). " S. Dumfries. Daniel Anderson. Louis Lapierre. *' Oakland Charles Chapiii. (None). ^' Burford Chas. Hedgers. Charles Perley and L B. Henry. Francis H. Leonard, Warden ; John Cameron, County Clerk ; Charles Biggar, Treasurer.

Thomas McLean extends an invitation to every one who reads this notice to come and examine his large Stock of Dry Goods, Brantford. ADVERTISEMENTS.



^ " CROCKERY, &c., &c. ffW Commissioner in B. R. in and for Count)/ of Brant. =^» CRAWFORD & AHMSTRONG,




will made to render guests This House is centrally located and every effort be hand. comfortable. The best Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on aooD sT^BLijsra. ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST THE J^HING.

" OF





" EiMIilllS, BiSOTS. CiCIETIllS.



A Liberal Discount for all Wholesale Dealers.


S. McLEAN. —



Mayor, William Mathews ; Reeve, Francis H, Leonard ; Deputy Reeves, William Paterson and William J. Imlach. Councillors—North Ward—Geo. H. Wilkes, James Ker, and John Comerford. King's Ward—John Ott, John Minore, and Joseph Quinlan. Queen's Ward Wm. Watt, John Taylor, and David Plewes. Brant Ward—Andrew Morton, Thos. Cowherd, and Thos. Whittaker. East Ward—Robert Phair, James Tutt, and James Spence. Clerk, James AVoodyatt. Trea- surer, Duncan McKay. COUNTY OFFICERS.

S. J. Jones, County Judge ; John Smith, Sheriff ; G. R. VanNorman,-

Attorney ; John Cameron, Clerk of Peace ; Walter B. Rubidge, Clerk of County Court, Deputy Clerk of Crown and Registrar of Surrogate Court; T. S. Shenston, Registrar; George C. Keachie, Governor of

Jail ; Andrew Keachie, Assistant Jailor.

Acret, Mrs., Avidow, Wellington. ADAMS & BROPHY, (F. P. Adams and Edwd. Brophy), boot and shoe store, 2 market. Adams, F. P., (Adams and Brophy), h Colborne. Agnew, James H., manager for W. Buck, Colborne. Aikman, James, carpenter. Aird, Geo., engineer. Nelson. Aitken, Jas., clerk Mr. G. Foster's bds Mrs. Long's, Darling. Aldred, J. A., tailor and shirt maker, Colborne. Aldred, James, carter, West. Alger, Mrs., boarding house, Charlotte. Alger, Robert, bds at Mr. Alger's Charlotte. ALLAN, PETER C, bookseller and stationer, Colborne. Allen, Alexr., blacksmith, J. Jeff's, bds J. Jeff's. ALLEN, H. C, general agent Atlantic Mutual Life Insur. Co., office Kirby block. AMERICAN HOTEL, A. G. Hatch, proprietor. Anderson, Alexander, tailor, Queen. ANDREWS, JOHN, agent for sewing machines, bds Mr. Cunningham's, Queen. Angus, Mr., moulder, h Oxford. Ashworth, G. L., hosier, 7 Colborne e. Ash, B. P., clerk, h Darling. ASH, W. H., distiller. Darling. Atcheson, John, carpenter, Oxford. Atchison, Mrs. Mary Jane, tailoress, Colborne e.

Thomas McLean, Importer of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Colborne and Market Streets, Brantford- gg TOWN OF BRANTPORD.

AUSTIN, A. H., groceries and provisions, Colbome. Babcock, Henry, agent, Canal office, h William. Badger, John, blacksmith, bds Mr. CoUis. Baglan, Joseph, grocer, Colbome. Mr. Whitehead, Darling. Baker, , mechanic, bds Baker, J., C. E., h Wellington. Balmer, John, innkeeper. West. BANK OF BKITISH NOETH AMERICA, Darling. BANK OF MONTREAL, cor Market and Darling. BARDOU, REY. P. M., B. A., (R. C.,) res parsonage. Burk, Dennis, laborer, Dumfries. Barker, James, machinist, William. Barker, Wm., grain buyer, h Queen. Banies, William, joiner, Waterloo. BARNFATHER, DAVID, tailor. King. (See card.) BARRETT, JOHN K., first class teacher, R. C. Separate School. Barsh, A., bricklayer, Oxford. Bates, Joseph, painter and watch maker, h Darling. BATES, RICHARD, (Hockings & Bates), h Wellington. Bates, Richard, marble cutter, h Wellington. Batson, Mrs. Mary, Queen. Batson, Miss Elizabeth, teacher King's Ward School, Queen. BATSON HUGH, prop. Batson's Hotel, Dalhousie Lane, and grocer and provision dealer. Market. Bax, Alfred, engineer, G. T. R., Nelson. BAXTER, W., (W. & J. Baxter) h Queen. BAXTER JAS., (W. & J. Baxter) h Queen. BAXTER, WM. & JAS., livery stable keepers. Queen. Beech, George, potter. Welding and Belding, h Darling. Beemer, Wm., carpenter, h Queen. Beer, John, prop. Royal Exchange Hotel, Colborne. Belding, W. W., (Welding & Belding) h n s Dalhousie. Bell, Wm., tailor, Colborne, h same. BELLHOUSE, JAMES, (Bellhouse & Large) h Oxford. BELLHOUSE & LARGE, (James Bellhouse & Thomas Large) builders, Oxford. Bennett, John, clerk, h Colborne. Berry, John, cabinet maker, bds American. Bennett, A. B., retired, h Charlotte. BIGGAR, CHAS., bailiff, Commercial Hotel. Billett, Alex., moulder. Queen. BINGHAM HOUSE, Job Bingham, proprietor, 112 and 114 Colborne. Bishop, Thos., saddler, h Wellington. Black, George, hostler, h King. Black, James, gardener, Oxford.

Household Furnishings, Sheetings, Blankets, Qmlts, Curtains, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Thomas McLean, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 87

Black, John, peddler, h Darling. Blackader, F., Bank of Montreal, h George. Blackwell, Eliza, bds Darling. Blackwell, Jas., shoemaker, h Darling. Blackwell, Sarah, school teacher, bds Darling. Blaney, Robert, laborer, Oxford. Boington, Jos., moulder. Boles, William, blacksmith, Waterloo. Botham, Thomas, (Thos. Botham & Co.), h Queen. BOTHAM, THOS. & Co., (Thos. Botham & C. Turner), wholsale and retail grocers, Colborne. Bowers, George, Colborne. Bowers, Wm., laborer, h Chatham. BOWLBY, J. W., LL.B., barrister, Office, Market sq., h Darling. BOWN, EDWIN T., M.D., coroner, George. Bown, Enoch, engine driver, Waterloo. Bown, Joseph, engine driver. Hall's Avenue. Boyd, Jolm, mason, Albion. Boyd, Joseph, carpenter, Oxford. Boxall, George, painter, Chatham. BRADLEY, ABRAM, livery stables, Market, opposite Montreal Bank, and prop. Simcoe daily stage line. Bradley, Wm., blacksmith, bds J. Jex. RAf^TFORD Mi^GINE

P!: C.H.Waterous&Co.Brantford.Ont.

Brawn, Mrs., widow, h King. Brazier, Miss, Chatham. Brekinham, Mrs., widow, h Sheridan. Brennan, Alex., millwright, Dumfries. Brennan, Fred., druggist, Colborne, h Wellington. Brennan, John, laborer, h William. BRENDON, F., chemist and druggist, cor. Colborne and Market. Brethour, Elden, salesman, H. W. Brethour & Co., bds cor Queen and Darling. Brethour, H. W., (Brethour & Co.,) h Nelson. Brethour, John, merchant, h Dumfries. BRETHOUR, H. W. & Co., wholesale and retail dry goods, millinery, ready-made clothing, &c., Colborne. Britton, Carson, carpenter, h Chestnut. BRITTON, WM., (1st class Normal school) principal of East Ward school, h Walnut.

Tweeds, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Meltons, Broadcloths, Vestings, and every article belonging to the Men's Department Clothing made to order. 88 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Broadbent, Benjn., laborer, h Sheridan. Broadbent, Nathan, carpenter, Sheridan. Brockington, Ed., hotel keeper, Market sq. Broderick, H. G., book-keeper, h Chatham. Broderick, Jesse, tailor, h Chatham. Brogden, James, brewer, h Oxford, Bromsey, Thomas, laborer, Pearl. Bromwick, John, carpenter, G. T. R, h Nelson. BROOKE, DANIEL, attorney-at-law and notary public, Office Colborne, h Albion. BROOKE, JOHN, manufacturer of old Tom gins and spirit merchant, 2 and 3 King, bet Baptist and English churches, h Dalhousie. Brooke, Thomas, groceries and provisions, Colborne w. Brooks, John, boilermaker. BROPHY, ED., (Adams and Brophy), h Colborne. Broughton Thos., builder, h Chatham. Brown, Mrs. M., widow, h Darling. Brown, Mrs. Mary, widow, h Dumfries. Brown, John, prop Prince of Wales hotel, Oxford. Brown, John, carpenter, h Sheridan. Brown, John, laborer, h George. Bryce, Robert, clerk, bds at Mr. McNaughton's, Queen. Buchanan, Mrs. Mary, widow, AVilliam. Buck, George, tinsmith, AVilliam. Buck, James, tinsmith. West. Buck, Peter, yeoman, West. BUCK, WM., prop. Victoria Foundry, manufacturer of stoves, ploughs, agricultural implements, tin, copper, and sheet iron worker, Wil- liam, warehouse, Colborne. Buckley, Jeremiah, laborer, Niagara. BUNNELL, ENOS, hop grower and farmer. Darling. Bunton, John, laborer, Waterloo. Burgess, Miss E., select school, market. Burgy, Adam, cabinet maker, Colborne w. Burke, Dennis, laborer, Holmdale. Burrell, Wm., laborer, Charlotte. Burwell, Mrs., h Sheridan. Butterworth, Jas., fitter, h Brant. Cahil, James, laborer, Oxford. Calbech, Mrs. J., widow, Chestnut. Calder, Wm., flour miller and grain dealer, Office, Colborne w h William. Caldwell, John, tailor, Dalhousie. Callahan, Daniel, shoemaker, h Darling. Callahan, Henry, clerk at Cox's, bds Darling.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, holds a Splendid Stock of Carpets. Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Wool Carpets. COUNTY OF BRANT. 89

Callis, Thos., clerk, E. Turner, bds Wellington. CAJVIERON, E., Montreal Telegraph Co., bds Commercial Hotel. Cameron, John, h Market. Campbell, Miss, h Darling. Campbell, Geo., blacksmith. Darling. Campbell, Edward, hotel keeper, Campbell's hotel, Oxford. Cantillon, W. D., wine and liquor merchant, Colborne, h Pearl. Carnegie, J. Accountant Bank of British N. A., h Chatham. Carroll, James, laborer, Oxford. CARRYO^^ REV. A., (R. C), Crown. Carson, W. C, M.D., h King. Casey, Peter, laborer, h Holmedale. Cawley, Henry E., watchmaker, Dalhousie.

Chalcraft, E. , bookkeeper, h Marlboro. Champion, Mrs. C, widow, h Wellington. Chase, Alfred, druggist, h Sheridan. Clark, Adam, fitter, h Waterloo. Clark, Thomas, fitter, h Princess. Clarke, BjTon, blacksmith, bds Farmers' Exchange hotel. Clary, Martin, laborer, h Niagara. CLEGHORN, ALLEN, (A. & J. Cleghorn & Co.), h William. CLEGHORN, JAMES, (A. & J. Cleghorn & Co.), h William. CLEGHORN, A. & J., & Co., (Allen & Jas.), wholesale and retail hardware, Colborne. Cleland, Wm., dry goods merchant, Colborne w. CLEMENT, A. D., postmaster, h Market. Clement, J. D., retired. Market. Cleugh, George, carriage trimmer, h Darltng. Cliiford, Danl., painter, h Colborne e. Cliff'ord, Gorvin, wood inspector, h Philip. Clench, Ralph, grocer and lime burner, h Oxford. Clokissy, John, laborer, h Richmond. Clossey, John, laborer, h Holmedale. Coadey, Miss, teacher Central school, bds Mr. Hale's Darling. Coats, J., hostler, King. Cochrane, Mrs., widow, Dumfries. Cocker, Jonathan, tailor, h Mt. Pleasant. Cocker, Joseph, tailor, h Oxford. COCKSHUTT, I., importer of dry goods, groceries and hardware, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Colborne. Colclough, M., telegraph operator, h Chatham. Cole, Alfred, engineer, h Market. Cole, Alfred, turner, h William. Cole, S., fanning mill maker, George, h Darling. Coles, Isaac, laborer, h Duke.

Thomas McLean, Millinery and Mantle Rooms. In this Department the Newest Styles always introduced at very Lowest Prices. 90 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Collins, James, brakeman, h George. laborer, hPalmerston's Avenue. Collins, Wm., , . ,, . shoeing and jobbing Collis, Geo. L., horse-shoer and jobber, Dominion shop, King, h Darling. Colmer, Mrs. A., widow, h Chatham. Colmer, W. G., saddler, h Chatham. COMERFORD, JOHN, wholesale grocer, crockery and glass ware, Col- borne, h Paul. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. C. Palmer prop., Market Square. (See advertisement). Connell, Walter, laborer, h Sydenham. Connor, Andrew, laborer, h William. Connor, Keenan, laborer, h Holmedale. Conolly, J., laborer, h. Oxford. Cook, Arthur, blacksmith, h Marlboro. Cook, Burney, book-keeper bds Commercial Hotel. Cook, Daniel, carpenter, bds Darling. Cook, WilHam, clerk, h King. Cooke, Thomas, grain dealer, h William. Coonan, John, laborer, h Sydenham. CORIGAN, FRANCIS., prop. Robinson Hall Hotel, 8 Colborne w. Costello, Danl, bailiff h. Sheridan. Cotton, Richard, retired, h Palace. COWHERD, THOS. & SONS, copper smiths, tin andiron plate workers, Colborne, h same. Cowherd, Wm., machinist, h Wellington. Cowthard, Mrs. M. A., confectioner, 9 Colborne e. COURIER OFFICE, Queen, (See card.) Cox, Alfred, watch maker and jeweller, Colborne, h Darling. Cox, Francis T., grocer, Gibraltar Point. Coy, Thomas, carpenter, h Charlotte. Craig, Mrs. F., grocery and provisions, Colborne. Craig, Joseph, farrier, J. Jeff's. Craig, R. W., clerk, h. Nelson. Craig, Samuel, retired, h Marlboro. Crandon, C. H., carpenter, h Colborne e. Craw, laborer, h Gray. Creyk, Jas., watch maker and jeweller, Colborne w, h Dumfries. Cromar, Nicholas, h Darling. ^ Crone, Archd., mechanic, h Chatham. Cronk, John, moulder, h Pearl. Crook, Adam, baker, h Chatham.

CROOKS, H. P. S., boot and shoe maker, Colborne e. . Crooks, Matthew, cordwainer, h Pearl. Cunningham, Abram., marble agent for Mr. Hawkins, Queen.

Thomas McLean invites special attention to his Large Stock of Ready Made Clothing, Market and Colborne Streets, Br^itford. COUNTY OF BRANT. * 91

Cunningham, John, laborer, Nelson. CURTIS, D., collector of customs, h cor Wellington and Chatham. CUSTOM HOUSE, D. Curtis collector, Market. Dailey, Mrs. Mary, widow, Marlboro. DALRYMPLE, WM., cabinetmaker, Colborne w. Daniels, Jacob, harness maker, h Marlboro. Daniels, Jacob, saddler, h Murray. Darkin, Michael, fireman, h William. Datton, John, laborer, h Pearl. Davis, Da\'id, laborer, h Queen. Davis, Evans, tailor, h 8 Queen. Davis, Humplirey, hop grower, bds Commercial Hotel. Davis, John C, landing waiter customs, h Charlotte. Daulton, AYm., constable, h Dalhousie. Dawes, John, laborer, h Main. Day, Sampson, fireman, h Hall's Avenue. DEALTRY, WM., saloon keeper and butcher, prop. Terraj)in Lunch, Market. Dell, W., Grand Trunk Hotel, King. Dell, William, joiner. West. Delomaty, T., laborer, Dumfries. DIGBY, JAS. W., M D., CM., physician, surgeon, &c. Dillon, Michael, helper, h Pearl. Doeringer, C, prop. Union House Hotel, Market. Doherty, Patrick, laborer, h Holmedale. Donaldson, James R., Com. traveller, h Queen.

Donavan, John, laborer, h AYinniott. _ . Donovan, Michael, laborer, h Terrace Hill. Donnelly, Peter, laborer, h Pearl.

Donoghue, Mrs. Ann, widow, h William. ^^.^ Donoghue, Daniel, blacksmith, h Crown. Donoghue, Mrs. Yashti, widow. Doolan, Wm., laborer, h George. Dooley, Wm., laborer, h Chestnut. Douglas, Alexander, tanner, h Darling. Dowling, Thomas, helper, h Joseph. Down, John M., horse-breaker, bds at Sear's Hotel. Downs, John W., h Williams. Doyle, John, laborer, h Dumfries. Drake, Daniel, hotel keeper. Farmers' Exchange, Dalhousie. Draper, Charles, laborer, h AYaterloo.

Draper, John, grocer, Colborne e. Drummond, N., laborer, h William. Drynan, Dominic, yeoman, h Duke. Dunn, Patrick, wagonmaker h Oxford.

Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Dress Stufis, Mourning Goods, Black Colored Dress Silks at Thomafi McLean, Brantford. 92 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

DUNCAjST, CHAS., wholesale and retail dry goods, Colborne, h AVest. Duncan, Henrietta, milliner and dress maker, Colborne, h same. Duncan, Robert, clerk, h Darling. Dunlop, Andw., with Gill and Gardner, bds Balls' Hotel. Dunn, John, constable, h Wellington. Dutton, Wm., prop. Ontario House Hotel, Colborne e. Dwyer, Michael, cordwainer, h. Dumfries. Dwyer, William, laborer, h Albion. Edgar, John, merchant, h Dumfries. Eddy, Mrs., widow, h Oxford. Edmondson, Thomas, retired, h Chatham. Edward, Thos., finisher, h Nelson. Edwards, Thos., machinist. EDY, JAMES N., (Smith ^ Edy) Colborne, h Queen. Eesley, George, painter, h Dalhousie. Elliott, James, cooper, h Oxford. EUiott, John, contractor, Waterloo, h Darling. Ellis, Mrs., h Darling. Ellis, Francis, Chemical Hall, Colborne, h Dumfries. EUoby, John, laborer. Ewet, John, Marlboro. EXCELL, JAS. P., manufacturer of umbrellas and parasols, surgical and mathematical instruments, Colborne, nr the Iron Bridge. EXPOSirOR NEWSPAPER OFFICE, Stewart Si Mathison proprs-, Market Square.

Fair, Alexr., groceries and liquors, Colborne e.

Fair, Robert, lime merchant, Colborne e. Fair, George, tailor, h High.

Farley, James, blacksmith, h West. ^ Farley, Mrs., widow, h Chatham. , Farmers' Exchange Hotel. Farr, Joseph, wholesale hardware, sign of the padlock, Colborne, h Dar- ling. Farrell, Jarvis, prop. Queen's Arms Hotel, Oxford. Feeny, James, clerk, J. Comerford. Fennessy, M., groceries, provisions, wines and liquors, crockery, &c., Colborne op King w. Fenton, James E., machinist, Sydenham. Ferguson, James, baker, works Mr. Griersons, Nelson. Ferguson, Robert, machinist. Ferguson, Mrs. Mary Jane, widow, Duke. Festner, John, hatter and furrier, Colborne. Filkins, Edward, plow maker, h Dumfries. Finlayson, Wm., shoemaker, h Wellington. FITCH, BENJAMIN F., M. A., barrister, &c., office Colborne, h William.

Thomas McLean is noted for selling Cheap Dry Goods, Colborne and Market Streets, Brantford. ADVERTISEMENTS, T. HA-LL,


Has always in stock tke largest assortuieni m all Departments, and at ilie lowest prices to be had in Paris.

lii I 3 itii?^ sc JOHN BAK E'R Manufacturer and Dealer in First Class

BOOTS & SHOES, SlTiii Stittt^ FiLiii?) @mt^iS@>^

Has removed to more extensive premises, where he will have the greatest facilities solicits for attending to the orders of his friends and customers, and respectfully the patronage of the public generally.

Repairing Neatly and Promptly Executed, AND AT MODEEATE CHARGES. ADVEKTISEMENTS. CITY HOTEL, Corner Duiidas and Talbot Streets,

MARKET SQUARE LONDON, ONT. f. M®ii@t. - « 1 r^)ip.)ii't^o|j^^^

excellent Best Stabling in the Dominion. Commercial Travellers will find Sample Rooms, and the best accommodation. Stages leave daily for Lucan, Exeter and Delaware.




i5@M®@)if» ©irs^mi®

WM. HWT«OaNt rnoi'mEToa.


Fitzgerald, George, laborer, h Pearl. Fitzpatrick, Thomas, laborer, h Pearl. FLEMMIMG, GEOEGE, prop. Brant Hotel, King. Flemming, Thomas, fireman, h William. Fletcher, George, wagon maker, h Oxford. Fletcher, Wm., painter, h Waterloo. Fletcher, Wm., painter, h Oxford. Fletcher, Mrs., widow, h Oxford. Florence, Wm., painter, h Waterloo. Forde, Jackson, (J. Forde Sc Co.) h Queen. FOEDE, J. & BEOTHEE, grocers. Market, h Darling. FOEDE, E J. & CO., grocers. Market. Forde, Eichard, retired, h Charlotte. Forde, Eobert, (J. Forde & Bro.) Forsyth, John, machinist, h Dalhousie. Foster, George, grocer, Colborne w. Foulds, John, clerk, bds Wellington. Fowler, Walter, lime merchant, h Oxford. Fowler, William, laborer, h Terrace Hill. Frank, Mrs., widow, h Wellington. Franks, Mrs. F., widow. Frazer, William, laborer. FEEEMAN, ELIJAH, insurance agent, oflfice Colborne, h Dalhousie. French, Mrs. Martha, (widow). Main. Fuller, Mrs. Ann, widow, h Sydenham. Galbraith, John, grocer, Colborne e. Gardham, John, h Darling. Gardner, James, shoemaker, h Sheridan. Gardner, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, h Terrace Hill.

Gardner, Henry, saddler, (Gill

Thomas McLean is famed for keeping Splendid Prints, Beautiful Pat- terns, Good Colon and Good Cloths, Brantford. 94 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Oillen, Mrs. Mary, (widow), h Wellington. Oilmartin, James, joiner, h William. Cilmartin, John, laborer, h AVilliam. Glassco, George, clerk T. Glassco's. Glassco, Joseph, saddler, McKays, bds Queen. Glassco, Thomas, hatter and furrier, Colborne, h Queen. Gleason, James, laborer, h Albion. Gleeson, Timothy, laborer, h Pearl. Gleeson, William, shoemaker, h Chatham. GOOLD, F. P., (Imlach & Goold) h Queen cor Wellington. Gordon, Thomas, laborer, h Wellington. Gorman, James, clerk, bd? Wellington. Gorman, Robert, boot and shoe store, Colborne w, h Wellington. Gorman, Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, (prop Toronto boot and shoe store), Colborne, h same. Gouinlock, Mrs. Eliza, (widow), h Darling. Gould, Edward, clerk, bds Wellington. Grant, Patrick, laborer, h Pearl. Grant, William, merchant, h William. Gray, James, manufacturer agricultural implements, Oxford. Gray, John, laborer, h Oxford. Gray, William, teamster, h Oxford. Green, J., moulder, h Darling. Greenlaw, Robert, joiner, h Waterloo. Grenney, Mrs. Margaret, (widow), h George. Griffin, (Griffin & McKay), Kings Ward. Griffin, K, M.D., WiUiam. Griffin, Mrs. Harriet, (widow), h Dalhousie. Griffin, Walter, assistant operator Montreal Telegraph Company. Griffin, T. M., (Mackenzie & Griffin), res West Brant. Griffith, James, watchmaker and jeweller, Colborne, h Chatham. GRIFFITH, REV. THOS., Primitive Methodist Minister, h Marlboro. Griffith, Mrs., widow, h Wellington. Griffiths, George, Joe James Saloon. Griffiths, Henry, boot and shoe maker, King, h same. Gripton, Albert, laborer, h Chestnut. Guest, William, saddler, Gill & Gardner, bds same. Gurton, Joseph, farmer, h Chestnut. Hagarty, J., laborer, h Wellington.

Hagyard, Robert, laborer, li Sydenham. Hainsworth, Joseph, ostler, h Dumfries. HALE, J., agent American Express Company, office s s Colborne e, h Darling. Hale, Robert, fireman, h Duke. Hall, John, h Colborne w.

Thomas McLean aims at selling the best value in Grey and White Cottons in the Dominion. COUNTY OF BRANT. 95

Hall, T. W., foreman, Waterons & Co. Hall, Samuel, moulder, h Chatham. Hall, Walter, bricklayer, h Colborne e. Hall, William, laborer, h Sheridan.

Hall, Mrs. Ann, (widow), h Colborne e. Hamill, John, yeoman, h Richmond. Hamilton, H. M., (Mason & Hamilton); h Cedar. Hamilton, Jas., book agent, bds Sears Hotel.

Hamiltoii, William, (col'd), bill poster, Colborne e. Hamilton, William, laborer, bds Wellington. Hammill, Samuel, fireman, h Main. Hannah, T., blacksmith, h William. Hansfields, Mr., farmer, h Chestnut. Hardman, Edward, foreman, h Chatham. Hardy, Arthur S., barrister and attorney, solicitor in chancery, Col- borne, h Dalhousie. Hardy, George, fruiterer, h Market. Hardy, Henry A., barrister, h Dumfries. HAEDY RUSSEL, land and insurance agent, agent for Beaver and Victoria Fire Companies, Atlantic Mutual, and Reliance Life As-

surance Company, England ; Home Fire, Newhaven ; Phoenix Fire

Insurance Company, Dublin ; h Dalhousie. Hardy, Russel, yeoman, h West. Harkins, James, moulder, h Pearl. Harkins, Mary, widow, h Pearl. Harper, John, blacksmith. HARPIN, JAMES B., (Sims & Harpin), office Market square. Harrington, Mrs. Mary, widow, h Clarendon. Harrison, Henry, blacksmith. Harrison, John, engineer G. T. R., h George. Harrison, Peter, engineer, h Waterloo. Harrison, Thomas, machinist, h William. HART, D. AV., Collector Inland Revenue, office Market, h cor Albion and Cedar. Hartman, Mrs. C, fruits and confectionery, h Market. Harvey, James, machinist, h William. Harvey, William, book-keeper R. Turner, bds Commercial Hotel. Haslem, George, engine driver, h William. HATCH, A. G., prop American Hotel. HATCH, P. B., dealer in patents, bds American Hotel. Hatcher, Thomas, mechanic, bds Darling. Hatfield, John, machinist, h Palace. Haun, Josei^h, carpenter, h Marlboro. Havill Alfred, carpenter, h Darling. Hawkins, J. J,, groceries, liquors, provisions, lamps, and glass ware, Colborne w.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Flannels in Red, White, Blue, and Fancy Flannels, Home Made Flannels, Brantford. 96 TOWN OF BKANTFORD.

Hawthorn, Andrew, cigar maker, bds Commercial Hotel. Hayden, J. C, grocer, Market. Hayward, Mr., artist, bds Commercial Hotel. Hazell, John, Ontario Hotel, Queen. Hazelton. A. W., soap maker, liDalhousie. Healy, Mrs. Ann, widow, h William. Heatley, I. Wilson, agent, h Oxford. Heatley, Eobert, professor of music, &c., h Oxford. Hendry, Miss K., dress and mantle maker, h Nelson. Henry, Green, blacksmith. Henry, John, carpenter, h nr Colborne e. Henry, E., salesman, A. Watts, h Colborne. Henry, Mrs., tailoress, h Darling. HENWOOD, R, M. D., Wellington. Herron, James, teamster, h Holmdale. Herron, James, teamster, h Dumfries. Herronton, Wm., farmer, h Holmdale. HEXT, JOHN, (T. & J. Hext) h William. HEXT, T., (T. & J. Hext), carriage maker. HEXT, T. & J., carriage munufacturers, Dalhousie. Heyd, Bernard, grocer. Market. Heyd, Charles, clerk, h Market. Hickson, Wm., carpenter, h Darling. Hiley, Joseph, laborer, h Palace. HILL, A., M.D., h George. Hinchey, Robert, engine driver, h Princess. Hine, David, blacksmith, h Pearl. Hitcher, Francis, joiner, h Waterloo. Hobberlin, John, joiner, h Waterloo. Hobson, Henry baker, h Market. Hobson, J., baker, h Market.

Hobson, , clerk John Taylor, bds American Hotel. HOCKING, WM., (Hocking & Bates), h Dalhousie. HOCKING & BATES, (Wm. Hocking & R. Bates), Brant marble works. Market square.

Holding, Lyman, boiler mak ^,r. Holikin, Thomas, laborer, h Sydenham. HoUinrake, Thomas, engine driver, h Pearl. Holmes, Robert, painter, h Market. Holt, John, machinist, h Princess. Horton, Charles, joiner, h Main. Howard, Mrs. Anna, widow, h Sydenham. Howard, Mrs. Annie, widow, h King. HOWELL, WESLEY, general dealer in groceries, crockery, tobacco and cigars, wines and liquors, fish and vegetables, 80 Colborne, h William. (See advertisement).

Thomas McLean, Importer of General Dry Goods, Wholesale and Eetail, Colborne and Market Streets, Brantford. ADVERTISEMENTS. ANDREW HUDSON,



Periodicals, Books, Stationery,

$CHoot BOOKet znnx mm, u. The Daily and Weekly

CS-IjOBE, IJE.A.IDEI^, T E X. E G- i^ -A. I^ H , and any other Canadian, American or English NEWSPAPERS that may be wanted supplied regularly.


at a very slight advance on the cost price.

Special Orders, for anything not in StocJc, attended to carefully and promptly.




tmmM oa wHCHaNicat OB^Tternv



Is published every Friday morning at


and since its enlargement on 5th February, 1869, COl^TAIl^S A LARGER AMOUl^T OF REABIl^TO MATTER

than can be found in any paper published in either OXFORD OR BR^ITT, AND HAVING A




and being replete with every variety of .JOB TYPE,

The Proprietor flatters himself that he is C&PIBLB OF DOING PRINTING


As can be done in any other Office in the country.


Hoyt, M. W., builder, h Darling. HUDSON, ANDREW, stationer, book seller, &c.,No. 1 Market Square, h Darling. (See advertisement). Huff, L. D., hoop skirt factory, Wellington. Huff, Ludoric, laborer, bds Wellington. Huff, Miss Kate, hoop skirt maker, bds Wellington. Hughson, Caleb, painter, h Darling. HUMBURCH, JOHN, Royal Saloon, Colborne, h Dalhousie. Humburoh, J., grain dealer, office Colborne, h same. Hume, David, blacksmith, li William. HUNN, BENJAMIN, prop Montreal House Hotel, Market. Hunt, John, laborer, h Waterloo. Hunter, George, salesman W. Paterson, li West Albion. Hunter, John, grocer, &c., Colborne. Hunter, William, carpenter, h Wellington. Hunter, William, blacksmith. Hunter, AVilliam, laborer, h Oxford. Hunter, Mrs. Hannah, grocer, Colborne w. HUNTINGTON, A., retired, h 4, 5 and 6 Darling. Hurst, W. B., groceries and provisions, 94 Colborne, h William. Hutchinson, Alexander, repairer, Montreal Telegraph Co,, Colborne. IMLACH & GOOLD, manufacturers of corn vinegars and corn starch for domestic and culinary purposes. Ingleby, George, carpenter, h Oxford. Ingleby, John, wagon maker, h Brant. •"*' Ingleby, William, carpenter, h Brant. Inglis, Captain, h Chatham. Jackson, R. G., wagon maker. Market, h Chatham. JACKSON, SAMUEL, dry goods, Colborne, h Dumfries. Jackson, William, joiner, h Albion.

Jackson, William, laborer, li High. James, George, machinist. JAMES, JOSEPH, James' Saloon, Queen. ^ James, Thomas, assessor, h Pearl. Jarvis, Charles, h Duke. JARVIS, CHARLES, JL^NR., soap, candle, and potash manufacturer, Spring. Jar\'is, ^Ir., h Market. Jarvis, Walter, farmer, Duke. Jenkins, F. D., retired, h Chatham. JENKINS, JOHN, merchant tailor, London Clothing Hall, Colborne, h Dumfries. Jex, Johnston, groceries, King. Jones, Stephen J. finisher, h Pearl. Jones, Walter, laborer, h Dumfries.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Men's and Boys' Ready Made Clothing, 6 Colborne and 3 Market Streets, Brantford. 7 :98 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Jones, William, plasterer, h Colborne e. Johnston, Alexander, laborer, h Brant. Johnston, James, carpenter, h Dumfries. Johnston, Q., P. L. S., h Dalhousie. Johnston, Thomas, carpenter, h Wellington. Johnston, Thomas, saloon keeper, King. Jones, Thomas, laborer, h Wellington. Joy, Mrs. Ann, widow, h Dumfries. Judge, OweU; teamster, h William. JULL, JOHN H., proprietor Railway Hotel, Market. Kane, Thomas, shoe maker, h Queen. Kean, Alfred, car inspector, h Marlboro. Kean, Thomas, carpenter, h Wellington. Kean, Mrs. Eliza, widow, h Colborne e. Kelbeck, carpenter, h Brant. Kelly, Mrs. Ann, vridow, h Albion. Kendell, John, laborer, h Marlboro. Kennedy, R., cabinet maker, h Darling. Kennedy, Mrs. Mary, grocer, Colborne e. KENNY, THOMAS, prop Dominion Hotel, Market. (See advertise- ment. Kennedy, Thomas, laborer, h Pearl. Ker, James, produce dealer, Colborne. Kerr, George, blacksmith. KERR, W. H. C, barrister, office Market, h Dalhousie. Kerr, W. K., baker, Colborne. KESTER, E., auctioneer and commission merchant, Market Square. King, E., joiner, h Pearl. King, George, prop King's Hotel, Market. KING, JOSIAH, hatter and furrier, Colborne. King, Lawrence, laborer, h Holmdale. Kippet, Robert, finisher, William. KIRCHNER, JACOB, cigar manufacturer, wholesale, 88 Colborne. Laing, Walter, cooper, h Albion. Laird, Miss Maggie, school teacher, bds Mrs. Long's, Darling. Laird, Miss M., select school, Darling. Lake, Isaac, teamster, h Holmdale. Lake, James, teamster, h Dumfries. Lally, Peter, laborer, h Colborne e. Lambden, G. G., teamster, h Darling. Land, Frederick, joiner, h Halls Avenue. Land, Mrs., widoAv, h Chatham. Landors, Mrs. M., widow, h Pearl. Lane, C, grocer, &c., Market. Lane, Thomas, carpenter, h Charlotte.

Thomas McLean's, Srantford, is the place for CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! COUNTY OF BRANT. 99

Langherry, James, tanner, Dalhousie, h Wellington. Langstaff, Mrs. Mary, widow, h Sheridan. Lannon, Thomas, stove finisher, h 5 Richmond. Large, Thomas, (Bellhoiise & Large), h Chatham. LARMOUR, ROBERT, Local Superintendent G. T. R., h West. Latshaw, Joseph, yeoman, h Palace. LAUTERBACH, GEORGE, restaurant, s s Colborne w. Lauton, John, carpenter, h Charlotte. Lee, James, farmer, Charlotte. LEEMING, HENRY B., (Leeming & Patterson), h West Brantford. LEEMING & PATTERSON, (H. B. Leeming & W. Patterson), whole- sale confectioners, 98 Colborne. Leeson, William, shoemaker, h Chatham. LEMMON, HENRY, prop and publisher of Brantford Courier, Queen, h Nelson. (See advertisement). Lemon, Thomas, stone mason, h Richmond. LEONARD, ERAS. H., forwarder, coal merchant, &c.. Warden, County of Brant, yard canal, h Cedar.

Leonard, Mrs. R. , widow, h William. Lethbridge, J. W., book-keeper A. & J. Cleghorn & Co., h Pearl, cor Palace. Levy, Patrick, laborer, h Albion. Levy, Patrick, laborer, h William. Lewis, James, tailor, 8 Colborne e, h same. Lincoln, Mrs. Judith, dressmaker, h Market. Lines, AYilliam, groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, Colborne, h cor William and Adelaide. Livergood, Henry, carriage maker, h Nelson. Livergood, H. J., agricultural machinist, h George. Livingston, A., carpenter, h Oxford. Loney, Joseph, groceries, wines, liquors and provisions, Market, h Dal- housie.

Long, Wm. , boot and shoe maker, Colborne, h cor Queen and Chatham. Long, Mrs., widow. Darling. Low, Alfred, cigar maker, bds Commercial Hotel. Lowden, John, grocer and liquor merchant, Colborne e. LOAVRY, REV. THOMAS, Can. Presby. minister, h Wellington. Lyle, John, carpenter. LYONS, WOODS, manufacturer of carriages, wagons, buggies, sleighs, &c., King cor Darling, h Pearl. Lyons, Mrs. Ann, mdow, h Dumfries. Lyons, Mrs., widow, h Oxford. McAdam, John, joiner, h Princess. McAdams, Mrs., washenvoman, h Colborne e. McArthur, D., moulder.

Thomas McLean, Linen Bleached, and Unbleached, Table Cloth by the Yard and by the Piece, Brantford. 100 TOWN OF BEANTFORD.

McArthur, James, moulder. McCallum, James, stone cutter, h Wellington. McCann, John, saddler, h Marlboro. McCann, Andrew, tailor, h King. McCann, Thomas, cabinet maker, h King. McCarthur, A., weaver, h King's Ward. McCarthy, Owen, bar tender, Market. McClary, Kobert, laborer, h Sydenham. McClear, Mathew, tanner, h Nelson. McCollum, W., innkeeper, Colborne e. McConnichie, David, clerk, h Joseph. McCormick, James, laborer, h Oxford. McCourter, Eobert, teamster. McDermid, Daniel, clerk, h West. McDermid, John, clerk, h King. McDermot, Peter, yeoman, h Kichmond. McEvoy, Andrew, blacksmith, Oxford. McCee, Wm. D., merchant, Colborne, h Darling. McGee, George, clerk, h Dalhousie. McGrath, Mrs. B., widow, h Dumfries. Mclntee, John F., copper smith, h William. Mcintosh John, tin smith, h Charlotte. McKAY & SMITH, (D. B. McKay & Jas. Smith), wholesale saddlery hardware and carriage trimmings, Colborne w. McKAY, D. B., (McKay & Smith), h Market. McKAY, DUNCAN, Town Treasurer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Secy. Agricultural Society, South Brant, Colborne, h Dumfries. McKAY, JAMES, leather merchant, tannery at Delhi, h Dalhousie. McKenna, Patrick, plasterer, William. McKenna, John, grocer, &c., h Pearl. McKennon, Patrick, plasterer. Pearl. McKenzie, Kobert, porter, h William. McKenzie, Thomas, laborer, h Dumfries. Mckenzie, valentine, (McKenzie & Griffin) hDuke. McKENZIE & GRIFFIN, barristers, solicitors. Sec, Colborne. McKinley, Mrs., dressmaker, h Queen. McLachlin, Henry, merchant, h Pearl. McLean, Alexander, laborer, h Dumfries. McLean, SAMUEL, wholesale and retail dealer in fancy goods, i Market, h Nelson. (See advertisement). McLEAN, THOMAS, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, Colborne, h Chatham. (See bottom lines). McLelland, Robert, cutter, h William. McLenon, Thomas, fireman, h William. # McLeod, Kenneth, gas maker, h Colborne.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Importer of Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail. COUNTY OF BRANT. 101

McMAHON, HUGrH, barrister, and attorney-at-law, office Market, xor Dalhousie. McMAHON, T. B., barrister, attorney, &c., office Market square, h Darling. McMeans, A., groceries, provisions, wines and liquors, 7 Colborne w. McNaught, Robert, clerk, bds Mr. McNaughtons, Queen. McNaughton, Daniel, Queen. McPherson, Duncan, clerk, h AYilliam.

McQuinlan, Miss B. M., dressmaker, li Pearl. McTavish, Henry, laborer, h Pearl. McTavish, Henry, farmer, h Pearl. Macdonald Mrs, Janet, tailoress, Darling. Mace, John, laborer, h Colborne.

Mackay, Wm., moulder, li Marlboro. Mackindsey, Mrs., widow, h Nelson. Macfarlane, John, laborer, h Darling. Macphederan, Patrick, laborer, h Darling. Maloney, George, laborer, h Terrace Hill. Maloney, Patrick, laborer, h Holmdale. Maloney, Thomas, laborer, h Pearl. Mangan, Thomas, laborer, h Niagara. MANN, JOHN, manager gas works, h Darling. Mart, Wm., teamster, h Sheridan. Martin, John, fitter, h Waterloo. Martin, John, constable, h CroAvn. Martin, Patrick, laborer, h Crown. Martyr, Walter, Inland Revenue Office, bds American Hotel. Marx, John, potter, h Darling, Mason, George, clerk, Mason & Hamilton, Colborne, h Cedar. MASON, J. J., M.D., M.R.C.S.L., (Mason & Hamilton), h Cedar. MASON & HAMILTON, (J. J. Mason, M.D., M.R.C.S.L., & H. M. Hamilton), wholesale chemists and druggists, cor Colborne and

King. . Masterson, J. A., printer, h King. MASTERSON, WM., gun and rifle maker, cor Queen and Dalhousie. (See card). MATHEWS, \YM., J. P., issuer of marriage licenses. Queen. MATHISON, ROBERT, (Stewart & Mathison) " Expositor," Nelson. Matthias, Stewart, clerk, bds Commercial Hotel. Matton, Charles, laborer, h William. Maxwell, John, joiner, h Albion. MEACHAM, J. B., L.D.S., dentist, Colborne e. (See card). Meehan, John, laborer, h Pearl. Mercer, Joseph, laborer, h Gray. Michie, Peter, merchant, h Pearl.


Mickle, Mrs., widow, h Oxford. Middlemas, Peter, carpenter. Middlemas, Thomas, joiner, h William. MIDGLEY, CHARLES, dry goods and ready made clothmg, whole- sale and retail, Colborne. Miller, John, fireman, h Duke. Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h Main. Milliken, C. A., h Darling. Minore, John, confectioner, Colborne, h Dalhonsie. Mitchell, Daniel, clerk, h Market. Mitchell, Joseph, boiler maker. Mitchell, Robert, shoe maker, h Wellington. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary, widow, h William. Monteith, Robert, laborer, h Colborne e. Montgomery, J. D., tailor, h Chatham. Montgomery, James A., clerk J. Grifiith, bds Chatham. Montgomery, John, merchant, h Dumfries. Montgomery, John, laborer, h Sydenham. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY, E. Cameron, manager, Col- borne. Mooney, Thomas, gi'ocer, h George. Moore, Arthur, agent, h Sheridan. Moore, James, h Wellington. Moore, Robert, engine driver, h Richmond. Moore, Thomas, carpenter. Moore, Thomas, mill-wright, h Darling. Morgan, J., mangier, h Charlotte. Morgan, Mrs. Maria, h Wellington. Morley, John, laborer, h Duke. Morris, Hector, carpenter. Morris, Hercules, joiner, h. Pearl.

Morris, Wm., laborer, li Marlboro. MORTON, ANDREW, (A. Morton & Co.) h Nelson. Morton, James, bds A. Morton, Nelson. Morton, Robert, bds A. Morton, Nelson. MORTON, JAMES, (A. Morton & Co.) MORTON, A. & Co., wholesale and retail hardware merchants, Colborne. (See advertisement). Moyer, James, harness maker, bds Queen. Muirhead, Andrew, clerk, h Cedar. Muirhead, Andrew, clerk, h Queen. Mullaney, Michael, laborer, h Winniott. Mullen, John, laborer, h Pearl. Mvdligan, Michael, stone-mason, h Holmdale. Mullin, Patrick, blacksmith, bds Pearl.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ontario, Hats, Caps, Neckties, Shirts, &c., &c., &c. COUNTY OF BRANT. lOS

Murphy-j Francis, laborer, li Crown. Murray, Angus, foreman, h Marlboro. Murray, J., (colored) laborer, h Holmdale. Musgrave, Frederick M., clerk, bds Mrs. Long, Darling. Nelles, H. P., foreman, li Queen. Nelson, Wm., retired, li Dalhouse. Nesbit, John, brakeman. Queen. NEWTON, G. E., late of Commercial Hotel. Nickerson, Eobert, carriage maker, bds Commercial Hotel.

Noble, John, painter, h Dalhousie. ,.^\ Noble, John, painter, h William. 'U'1^ Noble, Thomas A., painter. Sec, h Wellington. Nolan, Nicholas, tailor, Colborne. Nolan, Ellen, milliner, Colborne. • Norwood, C, barber, Colborne w. O'Connor, Bartley, laborer, h William. O'Connor, Mrs. B., widow, h William. O'Connor, William, peddler, h Duke. O'Neil, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, h ^larket. O'Neil, John, conductor, h Pearl. O'Neil, Michael, porter, h Darling. ORCHARD, JOHN, tailor, clothier, and general outfitter, Colborne^ h same. Osborne, Thomas, laborer, h AVilliam. Ott, Frank, tanner, Oxford, h Darling. Ott, Jacob, tanner, h Mount Pleasant. OTT, MICHAEL, tanner, h Darling. OTT, JOHN, sheepskin tanner, Oxford, h Darling. Oxby, Richard, conductor, h Sheridan. OXLEY & CO., (T. & W. Oxley), dealers in groceries and liquors^ Market. Page, James, joiner, h Joseph. Page, John, wagon maker, h Dumfries. Page, John, wagon maker, Holmdale. Palmer, S., grocer, Colborne, e. Palmerston, Joshua, farmer, h Waterloo. PARK, SETH, photographic artist, Colborne. Park, Wm. H., joiner, h Albion. Parker, Henry, carpenter. Parker, Wm., laborer, h Hoban's alley. Parmenter, James, tanner, h Dalhousie. Passmore, E. C, clerk, h Colborne, e. Passmore, Fras., patternmaker, h Sheridan. Paterson, Wm. confectioner, Colborne, h Oxford. Patrick, Mrs. A., widow, h William.

Thomafi McLean, manufacturer of Ready-made Clothing, Brantford, Ontario. 104 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Peachy, Mr., gardener, h Spring. Penfold, Mrs. Margaret, widow, Sydenham. PEIRCE, WM., cabinetnijiker and undertaker, 86 Colbome, h Dumfries. Pendlebury, H., boot and shoe maker, Oxford. Penfold, Mr., carpenter, h George. Perry, William, teamster, h Wellington. PETRIE TIMOTHY, baker and confectioner, s s Colborne w. Pickering, Joseph, builder. Pickering, Thomas, builder, h William. Pierce, John, yeoman, h west. Pillen, John, laborer, h Darling. Pitcher, Richard, painter, h Sheridan. PLEWIS, DAVID, Holmdale flour mills, office Colborne, h Cedar. Plumhouse, Fr„ tailor, bds Darling. PLUMMER, WALTER, Farmers' Hotel. Poole, Caleb, tailor, h Oxford. Potts, Thomas, tinsmith, h Colborne. Powley, Charles, retired, h Cedar. Powley, Charles, yeoman, h West. Pritchard, Edward, baker. Market. Purcell, James, laborer, Albion. Quilley, Robert, mechanic, h George. Quinn, Michael, laborer, h Pearl. Quinlan, Joseph, wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, provisions, wines and liquors, 90 Colborne. RACEY, HENRY, clerk Div. Court, h William. Radford, John, butcher, Colborne w. Ransford, Mr., New York. Rawlings, Thomas, accountant. Rawlings, Thomas H., cabinet maker, G.T.R. works. Raydon, John, laborer, h Pearl. Raynord, Wm., tailor, h Oxford. Reed, Francis, grocer, Colborne e. Reed, Joel, shoe maker, h Darling. Renwick, John, engineer, G.T.R., h George. RICHARDSON, AVM. L., B.A., head master Grammar School, h Dal- housie. Rickard, Mrs. Phoebe, straw milliner, &c., Wellington. Riley, Matthew, carpenter, h Colborne e. Riley, Phillip, laborer, h Pearl. Ritchie, David, (Ritchie & Russell) h WelHngton. Ritchie, Thomas, blacksmith, bds Wellington. Ritchie, Andrew, founder, bds Wellington. RITCHIE (fe RUSSELL, (David Ritchie & Robert Russell), plumbers, gas fitters and wire workers.

Thomas McLean, Men's Clothing made to order in first class manner, at reasonable prices. COUNTY OF BRANT. 105

Roantree, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, h Oxford. Roberts, Mr., currier, bds Darling. ROBERTSON, A., manager Bank of British North America, Victoria square. Robins, Stephen, laborer. Robinson, J., commission merchant, Colborne w. ROBINSON, 0., P. L. S. and C. E., commissioner in B. R., and county engineer, 39 Dalhousie, north side. Robinson, Miss, milliner, bds Queen. Robson, M., innkeper, Market. ROBSON, THOMAS, miller, h Dumfries. Roe, James, shoe maker, h Wellington. Rogers, W. George, grocer. Queen. Rogers, W. George, painter and glazier, Queen. Roman, Patrick, laborer, h Pearl. Roop, William, helper, h West. Rowlands, Misses E. & H., select ladies school, Market. Rowlands, Mrs. Mary, h Market. Rowley, John, laborer, h Holmdale. Roy, E., h Colborne. Russell, Robert, (Ritchie & Russell), h Wellington. Ruston, James, boiler maker. Ryan, William, fruiterer and oyster dealer, tobacco, liquors and wines. Ryckman, Daniel, driver, h King. Rycroft, William, moulder. SHADES SALOON, J. P. Excell, proprietor. Sample, Alexander, boiler maker. Sanderson, William, seedsman and florist, Colborne, h Terrace Hill. Savage, Arthur, road master, h Crown. Sayles, Albert, inn keeper, h Oxford. Sayles, John, saloon, Colborne. Sayles, M., saddler, h Sheridan. Scarfe, W. J., merchant tailor, Colborne w. Scott, Theodore, laborer. Scott, William C, yeoman, h Sydenham. Scott, Mrs. P., grocer, Waterloo. SEARS, CHAS. W., prop. Sears' Hotel, Dalhousie. Secord, Mrs., widow, h Sheridan. Seeley, John C, starch maker, h Queen. Sellis, Wm., laborer. SHACKELL, ROBT., inn keeper and dealer in pork and provisions, cor Market and Dalhousie. Shannaghan, Danl., laborer, h Holmedale. Shannahan, Michl., laborer, h Dumfries. Shannon, John, grocer^ Colborne, h Queen.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ont., holds one of the Largest Stocks of General Dry Goods in the Dominion, 106 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Shannon, E., grocer and provision merchant, Colborne w. Sharp, James, peddler, h Dalhousie. Sharp, John, trackman, h George. Shaw, Albert, stave merchant, h Wellington. Shaw, Alex,, machinist. Shelts, Henry, tinsmith. SHENSTON,THOS. S., registrar county of Brant, insurance agent, &c., office Court House. Shonhae, A., cabinetmaker, h Dalhousie. Shultz, George C, joiner, h Pearl. Sigman, John, mason, h Chestnut. SIMS & HAEPIN, conveyancers, land agents, &c., east side Market square. (See advt.) SIMS, EDWAKD, (Sims & Harpin) off Market Square. Sims, Walter, grocer. Princess. Simmons, S., grocer, flour and feed, Colborne w. Sinclair, Harley, blacksmith. Pearl. SISTEES OF ST. JOSEPH, Pearl. Skinner, John, laborer, h Dumfries. Skimming, William, joiner. Hall's Avenue. Smiley, Wm., clerk, bds Darling. SMITH, AUGUSTUS W., exchange broker and insurance agent, Col- borne, h Albion. Smith, George, machinist. Smith, Henry, moulder, h Dumfries. Smith, Isaac, carpenter and joiner, Albion. Smith, J. S., finisher, h Wellington. Smith, James (McKay, Smith & Co.), h Nelson. Smith, James, laborer, h Sheridan. SMITH, JOHN, Sheriff County of Brant, h Darling. Smith, John, fireman, h Hall's Avenue. Smith, John H., tailor, h Eichmond. Smith, Lawrence, gas manufacturer, h Northumberland. Smith, Stephen, harnessmaker, bds Queen. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte, h Dalhousie. Smith, Mrs. Margaret, grocer, Colborne w. SMITH & EDY (L. E. Smith and J. N. Edy), photographers, Colborne. Smithson, J. L., engineer, G. T. E., h Marlboro. Smoke, George, brakeman, G. T. E., h George. Smoke, George, bricklayer, h main. Smoke, John, laborer, h George. Snider, Samuel, agent, Chatham. Somers, John, joiner, h Eichmond. South, William, saloon keeper, h Oxford. Southern, Wm., cabinetmaker, h Colborne e.

Thomas McLean's Stock of Carpets is not surpassed in the Bominion. Tapestry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets. COUNTY OF BRANT. lOT

Sparling, Goodwin, baker and confectioner, Colborne, h same. SPENCE, A., prop. Provincial carriage works, Colborne, e of Market. SPENCER, HUGH, grocer and dealer in pro\dsions, 78 Colborne, same. (See advt.) Spencer, John, laborer, h William. Spencer, John, blacksmith, h Duke. Spencer, Thomas, brewer, No. 1 Mt. Pleasant. Spoole, Eliza Ann, h Queen. Spoole, Miss Sarah, school teacher. Queen. Spoole, Miss Caroline, h Queen. Spriggs, Samuel, white-washer, h Market. Stanstead, T., laborer, h Wellington. Stapleton, John, boot and slioe store, Colborne w. Stapleton, Patrick, laborer, h Niagara. Steele, Mrs. Mary Ann, boarding house, Dalhousie. Steele, Mrs., widow, h Wellington. Stemp, John, laborer, li Sydenham. Sterne, Henry, painter, bds Darling. Sterne, George, founder, bds Darling. Sterne, Mrs. Sarah, h Darling. Stevens, W., laborer, h Oxford. Stevens, Mrs. B. B., widow, h Darling. Stevenson, D., vinegar maker, h Greenwich. Stevenson, James, laborer, h William. STEWART, REV. W., Baptist minister, h Market. Stewart, Wm., cabinetmaker, h Dalhousie. Stewart, Wm., teamster, h Darling. Stockwell, Thomas, d3^er, h Pearl. Stockwell, T & Brother, fancy dyers and scourers, Market. Stover, George, laborer, Winniott. STRATFORD, JOHN H. & CO., manufecturers of and dealers in o , Colborne. STRATFORD, JOHN H, (J. H. Stratford & Co.), h Dalhousie. STRATFORD, WM. H., wholesale druggists and woollen mills supplies, Colborne, cor Queen, h Albion. Strickland, John, carpenter, h Dalhousie. Strong, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Colborne w., h Queen. Stroud, Henry, clerk, h Darling. Strowger, Philip, laborer, h Oxford. STUART, REV. JAMES, retired Presbyterian Minister, h Darling. STUBBS, W^M., prop Dominion Iron Works. SULLIVAN, D. C, LL.B., Principal of Brantford Public Schools, Nelson. Sunter, Mrs., h Dumfries. SUTHERLAND, JOHN, book binder and stationer, 5 Colborne e.

THOS. McLEAKT, Brantford, Wholesale and Retail Dry Good«. J 03 TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Peter, carter. Darling. Sutherland, ^ -»^ x SUTTON, DR. J. P., L.D.S., dentist, next door to T. McLean & Co., 4 Colborne. (See advertisement). Switzer, Charles, laborer, h Colborne e. Symington, John, cordwainer, h Waterloo. Tanner, Charles, plasterer, h Wellington. Tanner, William, bricklayer, h Welling-ton. Tanner, William, laborer, h Spring. Tanton, John, mason, h Crown. Tapscott & Co., druggists. Market. TATE, THOS. H., general groceries, liquors, provisions, &c., Colborne e, h Victoria. Taylor, John, baker, Colborne e. Taylor, John, laborer, h Dumfries. Taylor, John, wholesale dry goods, Colborne, h Dumfries. Taylor, William, fireman, h Market. Teat, William, laborer, h Waterloo. Temple, George, merchant, h Crown. TERNANDT, GEORGE, hotel keeper, opposite Victoria Park. Thomas, Thomas, moulder. Thomas, Thomas H., moulder, h Wellington. Thompson, Joseph, watchmaker, King's Ward. Thompson, Wm., painter, h Sheridan. Threathaway, William, machinist, h Dumfries. Tipper, Edwd., gardener, h Dumfries. Tisdale, Arthur B. G., clerk, B. G. Tisdale, h Queen. TISDALE, B. G., founder, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, &c., office Colborne, h Queen. Todd, Thomas, tailor, h William. Tooze, John, butcher, h William. Towler, ^aml, boot and shoemaker. Market, h same. Tray, Mrs. Ann, dressmaker. Queen. Triggerson, George, harness maker, bds Queen. TRIGGERSON, J. T., saddler and harness manufacturer, Colborne w. Trimble, Wm. C, printer, Colborne. Trudgeon, Mrs., h Darling. Truesdale, Thos., clerk, Forde ^ Bros., bds Commercial Hotel. Turnbull, Mrs., widow. Turnbull, Miss Sarah, teacher King's Ward school, h Marlboro. Turner, Arthur, saddler, h Nelson. Turner, Chas., (T. Botham & Co.,) h Wellington. TURNER, JOHN, architect, h Nelson. TURNER, ROBT., wholesale grocer, Colborne, h Wellington. Turner, Thos., brakeman, h George. Turner, Mrs., widow, h George.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, makes Mourning Goods a Special Depart- ment. Everything for ladies' and men's wear constantly on hand. COUNTY OF BRANT. 109

Tute, Mrs. Ann, widow, seamstress, h Charlotte. TUTT, JAMES, builder and manufacturer of all kinds of house work> h Wellington. Usher, Arthur L., merchant, h Pearl. USHER, Eev. JAMES C, canon, rector Grace Church. Van Norman, G. R., barrister, Dumfries. Vaughan, John, hair dresser, Colborne w. Tickers, Mrs. E., widow, h Waterloo. VICTORIA FOUNDRY, W. Buck, Cedar. Vivan, Mr., retired, h Mt. Pleasant. Wade, Henry, retired, h Nelson. Waldron, Richard, bricklayer, h Darling. Walker, Adney, tailor, h Queen. Walker, Miss. Elizabeth, dressmaker. Queen. Walkinshaw, J., tailor, h King's Ward. Walkinshaw, Wm., machinist. Wallace, George, grain dealer, h Nelson. WALLACE JAMES (Wallace & Houghton), h Nelson. WALLACE & HOUGHTON (James WaUace and Calvin Houghton), tanners and leather merchants, Colborne e. Walker, William, laborer, h Darling. WALSH, FREDERICK, restaurant and tobacconist, Market Square. Walsh, George, bricklayer, h George. Walsh, John, retired, h Chatham. Walsh, John, boot and shoe maker, Colborne w. Walsh, Nixon, street com., h Oxford. Walsh, Thomas J., engine driver, h Crown. WALSH, W. E. (Welsh & Walsh), Market. Warbuston, James, fireman, h Waterloo. Ward, John, laborer, h Sydenham. Ward, Mrs., seamstress, h Wellington. W^arden, Peter, grocer, h Market. Warner, Miss, music teacher, h George, cor Grey. Warren, H. W., yeoman, h Spring. Washington, Wm., night watchman G. T. Railway. WATEROUS, C. H. (C. H. Waterous & Co.), h Dalhousie. WATEROUS, C. H., & Co., Brantford engine works, &c., Dalhousie. !RA^TFORO ^iMGINE

C.H.Waterous & Co.Bran7ford.Ont. Waters, J. J., carpenter, h Nelson. Watkins, Wm., clerk, h Sydenham.

Thomas McLean never loses sight of his leading policy of selling goods for the smallest possible profits. IIQ TOWN OF BRANTFORD.

Watson, James, butcher, li Oxford.'^ Watson, James, salesman, bds Darhng. Watson, Thomas, bookkeeper, h Dalhousie. Watt, Alfred, grain dealer, h Dumfries. Watt, George, grocer, Colborne w, h Canal, Watt, John, mechanic, h Sheridan. Watt, Robert, carpenter, h Charlotte. Watt, Wm., builder, h William. Watt, Wm., builder. Cedar. Watt, Wm., builder. West. WATTS, ALFRED, wholesale groceries, soap and candle manufacturer, and 'merchant miller, Colborne. h Dumfries. Webb, Henry, bds Church. Webster, David, finisher, h Wellington. Weeks, James, carpenter, h Oxford. Weightman, Charles, joiner, h William. Weinang, V., groceries and provisions, cor King and Nelson. WELDING WM. E., (Welding & Belding) h south side DarUng. WELDING & BELDING. (W. E. Welding

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, )iisehold Furnishings. y?M^A AhfiA CQUNTY OF BRANT. Ill

Wickens, Mrs. P., widow, h Charlotte. Wickson, Charles, laborer, Oxford. Wilford, Henry, saddler, shop and h King. WILKES, G. H., (C. H. Waterous & Co.), h Pearl. Wilkes, James, h Darling. WILKES, JAMES, J. P. and Insurance agent, office Colborne w. Wilkie, Mrs. J., milliner, &c., Colborne w. Wilkins, Mrs. Maria, widow, h Dumfries. Wilkinson. John W., watchmaker and jeweller, Colborne, h Charlotte. Williams, Henry, laborer, h George. Williamson, Patrick, laborer, h Pearl. Wilson, A. L., clerk Custom House, h Dumfries. Wilson, Christopher, boot and shoe maker, Colborne w, h Oxford.

Wilson, John, laborer, li Joseph. Wilson, John, bds Commercial Hotel. Wilson, Robert, law student (Cameron & Wilson), bds Market. Wisner, H., manfr. grain drills, Colborne, h Dalhousie. Wisson, George, cab driver, h Darling. Wood, Edward, moulder G. T. R., h Darling. WOOD, Hon. E. B., M.P.P., office Colborne, h Dumfries. WOOD, Rev. JOHN, Congregational minister, h Dalhousie. Wood, Job, joiner, h Pearl. Wood, Walter, bds American Hotel Woodhall, Thomas, blacksmith, h Sheridan. Woods, Henry, innkeeper, h Waterloo. Woods, Thomas, painter, h Darling. Woodsworth, Thomas, joiner, h Albion. WOODYATT, JAMES, town clerk, h Dalhousie. Wolfe, Robert, switchman, h Williams.

Worthington, John, grocer and fruiterer, Colborne e. Wright, JBenjamin, laborer, h Waterloo.

Wright, James, engine driver, h Market. , Wright, John, boilermaker. Wright, John, boot and shoemaker, King, h Balfour. Wright, Joseph, shoe store. King's Ward. Wright, Joseph, boot and shoemaker. King, h Belfour. Wye, Dr. J. H., office Dalhousie, bds American Hotel. Yates, Henry, contractor, h Terrace Hill. YOUNG, WM., lumber merchant, bds American Hotel. Youngs, Issac, laborer, h Greenwich. ZION CHURCH, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN, Darling.

Thomas McLean, Importer of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Brantford. —


An incorporated town, beautifully situated on the Governor's road, in the townships of Brantford and South Dumfries—is the second place in population and importance in the county. It is divided into the upper and lower town, separated by Smith's Creek, which here enters the Grand River. This town was laid out in 1831, by Hiram Capron, Esq., and surveyed by Lewis Burwell, Esq., P. L. S., when lots sold for $10. In 1850 it contained a population of about 1,000, and was incorporated as a village. In 1855 it was incorporated as a town. Paris was so named by Hiram Capron, Esq., from its contiguity to beds of gypsum, or j^laster of Paris. The first plaster mill was built in 1823, by AVilliam Holmes, Esq. The post office was established in 1831. The first hotel was built in 1831, by John Vanevery. Hiram Capron, Esq., built the first grist- mill in 1832. There is one school—grammar and common— situated in Queen's ward, Paris and Dundas road, built in 1857, at a cost of $14,200. There are four teachers—J. W. Acres, Principal. The Great Western Railway passes along the northern end of the town. The Bufi'alo and Goderich section of the Grand Trunk Railway also passes through it. Mails received daily. Paris is situated in the centre of one of the most fertile regions in Ontario. The Paris Star was established in June, 1850, by B. C. Hearle, Esq. From that time up to 1855 it passed through several hands, and was then carried on by Messrs. Oliver & Powell. The former ceased to have connection with it in 1857, and the latter became sole proprietor in 1859. Politics, Reform. The Paris Town Hall was built of brick, in 1853—cost about $12,000. Architect, John Maxwell. Situated in Queen's AYard, Upper Town surrounded by Dumfries, Church, and Burwell streets. There are several manufactories now carried on successfully in Paris, of which mention may be made of the new Paris mill, C. Whitlaw proprie- tor. This mill is 180 feet long by 45 wide, two stories high, containing 6 run of stone propelled by water, and employment is given to a large number of hands, about 2,000 ban^els of flour are turned out per week. The old Paris mill, Geo. T. Florey proprietor, is four stories high, of frame, with stone basement 60 by 30 feet, and contains 4 run of stone propelled by water. About 150 barrels of flour are manufactured daily. There is a custom grist mill on the flats—earned on by Alexander Henderson. The building is brick, three stories high, and 40 by 25 feet. The mill contains two run of stone, propelled by water power. In the manufacture of plaster, J. W. Coleman employs about eighty hands, and turns out about ten thousand tons per annum. . The works have been established over twenty years. The premises are built of brick, and the machinery propelled by water power.

c:^ Thomas Mclean, 6 Colhome and 3 Market Streets, Brantford, is the place for Carpets. ADTERTISEMENTS. PARIS POTTERY,J?

SCHULER & McGLADE, Proprietors,



Flint, Enamelled & Common Earthenware, -

Which they will supply to Storekeepers and others, at the lowest prices. * Having had long experience at the business, they can ensure their cus- ^ tomers, and all who patronize them, as good wares as any manufactured in Canada. '>






We have now one of the best appointed Book, Job and Newspaper Offices west of Toronto.

Has been fitted up with all the modern improvements and facilities of the Typo- graphic Art. Our Type, Borders and designs are new, to which we are constantly adding. Our Machinery is of the very best manufacture. We have just added a splendid new Taylor Cylinder Press, for Ffne Printing ; we have also the "Franklin" Gordon, for Fast Printing; and two Hand Presses for all styles of Printing. Thus equipped, we feel confident that all work entrusted to us will give entire satisfaction. We endeavor to please our patrons. We purchase our stock direct from the manufacturers, in large quantities, and give our customers the benefit.

Call and See Specimens at the OflQce.

ORDERS rROM THE COUNTRY PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THE BRANTFORD " E X I^ O S I T O R," Is p^^blished every Friday morning, and has a larger circulation than the other County papers combined. Intending advertisers are invited to call at the office and examine our Mail Book, for themselves. STEWART & MATHISON.

// ^r^ COUNTY OF BRANT. 113

The manufacture of tobacco is here carried on extensively by Messrs. Brown, Dickson & Co., who employ from twenty to thirty hands in the manufacture of phig tobacco. The factory is two stories high, and 40 by 60 feet. It is situated on Dumfries Street. Cooperage. —Whitlaw's cooperage, under the management of Mr. D. Finlayson, is a large frame building, 80 feet long, by 26 feet wide. Fourteen hands are here employed, and about 50,000 barrels turned out annually. The Paris Foundry and Machine Shop is carried on by Messrs. Max- well Sz Whitlaw. The buildings are frame, beiilg 30 feet wide and 200 feet long, and for 1 20 feet in length are two stories high. Water power is used to propel the machinery, and about twenty hands^ find constant employment. Agricultural implements, mill gearing, and every descrip- tion of castings are here turned out. Seioing Machines. —In the manufacture of this now useful and indis- pensable machine to every family, the "British American Manufacturing Sewing Machine Co.," established in 1866, are extensively engaged. They now turn out about 500 machines annually; employ 18 hands, and use hydraulic power. The premises are 80 feet long by 30, and three stories high. The works were originally established by Mr. Barclay. The Company claims a greater simplicity in the structure of their machine, and considers the machine superior to any other manufac- ture. Messrs. Hall, Laing and Totten, Directors; D. Totten, President; James Laing, Secretary. Leather Manufacturing.—Messrs. H. Finlayson & Co. are engaged in the manufacture of leather of various kinds. They employ five hands. The business was originally established in 1832 by Mr. Macklin. Pm'h Packing.—Messrs. J. M. Whitlaw & Co. have been doing busi- ness as pork packers and curers for a number of years. A number of hands are kept employed during the packing season. Fanning Mills. —In this branch of manufactures, Mr. J. E. Mitchell has been established about thirty years. Water power is used, and a number of men employed. The premises are frame. Knitting Works. —The Paris Knitting and Manufacturing Co., Messrs.

Penman & Adams, use hydraulic power to the extent . of forty horse, and employ one hundred hands. The building is rough -cast, 84 feet by 50 feet, and four stories high. The factory contains three sets of manu- facturing machines, and 680 spindles. There is also a steam boiler for dying and heating purposes, (fee. All kinds of woolen goods are here turned out, to the extent of about $70,000 per annum. Planing Mills. —Mr. George Angus, in this branch of industry employs fifteen hands—water power is employed to propel the machinery. The building is rough-cast, two-stories high, and 66 by 36 feet. Messrs. Turnbull & Thompson, in the same line, employ nine hands, using hydraulic power also. Their building is frame, two stories high, and

Household Furnishings, Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets^ Thomas McLean, Srantford. 8

. .- ^ \ 114 TOWN OF PARIS.

70 by 30 feet. Each of the above firms manufactures sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, and engage in building. Potters. —Messrs. Schuler & McGlade, employ six hands in this busi- ness, which has been established about 1 1 years—at first by Mr. Mar- latt. The firm is doing a large trade, and manufacture everj^ descrip- tion of earthen, flint, and enameled ware. Ahren's pottery was established about 1848—six hands are here em- ployed, and goods to the value of about six thousand dollars turned out per annum, consisting of ftint, enameled and common earthenware. • CHUECHES.

St. James' Church. —The Church of England is a substantial stone edi- fice, a transept in the Gothic style of cut stone was added to the Church in 1865 by the present incumbent, the Eev. Dr. Townley. The cost of the Church has been about £500 stg. It will accommodate three hun- dred persons. There is a large and prosperous Sunday school in con. nexion. Church of the Sacred Heart. —The Catholic Church, dedicated to "the Jesus," opened for divine service in the Sacred Heart of was year 1857 ; but in consequence of a heavy debt contracted at the time, the building has remained for several years in an unfinished state. It is a substantial solid stone edifice, 70 x 45 feet, capable of accommodating 400 persons, and is constructed in the mediaeval style of architecture, of rustic exterior appearance, embellished by ornamental cut stone bordering the doors and Gothic windows. The outside walls are low, as it was intended that the inner ones should be elevated so as to admit of a clear story, lighted from above ; but this part of the plan, for want of funds, has been for the present omitted. The chief beauty of the church is dis- played in the interior, which is r«markable for its two rows of massive stone pillars, with ornamental capitals, supporting on either side tliree gothic arches, besides the grand arch in the centre leading into the sanc- tuary. The ceiling is of polished wood intended to be painted, and the windows which are for the most part temporary ones, are to be all en- riched with stained glass. Preparations are already being made to carry these improvements into efiect. When the present clergyman assumed charge— some four years ago—the church was not only deeply in debt, but the building itself, through neglect, was very much dilapidated. Since that time, aided by the generosity of such gentlemen as D. O'Neil & Sons, (who themselves subscribed one thousand dollars) James Max- well, Esq., the Messrs. Skelley, T. McGrory, and others who also sub- scribed most liberally, the reverend gentleman has succeeded not only in liquidating the greater portion of the debt, but also in efi'ecting many desirable repairs and improvements. " The Ladies' Altar Society," re- cently established, is contributing handsomely to the interior decora-

Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Dress Stuffs, Mourning Goods, Black Colored Dress Silks at Thomas McLean, Brantford. ;

COUNTY OF BRANT. 115 tion. They "have already procured, among the ornaments, 14 lithographic paintings of "the Stations of the Cross," representing scenes, in the life of our Redeemer, and the first stained glass window is marked as the gift of the same society. The cabinet organ lately presented to the church is the gift of the Messrs. Maginn, of Burford. Rev. Father Dowling is the resident priest. He is also in charge of a congregation in Gait, so that he officiates in Paris church only every alternate Sunday, on which days high mass is celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school is held at 2:30 p.m., and vespers at 3:30 p.m. Separate School. —The Catholic separate school is taught in the build- ing formerly used as a church. The school is conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. The average attendance of pupils is between sixty and seventy. Canada Presbyterian Church. — This church is situated on Dumfries street. The church is large and will seat comfortably 650 persons. This is one of the oldest congregations in the town, and was originally organized in 1836 by the Rev. G. Murray. The congregation now num- bers two hundred and seventy members under the pastoral charge of the Rev. John James. The Congregational Church building is situated on Congregational* Square, fronting the south. It is a substantial but unpretending brick building, capable of seating three hundred, with a lecture room behind. It is plain and comfortable in the interior, heated from beneath with hot air apparatus. A small but sweet toned organ is in the gallery, and the lecture room is well hnng around with missionary maps. The church is prosperous, though not numerous, is influential and gradually increasing. They own a beautiful and commodious parsonage, situated on the same square. The present pastor. Rev. W. H. Allworth, was settled over them in 1865, successor of Rev. E. Ebbs, of Ottawa city. This church in proportion to its numbers is liberal, and not without reason is full of hope for the future. Wesleyan Methodist Church was erected m the year 1846, and is 65 X 38 feet, framed, rough cast, original cost $3,000, will seat 500 persons. Present congregation, or congregation now in attendance, 450 persons. The followmg ministers have officiated in this church : —From

1850 to 1853, Rev. Edwin Clement ; from 1853 to 1855, Rev. Joseph Shepley; from 1855 to 1858, Revs. 0. H. Ellsworth and Thos. Jeffery; from 1858 to 1860, Revs. Peter Kerr and Wm. Hay; from 1860 to 1863, Revs. W. S. Griffin, Richard Potter, Wm. Hayhurst, and H.

Bartlet ; 1863, Revs. James Spencer, Samuel Hume, and Thomas Kelly from 1864 to 1867, Revs. John G. Laird, G. H. Bridgeman, and G. Burson; from 1867 to 1869, Revs. John Mills and John F. German, M.A. Primitive Methodist Church was built in 1862. It is a frame, rough cast building, 42 by 32 feet, seated for two hundred persons, and cost

Thomas McLean invites special attention to his Large Stock of Ready Made Clothing, Market and Colbome Streets, Brantford. —


about one thousand dollars. Its membership is about forty, and is gradually on the increase. The Eev. A. Hepworth is the present officiating minister. Paris Baptist Church. —The Baptist Church in this town was formed in the year 1843. In the course of the preceding year a chapel was erected, which is now used as a Sunday School and Lecture Eoom. In 1864, a neat and commodious brick chapel was built on an eminence overlooking the lower town, and near the site of the former place of worship. With the opening of the new church edifice the pastorate of the present minister, the Rev. Thomas Henderson, commenced. Baptist Church Edifice Society for the Province of Ontario. —President,

Alexander Mackenzie, Esq., M.P. ; Treasurer, William Buck, Esq., Brantford; Secretary, Rev. Thomas Henderson, Paris. Subscriptions:

• Life Director, $200 Life Member, $25 ; Annual, $1.


Officer^!. —President: C. Whitlaw ; Vice do., C. Arnold; Secretary,

H. Hart ; Directors: William Morse, H. C. Latshaw, John Arnold, N. Hamilton, Hugh Finlayson, T. N. Bosworth, Geo. L. Scott, John Carnie and Joseph Steel. PARIS MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.

Organized 22nd April, 1841. Incorporated 18th Sep., 1867. Con- taining a library of 1,000 vols. Building destroyed by fire, 1867, and rebuilt immediatelT. The reading room is well supplied with magazines and papers. Building belongs to the institute and is free from debt. It is a rough cast 24 by 36, one large room about 16 feet high. Sub- scribers $2 a year, and apprentices 50 cents. Classes are organized during the winter months.

President, Mr. John Roberts ; 1st Vice do., Mr. A. Campbell ; 2nd

do., Mr. James Lang • Secretary, Geo. L. Scott. Managing Committee. Me^vsrs. James Reith, John Whitlaw, D. R. Dickson, A. H. Baird, Henry Hart, C. Whitlaw, J. Brown, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Lawrence, H. Finlayson, John Hall, W. Hunter, George Angus, E. Fudger, R. Thompson, John Smith. FIRE BRIGADE.

Paris Fire Engine Co. No. 1 —1869. — Captain, James Lang ; 1st Lieut., Geo. E. Hemming; do., P. 1st 2nd Adams ; Engineer, Henry Aherns j 2nd do., Jno. Steel; Secy, and Treas., Geo. L. Scott.

Fire Engine No. 2. —Captain, Joseph Shaffer ; 1st Lieut., Thomas Turner, 2nd do., Gideon Miller; 1st Branchman, Guy Marshall; 2nd do., Franklin Miller; 3rd do., Franklin Brockie; Engineer, James

Miller ; Secretary, Geo. Hoffman.

Tiveeds, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Meltons, Broadcloths, Vestings, and every article belonging to the Men's Department. Clothing made to order. ;


Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. —Captain, Jno. "Walker ; 1st Lieut., Hugh Finlayson, jr. 2n(i do., Jno. Halliday 1st Foreman, ; ; Kobert White ; 2nd do., William Smith ; Secretary, William Hunter ; Treasurer, Thomas- McCosh. CLUBS.

Paris Curling Club instituted in 1843. Dr. McCoshwas the first Pre- sident. Officers. —Chas. Whitlaw, Esq., Mayor, Patron ; Thos. Hall,

President ; Jno. M. AVhitlaw, Vice-President ; Jno. McCosh, Secy, and Treas. Geo. Denholme and H. N. Baird representative members. Com- mittee of Management.—Jas. Reid an^* Jno. Torrance. Consists of about 30 members and in flourishing condition. Was admitted into the Royal Caledonian Club of Edinburgh in the year 1857.

Paris Cricket Club. —Nevill Smith, President ; A. M. Bennett, Vice do. ; Jno. McCosh, Secy, and Treas. ; A. Baird, N. Totten and T. Blakeney, Committee of Management. Established about 1845, is in a very flourishing condition—about 20 members. The ground is situated on the Grand River road on land given by Hiram Capron, Esq., to the Club every year. MASONIC.

>S'^. Johns Lodge Ko. 82, Paris. —Meetings, first Tuesday in every month. Officers for 1868 and 1869 :—Wm. S. Martin, ^Y. M.'and P. M.

R. Scott, S. W. ; W. Winter, J. W. ; A. Nash, Chaplain ; H. Hart,

Treasurer ; W. S. Wilkinson, Secretary ; G. Angus, S. D. ; H. Penton,

J. D. ; R. Walker, I. G. ; F. C. Slack, Tyler ; T. Turner, Director of

Ceremonies ; T. A. Richards, J. Loughead, Stewards. RAILWAYS.

G. W. R, Paris.—R. C. Wynn, agent; G. W. Railton, night agent;

W. White, freight agent ; G. W. Oakley, ticket agent ; George Conium, baggageman ; George Tennant, switchman ; A. Mcintosh, night switch- man ; John Wright, checher ; J. Kirkness, George Tarrant, J. Robin- son, porters.

Grand Trunk Railway. —W. S. Martin, agent G. T. R. ; R. F. Evans, freight clerk; J. Dore, telegraph operator; F. R. Smith, telegraph operator ; F. Cowls, baggage master ; B. Bauer, switchman ; Thos.

Millington, freight checker ; W. Snider, night switchman.


George Stanton, Postmaster, h Upper Town; Owen Hitchcox, h Lower Town.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Flannels in Red, White, Blue, and Fancy Flannels, Home Made Flannels, Brantford. ;;



Royal Canadian £a7ik—N. Totten, agent; James G. Eddiiigton, accountant. CUSTOM HOUSE.

Collector of Customs—F. H. Haycock. EXPEESS COMPANY.

American Express Company.—W. Winter, agent ; G. Perrj', assistant.

L. 0. L.

L. 0. L. 1108. —Paris Orange Lodge meetings are held in their Hall over the Post Office, first Wednesday in the month, ^t eight p.m. Established, 1860. About forty members. W. J. McCommon, W. M.

E. Bradwin, Dep. M. ; John Hill, Secretary ; W. Eraser, Treasurer ; H. Griffiths, Foreman of Committee.


Paris to Burford, Scotland, Eound Plans and Simcoe. Leaves Simcoe for Paris at eight a.m., arriving at Paris at one, in time for afternoon trains. (See card). MILITAEY.

No. 1 Company, Z%th Battalion, Rifles. —Headquarters, Brantford. This Company was established 26th June, 1856, and was raised by Captain McCartney, now of the 100th Eegiment. It is the oldest company, and one of the most efficient in the Dominion. Captain, A. H. Baird

Lieutenant, 0. Totten ; Ensign, W. Huson ; Sergeant-Major, E. Hub- bard. 55 strong. TO^VN OFFICEES.

Mayor, Charles Whitlaw ; Eeeve, Dr. Lawrence ; Dy. Eeeve, A. H. Baird. Councillors. —J. Schaffer, W. H. Capron, L. Maus, J. Buckley, J. H. Graham, C. Flanagan, H. Finlayscn, T. Hall, A. Whitelaw, S. Qua, N. Smith, C. Gurney, Clerk and Treasurer, Thos. N. Bosworth

• Coroners, Dr. Cook, Dr. Clark Assessor, Walter Gouinlock ; Collector,

John Eoberts ; Constables, Jas Eendall chief ; George Inksater, Joseph Lamb, S. Eeynett, SCHOOLS.

Union Board of School Trustees. —Grammar—Eev. J. James, Eev. J. Eobertson, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Clarke, Thos. N. Bosworth, Geo. L. Scott.

Thomas McLean sells his Goods on the Small Profit System. Don't fail to call at 6 Colbome Street and 3 Market Street. COUNTY OF BRANT. 119

Common—J. Euckley, W. S. Martin, D. Finlayson, J. H. Graham. H. Finlayson, T. Walker, J. Roberts, J. Smith. Teachers—Grammar School—J. W. Acres, master and principal of the union schools. Com- mon—C. Clarkson, Miss Bullock, Miss Forsyth. Central School Ward Schools, Miss French, Miss Spencer and Miss R. French.

ACRES, J. W., principal grammar school, h Upper Town. ADAMS, CHAS. EDWIN, clerk, (Penman & Adams), bds Emily. Adams, Peter, blacksmith and horse shoer. River, waggonmaker, Walnut. ADAMS, W. K, (Penman & Adams), h Emily. AHRENS, J. H., potter, h Mechanic. Allan, John, (Brown, Dickson & Co.,) h Flats. Allan, John, carpenter, h AYalnut. Allen, Mrs., widow. River. ALLWORTH, REV. W. H., Congregational minister, Congregational Square. Andrews, Mrs., widow, h West. Angus, Geo., planing mill. Flats, h Upper Town. Armstrong, Wm., mail driver, bds River. Armstrong, Mrs., widow, h River. Ashman, Robt., bricklayer. Upper Toivn. Axten, Ed., joiner, h Lower Town. Bain, Alexr., clerk, bds Mrs. Chambers, Upper Town. BAIRD, A. H., Depy. Reeve, (J. M. Whitlaw & Co.,) h Broadway and Emily. BAKER, JOHN, boot and shoe maker, River, h Lower Town. (See advt.) Baker, John, carpenter. Ball, H., laborer, h Queen. Baptie, John, tailor, liBurwell. Barclay, John, machinist, h River. BARCLAY, ROBT., watchmaker and jeweller, and dealer in fancy goods, River, h same. Barker, J., wool sorter, Penman & Adams, bds North River. Barry, David, butcher. BATTERSBY, GEO., (Brown & Battersby), res Simcoe. Batty, Thos., tinsmith, h Dumfries. Batty, Wm., tinsmith, Dumfries. Baxter, Geo., laborer. Beamer, J. E., hairdresser, River. Beare, Wm., h Broadway. Beare, Miss M., toys and fancy goods. River, h Broadway. Beggs, Geo., clerk, bds Congregational Square. Beggs, John, spinner, bds Congregational Square. Beggs, Mrs., tailoress, h Congregational Square.

Thomas McLean aims at selling the best value in Grey and White Cottons in the Dominion. 120 TOWN OF PARIS.

Bell, Geo., baker and confectioner, Eiver, h same. Benedict, Mary E., seamstress, li Upper Town. Bennett, Daniel, flour and seed store. River, h Dumfries. Bennett, Orson, wheat buyer, li Burwell. BENNING, N. P. (Brown, Dickson & Co.), h Burwell. Bergin, Fanny, seamstress, bds North River. Betts, J. Y., hardware and groceries, h William. Borland, John, laborer, h William. Borland, Mary, fancy goods, River h William. Boughton, Levi, mason, cor Bold and Queen. Bradford, Orrin D., prop. Bradford's Hotel, River. Bradford's Hotel, 0. D. Bradford prop.. River. Bradley, John, Coleman's mill, h Elizabeth. Bradley, Maria, milliner, bds William. Brady, H., laborer, h Queen. Brady, Rosa, seamstress, bds Lower Town. BRA'NT FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Jas Maxwell

, agent. Watt's Block, River. Brass, Geo., teamster, bds Mechanic. BRITISH AMERICAN MANUFACTORY (SEWING MACHINES), the Flats, D. Totten managing director. Brittle, P., porter, h Broadway. Brookbank, John, tinsmith, h Dundas. Brodie, Andrew, currier, h Church. Brodie, John, clerk, bds Market Square. Brodie, John, tanner, h Market Square. Brodie, John, currier, h Church. BROWN, DICKSON & CO., tobacco manufacturers, Dumfries. Brown, David, cooper, h North River side. Brown, Ed., miller, h Congregational Square. BROWN, H. L., Brown, Dickson & Co., res Missouri, U. S. Brown, Jos., millwright, h West. Brown, Wm., printer, Paris Star, h Paris station. BROWN, WM., (Brown k Battersby), h WilHam. BROWN & BATTERSBY, livery stable keepers, William. (See advt.) Buck)ey, John, tinsmith. River, h. Catharine. Buckwell, Wm., clerk, Paris Station P. 0. BULLOCK, JOSEPH, wholesale and retail grocer. River, h River. Bullock, Miss, teacher common school. BURS^^ALL, GEORGE, grocer, River, h William. Button, Thomas, miller, h River. Calton, Arthur, clerk. Calton, Henry, clerk. CAMERON, JAMES A. (Cameron, Montgomery & Co.), h Burwell. CAMERON, MONTGOMERY & CO., dry doods and millinery. River.

THOMAS MCLEAN'S Stock of Dry Goods is not Surpassed in the Dominion. COUNTY OF BRANT. 121

Campbell, B. Arch., shoemaker, h Burwell. Campbell, Kobt. L., clerk, Uppertown.

Campbell, , teamster, h Mechanic. Canadian Hotel, Dumfries. CAPRON, HIRAM, J. P., farmer, h River. Capron, Walter, prop. Ontario House, Paris Station. Capron, Wm., wheat buyer, Paris Station, h Broadway. Capron, W. A., clerk, W. Capron, bds Broadway. Carey, G. H., (Carey & Co.) bds Gore Hotel. CAREY, G. H. & CO., dry goods and clothing. River. CARR, M. X., post master, Paris Station. Carroll, John, wagon maker, h Flats. Carswell, Mrs., widow, h Burwell. Carty, Dennis, laborer, h Burwell. Cassidy, Francis, lime burner, h Flats. Cassidy, Patrick, lime burner, h Flats. Cassidy, Terence, lime burner. Flats. CATTLE, GEORGE, (Parker & Cattle), res Goderich. Chamberlain, Charles, butcher, h River, Chambers, James, machinist, bds Washington. Chambers, John, baker, Dumfries. Chambers, Richard, prop Dominion Saloon, River. Chambers, Mrs., widow, Burwell. Channer, Miss, h Queen. Chisholm, James, blacksmith, Broadway. Church, Mary T., widow, Dumfries. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART, Rev. Thos. J. Dowling, Priest, Burwell. Clarke, Thos., tinsmith, Burwell. CLARKE, WM. L., M. B., physician. Congregational Square, coroner for county of Brant, agent and medical referee to Briton Mutual Life Assurance Co. Clarke, Rev. AVm., minister Congregational church, h River. Clarkson, Chas., mathematical teacher, grammar school, h Upper Town. Cleary, Martin, laborer, h River.

COLEMAk, THOS. W, plaster mill, h Upper Town, {See advL) Coles, Forbes, baggage master, G. T. R, Paris Station. Colbart, Jas. Connors, Maurice, teamster, h North River. Connors, Mrs., widow, h Burwell. Conolon, Thomas, laborer. North River. COOKE, SILAS W., M.D., physician and surgeon, coroner for County of Brant, issuer of marriage licenses, and medical referee for Edinburgh Life Assurance Company.

Thomas McLean, Importer of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Colborne and. Market Streets, Brantford- 122 TOWN OF PARIS.

Coughlin, Patrick, carpenter, h [N'orth Kiver. Craig, John, teamster, bds Mechanic. Craigie, James, mason, h Eiver. Cramer, John, laborer, bds William. Crane, J. S., mail contractor, h North Eiver. Crawford, James, peddler. Cripps, E. A., tobacconist, bds main. Cripps, Mrs., widow, h main. Crittenden, Eichard, h Queen. Croly, Patrick, Coleman's mill, h Side hill. Currie, Mrs., widow. Daley, Mrs., widow, Queen. Davey, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, William.

DICKSON, DAVID S. E., land and insurance agent, Eiver ; agent for Eoyal Ins. Co., England, Scottish Provincial Life, h Upper Town and George St., Brantford. (See Advertisement.) DICKSON, JAMES, M.D., L.C.E.S.Ed., surgeon, medical referee Scot- tish Provincial, Standard Colonial, and Canada Life Insurance Co., Queen. DICKSON, JOHN M., ^Brown, Dickson & Co.) Queen. Dominion Saloon, J. Chambers, prop., Eiver. Dowling, Edith, milliner, bds William. DOWLING, EEV. THOS. J., E. C. Priest, Church of the Sacred Heart, Burwell. Dowling, Thomas, cabinet maker, h William. Dumfries House, Mechanic, Thos. Gray prop. Dunlop, Andrew, saddler, wks at Flanagan's, h North Eiver. Dunn, Mrs., widow, h North Eiver. EDDINGTON, JAS. G., accountant, Eoyal Canadian Bank, Eiver. Ellison, Joseph, miner, b&s Queen's Arms Inn. England, James, cooper, h William. Evans, Elizabeth, seamstress, h Lower Town. Evans, Eichard, polisher, B. A. S. M. Co., West Eiver. Evans, Thomas, cooper, h North Eiver. Evans, William, shoemaker, h North Eiver. Evans, William, shoemaker, h West Eiver. Ewer, Mrs., King. Fagan, J. S,, japanner, B. A. S. M. Co., h cor Eiver and William. Farmers' Exchange Hotel, Mechanic, E. Storr, prop. Fawcet, David, clerk, Paris Station P. O. Fawkes, Geo. Henry, watchmaker and jeweller, Eiver, h Emily. Ferguson, Wm., clerk, bds nr Paris Station. Finlayson, Donald, cooper, Whitlaw, h Walnut. FINLAYSON, HUGH, M. P., h Dumfries. Finlayson, Hugh P., saddler, Dumfries.

Thomas McLean is noted for selling Cheap Dry Goods, Colborne and Market Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 123

Finlayson, Jas., machinist, h. Flats. Finlayson, James, h Walnut. Finlayson, John, fancy goods and stationery. River, h Walnut. Finlayson, Wm., currier (Finlayson & Co.), h Dumfries. FINLAYSON, H. & CO., tanners. River. Finney, Jas., carpenter, h River. Fisher, Robt., shoemaker, h Dumfries. Fitzmaurice, Bernard, potter, bds West River. Fitzmaurice, Michael, mason, h North River. Flannigan, Charles, saddler, h Charlotte. Fleming, P. H. wagonmaker, Mechanic. Fletcher, Edward, laborer, Dumfries. FLOREY, GEORGE T., miller, old Paris mills, Mechanic, bds Gore Hotel. Flueling, Mrs., prop. Queen's Arms Hotel. Forsyth, Elias P., tailor, h Burwell. Forsyth, Miss, fourth teacher, common school. Fraser, Wm., plasterer, bds Queen's Arms Hotel. Freehauf, Adam, clerk, bds J. Lougheed, Paris Station, French, Wm., tinsmith, bds Dumfries. French, Miss R., school teacher. French, Miss S., school teacher, bds River. Fudger, Edward, (Wood & Fudger) h Burwell. Fudger, Harris, clerk, bds Burwell. Garson, Peter, laborer, h Burwell. Getty, James, teamster, h Queen. Gilbert, James, J. M. Whitlavv^ & Co., h Lower Town. Gilbert, John, laborer, h North River. Giles, Mrs., seamstress, h Burwell. Gill, Alexander, foreman Coleman's plaster mills, h Mechanic. Gleason's Hotel, Lyman Gleason prop., Paris Station. Golds, Wm., carpenter, h Bold. GORE HOTEL, R. Sinclair prop., River' fSee advt) GORE HOTEL STABLES, Jas. Palmer, River. Gouans, James, gardener, h River. GOUINLOCK WALTER, groceries, provisions, &c.. River, h same. Gouinlock, Walter, jr., clerk, bds River. GRAHAM, J. H., tailor, bookseller, and dealer in fancy goods. River, h. Upper Town. GRAHAM THOS., hair dresser and fancy goods. River, h Upper Town. Granton, John, grocer and provision dealer, h Dumfries. Gray, Thos., prop. Dumfries house. Mechanic. Green Michael, Paris Hotel. Green, Mrs. Mary, widow, bds North River. Greenfield, H., machinist, B. A. S. M. Co., h Main.

Thomas MoLean, Millinery and Mantle Rooms. In this Department the Newest Styles always introduced at very Lowest Prices. 124 TOWN OF PARIS.

Gunn, Wm., butcher, h North Eiver. Haigh, Rev. Geo., Primitive Methodist minister, h Queen. Hall, John, salesman, bds Upper Town. HALL, THOMAS, dry goods, River, h Upper Town. (See advertise- ment). Halliday, John, joiner, h Flats. Hamilton, Hugh, cooper, h Walnut. Hamilton, Hugh, cooper, bds Walnut. HAMILTON, NORMAN, J. P., River. Hamilton, William, cooper, bds Walnut. Hannagan, Charles, harness maker, River, h Charlotte. Harbin, Ed., retired, h Queen. Harp, WilHam, saddler, h River. HART, HENRY, sohcitor, conveyancer, notary public, &c., office River^ h River, Upper Town. Havill, Henry, carpenter, h River. Hawaii, Henry, carpenter, h Burwell. Havill, James, carpenter, h Queen. Hawkins, H. J., carpenter, h River. Hawkins, Hiram, carpenter and house joiner, Queen. Hayden, George, painter, River, h nr railroad bridge. Hayes, Wm., saddler, h Uppertown. Hays, David, ostler with Palmer. Hazell, F. H., tailor, bds Walnut. Heming, G. E., at J. M. Whitlaw & Co., h Broadway. Hemming, George, butcher, h Broadway. HENDERSON, ALEX., grist mill proprietor, Flats. Henderson, George, blachsmith. North River. Henderson, John, carder, Penman & Adams. Henderson, John (Cameron, Montgomery & Co.) bds Dumfries. HENDERSON, REV. THOMAS, minister of Baptist Church, West. Hewson, Alexander, cooper, h Burwell. Hewson Wm., shoemaker, h Upper Town. Hill, John, potter, Ahren's pottery. Hill, Joshua, miner, bds Queen's Arms Inn. Hill, Thomas, lumber merchant, Broadway. Hitchcox, JanSes, miller. Flats. Hitchcox, Owen, telegraph operator and clerk post office, h Flats. HOFFMAN GEORGE, (Hoffman & Co.) h Market. HOFFMAN & CO., groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, flour and feed, &c., Paris Station. Holland, Wm., painter, h River. HoUiday, John, carpenter, h Walnut. Holmes, Mrs., widow, River. Howe, John, tinsmith, h Dumfries.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, holds a Splendid Stock of Carpets. Tapestry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Wool Carpets. COUNTY OF BRANT. 125

HOWIE, REV. JAMES, minister Canada Presbyterian Church. Hull, Samuel, carpenter, bds Mr. Angus'. Hunter, George, tailor, h Flats. Hunter, Wm., mason, bds Burwell.

Hutton, Edward, moulder, li Walnut. Hutton, George, moulder, Paris Foundry. Hutton, William, moulder, bds Walnut. Hutton^ William, farmer, wks J. Hill's. Hymers, William, miner, h Eiver. Inksater, George, boot and shoe maker, Post Office Block, h Queen. Jackson, F. E., salesman, bds Queen's Hotel. Jackson, Thomas, shoe maker, h North River. Jackson, Thomas, shoemaker, Lower Town. JAMES, REV. JOHN, minister Canada Presbyterian church, h Dum- fries. James, William, laborer, h Arnold. Jamieson, A., stonecutter, h Dumfries. Jamieson, Mrs., widow, h Dumfries. Jennings, John, potter, Paris pottery, Capron's Block. Johnston, T. B., professor of writing, bds Canadian Hotel, Dumfries. Johnston, Wm., painter, h River. Kay, Alexr., engineer, h Arnold. Kay, David, machinist, Paris factory, h Flats. Kay, John, joiner, h Walnut. Kay, David, carpenter, h Walnut. Kay, Elizabeth, seamstress, h Upper Town. Knarston, John, mason, h Burwell. Kyle, Wm., clerk. Laird, Mrs., mdow. Walnut. Lamb, Joseph, cattle dealer, h King. Lamb, Wm., carpenter, h Queen. Lamb, Susan, seamstress, h Upper Town. Lang, George, h Banfield. Lang, James, manager C. Watt's. LAWRENCE, DR. JOHN, J. P., Reeve, Physician and Surgeon, King. Lee, Samuel, tobacconist, h Burwell. Lees, James, cutter, bds Mr. Robertson. Lemon, Mrs., widow, bds North River. LOUGHEED, J., prop Union Hotel, Paris Station. ^ Luxford, J. H., clerk, Paris Station. Luxford, Joseph, mason, h Burwell. Luxford, William, mason, h Main. Lyall, Alexander, laborer, h Mechanic. Lyons, John, manager, h Lower Town. McCabe, Harney, h Flats.

THOMAS McLEAN, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Brantford. 126 TOWN OF PARIS.

McCabe, Charles, shoemaker, h North Eiver. McCabe, James, shoemaker, h Mechanic. McCabe, Patrick, cooper, bds Flats. McCloud, Wm. carpenter, h Walnut. McCommon, Wm. J. shoemaker, h Uppertown. McComyn, Kichard, clerk, bds Uppertown. McCOSH, JOHN, barrister, attorney-at-law, conveyancer, &c., River, h Washington. McCosh, Thomas, clerk, h Church. McCOSH, THOMAS, groceries and provisions, cor Burwell and Dundas. McCosh, Thomas, (Brown, Dickson & Co.), h Burwell. McCosh, Mrs., widow, Burwell. McCready, James, blacksmith, h River. McCummins, Thos., shoemaker, h Upper Town. McDonald, Ronald, tailor, bds Upper Town. McDonnell, W. G., clerk, Royal Canadian Bank, River. McDonnell, Mrs. Geo., widow, h River. McElroy, J., foreman Paris Star, River, h Dumfries. McEnemj^ Jas., machinist, bds T. Mayberry. McGill, Marion, dressmaker, Burwell. McGLADE, PETER, (Schuler & McGlade), Paris pottery, h West River. McGlue, Luke, machinist, B. A. S. M. Co. McGorman, Mrs., widow, h Arnold. McGrady, James, carriage smith, h River. McGuire, James, laborer, h King. Mcllroy, Henry, Coleman's mill, h Main. McLean, Alexander, currier, h Elgin. Macgregor, Peter, cooper, h Mechanic. Mackintosh, Wm., wagonmaker, h River. Maltus, James, saddler, h Emily. Maltus, Wm., carpenter, bds Mr. Thompson's. Mann, Miss Jane, milliner, h Upper Town. Mann, Robt., joiner, h Upper Town. MAUS, LEWIS, groceries, provisions, crockery, agent for J. Watson, Ayr, Paris Station. (See advt.) Maure, John, tailor, h Lower Town. Marlatt, Edson, bds AVest River. Martin, Wm., station master, G.T.R. MAXWELL, DAVID, (Maxwell & Whitelaw) h Flats. MAXWELL, JAMES, agent for Brant Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., Watt's block, River. MAXWELL & WHITELAW, Paris foundry and machine shop, agricul- tural implement factory. Mayberry, Thomas, prop. Canadian Hotel. Mayberry, Mrs., h Burwell.

Thomas McLean, Importer of General Dry Goods, Wholesale and Eetail, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 127

Menzie, John, flour and feed store, River. MILBURN & CO., bankers and brokers, River, li Broom Hill. Milburn, Charles (Milbum & Co.), River. Milburn, Charles jr. (Milbum & Co.), River. Millar, David, assistant, G. L. Scott, River, h Broadway. Miller, James, carpenter. Miller, John, dry goods, groceries, crockery', &c., Dumfries. Miller, William, salesman, Dumfries. Milligan, George, joiner, h Lowertown. Milligan, Robert, laborer, bds North River. Millington, Thomas, checker G. T. R, h River. Mills, George, teamster, h Main. MILLS, REV. JOHN, Wesleyan Methodist minister, h River. Mitchell, David, miller, h Congregational Square. Mitchell, George, tailor, h William. Mitchel, Jas. E., fanning mill factory, h Broadway. Mitchell, Thomas, clerk, h Broadway.

Mitchell, Mrs , widow, h North River. Montgomery, Catharine, widow, h Dumfries. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT, (Cameron, Montgomery & Co.), h Dum- fries. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Post Office Buildings, Upper Town. Mooney, John, teamster, h Flats. Mooney, T., laborer, h Flats. MORSE, REV. WM., Church of England, h Arnold. Muir, James, salesman, bds Bradford's Hotel. Munro, Charles, clerk, bds Upper Town. Murphy, J. Barr. Murray, John, tailor, h North River. Murray, Richard, tailor, h Lower Town. Murray, Thomas, drover, h Church. Murray, Mrs., widow, h North River. NASH, AARON, boots and shoes, hats and furs, gloves, &c., River, h Dumfries. Neil, George, laborer, h North River. NEW PARIS MILLS, C. Whitlaw prop. Nimmo, James, Uppertown. fk Nimmo, Arch., foreman Mr. Graham's, bdsMrs. Wright's, Bower town. Nixon, Edgar H., clerk. River. Noble, Rev. J. W., minister of the Canadian Christians, William. O'Brien, T. butcher, h North River. O'Neil, Thomas, laborer, h William. O'Neill, Thomas, grain buyer. ONTARIO HOUSE, W. Capron prop., Paris station.

Thomas McLean is famed for keeping Splendid Prints, Beautiful Pat- terns, Ck)od Colors and Good Cloths, Brantford. 128 TOWN OF PARIS.

Page, Mrs., widow, h North Eiver. PALMEE, JAMES, livery stable keeper, h Flats. Palmer, Samuel, miller, bds Queen's Arms. PAEIS FOUNDEY AND MACHINE SHOP, Maxwell & Whitelaw. Paris Hotel, M. Green prop., Dumfries. PAEIS KNITTING AND MANUFACTUEING CO., Penman & Adams, North Niver. (See advt.) PAEIS POTTEEY, Hy. Schuler and Peter McGlade, West River. PAEIS STAE, W. G. Powell, editor and prop., Eiver. PAEKEE & CATTLE, (S. J. Parker, J. W. Parker, H. Parker, & Geo. Cattle) chemists, Eiver. (See card). PAEKEE, H., (Parker & Cattle) res Durham. PAEKEE, J. W., (Parker & Cattle) res Owen Sound. PAEKEE, S. J., (Parker & Cattle) h King cor Church. Patten, Edward, cabinet maker, Eiver. PATTEESON, WM., surgeon, dentist, h William. PATTON, DAVID, hardware, paper hangings, paint, &c., Eiver, h Oak Avenue. Patton, J as. T., clerk, bds Eiver. Peddie, Eobert L., (Carey & Co.) bds Gore Hotel. Peebles, Alexander, machinist, h Upper Town. Penfold, Allen, blacksmith, bds Eiver. Penfold, Edward, boot and shoemaker, Eiver, h Broadway. PENMAN, JOHN, (Penman & Adams), h Emily. PENMAN & ADAMS, proprietors Paris woolen mills. (See Adv). PENTON, HENEY, groceries, provisions and crockery, clerk Division Court, Com in Queen's Bench, &c., h Eiver, Upper Town. Philp, Francis, carj^enter, h Burwell. Pierce, James, miller, h Upper Town. Post, Mr., h North Eiver. Powell, John A., clerk, h Queen. Powell, Thomas, laborer, bds North Eiver. POWELL, WM. G., editor and prop Paris Star, issuer of marriage licenses, office Eiver, h Queen. (See advertisement). Puckrids^e, John, bookkeeper, h Queen. QUA, AETHUE, (Cameron, Montgomery & Co.) h Burwell. Qua, Samuel, clerk, (Cameron, Montgomery & Co.) Qua, Samuel, (H. Finlayson & Co.) h Burwell. Queen's ^^pis Hotel, Mrs. Fluelling prop., Burwell. Eailway, Sloon, J. Wass, proprietor. Eandall, Jas., constable and caretaker town hall, h King. Ravell, Charles Edward, plasterer, bds^^|^ Eavell, Wm., bricklayer and plaster^H^^B Eay, Alexander, machinist, B. A. S.^^^^prUpper Town. Eeith, James, mason, h Eiver. J^^BI^

Thomas McLean extends an invitation to every one who reads this notice to come and examine his large Stock of Dry Goods, Brantford. )


Reyiiett, Robert, laborer, Mechanic. Reynolds, Francis, plasterer, bds Paris Hotel. Reynolds, John, carpenter, Paris foundry. Reynolds, Mrs., widow, h River. Roberts, Thomas, carpenter, Angus mill, h Riyer. Roberts, Thomas, pattern maker, h River. Robertson, James (Robertson & Young), h Wall. Robertson, James, clerk, bds River. Robertson, James, painter, h River. Robertson, John M., clerk, bds. Wall. ROBERTSON, REV. JAMES, minister of United Presbyterian Church, bds Mr. McGregor's, Mechanic. ROBERTSON & YOUNG, merchant tailors and clothiers, River. Rodger, Jane P., groceries, River. Romans, Robert. Roney, John, Coleman's mill, h Side Hill. Rosebrugh, Robert, farmer, cor Queen and Bold. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, N. Totten, agent, Whitlaw's block, River. Scally, John, laborer, h River. SCHAFFER, JOSEPH, (Hoffman & Co.) bds Market. SCHULER, HENRY, potter, h West River. SCHULER & McGLADE, proprietors Paris pottery. (See card). SCOTT, GEORGE L., druggist, importer of china, crockery, &c., Rivefj h Upper Town. (See card. Scott, Thomas, currier, (Finlayson & Co.) h Upper Town. Scott, Miss, milliner, bds William. Shannon, J., photographer, River, h 8th con. Dumfries. Sibble, James, clerk, bds nr Paris Station. Silvester, H., laborer, h North River, SINCLAIR, ROBERT, prop Gore Hotel, River. (See advertisement). SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH, Mother Theresa, lady superior, Burwell. Skelly, Thomas, laborer. North River. Slack, Charles, tailor, h William. Smith, A., potter, h Dumfries. Smith, Andrew, blacksmith, Paris foundry. Smith, Herbert, blacksmith, bds Walnut. Smith. J., laborer, h Burwell. Smith, Jane, tailoress, Dumfries. fl| Smith, James, plasterer, h Upper Town. W Smith, James, watchmaker,, bds Upper Town. Smith, John, carpenter, l|^U^_Thompson, River. Smith, John, plasterer. Smith, John, baker, b£ Smith, Wm., carpent^jtaHW^er.

Thomas McLean's Stock of Carpets is not surpassed in the Dominion. Tapestry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, AllWool Carpets. 130 TOWN OF PARtS,

Snider, W. P., clerk, bds Dumfries. South Ward School, King, Miss French, teacher. Spencer, Miss Helena M., school teacher Kings Ward School, Congrega- tional Square. Spencer, Mrs., widow. Congregational Square. ST. JAMES CHUECH, Church of England, Dr. A. Townley, incumbent, Kiver. STANTON, GEORGE, postmaster, h Dumfries. STAPLETON, WM., boot and shoe maker. River, bds Gore Hotel. Steele, Mrs. Jennie, music teacher, bds Mr. Hill's, Broadway. Stevenson, Jas. W., cooper, bds Flats. Stewart, John, carpenter, h Dumfries. Stewart, Robert, baker, h Dumfries. Stewart, Mrs., straw bonnet maker, h Dumfries. Storr, Robert, proprietor Farmer's Exchange Hotel, Mechanic. Sullivan, Wm., blacksmith, works Mr. Chisholms. Sweet, John, butcher, Burwell. Tarrant, George, porter, freight depot, G. W. R., h Queen. Taylor, George, clerk, bds Mr. Maus, Paris Station. Taylor, Henry, blacksmith, bds Slab Town. Taylor, John, cooper, h Walnut. TAYLOR, WM. HENRY, grocery, provisions, crockery, &c.. River, li same. TELFER, GEO., Customs officer. Teskey, Andrew, laborer, h River. Teskey, William, shoemaker, bds River. Theobald, Robert, Coleman's mill, h at Station. Thompson, William, moulder, Paris foundrj^. Lower Town. Thomson, David, butcher. River, h Paris Station. Thomson, James, butcher, bds River. Thomson, Robert, h River. Tompkins, Fred., saddler, bds Grey's Hotel. TOTTEN, D., manager British American Sewing Machine Co., (limited,) h Broadway. TOTTEN, HENRY, barrister, solicitor in chancery, notary public, con- veyancer, solicitor for Royal Canadian Bank, River, h Dumfries. TOTTEN, N., agent Royal Canadian Bank, River. TOWNlJlY, DR. ADAM, D.D., Church of England, h River. Trembl^pobert, Coleman's mill, h Lower Town. Tulley, Patrick, potter, h West River. Turnbull, David B., (Turnbull & Thomson), h River. TurnbuU & Thomson, manufacturers of doors, sashes, &c., carpenters and joiners. Flats. Union Hotel, J. Lougheed, prop, Paris Station. Van Brocklin, John, clerk G. W. R. freight office.

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Men's and Boys' Eeady- made Clothing, 6 Coiborne and 3 Market Streets, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 131

Van Brocklin, P. C, Market clerk. Van Brocklin, Mr., iron founder, h William. Waddle, John, machinist, h Upper Town. Walker, Hugh, carpenter, h Eiver. Walker, John, blacksmith, h River. Walker, Robert, carpenter, h River. Walker, Thomas & James, blacksmiths, Burwell. Walker, Thomas, (T. & J. Walker), h Burwell. Walker, William, blacksmith, h Church. alton, Thomas, agent sewing machines, h North River. !alton, Wm., gunsmith and sewing machine agent (C. Irwin & Co.'s, Belleville), trussmaker, &c., River, h Caroline. Warnock, James, carpenter and joiner, h River. Wass, J., prop. Railway Saloon, Paris Station. Watson, Cliristopher, tinsmith, h Market Square. Watson, John, butcher, Watson, Mrs. Joseph, widow. Market Square. Watson, Thomas, well digger, Market Square. Watson, Wm., drover. River. Watts, Charles, hardware and groceries, River and Brantford. WEST, A. L., fancy goods and jewellery, River, bds Mr. Bennett's, h in Brantford. West, Wm., weaver, h Congregational square. Wheeler, Edward, saloon keeper, Paris Station. White, James, miner, h Burwell. WHITELAW, J. ANDREW, (Maxwell & Wliitelaw) h River. Whiting, Henry, laborer. WHITLAW'S COOPERAGE, Donald Finlayson manager. WHITLAW & CO., (J. M. Whitlaw & A. H. Baird) pork packers, coopers, &c., William. WHITLAW, CHARLES, J. P., Mayor, proprietor New Paris mills, h River. WHITLAW, J. M., pork curer, William. Whyte, Robert, shoemaker, h Upper Town. Wilkinson, Wm., laborer, bds North River. Williamson, John, watchman G. T. R., Paris Station. Wilson, Charles, spinner, h North River. Wilson, John, tobacco factory, h River. Wilson, John, laborer, h Queen. ^|k Winter, James, (W. & J. Winter), h River. Sf^^ Winter, W., (W. & J. Winter), h Paris Station. WINTER, W. & J., (WiUiam & James), fruit and oyster depot, River. Wishart, William, miner, h Burwell. Wood, J. Y., clerk, h Broadway. WOOD, THOMAS, (Wood & Fudger), h Congregational Square.

Thomas McLean, manufacturer of Ready-made Clothing, Brantford, Ontario. 132 bishop's GATE AND BtJRFORD.

WOOD & FUDGER, (Thomas Wood & Edward Fudger), dealers in dry goods, merchant tailors and general grocers, River Yates, Mrs., widow, Upper Town. Young, William, (Robertson & Young), h River.


A small village in the township of Burford, situated on the Hamilton and London Macadamized road, eight miles from Brantford and seven- teen from Woodstock. It contains one good hotel, kept by Mr. Joseph Gillespie. Mr. J. Bingham's foundry and agricultural works were established in 1845, his buildings are frame, 40 x 50 feet, three stories high, with extensive wings for moulding and blacksmith shops ; ten to twelve men are employed, with an engine of 12 horse power, and $7,000 worth of reapers, mowers, drills, stumping machines, ploughs, harrows, cultivators, and other agricultural implements, are turned out annually. Mails daily. Population, 80.

BINGHAM, JACOB, founder and Kocker, Elijah, carpenter. ag. impt. manufacturer. McGinn, James, boot & shoemaker. Campl)ell, Thomas B., laborer. Matthews, Smith G., grocer. Oarter, Joseph, carpenter. Olney, John, blacksmith. Dutcher, Thomas, watchmaker. Thompson, John, Brent Mills Finlay, John, moulder, owner. GILLESPIE, JOSEPH, proprietor Turner, Jonathan, laborer. British Hotel.


A post village in the township of Burford, on the Hamilton smd London gravel road, distant from Woodstock 16 miles, and 9 from Brantford, the County Town. It contains 4 churches. The Episcopalian, a neat brick building, erected in 1855, at a cost of $1,800, and is seated to accommodate 300, Rev. James Padfield, incumbent. The Wesleyan Methodis|M| a good frame building, erected at a cost of $1,000. The Baptist CSSch congregation is under the pastoral charge of the Rev. J. Yining. This church was erected in 18G6, of frame, at a cost of $800. The Congregational Church, at Burford Village, was organized by the Rev. James Nail, in 1835. A place of worship was then built which has been improved at different times since, and with burying ground attach- ed is valued at $3,000. Mr. Nail was succeeded in the pastorate by the

Thomas Mclean, 6 Colhome and 3 Market Streets, Brantford, is the place for Carpeti. COUNTY OF BRANT. 12Z

Rev. W. F. Clarke, who was ordained over the church in 1844, and continued his ministry until 184G. Upon his removal the vacancy was supplied by the Rev. W. H. Allworth for about nine months. The next pastor was the Rev. James Vincent, who continued his labors among them for 8 years. Upon his removal to the United States, the Rev. William Hay, of Scotland, was elected minister, and entered upon his duties in August 1856. Several revivals have been enjoyed by this church, one in 1857, in which some sixty souls were added to the mem- bership. The Rev. Wm. Hay resigned in 1868, and was succeeded by the Rev. John Brov/n, who is now in charge. Samuel Gammage, Law- rence Daniels, Aaron McAVilliams, Henry Cox, John Keachie, and David

Maune are deacons. .• The schools are of brick and frame, divided into two departments, where 150 pupils are educated under the charge of Mr. John Linton, 1st Class teacher, and principal of Burford Public Schools, assisted by Miss B. Green. There is also a Masonic Lodge in this place. (See page 79.) L. 0. L., No. 362—Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, Jacob Carter, W. M. The Nightingale Division, No. 81, Sons of Temperance meets every Monday evening, Jacob Sherwood, W. C. T. The mercantile department is well represented l)y Mr. Ira L. Day and JMr. Henry Oox, who are doing a large business in dry goods, groceries; crockery, ready-made clothing, boots, shoes and medicines. Among the mechanical trades we notice the large cabinet shop of Messrs. James and Wm. Hearne, established in 1850, where all kinds of cabinet ware and upholstery work may be had. Two hotels—the "Albion," kept by Mr. Wm. Briers, where commer- cial travellers and the public will be well accommodated. A good hall and a drill shed. Mails daily. Population 40.

ALBION HOTEL, Wm. Briers DAY, IRA L., general merchant, pro., first-class accommodation. dealer in dry goods, groceries Auswile, Andrew, farmer. patent medicines, &c., &c. (See

BRIERS, WM., prop. Albion Hotel. card. ) BROWN, Rev. J., min. Congr'l. ch. Dickie, John, M.D., phy., surg., &c. Catton, John, P. M., Tp. treasurer, Dickie, Moses, farmer. merchant, &c., &c. Dunn, Daniel, cooper. Chisner, H. farmer. Elliott, Mrs., widow. Mk Chrysler, H. C, M.D, phy., surg. Fowler, K., butcher. ^ Cocker, F., baker. Fowler, M., M.D. and druggist. COX HENRY, com. B. R. general Fowler, Miss P. merchant, dealer in dry goods, Fowler, Wm., saddler. groceries, ready-made clothing French, Gilbert, butcher. and medi(?ines. (See card.) Groom, Wm., blacksmith.

Thomas McLean's, Brantford, is the place for CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! 134 CAINSVILLE.

Groves, John, butcher. Mcintosh, Mrs. Haywood, Richard, farmer. Miller, Andrew, farmer. HEARNE, JAMES, cabinetmaker. Miller, Jacob, farmer. HEARNE, WM. A., cabinetmaker Moore, William, innkeeper. and upholsterer. Muir, Robert, farmer. Herrit, S., blacksmith. Neil, William, laborer. Herrit, Thomas, peddler. Padfield, Rev. Jas., Ch. Eng. min. Hipkins, Edward, M.D., phy., surg., Perrin, Thomas, merchant. &c., &c. Ross, Mrs., widow. Hunt, Robert, shoemaker. Rounds, William, farmer. Jones, Thomas, shoemaker. Ruskj Richard, weaver. Jones, Thos. Loyd, farmer. Sherwood, Jacob, farmer. Kitchie, John, farmer. Surple, Wm., Div. Court clerk. Leister, Mrs., widow. Tillison, Levi, laborer. Lightly, George, shoemaker. Tisdale, Miss Sarah, milliner. LINTON, JOHN, first class school Wetmore, James, blacksmith. teacher and principal of Bur- Wetmore, Stephen, wagon maker. ford public schools. Whitaker, Robert, farmer. Lloyd, James, carriage maker. Wooden, Wm., carpenter. McT)rura, Mrs., widow. Yeigh, Edmond, farmer. McGafFery, J., tailor.


An important post village and station on the G. T. R., in the Town- ship of Brantford, situated on the Hamilton and Brantford stage road, at the distance of 3 miles from Brantford, 21 from Hamilton, and 15 miles from Caledonia by railway. It contains 2 churches, Wesleyan

Methodist and Church of England ; a school house, 2 hotels, 2 stores and a post office, 3 wagon shops, 3 blacksmith shops, and shoe shop. Mails daily. Population 150. The Rising Sun Hotel is well kept by Mr. Stenabaugh. The carriage factory of Charles Grantham is 30 by 20 feet, two stories, and his blacksmith shop of similar dimensions. He manufactures carriages, wagons, buggies, sleighs, cutters, and does black- smithing generally.

Andrews, «^in, weaver. Duncan, Alex., merchant.

Blanchard, , matchmaker. Gawler, Henry, postmaster. Blunt, Edward, farmer. GRANTHAM, CHARLES, carri- Cain, Mrs., widow. age and wagon maker, general Clark, Mrs,, widow. blacksmithing, &c.

Crone, Wm. Ilet, Wm., laborer. • Dresser, J. D., laborer. Jordan, Charles, laborer.

Thomas McLean, Importer of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Brantford. COUNTY OF BRANT. 135

Lawson, David, blacksmith. Sheppard, D., laborer. Lewis, Mrs., widow. Sheppard, Mrs., widow. Likens, William, retired. Short, Mrs., milliner. McConke}^, Cicero, carpenter. Skimin, Samuel, wagonmaker. Mordeau, Miss. Smith, Samuel, wagonmaker. O'Hare, John, shoemaker. Smithson, Robert, farmer. Orr, John, innkeeper. STENABAUGH, ISAAC, prop Palmer, Jonathan, cari)enter. Rising Sun Hotel. Reed, John, wagonmaker. Thomas, J., J. P. Reid, James, blacksmith, &c: Tolten, William, laborer. ^'RISING SUN HOTEL," Tuttle, Robert, laborer. Stenabangh proprietor. Westbrook, L., laborer. Sharp, David, retired. Westbrook, Peter, farmer.


A small post village in the Township of Burford, on the Hamilton and London gravel road, at the distance of 12 miles from Woodstock and 14 from Brantford. It contains a Wesleyan Methodist Church, a school house, one hotel, two stores, one wagon and one blacksmith shop. Mails daily. Population, 50.

Doran, John, merchant. Stevenson, M., grocer. Howell, Enoch, farmer. Thatcher, J., wagonmaker. Kennedy, J., merchant. Vanlop, James, hotelkeeper. McDonald, Archd., fanner. W^ood, Mrs., widow. Neal, Edward, shoemaker.


An important post village in the Township of South Dumfries, near its northern limits, and situated on the Grand River, which here affords ample hydraulic power for mills and manufactories. There are carried on by Gavin Fleming, Esq., flour and grist mills^containing three run of stone. The building is frame with stone basSlent, three stories high and 40 by 60 feet. Mr. John Flanagan employs 5 or 6 hands iu the manufacture of carriages, wagons, buggies, sleighs, &c. Mr. Alexander Flanagan employs a number of hands in the general blacksmithing and carriage ironing. Mr. Wm. Henderson is engaged in the same business, employing a number of workmen.

Thomas McLean, Men's Clothing made to order in first class manner, at reasonable prices. 186 GLEN MORRIS.

This ^dllage contains two hotels. The Waverly, kept by Mr. D. Mc- Kinnon, has every convenience for the comfort of guests. The Farmers'' Hotel, kept by Mr. Enos Griffith, is also well kept, and travellers will find every accommodation at either of these houses tliat can be found in hotels in larger towns. There is also one store, post office, two wagon shops, three blacksmith shops, one shoe shop, three carpenters and twa tailors. The Canada Presbyterian Church is a handsome stone edifice, erected in 1849, at a cost of $2,000, having capacity to seat 260 to 300. Tlie late Rev. James Eoy was the first pastor of this congregation. The site was the gift of the late Samuel Latshaw, Esq. There is in connec- tion with this church a glebe of about 5 acres, with a handsome stone manse erected thereon in 1846 for the pastor's residence. The Eev. John Dunbar is the present pastor. There is a good common school and a town hall. The village is distant 7 miles from Ayr, 7 from Gait,, and the same distance from St. George and Paris.

Anderson, Mrs. widow. Hobson, Alfred, laborer. Baker, John, contractor. Ingles, Thomas, peddler. Bell, Hugh, carj)enter. Jeffrey, Mrs., widow. Bell, Thomas, carpenter. Laprick, James, mason. Bonham, M. B., carj^enter. Latshaw, Christopher, farmer. Brookbanks, Jfeimes, farmer. Lee, Miss. Brookbanks, Eichard, clerk. Loudon, Wm.' shoemaker. Burnett, James, blacksmith. Mcintosh, Hugh, retired. Cochrane, Patrick, miller. McKINNON, DONALD, proprie- Doherty, John, laborer. tor Waverly Hotel. DUNBAE, EEY. JOHN, Can. McEea, Peter, teamster. Pres. min. McWaters, Thomas, carpenter. FLANAGAN, ALEX., blacksmith. Monroe, Duncan, laborer. FLANAGAN, JOHN, carriage and Munroe, Duncan, farmer. wagon maker. Murray, John, tailor. FLEMING. GAYIN, P. M., mer- O'Brien, Dennis, laborer. chant, miller &c. {See adver- O'Neil, Charles, contractor. tisement). Eodgers, John, school teacher. Forbes, Donald, laborer. Scott, Thomas, carpenter. Forbes, William, framer. Smith, Eli, farmer. Geddis, George N., wagonmaker. Smith, Frederick, tailor. Grant, Alex., farmer. Smith, Stephen, laborer. Grant, Jamp, weaver. Snow, George, shoemaker. GEIFFITHTeNOS, prop Farmer's Trotter, Mrs., widow. Hotel. Tucker, Thomas D., laborer. Henderson, William, blacksmith. Wolfe, August, shoemaker.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ont, holds one of the Largest Stocks of General Dry Goods in the Dominion. COUNTY OF BRANT. 137 GOBLE'S CORNERS,

A small post village, situated in the Townships of Burford and Blen- heim, on tlie Governor's Eoad, at the distance of 8 miles from Wood- stock and 12 from Paris. It contains two taverns, a store and post office, with some mechanics' shops. Population 50.

Beamer, David, farmer. Lucas, J. B., innkeeper. Goble, J. G., P. M. Miller, John, farmer. Griggs, John, farmer. Palmer, David, wagonmaker. Kane, James, farmer. Underhay, Mr., farmer. Lancaster, Luke, farmer Ward, Mr., blacksmith.


A small post village in the Township of Burford, on the Norwich plank road, at the intersection of the middle town line. It is 14 miles from Paris, and 10 from Norwichville. It contains a Wesleyan Methodist Church, a school house, two stores, and a good hotel, kept by Mr. B. Conklin, where travellers and the public generally will be well accom- modated. Mails daily. Population, 100. The school house is a handsome frame, on stone basement, where 150 pupils are under the charge of Mr. J. B. Moore, first class teacher and principal of the schools, assisted by Miss H. L. Moore. Wm. R. Muirhead's carnage and blacksmithing establishment is a frame 26 x 40 feet, two stories high, where four to five hands are em- ployed in the manufacture of carriages, wagons, buggies, sleighs, cutters, &c., and the different branches of blacksmithins:.

Bennett, William H., wagonmaker. MOORE, J. B., first class school CONKLIN, B.,prop Harley House teacher and principal of the Hotel. schools. Cope, Mrs. MUIRHEAD, WM. R., blacksmith Denby, John, shoe store and gro- and carriage maker.

cery. Bailee, John C, farmer. ft? Denby, Joseph, shoemaker. Parlee, Isaac, farmer. Epps, Richard, farmer. Rider, J., farmer. 1| Harley House Hotel, B. Conklin, Shillington, Edward, farmer. proprietor. Steedman, Abm., merchant tailor.

Hillas, Thomas, carpenter,

Thomas McLean never loses sight of his leading policy of selling goods for the smallest possible profits. 138 HARRISBURG AND KELVIN. HAKEISBUEe,

A post \-illage and union station of the G. W. E., being at the junction of the Gait and Guelph branch with the main Une, distant from Hamilton 18 miles, from Paris 10, and 8 from Brantford the County Town. It contains 4 hotels, 1 good store, kept by Mr. James Galloway, a post office, one church, N. C. Methodist, a handsome brick building

having capacity to seat 250, Rev. J. McAlister minister. .

Arnold, Geo., telegraph operator. Keary, Barth., laborer. Baptie, David, clerk, municipality, Keary, Michael, laborer. and 1st class schoolteacher. Keary, Patrick, laborer. BOWMAN, JACOB, mill wright Liddycoat, Edward, grocer. and builder. Lyle, John, baggage master. BOWMAN, MISS S. L., railway McCarty, Jeremiah, laborer. refreshment room, meals, lodg- McLeod, John, laborer. ing and stabling in connection, Maney, John, laborer. south of track, opp station. Marlatt, Nathaniel, laborer. Brown, James, night watchman. PERKINS, ROBERT, Union Hotel Cleary, Simon, laborer. keeper. Coleman, John, prop Harrisburg Pimbleton, Gordon, laborer. Hotel. Pimbleton, Melvin, laborer. Connor, Thomas, laborer. Pimbleton, Allen, laborer. ^GALLOWAY, JAMES, P. M. gene- Shaver, Walter, carpenter. , ral merchant, produce and com- Smith, Mrs. Mary, widow. mission merchant. (See card.) Starr, Frederick, butcher. Orant, P., laborer. Van Every, Charles, retired. Griffin, James, boot and shoe maker. VROOMAN, DAN., prop. D. Hall, John, blacksmith. Vrooman's Hotel. Hogarth, Wm., station master. Vrooman, Nelson, farmer. Hunter, Hugh, wagonmaker. WiU, Horace, switchman. Hurley, Mrs., grocer.


A post villaae situated on the town line of Burford and Wyndham, at the intersection of the middle town lines of Burford and Wyndham, distant 13 miles from Princeton station, and 16 from Brantford. It contains two churches. The Congregational Church, a handsome frame, erected in 1861, at a cost of $800, and the Messiah Church, erected in 1868 at a cost of $1,000. There are also two Wesleyan Methodist Churches, one a short distance east, the other a short distance west of

Thomas McLean, Brantford, MILLINERY AND MANTLES. '


this place, both on the town line. In the manufacturing establishments we notice Messrs. Hull & Malcolm's shingle and stave factory, where five to six men are employed, and an engine of 12 horse power, turning out daily 15m sawn shingles or 10m staves. Their building is a frame, 36 X 40. The steam saw mill of J. H. Hull cuts 2 J millions feet of lumber annually, uses a 30 horse power engine, and gives employment to six hands. The building is of frame, 42 x 60 feet. The steam saw mill of E. Malcolm, jr., gives employment to five hands, and has a 16 horse power engine, cuts 1^ millions feet of lum- ber annually. Building frame, 30 x 50 feet. There is also a pot and pearl ash factory. In the mechanical trades there are one blacksmith and two shoe inakers. The village also contains two general stores; one hotel—the " Kelvin House Hotel," G. F. Mitchell proprietor, is well furnished for the accommodation of commercial travellers and the public generally. Tri-weekly mails. Population, 200.

Almas, David, carpenter, &c., &:c.. KELVIN HOUSE HOTEL, G. R Armour, John, P. M., and general Mitchell, proprietor. merchant. Leonard, Russell, mason. Bowman, Franklin, blacksmith. Longhurst, John, boot and shoe Brabbs, Hardy, teamster. maker. Brady, Michael, retired. Loree, Abm., druggist, &c., &c. Carter, James, sawyer. McCormick, Mrs., widow. Chapman, Franklin, carpenter. MALCOLM, E., jr., manufacturer Chapman, G. W., laborer. lumber, shingles, staves, &c. Crane, Wm., carpenter, &:c. Mather, Allen, farmer. CROOKER, REV. JOSEPH V., MITCHELL, GEO. F., proprietor minister Messiah Church. Kelvin House Hotel. Darby, Peter, carpenter. Munn, Jeremiah, laborer. Dunbar, Wm., farmer. Munn, John, farmer. FORMAN, C. H., ESQ., J. P. far- Muma, Samuel, sawyer.

mer, conveyancer,

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Importer of Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail. 140 LANGFORD AND MOUNT PLEASANT. LANGFOKD,

A post village in the township of Brantford, situated on the Brantford and Hamilton stage road, at the distance of 8 miles from Brantford and 16 from Hamilton. It contains one store and post office, one hotel, the '' Farmer's Hotel Halfway House," kept by Mr. T. AVestbrook. The steam saw mill is carried on by Mr. A. Ramsay.


MohmvJc Post Office.

A post village in the township of Brantford, situate on the stage road leading from Brantford to Simcoe, distant 5 miles from Brantford and 18 from Simcoe. It contains three churches—W. M. a handsome brick

building ; Church of England, a good frame ; Canada Presbyterian, a f frame. The united grammar and common school is a handsome octagonal building. There is a good drill shed, four stores, one hotel and a tavern. The Canada House Hotel is kept by Mr. John Sager, who has provided every accommodation for travellers and the public generally. Three shoe shops, three wagon shops, three blacksmith shops, one cabinet shop. Samuel W. Fear's " New Dominion carriage factory " is carried on in a frame building 24 x 30, 2 stories high, where he manufactures every-

thing in the line ; also Kenny's patent "Ontario han-ows" and Bruce's 1st prize 2 horse cultivators. Mails daily. Population 140.

Beemer, George, shoemaker. Ellis, Wallace, fanner. Beemer, John, retired. FEAR, SAMUEL W., New Do- Biggar, H., grist and woolen mills. minion carriage factory, maker Biggar, James, farmer. of Kenny's patent harrows, Bingham, John, farmer. and Bruce's first prize cultiva- Brigg, Alex., innkeeper. tors. (See card). Bryce, George, blacksmith. Jones, William, P. M. and mer- CANADA HOUSE HOTEL, J. chant. |§ Sager proprietor. McEwen, Archibald, farmer. Cannon, Richard, farmer. McFarlane, J., shoemaker. Carlisle, J.,..gardener. McGeary, John, merchant. Cook, Abm., farmer. • Marcus, Duncan, M.D. Cook, Alex., M.D., &c., &c. Miley, Walter, farmer. Eadie, John, farmer. Oxley, John, farmer. Eadie, Robert, merchant. Potter, George, miller. Eden, Crosley, farmer. Racey, Thomas, farmer. Ellis, John R., cabinetmaker, &c. Ray, Joseph, farmer.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, makes Mourning Goods a Special Depart- ment. Everything for ladies' and men's wear constantly on hand. COtTNTY OF BRANT. 141

merchant. Stowe), carriage & wagonmaker. Eouse, Jabez, | SAGER, JOHN, proprietor Canada Tenant, Richard, shoemaker. House, first class hotel. Townsend, Albert, wagonmaker. Stowe, J. Sc W.,(Wm.Stowe&John

MOUXT VERNON, A post village in the township of Brantford, situated on the Hamilton and London macadamized road, at the distance of 18 miles from "Wood- stock, 7 miles from Paris, and 7 from Brantford, the county toAvn. The village was laid out 40 years ago, and is in the midst of an excellent agricultural district, and was long known as the checkei-ed sheds. It contains a Wesleyan Methodist Church, a large frame l)uilding capable of seating 300 persons, a handsome brick school house, divided into two departments where 150 pupils are in training under the charge of Rev. Robert Parsons, who is a first class teacher, and principal of Mount Vernon Acadamy, assisted by Miss M. A. Judson. Perrin's woolen and grist mills. Three stores, two hotels and a tavern. The Mount Vernon Hotel, kept by Mr. Henry Johnston, is well supplied with every con- venience for commercial travellers and the public generally. Little's Hotel, kept by Mr. William Little, is equally worthy of puplic con- fidence and patronage. Two blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, and a large cooperage, two shoe shops, and two tailors. Mails daily. Popu- lation 250.

Armour, James, tollkeeper. JOHNSTON, HENRY, proprietor Aimour, Robert, shoemaker. Mount Vernon Hotel. Aulseybrook, G., innkeeper. Kearns, Francis, retired. Bastedo, Mrs. LITTLE, W., prop'r. Little's Hotel. Bone, Edward, shoemaker. LITTLE'S HOTEL, Wm. Little, Collins, John, tailor. proprietor. Comerford, John, teamster. Mcintosh, James, tailor. Creese, Isaac, mason. McAVilliams & McAllister, merch'ts. Cripps, Morris, carpenter. Manne, David, blacksi^ith. Derry, William, miller. Manne, Edward, blacksmith. Downing, James, turner. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, H. Dwyer, Michael, shoemaker. Johnston, proprietor. Elliott, John, laborer. Munson, Lyman, carder. Force, Mrs., widow. Myles, William, farmer. Gimbey, J., cooj>er. PARSONS, REV. ROBERT, 1st Hall, T., retired. class school teacher, and prin- Hoskin, Richard, mason. cipal of Mount Vernon Aca- Irwin, M., wagonmaker. demy.

THOS. MoLEAN, Brantford, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. 142 NEW DURHAM AND OAKLAND.

Perrin, Andrew, J. P. Robinson, J., farmer. Perrin, Daniel, merchant. Tansley, Nelson, farmer. Perrin, David, farmer. Townsend, H. G., J. P. Perrin, Thomas & Son, P. M. mer- Waters, George, farmer. chant. Whitman, Joseph, cooper. Perrin, W. & Co., merchants.


A post village in the Township of Biirford, situated on the Norwich plank road, at the intersection of the Wyndhani and Burford town line. It is 18 miles from Brantford, and the same distance from Paris, and five miles from Norwichville. It contains a Wesleyan Methodist Church, three stores and one tavern. Mails daily. Population, 80.

Allen, Charles, carpenter. Kelly, Adam, farmer. Cameron, Luke, farmer. Olds, John, merchant. Clyne & Hill, blacksmith*. Schooley, Abel, merchant. Haight, Thomas, wagonmaker. Schooley, Eliliu, P. M., merchant. Hartley, Mrs., widow. Syples, J., hotelkeeper. Johnston, A., farmer. Woods, R, farmer.


A post village in the Township of the same name, situated on the stage road leading from Brantford to Simcoe ; and at the distance of 9 miles from Brantford, and 15 from Simcoe. It contains two churches, Metho- dist Episcopal and New Connexion Methodist, both handsome frame buildings ; a good town hall, and a flour and grist mill, 50 by 30 feet, 4 stories high, with three run of stones, and a good saw mill, which cuts about half a million feet of lumber annually, both mills are owned and carried on hj John Vivan, Esq. There are three stores and post office, two wagon shops, three blacksmith shops, one shoe shop, and one tailor, two hotels. The " Oakland House Hotel," kept by Mr. Jordan Beebe is worthy the confidence of commercial travellers and the public general- ly. Mails daily. Population 100.

Abbott, W. J., merchant. BEEBE, JORDAN, prop. Oakland Baker, A., rakemaker. House Hotel. Baker, L., laborer. Bebee, Smith, councillor.

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Ontario, Hats, Caps, Neckties, Shirts, &c.. &c., &c. —


Beecham, Peter, butcher. Ploughman, J., peddler. Brown, Neil, carpenter. Proper, John, merchant. Chapin, Chas., Reeve Tp., Esq., J. P. Secord, Robert, butcher. Cook, Edwin, weaver. Segner, Roman, innkeeper. Cowles, Richard, tailor. Smith, Adam N., farmer. Gulp, Rev. D., Sup. M. E. min. Smith, D. W., carpenter. Dunnett, James, farmer. Smith, George, laborer. Knox, Robert, painter. Sweezy, R., shoemaker. Lyle, Charles, wagon maker. Toyne, John, P. M. and merchant. Lyle, William, blacksmith. Vanlop, Robert, farmer. McDonald, John, blacksmith. VIVIAN, JOHN, flour and saw Malcolm, Chas. P., ag. imp. man. mills proprietor. Malcolm, S. D., farmer. Vivian, Stephen, millwright. Martin, James, farmer. Vivian, William, millwright. Martin, Thomas, farmer. Westbrook, Abm., farmer. Martin, William, farmer. Westbrook, H. S., councillor. Nobbs, Robert, wagonmaker. Westbrook, M., farmer. OAKLAND HOUSE HOTEL, J. AVood, Rev. John, M. E. min. Beebe proprietor.


A post village, and station on the G. T. R., in the township of the same name, situated on the north bank of the Grand River, 9 miles below Brantford, and 24 miles from Hamilton. It contains four churches

Church of England, of brick ; Baptist, AVesleyan Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Churches, are of frame. Five stores, and a post-office, four hotels, one school house, one wagon shop, on blacksmith, two shoe shops, one tailor. Mails daily. Population 150.

Booker, Rev. T., Baptist minister. Scholfield, John, baker, d'c. Bradshaw, S. W., blacksmith. Smith, David, saloon. Brown, Rev. W. G., M.E. minister. Southwell, W., merchant. Buckwell, W. S., P.M. Squir^ B., (Squire & Harrold). Forde, John, merchant. SQUIRE & HARROLD, mer- Forde, Joseph, merchant, and hotel- chants and millers. keeper. Tingue, James, M.D., &c., &c. Harrold, S., (Squire & Harrold). Whiting, M., merchant Henderson, John, carriage maker, Wilson, Wm.,prop. Ontario House. &c. Woodley Josiah, school teacher. Howell, Isaac, saw mill. Wright, AVilliam, station master, Ireland, George, innkeeper. G. T. R. Riddle, H., innkeeper.

Thomas McLean, Linen Bleached, and Unbleached, Table Cloth by the Yard and by the Piece, Brantford. l^ ROSEBANK AND ST. GEORGE. ROSEBANK,

A post office in the Township of Brantford, on the Governor's Roa4, about 7 miles from the county town. It is also known as Shipman*s Corners.


A post village in the Township of South Dumfries, situated about a mile north of the line of the Great Western Railway, the nearest station being Harrisburg. It is distant 8 miles from Brantford, the same dis- tance from Gait and Paris. There is considerable business done at St. George, situated as it is in a fine agricultural section of the country.

It contains three churches, viz. : —The Canada Presbyterian, the Wes- leyan Methodist and Baptist. The Canada Presbyterian Church former- ly belonged to the United Presbyterian Church before the union of the two churches in Canada. In the year 1832, the Antiburgher Synod of Scotland sent mission- ^ies to Canada. Two of these missionaries visited a number of families in the vicinity of St. George, and were kindly received. Arrangements were entered into for holding public worship in a school house or barn, as might suit the purpose. The Rev. Thomas Christie, now of Flam- boro, took charge of this station, and supplied ordinances as often as a due regard for the welfare of other stations under his charge would per- mit. A church was built in 1834, and the cause made good progress until near the end of the year 1838, when a call was given to the Rev. James Roy. The said call was accepted, and Mr. Roy was inducted into the pastoral charge of the congregation in December, 1838. The con- gregation previously gave a call to Rev. Thomas Christie, now of Flam- boro, but he did not accept. Mr. Roy labored with great diligence and acceptance for several years, preaching in St. George and Glen Morris, until he was suddenly removed by death, in the month of May, in the year 1852. The congegation, after the death of Mr. Roy, still kept united, and for several years they did not enjoy the services of a stated ministry. The congregation gave several calls !)ut did not succeed. The church was unanimous in giving a call to Mr. Robert Hume, preacher of the gospel. He accepted the call, and was ordained and inducted in- to the pastoral charge of the congregation on the 22nd of May, 1860. Mr. Hume has labored since that time with acceptance. The congrega- tion has increased under his ministry. He is at the present time the pastor of the church. In the year 1861 the congregation resolved to build a new church as the old church was too small to accommodate all, and hence the necessity of building. Mr. AVilliam Watts, contractor, of

Thomas McLean, Brantford, Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Carpets, Household Furnishings. ADVERTISEMENTS.

ittiim aii^ '^^ rmq a\%





gmgs ^ Cljcntixals, gm Stuffs ^ €alax$,

Oils and Paints, Coal Oil and Lamps, Field and Garden Seeds, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use, Pine Teas, Coffees, Tol>a<*cos,


(Late of Rankin House, Chatham,)





WM. PETHICK, - - Proprietor.

Accommodation for Commercial Travellers. COUNTY OF BRANT. 1^

Brantford, was engaged to build the new church. The work was com- menced vigorously, and during the summer of 1861, the new church was erected. The opening dedication services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston, of Hamilton, and Dr. John Thompson, formerly of Gait, (now of New York) on the 17th of November, 1861. The new church is of Doric style of architecture, capable of accommo- dating, in public worship, about 300 persons. It is situated on a beau- tiful and elevated plot of ground, near the site of the old church. The building is neat and substantial, and is regarded as one of the best country churches in the county of Brant. The Regular Baptist Church was organized March 30, 1824, under the ministration of Rev. Simon Mabee. The original membership was eleven in number. Elder Mabee remained pastor of the churcli till 1828. After this the following, in the order of their succession, minis-

: till tered to the church —Rev. Reuben Crandel Nov. 27th, 1835 ; Elder Elliott till March 16th, 1839; Elder BaUey till March 13th, 1841;

Elder Smith till March 26th, 1852 ; Elder E. Clark till May 12th,

1855 ; Elder Wm. Smith tHl Dec, 1859 ; Thos. L. Davidson, D.D.,

till Feb. nth, 1866 ; Elder Joel Reddick till Aug. 31st, 1867. Present pastor of the church, G. A. Dougharty, M. A. Present number of mem- bers 152. The church worships in a neat stone ^meeting house in the viUage of St. George. The main building is 40 feet by 60. The vestry room is 24 feet by 30. The church clerk is Benjamin Bell, of St. George. The Wesleyan Methodist Church is a plain unpretending frame build- ing. The congregation is under the pastoral charge of the Rev. James Harris. The \^llage contains some important and extensive manufacturing establishments. Mr. Benjamin Bell's works were established in 1854. He employs from thirty to forty hands, and an engine of ten horse power. The premises are frame, two stories high, and 110 by 50 feet, the moulding shop bemg 60 by 40 feet. Reapers, mowers, ploughs, cultivators, drag saws, and aU kinds of agricultural implements are turned out by Mr. Bell to the value of $30,000 annually. Ivlr. Wm. Snowball is engaged in the manufacture of wagons on a large scale, employing from twelve to fifteen hands. This branch of his business has been established since 1834. The premises are frame on stone basement, 80 feet by 80, and two stories high. A steam engine of six horse power is used in this establishment. About 100 wagons are turned out annually. Mr. Snowball is engaged as well in the manu- facture of flour and flax. The flouring mill contains three run of stone, and is a frame building with stone basement. A new mill, to be built entirely of stone, is shortly to take the place of the old one three stories high, and 60 by 30 feet. The flax mill was established by Mr. Snow- ball in 1863. It is a frame building, two stories high, 40 by 40 feet. From twenty to fifty hands are employed in this branch of industry.

THOMAS McLEAN, Wholesale and Eetall Dry Goods, Brantford. 10 146 ST. GEORGE.

Mr. Allan Cameron is engaged in the manufacture of ploughs, and employs three or four hands. Messrs. Alexander Brookbank and William Fleming's blacksmith shops deserve mention. Several hands are employed by each, and the very best kind of work turned out by them. Carriage ironing, as well as general blacksmith ing, is attended to. There are three good stores kept by Messrs. J. N. Keefer, Crawford & Armstrong, and H. G. McPherson. The St. George hotel is kept by Mr. S. Bradt, and travelers will find at his house every comfort, and as good fare as at any hotel in Ontario. There are two othei hotels in St. George. The Common School building is a handsome brick, erected at a costa of $2,000. It is divided into three departments, and has an attendance of 150 pupils, under the charge of Mr. H. McKay, as principal, assisted by Miss E. Smith.

Armington, Wm., moulder. CRAWFORD, JOHN S., (Craw ARMSTRONG, B., (Crawford & ford & Armstrong). Armstrong). Daugharty, Rev. G. A. Baptist Austin, William, miller. pastor. Baldwin, John, labortr. Davis, Willis, farmer. Baptie, D., school teacher. Dawson, Wm. Henry, retired. Batty, Christopher, P.M., & grocer. FLEMING, Wm., general black- BELL, BENJAMIN, agricultural smith. All work warranted. implement manufacturer. {See Forsyth, John, blacksmith. advt.) Franklin, P., dentist.

BELL, CHARLES, machinist. Glass, William, farmer. • Bell, George, collector. Gomer. Frederick, laborer. Bingham, S., patternmaker. Graham, Thomas, blacksmith. BRADT, S., prop. St George Hotel. Harris, Rev. James, W.M. minister. BROOKBANK, ALEXANDER, Hickox, George, blacksmith. general blacksmith, all work Huffman, G., wagonmaker. warranted. Hughson, Albert, bailiff. Buckberry, Samuel, wagonmaker. HUME, REV. ROBERT, Canada Burk, Christopher^ laborer. Presbyterian minister. Byers, John, shoemaker. Hunt, Frederick, wagonmaker. Cameron, Allan, founder. Hussie, George, laborer. Coultous, Charles, tailor. Kay, John, butcher. Culham, James, tavern keeper. KEEFER, J. N., general merchant CRAWFORD & AilMSTRONG, dealer in dry goods, groceries, (John S. Crawford, & B. Arm- hardware, crockery, &c., ready strong,) importers and dealers made clothing, boots, shoes, & in dry goods, groceries, hard- medicines. (aS'^^ card). ware, crockery, boots, shoes, Kitchen, E., M. D. and clothing. Laramour, Samuel, carpenter.

Thomas McLean invites special attention to his Large Stock of Beady Made Clothing^, Market and Colbome Streets, Brantford. COtTNTT OF BRAWT. 147

Notman, John, cabinet maker. Stinson, James, M.D. O'Hara, James, retired. Thomas, David, tavemkeeper. Pace, John, farmer. Thompson, James, painter. Pembleton, W., laborer. Travers, John, tinsmith. Playter, Charles, butcher. Volick, David, blacksmith. Reed, David, cabinet maker. White, Robert, blacksmith.

Richardson, John, cheese maker. Whitmak, , finisher. Rudle, Philip, mason. Willoughby, Joseph, flax dresser. Sauce, Frederick, laborer. Wilson, James, harness maker. Skimmins, James, moulder. Lephart, Mrs., widow. Smith, Charles, retired. McKAY, H., principal of St. Snowball, Robert, farmer. George public schools. Snowball, Samuel, farmer. McMillan, James, bootmaker*. SNOWBALL, WM., wagonmaker, Mcpherson, H. G., merchant, flax and grist mill prop. '{See issuer .of marriage licenses, card). &c., &c. South, Gr., laborer. Manwarring, John, retired. ST. GEORCxE HOTEL, S. Bradt, May dock. A., mason. proprietor. Mullen, William, agent.


A post village situated on the town line of Burford and Oakland. The stage road leading from Paris to Simcoe, passes through the village. It is 14 miles from Paris, and 11 from Brantford. It contains two churches, Baptist and Congregational. The Congregational Church was formed in 1835, and was associated with the church of the same order at Bur- ford, under the ministry of the Rev. James Nail, who came to this country from England, under the direction of the Colonial Missionary Society. Towards the close of the year 1843, he removed to another part of the vineyard of the Lord. After some months of spiritual des- titution, the Rev. W. F. Clarke, was installed pastor, October 16th, 1844, and in the spring of 1846, tendered his resignation with a view to leaving the Province. The Rev. W. H. Allworth, visited them in August, 1846, and labored among them as temporary supply during the following winter. On the 7th August, 1847, the church invited Mr. William Hay, a graduate of the Congregational College, to accept the pastoral oversight of them, and he entered upon his ministerial duties on the 13th October, and was ordained pastor on the 19th January, 1848. At this date there was no church building and the members numbered 30, and were in the habit of assembling for worship in a school house. The church edifice was opened for divine service in 1849.

Thomas McLean, Importer of General Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford. 148 SCOTLAND.

Since then 1 70 members have been added to the roll. Jn the spring of 1868, the Kev. W. Hay, on account of poor health resigned the pastorate, but has been recalled thereto, and is now in the position which he has sustained for more than 20 years. Dr. J. E. Malcolm's grist mill contains two run of stone and is built of frame, three stories high, and 30 by 50 feet. Mr. Eobert Gillespie is engaged in the manufacture of leather, harness,

kip, and calf leathers are chiefly turned out here ; the tannery is of frame, two stories high, and 24 by 50 feet. There are 4 stores and a post office, 3 wagon and blacksmith shops, 3 coopers' shops, 1 cabinet and tin shop, a good woolen factory 30 by 36 feet, two stories, where Mr. Malcolm employs six hands in carding, cloth dressing and manufacturing custom work generally, working all seasons of the year. A united grammar and common school, where 120 pupils are in train- ing. 2 good hotels, the " Scotland House Hotel," kept by Mr. P. J. Pilkey, is in first class style for the accommodation of commercial travel- lers and the public generally. There is in connection with the hotel a livery stable. The Commercial Hotel, kept by Mr. Jonathan Thatcher, is v/orthy of like patronage. Mails daily. Population 150.

Adair, Joseph, cooper. HAY, EEV. W^M., pastor Congre- Bowman, G. W., blacksmith. gational Church. Brown, William, constable. Hickson, Henry, carpenter. Bugby, Jabez, retired. Hooker, Albert, wagonmaker. COMMERCIAL HOUSE, J. That- Hunt, Cyrus, shoemaker. cher proprietor. Lawrence, Thomas, blacksmith. €orbin, Cornelius F. F., painter. Lindsay, James, brick layer and Durham, A., teamster. plaster. Durham, J., retired. •Lyman, Henry, P. M. and mcrch't. Eastman, John, welldigger. Lloyd, James, retired. Elliott, Eobert, retired. Macklin, John, M.D.,&c. Flanagan, John, carpenter. Malcolm, Augustus, farmer. Foster, Alonzo, clerk Div. Court. Malcolm, E. G., druggist, &c. GILLESPIE, EOBEET, tanner. Malcolm, Eddy, cooper. Glover, Anthony, farmer. Malcolm, Ehakim, J. P. Glover, Francis, laborer. Malcolm, George, merchant. Glover, Eobert, stone mason. Malcolm, Hugh, shoemaker. Gould, Hamilton, retired. Malcolm. J. E., grist mill prop., &c. •Gould, William, laborer. MALCOLM, MAECUS, carding Groover, Jacob, cooper. and spinning, manufacturer of Handy, Lev/is, retired. all kinds of woolen goods, Harkinson, William, laborer. custom work at all seasons. Hai-j), Elijah, laborer. Malcolm, Martin, slioemaker.

Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Ihrsss StnSs, Mourning Goods, Bls.ck Colored Drcfis Si].ks at Thomas McLean, Braii.tford. COUNTY OF BRANT. i4d

Messker, Charles, laborer. Scott & Son, saddlers. Moore, John, peddler. Smith, Hamilton, farmer. Moore, Paul, retired. Smith, William, retired. Pettit, J. G., bailiff, Div. Court. Sullivan, Robert, blacksmith. Phillips, George, wagonmaker. Taylor, John, carriage maker. Phillips, Mrs., widow. THATCHER, JONATHAN, prop. PILKEY, P. J., prop. Scotland Commercial House hotel, first House Hotel. 1st class house. class. Pollard, A. T., tailor. Tucker, Richard B., tinsmith. Prouse, T. 0., merchant. Vining, Rev. J., Baptist minister. Reynolds, Wm., wagonmaker. Walker, Gideon, peddler. Riley, George, laborer. Walker, John, constable. Robinson, Robert F. W., sch. teach. Wheeland, James, farmer. Sagro, Adam, farmer. Wheeland, Thomas, farmer. SCOTLAND HOUSE HOTEL, P. Whitney, Charles, cabinet maker. J. Pilkey, prop. Whitney, Lewis, retired. Scott, Robert, saddler. Wolfe, William, laborer.


P. 0. Tuscarora.

A post callage on the Grand River, in the township of Onondaga, six miles from Brantford, twelve from Hamilton, six from Caledonia, and twenty-five from Port Dover. The first store was opened in 1850. There is a school near the village, two churches—E. Methodist and Episcopal Church of England. Mails daily.

Bartram, Thomas, farmer. Diamond, W. H. Bartram, William, farmer. Gordon, James, farmer. Blanckhard, Silas, laborer. Hagar, Charles, farmer. Boice, Jacob, farmer. Hagar, James, farmer. Bresette, James, carpenter. Jamieson, James, farmer. Brown, William, wagonmaker. Ludlow, A., shoemaker. Butler, John, butcher. McLaren, Robert, baker. Cochrell, George, farmer. Matheson, Robert, cabinetmaker. Creswell, Samuel. Mynard, Henry, postmaster. Deagle, David, meachant. Patterson, James, carpenter. Dee, Dr., physician. Patterson, John, innkeeper. Dee, Francis. Shephard, James. Dennis, David, carpenter.

Thomas McLean is famed for keeping Splendid Prints, Beautiful Pat- terns, Good Colors and Good Cloths, Brantford. ^ppE:Nrx)ix.


A post village in tlie Township of Ancaster, on the Brantford and Hamilton Macadamized road, at the distance of 1 1 miles from Hamilton, and 13 from Brantford. It contains two stores and a post office, and a good hotel, "The Rising Sun," kept by Mr. Isaac Stenabaugh, is a good house. Mails daily. Population, 60.

Smith, S. W., P. M. and merchant. STENABAUGH, ISAAC, prop. Rising Sun Hotel.


Is an important post village, situate in the Township of North Dumfries, County of Waterloo, about one mile from the Brant County line. It is distant from Paris 7 miles, from Gait 10 miles, and from Berlin 14 miles. The Cedar and Smith's Creeks run through the village and afford much hydraulic power. The post office was established in 1838, the present official is Robert Wyllie, Esq.

There are three churches, viz : Knox's Church, (Canada Presbyterian), a handsome frame building erected in 1844, at a cost of $1,500, Rev. D.

McRuar, pastor ; the W. 'M. Church cost $1,200, Rev. Mr. Gamain ;

the Stanley Street Church, (Presbyterian) cost over $2,000 ; the Pres- byterians (Morrisonians) have a congregation here, Rev. James Howie, minister. The common schoool buildings are of brick, erected in 1854, cost $3,000, and have the capacity to accommodate over 300 pupils. The Ayr Herald is a well conducted family newspaper, having a large circulation in the Counties of Waterloo, Oxford, and Brant. It was established in 1867, by Mr. James G. Watson, in the Reform interest, and is rapidly increasing in circulation. There is a good book and job office in connection.

There is a Masonic Lodge in Ayr—Lodge No. 172, G. R. C. ; a Mechanics' Institute Avith a library of over 1,200 volumes, Alexander

Petrie, president ; one fire company, John Wyllie, captain ; a Vol. In- fantry Company, 29th Bat., Waterloo, is in a most effective state, being

Thomas McLean aims at selling the best value in Grey and White Cottons in the Dominion. APPENDIX. 151

just re-enroUecl under the new Act, Thomas M. Anderson, captain, Jas.

G. Watson, lieutenant, J. McKay Anderson, ensign ; a Temperance So-

'dety, Thomas Easton, president ; a Young Men's Christian Association meets weekly for mutual edification and dispatch of business, Dr. W. R.

Pentland, president ; a Literary Society which meets weekly for debates, readings, recitations, &c., Dr. &. W. Bingham, president. This village contains several important and extensive manufactures, foremost among which the agricultural works of John Watson, Esq., may be mentioned. This large establishment was started in 1848. Mr. Watson's shops cover an area of two acres, and are built of stone, brick and wood. Steam and water power are both used in propelling the machinery, and from sixty-five to seventy hands are constantly em- ployed. Reaping, mowing, threshing machines, drills, straw and root cutters, ploughs, and in fact every description of agricultural implement that the most extensive farmer requires as a labor saving machine are here manufactured. About 600 reapers and 50 separators are annually made at these works. This is one of the most successful establishments in Canada, and its success is only the just reward due to the business energy and integrity of character displayed by its well known proprietor. James Piper, Esq., is very extensively engaged in the manufacture of flour. The Nithvale mills and Jedburgh mills are carried on by him. In the Nithvale mills about fifteen thousand barrels of flour are put up .annually. There is an oatmeal mill as well with two run of stone, manufacturing merchant meal only. He has also a saw mill, doing custom work only. In and about the several mills about twenty hands are employed. In addition to the mills, already mentioned, Mr. Piper has erected the Jedburgh woolen and cotton factory. The building is brick, three stories high, and 50 by 60 feet. A great many operatives will be here employed when fully in operation, and this latter enterprise must add largely to the progress of the village. Mr. David Goldie, proprietor of the Greenfield flouring mills, is doing

a. very heavy business, and has in connection with the mill a stave fac- tory and cooperage. A large number of hands find employment in all the establishments. Mr. Peter Cunningham is carrying on the brewing of beer and ale. The brewery is 30 by 50 feet, and two stories high. In the manufacture of shoe pegs Mr. James Gladstone has been en- gaged for a number of years. Five or six hands are employed, and water power used to propel the machinery. From ten to twelve bushels of shoe pegs are turned out daily. Pump Manufacturing. —In this branch of industry Mr. Robert Knox employs a few hands. Carriage Making.—Mr. John Bell employs five or six hands in the manufacture of carriages, buggies, .sleighs, cutters, &c.

Thomas McLean is noted for selling Cheap Dry Goods, Colbome and Market Streets, Brantford. 1^2 APPENDIX.

Mr. Thomas McKnight is also engaged in the same line, employing two hands. Mr. James Kay carries on the business of cabinet making in all its branches, employing three hands. Mr. Walter Kyle, general blacksmith, employs two hands, and turns out work of excellent finish. There are other work shops representing the various trades, where in the aggregate many find employment. The 5th Division Court of the County of AYaterloo is held here, John Wyllie, Esq., clerk.

Algie, JMathev/, miller. Carruthers, Walter, laborer. Allen, James, miller. Chandler, James, laborer. Anderson, Alexander, moulder. Cochrane, Samuel, teamster. Anderson, John, cooper. Cockburn, James, teamster. ANDEESON, JOHN McK., prin- Cope, John, cooper. cipal of the public schools. Corbet, Christopher, teamster. Anderson, T. M., book-keeper. Couch, James, blacksmith. Ayr Herald, J. G. Watson, prop. Coutts, Joseph, cooper. Bailey, Albert, miller. Coutts, William, teacher. Baker, William, merchant. Crozier, John, carpenter. Bautinheimer., John, laborer. Cullens, Robert, teamster. Becke, William, weaver. Cunningham, Peter, brewer. BELL, JOHN, carriage and wagon Currie, Ebenezer, merchant. maker. Currie, John, teamster. Bell, W., M. D., i^hysician and Currie, Wm. B., carpenter. surgeon. Cuthbertson, Hugh, shoemaker. Best George, teamster. Cuthbertson, John, shoemaker. Bigger, J. M., agent. Davidson, Mrs. Wm. BINGHAM, G. W., M. D., phy- Deans, Robert, laborer. sician and surgeon. DENT, J. C, barrister. Boos, David, cooper. Dolman, Mrs. Wm. Bowie, William, dealer in eggs and Donaldson, John, merchant. butter. Douglas, John, laborer. Brinmer, George, gentl^an. DUNCAN, REV. JAMES B., Can. Brogan, John, laborer. Presby., min., Stanley Street Brown, E., laborer. Church. Brown, William, carpenter. Edgar, James, carpenter. Buckley, Patrick, tinsmith. Elliott, Charles, carpenter. Caddie, George, photographer. Elliott, George, laborer. Calder, James, gentleman. Elliott, William, laborer. Cameron, James, carpenter. ELLIS, H. & C, props. Com- Campbell, Robert, shoemaker. mercial Hotel. Carroll, Charles, machinist. Fair, William, carpenter. Carruthers, William, carpenter. Findlater, William, carpenter.

Thomas McLean sells his Goods on the Small Profit System. Don't fail to call at 6 Colbome Street and 3 Maiket Street. APPENDIX. 15S

Forbes, John, weaver. Lang, Robert, tinsmith. Frasier, Ann, milliner and dress Lynch, Patrick, laborer. maker. Lynch, Thomas, teamster. Gamble, Peter, laborer. McCarthy, William, blacksmith. Gardner, Da^-id, laborer. McClory, Daniel, laborer. Gillespie, Joseph, Painter McCott, David, clerk. Gillett, Ralph, dentist. McEwan, Andrew, book keeper. Gladstone, James, peg manufactur- McGeorge, Helen. er. McGregor, Wm., blacksmith. Gladstone, William, teamster. Mcintosh, Duncan, laborer. Gloucester, John, barber. McKay, John, shoemaker. GOLDIE, DAVID, Greenfield McKnight, Thomas, wagonmaker. flouring mills. McLean, Mrs. J. D., teacher. Gordon, Ebenezer, gardener. McLean, Margaret, teacher. Gordon, John, laborer. McLean, Mary, milliner and dress- Grant, John L., machinist. maker. Grigg, Thomas, laborer. McLeod, Henry, agent. Hage}'^, Jacob, cooper. McRae, James, shoemaker. Hall, John, carpenter. McRae, Wm., shoemaker. Hall, Robert, carpenter and builder. McRUAR, REV.D., Knox Church. Harvie, Stephen, miller. McVetie, Henry, teamster. Henderson, Archibald, blacksmith. Malone, James, laborer. Henderson, Richard, blacksmith. Malone, John, carpenter. Henderson, William, carpenter and Manson, William, laborer. builder. Marshall, Ralph, miUer. HILBORN, H. C, Wellington Mathison, Alexander, carpenter and Hotel, first class accommoda- builder. tion for travellers, &c. Merrilees, Robert, shoemaker. Hilborn, Henry, laborer. Mitchell, Wm., cooper. Hilborn, William, hotelkeeper. Montgomery, James, cooper. Hiler, James, carpenter. Montgomery, Thomas, laborer. Holden, Richard, foreman cooper. Moore, John, laborer. Holmes, Thomas, laborer. Morton, Alex., harnessmaker. Hood, Thomas, hotelkeeper. Mullen, John, laborer. Hope, Peter, carpenter & builder. Murray, James, blacksmith. Hope, Tliomas, blacksmith. Murray, John, baker & confectioner. Howell, Thomas, carpenter. Oliver, Thomas, laborer. Hunter, Hugh, cooper. Patterson, William, carpenter. Hunter, John, laborer. Pentland, W. R., M.D., physician. Kay, Alexander, music teacher. Petrie, Alexander, weaver. Kay, James, cabinetmaker. Picken, Alexander, shoemaker. Kilgour, Joseph, merchant. Picket, Emanuel, shoemaker. Kyle, Walter, blacksmith. Picket, James, shoemaker. Knox, Robert, pump-maker. PIPER, JAMES, senr., Nithvale Landon, George, hostler. mills.

Thomas McLean, Millinery and Mantle Rooms. In this Department the Newest Styles always introduced at very Lowest Prices. IH APPENDIX.

PIPER, JAMES, flouring, oatmeal Stewart, Joel, machinist. and saw mills, woolen and cot Stewart, Daniel, mason. ton mills. Stokes, James, shoemaker. PIPER, JOHN, Jedbourgh flour Swan, John, laborer. mills. Thomson, Wm., merchant. Pringle, William, builder. Thomson, Wm., miller. Rankin, William, weaver. TumbuU, Wm., laborer. Reid, John, carpenter. Urie, Wm., moulder. Renwick, John, watchmaker. Vassie, Wm., foreman, Ayr foundry. Robinson, Mr., mail contracter. Wallace, Marion, dressmaker. Rose, Alex., bailiff and auctioneer. Watson, Arch., jr., moulder. Ross, Alex., butcher. Watson, Arch., sr., foreman mould- Ross, Robert, plasterer. er. Rutherford, George, sawyer. WATSOX, JAMES G., prop. Ayr Sanders, Mrs. John. Herald. Schmidt, Charles, mason. WATSON, JOHN, proprietor Ayr Schmidt, John, master mason. foundry. {See card.) Scoffern, H. W., book-keeper. Watson, Robert, moulder. Scott, George, carpenter. Watson, R. W., machinist. Scott, Michael, merchant. Weybrant, Alexander, moulder. Scott, Thomas, carpenter. Weybrant, H., finisher. Scott, Thomas C., carpenter and White, Charles, butcher. builder. White, Henry, gunsmith. Scott, William, carpenter. White, P. E., butcher. Senior, Richard, gentleman. Whitson, Robert, blacksmith. Shannon, Henry, laborer. Whitson, Thomas, teamster. Sharp, Frederick, cooper. Williams, John W., machinist. Shepherd, Alex., saddler. Willson, Walter, tailor. Souter, Andrew, carpenter. Wilson, Adam, machinist. Souter, James, tailor. Wilson, Peter, laborer. Souter, Peter, carpenter and build- Wrigley, Mrs. J. er. WYLLIE, JOHN, druggist. Stevenson, Thomas, cooper. WYLLIE, ROBERT, postmaster. Stewart, Erskine, foreman cooper.

A post village and station of the Harrisburgh and Guelph branch of the Great Western Railway, situated in the township of north Dumfries, 6 miles from Harrisburgh, and 20 miles from Guelph. It contains a Wesleyan Methodist Church, a stone building seated for 400 persons, and a good school. The post office was established in 1850. The vil- lage contains a grist and saw mill, shingle and lath mills, woolen mill,

Thomas McLean holds a Splendid Stock of Flannels in Red, White, Blue, ajid Pancy flannels, Home Made Flannels, Brantford. APPENDIX. 155 carriage factory, 2 blacksmith shops, 2 general stores, and a good hotel, kept by Mr. A. Jenkins. The Jenkins improved new hay fork, is manufactured here, and is an article well worthy the attention of all farmers. The tiour, saw, shingle and lath mills, are owned and carried on by Mr. William Rosebrugh, steam power is used, and about 15 hands are employed. The flour mill contains three run of stones, and is a frame building, 40 by 60 feet, three stories high. The saw mill is 40 by 30 feet. Messrs. George Fady, & Co., carry on the woolen mills, a 14 horse power engine is used, and about 15 hands employed. The factory was established in 1863, and is a frame building with stone basement, 2J stories high, and 40 by 60 feet. Tweeds, flannels, blankets, and yarn, are here manufactured. This firm enjoys a large custom trade.


An important incorporated to-wn in the township of !N'orth Dumfries, situated on the line of the Hamilton and Guelph branch of the Great Western Railway. It is the most important station on that branch. The Grand River runs through the town, and aff'ords immense hydraulic power for driving the machinery of the many manufacturing establish ments for which the town is celebrated. Among the manufacturing establishments we notice that of Messrs. Goldie, McCulloch & Co.'s. Dumfries Foundry and Steam Engine JForks. Their buildings are of stone, and cover an area of two acres. This firm has been established a number of years, and have no ordinary reputation as engine builders and manufacturers of every description of mill machinery. Some of the largest castings made in Canada have been turned out by Messrs. Goldie, McCulloch 8z Co. They employ one hundred and fifty hands. Wool machinery and burr mill stones are here manufactured. Annual sales amount to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Dickson Mills. —Mr. Richard Blain carries on the Dickson mills, a large four story stone building, 75 by 45 feet. It was erected in 1843. Mr. Blain manufactures about thirty thousand barrels of flour annually, beside doing a large gristing business. Five hands are kept em- ployed. In his cooperage and stave factory about twenty hands are employed. Soap and Candle JForks. —Mr. Simon Oliver established himself in this branch of industry in 1840. The premises are built of stone, two stories high, and 30 by 70 feet. Five or six hands are kept employed manufacturing soap, candles and pot ash.

The town of Gait contains seven churches, viz. : —Church of Eng- land, Presbyterian (Church of Scotland), Knox Church (Canada Presby-

Thomas McLean, Brantford, holds a Splendid Stock of Carpets. Tapestry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Wool Carpets. l$Q APPENDIX. terian), Koman Catholic, AVesleyan, Primitive, and New Connexion Methodists. Its schools are well conducted, and few towns possess the many ad- vantages Gait enjoys.


A flourishing post village, and station of the G.W.R, is situated princi- pally in the township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, and a portion lies in the township of Burford, County of Brant, at the distance of 12 miles from Woodstock, 7 from Paris, and 36 from Hamilton. It enjoys a good local trade, being in the midst of an excellent agricultural dis- trict, and the chief* outlet for the large amount of lumber and shingles manufactured in that section of the country.

There are four churches, viz : the Episcopalian, (St. Paul's Church) a very handsome brick building, erected in 1867, having capacity to seat 250 persons, Eev. Henry Bartlett, incumbent. The Canada Presbyter- ian Church, of brick, costing $3,900, Eev. H. McQuarrie, minister. The Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church is a substantial frame building, of similar capacity, erected in 1857, and cost $1,200, Rev. J. McLean, minister. The Lutheran Church originally belonged to the Episcopal- ians, but was purchased by the present congregation in 1867, Rev Mr. Eule, pastor. The Princeton Transcript, a very handsome 32 column weekly newspaper, having a large circulation in Brant and Oxford, was established here in 1867 by its enterprising editor and proprietor, Mr. R. Patterson, who has, in connection with it, a good book and job print- ing office. Among the public buildings may be noticed a large town haU used for municipal purposes. There are in the village and its immediate vicinity a large shingle factory and a turning mill, two saw mills and a tannery. The mechanical trades consist of two wagon and carriage shops, two blacksmith's shops, several shoe shops, one cabinet factory, two tailors, one tinsmith, and a harness maker. The carriage factory of Mr. Wm. Brogan is worthy of notice. The factory is a frame building, two stories high, and 30 feet by 40 feet.

Mr. J . G. Mosher, is engaged in the manufacture of pumps, horse rakes, and has in complete order a planing mill and wood turning fac- tory. The building is a two story frame, 40 by 50 feet. An engine of 15 horse power is nsed, and about ten hands employed. Cigar Making. —Messrs. W. Kelly & Sons, employ from seven to ten hands manufacturing cigars. Mr. G. S. Henderson, employs about ten hands, and an engine of 12 horse power in the manufacture of shingles, staves and building materials

Thomas McLean extends an invitation to every one who reads this notice to come and examine his large Stock of Dry Goods, Brantford. APPENDIX. 157 of all kinds. The factory is a frame, two srories high, and 30 by 40 feet. General Blacksmithing,—Mr. William Da\ds, employs about four hands in this trade. The shop is a frame building, 30 by 50 feet, and contains three forges. The mercantile business is well represented by the firms of Messrs.

Mann & Travers ; Scott, Brother ; T. Galbraith, Mathews and others. Mr. A. Gissing, druggist, does a large business in medicines, dye stuffs, oils, paints, and fancy goods. There are 4 good hotels, viz: "The Railway Hotel," kept by Mr.

Joseph Loney ; The "Railroad House," by Mr. J. Dake ; the "Union," by Mr. John Strode, and the "Black Horse," by Mr. Benjamin Johnston. The 2nd Division Court of Oxford, is held here, W. H. Landon, Esq., Clerk. Loyal Orange Lodge No. 438, hold its regular meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month, at its Hall over the Division Court ofiice.

Bai-tlett, Rev. Henry, Incumbent Foster, J, mechanic. Princeton and Drumbo, Ch. Freeman, Manuel, J. P., farmer. of England. Galbraith, Eras., general merchant. Bastedo, David, butcher. Gissing, A. W., druggist. Bastedo, Samuel, butcher. Glazier, J. L., carpenter. BENHAM, GEORGE, M.D., phy. Graham, John, telegraph operator. surg., &c., &c. Grant, Adam, trackman. Boss, Henry, blacksmith. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, BROGAN, WM., carriagemaker. Joseph Loney prop. Burk, Daniel, laborer. Griggs, George, farmer. Burk, Patrick, tailor. Henderson, J. S., shinglemaker. Campbell, Rev. Alex., W. M. min- Howes, Robert, clerk. ister. Hull, E. D., boot and shoemaker. Cheesv/right, F., tailor. Hunter, John, switchman. Churchill, George, boot and shoe- HjTner, Fras., carpenter. maker. John, Benjamin, innkeeper. Clark, D., M.D., &c. Johnston, Robert, cooper. Conklin, J., laborer. Kelly & Sons, cigar manufacturers. Cowherd, Thomas, tinsmith. Kenney, Mr. farmer. DAKE, JERE]\IL'^H, prop. Rail- King, Edward, night station master. road House. Kipp, Isaac, retired. Davis, William, blacksmith. Land, Daniel, laborer. Doyle, Mrs., widow. Landon, W. H., Esq., J. P., clerk Duke, Mrs., storekeeper. of division court, com. in B. R., Ecker, Daniel, carpenter. insurance agent, L. S. Schools. Eule, Rev. Mr., minister Lutheran Lavery, George, innkeeper. Church. Lawrence, Hyal, saddler and har- Forsyth, H. C.,boot and shoemaker. ness maker.

Household Euniishings, Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Thomas McLean, Brantford. —


Lindsay, J. G., P.M., and farmer. Quirk, Wm., wagonmaker. Logan, Thomas, butcher. Eailroad House, J. Dake, prop. LONEY, JOSEPH, prop. Great Eogers, Johr, laborer. W. Hotel. Scott, T. 0., merchant. Mclntyre, David, switchman. STEODE, JOHN, prop. Union McLean, Eev, J., M. E. minister. Hotel. McQuafrie, Eev. H., Canada Pres- Swartz,- Silas, farmer. byterian minister. Travers, Bernard, (Mann& Travers) Mann, Aaron, (Mann & Travers). Union Hotel, John Strode, prop. Mann & Travers, (Aaron Mann & Walpole, James, laborer. B. Travers) gen. merchants. Whittington, Mrs., widow. Matthews, J. R., grocer. Winters, Henry, blacksmith and Moore, James, engineer. wagon maker, MOSHEE, J. G., pumpmaker, Wolfe, J., plasterer. shingle, eve trough, &c. Wood, Geo., station master G.W.E. PATTEESON, EOBEET, pub. of Woo4s^ Hamilton, farmer. (Transcript, &c. {See card). Yale, S., farmer.


Township of Brantford.—Eeeve—W. TurnbuU, Esq. Deputy Eeeves W. S. Campbell and H. G. Townsend. Councillors—C. Edmondson and W. Hunter. Onondaga. — Eeeve—Mathew Whiting, Esq. Councillors—Wm. Bur- rill, George Yansickle, James Grant and Alexander Douglas. Township of Burford. —Eeeve—Charles Hedgers, Esq. Deputy Eeeves —Charles Purley and J. B. Henry. Councillors—Jacob Bingham and J Doran. Township of South Dumfries—Eeeve—Daniel Anderson. Deputy Eeeve— Louis Lapierre. Councillors—James Davidson, B. 0. Howell, James Sharp. Toivnship of Oakland—Eeeve—Charles Chapin, Esq, Councillors Smith Beebe, Marcus Malcolm, John Eddy, and Henry S. Westbrooke, Esqs.

GOLDiE, Mcculloch & co.,



GA1,T, - . . ONTARIO. List of Magistrates who have Qualified in the County of Brant.

Alger, "William K Graham, James. Anderson, Daniel. Griffin, Cyrus R. Armour, Thomas. Gurney, Charles. Ballachy, George, Hawley, Abraham. Bell, Benjamin. Hedgers, Charles. Bellhouse, James. Herdsman, Richard. Benedict, Alonzo. Howell, Benjamin 0. Biggar, Herbert. James, Thomas. Botham, Themas. Jones, S. J., C. C. J. Brown, Robert E. Johnson, John. Broughton, Thomas. Johnston, Wellesley. Brown, David. Kent, James. Bryce, George. Kitchen, Edward. Burt, Robert. Kyle, Andrew. Burtch, David. Lampkin, John. Catton, Richard. Laughrey, James. Chapin, Charles. Latthan, Henry C. Chapin, Lyman. Lawrason, Joseph. m Chatterson, Solomon. Lawrence, John. Chittenden, George. Leeming, Henry B. Comerford, John. Lemmon, Henry. Conboy, Thomas. Likins, William. Cook, Allen H. Long, Elias. Cope, Daniel. McDiarmid, John. Davidson, Lancelot. McKenzie, Thomaa. Davis, Humphrey. McNaughton, Daniel. Downs, John W. McWilliams, Aaron. Eadie, Robert. Maginn, Thomas. Eddy, Constant. Malcolm, Eliakim. Eddy, John. Malcolm, S. D. Elliott, John. Mans, Jairns. Ellis, John Randal. Mathews, William. Finlayson, Hugh. Maxwell, James. Fleming, Gavin. Merritt, Isaac B. Eorman, Cornelius H. Moore, James. Foster, Alonzo. Muir, John. Foster, Francis. Muir, Robert. Fowler, Caleb S. Mullen, William. Glasco, Thomas. NeUis, WilHam G. 160 APPENDIX.

Nevin, Samuel. Taylor, Henry. Nimmo, James. Tennant, John. Oliver, William. Thomas, Joseph. O'Neil, Daniel. Thompson, John- Patton, William. Thompson, Robert. Perley, Charles S. Thompson, William. Perrin, Andrew. Totten, Daniel. Phelps, Hiram. Townsend, Henry G. Powell, William G. Toyne, John. Pm}Ti, Matthew W. Trimble, James. Quinlan, Joseph. Tufford, John. Eandall, Ephraim. Turnbull, William. Eenwick, Walter. Turner, John. Eichmond, William. Yanderlip, Edward. Roy, Ebenezer. Vanderlip, Edward W. Roy, William. AVallace, James. Sage, Walter. Watt, William. Secord, David. Westbrook, Andrew. Secord, James C. Westbrook, Peter. Sharpe, James. Weyms, James. Shenston, Thomas S. Whiting, John. Smith, George. Whitlaw, Charles. Smith, Russell. Wilkes, James. Sproule, Robert. Wye, John. Stanton, George. Yates, Henry, Stephenson, George. Yeigh, Edmund. Tapley, Samuel.




Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers.


Great Western Railway

— AND —

— FROM — SlJSPE]\^^ION BRIDGE NIAGARA FALL^ TO DETROIT, MICHIGAN WITH BRANCH LINES FROM Hamilton to Toronto, from Harri^bnr^ to Guelph, from Komoka to §arnia, and from IVyoming to Petrolia, forming^, with it§ conncctionfii, the Sljortfst anit ^fst iloule to all f obits €ast anlr W^.

This is the only route via Niagara Falls, and passengers have the advantage of the latest improvements in modes of travelling, and are enabled to view the Falls of Niagara while crossing the Mammoth Suspension Bridge in the cars of the Gieat XVestern Railway.

Pour Through Express Trains Each Way Daily.

Eastward bound trains comiect regularly at Suspension Bridge with trains on the New York Central Railway for Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Rome Ogdens- burgs, Utica, Albany, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, and the principal points in New England and the Eastern States. Westward bound trains connect at Detroit with trains on Michigan Central, Detroit and Milwaukee, and Michigan Southern Railroads, for Chicago, Galena, Dubuque, Milwaukee, Rock Island, St. Louis, St. Paul, Cairo, Burlington, La Crosse, Saginaw, Cincinnati, Memphis, Vicksburg, New Orleans, and all important places in the West, North-West and South-West. 1(52 ADVERTISEMENTS. Great Western Railway.


On the arrival of Trains from SUSPENSION BRIDGE and DETROIT, and connect with


Madoc and the Gold ]fliiie§, Hloiitreal, C^uebec and Portland.

Good connections made at Hamilton and Toronto, during Lake Navigation, with


For all important points on Lake Ontario and the River St. Lawrence.

Trains on Gait and Guelph and Sarnia Branches

Run regularly, and make connection with Mail Line Trains.

This Company having completed the Line from Wyoming to Petrolia, passengers are now enabled to avail themselves of THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS OF CANADA.

Fullmarts Patent 16 Wheeled Palace Sleeping Cars,

Which for elganee and comfort are not surpassed, run through between Detroit and Rochester, and Chicago and Rochester, without change. At Suspension Bridge and Rochester, the Pullman Palace Cars connect with Drawing Room Cars running through to Albany and New York without change. Elegant Day Cars, well ventilated and free from dust. Smoking Cars, with Euchre Tables attached to all Day Trains. ®^@©<4®® ©H®©Ei® wmmQmmWt

Thereby saving Passengers the trouble and inconvenience of having to check over each road.


Mmitii States €xmtnt\2 takm at ^ar.

For Through Fares and Sleeping Oar Berths, and for Meals, «&c., at Reireahment Rooms.

Arrangements have now been made whereby passengers purchasing Tickets in Canada, via the Great Western Railway, to points in the United States, can pay the Canada fare in Gold, and the balance of through fare in the U. S. curi'ency.

Via the Great Western Railway,

Which can be obtained at all Railroad and Steamboat Offices in the United States and Canada.

Trains are run by Hamilton Time, which is 12 minutes faster than Detroit Time, and 25 minutes slower than New York Central Railroad Time. Time Tables, giving particulars of the Arrival and Departure of Trains, as well as other information, can be had on application at any of the Company's Stations. OCEAN STEAMER TICKETS, By thelNMAN and NATIONAL STEAMSHIP LINES, from New York, with the fullest information as to rates of fare, can be had at the principal Ticket Offices of the Company. Passengers can be ticketed through from Hamilton, Toronto, London, &c., to Liverpool, London, Paris, Hamburg, and other continental cities at the Lowest Rates. EA§TERN AOEXCIES: New York, 273 Broadway, Geo. E. Jarvis, Agent. Boston, 21 State Street, P. K. Randall, " Buffalo, Corner of Exchange and Main Sts. W. L. Malcolm, " " Ogdensburgh, J. N. Derby,


Chicago, Tremont Block, A. Wallingford, Agent. Detroit, Comer Jefferson Avenue and Griswold St., Chas. McCabe, Western Passenger Agent. THOMAS SWYXYARD, Oeii. Manag^er, Hamilton, Onl. JAMES CHARETOX, Gen. Ag^ent, Hamilton, Ont. 164 ADVERTISEMENTS.



Four Express Trains Leave Detroit Daily,



Traiiii for IHiUvaukce, St. Paul, St. I^oui§, Omaha, IVortli Platte, ^ew Orlean§, aiitl all Points West, IVortli- ^vest aii

Pullmaris Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains.

The Michigan Central Railroad is acknowledged to be the MODKL RAILROAD OF THE COUNTRY, with its Palace Day Cars and Splendid Sleeping Coaches, all of which have six wheeled trucks, making this the SAFEST AND MOST PLEASANT ROUTE TO THE WEST.

Tickets by this Route can he obtained at all Railway Sta- tions and TicJte^-Offices in Canada.

JAMES F. JOY, '. President, Detroit. H. A. SARGENT, General Superintendent, Chicago, W. K. MUIR, Assistant General Superintendent. Detroit. C. E. NOBLE, General Eastern Agent, New York.


THOS. REYNOLDS, Managing Director, Ottawa and Montreal. T. S. DETLOR, Superintendent, Prescott, Ontario, T. G. LESLIE, Secretary and Treasurer, Ottawa.

Two Passenger Trains Daily Each Way.

Leaving Ottawa in the morning and connecting at JUNCTION with the


going East and West, and at PRESCOTT with the

lOYAi MIL m mum line if simmers.


Also, with the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain R. , and Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh R., Trains leaving Ogdensburgh for


Will leave PRESCOTT on arrival of all connecting lines, and arrive in OTTAWA, connecting with Steamers for Ports on Upper and Lower Ottawa River. 166 ADVERTISEMENTS.' GILL & GARDNER,


98 COtBOa^E $TnHETtBRA«TI^0nOt

Have always on hand a large assortment of SADDLES, HARNESS,


In fact, every article usually kept in a first class establishment, which they offer as low as the trade will afford.

Having':ifliJ|(&n First Prizes, on every article exhibited at our County Fairs- since they ha.vQ -JjMBen established, proves to the public that their work cannot be equalled in the County.

Call and Examine for Yourselves.



:.'.' '' .ii.vi,.iii.i,ii i»k.,:-iau;r- ..„ .., ... —-T^ i-:^: PATENT DIRECT ACTION PORTABLE SAW MILLS, oater mat mt ma mmmm, mm m-imm m if-FEiDiirpoiY mmi, Engines of all Sizes, Upright, Horizontal and Portable. SHINGLE, LATH AND STAVE MACHINES. cx3:oi*:E>iivTa- jmlXTjIl^,

Agents for Emerson's Patent Saws, Liserted Tooth and Perforated Circular and Long Saws,

Manufactured by Morland, Watson & Co. ; and American Saw Company Gumming Machines, N. T. Stone's Patent Gummer with the patent Cutter Sharpener. Aiso, Belting in stock. A liberal discount allowed off price list. For Illustrated Cir- C. H. WATEROUS & CO., Brantford, Ont. C. H. WATEROUS. G. H. WILKES.