Community Council

Tuesdav gfhJune at 7.30pm in Auchinbee Nurserv. Craiamarloch.

In attendance Mike Ogden (MO) Jean Thomson (JT) Barney Kinsler (BK) Ailsa Clunie (AC) Donna Hegarty (DH) Jo Brown (JB) Tracey McLaughlin (TM) Apoloaies Carolyn Mclntyre (CM) Also in attendance Councillor Alan Masterton Welcome/introductions/aDoloaies Mike gave a warm welcome to all in attendance and acknowledged the recent council elections. Our new councilors are Barry McCulloch, Bob Chadha, Alan O’Brien and Alan Masterton. Alan was given a warm welcome to his first meeting in Craigmarloch. Previous Minutes The minutes dated 8‘h May 201 2 were proposed as accurate by BK and seconded by TM. Matters Arisinq 1. Buses/Public Transport. JB reported that there has been a lack of information available to the public including timetables and public holiday timings from Dunn’s buses. There is also an issue regarding getting buses to . The first one leaves Town centre before anyone from can get there by public transport. Alan was given an update on our recent campaign. 2. Online Dlannina Dermission. This planning application has now been lodged. After a discussion regarding this it was agreed that we were not objecting to further houses being built but the lack of facilities available. The school and medical services are already at capacity but also Scottish Water have stated that they will not be upgrading their station at Ratho Drive despite this having overflowed twice at it’s current capacity. MO and BK have agreed to send a letter on behalf of Craigmarloch Community Council with the above objections but also enquiring about planning gain. (Action: BK and MO) There was also a discussion about the traffic congestion, near the school on Eastfield Road and at the bus stop near Glen Moriston on Glen Fyne Road due to parents parking to drop off children for school. Councillor Masterton agreed to enquire about this (Action: AM) All other matters on the agenda.

Treasurer’s reDort JT had little to report due to the accounts still being with the auditors.

Secretaw’s report Correspondence received from: 1. The “Nature of ” magazine from Scottish National heritage dated S p rin g/S um me r 20 12. 2. Newsletter from MSP Jamie Hepburn dated spring 201 2. 3. Minutes of meetings of Council and committees dated Thursday 17th May 201 2. 4. Survey from Audrey Cameron, Development officer, Equalities from Learning and leisure services re equality issues. 5. Summer report 2012 from Jamie Hepburn, MSP. 6. Letter of introduction and contact details from Councillor Alan Masterton. 7. Minutes of meetings of North Lanarkshire Council and committees dated 22nd March 2012. All of the above passed for circulation.

Cumbernauld / St Andrews School comdex. TM reported that there is an “X-Factor” style competition this Friday. Communitv Park BK reported back the following: 1. The Community Park website is trying to establish how many residents would like allotments in the future and gives details of how to apply. 2. The results of the consultation will be out in next month. 3. The funding has been finalized for the children’s playpark and this now goes out for tender. It is hoped the work will start in August and finish in October 2012. 4. The T.A. are putting in two bridges in the park which will join up the paths being put in by the restorative justice group. 5. On Sunday 5‘h August there will be the ‘Walkies in the park” event with free dog chipping and free dog health checks available.

Councillor Alan Masterton Alan reported back that he had picked up several issues from our discussions this evening and has agreed to make enquiries on the following 1. Objection to the online planning permission for more houses in view of lack of facilities and infrastructure. 2. Croy station future plans. 3. Huts at Cumbernauld primary school. Are they permanently occupied or just “as required”. He will also enquire about capacity issues and classroom space/communal space.

A.0.C.B Tesco Funfair. AC received a letter informing the community council of a further planned funfair to be held over 3 days from Friday 24‘h August 201 2-Sun 26thAugust 2012. This will again be partly raising money for a nominated charity. It was agreed to advertise this and the contact number on our web site as well as asking Tesco to be clear about the prices being charged. (Action: AC) Newspaperdattendance at meetinqs. DH has recently attended other community councils due to work issues and was interested that the local newspaper and police were in attendance at some of these. After a discussion, it was agreed that this would a good idea in future. MO also suggested forming a future pressure group from Cumbernauld North which would include , and Westfield community councils and any resident group in operation.(Action: DN/MO) Police phone number MO reminded everyone that you can dial the number 101 now to get in touch with your local police station for non emergency issues. Gordon Murrav’s retrial. It was agreed to send a card to Gordon congratulating him on his retrial. (Action: AC) Timinasl dates of meetinas. It was agreed that our current meeting date was clashing with several other important meetings. After some discussion, it was agreed to meet on the 4'h Tuesday of every month. Therefore our meeting dates for the next year will be: Tuesday 25'h September 201 2 Tuesday 23rdOctober 201 2 Tuesday 20th November 2012 (A.G.M) December 201 2 (Christmas float) Tuesday 22ndJanuary 201 3 Tuesday 26'h February 201 3 March 201 3 (Easter event/ 30th March 201 3) Tuesday 23rdApril 201 3 Tuesday 28'h May 201 3 Tuesday 25'h June 201 3

Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 25fhSeptember 2012 at Auchinbee nursery at 7.30pm.

Ailsa Clunie Secretary