Lime Rock Gazette : October 28, 1847
AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, &C, PUBLISHED BY JOHN PORTER. Terms, $1,50 in Advance, $1.75 in six months, $2,00 aflcr.--Adverlisemenls inserted at. the customary prices. vor. a. EAST THOMASTON TIH'RSDAl, O< TO HUES 28, IS 17. AO. 40. LIME ROUK GAZETTE. (lint poetic, romantic temperament which ' a 150 prisoners. The clothing, on its aV,M nfhatn| t fITL",C.,,nn(1 "1'PSl,Oi,e''’ S,lir,,a- T 1 1,6 ,!id n°‘ l,i,n- 511 and huge gaps’ openl always buihls gorgeous structures in the way to the Canada troops, which lie cap- ? ' , 1 . C 1’” .Cnr,,e ’I” 0 °'v"' KP" "'l,ollV ,lp"-V " " " l,p bclievci1 i'l the sides o f each vessel, while (TZ"V. B. PALMER, is our A gent for obtain- futurc. No hoy, with a fancy like that ol titled, came very opportunely for (ho dcs- putts might he limned into hers also. In terccssions brought on the gale, for when- they trembled nt each discharge it’s if in ling Subscribers amt Advertisements in Boston and Pnnl Jones, could be content to live the tituto soldiers of the American army.— carrying it out, Jones exit,luted a during ever his parishiones spoke or it Io him, tlm mouth of a volcano. W itlH tishcIvi- New York. His Office in Boston, is No. 20 State hum-drum life of a gardener’s sou. To During this expedition Jones had com sStreet. In New York, Tribune Buildings. m.d coolness never surpassed hy any man.
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