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6-3-1982 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 148, 6/ 3/1982 University of New Mexico

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Find hidden treasure Albuquerque: Home with psychic assist.. of Happy Feet anee- see page 6 ailyL -see page 10 ------4 Vol. 86 No. 149 Thursday, June 3, 1982

Election problems solved: presiden·t lets vote stand After two months. of University legal ac­ failure to open state election polls in Deming tions, ASUNM has a new president and vice and Rio Arril;>a County "because we all know president. A 3-2 decision by the UNM Board everybody votes in Albuquerque." of Regents May 26 confirmed the election of He said the way the election was run Michael Gallegos and Dan Serrano to those affected voter turnout. "We'll never really respective positi!)ns. know" what the outcome would have been if Within an hour ofthe vote, Gallegos, Serra­ the election had been run properly, he said. no and 7 ASUNM senators were sworn into ''Part of voting is 'voting with your feet' - office. you have to get there. It's the coalition's duty At the Regents meeting, former state Rep, to get 301 affidavits" from students who Tom Horan, ASUNM lobby consultant, could not vote, Horan said in rebuttal. "As argued on behalf of the winners that according disagreeable as the law may be, you apply it.'' to state Jaw, even gross negligence by election He also said, "I am very disturbed that the officials was not sufficient cause to overturn ASUNM Attorney General would believe that an election. the laws of the State of New Mexico do not Horan said the problems that occurred in the apply" to UNM. March 31 ASUNM election were "not insur­ mountable'' and did not prevent anyone from Regent's president Henry Jaramillo andRe­ voting. gents Calvin Hom and Colleen Maloof voted These problems included a Jack of ballots at to overturn part of Davis' decision and con­ some polls and a concentration of polls in the firm Gallegos and Serrano. Jaramillo said if vicinity of the New Mexico Union, with no engineering students were interested in the polls convenient to engineering students. election, "they can walk a block or two or Horan said the Coalition for a Clean Elec­ three to vote." tion, which had successfully appealed the Regents Ann Jourdan and Phillip Martinez election results, had to prove certain students voted to uphold Davis. "Ifeel .•. there was were unable to vote. · some intent to control the election,'' Jourdan Representing the coalition, former said. ASUNM Attorney General Gary Gordon said Gallegos said Wednesday, "lthink it was a Jeff AleKander that UNM President William E. Davis had very wise decision. I think the Regents dis­ WINNERS: .tclockwiN from •boveJ Toney An•y•, Democr•tic gubem•tori•l confirmed some election results, inluding the played. a lot of insight." He added; ''I respect ASUNM Senate election and ·some budget the decision each one made in dividually .. '' nominee, his Republit:lln opponent, John Irick, •ndJefl Bing•m•n, who won referenda, and overturned others, including The Regents.did not consider the rest of . til!' Democr•tif: ••n•tori•l nomin•tion. the victory of Gallegos and Serrano, because Davis' decision, which may be subject to different criteria applied to each. more appeals. Gallegos said Wednesday that Gordon compared the lack of polls in the several groups wanted to meet with him to engineering area and the North Campus with plan such .appeals. ~ Education programs eyed by gubenatorial hopefuls Republican gubernatorial candidate John society, it is to provide a way for people to Irick vows to carry his campaign to students. earn aliving." Irick agrees thatthe humanities · The former state senator pledges, •'education and liberal arts are the basis for all education. is going to be a big part of my coming cam­ But he says it is "unavoidable" that education paign." become more high-technology oriented. At the same time, Irick believes that the Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Toney definition of education is changing. "If we Ana~a calls New Mexico's five educational have any duty at all to our nation and to our continued on page 7 Herpes Simplex was oddity, now is major problem

Don L. Hart Although McCabe said herpes is "not Peter Gerow, public health advisor for the venera) disease prevalent today.'' considered physically a real serious dis­ Bernalillo CoUnty Health Center, S!lid that Ten years ago herpes simplex was a Gerow said the county center treated 920 medical oddity, maintains Dr. Jack McCabe ease,'' he did say there is evidence that it his center treated 140 cases of herpes in may cause a higher incidence of cervical 1981. cases of non-gonococcal urethritis in 1981 of UNM. StUdent Health Center. Recently, which jJicJudes those cases of chlamydia. ' he said, it has been a medical problem. cancer in infected women. McCabe and Gerow agree that the inci; . Sometimes called genital herpes, or simp­ Also, he said, transference. of the virus in Chlamydia, McCabe maintains, is de­ ly herpes, the disease is generally transmit­ dence of herpes - as with all veneral dis­ finitely on the rise, exceeds gonorrhea in childbirth to an infant can be fatal to the eases with one major exception - has not frequency by 50 to 100 percent and is ..the ted through sexual contact and, in spite of child. · what some people believe, there is no cure risen.significantly over the last few years. major cause of eye infection and pneumonia for it. TI.e Student Health Center does not keep in newborn infants.'' records of the number of disease cases, so The exception is chlamydia, a veneral dis­ The public has been misled into believhtg It resembles herpes in (hat it can be sexual­ that acyclovir, a newly available ptesdption McCabe could not say how many cases of ease with symptoms. resembling gonorrhea; herpes the tenter treats. McCabe calls chlamydia the "major ly ttanslllitted. Unlike herpes, chlamydia. can drug, is a cure for genital herpes, said be successfully treated with antibiotics. McCabe. are, however, several difficulties with Acyclovir does not kill the blister-causing treating chlamydia. virus, he said. 1 , The drug wilt "hopefuUy shorten the epi- · One problem is diagnosis .•• •It can only be sode" of severe irritation to the genitals. But · cultured on living tissue,'' McCabe wrote it is· only for the initial blistering. recently in ltD unpublished article, ''which "There is no substantial evidence that makes culturing very difficult, expensive. acycJovir is effective for recurrent out· and not too reliable.'' bursts," McCabe said. Ofthe thousands of herpes sufferers, 75 to Another problem is the difficulty of 85 percent continue to have outbursts of the obtaining infohnation on the disease. Amer­ disellse long after the initial episode. ican doctors are not required to report cases of chlamydia., or herpes, to the health depart­ "The disease," McCabe said, ''is very ment as they are with syphillis or gonorrhea. emotionally stressful,'' partially because it is •.·· .( so easily transferred to a sexual partner. Much of the available information, there­ Even when there are no blisters present, fore, comes from England and Sweden, McCabe said, the disease may still be ttans~ where chlamydia and herpes are reported by mittable. law .

., •·,, Page 2, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 Page .3, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 News Roundup by United Press lnternationaf

port and has solicited the help of the losmg State and Local News candidates. National News ·· · Blood pressure drug fails Anaya said he huddled Wednesda~· with High court passes State Democratic Party Chairman Nick Frank­ Congress quarrels BOSTON - A commonly used blood lin and Vice Chairman Cordelia Sanchez, He pressure pill may be harmful -possibly fat­ said he also made an unsuccessful attempt to over 1983 budget al - when used to treat a rare form of hyper­ Gas Co. rate hike consult with Fabian Chavez and state Sen. Les tension that often strikes women in the prime Houston of Albuquerque to seek their support. WASHINGTON - House Republicans of their lives, a study published Thursday SANTA FE- A S34.5 million rate in­ rejected a Democratic offer to split the differ­ warned. crease request by the Gas Company of New He said he sent "mailgrams" to Chavez, ence on a compromise 1983 budget Wednes­ Mexico that was rejected by the Public Service Houston and former state Sen, Aubrey Dunn, day, opting instead to present the House with One patient died in a study of 13 pulmonary Commission last March was reinstated and has extended the "olive branch" to Dunn. two choices, a conservative GOP plan and a hypenension patients ueated with hydrala­ Wednesday by the New Mexico Supreme Democratic version. zine, according to a study in the New Engltmd Court. "I'm hopeful that now that the heat of the Journal of Medicine, campaign is behind us, with a little passage of "Let the Democrats go with a true Demo­ "There is every reason to believe that the The three-justice panel also ordered the time, perhaps he will choose to support us," cratic bill and let the Republicans go with a PSC to consider interim rate hikes the utility Anaya said. person died because of the drug,'' Said Milton Republican bill," declared House Speaker could charge while its proposed rate hike is Packer of the Division of Cardiology, Mount Anaya .also said he has Wgeted 25 percent Thomas O'Neill (D-Massachusetts). Sinai Medical Center in New York, who being evaluated by the PSC. of the Republican vote in November, a figure He said he may now let President Reagan's headed. the four-doctor team conducting the The Gas Co. originally filed the rate hike he adm.itted is "unprecedented," but one study. proposal last November, at the same time which he said .he is confident he can attain. original budget proposal come up for a vote in asking the PSC ro permit it to raise its rates by the House, where it is virtually cenain to be He said doctors should monitor reactions to The candidate said he finds "unconscion­ defeated overwhelmingly. the drug, which dilates blood vessels and $6.9 million until the larger request was consi­ able'' the amount of money spent in statewide dered. allows increased flow, thus taking strain off campaigns. He said he will. attempt to set up a The Republican-Jed Senate Budget Com­ the heart. system of public financing of campaigns, ana mir.tee unanimously rejected Reagan's But the commission rejected both the in­ Packer said the drug lowered systemic place a cap on campaign spending, budget, while the full Senate passed an terim rate request and the overall $34.5 mil­ blood pressure without lowering pressure in lion proposal in March, saying the utility used alternative with a 1983 deficit of about $I !6 He said he also would investigate making the pulmonary system, which was where the projected rather than actual figures to justify billion which the president backed, "technical" changes in the election code to problem was located. the increase. ensure larger voter turnouts. He said many House Budget Committee Chairman James. ''Although hydralazine may be effective in residents refuse to register to vote out of fear Jones (D-Oklahoma) had offered to split the some patients with pulmonary hypertension, Anaya seeks party's help that they will be called to serve on juries. He differences between the GOP and Democratic only a minority improve," he said. said juries in the future might be selected on budget plans the House rejected last week. the basis of motor vehicle registration. However, PhilipJ. Kadowitz and Alben L. ALBt'QUERQUE- Toney Anaya, Jones said he has "some ideas" of what Hyman, professors of pharmacology and fresh from a resounding win in his party's Anaya also said he is aware of where the will go into a Democratic budget, and said, surgery at Tulane University School of Medi­ primary race for go1·emor. said Wednesday he CoiTUption is at the state prison and would take "It will not be an extreme liberal package. I cine, noted in an accompanying editorial that has accepted Gov. Bruce King's offer of sup- steps to eradicate it if elected. can assure you that," other studies have. found positive results. I • Sorry You're Stuck At School DutYou Can Free 9 oz. glass of SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE COOL DOWN AT POSH EDDIE'S with purchase of breakfast or hamburger­ IS1.20 or morel UNM't Only Full Service Dar Coupon good thru 6-9-82 Happy Hours: Dill Mill·er on keyboards 2 pieces Golden Fried Chicken June 3 64 - 4-7 p.m. Mon.-Thur. 4-7 p.m. Roll, Spicy Beans, Jalapeno Pepper, and Medium Beverage · Fri. p.m. S189 with coupon 2-7 GOLDEN FRIED Reg. '2" Open at 11:00 Daily Use our convenient orive up windows at .sue Young Mon.-Fri. 10-11 p.m. CHICKEN 1830 Lomas at Yale June 7-11 - 4-7 p.m. 4700 Menaul NE 5231 Central NW also Happy Hour Specials: ~~~ ;;~;;~ii;~~;;~ ~~1)1Jl~]"l')'ll)1")1~1)~1J:l1Jl)1)1)1)1)1))~)l))J1l)1)1)'J1)T)l)1YiPJ'J1)1)1)1YW)1)1)1))JW)1Y)1J1JlY~ Hari Hamilton on vibes 2 for 1 Draft Deer Sm. Pizza & Beer and Well Drinks Mon.-Fri. - 9-12 p.m. '' Harrv:!EP.H'gsHtDOGS (may substitute soft drink if under 21) (next to the Lobo campus Pharmacy) THURSDAY FRIDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1.25 June8 June.9 All NEW Video Game Room! Jun• 0 .. Jun•4 June7 • Albuquerque VIdeo Game P!Wmler • '. • MS. PACMAN ' ' T•qulla . Schnapps Ouzo Ladl.s Kamlkaz• Nlg~ Night Night Night Night S1 ShOll S1 Shots $1 Shots ,,.. T·shlm S1 kamlkoz•s ' ' with purcha .. of 7·9 p.m. coupon 1·9 p.m. 7-9 p.m. 7:.9 p~m. two dlfnks, 1. 20% off on any service 1 p•r custom•r Hair WeAre 2. KMS Shampoo (value 4.50) . 7·9 p.m • on Central across from Popejoy Hall lias a new stylist, Free with any cut. .. Steve Chavez, formerly With Joseph's salon. 3. KMS Shampoo and conditioner (value 9.00) Steve would like you to give hill'l a try Free with perm & cut. by offering a coupon. . Mon.-Fri. Late Night Happy Hour 10-11 p.m. on services done by Steve Chavez -You must M 21 and M abl• to prov• lt. . .. - ~-- ~ ... ~ ...... ~ ..... __ .._ ...... _ ...... ,. .. ,.,,. .. ~- ...... "'~"'"'"''""'~

., ' •· - ~------·----- Page 4, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 Page S, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982

All Rights Reserved DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau

Mucho !HATS lH& 5EXXJNP NIGHT IN .4 f?J)IAJ, BOY, HON5Y! YOIJ XNOW IAIH.4T A Co~boy Bob Howdy· 711& PBNiilTYI 5/JZP- BGAU- ING C.W SllNT!<.Y fJU7Y TfFU!,. I IS A CAP!- PAY! Of· I comes up '1>-R~ fiNSB! . \'" 1» Hace unos aii'os sentla Ia de un foro para Ia persona hispanohablante de Ia broke (again) Universidad. Hasta ahara las unicas veces que recuerdo algo escrito en espanol entre It was a nice day for a drive so I took a trip out to see nuestras paginas eran Cowboy Bob. After hunting for him, I found a pair of alrededor de Navidad cuando boots sticking out from under his old red pickup. No alguien escribla un articulo city slicker who might guess this was front-yard mod­ sabre las pinatas. Y como Ia ern art, I knew I'd found Cowboy Bob. pifi<1ta, el espanol en el Daily ''What's all this talk about imports?" he asked ashe .Lobo y en Ia prensa de Ia crawled out from under his Ford. ''I've been buying ciudad no se usaba mas que I sti/BAR, SIR, my trucks in Juarez for yea~s. And I never have any YOU CAN Be OKAY,HOUJ SHAlL I 5TAF?:T IA/!fl-/..'1 como si fuera una decoracion. OffON7H/3 tiJOf?J( ON A WHAT/iRe trouble getting parts. My trouble's money.... Perc tambien hay que decir 50 CRABBY Cowboy Bob explained that he'd had almost no 8lifOI' /N6 FOF!!t luck selling his marvelous Tres Ojos Ranch water to mrnru...... IIUbU cuestiones que son discutidos tourists. 'The EID found so much silver in it that I O>Jro Uirn"""'l1!'!111 CANOFBEZR. l--, \ usualmente en ingles. Por eso ~ couldn't bottle it for drinking. Then I tried to extract FM.W,t}.)!!H~~ llame esta colunma Mucho r:::.r, the silver but there wasn't enough to make that profit- ~~~~ Howdy, able, either. Now I just water the cows and Old Biscuit ~~~~~~~~~~~!!~.J:;::;:::;:~~~=~;,;~;.l.ii!Oo....l'i~£~2!!!~:J.~ En el verano el Daily Lobo with it. One of these days, that silver count will drop J tradicionalmente hace pruebas or rise and then I'll be in the money." de nuevas ideas. Todavla no Never one to get discouraged, he sighed, "I keep estoy seguro sabre ex­ hoping that the longer things are bad, the better actamente que senf esta col­ they'll be when they get good." by Dave Barry umna. Solo estoy seguro sabre Life and Related Subjects lo que no senf. Noes una plata­ Cowboy Bob may not know the difference between a crewcut and a skinhead, but he's no scum. No forma para expresar dip- just Drum cigarettes for this cowpoke. Even his The computer is no longer just a large, complex, ilttle more than it would cost me to buy a lengthy solamente mis propias opi­ kitchen is clean. He's eliminated dishwashing com­ expensive object that major corporations blame vacation in Hawaii. niones. La necesidad que sen­ tla y siento no es de expresion pletely. He does all his cooking bY heating up opened when they screw up your order. Thanks to the miracle I think I got a fairly stupid computer. This is usually !lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllltllllllllflllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIHIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIII IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIU: cans. of electronics, today's computer is a small, complex, the way it goes with me. Severa.! years ago I got a personal sino Ia compartacion expensive object that you can have in your own · German Shepherd, which .is supposed to be an intelli­ de este espacio limitado. Sin Though he may not have a bathroom sink- or a home. gent brand of dog, the kind of dog that recognizes participacion del lector, no ten­ bathroom for that matter- Cowboy Bob is clean­ If you read your major trend-spotting magazines unfriendly intruders and attacks them fiercely. But dre exito. Ouisiera un dialo­ shaven each morning. I wondered atthis'tillsawhim such as Time and Newsweek, you know that in recent through some one-chance-in-a-million genetic quirk, go- sabre cualquier cosa que Student Bookstore shave. He hammers the whiskers in and bites them years virtually every man, woman and child in the our Geman Shepherd attacks only empty plastic milk usted ell ector cree que merece I I off from the inside. United States has bought a personal home compu­ jugs. If we ever have an unfriendly intruder who hap­ nuestra atencion. But by far the cleanest part of Cowboy Bob are his ter. You constantly see articles explaining how ordin­ pens to have some old milk jugs tied to his belt, our Personalmente, estoy bien pockets. This is no miracle. Cowboy Bob says he used entusiasmado con esta col­ i 2122 Central SE, 243-1777 I ary people like yourself are finding all kinds of handy dog will be a powerful deterrent, but otherwise I to keep himself in pretty good shape with a system he uses for computers around the home. doubt she'd be much use. umna. Yo habla oldo desde called "borrowing from the pockets." He'd keep the Bob and Doris Pullet of Full Horse, Texas, use their Well, my computer makes my dog look like Albert hace dos anos que hubiera Opposite UNM money coming in- from cattle sales and the little bit computer for many things, such as keeping track of Einstein. I plugged it in and turned it on, and instead sido una buena idea pero que of mechanic work he does~ in his left pocket. And what kind of soup they have in their' pantry. "It has of going to work on my telephone-company letters, it nunca tendrfa exito porque every time he made a mental purchase- feed, been a real boon to us/' reports Doris. "In the old started asking a .lot of idiot questions, such as What nadie participarf'a. Vamos a groceries, ranch equipment- he'd take that money days, we would have to open the pantry door and day it was. So I typed in the following computer ver. out of his left pocket and put it .in his right. Sort of a manually look inside to see whether we had, say, program: "NEVER YOU MIND WHAT DAY IT IS. NEW MEXICO holding place until he actually got the bill, he ex­ chicken gumbo. But now all I do is turn on the compu­ WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO IS STRAIGHTEN OUT ALL plained, ter and enter my secret password and punch in a few MY FILES AND COME UP WITH A NICE, HEALTHY "The trouble started when I'd have to borrow from simple commands, and within a matter of seconds LIST OF TAX DEDUCTIONS, TAKING PAINS TO GIVE Daily Lobo one pocket to the other. I'd figure out the interest and the computer says 'CHKN GMB 2;.87;.74,' which lets . ME, RATHER THAN THE INTERNAL REVENUE SER­ .., __ me know we have two cans of chicken gumbo with a VICE., THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BUT NOT __ i § take that out. Pretty soon my interestwas outrunning my income. I started getting pretty confused. depreciated value of 87 cents, or74 cents adjusted for CLAIMING ANYTHING THAT WOULD LAND ME IN inflation. And Bob is working on a program that will THE FEDERAL SLAM,MER, IF YOU GET MY DRIFT." "Then my corrals started falling down, but I The New MC1Ico Dally Lobo Js publish~ Monday keep track of the good forks.'' And the computer said: through Frida)' every- ·reiJUiar week or the Universfty couldn't afford to fix them for what I'd originally year. weekly during closed anti final! weeks 1nd spent to build them. I tried to move them uphill but After I read about 30 articles like this, I bought a SYNTAX ERROR I Forthe Weekly dUring the summer- session, by the Board of I the water wouldn't cooperate. personal home computer. I originally planned to use Do you believe that? This machine that doesn't Student Publications of _the .Unlvershy- of New it to organize my data. I have a lot of troub.le keeping even know what day it is tells me, the paid profession­ Muil:o •. It Is not financially associated with UNM. "I noticed by jeans were getting tighter and my Subu:tiption rate is 510 per academic. year. Second pockets smaller. I'd have to stick them outs.ide on a my data straight. Here's my system: Let's say I get a al writer, that I have a syntax error. So I went back to clau .postage paid at Albuquerque, New MWco cold, morning just to get them to expand enough to piece of data in the form of a letter from the telephone the computer store, and the salesman told me that if I 87131. company explaining that, just to keep its legalstaff wanted the. computer to organize my data, I would The opinionS expressed on the editorial pages of the get 1nto them. Ne" Muko Dalb' Lob ~ o o 1 o • • . o ,. < • ' o I • , ' , . . " .... ~ ......


f., Pag~ 6: New MeltiCO D.ti!y Lobo, June 3, 1982 Page 7, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, ) 982 News More election:complaints The decision by the Board of Regents was improper," says former ASUNM Attorney "an injustice to the students of UNM," says General Gary Gordon, who represented the Randy Knapton, member of the Coaltion for a Coalition in its appeal. "I was given 20 mi· Clean Election in a telephone interview last nutes to present my case," says Gordon. week from his home in Illinois . It was the "I really don't think some of the Regents Psychic do\Nses gold Coalition that initiated an appeal for the March understood the case. This election was simply ASUNM electioll. The Regents decision made not 'normal procedure.' There were six poll­ • Michael Gallegos and Dan Serrano ASUNM ing places in the SUB and none at North Cam­ 1n Rio Grande photo president and vice-president. pus or Engineering, where there has always With this decision, says Knapton, past been a polling place. Gallegos and Serrano's Mark Blazek selected (from five-by-seven inch black and ASUNM presidential candidate, ''the election attorney argued their case based on state case There's gold in them there hill~-some· white photos) two vials from a field of 3& process was taken out of the realm of the history. It is inappropriate to apply this argu­ w!wre! which contained a gold and silver specimen. students' interest. Not only was the Student ment.'' At least that's what W.T. Farmer of Arling­ .The line between fact and fiction in treasure Court decision thrown out, but the Student Knapton believes the decision will set a ton, Texas, wrote after he saw the cover photo stories is very fine. Several facts, however, Standards and Grievances Committee's and precedent "not to clean up bad elections." He accompanying an article .I wrote for the Janu· remain in this story. President Davis' deci$ions were negated," has resigned himself, he says, to letting the ury 1979 issue of Rocklwund magazine. Fact: A commerr.ial gold-mining operation The 3-2 Regents' decisioll of May 26 was Board of Regents make the final decision and It seems Mr. Farmer is a self-proclaimed did exist at this site in the Rio Grande Gorge in based on testimony that no students were de­ he will not be takillg his case to District Court, psychic dowser. the late 1800s. Tailings and remains of the nied a right to vote in the contested election, the ne~t step in the appeals process, "I rend your story in the Rockhowul maga· operation can be seen on the west side of the though they may have been inconvenienced. Attorney Gordon feels the decision to en·," he wrote, "Mr. Blazek, I am a dowser. river just soutn of the lower of the two steel "I will admit that I had more to gain than any gage a professional attorney on the part of I find things on pictures and topo maps. l have bridges over the river near Taos, other candidate" by a dec.ision favoring the Gallegos and Serrano had something to do dowsed the pictures that were in the magazine, Fact: Gold in minor amounts is commonly Coalition~ admits Knapton. But, he contends, with their victory, though he admits they did and I am sending the picture to you," found by panners at this locality. The Albu­ "at UNM, an inconvenience in voting can have the right to do so. But he says he feels My interest in Mr. Farmer's letter was querque Gem and Mineral Club usually visits have a big influence on an election. College that, even with his loss in the Regents' deci· rapidly increasing at this point. I unfolded a the site annually as one of their field trips, students don't put themselves out to vote. If it sian, "I've still got more victories," referring page of my article Mr. Farmer had ripped from Fact: Joe Taggart, fanner mineralogist with werell't for candidate campaigns, over half the to the 3-1 Student Court, 5-0 Student Stan· the magazine and had sent along, It had pccul· the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral students (at UNM) wouldn't even know that dards and Gtievances Committee, and Presi­ iar markings penciled in. Resources, has said he feels an experienced there was an election going on." dent Davis decisions, The Board of Regents Knapton is not alolle in finding the Regents vote was close. "If this were a baseball game, He continued, "Here is what J've found. panner could make a modest day's wages (ab· Jesus Valencia {right}, a member of the Handicap Coalition, presents Vice· I' vc got it marked on the picture. There's gold out $60) by panning at this area over an eight· at fault in their decision. ''The procedure was I'd have more runs," where I've marked. Hyou urc in the area you hour period. President Swede Johnson with a token of appreciation for Johnson's sup­ might check it out and sec what you can find." Fact: W. T. Farmer sent an unsolicited letter port of National504 Awareness Day. Valencia said 504 is the "handicap bill Mr. Farmer even offered to have me test his detailing his psychic impressions based on a of rights"and that recent legislation has been proposed to weaken the law. psychic abilities: ''To prove that [ can find photo taken in the Rio Grande Gorge near Governor hopefuls--- Ceremonies to enlighten the public will take place today at 4 p.m. on the gold and silver by dowsing a map or picture, Pilar, New Mexico. Civic Plaza. take two paper bags. Put silver in one and Fact: W.T. Farmer successfully passed a W. T. Farmer used this photo of the Rio Grande Gorge to find gold. Ic;tvc the other one empty. Place them about test of his psychic abilities, continued from page 1 .Board of Regents, Irick prefers to concentrate two feet apart and take a picture of them. Send So there you have it. A sketchy outline of institutions a "proliferation" and has called on the already Cltisting Board of Educatiollal it to me and I wi II try and show you which bag what will probably be the closest thing to a real for a centralized collegiate goveming body, Finance. He admits the BEF has become a has the silver in it." trcast1rc hunt you or I will ever come across. Says Irick, ''There's nottoo much wrong with servant of the people it is supposed to govern. Well, as the story goes, 1 did test Mr. Far­ There's gold in them there hills-some· Ed Secretary Bell sees parents his plan except it Wall'! work. The educational "If we need to strengthell the law in tenns of Presidential search proceeds; mer. But not merely with a test where he had a where! instititions in this state are ingraillcd illto the its (the BEFs) duties and responsibilities, fine. ' 50-50 chance of success. Rather, he correctly fabric of each community. It would be politi· But I don't think that's really necessary; I taking on primary financial role cally impossible. It would be a nightmare." think it has the authoritiy right now to go in over 80 applications received Instead, Irick says that cooperation be­ there and decide how many colleges of educa­ tween higher education and industry is the tion we need: do we need five or do we need No-credit classes offered Secretary of Educatioll T.H. Bell said on main financial responsibility. name of the game. He calls for a two-year one. or two good ones?" May 5 that there is evidence that patents of The ethnic background of parents seemed, The UNM presidentialsearch and screening deadline for nominations of candidates, and associate degree program in which, for exam· Irick's plan would include both autonomy committee has reported that some 80 nomina· July 15 is the deadlille for applications with One hundred non·crcdit classes, plus A Ranch Hostel in Cuba, New Mexico, and at prospective college students are willing to however, to show little difference with a ple, UNM and TVI would team up With and control. He would like to let each illstitu· weekend retreats ami workshops, will be the Sunrise Springs Inn and Conference Cen­ assume primary responsibility for financing majority of white, Hispanic and black parents tions and applications for the presidelley have resumes and references. businesses like Sperry Flight Systems, Digital tioll do what it does best, yet have some con· been received to date. offered this summer by the UNM Division of ter ncar La Cienega. Topics to be covered their children's postsecondary education. ready to assume responsibility. and Motorola. He hopes that such businesses trol of it. "I think that's vital and absolutely Continuing Education and Community Ser­ include hiking, skywatching, outdoor photo­ During the mollth oflulle, Travelstead said, The evidence, Bell said, comes from a sur· would cooperate to set up such a program. necessary.'' The committee is accepting nominations vices. graphy and holistic health and fitness. Twenty-five percent thought students complete files will be developed for nominees vey of parents of students who participated in should be responsible while 10 percent indi· Irick is insistent in his call for such a prog· Irick will be releasing what he tenns "a and applications for a successor to UNM Pres­ and applicallts. Starting July I, said Travel· The classes fall under 12 major headings: Most classes have no grades, transcripts, ram and a two-year institution, but leaves controversial plan for education in the public ident William E. Davis, who will leave his and tests or credits, but certificates of completion a Department of Education study of high catcd the federal government should assume stead, screening will begin and full considera­ arts crafts, bonne cuisine, communication room for operating institutions, such as schools" around Sept, l. This will be in re· post on June 30 to become chancellor of the skills, "green thumb," humanities, lan­ can be obtained upon request. Costs for the school sophomores and seniors. the main financial responsibility. tion will be given each candidate. Fifty-six percent of the parents sampled The parents were also asked who should UNM' s general college, to play that part. He sponse to his unpublished survey. which he Oregon State. System of Higher Education. guages, music and dance, outdoor recreation. classes vary and tuition discounts are available urges UNM to ''get on the ball to crank their says yields the following conclusion: "The The committee is charged with glvillg the personal finance, physical fitness, "especial­ for persons 60 years or older. said they believed parents should have the receive financial aid and given five choices: main responsibility for the cost of education all high school graduates, intelligent students, general college up to work on this." number one issue ill New Meltico is educa· Dr. Chester C. Travelstead, chainnan ofthe UNM Regents a filial list of approximately ly for kids" and "everything else." Registration opens May 10 at the division's In contrast to Allaya's plan for a statewide tion. 't UNM search committee, said July l is the eight names liO later than Oct. 15. New classes offered this summer include beyond high school. minority students, work-study students and offices, 805 Yale NE, but the offices will be needy students. nora! arnmging, Japanese paper folding (Ori· closed from May 31 to July 5. Registrations The response varied somewhat according to U111HtiiiiiiiiiiUUIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii111111111111111DIIIIIIIIIIIIIfi11RIIIIIillllllllllllilllllllllllllllll gnmi), silk screen printing, single parenting, will also be accepted through the first week of family income with 63 p~rcent of parents with About 80 percent favored support for work· home landscaping maintenance, the science classes, space permitting. Persons with major incomes greater than $35,000 wishing to study students. On the question of financial fiction .short story, New Mexico dance, out­ credit cards can register by calling the division assume financial responsibility but only 50 aid, income seemed to make no appreciable I NUCLEAR door adventure for the physically impaired, a at 277-6542. percent of those earning less than $20,000 difference in answers. drama workshop for children and an environ· Additional information can be obtained wishing to do the same. Parents with no college education favored mental experiences camp for boys and girls. from the division's program catalog or by Parents with a college education were more the work·study program more often than those Weekend retreats will be held at the Circle calling 277-3751. likely to indicate a willingness to assume the with a college education, 81 to 75 percent. SCHOLARSHIPS BOOK T J}Y~!~!~~ogofforedby I 1--the Department.. of the Navy to ~xception~l college ~tudents 5 5 § with backgrounds in math, physrcs, chemtstry, engtneerlng. _I 0 ~ Training leads to positions in such areas ~s nucl~ar power ; operations and maintenance, research and rnstructtng. Start· i STOP Advertising 5 ing salary after graduation $27,800. Up to $40,000 in four i.. M ~ years. Exceptional benefits offered. College sophomores, _ Quality Us.ed Books ~ juniors and seniors may apply now. Contact: 1 0 §DEPT. OF THE NAVY 505-766-3895 (collect);; Sales ...IIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUifttiiMHIIIIHIIIIflllltNIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII R Thousands of The New Mexico Doily Lobo Is presently seeking Account COMMUNICATIONS R Representatives for its Display Advertising department. Used Books We offer on outstanding opportunity to supplement your academic education with practical experience in the SKILLS TEST (CST) - ~--·-· Albuquerque job market. 1/2 original 0 Summer Semester Test Dates You must have: OLD • student status The Communications Skills Test (CST) will be given price w • a strong desire to succeed mornings and afternoons on the following dates: • a car USED • prior soles experience (not essential but II helps) • o professional attitude Thursday June 17, 1982 II RARE • of least 20 hOurs per week N Thursday July I, 1982 If you fit these requirements, then come by and apply for a sales ~- ' position with one of the nation's leading independent student Friday July 16, 1982 Nob Hill Center I newspapers. There wHI be continuous registration in Room 2, Test­ Coniaet: New Mexico Daily lobo 3500 Central S.E. Business OHiee ing Division, University College Building. As soon as G Box20 one date is filled, another is opened. Alb. N.M. 87131 I (505) 277·5656 Hours: 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. Daily • Noon- 9 p.m. Sundays H ' Registration will start June 7, 1982 T •-c- • -- • -~c;=r~~.-

"'00 "' "' I! Welcome... ~ Films The Guild -The social state­ ! there's room for you ment My Dinner With Andre will » run through June 10. d Wyoming Mall-Sylvester Sta­ lone and Talia Shire star in Rocky l/l; and Arnold Swarzenegger is j Conan the Barbarian. Don Pancho's-Cmter' s Way, ~ At a film starring Jeff Bridges, and Five Easy Pieces with Jac.k ~ Nicholson, Karen Black and Susan Anspach will play through l June3; TheVa/leyandMore, two foreign films featuring the music of Pink Aoyd, will run on June 4 and 5. ASUNM Far North Cinema- Medieval magic and heroism abound in The (Associated Students of the Sword and the Sorcerer; com­ edy, clips from old films and University of New Mexico) Steve Martin arise in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid;. Tom Skenitt and Michael Sarrazin star in Hational Radio Tholtre Fighting Back; and the new film On June 4 jazz violinist e:~ttraordinairc, Jean­ perience, which recorded one and toured Evilspeak will run through this Luc Panty, will be in Albuquerque for two per­ the U.K. Meanwhile, it didn't take long for weekend. formances_ The concerts, at 8:00 snd 11:00 in Panty to be solicited by numerous established on I(UHM 90.1fm Coronado Four - The Road the SUB Ballroom, will feature music from artists to contribute his talents to their projects, Applications Warrior; Fighting Back; Lee Panty's new album Mystical Advemures. among them Frank Zappa, John McLaughlin :. Grant and William Shatncr in .Born in Normandy, France, Jean-Luc Panty and even Elton John. Monday, June 7th, atlO p.m. also Visiting Hours;. if You Could began his formal musical training at the age of Panty's solo career, which had already KUNM presents l··- A are now being See What I Hear. five. His father, a violin professor, and his yielded a series of , was temporarily in­ Winrock Two - Christopher mother, a piano instructor, were clearly major terrupted by his involvement with other anists, ;;THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER'' Reeve stars in Deathtrap; also inHuences on Jean-Luc's early development. and it wasn't until January, 1975 that Jean-Luc accepted for the The Gods Must Be Crazy, a new By age 13, he had set his sights on a career in finally recorded his first album for that labeL The Final EQisode: ' comedy film. music, leaving regular school to practice six The LP, Upon the Wi11gs ofMusic, was released { Hiland Theater - Arnold The Contest of the Bow ~~« hour:s a day_ Two years later he was admitted to in June of 1975. • following Swarzencgger becomes the the Conservatoire National S11perieur de Musi­ ··That August, Panty began a new band and Odysseus regains his kingdom, facing his greatest test. famed comtc book character in que in Paris, graduating at 17 with the institu­ had his first U_S.tour, and in doing so attained Conan the Barbarian. tion's highel>t award rating, Premier Prix. At 18, headline status among the Jazz patrons of Albert B. Lord discusses fue art of oral epic poetry positions: The Lobo -Mischievous high Jean-Luc joined the Concerts Lamoureux Sym" America. and fuegeniusofHomer. schoolers are the subject matter phony Orchestra, leaving three yel\I'S later to In addition to appearances on the Tonight .. Broughttoyou by• ~t in Porlcy' s. pursue his growing jazz interests. That same Show, Soundstage, Don Kirshner's Rock Con­ Cinema East- The Gods Must year, at age 21, Panty cut his first solo album. cert and The Midnight Special, Jean-Luc was Be Crazy and the 3-D thriller It didlfl take long for Panty to mat\lre in the also featured in "Fiddlers Three" with Doug ~ House of Wax. European jazz scene, and he gradually drifted Kershaw and Itzahk Perlman. . PublicServiceCompcmyof NewMmco Princ;ipal series funding provided by A COMPANY.CALLED TRW Chief Administrative Aide to the M Plaza - The Italian Stallion further and further out of the mainstream, to­ In addition to being a gifted musician, pro­ ...... -, returns to the ring once again in wards the "jazz-rock" genre. Panty's first ex­ ducer imd arranger, Panty has also gained ,.. President Rocky Ill; Walt Disney's re­ tended stay in the U.S. was during 1969. His notoriety as a prolific composer and has r~:leased -~ Attorney General release of the animated classic appearance at The Experience nightclub in L.A. nine albums over the last six years. Mystical Robin Hood; and the thriller (backed by the George Duke Trio) gained him Advemures, the newest addition to the Panty ~!! ~! ~t!~]f ~ iE:-! .!.! ! -~!,..1'"' Assistant Attorney Generals Visiting Hours. the respect of critics and public ali]<:e. collection fe<1tures Jimmy Glaser on guitar, ,.~ It ~ ~ ~ " ~ ' ~ ' ...... ' Lousiana Blvd. Cinema - In early 1971, back in Europe, Panty put Rayford Griffin on drums and Randy Jackson on '*'~, Treasurer Steve Martin stars in the Carl together a new group, the Jean Lue-Ponty Ex- bass. Student Court Reiner film Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid and the other side of '"';i~ wh "I' • I,,. •"' ~f f ~i 9' , ,, and 2-7 p.m. Fridays with min­ UNM Student Standards and Grievances World War II is shown in Das , " , . ,, strel Sue Young providing the Boot. ,;'.., ~ 1!. • ., I ( •. ; 1t1 r 4 ' +r Jll ' M music. A second happy hour be­ Comm. gins Monday from 10-11 p.m. BOOK -~~:::-;::;:::;'~ Lobby Comm. The Wooden Horse (7605-A Voter Registration Comm. Theatre l Central Ave_ N.E.)-Erwin STORE Morris and his group will begin· Elections Commission Nourish the Beast-The Vortex 'j Theater presents this slightly playing jazz at 9:00p.m. Budget Inquiry Board absurd comedy beginning on 'I Film Committee June 4. The show continues Fri­ days and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and I ' Speakers Committee Sundays at2:30 through June 27. 1 Galleries welcomes Popular Entertainment Comm. Tickets are $4 and $3.50 for stu­ 1 dent and senior· citizens. Fot re- : Albuquerque Museum-"The servafions and more· infOrmation Fiesta Committee and call the Vortex at 247-8600. Dangers Effects of Nuclear 1 '\Var•· is currently running in.con~ SUMMER Cultural Committ~e I Ougbt to Be In Pictures--The junction with Ground Zero, a Albuquerque Little Theater pre- · NM Union Board non-partisan, nation-wide week sen!s this Neil Simon comedy of community-based discussion Student Publications Board through June 6. Showtimes are \ and events designed to educate STUDENTS Friday and Saturday evenings at ASUNM Textbook Co-op the public about nuclear 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday war."Explore" and "NewTown Child Care Co-op matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets start at and the Railroad Boom Years" $5. For more information andre­ / tNTERTAINi'1ENT THIS WEEK are continuous exhibitions at the Homecoming Comm. servations call the Albuquerque / ,.,v .. --~...,-:-....r .<~~~ ...... I& ,.-/"\..•'·-·'-"""""...... ,...'*--...-• .,. .,. .... museum. The former is a kinetic Little Theater at 242-4315. International Affairs Comm. sculpture designed for children UNM Bookstore Hours The Boob In the Tube-Written Guarneri String Quartet, porary rock and oldies by Off the and the latter is a historic exhibi­ Intramural and Recreation Board by Albuquerque's Wade and Music by Bartok, Brahms, Wall in the upstairs lounge, and .tion of Albuquerque. Hours are Mon. through Frl. Brent Stevens, this comedy was Beethoven and Mozart will be downstairs it's music by Bop. Tuesday through Sunday lOa.m. University Radio Comm. last year's winner of the Nonnan presented during the 41st annual Music slarts at 9 p.m. to 5 p.n1. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ..-., Travel Comm. Lear Comedy Award and will be -- June Music Festival. Dates for_ Danbi's (2900 Coors NW)- • • Crafts Area presented by The UNM Theater the festival arelune 3, .5, 7, 9 and This weekend, Albuquerque's ~lbuquerq.ue U~~ted.A~Ilsts- Arts Department on June 11, 12, 11 at 8:15 p.m. in Woodward premier jazz club presents music Cr~ftw~rks IV,_ ,a_Juned, all­ 18 and 19 at 8 p.m. in Rodey Hall. Tickets arc $8.60 for adults by Alma. Music begins at 8:30 medm crafts ex~JbJhon ope~ to Theater. Call277-4402 for more and $5.60 for students, p.m. ~II craftspeople m New Mexico, information. Jean.LucPonty-OnJune4jazz Friar's North (4410 Wyoming 1s scheldu.lcd thro~gh June 1982. TbeWonderfullce Cream Suit violinist Jean Luc Panty will at NE)-On Friday and Saturday For more mformatwn phone 243- and. Lola's Last Dance-These the SUB Ballroom on for con- night Liste/l plays contemporary 0531 or contact the Downtown New & Used two one-acts by Ray Bradbury certs at 8:00 and 11:00. Tickets rock for listening and dancing. Center for the Arts, 216 Central and local poet E. A. Mares will be are availble through Ticket- Music starts at 9 p.m. SW. Hours arc Tuesday through presented at the Nuestro Teatro master. Friar's Pub (6825 Lomas NE)- Saturday 11 a.m. tp 4 p.m. Textbooks Undergraduate students are on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 David Brombcrg-Piaying at The modem rock sound of The Maxwell ~u~eum of Anthro· p.m. and at 3 p.m. on Sundays. The Paulo Solari in Santa Fe on Striders is featured both Friday pology.:- FJestas_of San Juan also needed on the following The show will run through the June 7 will be the David Brom- and Saturday night. N~cvo Ccremo_mal ~rt from end of June. berg Trio. Tickets. are General Gibraltar's (4800 San Mateo M•~hoacan,. MexiCO wlll. sh?w Gifts and Supplies faculty committees: admission and are available Blvd. NE)-Modernrock, top40 unhl ~eptcmber 198~. Hours are through Tickctmaster. The con- music by Cookie will be featured Monday through Fnday. 9 a.m. Athletic Council cert starts at 8 p.m. through the end of next week. to4 ~.m.: Saturday, lO a.m. to 4 General Books Campus Planning Comm. Concerts Joan Jett-This concert, origi- Music starts at 9 p.m. on both p.m., and Sunday I 10 5 p.m. Computer Use Comm. All Gershwin Festival-This re­ nally scheduled for May 4, has Friday and Saturday night. MountainRoadGalleries(l501 Please let us know cital by duo pianists Michael been postponed until June 15 at.S Ned's El Portal (4200 Central Mountain Road NW) is a new Continuing Education Comm. Jamanis and Frances Veri, which p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. SE)-Top40 music, contcmpor- gallery featuring a blend of fine if we can help you in Curricular Comm. was originally scheduled for Tickets arc available through ary tunes and oldies by Ole arts, contemporary crafts and April 25 at the First United Giant ticket outlets. Scratch are scheduled for this southwestern primitives - In anyway with your Admission and Registration Comm. Methodist Church, has been weekend. Music starts at 9 p.m. Gallery I will be batiks by Posh Eddie's (2216 Central Marilyn Gruntmcir, callagraphs book needs General Honors Council postponed until June 6. This con­ cert will feature variations on I Clubs Ave. SE)-UNM 's nearest by Helen Gwinn and sreigraphs this summer. Human Subjects Comm. Got Rhythm. Gershwin'sSecond watering hole has two-for-one by Gwen Peterson. In Galleries II Rhapsody and the masterpiece Bogart's (Montgomery Plaza)- drinks during happy hour 4-7 an~ 1ll ":ill be fine art an_d one-of­ Library Committee Rhapsody In Blue. This weekend features contem- p.m. Monday through Thursday .a-kmdgJftsforalloccaswns. The Shows will run through July 4. Scholarship, Loans and Museum hours are Wednesday Prizes Comm. ''Images From New Mexico." through Saturday from 11 a.m. to an exhibition surveying a century 5 p.m. and Sunday from I to 5 Faculty Senate Representatives of creative visual.rcsponse to the p.m. Land of Enchantment. will con­ tinuethrough Sept. 3 atthe UNM SPECIAL .Art Museum. The exhibition, which repre­ Misc. sents the works of 91 artists, .in­ SUMMER SESSION cludes 123 paintings, drawings, prints and photographs from the An Evening with Japanese De­ Please apply in person museum's permanent collection legates-Japanese delegates to dating from the 1880'stothc pre­ the U.N. special session on dis­ sent. annament will discuss the arms at the ASUNM Offices, Included are photographs by race in the Zuni room of the "'00 BOOK a- 2nd floor SUB Timothy O'Sullivan, William Albuquerque Convention Center ,... Henry Jackson and John K. Hill­ on Friday, June 4. Donation is (southwest corner, Suite 242) ers, and paintings by R.H. Tal­ $3.00. I! Benefit for KUNM-Rico's ~ lant and Charles Craig. Also 277-5528 shown are pictures from Edward Winery, 6404 4th N. W., will be S. Curtis' photographic project, hosting a benefit for KUNM on SALE ! "The North American Indian Saturday June 5. from 2 to .8 p.m. » ( 1906-30) ;" which recorded the Featured will be five bands: beer Half price on ~ 0 Native Americans' way of life and wine/ $2 admission. 8 before it vanished. UNJ\f Ballroom Dance Cl.ub­ selected adult and The museum. located in the The summer meetings of the Bal­ ~ Thank you, UNM Fine Arts Center, is open lroom Dance Club will start June children's titles Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 and be held every Friday from 10 to 3 p.m. and on Sundays from 7:00 to 8:30 in room 176 of John­ ~ Michael Gallegos Photo by Joe Cavaratta I to 5 will be closed on .the son Gym. Admission for non­ 00 '>'1." ~~ ~~-~-~·jt ~ ASUNM President Fourth of July weekend. members is 50 cents. ~ ~i-!-!!!.!!~ E "Taos Plaza" 1934 by Ward Lockwood ,..,_~~~·;I~ II t ~ ~ ' ,,......

._:Jii,;._,_ Page lO, New McxicQ Daily L

Cone or Dish ~ single ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••.••• 35 (01 "'.·.. - .·, , double ...... _...... 60- Can't think of ~ DeU triple •••••..•.••...•••.••••.•... -.••.•..••.75 (01~ How Do We Make A Better Dell Sandwich Thc11n Sundaes .•....•••.••...•.••..•.••.•••••..•85 \01~ anything to read? Anyone Else? We Make It Your ' Way• chocolate pineapple Come to the UNM Press ~ butterscotch cherry ~ ~ Choice of 8 cb~ses strawberry Choke of 9 meats Shakes ...... -. ••••••••••••••••85 turkey American jalapeno (ol~ Summer Sale of hurt* books! (ol~ Banana Split ....••..•• • f_ • • • ••••••••••• • 1.2S bam salami Swiss mozzarella 3 Days Only roast beef polish sausage cheddar cream paslrllllli canadlim bacon provJllone monterey jack Pita ~ Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday ~ Who Else Offers 12 Different Pita Fillings? (pl~ corned beef braunschweiger June 16, 17, 18 Meal, $1.89- or·' Meat with Cheese, $2.19 I Sandwich ~·········-.•········ .. ··~··························$.99 (Served lzot or cold) turkey a>ocado allaira sprouts green chUI ~ ham tomatoes cucumbers bell peppers ~ Save 40% on classics in Western fiction Make the most of your good looks Beverages roast bed bean sprouts ehees• mushrooms (pl~ (Choice of whole wheat or reg. pita bread) (Zia Series), anthropology, archaeology, with Can You Say No To These Prices? ~ art, and Southwestern history. BAUSCH & LOMB ~ Coffee ••• • • • • • ~ • • -. •• • • ••• • •••• • • • • ; • • • •• • •• • • • •• • • • • .25 .40 Soft. drinks • , ••••.•••••• , ••••••..- ••••••••••.•••••••••39 .49 .59 Salad Bar (01~ soft contact lenses f.:; . Whipped spa (orange o.r pina colada) •••.... -••••. • • ...49 .59 .69 li Create An Original Sam - 5pm o 220 Journalism Building Eyeglass wearers , • , lake your • . Ice tea ••••••.•.•• f •.••• ~ •••• ., ,. • ., ••• -••••••• .- ••••••••39 .49 .59 eyes out of hiding. Feel confident Juice· ...... - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. • •••••••30 .45 .60 What's your fa~orlte? .-e offer lllo 34 dlfferentloppingol S.15perOz. ~ Corner of Yale and Central, across from again, Let your natural beauty (tomnto, orange, cranberry, grape, apple) $1~.. ':' 0 shine through. You'll love the way the Lobo Pharmacy Bausch & Lomb soft contact lenses give you a whole new look on life. ~ Hot Entrees ~ And they're water•drop soft and B · laclode!Jcholceoi': Price .• No mail or phone orders comfortable, too! Call for your fit­ -~. , Nobody~ Does It etter 1 ea. or 3 eatrees ~-~ ting appointment today. SOUPS DAILY choice of 3 ...... 15 2ea. or 3 ngelables No dealers More people wear Bausch & Lomb soft contact lenses than all Cllle Coa C11r11e , •••••••••••.. •. • • • .9!1 will! roll& butter ••••• from 2.50 t\> 2.!15 Cash or check only -- No credit cards other brands of soft contact lenses with fresh ingredients daily! combined! 0 ~ Hours: Mon.-Fri., 6:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. G". DI A note from our eucilllve chef (PliO Wllltl): Ali ~,·..•• M•F l:OOpm·5:00p.m. (Country Store) oo··. our food Is prepared froth daDy In olll' ldtchea. ~ ~ *Hurt books arc slightly marred '"scuffed bur perfectly readable. CONTACT LENS FITI'ING FEES: $210 - Sort Spherical Contact LENS (Polymacon)• 1300- Sort Toric Contact Lens for Astigmatism (Bulfilcon)* · $380- Sol't Extended Wear (Billlilcon)+ *Complete Price Includes: ~ New Mexico Union Food Service ~ Visual Analysis • Glaucoma Testing • Fitting and Dispensing of Contact Lens •.Initial Chemic:at Care Regime • Patient Care and Follow-up Care of Contact Lens • Sales Tax ~- DR. ROBF.:RT H. QUICK ~~~~~~~~(pl~-: ".~_... ,~_~:. ;ri ~.:... :· ~ - SQ.~f." DR. DWIGHT THIBODEA. UX (itru<:.,.. Optometrists ' ~~~~~~~ ~~'·..-...;~- -~~~ 1020-A Eubank NE • 298-2020 • open Tuesday- Saturday 9. 5

~ -, ·'' ' j ~.. : ' Page 12, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 Page 13, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 lf==C~I'='ICJ<:::Jo ='lu•= =••fCJ<:::I< =•ac=:li' ==:)'lll<=l' ==:)4'Ct=l< =t'lt=l' ~':ll't==t*t=l" ::::::,C<~ s 0 rce re r's st0 ry Sports Skills Center [kills movie magic Old Lobo recycled n Eddie T11foya Steve King he went to Colson's doorstep Jooking for a U The Sword and the Sorcerer chance to show his stuff. 3rd· Floor Zimmerman Library University of New Mexico basketball coach Johnson worked out with the team during The first twenty minutes of Tlze Sword and the Sorcerer ~revery interes~­ Gary Colson found someone to give his last this past season and has now made his grades ing, to say the least. Cromwell (a king of some medieval kingdom) takes h1s scholarship to and is glad to have Michael and senor Colson is proud to have the multi. 277-4560 staff witch into a dark and dismal cave where sne makes a wall of stone faces Johnson in his camp for reaL talented player. He stands 6-foot-3, but plays come to life. The faces stay imbedded into the wall and moan and gr~an and If the name sounds familiar, it's because much taller. writhe; it's like viewing through a P\ate-glass wmdow. Johnson has played at UNM before, Not as a The Divine Comedy "Were glad to have him back," said Col­ And this is just the beginning, After this, a sorcerer nscs out of vat football player, but as a hoopster in another The Skills Center is offering Free tutoring and study skills groups thi a of son, ''He made his grades and wants to play. mud, or tar, or bile (or something) and makes the witch's life-giving talents time and different regime. summer in the following subjects: Former Lobo basketball mentor Norm He's even gone to the weights, which he ·~ look like child's play. . . didn't really believe in before. His attitude is Now we'reon to something~ Cromwell's intentions are divulged. He IS Ellenberger found Johnson in Tucson where he was an all-state standout. Johnson ventured good and I know that he cando thejobforus." going to use the sorcerer's powers for hi~ own me¥1oman.iac~l ends. Johnson has put the "Lobogate" scandal Math 100, 120, 121, 123, 150 and 162 Now you relax, and sit back in your cha1r, and a l!ttlc VOJCe 10 the back of to Loboland for the (hopefully forgotten) 1979-80 season to be a guard, but played behind him and is looking forward to giving English 100, 101, 102 your head says, "Conquering a kingdom with the help .of some mag1c~l his all to the program for the next two seasons. ~ ' source? I've seen this before. I saw this same theme m Star Wars, m center and ended up ineligible because of Time Management Exca/ibur. I've read this in countless stories about King Arthur and the grades. ''I have done some positive things during Knights of the Round Table. This is comic book stuff. Do I really want to sit He was the fourth leading rebounder and the the last year," Johnson said, "I like the school Note taking/Study habits through this?" sixth leading scorer on a team that which the .and am happy to be a part of Coach Colsons ~ But you don't want to leave because the first few J_Dinutes ~ere so line-up was changed as much as a kid's diaper. team, r will work hard and give my all to the Test taking gruesome that an interesting execution of this wom-out plot IS not enllrcly out His attitude toward.s school and basketball had program." of the question. . . changed in a year's lime. Johnson has some qualities that will make The hour-long C)( position of this film reveals v1rtually the enllre plot, and In the 1980-8 I campaign, Johnson is listed him an asset to the Lobos no matter where he ~ after this, the mystery seems to fall deep into the vat the sorcerer rose out of, · as "Others" in the final statistics, as he only plays. He will be a welcomed addition to the Summer Hours: And when the hero, Michah, appears, with his rock-jawed face :~nd made it as far as the 11th game of the year Lobo camp and if the fans arc the way they bulging mucles, the foreshadowing turns into spoon-feeding, And JUSt like before quiting. It looked as though he were usually are, he will be greeted in the fabulous Mon-Thur 8:30am-4pm ~ Stars Wars, Star Trek, Jaws and so many other movies. the focus is not on washed up at UNM, but a year and a half later 'Pit' with open anns. beauty, or filmmaking, or the message, but on the sp~cial effects. Fri 8:30am-3pm :.· C' man, (director) .Albert Py/in, even old plots and tnte characters cmr be dane artistically. Neibauer finishes fifth ~ And for the hedonists in the movie-going audience, The Sword and the Sorcerer has some great fight scenes with crashing swords and flying sparks, Lobo trackster Marty Neibauer qUalified for some 198 less than champion trond Skram­ and blood and guts and gore. And, of course, you can't leave out the scJ<. all-american status with a fifth place finish in stad of Mount St. Marys College. Neibauer's Study Groups: Beautiful women, with arousing bodies and repelling, simple minds, keep the NCAA decathalon competition Tuesday. eight points were the first scored by UNM in ~ going in and out of the picture saying things like "Please, Jet me go with Neibauer was not in the top six going into the the last three national meets. you," and, "There is nothing you can do to make me ~arry you." . last day of events, but scored well in the final Neibauer's second place finish in the pole 3 But, in spite of the action, in spite of the voluptuous bodJes, the,comphc~­ three events to tum the trick. vault, (15·8 14)Which happens to be his spe­ tions in this film are too artificial, the hero is too perfect, the leadmg lady Js cialty, his win in the javelin (a toss of214-3) Photo by Dave Benve~k too sweet and too appealing, and the plot is too simple and old; and too many The UNMjunior finished with 7,572 points and his third in the 1500 meters (4:27.36) Michael Jackson works the ball past a Nevada-Las Vegas defender dur­ Math 100 at the 'Tleet held in Provo, Utah, which was people say things like, "Someday this will all be mine!", helped Neibauer to his healthy finish. ing the 79-80 season. Tue 3-4 The main problems with The Sword and the Sorcerer arethatthc characters Thur 9:30-10:30 arc trite, as is the plot, and the filmmaker uses technology and the macabre to replace art...... Anyone interested in taking the The chiefsuccess of the film Js the achon, whJCh never seems to stop and IS Math 120 usually visually interesting. The colors of t~c costum7s and t!•e sets arc ~ earth· toned ~ yet bright enough to put you nght back m the middle of the GRADUATE Mon 12-1 dark ages. . . . . Wed 2-3 The Sword and the Sr:>rarer is worth the pnce of a matmce or a dollar-mght ~· showing, but it's not the kind of movie a kid should see alone. .... ,.... ~.,. ,, .....RECORD ,' ... ~ ...... ,, ...... ~ ... ·- Math 121 EXAMINATION Thur 12-1 during this summer should contact the Testing Division, ~ Cooder's new album Room 2, in University College Building. "LECTURE UNDER THE STARS" Math 150 277-5345 The University of New Mexico • Summer 1982 • 8:00 p.m. Tue 12-1 Fri 1-2 ~~~ads idea too thin Test Aug. 3, 1982 Date Mr. Wo1fMankowitz June 14 Novelist, playwright, screenwriter, journalist, and poet English topics change each week. Ryland P. Cooder bas always been stuck in the esoteric, He's either known Academy Award and Emmy Award Recipient as a musician's musician or as an ethnic scholar. THE ACTOR-GENIUS- WELLES, BURTON, AND Call for information. It's too trite to accuse somebody of selling out or becoming commercial. Registration SELLERS AS SEEN BV A WORKING WRITER ~ June While his newest album, The Slide Area, might give that impression, it just Begins 1,1982 Central. Mall English study group schedule: ain't so. Mon 11:30-12:30 Ron and Mary Kay Puppets How could anyone who tours with three leisure suited chicanos (including Registration June 21 PUppeteers, television producers, composers, Emmy Award Recipients Tue 9-10 ~ Flaco Jimenez) and three black male gospel singers be a commercial artist? Ends July I, 1982 FRIENDSHIP No, Coodcr's problem seems to be that he's overworked. The Slide Area New Mexico Union Ballroom ThUF 9-10 most ofCooder' s albums, technically perfect, but a bit uninspired. Its Dr. John E. Valusek Fri 11:30·12:30 a lot like , Cooder's 1979 release that was also his best money-maker. That's the problem with Slide Area. It's too much like Bop. June 28 Psychologist, university professor, teacher, lecturer, and writer PEOPLE ARE NOT FOR HITIING • Almost a weak imitation. Study Skills Central Mall Cooder too& a sound that worked once and Used it again. Even the order of Mr. Charles Gallenkamp the individual songs on the two records are the same. On Bop, Cooder starts July 12 Author and Photographer Time Management out with a funny white~ tune called Down in Hollywood. And on Slide Weebee THE ANCIENT MAY A: NEW PERSPECTIVES ~ Area the same effect is attempted with A UFO has Landed in the Ghet/o, New Mexico Union Ballroom Wed (June 9) 1-2 This time it dqcsn't work. Imitations are fine when they aren't obvious. This one is. After all, the bulk of Cooder's work to this point has been Mr. John Russell Brown Thur (June 10) 3-4 July 26 Associate Director of the National Theatre of Great Britain ~ imitation, but imitation of Tex~Mex, or Hawaian slack key, or of Joseph Fri (June 11) 9:30-10:30 Spence's slide style, but something gets lost when Cooder tries to imitate CHALLENGE OF SHAKESPEARE Central Mall ·,· himself, , Note Taking/Study Habits If you've just heard of Cooder, Which is quite possible because he Wasn't Ms. Leslie M. Silko ~ too well known until he helped With the soundtrack for Tire Bardet, This August 2 Poet, novelist, teacher, Prize Fellow of the Mac Author Foundation Central Mall album is worth avoiding for now. Go out and· buy Bop, Showtime! or Cl!ieken Duy 2 KODAK Color Tue (June 8) 10·11 Skin Music, Really, now matter how technically good it is, the world could do ~ without another version of . Enlargements 6, Get Wed (June 9) 3-4 If you're already a fan ofCooder's, which is also quite possible because he Thur(June 10) 1-2 has quite a following in this part of the country, or if yean of sw-dentll Offic:·c, u, :~~~~uffle slides, color prints or instant color pr~nts. Mon (June 14) 10:30-11:30 • Get 3 color enlargements for ths- price of 2 processed by Tue (June 15) 2-3 Kodak. One color enlargement Is Free!. ' Wed (June 17) 11-12 0 CONCEPTION~ SOUTHVVEST C) ON CAMPUS ~: ~! Enlargements Photo Suppllea · Photo Flnl•htng fiSK roR Dlocaunt price• ~· Study Group times may change during 0 COLOR UNM Photo * @ · Cine Service the second month of the summer session. * PROCESSING./ Watch the Daily Lobo for the schedule changes. l "'Kodak ~ ~:30 • tai!a ba Lomae NE • 277·5'743 I O .. Arid th!,tures ?i/:; L' .. - ~HH==::;wu·,.c·::::::::Of~:"tc::=::::)li'llt"'C'::::::::::·:;~ -aa-c::::::::l'fiCIP'IC:=::::OfiC:P'•::::==;,wul"c:=:i- w;~·IHIC.==· ~oiiH":: ..:: .. :::::)i4i.t ==~ 1--'~-·.;...._*_._....,. ~

~ 'J :I I j t• .. l /; l'&JlC 14, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982 Page 15, New Mexico Daily Lobo, J~ne 3, 1982

.APT. FOR RENT, LoYcly 2 l;ledroom •. Ideal for WOR,K SfUD" QUALIF.ED person for accounting staff, _faculty, student. Hardwood floors, new ap­ ond office WQrk ln })usiness office of the Dally -Lobo. Sports pll(lnces, drlilpc:s, unfurnished, avallal;llc J~:mc. Apply ln person 8-~, M·f. Ask for Maryann. tfr Wlllking distance UNM. Call 262..0555 for furtljer WANl' AN JNTER~'ONG summer job? The Girl details, 6/JO Seou• Camp In the Jemez Mo;>untalps needs coun­ TWO BEDROOMS, ONE half mile north_ of UNM, ~clors, rlding staff and utilitY people, Call 243-9!i81 available Ju{le 30 to September I~ at 5190 per month for detllils, 6/3 including utllllies. Larj!:e livlng-di.ning ,area, small JOB INFORMATION: CRUISE Ship Jobs, Also den, two baths, dishwasher, washef~dryer. Air Houston, DAUas, Overseas jobs. 602·998·0426 .Dept. conditioned. Linens, dlshe$, etc. R~fcrcnccs and 0924. Phone call refundable, 6/JO Daily Lobo dep!;lsit r;quired, Write ''HQuse," Bo;~~ UNM moves up on conference scene 2644,, PART·TIME OFFICE help, male, must type, Pick Albuquerque, 87125, 6/JO up apps at 1?44A Menaul NE. 6/3 SUMMER SPE_ClAL En',, ! :or-2 bedroom apu. 0080 NEEDS A talented, respo_n$il!le gmpt:.ic­ paid. W!ll~ 842- Furnlsb.ed, all utllilies to·lJn(ven.ity, s!desi8Il cootdina\or . .Design cxpo;riencc n~sary, Bolstered. by a strong finish in all spring team in the Western Athletic Conference that were foUowed by Utah (4.30), San Diego place finishes in golf and wrestling, finished 008~. 6110 Salary. Apply room 131. Bring ri$Ume and pon· sports, UNM's overall athletic program can make that claim." State (4,50), Texas-Ell'aso (4.90), Air Force third in cross count()' and indoor track, fourth TWO OR THREE s1uclents or couple to share two folio. ifn spacious bedrooms, Jludy, _bath, cookina. Private showed dramatic improvement in the ]981-82 The composite standings are figured by (5, 10), Hawaii (5.20), Wyoming (5.60) and in outdoor track and tennis, fifth in football entrance, alt conditioned .. 296-7212. 6!10 academic year, adding respective finishes in ·ea~h sport and Colorado State (7.20), and sixth in basketball, baseball and swim­ Classi ted EFFJctENCY _fURNISHED ALL Mlult, no :pet In the complete standings of all Western then dividing by the number of sports in which If WAC are rated according to the ming. apanments, J8~0 Vauar NE, ncar Indian ScbO()I, 520~· a month includes utilities. The Diamond&, .268- 7. Travel Athletic Conference teams for the recently a schoo.l participated. The lowest average rep­ sports only in which they participated, BYU The most ·dramatic improvements in the 2S48. 6/10 completed academic year, the Lobes jumped resents the best overall finish. A second would be followed by UTEl' (3.85 in seven UNM program came in the area of track and ROOM FOR .RENT nev univmit)l'. $100, &4:Z..S48!}. ADVY.RTL"iE YOUR JUDE ln lhe Daily Lobo. 613 from last place to fourth. And, even more method is also app.lied in which a school sports), San Diego State (3.87 in seven cross country. In indoor and outdoor track as 6/3 .FOR RENT •. SOUTHWFSI"EElN' style l Mdroom 8. MI!K!eDaneous impressive is UNM's second place finish which does not participate in a certain sport is sports), New Mexico (4,10 in all 10 sports) well as cross country, New Mexico could not hQmc, large shad~ and rmced yard, au ranae. among league schools that participated in all given a last place finish for that sport. Then, and Utah (4.11 in nine). Hawaii, Air Force, even field a team in 1980-81. But coach Del refria. 1 wa.sher and dryer, water paid, l.S min. to downtown or university, lddJ. and peu ok. PAIWNGBPAC>: NEAR UNM.il42-l489. 6/J 10 conference sports. all totals are divided by 10. Wyoming and Colorado State follow in that Hessel carried the Lobos from dead .last year to S32.S/tnonth. 281·2361 after 5pm. 6/10 "Every men's sport at the University of Brigham Young University finis ned atop order, third places in indoor an X -country and a ONLY A •LOCI from UNM, fumishcd stucliG, 9. Las Noticias New Mexico showed an improvement in its the league with an average of2.40 whi.le parti­ The Lobos also had the distinction of join­ fourth place in outdoor track. Coach Bill Dot­ ideal for student livina. rn quiet NE neiahborhood.. cipating in all league sports. Using the I 0- son's wrestling team improved from fifth to S2201mo., utltil_ies paid, $25 deposit. Conlact Kevin CAMI'lJS ORGANIZAnONS: AOVJ;RTISE !n overall conference standing," said UNM ing B YU as the only league teams that had no -1YPING mM SELECllUC 268.1002. 6/3 FOR LF..A.SE 675 sq. ft. office !p&ce across r.-om at 26$-3297, 8U-6612. 7/1 La.s No1iciu for 10 cent• a word, tfn Athletic Director John Bridges in making the sport calculation, New Mexico was second finishes lower than sixth. Though the Lobos second and Joe Morrison's football squad t. Personals 00 YOU NEED typing done? Term papeu to UNM call Larry or Dorothy 26S.9.542· or evenlnp ROOPft fOR RENT near Tramway and Centra!, NOTIC>:; DRAWING/NON·MAJORB,An 142 100 announcement. "1 don't think there is another with an average finish Of 4.10. The Lobos did not win a league title, they had second went from seventh in 1980 to fifth in '81. resumes-call Typing "Ink", 821~916. Work: 881·3974. tfn S12.Simonth. 299-0470.f 711 (call no. $606) is not cancclld, Enroll now fer ·fint TO_NY IN MINNEA.POUS: hello from Mark 8., Guaranteed!. 6117 FOR RENT: 116 Comell S.E. 2 bdnn. 1 bath· house, 38R ilJIINJSHED ,.\IR-conditicmed apartment half summer session, 1fn Hetdl, Eric, VIctor and Kiq1, but not from Mark J.ll NEF.Il TYPING DONE! Call Vlroinla day or CAll}t or Dorothy. 265·9542 or evenlnp 881~ blk: from auJ:~pus, 898.o921, 7/l Hope the summer up nanh Is FAST and fun! II. 397... tfn 6/J noeninp at 296-3096. 7!29 VOLVO MECHANIC 'WORIC auaranteed, 247· HALF BLOCK UNM four bedroOm furnished house PREGNANCY TESTING • COUNSELING. Phone $4l0 268.()52,!, 6/3 CONTACT LENS 247·98)9. tfn 9083, Mike Mclean. 6124 Perry's 300 wins _AVAILABLE NOWI STUDIO Condo's $190.00 and 5. Fo.rSale SALTTABLETS $4.50 CONTACfS.POLISHING, ~LUTIONS Cuey TYPING SERVICES B\' Cllpc:rienced secretaf)', Rwonab_le. Professional finished product. IBM one bedroom condo's $260.00. Includes all utilities. B&L SQUEEZE BOTILES Opllcnl Companf on Lomas just WC5t of Close to tJNM. Ca112-13·7881, Weekdays, 9·5. 1129 SVRPLVS IEEPS 165, Cw SIW, Truck -$100, Washington. tfn Selectric III. 299-6256, 299·2676. 712~ Similar bargains availabfE. Call for your directory pn $2.00 TYPING, TERM PAPERS. 299--1240. 8116 UTIUnES IN~LUDED IN rent for one and two overshadow spitball \\-'£ BOT DISTRIBUTORS. Prescription eyeglass how to 602·998.057S1 Ext. 0924, Call bedroom all adult, no ~ apllrtmcnt complex Jock Itch? Athlete's Foot? BALLOONS.·BALLOONS. BUBBLES the Clown Refundable. 6/24 Casey Optical Co. frame$. Or«"nwich Vllh:lge (Lennon Styles), .sold Jocaled one-half block froom UNM, Month to dmle$s •.$54,50 (regular S65.00). PaY Less Opticians, will deliver a helium balloon bouquet to give: that month leases, swimming pool, on-site la!lndry ONE WEEK ONL'\', ICJwesj ptic~ on all Centurion (l doors WEST ot R•:. all Drug) SEATTLE (UP!) - Now that Kuhn sent his congratulations to the 5007 Menaul N.E,, acro5s from LaBellcs, tfn someone special a "Big Llrt"-blrthdays, an· facllllit:fi, The Four Seasons, 120 Cornell SE, 266:- 10, 12 and 15 speeds al the Harvard Bike House. 5 AT WASHINGTON 265•1146 he's a member of the select "300 veteran right-hander: "! congratu­ CHINESE BUFFET. CHF.A.PI All you can eat. nlversaries~ new baby, or just llovcyou. 292·0487. 0011, 6/10 255·5808. 613 6/24 Club,'' Gaylord Perry's next goal is late Gaylord on No. 300. That is a Lunch S3.4j, Supper $4.50, Sunday Brunch S3,45. 110/MO. BLOCK_ OFF Central. I Bedroom, fenced BEAUTIFlJL 12 STRING guitar, ~ used vc;ry r------7------,, Jao-Jao's Place, 5000 Central A'~lC. SE. tfn lliE ASVNM TEXTBOOk Co-op js rcopenl~g for yard, pets, orr strte~ par~_l_ng,.jjppllances. DO. 163 little. 5290; with case, $230. Call aner !!i;lOpm._ 292· 141 more strikeouts- and the ma­ remarkable accomplishment. And I summet session June l·ll. Drop off the books you 26ll. 6/3 ·~\· Speciar If you think you have problems with the above, you may be evaluated at no charge PASSPORT fHOTOS. LOWEST priccst Pleasant MesillaNE.266-38!H. 6110 CITY jor league record held by legendary think that great arm has a long way to pictures! 123 Wellesley SE comer Sliver. Please call won't be u5ing. Check to see If we have what you 11)75 Fit\T SP\'DER Convenable, low mllease, am· need. 613 AVAILABLE NOW, WALXING di!tance to for possible inclusion in a study to compare drug effectiveness. The study runs first. U5·l323. tfn University. Southeast, partially furnished 3BR, 1 ,. fm tape, super sharp, great shape. S3SOO, 613 Walter Johnson. go yet." ACULEX PROCESSING theseJ, 2 Slices of ~iOllCE: DRAWII'IIG!NON·MAJORS, An 142100 WORD of baths, living room, dining room, stove, refrigerator, Perry, the oldest active major Perry, who survived a five-hit, dissenatlons, and reports - Computer generated two weeks and treatment will be provided at no charge. (call no. 5606) is not cancel!~. Enroll-now for first washtr hook-up, evaporative air. Off ~~treet parking, Cheese Pizza graphlcs.Cai1831·3UI1. 7/29 league player at 43, got victory No. two-run outburst in the eighth, said summer s~sion. tfn 6 months lease- required. SJ95, ·water ))lid. Dorothy, & Large Soft Drink 300 out of his seemingly ageless he beat the Yankees by "doing the AUDITIONS BEING ACCEP'TEO for the ''All that QA n'PJNG SER,VICE~ a complete tYPing and 883.()900, 821·3888, 613 6. Employment Jaz.z Daneets"l Performing Arts Studio~ 2219 Lead editorial system~ Tecbnfcal, gener.d, tee:al, medj('al, COSSIDERA1E GU\' TO sha_re fully furnished right arn1 , going the distance for the same old thing I've been doing for 34~·2125, S.E.; Ballet, Jazz, E'letclse, Summer Season .special scholo.stic, cham and tables. 1129 house nearby. No drugs 1 smoking. S12~ tndudcs PART· TIME JOB afternoons ind c"·cnini$-. MU$1 be 1.60 ~U_IIIIJUIIIIIJIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU~IJIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIUIIII~ Seattle Mariners in a 7-3 victory years." But this time there was rates, call Laura Brown-E:Ider, ~S6-1061 or265•306?, WP TYPING, EDITING,. and word proc-essing Sets utilities. $50 DO. Laundry, piano, privpcy, patios. 21 yeau old. Apply in per;son, no phone calls pl~ase. with coupon 613·619 over the New York Yankees last some added drama. 6/3 high marks for accuracy. 266-l US, 8/16 223 Richmond SE, 268·661?. Marice. 6110 Saveway Liquor 'Stores at !1704 Loma.5 NE, 35Hi Beer & Wine Available ACCURATE INt'ORMA.nON ABOUT con• CAMPUS 'COMPACf APARTMENTS: 21$ Yale Mertaol NE. 6/24 on Sunday month. traception. 5tCrllizatton, abortion. Right To Choose, J)J:.rd, SE at Lead. Studio Ap!S, Near slore1 and JOB SEARClllNG TECHNIQUES. 4-hour classes, ~ For information call ~ "I got a couple of chills when Neopo111an. Sicilian & Whole Wheat Pizza He g

.. ·~·...... ~ .. ·~ l t,



"!.I 9 :• Page 16, New Mexico Daily Lobo, June 3, 1982

~------~-,Daily , .. 2400 Central SE I 1 , .' ; / • · 1 I 266-0550 1 Across from . 7:00a.m... 12!00 p.m. · ·{ !U • , \,.· 1··! , 1;;) 1['. __ _ ( Johnson Gym I . I i 1).1 I_ _') . \ I. J I "''i - \ I I Home.of the latest in Broiled Food and the Homemade Sweetroll J I BREAKFAST ·... , ·I (Served with whole wheat toast~ margerine &.je.lly)- I I N~. 1 TWO EGGS, bacon, ham or sausage, hash browns & toast •....••••. , • ; . • • • • • • . • • $2.49 N~. 2 ONE EGG, bacon, ham or sausage, hash browns & toast .••• ; ••••••. I •••••••••••• $1.99 I I No.3 TWO EGGS, hash browns & toast· ...•••.•..•.•..•...•.....••... I •••••••••• ~ • $1.69 No. 4 ONE EGG, hash browns & toast ••. I •••••••••••••••••••••- •••••• 1 ••••••••••• I• $1.25

No.~ 5 PANCAKES· (4)_ ._ .. ~ ..• ~ ...... !' ••.• ~~ ••• ,. •••••_ _•••.••••••••••.••• -~ • • • • • • • • • $1.35 I No.6 HUEVOS RANCHEROS, two eggs, beans, sauce, corn tortilla & toast I •••••••••••• $1.99 1 No. 7 WESTERN OMLETTE, •••. I •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••• I •••••••••••• $2.85 I I three eggs, green chili & cheddar cheese, served with tomato, hash browns & toast I Free Cup of' Coffee or Hot Tea Untilll a.m. With Any of The Above Breakfasts I I SIDE ORDERS I I French Fries ..... $.50 One Egg .•...••. $.50 Bacon, Ham~ Sausage, or Beef Pattie ...... • $.75 I Hash Browns ...... 60 Pancake ...... 35 Salad with choice of Dressing ...... 70 We. stern Style. . . ,95 Toas· t & J. elly· . · .. · · .40 E"tra Blue Cheese ...... • . . . • . . .1 5 1· I On ion Rings ...... 70 Jelly . . . . • . .. • • . . . .05 Tomatoes (3 slices) .....•...... •...' . . . . . • .15 I Beans . • . . . • . . . . • .35 Crackers . . . • . . . • • .05 American or Cheddar Ch- . , . . • • . . • . . . • . . .20 I Ranchero Sauce (8 oz.) ..· ...... ~ ...... 50 Green Chili or Chili con Came (1 oz.) . . . . . • . . . .15 I TakeOutonAIIItems 2 New I Mo~e Seating! HAMBURGERS Dining Rooms 1 1 No. 1 HAMBURGEJI salad dressing, tomato, pickles, onion & lettuce • • • • • . • $1.25 I No. 2 CHEESEBURGER same as above with cheddar cheese • . . . • . . • • • • • • • . 1.40 1 No. 3 BONANZA double meat, American cheese, thousand asland, tomato, onion & lettuce • • • • • • • 2.1 0 . No. 4;f.IESTA BURGER .c;hill con carne or green chill, cheddar ~heese, onion & lettuce~ • • • • • • • 1.45 I Ner. 5· FlAME BURGER' hickory smoke sauce, onion & lettuce •.• • ••••• • •• · • 1,20. .1 I No. 6 COPV CAT mustard, ketchup, pickle, & onion ••••.••••. ~ • • • • • . • • • • • 1.20 1 I SANDWICHES I GRILlED CHEESE on whole wheat with American cheese, lettuce & tomato . . • $.85 I I HAM, lEITUCE & TOMAT() on whole wheat with salad dressing • . .. • . . • • • • • 1.35 BACON, LETIUCE & TOMATO same as above •••••••• • •.•.•.•.. • . · • • • • 1.35 I I EGG, LETIUCE & TOMATO same as above • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • . . • • . • • 1.05 I MEXICAN FOOD I I No. 7TACO meat, cheese, lettuce & tomato •••••••••••••.••••.. • ..•• • · • $.75 ·1 No. 8 CHALUPA beans, cheese, lettuce & tomato ...... ·• • • • • .65 No. 9 ENCHILADAS served with leftuce & tomato ••••••••••••.•.•...••. ·•• 2.19 I I BEEF with Chili Con Came, cheddar clleese & o'nion CHEESE with GREEN CHILl STEW, cheddar cheese & onion -~ .I VEGETARIAN with GREEN CHILl, chedda-r cheese & onion . MEXICAN COMBO enchilada, taco & beans • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ... 1.99 I GREEN CHILl STEW cup (6 oz.) bowl (1 0 oz.) • • • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • .59 .99 1 I ·~ -· I I P~TTERS I 6 OZ.. TOP' Cf:IOP STEAK GftMincl-.und~ Texas follst, French fries or hash browns with salld •••• ., • • $2.69 · I · FRONTIER BUROER SP.ECIAL -Hkkary smoke sauce, cheese, 1000 Island, onion, French fries & salad 2.19 I 5 oz. RIB EVE STEAK-IJSDAChoice TeJCastoast,Ftenc:hfrlesorhashbrow;..withsalad ••• •. • 3.99 . I CHEF SALAD wlthchoic:eofdresslng, lett~e,tomato,che-Jdarcheese, ham&egg ••••••••• 2.59 I. VEGETARIANSALAD ...... _, ••••••••••••••• •.• 2.39 1I I .. .. . ·• . . DRINKS 5tentsoffonreflllo .· ...... 1 I ~g~f:A·:::::::::::::::::::::: .s~: :~~ ::~ ~'i~R·~~- ~:·~:·~Po~~~?~~:::: .s:;~ :~g ::~ I .. . ._ Sp1cedor herbal tea .•..••••. ~ • • .. .35 .40 .45 LEMONADE .... H • • • • .. • .. • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • .70 ."··. 1 HOT CHOCOLATE or APPLE CIDER .40 .50 .65 JUICE_ oranu~ .. apple, tomato~graiJefrult • ; ••••45 .60 .85 · I MILK • • • • ~ ••• ,.• , •• : ·•• , , • , , • • • , i • ·, , • • .40 •7 0 SHAKES choo:olale,lt,.wberry $vanilla • , , , , , , .50 •7 5 , 9 5 1 1 1 ·. . _.~.[~:JI_-fPf1_.') ;1::;-_?_f__~·l r_s_::_ rc_;~_-·~~ ROLL 6.·2·····. 6-packfrozenrolls2~99 .1• ~!f (1'~\ ~'::J! J '!. I_ C';::t ,;, \,• · • · · -- 1- / . ~----~-----~-----·--~----~