June 9, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1085 marine mammal pavilion featuring the crowd- IN MEMORY OF ARNOLD PLANK A year ago, patriotism meant knowing that pleasing beluga whales and Pacific white- many nameless, faceless soldiers did their job sided dolphins, and I continue to be particu- HON. JANE HARMAN to keep me free. It meant going to the Blue larly impressed by the aquarium’s emphasis OF Angels show on the beach or showing support on conservation and preservation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for my country through a bumper sticker or a ribbon attached to my car antenna. It meant The Shedd Aquarium has also developed Wednesday, June 9, 2004 some of the most innovative preservation knowing that I lived in a free country where I projects in the nation. These include breeding Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, Arnold Plank enjoyed more rights than most but not caring programs for animals such as the Tahitian was my wonderful friend. He was blessed with how I got those rights. land snail, African cichlids fish and West In- smarts, passion, vision and athletic prowess. But now, that meaning has changed. Patri- dian rock iguanas, and Project Seahorse, Arnold was among a handful of my constitu- otism means knowing that my dad and others which is working for the longterm survival of ents who captured my attention early in my like him are fighting for our freedom, and it wild populations of seahorses in the Phil- political career. He made a huge difference to means being behind them 100 percent. It means honoring all those that have fought for ippines. my life and my ability to serve the people of the 36th Congressional District. For him, edu- this great country and knowing that I am free Most recently, the Shedd Aquarium opened cation was an adventure and an opportunity. and safe because of them. It means realizing the Wild Reef, an incredible exhibit with the His special gift was his ability to share that that without our brave soldiers and coura- most sharks in captivity anywhere on the plan- passion with others. geous leaders, we would not be the great et. And we are looking forward to the new chil- He’s left us much too early, and leaves a country that we are today. It means living life dren’s exhibit on sea stars. huge void. Somehow, running a 1OK will be every day knowing that thousands of men like The Shedd Aquarium is much more than less fun and much harder without him. Just my dad are the only reason why I can get up one of our city’s top tourist destinations—it is having him at my side seemed to make my every morning and know I am free. Patriotism also a place where students can learn about feet feel a little lighter. now means being truly proud that I was born the importance of saving our environment and My thoughts and thanks are with Arnold’s and live in the greatest country in the world where researchers spend countless hours try- wife Janice, his daughters Rhonda and Lisa, and that I am protected because of the great- ing to preserve marine life. and their four grandchildren. My thoughts are est military in the world. Patriotism now means Mr. Speaker, I am honored on behalf of the also with the school kids, parents and admin- being truly proud of my dad and knowing he Fifth District and indeed all of Chicago to call istrators who benefited from knowing Arnold, is doing his job for me.’’ attention to all of the meaningful work occur- and with those who, sadly, will miss an ex- Mr. Speaker, these words are an inspiration ring at the Shedd Aquarium at the time of its traordinary opportunity to learn from him. to all who hear them. On behalf of the United States Congress, I would like to congratulate 2004 gala event. I offer my heartfelt thanks to f those officers, leaders, scientists, researchers Miss Kristen Murphy on her national achieve- and staff members who have dedicated their CONGRATULATING KRISTEN MUR- ment and for sharing a glimpse of what patri- lives to ensuring that one of Chicago’s favorite PHY ON WINNING THE PATRIOT- otism means to her with the rest of our great institutions is also making its impact felt ISM ESSAY CONTEST Nation. May God bless all of our military men throughout the rest of the world. and women overseas and may God bless HON. JEFF MILLER America. f OF FLORIDA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATING REPRESENTA- HONORING CHIEF WARRANT TIVE ROBERT BADHAM OFFICER 5 ERIC L. SNOW Wednesday, June 9, 2004 Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor today to recognize Kristen Murphy and HON. HON. JON C. PORTER congratulate her on winning the top national OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEVADA award for the Fleet Reserve Patriotism Essay Wednesday, June 9, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Contest. As a typical 18-year-old from Pensacola, Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, this week, as we Wednesday, June 9, 2004 Florida, she usually joined the rest of her com- mourn the passing and commemorate the life munity celebrating America’s most patriotic Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of Ronald Reagan, we have another occasion holiday, the 4th of July, by spending time with honor one of our great military servicemen, for unabashed celebration. My predecessor in friends and family, and participating in tradi- Chief Warrant Officer 5 Eric L. Snow, for his this office, Representative Robert Badham, tional Pensacola events. Little did she know service to our country. CW5 Snow served the who blazed trails for President Reagan in Sac- that one day soon, her father, Army National United States for 38 years and he will retire on ramento and in Washington, celebrates his Guard Staff Sgt. Scott Murphy, would be de- June 11, 2004 whereupon he will reside in Las 75th birthday today. ployed to Iraq. From that day forth, ‘‘patriot- Bob Badham won election to the California Vegas, Nevada. His service assignments have ism’’ took on a whole new meaning to Kristen. State Assembly at a remarkably young age, sent him to Vietnam, Panama, and Haiti. His Starting out as a class assignment and 350 four years before Ronald Reagan won the dedicated exemplary service has earned him words later written on ‘‘What Patriotism Means governorship. He won election to the U.S. the Meritorious Service Medal, Armed Forces to Me,’’ she took home the top national award, House of Representatives four years before Reserve Medal, Viet Nam Service Medal, earning more than $20,000 in savings bonds Governor Reagan won the presidency. As Army Service Ribbon, and a United Nations from the Fleet Reserve Association. soon as he arrived in Washington he was Medal. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a moment elected president of his incoming class of As we celebrate our patriotic holidays such to share with you Kristen’s award winning Members, and he remained a leader through- as Memorial Day and July 4, I reflect upon the essay. out his tenure here. From the 117 feet of his many opportunities and privileges that we as ‘‘When I think of the word patriotism, many records held by the University of California at citizens enjoy because of the sacrifices of our images and words come to mind. Over this Irvine to the GOP records stored by the Policy military men and women. I stand here today in past year, though, the actual meaning of the Committee on the fourth floor of the Long- honor of one such individual whose life has word has changed considerably for me. A year worth House Office Building, Bob’s name been dedicated to his country. It is my hope ago, patriotism simply meant hanging an stands out as one of our party’s most ener- that we as Americans remember the sacrifices American flag on our flagpole in the front yard getic spokesmen and most articulate advo- of these brave men and women, not only on and barbecuing out on the Fourth of July. cates for our agenda; as an active litigant for patriotic holidays, but all year, as they serve to Since my dad has been deployed and is now electoral fairness; as an international diplomat protect and preserve those essential freedoms stationed overseas in the heat of battle, my supporting our critical security alliances; and we enjoy. perception of patriotism has changed dras- as a Member of Congress who set a standard Mr. Speaker, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Snow tically. Patriotism no longer means showing for constituent service and attention that I has served his country with honor and I urge support for my country through waving a flag must work very hard to approach. the House to join me in thanking him for his during a Fourth of July parade. It has now be- Most significantly, as Bob rose to becoming service to our country. come a way of life. the ranking Member on the House Armed

VerDate jul 14 2003 03:49 Jun 10, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09JN8.028 E09PT1 E1086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 9, 2004 Services Procurement Subcommittee, he Mostly, those who knew him described him will remember him for his tireless dedication to helped President Reagan rebuild our military, as a caring individual and a tireless teacher. excellence, his infectious optimism, and his and, through the policy of peace through Mr. Reif typically arrived at school at 7:15 in deep caring for them and their achievements. strength, win the Cold War. As President the morning and often stayed late into the He will be remembered as a man who loved Reagan headed back to California in 1989, afternoon correcting papers, setting up the working with children. Representative Badham chose to leave one of classroom for the next day, working on his les- That public education became his vocation the most secure Congressional seats in the son plan, directing extra-curricular activities or is not terribly surprising. When he was only nation and to return to California as well. assisting other teachers with their own class- 16, he was already teaching younger children Needless to say, the career of our colleague, room projects. to play chess, a particular talent of his, and tu- Duncan Hunter, and my own, were both ad- There is perhaps no better testament to his toring public school students in New York City, vanced by Bob’s decision that a quarter cen- contribution to the students at Jefferson Ele- where he grew up. He was, in fact, born in tury in elected office was enough. mentary than in their own words and those of New York City, educated at Bowdoin College The people of are fortu- other teachers who were his colleagues there. and Princeton University, from which he re- nate that giving up elected office has not On the Monday morning following his death, ceived his B.A. Cum Laude, and Columbia meant giving up public service to Bob Bad- the school placed a giant banner in the central University’s School of Journalism, from which ham. Since his return to California, Bob has corridor for students to express their feelings. he received a Masters Degree. remained an active leader in Orange County. That banner, large as it was (ten feet long and He moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in He and his wife, Anne, remain two of Orange four feet tall), turned out to be too small. With- County’s most active and energetic citizens. 1987, and had been a resident of San Fran- in hours, it was filled with messages of sad- cisco’s Bernal Heights neighborhood since They are among the kindest and most inter- ness, loss, love and grief. Another banner was esting people anyone will ever know. 1989. His was a friendly and familiar face to added. When that one filled up, yet a third neighborhood residents, shopkeepers and oth- Mr. Speaker, I hope you will join the people was put out. By the next day, that one had of Orange County, all of Bob’s colleagues in ers. He always had a warm greeting on the been filled as well. the House of Representatives, and all of those street or in a store and became involved in The messages are poignant and speak vol- who are fortunate to call Bob Badham a community events and activities. For example, umes about the respect and love that his stu- friend, in wishing him the happiest of birthdays when Mr. Reifs son, Daniel Reif, started at- dents felt for him. Many of the messages were on this, his 75th! tending kindergarten at the Paul Revere Ele- surrounded by hearts. For example, one mentary School 6 years ago, Mr. Reif volun- f elaborately decorated, bleeding heart con- teered extensively in school activities. He met IN MEMORY OF LESLIE REIF tained the Spanish words for ‘‘Rest in and was mentored and inspired by the Prin- Peace’’—‘‘Que en Paz descanse, Maestro, cipal of Paul Revere at the time, Randy Reif’’ A few others: ‘‘I remember your kind- Haves. HON. ness. I will miss you bunches.’’ ‘‘I’m sad but Not one to allow the inspiration of a great OF CALIFORNIA have happy memories.’’ ‘‘Dear Mr. Reif, I hope educator to go to waste, Mr. Reif had, within IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES your family will never forget you.’’ ‘‘You were a year, obtained emergency teaching creden- Wednesday, June 9, 2004 a wonderful teacher. I miss you. I love you.’’ tials to be a first grade classroom teacher at ‘‘The school will be your home.’’ ‘‘I miss you Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on Jefferson Elementary in Oakland across the very much. You were my best teacher.’’ behalf of my colleagues, Mr. STARK and Ms. bay, and had gone back to school to gain his LEE, and myself, to offer tribute to Leslie Reif, A Kindergarten class that barely knew Mr. full teaching credentials. It was only the first who died on February 7, 2004. Leslie Reif de- Reif put up his picture and surrounded it with step in his involvement at Jefferson Elemen- voted himself in exceptional ways to service in lighted candles in tribute. The students in his tary. current class also wrote touching letters to Mr. the communities in which he lived and worked. Leslie Reif was a member of the First Uni- He served the Oakland community by choos- Reifs family. Several referred to Mr. Reifs con- cern that his students not be the victims of vi- tarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, ing a career in public education, and bringing where a memorial service was held for him on his exceptional talents to first and fourth grade olence, a real concern of his after he was held up at gunpoint one morning while parking near February 11. More than 150 people attended, students at the Jefferson Elementary School in including several of his students and their par- Oakland. Mr. Reif served the San Francisco the school. Said one student, ‘‘He was helpful by telling us not to open the door because ents. He is remembered by church members community by demonstrating an abiding con- for his involvement in the Forums Committee cern for others in his neighborhood of Bernal someone could come in and shoot us . . . that it would be better if someone shoots him and the children’s Religious Education pro- Heights, and at his faith community at the First gram. Unitarian Universalist Society of San Fran- than someone shoots us.’’ Another student cisco on Franklin Street. wrote to Mr. Reifs son, Daniel, ‘‘He was a Mr. Reif died of complications from an epi- At the Jefferson Elementary School, Leslie really nice man. I bet he was a very good fa- leptic seizure. In the last decade, Mr. Reif had Reif wore many hats. He was a fourth grade ther.’’ Many referred to the academic achieve- helped educate others about epilepsy, includ- classroom teacher, responsible for mathe- ments they made under his direction, such as ing working as a health educator for the matics, English, writing, geography and other the ability to write properly composed letters, former Epilepsy League of the East Bay, now subjects. Beyond his classroom, Mr. Reif was and to his efforts to teach them good man- the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern Cali- the school coordinator for the Martin Luther ners. fornia. His death helps to illustrate how much King Oratorical Fest held each year in Feb- Similarly, fellow teachers at the school are more needs to be done to learn more about, ruary. During the fest, classes perform poems, honoring Mr. Reifs achievements and contribu- to treat and ultimately to find a cure for this plays and music to honor the memory of the tions by having a plaque made up in his honor neurological disorder. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and to and memory, which will be placed on the lec- Finally, last but certainly not least, Leslie advance his goal of equality for all persons. tern in the auditorium which is used at all Reif was a loving husband to his wife, Millie For the last 2 years, Mr. Reifs class placed school assemblies and the Martin Luther King Phillips, a devoted father to his son Daniel first at the Jefferson Elementary Fest and then Oratorical Fest. In addition, a scholarship fund Reif, and an attentive and supporting step- went on to place second and win a medal at has been established in his name by the father to Ms. Phillips’ son, Jeffrey Morgan. Mr. the regional competition encompassing all Marcus A. Foster Educational Institute in co- Reif was born to an Irish Catholic mother and schools in Oakland. sponsorship with the Oakland Education Asso- a Czech Jewish father, who emigrated to the Leslie Reif could always be counted on to ciation. United States in 1940. It is not surprising that help other teachers hang photographs and Mr. Speaker, Leslie Reif was the kind of the term used most often by his friends to de- educational exhibits in their classrooms, be a teacher students remember 10 and 20 and scribe him is the Yiddish term ‘‘mensch.’’ He sounding board for advice or just to lend a even 40 years later, because he made a real was a kind, modest man who downplayed sympathetic ear when someone was having a difference in their young lives. He began each most of his own accomplishments, while work- bad day. Mr. Reif was also the Fourth Grade morning by having his students recite ‘‘The ing hard to encourage the success of others. teacher representative on the Faculty Council, Happiness Formula,’’ a statement written by a That is the lasting legacy he leaves to his fam- a group that handles issues that affect working former colleague that promotes non-violence, ily, his school, our communities and our coun- conditions at the school. high self-esteem and kindness to others. They try.

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