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XV ANDALUSIAN OLYMPIC WEEK Notice of Race XV ANDALUSIAN OLYMPIC WEEK XX Carnival Trophy Laser St/u21- 470 m&w - Laser Radial w - RS:X m/w/u21 - Finn Invited Classes: 420 - Laser Radial men - Laser 4.7 - RS:X 8.5 Youth - Techno 293 O.D. & Techno 293 Plus - Windsurfing Open Foil SPANISH CHAMPIONSHIP FOR LASER RADIAL CLASS SPANISH CUP FOR RS:X M/W /U21 ANDALUSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR 420 CLASS ANDALUSIAN CUP FOR TECHNO 293 O.D. - Laser 4.7 & Laser Std 267th to 1st March 2020 ANDALUSIAN SAILING FEDERATION Notice of Race The “XV ANDALUSIAN OLYMPIC WEEK”, XX Carnival Trophy, for the following Olympic Classes: Laser St - 470 m&w - Laser Radial w - RS:X m&w - Finn with the following invited Classes: 420, Techno 293 O.D., Techno 293 Plus, Laser Radial men - Laser 4.7, RS:X 8.5 Youth and Windsurfing Open Foil, will be held in the Bay of Cadiz, Puerto Sherry (Puerto Santa Maria) from 26th to 1st of March 2020, both inclusive. This Event is organised by the Andalusian Sailing Federation by delegation of the Real Federación Española de Vela with the sponsorship of the “Consejería de Turismo y Deportes de la Junta de Andalucía”, the Excma. Diputación Provincial de Cádiz” and the cooperation of Marina Puerto Santa María S.L. 1 RULES 1.1 The race will be governed by the “rules” as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020, RRS 1.2 [DP] Class Rules 1.3 The RFEV Competitions Regulations (only Classes sailing the Spanish Cup or Championship) 1.4 [DP] The Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) 1.5 Appendix P (RRS) will be applied. (Except for Windsurfing Classes) 1.6 The laser class rule 7(a) is restricted as follows: "Only one person (the registered sailor) shall be on board while racing". Andalusian Olympic Week Notice of Race 1 1.7 In all the rules governing this regatta the notation[NP] denotes a rule that shall not be grounds for protests by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a). 1.8 RRS 40 applies at all time while the boats are afloat, without the necessity to display any signal. This changes the Preamble of Part 4 and RRS 40.[NP][DP] 1.9 If there is a conflict between languages in the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, the Spanish text will prevail. 2 ELIGIBILITY. CLASSES. DIVISIONS 2.1 The “XV ANDALUSIAN OLYMPIC WEEK”, XX Carnival Trophy, is open to all boats of the Laser St, 420, Techno 293 OD, Techno Plus, Laser 4.7, Finn and RS.X 8.5 Youth Classes. For the Laser Radial Class, men and women, the regatta is closed to sailors with legal Spanish residence. Foreign sailors may be accepted when is requested at the discretion of the RFEV. 2.2 Spanish sailors or a sailor officially living in Spain or a sailor racing on boat affiliated to a Spanish Club, are required to have the 2020 competitor’s license issued by the Spanish Sailing Federation. The foreign sailors who do not have a sailing federation license will have to lodge an evidence of valid third party insurance with a minimum covert of €1,000,000 2.3 Laser Radial u21 and u19, RS:X u21, RS:X 8.5 Youth and Techno O.D. under 17 sailors shall be under the age of 21, 19 and 17 years respectively on 31 December 2020. 2.4 In the Laser Radial Class, all the Spanish sailors under 18 competing the Spanish Championship shall be associated to one certified coach, level 2 or 3, with support boat and not more than 10 sailor per coach 3 ENTRIES 3.1 All the competitors and coaches shall entry through the following link: http://regatas.fav.es/es/default/races/race/text/xiv-andalusian-olympic-week- 2020-es and pay the entry fee by before 11 February 2020. Laser Radial sailor shall be entered by her regional sailing federation. 3.2 Entries received by 11 February shall apply for the Early Entry Fee CLASS Early Entry Entry Fee € Fee € 470 M/W - 420 100 150 Laser Standard - Laser 4.7-Finn 75 100 Laser Standard under 21 60 90 Laser Radial W/M 60 90 RS:X m/w/ - RS:X 8.5 Youth, Techno 75 100 Plus- Techno 293 OD Windsurfing Open Foil Coaches 30 30 Other Personal Support 50 100 Andalusian Olympic Week Notice of Race 2 3.3 Events for which there are fewer than 10 entries by 11 February 2020, may be cancelled. 4 REGISTRATION [NP] 4.1 Each competitor shall register and sign the registration form in the Race Office before 20:00 on the 26th of February. 4.2 Each competitor shall produce the following documents before the end of the registration period. 2020 Federation Licence (For Spanish Sailors) Evidence of valid third party insurance with a minimum covert of €1,000,000 Identity Card or Passport. Proof of Entry fee payment. Passport 4.3 Coaches are required to register in the Race Office delivering the following documents before the end of the registration period: Documents and insurance of the RIB in force 2020 Technical License (Only Spanish coaches. In Laser Radial Class level 2 or 3 is required) Proof of entry fee payment Identity card or Passport List of competitors associated to the coach 5 SCHEDULE 5.1 The programme for the Event is: DATE TIME EVENT 10:00 to 20:00 Registration of competitors h Equipment Control (RS:X & Laser Wednesday, 26 February Radial Classes) Sailing Instructions available 13:00 h. Warning Signal Race 1 Thursday, 27 February Races Friday 28 & Saturday 29 12:00 h. Races 11:00 h Races Sunday, 1 March Price Giving Ceremony (asap) 5.2 12 races are scheduled for each event, except for Windsurfing Open Foil class that 16 races are scheduled. 2 races are required to be completed to consitute a series. 5.3 The last possible warning signal on Sunday 1st is 15:00 h. Andalusian Olympic Week Notice of Race 3 6 RACING FORMAT 6.1 The courses will be as similar as possible to those of the Olympic Regatta and will be decided on guidelines from the World Sailing. 6.2 All the Classes shall sail as one fleet, except the Classes with more that 70 entries whom will sail a qualifying series and a final series. 7 MEASUREMENTS [DP] 7.1 Boats may be measured at any moment during racing for compliance with the class. 7.2 Laser Radial and RS:X Classes shall complete an equipment control process according with the NoR 5.1 8 SAIILING INSTRUCTIONS 8.1 The sailing instructions will be available from 20 February at http://regatas.fav.es/es/default/races/race/text/xiv-andalusian-olympic-week- 2020-es, and shall be available to each boat from 26 February at the Race Office. 9 PRIZES AND RESULTS 9.1 The trophies list will be published on the official notice board at the beginning of the Event. 9.2 Plaque of the RFEV will be awarded as Spanish Champion to the winner of the Spanish Cup in Laser Radial and RS:X 9.3 Plaque of the FAV will be awarded as Andalusian Champion to the winner of the 420 Class 9.4 In Laser Radial Class will be awarded RFEV plaque as Spanish Champion by autonomies to the best regional federation classified. The best two sailors, men and women will qualify to this results. 9.5 Two different overall results will be established for Laser Radial Class, men and women, as is describe in the 2.4.5 RFEV Competitions Regulations 10 SUPPORT BOATS [NP][DP] 10.1 Support Boats shall be registered in the Race Office and must comply with the local legislation. The Organising Authority may refuse the entry and or accept later registrations at their sole discretion 10.2 Team leaders, coaches and other support persons shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the starting sequence for the first class to start until all boats have finished or retired or the race committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment. 10.3 All the support boats must be indentify in all moment while afloat with the flag of her autonomies, club or any other way that clearly identify to the team which is supporting. 10.4 May be required to coaches and other personal support to wear personal flotation devices while afloat. Coaches must carry on board a VHF radio 11 BERTHING [NP][DP] 11.1 Boats shall be kept in their assigned places in the boat park after each racing day. Andalusian Olympic Week Notice of Race 4 11.2 Boats shall not leave their places during the regatta without the writing permission of the Race Committee. 12 DOPING CONTROL [NP] 12.1 Competitors are reminded of the World Sailing rules and regulations concerning the use of banned methods and substances, which are contained in World Sailing Anti-Doping Code. Drug testing may take place during this event. 13 INSURANCE [NP] 13.1 Each participating boat and coach boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum coverage of €1,00,000 euros per event or the equivalent. 14 MEDIA RIGHTS [NP][DP] 14.1 By participating in this event competitors automatically grant to the organizing authority, and their sponsors, the right in perpetuity to make, use and show, from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of the athlete during the period of the competition without compensation.
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