The Anonymous Quarterly SEVEN Minutes A Forum for Nicotine Users Who Don’t Use

Volume XII 2001 Number. 2

In This Issue The Impossible Dream Gary M., San Clemente, CA 1 The Impossible Dream, “Quitting was almost always with a total disbelief that by Gary M. there could be life after nicotine.” Nicotine Anonymous, The Book 3 From the Chair, very terrifying proposition. After count- the 800 number and talked to Mary D. in Kent B. A less attempts to quit and failing count- Orange County for a long time. Here was less times, I felt I was down for the count. someone I identified with that was talking 4 I was dying . . . literally, and I knew it. So my language—fears, hope and under- Conference Wrap-up, what? The hell with it? I resolved to myself standing and giving me the courage to try Scott J., I can’t quit and I am just a worthless loser— it. It was my last chance—the last building Chair Emeritus so who cares? Why can everyone else quit on the block—it was now or never. If I and I can’t What the hell is wrong with me? didn’t quit when I did I really believe I 6 I am hooked on these cigarettes and can’t would have been dead within “Life, Liberty and do anything about it. My self-worth was 30 days or less. I really Recovery,” about a minus-20. I wanted to quit but I believe that! the 2002 Conference had failed so many times I could not I went to ten straight meet- in Brooklyn, NY stand another failure! ings in a row and quit at the I’ve thought many times about eleventh meeting. That was quitting and what it would be November 21, 1998. What 7 like but I came to the point made me quit? The support of Letter from the Editor, that it was absolutely the groups. Seeing different levels Catherine C. impossible to quit, I of being smoke-free: 2 days, 28 days, didn’t dare entertain 4 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc. Laughing, 8 the thought anymore. crying, being grateful, giving hope, hope A Letter To My Cigarettes, I’d been told by doc- and more hope. I found a support system, Cathi A. tors I’d die of a mas- something I’ve been looking for for a long sive heart attack. I’ve time. Hands reaching out—come on, you got emphysema, asthma and my lower can do it—we will help you. Yes, it is tough, 8 right lung is gone and if I didn’t quit smok- but you will get through it. The hope that The NAWS Year-end ing I’d be on oxygen. I put myself in the there is life without cigarettes. The hope you Financials, hospital three different times and I still will enjoy it and better yet, the hope of free- Annette L., Treasurer wouldn’t quit . It was too hard. I’d dom at last, of being free of cigarettes. rather die. Who am I kidding? A false That I am a living miracle and can attest 9 bravado. I was scared, petrified so I just to this with 1 year, 10 months and 20 days The NicA Conference, smoked more to hide my fears. (at the time of this writing) of being com- Ani M. Thank God my doctor gave me the 800 pletely smoke free. number to Nicotine Anonymous. I called The impossible dream came true. Send letters to the editor, articles, Our Preamble stories, poems, artwork, or other Nicotine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women help- material for Seven Minutes to: ing each other to live our lives free of nicotine. We share our Seven Minutes experience, strength and hope with each other so that we may c/o NAWSO be free from this powerful . The only requirement for 419 Main St., PMB #370 membership is the desire to stop using nicotine. There are no Huntington Beach, CA 92648 dues or fees for Nicotine Anonymous membership; we are self- supporting through our own contributions. Nicotine Anony- Subscription requests, circulation mous is not allied with any sect, denomination, political additions and deletions may be sent entity, organization or institution; does not engage in any to the same address. controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. Our pri- Material may also be sent mary purpose is to offer support to those who are trying to by e-mail to: gain freedom from nicotine. Reprinted for adaptation with permission of the A.A. Grapevine All articles accepted for publication may be reprinted in outside NAWS Has Moved! publications in their entirety at the Nicotine Anonymous World Services discretion of the chair and editor. 419 Main St., PMB #370 Your trusted servants, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Donna E., Publisher Catherine C., Editor Joe S., Subscriptions, distribution Phone: 866/536-4539 / Fax: 714/969-4493 The Twelve Steps of Nicotine Anonymous 1. We admitted we were powerless over nicotine— The Twelve Steps of that our lives had become unmanageable. 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than our- had become unmanageable. selves could restore us to sanity. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the to the care of God, as we understood Him. care of God, as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of human being the exact nature of our wrongs. character. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. defects of character. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became will- 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. ing to make amends to them all. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. became willing to make amends to them all. 10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever pos- wrong, promptly admitted it. sible, except when to do so would injure them or 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our con- others. scious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only 10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we were wrong, promptly admitted it. we tried to carry this message to other alcoholics and to 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve practice these principles in all our affairs. our conscious contact with God as we understood The Twelve Steps reprinted and adapted here with the permission of Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Permission to reprint and and the power to carry it out. adapt the Twelve Steps does not mean that A.A. is affiliated with this 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of program. A.A. is a program of recovery from —use of the Twelve Steps in connection with programs and activities which are these steps, we tried to carry this message to other patterned after A.A., but which address other problems, does not nicotine users and to practice these principles in all imply otherwise. The original Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous our affairs. are reprinted above.

2 Seven Minutes From the Chair . . . Kent B., Phoenix, Arizona

y name is Kent B., and I’m zona home group meeting one I was humbled to be asked to Ma nicotine addict. Saturday evening, making a pot perform any form of service, The first time I heard myself of coffee, or putting literature small or large, and to leave the say those words aloud, I didn’t on a table, I did what I felt was results of that service to my really know their meaning. I safe and comfortable. Someone Higher Power. thought I just had a bad smok- called it “service to the still suf- Service is intentionally the last ing habit that I wanted some fering addict.” It felt rewarding of the Twelve Steps, my sponsor help to break. I had tried so to do something that someone reminds me, because there’s many times to “just say no” to else found useful, but I wasn’t much personal repair work to be cigarettes, even took a quit- really saving any lives! So I done in preparation to be of smoking class and underwent a moved along to volunteering to much use to others (including series of special injections. After read the Steps or the dispelling that grandiose all, what was so difficult about Traditions, and notion that it is I, and ending an unwanted bad habit? later, to chair the only I, who can As I sat through a few more entire meeting. restore the uni- meetings, I began to learn that I was en- verse of nicotine I was powerless over something trusted with addicts to san- in the cigarettes, that it was nico- a key to the ity!). Whether tine I was struggling to shake. church where service takes a And once I understood that we held the simple form like nicotine was actually a drug, it meeting. When putting out chairs became all too clear to me . . . I the home group before a meeting, or was addicted to nicotine . . . I am held its annual elec- a more complex form, a nicotine addict. tion, I became its trea- like filling an office at the That was almost thirteen years surer. Still, I knew of not one World Services level, it is still ago. Since then, I have just not human life spared a horrible essential to every addict’s full put any nicotine into my body, nicotine death due to anything recovery. Our primary purpose got myself to meetings of Nico- I had done through my service. remains to offer support to oth- tine Anonymous, worked the I sponsored others, attended ers who seek to gain freedom twelve steps with a sponsor, and Nicotine Anonymous World Ser- from the addictive drug, nico- tried to help others if I could. vices conferences, became our tine. When I neared assuming Today, I serve as the current state intergroup treasurer, and the role of Chair for World Ser- chair of Nicotine Anonymous signed on as the World Services’ vices at our conference in Berke- World Services. Wednesday e-mail servant. In ley, in April, I realized When I first heard about the 1999, when my area was I was prepared to serve. The Twelfth Step, I assumed it would selected to host the following journey of service began many mean, for me, “carrying the year’s World Services confer- years ago with a simple sharing message” by clutching lives ence, more of my time and of myself to another at a meet- from the very edge of death energy went into “trying to ing. Like those who came before through some dramatic inter- carry the message.” But, by me, I now have the opportu- vention on a smoke-filled hos- then, the searching for some nity—and responsibility—to pital ward for chronic, hopeless sign to validate that my per- give back on a global level. I’ll smokers. But service has turned sonal service must lead to the do my best, mindful of that out to be much more of a slow miracle of life for some victim imaginary bumper sticker . . . journey. From simply greeting on the verge of virtual self- “Have YOU Done Your Service a newcomer at my Phoenix, Ari- destruction, had finally left me. Today?”

Seven Minutes 3 Summary Report of the April 27–29, 2001 Berkeley, California

t is with a sincere sigh of relief and a not stress the importance of getting a heart, Roger F. requested that our by- Iprayer of gratitude that I have the copy of the tapes and listening to what laws committee attempt to amend our privilege of writing to you, the mem- was said during these reports. Your bylaws to create a new position on the bers and friends of our fellowship. The Board serves you, the fellowship, and Board—Vice Chair. He observed that Chair Emeritus is responsible for writ- we are accountable to you for our deci- the chair position, as it is currently ing a brief summary of the events that sions and activities. As the Emeritus defined, is overwhelming and will occurred during our time together at Chair I have to say that your Board become hard to fill in the future if we Conference XVI in California. On Fri- consists of some of the most highly don’t restructure our Board. I could not day afternoon your NAWS Board met motivated, honorable people I have agree with him more. to take care of World Service business ever known. They are also grossly over- The following items were brought and to make final preparations for the paid. The blessings that we receive to the floor and tabled until Sunday. conference. The major item we exam- being of service to you far outweigh the (Delegates and Intergroups will be receiv- ined was the incredible amount of work incredible amount of work that is ing full copies of the conference minutes our trusted servant Joe S. did in mov- expected from us. The rewards of love, and if you really want to know the details, ing our remote office service from Har- gratitude, and fellowship, are truly members can ask their delegate or the risburg, PA to Huntington Beach, CA. worth it. My reward, for example, was board members for a copy. As I mentioned The logistical problems he overcame learning how to ask for and accept hel. above, the tapes are the best and most were breathtaking and the most excit- It has been a key component in mov- accurate way to hear what was said dur- ing part was his report that all of the ing my personal recovery process for- ing the meetings.) backlogged orders, requests, etc. were ward in a tangible way. Volunteerism, I. A motion was presented to add Absti- caught up and current. He was quick although not fashionable in this day nence Wording to all of our literature. to point out that he had the help of and age, has rewards that only volun- II. Nominations were made for Treasurer, several other folks, especially Jan F. who teers can understand. Secretary and Chair and held open until dedicated several weekends to stuffing Aside from the above plug for ser- Sunday morning. envelopes and filling orders. At this vice, our morning time also high- III. Bids for the 2003 Conference were not meeting we also passed a motion to lighted several pieces of hard work by forthcoming but nominations were held ascertain how many issues of Seven Min- our committee chairs. Robin L. our open until Sunday. utes were not delivered to our sub- Book coordinator did a pile of work on scribers and that the subscriptions due our Book. She also presented the con- Saturday afternoon was dedicated dates be moved forward appropriately ference and therefore the fellowship to workshops on the Book, Outreach, On Friday night, we had our Grati- with the opportunity to consider gen- Traditions writing, Literature Devel- tude Meeting. I was only able to open der changes to our Book as well as to opment and a new book of Daily Med- the meeting but did buy a copy of the our Steps and Traditions. You will be itations. A major thank you to the conference tapes so Karen and I could hearing more about these forward chairs of those workshops and those enjoy the sharing in the future. Satur- thinking ideas in the future. Martha K. who attended and contributed their day morning we began the official pro- and our Web Servant, Bill H. did an experience, strength and hope. A final ceedings of the conference. A quorum outstanding job, in updating our World summary meeting was held at the end of qualified delegates was confirmed Wide Meeting List. They designed and to recapitulate the items discussed. and we moved into the various Busi- implemented Web-based methods of Saturday night was our traditional ness Reports. This time is spent bring- updating the list and keeping the most banquet night. The special guest ing the fellowship at large up to date current information on our web site, speakers far outclassed the delicious on the various tasks that your Board where people can access it easily. Now, food. Our first speaker, Barbara D. was has been handling on your behalf. Any if only folks would let us know when from my neck of the woods, Long items that needed ratification by the meetings close, we would have an Island. Her story was heartfelt and gen- delegates are also presented. Motions accurate picture of when and where uine. Following Barbara was an old are made and tabled until Sunday meetings can be found on a world- favorite of mine, Nicholas V. from the morning for voting. For those of you wide basis. Maybe someday. . . . In area. I first met Nicholas who were not at the conference I can- another area near and dear to my on Long Island when we hosted the

4 Seven Minutes NAWS Conference XVI Chair Emeritus Scott J., Riverhead, New York quarterly board meeting in my office The voting process was closed with undone. In most cases they picked up space. He was the Active Chairperson the Prayer of Jabez and the Serenity the ball where I dropped it and helped at that time and a worker of miracles, Prayer, led by John N. From there we me get through the year. I have to give from my point of view. He, shared proceeded to our Spirituality Breakfast my highest thanks to Martha K. She with us history, humor, experience, with more fantastic food and a spirit- ended up serving an extra term cov- strength, and hope. In addition he filled talk by Jay N. from the Bay Area. ering items that I just could not get expressed his desire to once again help At this point the conference officially to. I will always be grateful for her our fellowship with his time and tal- ended and the newly formed Board met humble and thorough back up. Joe S. ents in the LA area. We welcome his for the first time. We met each other, is next up to bat. He saw a problem commitment and rejoice in being able exchanged addresses and worked out with our remote office service and to work with him again. where and when we would meet for instead of complaining about it he has Sunday morning was my personal our quarterly meetings. The plans are become the main part of the solution. waterloo. I had not been able to pre- as follows: July 21—Southern Califor- Kent B. stood next to me and said he pare for the wrinkles nia, October 20— would help me with the chair respon- and nuances of Phoenix area, January sibilities. He encouraged me with an Robert’s Rules of 10th—deep in the immortal phrase that I now remind Order that applied to heart of Texas, March him about. When things seem to be our voting processes. 16 for the Teleconfer- falling through the cracks, don’t worry, I want to thank John ence and our next the really important ones will find a N. for walking me World Service Confer- way to “bubble back up to the top!” through that ardu- ence on April 19— And so they do! Jack R. will always ous task, literally on 21st in Brooklyn, NY. inspire me to remember that our fel- the fly. The following voting items I point out these dates because if you lowship is built on traditions with his were untabled and voted on as follows: can join us at any of these locations, ageless wisdom. Annette’s stability will we would be VERY pleased to have you. remind me of my rock from Sedona. I. The motion to add the “definition of The board meetings are not secret and (“Get a piece of the rock.”) Michelle abstinence” wording to all of our litera- we welcome members of the fellowship and Donna will make me think of ture was voted down. to give us your input. That is one rea- dueling laptops. And then there is Jen- II. A motion to change the references in the son we try meet in different places nifer. I thank her for her minutes Book from “smoking” to the “use of nico- around the country. The other reason which I used to create this summary tine,” where appropriate, was approved. is to save on airfares by meeting where for you. Had she not produced such III. Voting for Officers: our new Treasurer is we can save some trips and where host wonderful detailed minutes of the con- Ramona F. from the Bay Area. Our new intergroups can provide us with places ference I would not have been able to Secretary is Kate W. from Texas, and our to meet and stay. summarize them for you. new Chair is Jan F. from Southern Cali- I want to offer my thanks to the I also want to thank former WS fornia. This is the first time that an all- truly fantastic people that I have had Chair Ed T. and his able committee female board has been elected to World the privilege to serve with during my from Northern California for produc- Services. I have great faith that this new year as the active chair. It is because ing such a seamless conference. Thanks crew of officers will do a fantastic job in of these people that I did not resign to his expertise and the dedication of bringing our fellowship forward into the back in September, during my hon- his fellow committee members, we not new century! eymoon in Sedona, Arizona. They only got our business done, but actu- IV.I spoke earlier about that Nicholas V.fellow. promised me their dedication and sup- ally enjoyed ourselves in the process. He is already getting the service ball rolling port during a very challenging time Ed—you finally got your conference! in his typical energetic style: our 2003 con- and they came through. Although I Thanks for your dedication and dili- ference will be held in the Los Angeles or didn’t get half of the things done that gence in bringing us to you. Santa Monica area. I wonder if they could I wanted to do, they never criticized May our Higher Power continue to throw in a very minor earthquake if we me or made me feel worse than I Bless us all richly! promised not to ~shake~ too much! already did when I had things left Peace, Scott

Seven Minutes 5 Mark Your Calendars! NICA WORLD SERVICES CONFERENCE XVII “Life, Liberty and Recovery” Brooklyn Heights, New York April 19–21, 2002

Please join us at the Marriott, a few blocks from the Brooklyn Bridge. Friday evening begins with the traditional gratitude meeting. The weekend proceeds with officer elections, workshops, speaker’s banquet dinner, sunrise meeting, spirituality breakfast, selection of our 2003 conference site and a fellowship filled with life, liberty and recovery.

New York is a helluva town! For those who are coming early or staying late, downtown Brooklyn and nearby Manhattan are loaded with attractions. Eat in internationally famous restaurants and ascend to the heights of the Empire State Building. From strolling along Brooklyn’s Promenade to ferrying across to Lady Liberty/Ellis Island, to the nightlife of Broadway, New York has a lot to offer its visitors.

Look for registrations forms forthcoming!

Plan to attend in 2002!

6 Seven Minutes Other Resources Letter from the Editor The following are resources that may be of Catherine C., Berkeley, California interest to Nicotine Anonymous members. This list is provided as a service only. Nico- tine Anonymous is not affiliated with, nor ello! My name is Catherine organization: the issues that are does it necessarily endorse, the activities of Hand I’m addicted to nico- dealt with at the conferences any of the individuals or entities listed tine, and I’m the new editor of and at the board meetings. Your below. Seven Minutes. I want to thank board members work for you The Other Resources list may contain only all the previous editors of this and are elected by delegates materials. It must be officer approved and newsletter, the latest being from your home groups. Find added to the Policies and Procedures, and Donna E., for their excellent out what’s being discussed, and will be maintained by the secretary-elect. work producing this newsletter, let them know how you feel. and all of you who have written Audiotapes in and shared your incredibly Book of Meditations Glenn K. Audiotapes uplifting stories. You may be aware that one of 28 Viola Drive I also want to take this oppor- the projects that is being worked Glen Cove, NY 11542-3322 tunity to let you know on is a book of daily meditations 516/676-6328 or 516/257-TAPE how excited I am about taking for NicA. You have probably seen Glenn K. carries audiotapes of Nicotine on this service and that I look these books in your local book- Anonymous World Services conference forward to producing a newslet- stores. They are full of inspiring speakers, gratitude meetings and business ter that is of interest to the entire thoughts and meditations for meetings. membership. To each day of the do that I need year. You are Chips God, grant me the your help. encouraged to Pioneer Club Supply Please share serenity to accept submit your own 5252 Mission Street your stories, the things I cannot meditations and , CA 94112 your poems, prayers that are 415/469-5444 your drawings, change, courage to and have been Fax: 415/469-9314 and informa- change the things helpful to you tion on events in your recov- I can, and the KISS that are hap- ery. This book 5353 C East Princess Ann Rd. pening in your wisdom to know will take shape Norfolk, Virginia 23502 area that are and reflect the the difference. 757/855-1119 open to all thoughts and Fax: 757/855-6181 members. feelings of those E-mail: Steve at [email protected] Please e-mail me at (pre- favorite meditations. It will also Crossroads Books ferred) or if you don’t have hopefully be helpful to those 1196 East Walnut e-mail, send your submissions addicts who are desperately try- Pasadena, CA 91106 to Seven Minutes, c/o NAWSO, ing to stay off nicotine. Be a part 616/795-8722 419 Main St., PMB #370 of that! Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Look elsewhere in On another note, I want to this newsletter for encourage you to share your news and views on copy of Seven Minutes with oth- the conference. Your Subscription ers in your groups, and to This is your Because you did not receive the Volume XII, encourage them to subscribe to newsletter and a the newsletter. This is the voice vital resource for all Issue No. 1 of Seven Minutes, your subscription of Nicotine Anonymous World members of Nico- Service Organization, and a place tine Anonymous! I has been extended to include one free issue. to find out what’s happening look forward to your with Nicotine Anonymous as an input.

Seven Minutes 7 Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison—Continued Statement of Cash Flows

Jan–Dec 00 Jan–Dec 99 $ Change % Change January through December 2000 6510 · Public Outreach 0.00 345.00 –345.00 –100.0% Jan–Dec 00 6540 · WW Mtg List/ OPERATING ACTIVITIES Group Mailing 0.00 1,843.89 –1,843.89 –100.0% Net Income 12,085.88 Total 6500 · Projects 918.16 2,973.28 –2,055.12 –69.12% Adjustments to reconcile Net Income 6900 · Travel & Mtg Exp–Board to net cash provided by operations: 6820 · Conference Calls 324.30 194.89 129.41 66.4% 1205 · Advances to Conference 750.00 6920 · Meals 25.39 34.80 –9.41 –27.04% 1120 · Inventory Asset 2,914.15 6940 · Board Transportation 10,478.24 6,059.04 4,419.20 72.94% 1350 · Prepaid Expenses –284.76 Total 6900 · Travel & Mtg 2000 · Accounts Payable –2,245.82 Exp–Board 10,827.93 6,288.73 4,539.20 72.18% 2200 · Sales Tax Payable –191.52 Total 6700 · Board Expenses 11,746.09 9,262.01 2,484.08 26.82% Net cash provided by Operating Activities 13,027.93 6910 · Other Operating Expenses Net cash increase for period 13,027.93 Cash at beginning of period 36,566.62 6790 · Taxes Cash at end of period 49,594.55 6791 · Sales Tax 312.70 539.81 –227.11 –42.07% Total 6790 · Taxes 312.70 539.81 –227.11 –42.07% Total 6910 · Other Operating Expenses 312.70 539.81 –227.11 –42.07% The Nicotine Anonymous Total Expense 23,322.84 19,781.88 3,540.96 17.9% Conference Net Ordinary Income 10,831.73 15,185.76 –4,354.03 –28.67% Other Income/Expense Ani M., Berkeley, CA Other Income he Gratitude Meeting stands out above all else. 7010 · Interest Income 1,254.15 352.03 902.12 256.26% I heard my own story! The experience is inde- Total Other Income 1,254.15 352.03 902.12 256.26% T Net Other Income 1,254.15 352.03 902.12 256.26% scribable. Something opened inside me and I began Net Income 12,085.88 15,537.79 –3,451.91 –22.22% to forgive myself for all the years of hiding in the smoke and the rebellion that was supposed to serve Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison · As of December 31, 2000 me! And, I am not alone. I felt this just being at this wondrous con- Dec 31, 00 Dec 31, 99 $ Change % Change ASSETS ference but especially when I stood at the Current Assets podium to speak my gratitude to a room full Checking/Savings of similarly committed folks—some new friends 1000 A · Cash and Cash Equivalents 1000 · Wells Fargo Checking 3,550.27 5,653.94 –2,103.67 –37.2% and some old friends I had worked with planning 1030 · Fulton Deposit the conference. As I stood there listing all I was grate- Account 25,022.37 10,912.68 14,109.69 129.3% ful for, I realized I could safely sing my joy to this 1040 · Certificate of Deposit 21,021.91 20,000.00 1,021.91 5.1% wonderful group. I was saying that my singing voice Total 1000 A · Cash and Cash Equivalents 49,594.55 36,566.62 13,027.93 35.6% was really mine again without the smoke and then Total Checking/Savings 49,594.55 36,566.62 13,027.93 35.6% just started singing “What would you think if I sang Accounts Receivable out a tune” and I felt so good, so free. That meet- 1205 · Advances to Conference 0.00 750.00 –750.00 –100.0% ing filled me, taught me many new things. I will Total Accounts Receivable 0.00 750.00 –750.00 –100.0% never forget it. Other Current Assets 1120 · Inventory Asset 6,426.75 9,340.90 –2,914.15 –31.2% I will also never forget my experience at the work- 1350 · Prepaid Expenses 950.00 665.24 284.76 42.8% shop for the daily meditation book. There was such Total Other Current Assets 7,376.75 10,006.14 –2,629.39 –26.3% a big cooperation in this group of about 25 people. Total Current Assets 56,971.30 47,322.76 9,648.54 20.4% The grace of service filled the room. And the topic TOTAL ASSETS 56,971.30 47,322.76 9,648.54 20.4% LIABILITIES & EQUITY ideas just kept coming—it was great. This book is Liabilities going to be a wonderful group effort that I’m proud Current Liabilities to be a part of. We each committed to the Accounts Payable 2000 · Accounts Payable 1,697.58 3,943.40 –2,245.82 –57.0% number of pages we thought we could Total Accounts Payable 1,697.58 3,943.40 –2,245.82 –57.0% write and get from our home groups. Other Current Liabilities I felt so grateful to be part of this group, 2200 · Sales Tax Payable 515.41 706.93 –191.52 –27.1% this conference and this program. Total Other Current Liabilities 515.41 706.93 –191.52 –27.1% I was also so proud of my hometown as we hosted Total Current Liabilities 2,212.99 4,650.33 –2,437.34 –52.4% Total Liabilities 2,212.99 4,650.33 –2,437.34 –52.4% this celebration of smoke-free living. Getting to Equity know my home group people better through help- 3200 · Unrestricted Net Assets 42,672.43 42,672.43 0.00 0.0% ing to create the conference was and continues to 3900 · Retained Earnings 0.00 –15,537.79 15,537.79 100.0% be very important in my smoke-free life. Thank you Net Income 12,085.88 15,537.79 –3,451.91 –22.2% Total Equity 54,758.31 42,672.43 12,085.88 28.3% God for this opportunity! TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 56,971.30 47,322.76 9,648.54 20.4% A Letter to My Cigarettes Nicotine Anonymous World Service · Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison January through December 2000 Cathi A., 6 months smoke-free Jan–Dec 00 Jan–Dec 99 $ Change % Change Ordinary Income/Expense ur relationship was have a heart attack. They Income Omade solid when I both smoked. But still I 4000 · Donations was 18 and you con- couldn’t let you go. 4020 · Individual 4,389.05 2,608.73 1,780.32 68.25% vinced me I couldn’t live Gradually, I began to 4040 · Group 5,273.32 4,548.54 724.78 15.93% 4060 · Intergroup 2,409.51 464.76 1,944.75 418.44% without you. You said see how dangerous you Total 4000 · Donations 12,071.88 7,622.03 4,449.85 58.38% I’d be so cool. From that were. My lungs hurt, my 4100 · Literature Sales point on, you choreo- throat hurt, and I knew 4120 · Book Sales 21,809.11 25,881.49 –4,072.38 –15.74% graphed every step of you were killing me. 4140 · Pamphlet Sales 8,949.50 8,296.46 653.04 7.87% the dance that was my I guess I got to the 4160 · Seven Minutes Subscriptions 2,580.00 2,286.00 294.00 12.86% life. You did everything point where I couldn’t 4170 · Books on Tape Sales 700.00 1,230.00 –530.00 –43.09% for me, calmed my anx- let you destroy me any 4180 · Other Sales 308.46 280.25 28.21 10.07% ieties, soothed my wor- more and I walked away. 4190 · No Charge Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% ries and my loneliness, Painfully, yes. One 4201 · Sales Adjustments –268.39 –71.09 –197.30 277.54% helped me work and cre- autumn day, I said I will Total 4100 · Literature Sales 34,078.68 37,903.11 –3,824.43 –10.09% 4290 · Shipping & Handling 2,756.55 2,952.06 –195.51 –6.62% ate, took the edge off my be healthy again with 4299 · Conference Profit (Loss) 804.49 3,140.44 –2,335.95 –74.38% feelings. I thought you any luck. Why in the Total Income 49,711.60 51,617.64 –1,906.04 –3.69% were my friend; I loved world would I ever want Cost of Goods Sold having you around. I you in my life ever 5000 · COGS needed you more than again? 5020 · Books 3,294.35 4,234.25 –939.90 –22.2% 5030 · Path To Freedom 708.18 836.07 –127.89 –15.3% my work, my friends, or But now I have bro- 5040 · Pamphlets 3,624.25 3,006.08 618.17 20.56% my family. I needed you ken free from you and 5050 · Book on Tape 440.05 650.00 –209.95 –32.3% too much. You lied to am re-creating my life 5060 · Seven Minutes COGS me a million times and in a better and 5062 · Postage 986.88 748.26 238.62 31.89% 5064 · Printing 455.43 550.44 –95.01 –17.26% said it would be all right. healthier way. I Total 5060 · Seven You made me stand have friends Minutes COGS 1,442.31 1,298.70 143.61 11.06% out in the rain, raging who are 5070 · Starter Kits 375.00 392.00 –17.00 –4.34% wind, bitter cold, for- 5080 · Inventory Adjustment –160.96 241.25 –402.21 –166.72% saking comfort and Total 5000 · COGS 9,723.18 10,658.35 –935.17 –8.77% sanity. You embar- 5700 · Fulfillment 1,793.84 2,270.49 –476.65 –20.99% rassed me with 5710 · Storage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% your vile 5720 · Shipping 4,040.01 3,721.16 318.85 8.57% Total COGS 15,557.03 16,650.00 –1,092.97 –6.56% taste Gross Profit 34,154.57 34,967.64 –813.07 –2.33% and Expense smell, and in 6000 · Office Expenses the last days made me a also 6060 · Bank Service Charges 461.44 226.29 235.15 103.92% social outcast. You made saying 6230 · Legal & Professional 353.00 221.00 132.00 59.73% 6160 · Licenses and Permits 20.00 30.00 –10.00 –33.33% me endanger the health goodbye. I will be 6310 · Office Supplies, Etc 392.24 383.48 8.76 2.28% of the precious innocent reborn, stronger, cleaner, 6400 · Postage and Delivery 473.45 1,514.35 –1,040.90 –68.74% ones in my life with healthier. You owned 6450 · Printing and your dangerous smoke. me, but I am taking my Reproduction 141.65 323.21 –181.56 –56.17% You made me go soul and my life back. I 6600 · Rent 329.00 0.00 329.00 100.0% 6350 · Secretarial Service 7,964.15 6,596.52 1,367.63 20.73% where I didn’t want to am fighting as hard as I 6800 · Telephone go, and do things I know how. And I will 6840 · Office 615.67 486.98 128.69 26.43% didn’t want to do. You have my life back and 6860 · Servant 513.45 198.23 315.22 159.02% Total 6800 · Telephone 1,129.12 685.21 443.91 64.79% stole my health, my you will be a bad mem- Total 6000 · Office Expenses 11,264.05 9,980.06 1,283.99 12.87% strength,my life breath ory. I am stronger than I 6700 · Board Expenses and my freedom. have been in a long, 6500 · Projects And then you killed long time. Goodbye for- 6590 · Intergroup Contact 0.00 20.82 –20.82 –100.0% 6560 · Internet Expense 792.92 763.57 29.35 3.84% my father. And you ever. I have wings now, 6520 · New Book 125.24 0.00 125.24 100.0%

caused my husband to and I can fly. contnued on page 8 Seven Minutes PRSRT STAND NAWSO U.S. POSTAGE 419 Main St., PMB #370 P AID

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