Given and Names, in Parentheses, of Personal Representatives to Be Given
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be (Surname first) notices of claims Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given ENGLAND, John Ernest... 17 Lower St. Helens Road, Hedge End, South- Lloyds Bank Limited, Southampton Trust Branch, 18 High Street, Southampton 31st May 1978 ampton, Hants, Market Gardener (Retired). (050) 26th February 1978. GRAHAM, Robert 5 Maple Walk, Andover, Hampshire, Insurance Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, P.O. Box 9, 40 Chipper Lane, Salisbury, 22nd May 1978 Representative (Retired). 16th February Wiltshire, SP1 1BH. (051) 1978. RABJOHNS, Catherine ... Maryland Convent, Townsend Drive, St. Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, 16 King Street, Watford, Hertfordshire 19th May 1978 Albans, Hertfordshire, formerly 8 The (052) £? Larches, Long Lane, Hillingdon, Middlesex, Widow. 26th February 1978. BRADLEY, Cora May Waterhayne Cottage, Yarcombe, North Devon, Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, Duncan House, The Promenade, Clifton, 15th May 1978 O Dispensing Chemist Manageress (Retired). Bristol, BS8 3NF. (053) | 25th January 1978. § CONRIDGE, Victor Robert 162 Botany Road, Qiftonville, Margate, Kent, Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, Victory House, Castle Hill Avenue, 15th May 1978 Stock Exchange Clerk (Retired). 25th Feb- Folkestone, Kent. (054) O ruary 1978. N W BROWN, Daisy Primrose Peacehaven Nursing Home, 28 Gotham Park, A. E. Nichols, Strickland & Fletcher, 9 Queen Square, Bristol. (Royston Reginald 22nd May 1978 Gotham, Bristol, Widow. 21st February Bishop and Albert Edward Nichols.) (055) g 1978. i—i SHARPE, Wilfrid Harry ... 14 Derwent Street, Lincoln, Manager (Retired).
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