Monetary Policy and the Financial CHOICE Act
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NYU Stern White Paper Monetary Policy and the Financial CHOICE Act By Paul A. Wachtel The Financial CHOICE Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation that, if enacted, will eliminate many of the provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, thus changing the financial regulatory structure profoundly. The CHOICE Act will also affect the operations of the Federal Reserve and alter its ability to fulfill its core functions to conduct monetary policy and act as the lender of last resort. The focus on the Fed is not surprising, given the view taken by the writers of the CHOICE Act: “Dodd-Frank rewarded the governmental entity arguably most responsible for the financial crisis – the Federal Reserve – with expansive new regulatory powers, lending credence to the adage that at least in Washington, nothing succeeds like failure.”122 In this section, we discuss how the CHOICE Act affects the conduct of macroeconomic policy and the use of the lender of last resort facility. We conclude that the rules imposed and the oversight over the conduct of monetary policy will hamper the Fed’s ability to conduct monetary policy independent of political interference. The limits placed on the lender of last resort are likely to constrain the Fed’s ability to react quickly in a crisis situation to maintain financial stability. The CHOICE Act will make the Fed’s monetary policymaking less effective and will hamper its ability to respond to financial crises. 122 rehensive_outline.pdf The House Committee on Financial Services, Comprehensive summary of the act, p.56. 131 CHOICE Act vs. Dodd-Frank Background Central banks are venerable institutions with roots that date back almost 400 years. However, both the goals of central banks and the scope of their activity have changed dramatically over time. The Federal Reserve System is very different today from the institution that was created just over 100 years ago. The Federal Reserve emerged from one crisis, the Panic of 1907, and has been shaped by subsequent crises, the Great Depression and the recent financial crisis of 2007-2009. Today, the Fed is most closely associated with the conduct of monetary policy—a role that simply did not exist 100 years ago. The main goal of the Fed, at the time of its founding, was to provide financial stability (“furnish an elastic currency” in the words of the legislation), and its principal tool was discounting or lending to the banking system. The Fed’s role in making macroeconomic monetary policy developed after World War II, as policymakers and the economics profession began to understand the potency of changes in interest rate and credit aggregates. The Employment Act of 1946 added the goal of “maximum employment” to the traditional goal of price stability, thus creating the Fed’s “dual mandate.”123 By the end of the 20th century, the Fed was primarily associated with its macroeconomic policy role, although it continued to have significant regulatory responsibilities. Traditional thinking about central bank functions is usually associated with the 19th century British journalist, Walter Bagehot, who articulated the idea that a central bank should act as the lender of last resort to the financial system. By providing liquidity, the central bank can prevent crises and preserve stability. The lending functions of the Federal Reserve diminished in importance 123 The dual mandate was implicit in the Employment Act and spelled out in 1977 legislation that gave the Fed the mandate to “promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates” (that makes three mandates but the last is usually subsumed into the first two). 132 NYU Stern White Paper through the latter half of the 20th century.124 However, the financial crisis of 2007-2009 brought a renewed emphasis on the Federal Reserve as the lender of last resort and on its role in using its lending to ensure that financial institutions are safe and the financial system is stable. Financial stability became the Fed’s implicit third mandate. Central bank lending in a crisis is controversial because the central bank should not be engaged in the bailout of insolvent institutions. The lender of last resort facility exists to support solvent but illiquid institutions. The facility would be less useful if there were stigma attached to the borrower. Access to the lender of last resort by insolvent institutions introduces an element of moral hazard, as banks would count on a bailout facility being available. Further, lending to an insolvent borrower does not end its need for support, and it can subordinate private creditors in any bankruptcy. These concerns were clear to Bagehot years ago, but are hard to maintain in contemporary crisis situations where it can be difficult to determine whether an institution is insolvent or merely illiquid. As a result, a 21st century central bank has three complex and closely related functions: (i) setting monetary policy to attain its goals of price stability and maximum sustainable growth; (ii) providing a lender of last resort facility to financial institutions, which leads to an involvement with regulation and supervision; and (iii) maintaining the stability of the financial system as a whole. This broad remit and the high expectations of success place the Fed under intense scrutiny. 124 The eminent monetary historian, Anna J. Schwartz, concluded in 1992 that “A Federal Reserve System without the discount window would be a better functioning institution,” p.68, “The Misuse of the Fed’s Discount Window,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Review, September/October 1992. The Fed did not follow her advice but took several steps in the 1990s to strengthen the discount window and encourage bank borrowing. 133 CHOICE Act vs. Dodd-Frank The CHOICE Act is a reaction to the expanded role of the Fed over time. Monetary policy became the principle tool of macroeconomic management since the Volcker and Greenspan Feds tamed inflation. Fed lending and regulatory actions took center stage during the financial crisis. As a principal player with a degree of independence, the Fed attracts criticism from all quarters. Critics find it easy to blame this powerful institution for all that is wrong with the economy and the financial sector and are eager to place it under tight control. The CHOICE Act pretends to introduce greater clarity to the role of the Fed and its conduct of monetary policy, but in reality, it shifts control over the central bank to Congress. The CHOICE Act goes much further than earlier legislation, which set out broad goals or objectives for the central bank—the dual mandate of monetary policy. The legislation specifies exactly how policy should be determined and conducted. As a result, it contradicts a tenet of modern central banking that is universally supported: the independence of the central bank to conduct monetary policy.125 This independence is valued for three reasons, all linked to the problem of time consistency (the incentive for a policymaker to renege on a long-term commitment). • It insulates policymaking from political cycles and the temptation to pump up economic activity in advance of an election.126 125 For a central banker’s explanation of the importance of the Fed’s independence, see Timothy Geithner, “Perspectives on Monetary Policy and Central Banking,” March 30, 2005, a speech given at Central Bank of Brazil, a country that has suffered the consequences of non-independence . See also, the empirical evidence in the Annual Report, 2009 of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, bank-independence-and-inflation 126 Of course, even an independent central banker might be subverted by politics. Board Chairman Arthur Burns has been criticized for the role that the Fed played in the 1972 re-election of Richard Nixon. 134 NYU Stern White Paper • Central bank independence protects against the age-old temptation that governments have to finance their activities by printing money. • Independence gives the central bank the ability to ignore criticism and maintain policies that are consistent with its long-run objectives of stable prices and sustainable growth. That is, central bank independence promotes policy credibility, which helps keep inflation expectations low without sacrificing long-run economic growth. Indeed, central bank independence has relevance beyond the conduct of monetary policy. The lender of last resort function that is needed to maintain financial stability is essentially a banking function. The central bank is lending to a customer, and just like any bank, it needs to know its customers. Thus, the central bank has a role in bank supervision partly because it should be familiar with the condition of its potential loan customers. Further, the Fed should be able to maintain some secrecy regarding lending so that solvent banks that access the discount window are not stigmatized or subject to runs. To conduct its banking functions, particularly in a crisis, the Fed needs to operate independently and out of the public eye. Central bank independence does not mean that it should be unaccountable or free from scrutiny. Accountability and transparency are also important objectives, but the mechanisms for achieving these goals should not and need not interfere with the ability to make policy. The CHOICE Act crosses the line between legislative oversight and the central bank’s ability to independently pursue its mandate. These issues are not new. Populist attacks on the Fed have been around for years, and there have been many legislative efforts to rein in the central bank. We will examine a few earlier efforts where Congress passed legislation that affected the Fed’s operations and goals.