Efficient Methods for Inferring Large Sparse Topic Hierarchies

Doug Downey, Chandra Sekhar Bhagavatula, Yi Yang Electrical Engineering and Northwestern University [email protected], csb,yiyang @u.northwestern.edu { }

Abstract have focused on “flat” topic models such as LDA. Flat topic models over large topic spaces are prone Latent variable topic models such as La- to overfitting: even in a Web-scale corpus, some tent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) can dis- words are expressed rarely, and many documents cover topics from text in an unsupervised are brief. Inferring a large topic distribution for fashion. However, scaling the models up each word and document given such sparse data to the many distinct topics exhibited in is challenging. As a result, LDA models in prac- modern corpora is challenging. “Flat” tice tend to consider a few thousand topics at most, topic models like LDA have difficulty even when training on billions of words (Mimno et modeling sparsely expressed topics, and al., 2012). richer hierarchical models become compu- A promising alternative to flat topic models is tationally intractable as the number of top- found in recent hierarchical topic models (Paisley ics increases. et al., 2015; Blei et al., 2010; Li and McCallum, In this paper, we introduce efficient meth- 2006; Wang et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2013; Ahmed ods for inferring large topic hierarchies. et al., 2013). Topics of words and documents can Our approach is built upon the Sparse be naturally arranged into hierarchies. For exam- Backoff Tree (SBT), a new prior for la- ple, an article on the topic of the Chicago Bulls is tent topic distributions that organizes the also relevant to the more general topics of NBA, latent topics as leaves in a tree. We show Basketball, and Sports. Hierarchies can combat how a document model based on SBTs data sparsity: if data is too sparse to place the can effectively infer accurate topic spaces term “Pau Gasol” within the Chicago Bulls topic, of over a million topics. We introduce a perhaps it can be appropriately modeled at some- collapsed sampler for the model that ex- what less precision within the Basketball topic. A ploits sparsity and the tree structure in or- hierarchical model can make fine-grained distinc- der to make inference efficient. In exper- tions where data is plentiful, and back-off to more iments with multiple data sets, we show coarse-grained distinctions where data is sparse. that scaling to large topic spaces results in However, current hierarchical models are hindered much more accurate models, and that SBT by computational complexity. The existing infer- document models make use of large topic ence methods for the models have runtimes that spaces more effectively than flat LDA. increase at least linearly with the number of top- ics, making them intractable on large corpora with 1 Introduction large numbers of topics. Latent variable topic models, such as Latent In this paper, we present a hierarchical topic Dirichlet Allocation (Blei et al., 2003), are popu- model that can scale to large numbers of dis- lar approaches for automatically discovering top- tinct topics. Our approach is built upon a new ics in document collections. However, learning prior for latent topic distributions called a Sparse models that capture the large numbers of distinct Backoff Tree (SBT). SBTs organize the latent top- topics expressed in today’s corpora is challenging. ics as leaves in a tree, and smooth the distribu- While efficient methods for learning large topic tions for each topic with those of similar top- models have been developed (Li et al., 2014; Yao ics nearby in the tree. SBT priors use absolute et al., 2009; Porteous et al., 2008), these methods discounting and learned backoff distributions for

774 Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 774–784, Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015. c 2015 Association for Computational Linguistics smoothing sparse observation counts, rather than The Pachinko Allocation Model (PAM) intro- the fixed additive discounting utilized in Dirichlet duced by Li & McCallum (Li and McCallum, and Chinese Restaurant Process models. We show 2006) is a general approach for modeling corre- how the SBT’s characteristics enable a novel col- lations among topic variables in latent variable lapsed sampler that exploits the tree structure for models. Hierarchical organizations of topics, as efficiency, allowing SBT-based document models in SBT, can be considered as a special case of a (SBTDMs) that scale to hierarchies of over a mil- PAM, in which inference is particularly efficient. lion topics. We show that our model is much more efficient We perform experiments in text modeling and than an existing PAM topic modeling implemen- hyperlink prediction, and find that SBTDM is tation in Section 5. more accurate compared to LDA and the re- Hu and Boyd-Graber (2012) present a method cent nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (nHDP) for augmenting a with known hier- (Paisley et al., 2015). For example, SBTDMs archical correlations between words (taken from with a hundred thousand topics achieve perplex- e.g. WordNet synsets). By contrast, our focus ities 28-52% lower when compared with a stan- is on automatically learning a hierarchical orga- dard LDA configuration using 1,000 topics. We nization of topics from data, and we demonstrate verify that the empirical time complexity of in- that this technique improves accuracy over LDA. ference in SBTDM increases sub-linearly in the Lastly, SparseLDA (Yao et al., 2009) is a method number of topics, and show that for large topic that improves the efficiency of inference in LDA spaces SBTDM is more than an order of magni- by only generating portions of the sampling distri- tude more efficient than the hierarchical Pachinko bution when necessary. Our collapsed sampler for Allocation Model (Mimno et al., 2007) and nHDP. SBTDM utilizes a related intuition at each level of Lastly, we release an implementation of SBTDM the tree in order to enable fast inference. as open-source software.1 3 Sparse Backoff Trees 2 Previous Work In this section, we introduce the Sparse Backoff The intuition in SBTDM that topics are naturally Tree, which is a prior for a multinomial distribu- arranged in hierarchies also underlies several other tion over a latent variable. We begin with an ex- models from previous work. Paisley et al. (2015) ample showing how an SBT transforms a set of introduce the nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Pro- observation counts into a probability distribution. cess (nHDP), which is a tree-structured generative Consider a latent variable topic model of text doc- model of text that generalizes the nested Chinese uments, similar to LDA (Blei et al., 2003) or pLSI Restaurant Process (nCRP) (Blei et al., 2010). (Hofmann, 1999). In the model, each token in a Both the nCRP and nHDP model the tree struc- document is generated by first sampling a discrete ture as a random variable, defined over a flexi- latent topic variable Z from a document-specific ble (potentially infinite in number) topic space. topic distribution, and then sampling the token’s However, in practice the infinite models are trun- word type from a multinomial conditioned on Z. cated to a maximal size. We show in our experi- We will focus on the document’s distribution ments that SBTDM can scale to larger topic spaces over topics, ignoring the details of the word types and achieve greater accuracy than nHDP. To our for illustration. We consider a model with 12 knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate a latent topics, denoted as integers from the set hierarchical topic model that scales to more than 1,..., 12 . Assume we have assigned latent { } one million topics, and to show that the larger topic values to five tokens in the document, specif- models are often much more accurate than smaller ically the topics 1, 4, 4, 5, 12 . We indicate the { } models. Similarly, compared to other recent hi- number of times topic value z has been selected as erarchical models of text and other data (Petinot nz (Figure 1). et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2013; Given the five observations, the key question Ahmed et al., 2013; Ho et al., 2010), our focus is faced by the model is: what is the topic distribu- on scaling to larger data sets and topic spaces. tion over a sixth topic variable from the same doc- 1http://websail.cs.northwestern.edu/ ument? In the case of the Dirichlet prior utilized projects/sbts/ for the topic distribution in LDA, the probability

775  = 0.24

 = 0.36  = 0.36

 = 0.30  = 0.30  = 0.30  = 0.30

9 10 11 12 z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

nz = 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 P(Z|S, n)  0.46 0.36 0.36 1.56 0.56 0.46 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.24 0.24 0.34

Figure 1: An example Sparse Backoff Tree over 12 latent variable values. that the sixth topic variable has value z is propor- tion counts are zero in each case. In LDA, top- tional to nz + α, where α is a hyperparameter of ics six and eight would have equal pseudo-counts the model. (proportional to α).

SBT differs from LDA in that it organizes the 3.1 Definitions topics into a tree structure in which the topics are Z leaves (see Figure 1). In this paper, we assume Let be a discrete random variable that takes inte- ger values in the set 1,...,L . Z is drawn from a the tree structure, like the number of latent top- { } θ ics, is manually selected in advance. With an SBT multinomial parameterized by a vector of length L prior, the estimate of the probability of a topic z . is increased when nearby topics in the tree have Definition 1 A Sparse Backoff Tree positive counts. Each interior node a of the SBT SBT ( , δθ,Q(z)) for the discrete random T has a discount δ associated with it. The SBT variable Z consists of a rooted tree containing a T transforms the observation counts nz into pseudo- L leaves, one for each value of Z; a coefficient counts (shown in the last row in the figure) by δ > 0 for each interior node a of ; and a a T subtracting δa from each non-zero descendent of backoff distribution Q(z). each interior node a, and re-distributing the sub- Figure 1 shows an example SBT. The example tracted value uniformly among the descendants of includes simplifications we also utilize in our ex- a. For example, the first state has a total of 0.90 periments, namely that all nodes at a given depth subtracted from its initial count n1 = 1, and then in the tree have the same number of children and receives 0.30/3 from its parent, 1.08/6 from its the same δ value. However, the inference tech- grandparent, and 0.96/12 from the root node for niques we present in Section 4 are applicable to a total pseudo-count of 0.46. The document’s dis- any tree and set of coefficients δa . tribution over a sixth topic variable is then propor- T { } For a given SBT S, let ∆S(z) indicate the sum tional to these pseudo-counts. of all δa values for all ancestors a of leaf node z When each document tends to discuss a set of (i.e., all interior nodes on the path from the root to related topics, the SBT prior will assign a higher z). For example, in the figure, ∆S(z) = 0.90 for likelihood to the data when related topics are lo- all z. This amount is the total absolute discount cated nearby in the tree. Thus, by inferring latent that the SBT applies to the random variable value variable values to maximize likelihood, nearby z. leaves in the tree will come to represent related We define the SBT prior implicitly in terms of topics. SBT, unlike LDA, encodes the intuition the posterior distribution it induces on a random that a topic becomes more likely in a document variable Z drawn from a multinomial θ with an that also discusses other, related topics. In the SBT prior, after θ is integrated out. Let the vector example, the pseudo-count the SBT produces for n = [n1, . . . , nL] denote the sufficient statistics topic six (which is related to other topics that oc- for any given observations drawn from θ, where nz cur in the document) is almost three times larger is the number of times value z has been observed. than that of topic eight, even though the observa- Then, the distribution over a subsequent draw of Z

776 given SBT prior S and observations n is defined P (Z θ ), and then sampling w from the multino- | d as: mial P (W Z, φ ). | z The SBTDM is the same as LDA, with one P (Z = z S, n) (1) | ≡ significant difference. In LDA, the parameters θ max(nz ∆S(z), 0) + B(S, z, n)Q(z) and φ are sampled from two Dirichlet priors, with − K(S, i ni) separate hyperparameters α and β. In SBTDM, the parameters are instead sampled from particu- K(S, n ) P where i i is a normalizing constant that lar SBT priors. Specifically, the generative model ensures the distribution sums to one for any fixed P is: number of observations ni, and B(S, z, n) and i θ Q(z) are defined as below. θ SBT ( , δ ,Qθ(z) = 1/T ) P ∼ T φ The quantity B(S, z, n) expresses how much of φ0 SBT ( , δ ,Q (z) = P ∗(z)) ∼ T φ the discounts from all other leaves z0 contribute to λ Dirichlet(α0) the probability of z. For an interior node a, let ∼ Z θ Discrete(θ) desc(a) indicate the number of leaves that are de- | ∼ + W z, φ0, λ Discrete(λφ0 /P (z φ0)) scendants of a, and let desc (a) indicate the num- | ∼ .,z | ber of leaf descendants z of a that have non-zero The variable φ0 represents the distribution of values nz. Then the contribution of the discount topics given words, P (Z W ). The SBTDM sam- | δa of node a to each of its descendent leaves is ples a distribution φw0 over topics for each word + b(a, n) = δadesc (a)/desc(a). We then define type w in the vocabulary (of size V ). In SBTDM, B(S, z, n) to be the sum of b(a, n) over all inte- the random variable φw0 has dimension L, rather rior nodes a on the path from the root to z. than V for φz as in LDA. We also draw a prior The function Q(z) is a backoff distribution. It word frequency distribution, λ = λ for each { w} allows the portion of the discount probability mass word w. 2 We then apply Bayes Rule to obtain that is allocated to z to vary with a proposed dis- the conditional distributions P (W Z, φ ) required | 0 tribution Q(z). This is useful because in practice for inference. The expression λφ /P (z φ ) de- .,z0 | 0 the SBT is used as a prior for a conditional distri- notes the normalized element-wise product of two bution, for example the distribution P (Z w) over vectors of length V : the prior distribution λ over | topic Z given a word w in a topic model of text. In words, and the vector of probabilities P (z w) = | that case, an estimate of P (Z w) for a rare word φ over words w for the given topic z. | w,z0 w may be improved by “mixing in” the marginal The SBT priors for φ0 and θ share the same tree topic distribution Q(z) = P (Z = z), analogous structure , which is fixed in advance. The SBTs T to backoff techniques in language modeling. Our have different discount factors, denoted by the hy- document model described in the following sec- perparameters δθ and δφ. Finally, the backoff dis- tion utilizes two different Q functions, one uni- tribution for θ is uniform, whereas φ’s backoff dis- form (Q(z) = 1/T ) and another related to the tribution P ∗ is defined below. marginal topic distribution P (z). 4.1 Backoff distribution P ∗(z) 4 The SBT Document Model SBTDM requires choosing a backoff distribution P (z) φ We now present the SBT document model, a prob- ∗ for 0. As we now show, it is possible to P (z) abilistic latent variable model of text documents select a natural backoff distribution ∗ that en- that utilizes SBT priors. We then provide a col- ables scalable inference. n P (z) lapsed sampler for the model that exploits the tree Given a set of observations , we will set ∗ proportional to P (z Sφ, n). This is a recursive structure to make inference more efficient. | definition, because P (z Sφ, n) depends on P (z). Our document model follows the Latent Dirich- | ∗ let Allocation (LDA) Model (Blei et al., 2003), il- Thus, we define: w lustrated graphically in Figure 2 (left). In LDA, w max(nz ∆S(z), 0) P ∗(z) − φ (2) a corpus of documents is generated by sampling ≡ C Bw(S , z, n) P − w a topic distribution θ for each document d, and 2 d The word frequency distributionP does not impact the in- also a distribution over words φz for each topic. ferred topics (because words are always observed), and in our Then, in document d each token w is generated experiments we simply use maximum likelihood estimates for λw (i.e., setting α0 to be negligibly small). Exploring by first sampling a topic z from the multinomial other word frequency distributions is an item of future work.

777 훼 훿휃

휃 휃 훿

푍 훽 푍 ′

푊  푊 휆 훼′ 푁 퐿 푁 퐷 퐷 푉

Figure 2: The Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model (left) and our SBT Document Model (right).

φ where C > w Bw(S , z, n) is a hyperparame- Algorithm 1 Compute the sampling distribution ter, nw is the number of observations of topic z for a product of two multinomials with SBT priors z P for word w in n, and Bw indicates the function with Q(z) = 1 φ B(S , z, n) defined in Section 3.1, for the partic- function INTERSECT(SBT Node ar, SBT Node al) φ if ar, al are leaves then ular word w. That is, Bw(S , z, n) is the total w τ(i) τ(ar)τ(al) quantity of smoothing distributed to topic z across ← P return i all words, before the backoff distribution P ∗(z) is end if i.r ar applied. ← r(i) b(al) τ(ar) ← ∗ The form of P ∗(z) has two key advantages. i.l al ; b(i.l) 0 ← ← The first is that setting P ∗(z) proportional to l(i) b(ar) τ(al) b(ar)b(al)desc(ar) τ(i)+← = r(i)∗ + l(i) − the marginal topic probability allows SBTDM to for all child c non-zero for ar and al do back-off toward marginal estimates, a success- ic INTERSECT(ar.c, al.c) ← ful technique in language modeling (Katz, 1987) i.children += ic τ(i) += τ(ic) (where it has been utilized for word probabilities, end for rather than topic probabilities). Secondly, setting return i the backoff distribution in this way allows us to end function simplify inference, as described below.

4.2 Inference with Collapsed Sampling complexity: the model parameters are specified by Given a corpus of documents D, we infer the val- a sparse set of non-zero counts denoting how of- ues of the hidden variables Z using the collapsed ten tokens of each word or document are assigned Gibbs sampler popular in Latent Dirichlet Alloca- to each topic. However, in general the sampling tion models (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004). Each distribution for SBTDM has non-uniform proba- bilities for each of L different latent variable val- variable Zi is sampled given the settings of all ues. Thus, even if many parameters are zero, a other variables (denoted as n i): − naive approach that computes the complete sam- θ P (Zi = z n i,D) P (z n i, , δ ) pling distribution will still take time linear in L. | − ∝ | − T · φ P (wi z, n i, , δ ) (3) However, in SBTs the sampling distribution can | − T be constructed efficiently using a simple recursive The first term on the right-hand side is given by algorithm that exploits the structure of the tree. Equation 1. The second can be rewritten as: The result is an inference algorithm that often re- φ quires far less than linear time in L, as we verify φ P (z, wi n i, , δ ) P (wi z, n i, , δ ) = | − T (4) in our experiments. | − T P (z n , , δφ) i φ | − T First, we note that P (z, wi n i, , δ ) is pro- | − T 4.3 Efficient Inference Implementation portional to the sum of two quantities: the dis- The primary computational cost when scaling to counted count max(n ∆ , 0) and the smooth- z − S large topic spaces involves constructing the sam- ing probability mass B(S, z, n)Q(z). By choos- pling distribution. Both LDA with collapsed sam- ing Q(z) = P ∗(z), we can be ensured that P ∗(z) pling and SBTDM share an advantage in space normalizes this sum. Thus, the backoff distri-

778 bution cancels through the normalization. This Algorithm 3 Sampling from an SBTI means we can normalize the SBT for φ0 in ad- function SAMPLE(SBTI Node i) vance by scaling the non-zero counts by a factor of if i is a leaf then return i end if 1/P ∗(z), and then at inference time we need only Sample from r(i), l(i), τ(i) r(i) l(i) { − − } multiply pointwise two multinomials with SBT if right distribution r(i) selected then return SAMPLE(i.r) priors and uniform backoff distributions. else The intersection of two multinomials drawn if left distribution l(i) selected then from SBT priors with uniform backoff distribu- return SAMPLE(i.l) else tions can be performed efficiently for sparse trees. Sample i’s child c τ(c) ∼ The algorithm relies on two quantities defined for return SAMPLE(c) each node of each tree. The first, b(a, n), was de- end if end if fined in Section 3. It denotes the smoothing that end function the interior node a distributes (uniformly) to each of its descendent leaves. We denote b(a, n) as b(a) in this section for brevity. The second quantity, 4.4 Expansion τ(a), expresses the total count mass of all leaf de- Much of the computational expense encountered scendants of a, excluding the smoothing from an- in inference with SBTDM occurs shortly after ini- cestors of a. tialization. After a slow first several sampling With the quantities b(a) and τ(a) for all a, we passes, the conditional distributions over topics can efficiently compute the sampling distribution for each word and document become concentrated of the product of two SBT-governed multinomi- on a sparse set of paths through the SBT. From als (which we refer to as an SBTI). The method that point forward, sampling is faster and requires is shown in Algorithm 1. It takes two SBT nodes much less memory. as arguments; these are corresponding nodes from We utilize the hierarchical organization of the two SBT priors that share the same tree structure topic space in SBTs to side-step this computa- . It returns an SBTI, a data structure representing T tional complexity by adding new leaves to the the sampling distribution. SBTs of a trained SBTDM. This is a “coarse- The efficiency of Algorithm 1 is reflected in to-fine” (Petrov and Charniak, 2011) training ap- the fact that the algorithm only recurses for child proach that we refer to as expansion. Using ex- nodes c with non-zero τ(c) for both of the SBT pansion, the initial sampling passes of the larger node arguments. Because such cases will be rare model can be much more time and space efficient, for sparse trees, often Algorithm 1 only needs to because they leverage the already-sparse structure traverse a small portion of the original SBTs in or- of the smaller trained SBTDM. der to compute the sampling distribution exactly. Our expansion method takes as input an inferred Our experiments illustrate the efficiency of this al- sampling distribution n for a given tree . The T gorithm in practice. algorithm adds k new branches to each leaf of T Finally, we can efficiently sample from either to obtain a larger tree . We then transform the T 0 an SBTI or a single SBT-governed multinomial. sampling state by replacing each n n with one i ∈ The sampling methods are straightforward recur- of its children in . For example, in Figure 1, T 0 sive methods, supplied in Algorithms 2 and 3. expanding with k = 3 would result in a new tree containing 36 topics, and the single observation of Algorithm 2 Sample(SBT Node a) topic 4 in would be re-assigned randomly to one AMPLE a T procedure S (SBT Node ) of the topics 10, 11, 12 in 0. if a is a leaf then return a { } T end if Sample from b(a)desc(a), τ(a) b(a)desc(a) . 5 Experiments if back-off distribution{ b(a)desc(a−) selected then} return Uniform[a’s descendents] We now evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of else SBTDM. We evaluate SBTs on two data sets, the Sample a’s child c τ(c) ∼ return SAMPLE(c) RCV1 Reuters corpus of newswire text (Lewis et end if al., 2004), and a distinct data set of Wikipedia end procedure links, WPL. We consider two disjoint subsets of RCV1, a small training set (RCV1s) and a larger

779 training set (RCV1). As argued above, existing hierarchical models re- We compare the accuracy and efficiency of quire inference that becomes expensive as the SBTDM against flat LDA and two existing hier- topic space increases in size. We illustrate this by archical models, the Pachinko Allocation Model comparing our model with PAM and nHDP. We (PAM) and nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Process also compare against a fast “flat” LDA implemen- (nHDP). tation, SparseLDA, from the MALLET software To explore how the SBT structure impacts mod- package (McCallum, 2002). eling performance, we experiment with two dif- For SBTDM we utilize a parallel inference ap- ferent SBTDM configurations. SBTDM-wide is proach, sampling all variables using a fixed esti- a shallow tree in which the branching factor in- mate of the counts n, and then updating the counts creases from the root downward in the sequence after each full sampling pass (as in (Wang et al., 3, 6, 6, 9, 9, 12, 12. Thus, the largest model we 2009)). The SparseLDA and nHDP implementa- consider has 3 6 6 9 9 12 12 = 1,259,712 dis- tions are also parallel. All parallel methods use · · · · · · tinct latent topics. SBTDM-tall has lower branch- 15 threads. The PAM implementation provided in ing factors of either 2 or 3 (so in our evaluation its MALLET is single-threaded. depth ranges from 3 to 15). As in SBTDM-wide, Our efficiency measurements are shown in Fig- in SBTDM-tall the lower branching factors occur ure 3. We plot the mean wall-clock time to per- toward the root of the tree. We vary the number form 100 sampling passes over the RCV1s corpus, of topics by considering balanced subtrees of each starting from randomly initialized models (i.e. model. For nHDP, we use the same tree structures without expansion in SBTDM). For the largest as in SBT-wide. In preliminary experiments, using plotted topic sizes for PAM and nHDP, we esti- the tall structure in nHDP yielded similar accuracy mate total runtime using a small number of iter- but was somewhat slower. ations. The results show that SBTDM’s time to Similar to our LDA implementation, SBTDM sample increases well below linear in the number optimizes hyperparameter settings as sampling of topics. Both SBTDM methods have runtimes proceeds. We use local beam search to choose that increase at a rate substantially below that of new hyperparameters that maximize leave-one- the square root of the number of topics (plotted out likelihood for the distributions P (Z d) and | as a blue line in the figure for reference). For the P (Z w) on the training data, evaluating the pa- | largest numbers of topics in the plot, when we in- rameters against the current state of the sampler. crease the number of topics by a factor of 12, the We trained all models by performing 100 sam- time to sample increases by less than a factor of pling passes through the full training corpus (i.e., 1.7 for both SBT configurations. approximately 10 billion samples for RCV1, and We also evaluate the accuracy of the mod- 8 billion samples for WPL). We evaluate perfor- els on the small corpus. We do not compare mance on held-out test sets of 998 documents for against PAM, as the MALLET implementation RCV1 (122,646 tokens), and 200 documents for lacks a method for computing perplexity for a WPL (84,610 tokens). We use the left-to-right al- PAM model. The results are shown in Table 3. gorithm (Wallach et al., 2009) over a randomized The SBT models tend to achieve lower perplexity word order with 20 particles to compute perplex- than LDA, and SBTDM-tall performs slightly bet- ity. We re-optimize the LDA hyperparameters at ter than SBTDM-wide for most topic sizes. The regular intervals during sampling. best model, SBT-wide with 8,748 topics, achieves perplexity 14% lower than the best LDA model 5.1 Small Corpus Experiments and 2% lower than the best SBTDM-tall model. We begin with experiments over a small corpus The LDA model overfits for the largest topic con- to highlight the efficiency advantages of SBTDM. figuration, whereas at that size both SBT models remain at least as accurate as any of the LDA mod- Data Set Tokens Vocabulary Documents els in Table 3. RCV1s 2,669,093 46,130 22,149 We also evaluated using the topic coherence RCV1 101,184,494 283,911 781,262 WPL 82,154,551 1,141,670 199,000 measure from (Mimno et al., 2011), which re- flects how well the learned topics reflect word co- Table 1: Statistics of the three training corpora. occurrence statistics in the training data. Follow-

780 of a single model for each topic size and model type. We focus on SBTDM-tall for the large corpora. We utilize expansion (see Section 4.4) for SBTDM-tall models with more than a thou- sand topics on each data set. The results show that on both data sets, SBTDM-tall utilizes larger numbers of topics more effectively. On RCV1, LDA improves only marginally between 972 and 8,748 topics, whereas SBTDM-tall improves dra- matically. For 8,748 topics, SBTDM-tall achieves a perplexity score 17% lower than LDA model on RCV1, and 29% lower on WPL. SBT im- proves even further in larger topic configurations. Training and testing LDA with our implementa- tion using over a hundred thousand topics was not Figure 3: Time (in seconds) to perform a sampling tractable on our data sets due to space complexity pass over the RCV1s corpus as number of topics (the MALLET implementation exceeded our max- varies, plotted on a log-log scale. The SBT models imum 250G of heap space). As discussed above, scale sub-linearly in the number of topics. expansion enables SBTDM to dramatically reduce ing recent experiments with the measure (Stevens space complexity for large topic spaces. 12 et al., 2012), we use  = 10− pseudo-co- The results highlight the accuracy improve- occurrences of each word pair and we evaluate the ments found from utilizing larger numbers of top- average coherence using the top 10 words for each ics than are typically used in practice. For exam- topic. Table 2 shows the results. PAM, LDA, and ple, an SBTDM with 104,976 topics achieves per- nHDP have better coherence at smaller topic sizes, plexity 28-52% lower when compared with a stan- but SBT maintains higher coherence as the num- dard LDA configuration using only 1,000 topics. ber of topics increases. RCV1 WPL # Topics LDA SBTDM-tall LDA SBTDM-tall Topics LDA PAM nHDP SBTDM SBTDM 108 1,121 1,148 7,049 7,750 -wide -tall 972 820 841 2,598 2,095 18 -420.8 -421.2 -422.9 -444.3 -440.2 8,748 772 637 1,730 1,236 108 -434.8 -430.9 -554.3 -445.4 -445.8 104,976 - 593 - 1,242 972 -451.2 - -548.1 -443.3 -443.8 1,259,712 - 626 - - 8748 -615.3 - - -444.3 -444.1 Table 4: Model accuracy on large corpora (cor- Table 2: Average topic coherence on the small pus perplexity measure). The SBT model utilizes RCV1s corpus. larger numbers of topics more effectively.

5.1.1 Evaluating Expansion The results discussed above do not utilize ex- 5.3 Exploring the Learned Topics pansion in SBTDM. To evaluate expansion, we Lastly, we qualitatively examine whether the performed separate experiments in which we ex- SBTDM’s learned topics reflect meaningful hi- panded a 972-topic model trained on RCV1s to erarchical relationships. From an SBTDM of initialize a 8,748-topic model. Compared to ran- 104,976 topics trained on the Wikipedia links data dom initialization, expansion improved efficiency set, we examined the first 108 leaves (these are and accuracy. Inference in the expanded model contained in a single subtree of depth 5). 760 executed approximately 30% faster and used 70% unique terms (i.e. Wikipedia pages) had positive less memory, and the final 8,748-topic models had counts for the topics, and 500 of these terms were approximately 10% lower perplexity. related to radio stations. The leaves appear to encode fine-grained sub- 5.2 Large Corpus Results categorizations of the terms. In Figure 4, we pro- Our large corpus experiments are reported in Ta- vide examples from one subtree of six topics (top- ble 4. Here, we compare the test set perplexity ics 13-18). For each topic t, we list the top three

781 Number of Topics Model 18 108 972 8,748 104,976 LDA 1420 (16.3) 1016 (9.8) 844 (1.8) 845 (3.3) 1058 (4.1) nHDP 1433 (19.6) 1446 (53.3) 1583 (157.7) - - SBTDM-wide 1510 (31.5) 1091 (31.8) 797 (3.5) 723 (18.2) 844 (60.1) SBTDM-tall 1480 (13.5) 1051 (9.1) 787 (10.5) 736 (3.2) 776 (14.1) Table 3: Small training corpus (RCV1s) performance. Shown is perplexity averaged over three runs for each method and number of topics, with standard deviation in parens. Both SBTDM models achieve lower perplexity than LDA and nHDP for the larger numbers of topics.

… … … … … … … … … T2184 … … … … … T2185 T2186 … … … … … … White Bill CIA … … Clinton …… T2178 intelligence … House McCurry Lake White House Radio Stations … … … … McCurry … … … T2171 … … … Lebanese T2173 T2181 T2183 … Beirut Lebanese Lebanon Lake nomination pound Herman Senate T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 WVCB WOWZ WRJD WNFZ WSCW WQSE WWIL_(AM) WHEE WTIK WIMZ-FM WQMA WHMT … … … WCRU WYBT WYMY WDXI KPGM WIGH T2160 T2161 T2163 NC Christian VA and FL NC Spanish TN WV, MS, TN T2166 T2168 El Western Western El El AM stations stations AM stations stations OK stations stations drought resource resource

Figure 4: An example of topics from a 104,976- Figure 5: An example of topics from an 8,748- topic SBTDM defined over Wikipedia pages. topic SBTDM defined over the RCV1 corpus.

6 Conclusion and Future Work terms w (ranked by symmetric conditional prob- ability, P (w t)P (t w)), and a specific categoriza- | | We introduced the Sparse Backoff Tree (SBT), a tion that applies to the three terms. Interestingly, prior for latent topic distributions that organizes as shown in the figure, the top terms for the six the latent topics as leaves in a tree. We pre- topics we examined were all four-character “call sented and experimentally analyzed a document letters” for particular radio stations. Stations with model based on the SBT, called an SBTDM. The similar content or in nearby locations tend to clus- SBTDM was shown to utilize large topic spaces ter together in the tree. For example, the two topics more effectively than previous techniques. focused on radio stations in Tennessee (TN) share the same parent, as do the topics focused on North There are several directions of future work. One Carolina (NC) AM stations. More generally, all limitation of the current work is that the SBT is six topics focus on radio stations in the southern defined only implicitly. We plan to investigate US. explicit representations of the SBT prior or re- lated variants. Other directions include developing Figure 5 shows a different example, from a methods to learn the SBT structure from data, as model trained on the RCV1 corpus. In this ex- well as applying the SBT prior to other tasks, such ample, we first select only those terms that oc- as sequential language modeling. cur at least 2,000 times in the corpus and have a statistical association with their topic that ex- ceeds a threshold, and we again rank terms by Acknowledgments symmetric conditional probability. The 27-topic subtree detailed in the figure appears to focus on This research was supported in part by NSF grants terms from major storylines in United States pol- IIS-1065397 and IIS-1351029, DARPA contract itics in early 1997, including El Nino,˜ Lebanon, D11AP00268, and the Allen Institute for Artificial White House Press Secretary Mike McCarry, and Intelligence. We thank the anonymous reviews for the Senate confirmation hearings of CIA Director their helpful comments. nominee Tony Lake.

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