Miscel.lania Zoologica 19.2 (1996) 43 Epibiont bryozoans (, Ctenostomatida) of the rhomboides (Brachyura, ) off the Ebro delta (western Mediterranean) P. Abelló & J. Corbera

Abelló, P. & Corbera, J., 1996. Epibiont bryozoans (Bryozoa, Ctenostomatida) of the crab (Brachyura, Goneplacidae) off the Ebro delta (western Mediterranean). Misc. Zool., 19.2: 43-52.

Epibiont bryozoans (Bryozoa, Ctenostomatida) of the crab Goneplax rhomboides (Brachyura, Goneplacidae) offthe Ebro delta (western Mediterranean).- The occurrence of the bryozoan Triticella flavaDalyell, 1848 and Alcyonidium mamillatum Alder, 1857 was detected on the carapaces of the crab Goneplax rhomboides (Linnaeus, 1758) on the continental shelf off the Ebro delta (western Mediterranean). The main characteristics of the morphology of both are described and illus- trated. From the occurrence data of both bryozoans on individuals of the host species, their preva- lence is studied as a function of sex, size and maturity stage of the host, as well as their seasonal and bathymetric variability. The host population studied thrives around the river Ebro delta and was sampled using epibenthic trawls. 7: flava preferentially colonized the coxae of the pereiopods and the posterior dorsal margin of the carapace, whereas A. mamillatumbasicallycolonized the smooth dorsal surfaces of the carapace and chelipeds. A morphometricalanalysis of the individuals of 7: flava was performed, showing that those individuals settled on more protected areas of the carapace had longer peduncles than those settled on more exposed areas. The prevalence of 7: flava(36.3%) was much higher than that of A. mamillatum(0.7%). A significant increase in prevalence with size was found in males, but not in females, in agreement with the occurrence of different moulting patterns between the sexes. The prevalence was much higher in individuals parasitised by a sacculinid, which seerned to inhibit moulting. Moreover, the prevalence was also much higher in ovigerous than in non-ovigerous females. No significant variation in prevalence was detected with depth. The occur- rence of epibionts was found to be fairly regular throughout the year.

Key words: Epibiosis, Bryozoa, Brachyura. Goneplax, Triticella, Alcyonidium.

(Rebut: 1 111 96; Acceptaci6 condicionak 6 Ví 96; Acc. dehhitiva: 26 L// 96)

Pere Abell6, lnstitut de CiPncies delMar (CSIC), PasseigIoan de Borb6 s/n., 08039 Barcelona, Espanya (Spain). - IordiCorbera, d Gran 90, 083 10 Argentona, Espanya (Spain).

ISSN: 02 1 1-6529 O 1996 Museu de Zoologia Abelló & Corbera lntroduction year, was examined. These were obtained using benthic trawls performed at depths of The carapaces of epibenthic decapod crusta- between seven and 75 m on detritic mud ceans constitute one of the few available hard bottoms throughout 1991 (April-November: substrata found on bottoms which are consid- 17 samples) and between November 1992 and ered as soft, such as sand and mud, the most October 1993 (26 samples). A total number widespread substrates in thesea. Many organ- of 2783 Goneplax rhomboides (1980 males isms (protozoans, algae, cirripedes, bryozoans, and 803 females) was examined invivoto as- hydrozoans, bivalves, etc.) use thissubstratum, sess the occurrence of macroepibionts (those which has a relatively short life-span due to visible to the naked eye) on their carapace. moulting (shedding of the crab's ), Sex (with indication of the occurrence of as an alternative to other permanent hard ovigerous females), size (carapace length, substrata. The study of epibiont species can with an accuracy of 0.1 mm), occurrence and provide important information on the age, specific identification of macroepibionts, and population structure and behavioural charac- occurrence of rhizocephalan externae were teristics of the host species borro^ & ROPES, assessed in each host individual examined. 1988; WILLIAMS& MOYSE, 1988; ABELL~et al., 1990; The length of the zooid and peduncle JEFFRIES~~al., 1992; etc.). Furthermore, the ciose of the individuals of Triticella flava present association between the moulting cycle and on different areas of the carapace of an the possiblesettlement and growth of epibiont adult male of the host species was meas- species on the carapace, enables the develop- ured with an ocular micrometer coupled ment of an ecological succession temporally to a binocular microscope. limited by the length of the intermoult period To study the variability of the epibiosis of the host species (BARNES& BAGENAL,1951; prevalence as a function of depth, those EGGLESTON,1971; GILI et al., 1993). Moreover, samples with 10 or more captured indi- crustaceancarapaces have been very little stud- vidual~of each sex of the host species were ied and understood and ~rovidescientific sur- analysed. The mean depth of each trawl prises such as the recen; discovery of a new was used to assign each sample to a depth. species which actually constituted a new zoo- Variability in sampling depth was minimal logical phylum (FUNCH& KRISTENSEN,1995). due to the particular geomorphology of The present study set out to analyse the the continental shelf of the Ebro river delta. patterns of occurrence of two epibiont bryo- A total of 34 male and 21 female samples zoans on the crab Goneplax rhomboides was used. (Linnaeus, 1758) in order to acquire com- plementar~information on the biology and ecological behaviour of the host species from Results the information that can be gathered from the epibionts themselves. G. rhomboides is Macroepibionts a species which excavates and inhabits bur- rows on muddy bottoms of the Mediterra- The occurrence of the bryozoansTriticella flava nean and western Atlantic (ZARIQU~EY-ÁLVAREZ,Dalyell, 1848 and Alcyonidium mamillatum 1968; RICE& CHAPMAN,1971; ATKINSON,1974a, Alder, 1857 was detected on the carapaces of 1974b). The association between the epi- the crab Goneplax rhomboides. These bryo- bionts and the host appears to be highly zoans are the most prevalent macroepibionts specific since the occurrence of the epibiont on the exoskeleton of G. rhomboides, since species has not been detected on any other the occurrence of an unidentified serpulid type of substratum in the study area. polychaete was detected only occasionally (0.3% of the host individuals examined).

Material and methods Triticella flava Dalyell, 1848 (fig. 1) The study area was located on the continen- Triticella korenii Prenant & Bobin, 1956: 268; tal shelf off the river Ebro delta. A total of 43 d'Hondt, 1983: 70-71, fig. 38 A. samples, evenly distributed throughout the Triticella flava Hayward, 1985: 117-119, fig. 39. Miscel.lania Zoologica 19.2 (1996) 45

Table 1. Mean values (in pm) (mean), standard deviation (S.d.), maximum (max) and minimurn (rnin) of zooid length (ZL), width (ZW), peduncle length (PL) and ratio zooid length-total length (ZL/TL=ZL/ZL+PL) of the individuals of Triticella flava occurring in different regions of the carapace of an adult male Goneplax rhomboides: Iscl. lschium of the first pereiopod; Pteryg. Pterygostornian region; Coxa4. Coxa of the fourth pereiopod; Merlcarp3. Mero-carpial articulation of the third pereiopod; Stern. Thoracic sternite; Carp/prop3. Carpo-propodial articulation of the third pereiopod; Post rnarg. Posterior margin of the carapace. Valores medios (en pm) (mean), desviación típica (S.d.), máximo (rnax) y mínimo (rnin) de la longitud del zooide (ZL), anchura (ZW), longitud del pedúnculo (PL) y relación longitud delzooide-longitud total (ZLITL=ZLIZL+PL) de los individuos de Triticella flava presentes en distintas regiones del caparazón de un macho adulto de Goneplax rhomboides: lscl. lsquio del primer pereiopodio; Pteryg. Región pterigostomiana; Coxa4. Coxa del cuarto pereiopodio; Merlcarp3. ArticulaciBn mero-carpial del tercer pereiopodio; Stern. Esternito torácico; Carplprop3. Articulación carpo-propodial del tercer pereiopodio; Post marg. Margen posterior del cefalotórax.

------pp lscl Pteryg Coxa4 Mer/ Stern Carp/ Post Total carp3 prop3 marg ZL mean 568.8 933.3 687.5 687.5 775.0 690.6 810.7 697.0 s.d. 132.1 137.7 153.2 140.1 94.2 128.7 98.8 152.5 max 800 1075 900 850 875 850 925 1075 min 400 800 450 450 550 450 625 400 ZW mean 251.6 300.0 287.5 292.5 302.3 293.8 346.4 290.0 s.d. 41.3 25.0 36.1 44.2 53.0 42.3 58.5 49.7 max 350 325 350 375 375 375 400 400 min 200 275 225 250 200 200 250 200 PL mean 1923.4 2350.0 1481.3 780.0 1600.0 676.6 728.6 1292.3 s.d. 701.4 312.2 1049.6 310.0 824.0 346.5 375,7 839.1 max 3250 2600 3650 1350 3150 1325 1275 3650 min 950 2000 550 375 500 225 400 225 ZLíiLmean 0.239 0.284 0.370 0.482 0.366 0.532 0.550 0.404 s.d. 0.056 0.021 0.120 0.068 0.135 0.105 0.094 0.149 max 0.356 0.305 0.549 0.605 0.592 0.700 0.646 0.700 rnin 0.164 0.262 0.180 0.379 0.204 0.359 0.414 0.164 N 16 3 12 1O 11 16 7 7 5

Colony formed by a network of thin stolons present on theirdorsal margin, at approximately fixed on the carapace frorn which the one third above the basal zone and is directed pedunculate zooids arise. The zooids are trans- obliquely towards the apex. The orifice is ter- parent with a light yellow-brownish coloration minal and circular in shape. and are asymmetric and laterally compressed Measurements of both the zooids and in shape. A chitinous band (frenaculum) is the peduncle showed a high variability. In I 46 Abelló & Corbera I

the colonies on an adult male Goneplax in exposed areas, such as the posterior rhomboides, the autozooid length ranged margin of the cephalothorax or the carpo- between 0.40 and 1.08 mm (mean 0.70 I propodial and mero-carpial articulations 0.15), whereas the width ranged between of the third pair of pereiopods. 0.20 and 0.40 mm (mean 0.29 I 0.05) (ta- ble l). Concerning the peduncle length, the measurements ranged between 0.23 Alcyonidiurn marnillaturn Alder, 1857 (fig. 2) and 3.65 mm (mean 1.29 I 0.84). A high Alcyonidium mamillatum Prenant & Bobin, 1956: variability was observed in peduncle length 199-200, fig. 82; d'Hondt, 1983: 25-40, figs. as a function of the degree of exposure 14, 15. of the part of the crab where the colony grew. Thus, in protected regions, such as The colony is encrusting and unilaminar, with the ischiurn of the first pair of pereiopods, almost transparent or slightly brownish ir- the pterygostomian region, the coxa of the regular rnargins. The zooids are flattened fourth pair of pereiopods, or the sternal and separated by well-defined walls. The region, the peduncles were longer than orifice is subterminal and is placed at the Miscel.lania Zoologica 19.2 (1996) 47

end of a cylindrical peristome in the most Characteristics of the epibiosis contracted zooids or is slightly conical in those less affected by the contraction. In the A total of 2783 individuals of Goneplax central zone of the colony, the zooids have a rhomboides(l980 males and 803 females) was rectangular or slightly hexagonal shape (fig. examined. The occurrence of epibionts was 2a), whereas in the margins they are less detected in a total of 650 males (32.8%) and regularly placed and more irregular in shape. 366 females (45.6%). These proportions are A few kenozooids of a polygonal shape have significantly different (G-test (2x2). p c 0.001). also been observed (fig. 2b). However, the Female , therefore, presented a signifi- zooids are always contiguous. cantly higher epibiont prevalencethan males. AR Abelló & Corbera

Table 2 presents the prevalence of each Jriticella flava occurred throughout the macroepibiont identified in males and fe- sampled depth range (7-75 m) and no sig- males of the host species. The prevalence nificant correlation in epibiosis prevalence of Jriticella flava (36.3%) was much higher as a function of depth was detected in than that of Alcyonidium mamillatum, either male or female crabs (p > 0.1). Ad- which was only present in 0.7% of the host ditionally, the occurrence of epibionts was individuals examined. approximately constant throughout the The analysis of Jriticella flava prevalence year (fig. 5). The depth range of occur- as a function of size in males and females rence of Alcyonidium mamillatum varied of the host species indicated that there was between seven and 47 m. a significant positive correlation (p ~0.001) between size and prevalence in males, but not in females (p > 0.1) (figs. 3, 4). Discussion The prevalence of Jriticella flavawas much higher (G-test; p < 0.001) in both male and The occurrence of epibiotic bryozoans on the female individuals parasitised by a sacculinid carapaces of Goneplax rhomboides appears rhizocephalan (table 3). Prevalence was also to be a common phenomenon given the high much higher (G-test; p < 0.001) in ovigerous prevalence found in the population studied. than in non-ovigerous fernales (table 3). Although no previous records of the two

Carapace length (mm) Miscel.lania Zoologica 19.2 (1996) 49

Triticella flava 32.5% 45.6% Alcyonidium mamillaturn 1 .O% 0.0% Serpulidae 0.4% 0.0 %

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Carapace length (mrn)

Fig. 4. Size frequency distribution of the Goneplax rhomboides individuals (females) examined. with indication of those carrying epibionts (Triticella flava) on their carapaces, as well as the percentage crabs with epibionts as a function of síze. Distribución de frecuencias de tallas de los individuos (hembras) de Goneplax rhomboides examinados, con indicación de aquellos que transportan epibiontes 50 Abelló & Corbera

0 Males + Females


bryozoan species studied herein were found Carcinus maenas in the north Atlantic concerning their occurrence in the seas (INGLE,1983). around the lberian peninsula, ZABALA(1986) Alcyonidium mamillatum is known to suggested that this rnight be due, as the colonize hydroids, Laminaria fronds, deca- present paper dernonstrates, to the lack of pods and rnollusc shells (PRENANT& BOBIN, appropriate sampling on the right substrata, 1956). Although its occurrence is rare, it in the present case, the cara paces of decapod presents a wide distribution, which comprises . the shallow shore, typically sublittoral (HAY- The distribution area of Triticella flava WARD, 1985) of the Arctic Ocean, , encornpasses the continental shelf of the , and Pa- north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean cific Ocean (D'HONDT,1983). No kenozooids (HAYWARD,1985). Triticella flava has been have been observed previously in the colo- previously reported on burrowing macru- nies of European seas, but they are present ran decapods, such as Calocarismacandreae, in colonies from Brazil (HAWARD,1985). Upogebia o r (HAYWARD, The peduncles of the zooids of Triticella 1985; PRENANT& BOBIN, 1956), and on sev- flava are longer in those zooids occurring eral crabs, such as Goneplax rhomboides on protected regions of the exoskeleton itself, which is also a burrowing species (RICE than in those present on areas more overtly & CHAPMAN,1971; ATKINSON,1974a. 1974b), exposed to friction with the burrow walls. and on Liocarcinus arcuatus, L. depurator, These differences in rnorphology of the Geryon trispinosus, Xantho pilipes and zooids may be related to two facts: one Miscel.lania Zooloqica 19.2 (1996) would be a trophic reason, according to topod Squilla rnantis. This would therefore which the zooids occurring on protected indicate that a high degree of specificity regions would have longer peduncles takes place in the relationship between host which would allow them to reach wider and epibionts in the study area. access to food; the other would be a purely mechanical constraint, according to which those zooids occurring in more exposed Acknowledgements areas would have shorter peduncles and then result in less friction with the walls We wish to thank A. Blanco and l. Hinojosa of the burrows where Goneplax for their assistance in sampling, as well as rhornboides inhabits. These burrows are Dr. M. Zabala for his constructive comments. very tightly fitted to the body of the crab (ATKINSON,1974a). and there appears to be a high level of friction between the bur- Resumen row wall and the crab carapace. This evi- dently affects the morphological charac- Briozoos (Bryozoa, Ctenostornatida) epi- teristics of the epibionts. biontes del cangrejo Goneplax rhomboides The significant increase in epibiosis (Brachyura, Goneplacidae) en el delta del prevalence in relation to size in males of Ebro (Mediterráneo occidental) the host species Goneplax rhomboides, as well as the overall prevalence in both sexes, Se ha detectado la presencia de los briozoos is an indicator of the existence of differ- Triticella flava y Alcyonidiurn rnarnillatum ing moulting patterns in the two sexes of viviendo sobre los caparazones del cangrejo this crab, a phenomenon which has also Goneplaxrhomboidesen la plataforma con- been reported for other spe- tinental del delta del rio Ebro (Mediterrá- cies (ABELL~et al., 1990). The moulting cy- neo occidental). Se realiza una descripción e cle in female crabs is very closely related ilustración de la morfología de cada especie to the development of the reproductive (figs. 1, 2). A partir de los datos de presen- cycle, in such a way that moulting can not cia-ausencia de los citados briozoos sobre take place during the period of egg car- individuos de la especie hospedadora se es- rying, as happens in decapod crustaceans tudia la prevalencia en función del sexo, ta- of the suborder Pleocyemata. This strongly lla, y estado de madurez de los individuos limits the periodicity and the time of moult- de la especie hospedadora (figs. 3, 4). así ing in female crabs. The prevalence of epi- como las variaciones temporales y espacia- bionts has been found to be much higher les en función de la batimetría (fig. 5). La in ovigerous than in non-ovigerous fe- población estudiada procede de la plata- males, since egg carrying dominates over forma continental alrededor del delta del rio moulting processes in females. This is not Ebro y se muestreó con artes de arrastre so in males, in whom moulting is not usu- epibentónicos. Los individuos de 1flava co- ally as markedly seasonal as in female lonizan preferentemente las coxas y articu- crabs and tends to be more widely spread laciones de los pereiópodos y margen poste- throughout the year. rior dorsal del cefalotórax, mientras que A. Epibiosis prevalence was also much marnillaturncoloniza básicamente las superfi- higher in those host crabs parasitised by a cies lisas dorsales del caparazón y quelipedos. sacculinid rhizocephalan. This parasitation, Se ha realizado un análisis morfométrico de besides inducing parasitic castration, also los individuos de 1 flava, indicando que aque- appears therefore to inhibit or drastically llos individuos asentadosenzonas más prote- diminish moulting in those crabs affected. gidas del caparazón presentan longitudes de The two bryozoan species studied were pedúnculo superiores a los asentados en not observed in any other species of deca- zonas más expuestas (tabla 1). La prevalen- pod crustacean of the study area, such as cia de 1 flava (36.3%) es muy superior a la Liocarcinus depurator, the most common de A. rnarnillatum (0.7%). Se ha detectado crab of the region, or even in other sym- un aumento significativo de la prevalencia patric burrowing species, such as the stoma- en función de la talla en machos, pero no en Abelló & Corbera hembras, el cual está de acuerdo con la dife- FUNCH, P. & KRISTENSEN,R. M., 1995. Cycliophora rencia existente entre los ciclos de muda de is a new phylum with affinities to machos y hembras. La prevalencia es muy Entoprocta and Ectoprocta. Nature, 378: superior en individuos parasitados por un 71 1-714. saculínido. Igualmente, la prevalencia es muy GILI, J. M., ABELL~,P. & VILLANUEVA,R., 1993. superior en hembras ovígeras que en hem- Epibionts and intermoult duration in the bras no ovígeras (tablas 2, 3). No se han de- crab Bathynectes piperitus. Mar. Ecol. tectado variaciones significativas en la pre- Prog. Ser., 98: 107-1 13. valencia de la infestación en función de la HAYWARD,P. J., 1985. Ctenostome Bryozoans. batimetría. La presencia de epibiontes es Synopses British Fauna (New Series). 33. aproximadamente constante a lo largo del Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. año sin que se hayan observado épocas con HONDT,J.-L. DI, 1983. Tabular keys for identi- una mayor prevalencia (fig. 5). fication of the recent Ctenostomatous Bryozoa. Mém. lnst. océanog. 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