Qoneral Aawmbly Dirtr, QENERAL A/43/516 16 Augurt 1988 ORIQINALI EWLISH

Forty-third rrrrion Item 100 of thr ptovirional rgrndr*

1, The Qaneral Aawnbly, by itr resolution 2200 A (JUCI) of 16 Dooombor 1966, adopted and ogoned for rignature, ratification or l ca~rrion the Intornrtional Covonrnt on Economic, Soairl and Cultural lighte, the International Covenant on Civil rnd Political Rightr and the Optional Protocol to the Intornationrl Covenant on Civil and Political Righta, and l xprerred the hope that the Covonrntrr and the Optional Protocol would bo rigned, ratified or woodrd to without drlry and would coma into force at an early data. The Arrombly alro requartod the Secretary-General to submit to it at itr future rwrionr reportr concerning the rtatur of ratification6 of the Covonantr and of the Optional Protocol, In rbrponse to that requclrt, roporte on the etatur of the International Coveaantr and the Optional Protoool havr boon rubmitted annually to the Aarembly rince ito twenty-recond roarion in 1967.

2. Both Covrnantr and the Optional Protocol were oponad for rignature at on 19 Dscrmber 1966, In accordance with their romprctivo provirionr, &I the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Right8 rntcred into force on 3 , the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rig’htr ontered into form on 23 1976, and the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Right@, having rocaived the required numbrr of ratificationr or l ocemiona, ontored into form rimultaneourly with that Covrnant on 23 ,

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3, By ita rraolution 42/103 of 7 Docomber 1987, the Qeneral Assembly, ti,ialb, again urged all Statar that had not yet done IIO to become parties to both Covenantr, an well an to aoarider recoding to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightat invited the States parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to consider making the declaration provided for in article 41 of the Covenant and appealed to States partierr to review whether any reaervation made in respect of the provisions of both Covenants ahould bo upheld, The Aaaembly aleo requested the Secretary-General to submit tp it at ita forty-third aeaaion a report on the status of the Covenants and the Optional Protocol,

4. Aa at 31 July 1988, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Right8 had been ratified or recoded to by 92 States, the International Covenant on Civil and Politiaal Right8 had been ratified or acceded to by 87 States and the Optional Protocol to tha International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights had been ratifird or aaseded to by 42 Stater. In addition, mwen States had signed the International Covrnant on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Right8 and five Staten had signed the Optional Protocol, The liat of State8 which have signed, ratified or acceded to the Covenant8 and the Optional Protocol and the dates of their signatures, ratificationa or accerriona appear in annexea I to III of the present report,

5, Upon ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, or aubaequently, the Qoveramonta of , Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, the Oambia, Qermany, Federal Republic of, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, , Peru, the Philippinea, , Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden and the of Great Britain and mado the declaration provided for in article 41 of the Covenant, recogniaing the competence of the Human Right6 Committee established under article 28 of the Covenant to receive and conrlder communications to the effect that a State party claim8 that another State party is not fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant, The provisions of article 41 entered into force on 28 in accordance with paragraph 2 of that article,

6, As rrgards the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratablished in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1985/17 of 28 1985, held itr recond rorrion at the Office at Geneva from 8 to 26 February 1988. It rubmitted a report to the Economic and Social Council at, its first regulcr r~earion of 1988, a/ in which it made suggestions and recommendations concerning iarura ariring from the consideration of reports submitted by States partier to the Covenant,

By ite resolution 198014 of 24 May 1908, the Economic and Social Council, :;1-alirr, took note with appreciation of the report of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightr on its aocond aesbion, including the conclusions and recommendations adopted by tne Committee with respect to its future methods of work, and decided to tranamit the report of the Committee to the General Assembly at itr forty-third aeaaion for consideration under the agenda item entitled “International Covenantr on Human Righta”, A/43/610 Englirh Page 3

8. Au reqardr the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightr, the Human Right8 Committee held its thirty-firrt resrion at the United Nations Office at Qeneva from 26 October to 13 November 1987, its thirty-recond reraion at United Nationr Headquartera from 21 March to 8 1988 and its thirty-third oerrion at the United Nation8 Office at Qeneva from 11 to 29 July 1988, In accordance with article 43 of the Covenant and article 6 of the Optional Protocol, the Committee ha8 rubmittrd it.8 annual report to the General Aaaembly at its forty-third roseion, a/ which covers the activitiosl of the Committee at ita thirty-firrt, thirty-recond and thirty-third rearions.

A/ Article 27 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightr, article 49 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Righta and article 9 of the Optional Protocol,

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/ , . 1 A/43/618 Engl irh Page 4


Afghanistan 24 January 1983 g/ Algeria 10 Argentina 19 8 August 1986 18 10 Austria 10 10 September 1978 Barbadoa 5 91 Belgium 10 December 1968 21 April 1983 Bolivia 12 August 1982 a/ Bulgaria 8 21 Byeloruraian Soviet Socialirt Republic 19 12 Cameroon 27 June 1984 g/ Canada 19 41 Central African Republic 8 41 16 10 p/ Colombia 21 29 Congo 5 October 1983 (11 Coata Rica 19 December 1966 29 Cyprue 9 2 Csechoslovakiii 7 October 1968 12 December 1975 17 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 14 ~1 Democratic Yemen 9 February 1987 ,I/ Denmark 20 March 1968 6 Dominican Republic 4 January 1978 c~/ Ecuador 29 6 / I .a A/43/618 Englirh Page 5

4 S9YPt 4 14 January 1982 El Salvador 21 September 1967 30 Equatorial Quinea 25 September 1987 A/ Finland 11 Ootober 1967 19 Augurt 1975 France 4 A/ Gabon 21 January 1983 a/ Gambia 29 Decrmbrr 1978 p/ German Democratic Republic 27 8 November 1973 Germany, Federal Republic of 9 17 December 1973 16 May 1985 ~1 Guatemala 19 May 1988 41 Guinea 28 24 January 1978 Guyana 22 Augurt 1966 15 February 1977 Honduras 19 December 1966 17 A/ Hungary 25 March 1969 17 January 1974 Iceland 30 Decomber 1968 22 Augurt 1979 10 A/ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4 24 Iraq 18 25 Ireland 1 Israel 19 December 1966 Italy 18 January 1967 15 September 1978 Jamaica 19 December 1966 3 Japan 30 May 1978 21 Jordan 30 28 Kenya 1 A/ Lebanon 3 a/ Liberia 18 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 15 61 Luxembourg 26 November 1974 18 August 1983 Madagascar 14 22 Mali 16 July 3974 g/ / . , , A/43/518 English Page 6

Ma1 ta 22 October 1968 Mauritius 12 Decrmber 1973 A/ Mexico 23 A/ Mongolia 5 18 November 1974 Morocco 19 January 1977 3 Nsthsrlsndr 25 11 December 1978 Nsw Zealand 12 November 1968 28 December 1978 Nicaragua 12 March 1983 A/ Niger 7 March 1986 a/ Norway 20 March 1968 13 Panama 27 July 1976 8 March 1977 Peru 11 August 1977 28 April 1978 19 December 1966 7 2 18 March 1977 Portugal 7 October 1976 31 July 1978 Romani a 27 June 1968 9 Rwanda 16 p/ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 9 November 1381 a?/ San Mar in0 18 October 1985 Q/ Senegal 6 13 February 1978 Solomon Islands 17 March 1982 c./ SPPCn 28 September 1976 27 April 1977 Sri Lanka 11 a/ Sudan I.8 March 1986 a/ Suriname 28 December 1976 41 Sweden 29 September 1967 6 Syrian Arab Republic 21 April 1969 ;?I To90 24 May 1984 41 Trinidad and Ttbago 8 December 1978 91 30 April 1968 18 March 1969 Uganda 21 January 1987 A./ A/43/610 English Page 7


Datr- e Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic 20 March 1968 12 Novrmber 1973 Union of Soviet Socialist Republ its 18 March 1968 16 Oatobor 1973 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 16 10 May 1976 United Republic of Tanaania 11 June 1976 A/ United States of America 5 Oatobor 1977 Uruguay 21 February 1967 1 April 1970 Veneauela 24 June 1969 10 May 1978 Viet Nam 24 Beptsmber 1982 A/ Yugoslavia 6 August 1967 2 Zaire 1 November 1976 A/ Zambia 10 April 1984 A/

. _-__-_.*_ -..--. A/ Accession. k/ Following on the adoption by the Qeneral Assembly of resolution 2758 (XXVI) of 25 on the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Pooplo’s Republic of China, by a note addressed to the Secretary-General, roceivod on 29 Septemhcr 1972, stated; “1 . With regard to the multilateral treaties signed, ratified or acceded to by the defunct Chinese government before the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, my Government will examine all their contents brfore making a dacision in the light of the circumstances as to whether OL‘ not they should be recognized.

“2 I As from 1 October 1949, the day of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chiang Kai-Shek clique has no right at all to represent China, Its signature and ratification of , or accession to, any multilatersl treaties by usurping the name of ‘China’ are all illegal and null and void, My Government will study those multilateral treaties before making a decision in the light of t.he circumstances as to whether or not they should be acceded to.”

The lists in annexen I to TX1 therefore do not include the signature of the two Covenants and the Optional Protocol on behalf of the “Republic of Chlnatt on 5 ,

C/ Date of toception of notification of succefmlon. / #.I ANNEXII

Af#mnirtrn 24 Janurry 1983 a/ Algsrh 10 Daormbar 1966 Atgantlnr h/ 19 trbrurry 1960 8 AUgU8t 1986 Aurtralir 16 Doormbor 1971 13 AugUlt 1960 Aurtrir p/ 10 Dooombrr 1973 10 Irptombor 1976 Barb&or I J8nurry 1973 91 Bolgiwn p/ 10 Doarmb8r 1968 21 April 1983 Bolivia 12 Augurt 1962 A/ BUlgWi@ 8 Ootobor 1066 12 Soptmbor 1970 byolorurr~m 8OVi8t Eoalrli8t R,pUblh 19 Muoh 1960 12 Novrmbar 1973 cam. roan 27 Juno 1964 a/ Canrda h/ 19 May 1976 a/ Csntrrl Afriorn Ropublla 8 M8y 1961 l / Chile 16 Septombor 1969 10 February 1972 China g/ Colombia 21 Docrmbrr 1966 29 Octobrr 1969 Congo S Octobat 1983 a/ Corta Rica 19 Decrmbor 1966 29 Cyprull 19 December 1966 2 April 1969 C8echO8lOv8kia 7 October 1966 23 Docomber 197s Dsmocrrtic K8mpuchrr 17 October 1960 DOmOCr8tiC POOpl@'l Rspublio Of KOr8A 14 Soptwnbmr 1901 l / DOmOCr8tiC Y8mOn 9 F8brurry 1987 a/ Denmrrk &I 20 March 196S 6 Jrnurry 1972 Dominlara Republic 4 January 1978 a/ Eoudor B/ 4 April 1968 6 MIrch 1969 A/43/610 Enqlirh Plge 9

WYH 4 Augurt 1967 14 Jwurry 1982 El Srlvador 21 Srgtombor 1967 30 Nov8mbor 1979 Equatorial Guinma 28 Ioptombor 1987 A/ Finl8nd p/ 11 Oatobrr 1967 19 Augurt 1976 Frrnoo 4 Novombor 1980 A/ Q&bon 21 Jrnurry 1983 a/ aambi8 h/ 22 Mwah 1979 A/ Qormrn D8moaratio Rrpublio 27 Marah 1973 8 Novombor 1973 Oormrny, Fod8rrl R*publia of PI 9 Ootob8r 1968 17 D8Q8mb.r 1973 Quinar 26 Fobrurry 1967 24 January 1978 Quyrna 22 AUgUrt 1966 lb F8brurry 1977 HOndUra8 19 DOOclmb8r1966 Hungary 25 Marah 1969 17 Janurry 1974 Iaalrnd p/ 30 D808mb.r 1968 22 Augurt 1979 India 10 April 1979 A/ Iran (Ialamia R8public of) 4 24 Juno 197s Irrq 18 Fobrurry 1969 26 January 1971 Iralrnd 1 Octobrr 1973 18rarl 19 Dacombor 1966 1tr1y b/ 18 January 1967 IS Soptsmbor 1976 Jamaica 19 Docombor 1966 3 October 1976 Japan 30 May 1976 21 Juno 1979 Jordan 30 June 1972 28 May 197S Kenya 1 May 1972 R/ Lobsnon 3 Nov8mbrr 1372 p/ Liberia 18 April 1967 Libyrn Arab Jamrhiriyr 1S May 1970 a/ Luxembourg p/ 26 November 1974 lb AuQurt 1963 MadegrocAr 17 leptemb8r 1969 21 JUn8 1971 Mali 16 )i/ Mauritius 12 D808mbet 1973 A/ Mexico 23 March 1981 ~1

/ Il. A/43/816 Englirh Pago 10

Mongolia 6 Juno 1966 18 Novombrr 1974 Moroooo 19 January 1977 3 May 1979 Nathorlandr h/ IS Juno 1969 11 Decrmber 1978 Now Zealand p/ 12 Novombor 1968 28 Docamber 1978 Niaarrgua 12 A/ Niger 7 81 Norway 1p/ 20 Maroh 1968 13 Saptembor 1972 Panama 27 July 1976 8 March 1977 P8ru hi 11 Augurt 1977 28 Phili&QdOr h/ 19 Doaomber 1966 23 January 1967 Polwd 2 March 1967 16 March 1977 Portugal 7 Ootobrr 1976 1S June 1978 Romania 27 Juno 1968 9 December 1974 Rwanda 16 April 1975 91 Saint Vinarnt and the Qrrnadinrr 9 Novrmbrr 1981 p/ San Marina 18 October 1965 R/ Senegal b/ 6 July 1970 13 February 1978 Spain lj/ 28 Septrmbrr 1976 27 April 1977 Sri Lanka h/ 11 Juno 1980 a/ Sudan 18 March 1986 81 Suriname 28 December 1976 61 Sweden &I 29 Soptembor 1967 6 December 1971 Syrian Arab Republic 21 April 1969 8/ Togo 24 May 1984 61 Trinidad and Tobago 21 December 1978 g/ TUni8ia 30 April 1968 16 March 1969 Ukrainian Soviet Socialirt Ropublio 20 March 1968 12 November 1973 Union of lovirt Soeiali8t Republic8 16 Mwah 1968 16 October 1973 United Kingdom of Qrert Britain and Northern Ireland PI 16 Ssptember 1968 20 May 1976 United Republia of T8nrrnir 11 June 1976 Q/ / I , . A/43/516 Engli8h Pago 11


United State8 of iunrrics S October 1977 Uruguay 21 February 1967 1 April 1970 Vmwrurla 24 June 1969 10 May 1976 Virt Nem 24 September 1982 aL/ Yugoslavia 8 August 1967 2 June 1971 28ire 1 November 1976 p/ Zembia 10 April 1984 JL/

A/ Aoceaaion,

hi Madr the declarrtion under article 41 of the Covenant.

E/ 600 annex I, note b. A/43/1116 Englirh P&go 12


Argentina 8 3uguet 1986 A/ Au,trir 10 Docombor 1973 10 .Jocember 1967 Barbado S January 1973 A/ Bolivia 12 Augurt 1962 Q/ Cunrroon 27 June 1984 81 Canada 19 May 1976 a/ Contra1 Afriaan Republic 8 May 1981 A./ China &/ Colombia 21 December 1966 29 October 1969 Congo S October 1963 A/ Coat& Ric8 19 Docombor 1966 29 November 1966 Cyprur 19 Docomber 1966 Donmark 20 March 1966 6 January 1972 Dominican Ropublia 4 January 1978 a/ Ecurdor 4 April 1968 6 March 1969 El Salvador 21 Soptembor 1967 Equrtorial Quinea 25 September 1987 B/ Finland 11 19 France 17 February 1984 81 Qambia 9 June 1986 A/ Quinoa 19 Hondura8 19 December 1966 Iceland 11 Augurt 1979 A/

It8ly 30 April 1976 15 September 1978 Jamaica 19 Docomber 1966 3 Octobrr 1975 Luxembourg 18 August 1983 61 Madega8orr 17 Soptrmber 1969 21 June 1971

/ II, A/43/618 Englirh Page 13

Mauritius 12 Docombor 1973 A/ Netherlands 25 Juno 1969 11 Docwnbor 1978 Nicaragua 12 March 1980 A/

Niger l Mwah 1986 A/ Norway 20 Maroh 1966 13 Baptombor 1972 Panam8 27 July 1976 6 Marah 1977 Peru 11 Augurt 1977 3 Ootobor 1980 Philippinea 19 Docomber 1966 Por tugs1 1 AUgU8t 1978 3 MAY 1983 Saint Vincent end the Grenadinea 9 p/ San Marino 18 October 1985 A/ Senqal 6 July 1970 13 Fobrurry 1978 Spain 28 Janurry 1985 p/ Suriname 26 Docombor 1976 A/ Sweden 29 Srptombor 1967 6 Doaombrr 1971 Togo 30 March 1986 A/ Trinidcrd and Tobago 14 Novembrr 1980 a/ Uruguay 21 February 1967 1 April 1970 Veneauela 15 Novombor 1976 10 May 1978 Zaire 1 Novombrr 1976 A/ Zambia 10 April 1984 A/

A/ Acceutsion.

b/ See annex I, note b,