JBoss Seam Content:

1. Introduction to JBoss Seam. 1.1 Seam Tutorial 1.2 Using the Seam examples. 1.3 Running the examples on JBoss AS. 1.4 Running the example tests. 1.5 Your first Seam application: the registration example. 1.6 Clickable lists in Seam: the messages example. 1.7 Seam and jBPM: to do list example. 1.8 Seam page flow: the number guess example.

2. Getting started with Seam, using seam-gen.

3. Getting started with Seam, using JBoss Tools.

4. Migration from 2.2 to 2.3. 4.1 Migration of XML Schemas. 4.2 EE 6 upgrade. 4.3 JBoss AS 7.1 deployment. 4.4 Changes in testing framework. 4.5 Dependency changes with using Maven.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270 iFLAME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

5. The contextual component model. 5.1 Seam contexts. 5.2 Seam components. 5.3 Bijection. 5.4 Lifecycle methods. 5.5 Conditional installation. 5.6 Logging. 5.7 The Mutable interface and @ReadOnly. 5.8 Factory and manager components.

6. Configuring Seam components.

7. Events, interceptors and exception handling.

8. Seam events.

9. Page actions.

10. Page parameters.

11. Propagating request parameters.

12. URL rewriting with page parameters.

13. Conversion and Validation.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270 iFLAME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

14. Navigation.

15. Contextual events.

16. Seam interceptors.

17. Managing exceptions.

18. Conversations and workspace management.

19. Pageflows and business processes.

20. Seam and Object/Relational Mapping.

21. JSF form validation in Seam.

22. Groovy integration.

23. Writing your presentation layer using .

24. The Seam Application Framework.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270 iFLAME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

25. Seam and JBoss Rules.

26. Security.

27. Internationalization, localization and themes.

28. Seam Text.

29. iText PDF generation.

30. The Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet application.

31. RSS support.

32. Email.

33. Asynchronicity and messaging.

34. Caching.

35. Web Services.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270 iFLAME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

36. Remoting.

37. Seam and the .

38. integration.

39. Guice integration.

40. Hibernate Search.

41. Configuring Seam and packaging Seam applications.

42. Seam annotations.

43. Built-in Seam components.

44. Seam JSF controls.

45. JBoss EL.

46. Clustering and EJB Passivation.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270 iFLAME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

47. Performance Tuning.

48. Testing Seam applications.

49. Dependencies.

50. Dependency Management using Maven.

304, Shivalik 2, Above ICICI Bank, Near Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 http://www.iflameinstitute.com+91-8866241010 | +91-9227892270