Earth and Space Sciences Annual Report 2015 Dear Reader,

Welcome back — this is the tenth consecutive that our department is producing an annual report of this specific type. Obviously, with more than one hundred hard working full time employees it is not possible to show you the complete picture. Instead we try to give an overall summary, including selected results, hoping they will be of interest to you.

Gunnar Elgered, Some highlights that have occurred during the year: Head of Department – we congratulate Wouter Vlemmings, who was appointed full professor in Radio Astronomy on the 1st of November;

– the optical remote sensing group installed a monitoring station for measuring the emission from ships at the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark;

– the construction began of the concrete foundations for the twin telescopes at the observatory;

– the super tide gauge station at the observatory was inaugurated (see next page);

– with financial support from the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation we started to produce two “Massive Open Online Courses” (MOOCs);

– the group for advanced receiver development installed two new receivers, one in the 20 m telescope in Onsala and one in the APEX telescope in Chile.

Please continue reading about these and many more activities.

Press Clippings

Swedish instrument has found water in space Here’s the Cigar in new detail Scientists have found water vapour in space by using An international group of radio astronomers the Swedish instrument Sepia. led by Chalmers has acquired the sharpest astronomy picture so far at long wavelengths. Dagens Nyheter – November The picture is taken with the LOFAR telescope.

Measuring sea level in a unique way Expressen – January The new tide gauge station at the Onsala Space Observatory was inaugurated on September 17.

GP, Ny teknik, Kungsbacka-Posten, TV4, P4 Göteborg – September An extremely powerful magnetic field close to a Astronomers have peeled away most of the Stardust in young galaxy surprises gas and dust enshrouding a monster black hole, scientists taking a close look at the giant that lies some 68 One of the most distant observed thousand light- away. contained much more dust compared to what was believed to be possible. El Mundo – April

GP – March Production: Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, Chalmers Printed by Danagård LiTHO, 2016. Copies: 750 2 The Cover

A new state-of-the-art tide gauge station was established at the Onsala Space Observatory. A goal for the observations, at the fundamental geodetic station, is to measure and model variations in the Earth’s crust at the millimetre level. This implies, for example, that loading effects on the crust due to varying masses in the atmosphere and in the ocean must be measured and understood. The amplitude and phase variations in the local sea level are too complicated to be interpolated using data from the existing nearby tide gauge stations in Ringhals and in Gothenburg.

The long term goal is to have continuous time series of sea level observations with an accuracy of a few millimetres. This called for the construction of a new tide gauge station at the observatory. The site was designed in a collaboration with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). It has been in continuous operation since the summer of 2015. SMHI participates in the data quality check and archiving, thereby securing that the data are suitable for use in future geodynamic research as well as being a high quality station in the Swedish observational network of the sea level. Photo: Lars Wennerbäck

Contents First Degree & Master’s Studies...... 4 Bachelor´s Thesis Reports...... Rolf Brennerfelt (right), Director General of the Swedish 5 Master’s Thesis Reports...... Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Mats Viberg (left), 5 Vice President of Chalmers University of Technology inaugurate the Master´s Programmes...... 6 new tide gauge station at the observatory on September 17. Doctoral Programme...... Photo: Ulf Christensen, SMHI 8 Doctoral Dissertations...... 8 Licentiates...... 9 Advanced Receiver Development...... 10 Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling...... 11 Optical Remote Sensing...... 12 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy...... 13 Radar Remote Sensing...... 14 Space Geodesy and Geodynamics...... 15 Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics...... 16 Onsala Space Observatory...... 18 Publications...... 20 Public Outreach/Press Clippings ...... 24 Facts and Figures...... The construction team of the tide gauge station. From the 25 Organisation...... left Ronny Wingdén, Christer Hermansson, Henrik Lindh, 26 Jan Karaskuru, Lars Wennerbäck and Jonas Wahlbom. Photo: Ulf Christensen, SMHI

3 First Degree and Master’s Studies

The department is active at several levels of teach- The department is involved in two master’s pro- ing: we give courses for students at the Chalmers’ grammes: Physics and Astronomy (together with Magnus Thomasson, Foundation Year, the three-year engineering pro- the Department of Fundamental Physics, from Vice Head of Department and responsible for the gramme in Electrical Engineering and five-year 2016 the Department of Physics) and Wireless, undergraduate teaching master of engineering programmes in Electri- Photonics and Space Engineering (with the De- cal Engineering, Automation and Mechatronics partment of Microtechnology and Nanoscience). Engineering, and Engineering Physics. Most of our courses are at the master’s level, and many of Two of the department’s teachers are also respon- them are also open to students at University of sible for education programmes at Chalmers: Gothenburg. Cathy Horellou is Director of the Master’s Programme in Physics and Astronomy, and Arto In 2015, the department was responsible for Heikkilä is Head of the Programme in Electrical more than 20 courses at Chalmers, plus thesis Engineering. projects at the bachelor’s and master’s level. Our teachers also participated in courses given by Our teaching cooperation with the Department of other departments. The subjects range from basic Physics at the University of Gothenburg (GU) was electrical engineering to courses closely related to Arto Heikkilä, strengthened in 2015, with courses at GU at the Head of the our research in, e.g., astrophysics, remote sensing, bachelor’s level in basic astronomy and on the so- Programme in receiver development, and plasma physics. An lar system given by teachers from our department. Electrical Engineering important subject is measurement techniques. We have our own laboratory, which is used exclusively Towards the end of 2015, many teachers from for teaching and where students get hands-on ex- the department’s Earth science groups were busy perience with measurement instruments. Also the preparing for two MOOCs to be given in Febru- instruments at Onsala Space Observatory are used ary and March of 2016. MOOCs means “Massive in several courses. One example is the small radio Open Online Courses”, i.e., courses given on the telescope SALSA, which astronomy students use web and open for anyone in the world. This is fur- to observe atomic hydrogen gas in the Milky Way. ther described on the page Public Outreach.

Cathy Horellou, Chalmers courses given during 2015 Director of the (NB: many of the master’s courses were also open to students at the University of Gothenburg) Master’s Programme in Physics and A Foundation Year Master’s courses and equivalent Astronomy Physics, part B Active microwave circuits (parts of the course) Physics project (parts of the course) Astrophysical dynamics Electromagnetic waves and components Engineering programmes Experimental physics: spectroscopic methods Electrical engineering (parts of the course) Electrical engineering project Galaxies and observational cosmology Telecommunication Image processing Degree project in Earth and Space Sciences Master’s thesis in Earth and Space Sciences Microwave engineering (parts of the course) Master of Engineering programmes, year 1–3 Millimetre wave and THz technology Bachelor’s thesis in Earth and Space Sciences Modern astrophysics Electric circuits and electric power (part of the Plasma physics with applications course) Remote sensing Engineering measurements (for Automation and Radar systems and applications Mechatronics Engineering) Radioastronomical techniques and Engineering measurements (for Electrical interferometry Engineering) Satellite positioning Environmental measurement techniques Satellite communications High frequency electromagnetic waves Space science and techniques Planetary sciences Stellar physics The and formation

4 Bachelor’s Thesis Reports

Frida Almqvist, Oskar Bohlin, Katrin Ekström, Anton Mårtensson, Eirik Seljelid Development of models for studies of air pollution Supervisor: David Simpson

Viktor Tengnäs, Andreas Perme, Filippa Hallqvist, Richard Lan Estimation of the rate of galaxies in the young Universe Supervisors: Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen and Lukas Lindroos

Astrid Olivefors, Philip Källström, A spectrum with all observations of C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) made between Nov. 16 and Dec. 15, 2013 at the Onsala Elin Tegehall, Alexander Levinsson Space Observatory showing the three rotational transitions Analysis of HCN emission from Comet J = 1 – 0 of HCN. C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) Supervisors: Eva Wirström and Mikael Lerner

Master’s Thesis Reports

Maryam Jamali Jonas Wahlbom Soft model approximation of microwave Evaluation of sea level sensors at the Onsala scattering properties of ice particles Space Observatory Supervisor: Patrick Eriksson Supervisor: Gunnar Elgered

Magnus Lindgren Weihua Wang A 1296 MHz Earth-Moon-Earth Ionospheric disturbance on GNSS receivers and communication system other systems Supervisor: Gunnar Elgered Supervisor: Jan Johansson

Theresa Nilsson Göran Åhling Evolution of star-forming galaxies in the Modernization of fluorescent lighting with LED early Universe, analysed with SED fitting Supervisor: Gunnar Elgered from optical to far- Supervisors: Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen and Guillaume Drouart

Ken Ryrbo Turbulent transport in fusion plasmas Supervisor: Hans Nordman

Ronny Videkull Evaluate and develop high-performance GPS navigation using free GPS software Supervisor: Thomas Hobiger

The antenna of the 1296 MHz Earth-Moon-Earth communication system built by Magnus Lindgren. Magnus also took the photo.

5 Master’s programme given by us and the Department of Fundamental Physics (from 2016 Department of Physics). Master’s programme PHYSiCS anD aSTronoMY

CarEEr oPPorTUniTiES The skills in problem solving and advanced experimental techniques, as well as collaboration and presentation skills, acquired in this program are highly valued both in the academic world and on the job market. Previous students have found positions in for example industrial research, consulting, product and production development, management and From elementary particles to a complex universe administration, financial analysis. Understanding the basic laws of physics has been a fascinating The interested student will also be well prepared to enter a doctoral programme at Chalmers or at problem since the birth of modern science. It is of great intrinsic another university in both Sweden and worldwide. interest and also forms the basis of other branches of science. UniQUE FEaTUrES Trying to probe the smallest structures of matter and the largest Close connections to leading research laboratories structures of the Universe also drives the development of new like the accelerator facilities at CERN and GSI, and the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy: technologies. Onsala Space Observatory.

Physics and Astronomy is intended for students with a keen SPECiaLiZaTion interest in either the theoretical or experimental aspects of front- Through the choice of elective courses it is possible to specialize in theoretical and/or experimental line physics and astronomy. aspects of particle physics, subatomic physics or astrophysics.

Year 1

Advanced Quantum Quantum Field Theory Quantum Electro- Mechanics Mechanics dynamics Astroparticle Gravitation Physics and Cosmology Advanced Experimental Subatomic Physics: Modern Physics Astrophysics Interstellar Spectroscopic Medium & Galaxies Methods Star Format. & Observat. Cosmology Elective Elective courses courses Autumn Spring

Year 2

Phys. Beyond String the Standard Theory Model Modern Astrophysical Subatomic Dynamics Detectors Master’s Thesis 30 or 60 Credits Plasma Elective Physics courses

Elective Elective Elective courses courses courses Autumn Spring

Semi-compulsory courses, select 4–8 of 12 The order of the courses might be changed. The airborne radar system CARABAS Orionnebulosan

6 Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 772 10 00, Master’s programme given by us and the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. Master’s programme WirELESS, PHoToniCS anD SPaCE EnGinEErinG

CarEEr oPPorTUniTiES The programme provides a master’s education for a future career in engineering branches that rely heavily on electromagnetic waves, e.g. telecommunication, automotive electronics, space engineering, medical applications of microwaves and photonics, remote sensing, solid state lighting, environmental Electron beam lithography in Diffractive optics Photonics laboratory GaN MMIC X-band transceiver fabricated at Chalmers Chalmers clean room monitoring, navigation, and radio astronomy. You will find career opportunities in industry, at Electromagnetic waves in research and everyday life universities, or at research institutes. Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering with their many UniQUE FEaTUrES The programme offers a unique opportunity to study applications are large industries and strong research fields both a combination of subjects where Chalmers has world‐class facilities: Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden and worldwide. with radio telescopes and equipment to study the Earth and its atmosphere, the Nanofabrication The master’s programme will prepare you for a career in this Laboratory with a clean room for micro and field through studies of wireless and optical communication nanotechnology, and state‐of‐the‐art photonics and microwave measurement equipment in research components and systems, RF and microwave engineering, laboratories. photonics (phenomena and applications utilizing photons), and CoUrSES space science and techniques. The programme starts with five compulsory courses. Through semi-compulsory courses, students can specialize in wireless, photonics or space engineering, or a combination thereof. To provide opportunities to study related fields, there is also a wide range of elective courses.

Year 1

Electromag- Antenna netic Waves Microwave Fundamentals Engineering and Engineering of Components Photonics Laser Engineering Active Micro- Wireless and Space wave Circuits Photonics Science Radar System and Systems Engineering Techniques Remote and Sensing Applications The research satellite Odin Autumn Spring

Year 2

Design of Mm-wave & MMIC THz Techn.

Opto- Fiber Optical electronics Communic. Master’s Thesis Satellite Satellite Communic. Positioning

Semiconduct. Elective Devices courses Spring Elective Eleven feed antenna for radio telescopes courses The airborne radar system CARABAS Semi-compulsary courses, select 3–7 of 12

7 Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 772 10 00, Doctoral Programme The doctoral programme is organised as the research school Radio and Space Science. One of the three specialisations; Astronomy, Environmental Science, and Electrical Engineering may be added to reflecting the diversity of the research carried out at the department. The school strives to give the students a thorough understanding of the research area they have chosen with in depth studies in a particular subject. The students should also take part in some teaching activities as well at other de- Donal Murtagh, Deputy partmental work with the aim of achieving Chalmers goals for post-graduate education. There are cur- Head of Department rently about 27 research students in the programme — most of whom are employed by the department, and responsible for the although a few have positions in industry or at other institutes. During the past year 5 PhD degrees and doctoral programme. 4 licentiate degrees have been awarded, while 7 new post-graduate students were recruited.

We also strive to engage the PhD students in the department and have organised PhD-student fora once per year. This years was a full day in May. Here we discussed such subjects as the results of the introduction of new students, the personnel questionnaire, generic and transferable skills courses and how to spread knowledge, such as good programming, among each other. Licentiates

Niklas Falstad Parisa Yadranjee Aghdam Water and hydroxyl in luminous infrared galaxies: Characterisation of the Specific Capacitance Spectroscopic observations and modelling of Superconducting Tunnel Junctions January September Supervisor: Susanne Aalto Supervisor: Alexey Pavalotsky

Daniel Tegnered Emma Andersson Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent particle and On the use of aerosol optical properties and heat transport in tokamaks satellite-retrieved trace gases in regional air May quality modelling Supervisor: Pär Strand November Supervisor: Michael Kahnert

8 Doctoral Dissertations

Jörg Beecken Jan Torgrimsson Remote Measurements of Gas and Particulate Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Matter Emissions from Individual Ships Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing February June Supervisor: Johan Mellqvist Supervisor: Lars Ulander

Isaac Moradi Ole Martin Christensen Enhancing Tropospheric Humidity Data Mesospheric Measurements using Records from Satellite Microwave and Microwave Spectroscopy Radiosonde Sensors September March Supervisor: Patrick Eriksson Supervisor: Patrick Eriksson

Vladimir Conde Applications of DOAS, FTIR and MultiGas for studies of evolving volcanic activity April Supervisor: Bo Galle

9 Advanced Receiver Development

The Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) is a research and engineering group Research group leader working on Terahertz technologies and instrumentation. GARD research activities are focused Victor Belitsky on superconducting electronics, material science and thin-film processing. The results and experience from the research facilitate development and building of state-of-the-art instruments used in radio astronomy and environmental science.

ALMA band 5 full production project APEX project Staff At the beginning of 2013, GARD was awarded GARD has performed four missions to the APEX Victor Belitsky a contract to build Band 5 receivers frequency telescope, which included installation of the new Vincent Desmaris band from 163 GHz to 211 GHz for the entire receiver SEPIA (Swedish-ESO PI Instrument Andrey Ermakov Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array for APEX) and repair of the SHeFI (Swedish Sven-Erik Ferm (ALMA). The project aims to produce 75 receiver Heterodyne Facility Instrument) Band 1 mixer. Mathias Fredrixon cartridges in collaboration with the Nederlandse Igor Lapkin Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie (NOVA), The SEPIA receiver is a completely new Denis Meledin NL, and is funded by the European Southern instrument that allows using ALMA receiver Alexey Pavolotsky Observatory (ESO) at the level of about 13 M€ cartridges (up to 3) and consists of a cryostat and a Sareh Shafiee (Feb-) for 5 years. ALMA Band 5 European Consortium pre-production ALMA Band 5 receiver cartridge, Magnus Strandberg Erik Sundin collaborates with the National Radio Astronomy built under an EC FP6 funded project, and Observatory (NRAO), USA, providing the local upgraded by GARD. The SEPIA Band 5 receiver oscillator system and warm cartridge assembly. was commissioned in 2015. ESO has contributed to Doctoral students By the end of 2015, in total 13 Band 5 receiver SEPIA with hardware (local oscillators and warm Parisa Aghdam cartridges have been delivered to the ALMA cartridge assemblies purchased from NRAO) and Sascha Krause project and the first fringes were achieved. the commissioning. Hawal Marouf Rashid The SEPIA receiver covers the frequency range 158–211 GHz. The para-H2O (313–220) line at 183 GHz lies in the middle of Band 5. It is one of a few H2O lines that can be observed from the surface of the Earth. Introduction of the SEPIA Band 5 receiver at APEX was marked by coordinated press releases from ESO and Chalmers.

A new 2-channel mm-wave receiver for the OSO 20 m telescope GARD has designed and built the new 2-channel receiver for the 20 m telescope at Onsala. The receiver itself was installed and commissioned. The work has been carried out in extensive collaboration with the electronics lab at the observatory site. The receiver covers two bands: the 4 mm band where state-of-the art amplifiers from NRAO are used and the 3 mm band with 2SB SIS mixers from Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) which was available for observations already during the 2015 season. The receiver has a very compact design suitable GARD engineers Mathias Fredrixon, Denis Meledin and Igor Lapkin at the APEX telescope checking the tertiary for the tight space of the antenna cabin. GARD optics of the SEPIA receiver before the installation. has made a new optical design for this receiver Photo: Sascha Krause with a built-in calibration for both channels and an innovative optical switch for fast switching of observations on and off the source.

10 Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling Research group leader The Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling group focuses on the production Donal Murtagh and interpretation of global data-sets. To a large extent these originate from the Swedish led Odin satellite project, where we are the main data processing centre for the sub-millimetre radiometer instrument providing the atmospheric community with quality assessed data. On the scientific side we have continued with studies of the chemical and dynamical processes affecting the atmosphere. As in earlier annual reports, we chose to highlight one or two aspects of this research each year.

What is the weight of clouds around the world? We can answer this question quite well for clouds consisting of liquid droplets, but for ice clouds the answer is much more uncertain. This is true both regarding our general knowledge and how well satellites can estimate clouds weights. Simulations show that one way to improve the accuracy of remote measurements of cloud ice masses is to include sub-millimetre (sub-mm) wavelengths. We are highly active in the development of this observation approach. The long-term motivation of the efforts is the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI), that when launched around 2022 will become the Ozone change in the Northern hemisphere 2002–2013 (see text). first sub-mm satellite sensor dedicated to cloud Staff observations. is that the scattering properties of cloud ice and snow are poorly represented at present, and to Patrick Eriksson Hannah Imhof( Oct-) We have contributed to ICI by practically improve these properties is currently our main line Ashley Jones (Nov-) demonstrating some basic aspects of the of development. Michael Kahnert measurement approach, using Odin-SMR. The (adj. prof.) Two blobs of ozone loss SMR instrument operates at similar frequencies Donal Murtagh We have now analysed the entire 14 year data as ICI but uses a different observation geometry. Kristell Perot This means that another data source is needed record of ozone observations using our data Joel Rasch (-Jan) to fully test out the future ICI retrievals. The assimilation technique that allows us to determine David Simpson (adj. prof.) airborne ISMAR (International Sub-Millimetre chemical ozone loss. The technique works by Airborne Radiometer) has been developed for running parallel model runs. One where the this purpose and first field campaign data were initial ozone field at the beginning of the winter recorded during the last year. We contribute to is simply allowed to be transported by the winds Doctoral students the ISMAR project in several ways. First of all, (passive ozone) and one where we adjust the model in a statistical manner with each new Emma Andersson ISMAR data are mainly analysed using the ARTS Ole Martin Christensen ozone measurement. By subtracting the passive (Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator) (-Sep) forward model, where we are one of the two main ozone from the active ozone we get the chemical Robin Ekelund (May-) groups developing that software. Using ARTS we loss separatred from the effects of dynamics. The Joonas Kiviranta (Aug-) have provided simulations that help to analyse the figure shows the degree of ozone change for the Julia Ringsby (Nov-) calibration accuracy and polarisation response of Northern hemisphere for the years 2002–2013 for Kazutoshi Sagi ISMAR. However, our main responsibility is to altitudes from about 16 km to 30 km expressed develop a cloud and precipitation retrieval in potential temperature. In cold winters such as algorithm. The main limitation of the retrievals 2011 you can see the loss in lower stratospheric (< 600 K) ozone resulting from chlorine chemistry while in the warmer years such as 2009 and 2013 you can see large losses between altitudes with temperatures of 600 K and 900 K at the end of the winter. The latter loss is associated with nitrogen A mathematical model of one oxides mixing in from lower latitudes or possibly type of cloud crystal known as an aggregate. by downward transport from very high altitudes. 11 Optical Remote Sensing

The optical remote sensing group is working with development and application of ground-based optical remote sensing methods for atmospheric measurements. In specific we are focusing on Research group leader tailoring instruments and measurement strategies to address specific measurement problems Bo Galle related to environmental research and monitoring needs. The work is very international and field oriented, and spans a large variety of disciplines.

Emissions from ships A method, for remote airborne and ground based measurements of exhaust gas emissions from Staff ships has been developed. The aim with this Santiago Arellano system is to be able to control whether ships obey Jörg Beecken (Mar-) new environmental regulation within EU and Johan Ekholm the international maritime organization, IMO. Bo Galle During 2014 the system was rebuilt into a Navajo Johan Mellqvist Piper aircraft and then the installation was certi- fied by the European Air Safety Agency. The system was used operationally during 2015 for Doctoral students airborne surveillance of ships around the coast of Jörg Beecken (-Feb) Denmark and measurements from the Great Belt The ScanDOAS instrument measuring the gas emission from Vladimir Conde (-Apr) Holuhraun volcanic fissure eruption on Iceland. Photo: Bo Galle Bridge, funded by Danish Environmental Protec- John Johansson tion Agency. We have also carried out similar Volcanic gas measurements studies at Älvsborgs fästning in the ship channel Since 2001 we are strongly involved in develop- of Gothenburg within the EU project CompMon. ing methods to quantify gas emission from active In October 2015 we participated in a ship emis- volcanoes. The EU-project NOVAC (Network sion study in the port of Long Beach and Los for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Angeles, funded by the South Coast air quality Change), coordinated by Chalmers, was initiated management district to assess the influence of in fall 2005. This project aims at establishing a ship activities on the air quality in Los Angeles. network of instruments for gas measurements and today comprises 27 of the most active volcanoes in the world. In 2013 a new project DECADE (Deep earth Carbon Degassing) was initiated, aiming at improving the knowledge on CO2 emis- sion from volcanoes as part of a large scale inter- national effort DCO, Deep Carbon Observatory. During 2015 we have also made significant efforts in the EU-project FUTUREVOLC on Iceland, in specific in relation to the volcanic fissure eruption at Holuhraun yielding SO2 emissions exceeding 100 000 ton/day. During the year fieldwork has been carried out on volcanoes in Iceland, Ecua- Sniffer inlet at the Great Belt Bridge. More than 3000 dor and Costa Rica. ships were inspected during the second half of 2015. Photo: Johan Mellqvist Industrial hydrocarbon emissions Stratospheric ozone depletion and Emissions of hydrocarbons from oil related satellite validation industrial activities constitute an important Since 1994 we are operating a high resolution environmental problem. We have developed FTIR for Solar spectroscopy at Harestua in optical methods for quantification of emissions of southern Norway. The instrument is part of the hydrocarbons, NO2, SO2 and we are involved in Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Com- joint European work, CEN WG 38, to standardize position Change, and its main purpose is to study these techniques. We participated in the NASA the composition of the atmosphere in relation Discover AQ project in Houston in 2013 and dur- to climate gases and to gases that induce strato- ing 2014 and 2015 we have been working on these spheric ozone loss. During 2015 regular meas- data to compare the measurements with similar urements have been carried out, financed by the ones carried out from airplanes and ground sites. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

12 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy The group Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy is focused on theoretical research on turbulent transport and energetic particle physics of burning fusion plasmas. The research is strongly integrated with the international research activities, in particular the EU and ITER program, for Research group leader the realisation of fusion energy as a safe, clean, and sustainable energy source. In addition Hans Nordman to the topic areas detailed below, the group is also promoting these research areas in the Integrated Tokamak modelling programme on the European level.

Turbulent transport and modelling The strong gradients in temperature present Staff in tokamak fusion plasmas provide a source Dan Andersson (prof. emeritus) of free energy that feeds instabilities over a Yueqiang Liu wide range of sizes and frequencies. These (adj. prof.) instabilities in turn drive turbulence which Hans Nordman results in large transport of heat and particles Robert Nyqvist (-Jul) across the confining magnetic field. The large Michael Oberparleiter turbulent transport crucially affects the size (Aug-) and performance of a fusion device. Our Ola Olsson (Aug-) current work is focused on realistic large Eva Palmberg (Lecturer emeritus) scale gyrokinetic turbulence simulations of Pär Strand experiments at the Joint European Torus (JET), and further theoretical developments Doctoral students of a computationally efficient fluid model for Radial heat flux avalanche patterns in gyrokinetic simulations Frida Eriksson turbulent transport. of ion temperature gradient turbulence. The presence of neoclassical transport (right) decreases the frequency and Daniel Tegnered amplitude of events with high turbulent transport. While turbulence is responsible for most of the transport in a fusion plasma, collisions of the plasma particles and the curvature of the magnetic field also drive the usually weaker neoclassical The ongoing effort is to port GENE to GPUs, transport. When the length scales governing them targeting the Titan supercomputer, the world #2 are sufficiently close, i.e. the ratio between the ion supercomputer gyration radius and the pressure gradient length is not small, interaction between neoclassical and Energetic particle physics turbulent phenomena is possible. Our activity in One important objective for the next generation this field focuses on studying the mechanisms of tokamak ITER is the study of alpha particle this interaction, in particular, how the neoclassical production, confinement and consequent heating radial electric field modifies the pattern of shear of the main plasma. In fact, energetic particles flows which regulates the level of turbulent constitute the only heating alternative beyond transport. Additionally, we study how the presence the Ohmic regime, but are also known to play a of the neoclassical transport channel changes the decisive role for plasma stability. For example, frequency and amplitude of turbulent transport fast particles are prone to excite wave instabilities bursts (avalanches, see figure). in the Alfvénic frequency range, which may subsequently lead to severely degraded alpha Computational modelling of turbulent transport particle confinement and heating. Within this is very demanding, requiring the use of field, our research activity focuses on theory supercomputers. Modelling larger plasmas, e.g., development and modeling of nonlinear wave- ITER, with sufficient detail, and approaching particle interaction, which is motivated by the need the goal of predictive simulations, pushes to assess the implications of Alfvénic activity on computational demand even further. To meet burning plasma scenarios and may further provide these challenges, the group is also involved in opportunities to extract information on the plasma developing the simulation code GENE to be core via comparison with diagnostic measurements. able to utilize future supercomputers. Current, and future, flagship supercomputers have around 90 % of their computational power in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or similar accelerators. 13 Radar Remote Sensing The objective of our research is to develop and understand advanced radar methods and their application in forestry, glaciology and oceanography. The group specialises in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and develops algorithms for SAR image formation including autofocus. Large-scale forest mapping is an important application motivated by the need for improved climate change prediction, storm-damage mitigation and sustainable Research group leader management in commercial forestry. Ocean surface winds and currents, and sea ice are Leif Eriksson other applications with importance for the climate system, but also for support to ship routing and other maritime activities. Staff Jan Askne (prof. emeritus) Anders Berg Autofocus within the scope of SAR Measuring sea surface currents in Gisela Carvajal Leif Eriksson processing Skagerrak Maciej Soja In 2015 the group made great progress in the field Sea surface water and anything that floats with Jan Torgrimsson (Sep-) of SAR autofocus. In close collaboration with it moves depending on the sea surface currents Lars Ulander SAAB Electronic Defence Systems, the develop- velocity and direction. With accurate information Monika Wozniak (Apr-) ment of the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus about the sea surface current field the drift of an (FGA) algorithm advanced. The run time of the oil spill can be forecasted as well as back tracked Doctoral students algorithm was reduced substantially and the auto- to its source, a missing person in the water might Wiebke Aldenhoff focus routine was made more robust. be found in time and saved, a lost container can be Erik Blomberg A method used to analyse how motion measure- found and collisions be avoided and the trans- Anis Elyouncha (Sep-) ment errors affect a SAR image was also devel- port of nutrients or hazardous substances can be Albert Monteith (Aug-) oped. The strategy compares a reference geometry estimated. Jan Torgrimsson (-Aug) to an error model to estimate the loss of focus. This approach Continuous monitoring of the currents fields at can be employed to support the Skagerrak has until recently only been provided FGA algorithm and to specify by sparse single point measurements. This changed requirements on the motion between September 2014 and December 2015, measurement system, i.e. regard- when our group, together with the Swedish Mete- ing accuracy. The FGA algorithm orological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and was evaluated successfully on the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) co- ultra-wideband data acquired in operated on the installation and evaluation of two the VHF frequency band by the High Frequency (HF) radars at the Swedish west Swedish CARABAS system. coast. The main purpose of this time limited instal- Errors due to a constant accelera- lation was to test possibilities to map sea surface tion were added to the naviga- currents and to detect ships in Skagerrak. tion data prior to processing, The surface current maps produced by the com- i.e. to simulate a drifting inertial bination of the data from both radars is currently measurement unit (without GPS used for validation of satellite estimates of surface support). The autofocus routine current fields in our group and of forecasting was then applied to correct the models at SMHI. erroneous geometry, eventually producing a focused SAR image. This result demonstrates that the FGA algorithm has the capacity to relax requirements on expen- sive and export-restricted motion measurements systems. Future work will reveal if the FGA algo- rithm can be used to compensate for missing navigation data.

Autofocus with FGA algorithm. (Top) Reference image, no errors Example of common coverage of the two HF added. (Mid) Defocused image, radars (green) installed on the West Coast of errors added. (Bottom) FGA Sweden with simultaneous brightness temperature image, errors cancelled out. data (grey) from a satellite. radiometer.

14 Space Geodesy and Geodynamics Our main interests are geodynamic phenomena and atmospheric processes. We study e.g. deformations of the Earth’s crust due to mass redistribution, inter- and intra-plate tectonics, loading effects, and variations in the Earth’s orientation Research group leader and rotation. We also study spatial and temporal variations of water vapour in the Rüdiger Haas atmosphere. We address these research topics using a variety of observational techniques together with theoretical modelling.

Inter-continental frequency transfer Observations from the Global Positioning Sytem (GPS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) were used to investigate the potential of these techniques to compare highly accurate fre- quency standards over inter-continental distances. Using the two techniques individually, frequency- link instabilities at the level of 10-14 to 10-15 can be achieved on inter-continental baselines and Staff averaging times of one day. However, when using Gunnar Elgered a combined analysis approach of both techniques Lubomir Gradinarski (adj. together, a small but consistent improvement for The GNSS-controlled drone used for exercises in the research assoc. prof.) the frequency transfer of up to 10 % is achieved, group’s master’s course in satellite positioning. Rüdiger Haas Photo: Joakim Strandberg in particular for averaging periods of more than Thomas Hobiger 3000 s. Jan Johansson (adj. prof.) Development of the GNSS course Johan Löfgren (-Jun) Automated near real-time earth rotation A new lab exercise for the research group’s mas- Hans-Georg Scherneck ter’s course in satellite positioning was developed. We studied the possibilities to perform an auto- The topic of this exercise is real-time positioning mated analysis of VLBI data on one long east-west Doctoral students with GNSS support and in particular so-called oriented baseline to derive the earth rotation angle Niko Kareinen real-time kinematic systems. For this purpose, a in near real-time. In particular, the impact of differ- Grzegorz Klopotek (Apr-) small drone was purchased that can be flown with ent apriori data on the accuracy of the results was Carsten Rieck manual control, but can also follow autonomously investigated. The study shows that it is possible to (industrial student) a pre-programmed flight path when making use of analyse VLBI data in fully automated mode to pro- Joakim Strandberg (Oct-) GNSS measurements. The latter flight mode can be vide the earth rotation angle with very low latency. realized either by standard single point positioning However, in order to guarantee the earth rotation or using differential real-time kinematic observa- angle with an accuracy of better than 20 microsec- tions. On-board sensors can collect data along the onds, it is necessary to use a priori polar motion flight path, which can then be used by the course data that is not older than 12 hours. participants in lab exercises.

Influence of the accuracy of a priori polar motion information on the accuracy of the earth-rotation angle determination (see text).

15 Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Our research covers a wide range of topics from planetary atmospheres, through the early evolution of and planets, to late stages of , the physics and chemistry of interstellar and intergalactic matter, the structure and evolution of Research group leader Susanne Aalto galaxies, and cosmology. We carry out observations both at radio frequencies and in other parts of the spectrum. We do theoretical research and develop numerical simulations and models of complex systems like galaxies and gas clouds and help to develop future telescopes on the ground and in space. Here we present a few examples of the group’s recent results.

Staff The interstellar medium, star and planet describe how a star loses mass during a thermal Susanne Aalto formation pulse (which drives the chemical evolution of Sun- Per Bjerkeli We have observed emission from H2O, NH3 and like stars). John Black N2H+ towards high-mass starless cores and proto- Roy Booth (prof. emeritus) stellar objects in two Galactic fields, each contain- -37 -35.5 -34 -32.5 -31 Francesco Costagliola ing objects in different evolutionary stages. The Guillaume Drouart (-Oct) molecules are sensitive to different physical and Lulu Fan (-Mar) chemical conditions, and the detections show com- -29.5 -28 -26.5 -25 -23.5 Malcolm Fridlund plex line shapes from the protostellar envelopes, ( Arto Heikkilä molecular outflows and infall. The chemical char- Åke Hjalmarson acteristics of massive cold clumps, and the com- -22 -20.5 -19 -17.5 -16 (prof. emeritus) parison with those of their low-mass counterparts, Cathy Horellou can provide crucial clues about the exact role that Dec. offset [arcsec] Suzy Jones (Aug-) chemistry plays in differentiating the early phases -14.5 -13 -11.5 -10 -8.5 Kay Justtanont of low-mass and high-mass star formation. Theo Khouri We have also investigated the ratio of nuclear spin Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen 20 1.5 types, the ortho-to-para ratio of NH2 in interstellar -7 -5.5 -4 -2.5 -1 Sabine König (Sep-) gas using unique observations obtained with the 10 1 Boy Lankhaar (Nov-) 0 0.5 Herschel-HIFI instrument. -10 0 René Liseau -20 Robin Lombaert (Aug-) 20 10 0 -10 -20 R.A. offset [arcsec] The current paradigm of star formation through Tuomas Lunttila ALMA maps of CO emission from the evolved star R Sculptoris, accretion discs, and magneto-hydrodynamically Matthias Maercker showing signs of intense mass-loss a few thousand years ago. driven gas ejections, predicts the development of Eamon O’Gorman HD101584 is a bright object in the sky, but its true Hans Olofsson collimated outflows. Using VLA observations we Carina Persson have shown that the massive protostar W75N(B)- nature has been unclear. ALMA CO observa- Alessandro Romeo VLA 2 has a thermal ionized wind that has tions are now revealing details on this system as a Gustaf Rydbeck evolved in 18 years from a compact source into binary where a dying star has captured a (prof. emeritus) a collimated elongated one. neighbouring companion. The “Fried Egg ” Magnus Thomasson is the mass-loss envelope of a rare kind of star Arnold Van Ardenne Evolved and dying stars called a yellow hypergiant. Millimeter-wave ob- (adj. prof.) (-Mar) ALMA has given us the sharpest view ever of the servations of CO show that the mass-loss has been Wouter Vlemmings famous double star . For the very first time irregular and asymmetrical. Anders Winnberg (prof. emeritus) at millimetre wavelengths, we have been able to Eva Wirström resolve the stellar disc of the asymptotic giant is one of the fundamental parameters branch (AGB) star Mira A as well as the wind of governing the stellar evolution from its birth to Doctoral students its companion star. In addition to size and tem- its death and once a star evolves off the main Daria Dall’Olio perature, the observations surprisingly revealed a sequence, it is extremely difficult to determine. Taïssa Danilovich strong flare, of more than 10,000 K, at the surface. The heterodyne instrument (HIFI) aboard the Niklas Falstad Such stellar activity is not expected on an AGB Herschel Space Observatory was used to observe Judit Fogasy star and could indicate that magnetic activity is red giants which are losing mass at a very high Mitra Hajigholi an important factor in expelling vast amounts of rate, making the central star invisible due to the Lukas Lindroos material into the stellar wind. large amount of dust produced in the circumstellar Maryam Saberi envelopes. By observing isotopologues of water Eskil Varenius We also observed the shell and circumstellar towards red giants, we were able to determine the Sofia Wallström environment around the evolved star R Sculptoris. lower limit of the initial mass of a number of stars. Joachim Wiegert For the first time we were able to observationally

16 Galaxies ALMA and Herschel are powerful instruments for studying galaxy evolution using molecules to trace dynamical, chemical, and physical condi- tions. These tools are particularly important when probing extremely dust-enshrouded galaxy nuclei that are not accessible by optical tracers. We have pioneered techniques to use vibrationally excited transitions of HCN to peek inside the thick veils of dust hiding the true nature of extremely obscured galaxy nuclei. The emission reveals a previously unknown growth spur of the supermassive black hole and its surrounding stellar component. These nuclei may also drive massive, cold molecular winds that may empty the nuclear regions of gas and dust in a few tens of Myr. With the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer telescope we stud- ied for the first time the chemistry of the molecu- lar outflow of the Mrk231. Optical image of the , which is gravitationally lensing the background galaxy A1689-zD1 by With ALMA the field of extragalactic astrochem- a factor ~9.5. The insets zoom further to A1689-zD1 and the red (and green) color channel shows near-infrared light. The istry is undergoing a revolution. We find that the contours show the ALMA observations of the thermal dust luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) NGC4418 has emission. Credits: image from ESA/ NASA/ESO; the zoom-in from K. Knudsen. chemical properties that are very different from normal star forming galaxies. Herschel observa- tions of the LIRG Zw049 reveal unusually high Hot, dust-obscured galaxies (Hot DOGs) are H2O abundances tracing a compact region near believed to be distant galaxies in a brief transition the nucleus excited either by a growing supermas- between intense starburst phase and a non-obscured sive black hole or an extremely compact burst of quasar phase in massive galaxy mergers. Sub-mm star formation. We also use highly excited CO, observations have found them to be active galac- OH, and ionized carbon [C II] to investigate the tic nuclei (AGN)-dominated, with extremely high 14 evolutionary status of star formation in nearby star of LIR > 10 Le. The spectral energy forming galaxies. distribution of their emission suggests that it is dominated by hot dust. We study the effects of cosmic ray particles in galaxies, including nuclear processes, ionization of To allow for the study (and statistics) of very faint interstellar matter, and the diffuse glow of gamma emission from the distant Universe we have deve­ rays. loped an algorithm for stacking of interferometric data. Applications of dynamical models and diagnostics, developed by the group, to observations of nearby The chemistry of the very distant Universe can be disc galaxies reveal that gravitational instability, studied through absorption lines towards distant radial inflow and disc heating have driven the . The so-called inert elements like argon formation of the inner structures and the dynamics can form molecular bonds when they are ionized. of molecular gas. Sensitive absorption line observations with ALMA revealed that the ArH+ molecule exists in the inter- The high redshift Universe stellar medium of a distant galaxy. We have discovered one of the most distant galax- ies found so far. While only a very small number of such galaxies are known, the largest difference is that this galaxy, A1689-zD1, is very dusty. In fact it is the only one of the normal star-forming galax- ies found during the first billion years after the big bang that has a proper detection of dust (and gas). With an estimated age of only a few hundred million years, the time for dust production similar to local galaxies is insufficient, so the question remains what are the dust production mecha- nisms. We estimate the dust mass to be similar to ALMA view of a ring of hot and dense molecular gas tracing that of our Milky Way, while the stellar mass is the intense star formation in the nucleus of the luminous galaxy only a few per cent of the Milky Way. NGC1614. The ring is 400 pc (about 1300 light years) across.

17 Onsala Space Observatory Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) is the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. In Onsala, the observatory operates two parabolic radio telescopes, a 25 m diameter cm-wave dish and a 20 m diameter mm-wave dish, and the Swedish LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) station. The observatory is also one of three partners in the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), a 12 m diameter submillimetre-wave telescope in Chile, and provides the channel through which Sweden is involved in large international radio Director John Conway astronomy projects, such as EVN (European VLBI Network), LOFAR, ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), and SKA (Square Kilometre Array). Geoscience Staff activities are also a part of the mission of the observatory. The equipment consists of Per Bergman receivers for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), several tide gauge sensors, a Bhushan Billade superconducting gravimeter, a seismometer, and radiometers for aeronomy. The 20 m Per Björklund telescope is partly used for geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry). Tobia Carozzi Simon Casey John Conway The 20 m telescope international VGOS (VLBI Geodetic Observing Robert Cumming A new receiver for the 4 mm band, 67–87 GHz, System) recommendations, and lead to improved Elvire De Beck was installed in the autumn 2015. The 4 mm band measurement accuracy: 1 mm for station position Lars Eriksson is not available generally to European astrono- and 0.1 mm/yr for station velocity. Ingemar Evertsson (Dec-) mers and barely covered anywhere in the world. Magnus Dahlgren The band around 4 mm contains a rich collection New tide gauge Jens Dahlström (Jun-) of molecular-line transitions, including those of A new super tide gauge, built in cooperation with Jonas Flygare many deuterated species. This new receiver (as the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological In- Peter Forkman the 3 mm receiver installed in 2014) is dual polari- stitute (SMHI), was inaugurated on 17 September Roger Hammargren sation sideband separating, each sideband having 2015. It is also a site in SMHI:s national network, Christoffer Haraldsson (-Jul) a bandwidth of 4 GHz. The receiver temperature and must have a high reliability. Therefore, it Leif Helldner is approximately 50–60 K (single-sideband). measures sea level with two methods simultane- Christer Hermansson ously: with a radar and with a so called bubble (-Feb) A special call for science verification observa- sensor. The super tide gauge measures the sea Karl-Åke Johansson tions with the new 4 mm receiver, issued late level relative to the Earth’s crust. It complements Jan Karaskuru 2015 and requiring a principal investigator with the experimental GNSS tide gauge in Onsala, Ulf Kylenfall a Swedish affiliation, attracted a large interest which measures sea level relative to the Earth’s Mikael Lerner with 10 proposals requesting observations of, e.g., centre of gravity by using GNSS receivers. Michael Lindqvist circumstellar masers and star-forming regions. Iván Martí-Vidal About 20 single-dish projects were observed with Gravimeters Sebastien Muller the 20 m telescope in 2015, with topics ranging The permanently operating superconducting Michael Olberg from star formation and evolved stars, through Henrik Olofsson gravimeter in Onsala determines gravity changes molecules and turbulence in Galactic interstellar Simon Olvhammar (Aug-) due to e.g. tides, atmosphere, and mass redistribu- Miroslav Pantaleev gas, to properties of molecular gas in other galax- tion in the environment, but even polar motion. Glenn Persson ies. The 20 m telescope was also used for VLBI For secular changes like post-glacial isostatic ad- Lars Pettersson observations by the astronomical and geodetical justment, other instruments that measure gravity Jonas Wahlbom communities. in an absolute sense (however with less resolution Lars Wennerbäck in every single observation) are needed. Two such Ronny Wingdén instruments visited the gravity laboratory in Feb- Bo Wästberg (Mar-) ruary 2015: a novel gravimeter based on neutral- Jun Yang atom optical interferometry (GAIN). In parallel the convential, falling corner-cube gravimeter Staff shared with FG5X from Leibniz University Hannover was research groups Gunnar Elgered Rüdiger Haas Thomas Hobiger Spectrum of HDO (and other molecules) in Orion obtained Hans-Georg Scherneck with the new 4 mm receiver on the Onsala 20 m telescope. Magnus Thomasson Wouter Vlemmings The Onsala Twin Telescope Construction of the two new 13.2 m diameter A majority of the Group radio telescopes, for geodetic VLBI, started in for Advanced Receiver 2015. The first test observations with the new Development (p. 10) is also part of the telescopes, the Onsala Twin Telescope (OTT), observatory. will begin in 2016. The OTT will follow the new Visiting gravimeters and their electronic equipment in the OSO gravity laboratory. Photos: Hans-Georg Scherneck

18 operated. It shows in the background, belittled of the tall free-fall assembly of GAIN (left picture) and its racks (right).

Other activities in Onsala Observations of, e.g., pulsars with the LOFAR station in Onsala continued in 2015, both as a part of the International LOFAR Telescope and in stand-alone mode. The 20 m and 25 m telescopes participated in astronomical VLBI observations, mainly within the European VLBI Network ALMA has detected a very strong magnetic field close to (EVN). The VLBI technique is being developed a supermassive black hole in distant galaxy. This artist’s impression shows such a black hole with its brilliant accretion to larger bandwidths and higher data transfer disc, a high-speed jet and intense magnetic field. Credit: ESO/L. rates. An example is the DIVA project within Calçada RadioNet, where data transfer at 32 Gbit/s were by the University of Arizona and installed in the tested between OSO and Noto in Italy. autumn of 2014), continued during the spring of 2015. SuperCam is useful for mapping wide areas The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is in the CO(3–2) line, e.g., the and now in its design phase. Chalmers and OSO are the Magellanic Clouds. part of two design consortia. Within the Wide- band Single Pixel Feeds (WBSPF) consortium, In total, 45 projects were observed at APEX dur- OSO is designing a feed horn for 4.6–26 GHz. ing Swedish time in 2015. The principal investiga- The project has passed a System Requirement tors of these projects were affiliated with research Review. Within the Dish consortium, OSO has organisations and universities in 10 different designed a feeder, worked on a prototype cry- countries. Most of the projects used the SHeFI ostat, and tested low-noise amplifiers, all for the heterodyne receiver, but also the new SEPIA 350–1050 MHz band. receiver, the SuperCam array, and the bolometer cameras LABOCA and ArTeMiS were used. Like The outreach activities have continued, with, e.g., previous years, the projects covered a wide range school classes and other groups visiting the obser- of research topics, e.g., star formation, the Galac- vatory, as described elsewhere in this report. tic interstellar medium, evolved stars, and galax- ies of different kinds. At least 64 refereed papers APEX based on APEX data were published in 2015. A new instrument called SEPIA, with room for three receivers, was installed on APEX in early ALMA 2015. The first receiver, for 158–211 GHz, was The Nordic ARC node based at OSO has contin- installed at the same time. This frequency band ued to assist Nordic users of ALMA, e.g. through includes an important spectral line of water at workshops arranged in Gothenburg and Uppsala. 183 GHz, but also many transitions of other Several Nordic astronomers have also visited the molecules of large astrophysical interest. ARC node in Onsala. The Nordic proposals to Due to the water vapour in Earth’s atmosphere, ALMA Cycle 3 were very successful: 27.5 % were the 183 GHz water line can only be observed accepted. The ARC node arranged a meeting in from dry sites at high altitudes, like Chajnantor Smögen with 54 participants from the European where APEX is situated. The SEPIA recevier ARC network, and is also heavily involved in the was built by the Group for Advanced Receiver European verification of results from ALMA. Development (GARD), and is based on an A new technique to analyze ALMA data in order ALMA band 5 receiver (also developed by to study magnetic fields through the polarization GARD). of radiation has been developed at the obser- vatory. The technique was applied to ALMA A special call for science verification observa- observations of the (AGN) tions with the new SEPIA receiver was issued in the distant galaxy PKS 1830-211. An extremely early 2015, requiring a principal investigator with powerful magnetic field, beyond anything previ- a Swedish affiliation. Later, SEPIA was also ously detected in the core of a galaxy, very close offered to the whole scientific community for nor- to the event horizon of the supermassive black mal observations. In total, more than 30 requests hole in the AGN was revealed. The magnetic field for observations with SEPIA on Swedish APEX is located precisely at the place where matter is time were made in 2015. suddenly boosted away from the black hole in the form of a jet. Never before has it been possible to Observations with the SuperCam visiting instru- study magnetic fields so close to the black hole in ment (a 64-pixel 345 GHz heterodyne array built an AGN.

19 Publications The list contains peer reviewed journal publications that were actually published during 2015. The publications are presented for each research group and in alphabetical order based on the first author´s last name. A few publications with authors from more than one research group are listed in each group. In order to have a list of a reasonable size, we have chosen to only include peer reviewed journal publications on these pages. PhD and licentiate theses are presented on pages 8 and 9. A complete list for 2015, and in most cases also links to the full papers, can be found at:

Eriksson, P.; Jamali, M.; Mendrok, J.; et al. (2015). On the microwave optical properties of randomly oriented ice hydrometeors. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 1913-1933.

Fytterer, T.; Mlynczak, M.G.; Nieder, H.; Pérot, K.; … ; Urban, Photo: Victor Belitsky J.; et al. (2015). Energetic particle induced intra-seasonal variability of ozone inside the Antarctic polar vortex observed Advanced Receiver Development in satellite data. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3327-3338. Belitsky, V.; Lapkin, I.; Fredrixon, M.; Sundin, E.; Helldner, L.; Galligani, V.S.; Prigent, C.; Defer, E.; … ; Eriksson, P.; et al. Pettersson, L.; Ferm, S.; Pantaleev, M.; Billade, B.; Bergman, (2015). Meso-scale modelling and radiative transfer simulations P.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Lerner, M.S.; Strandberg, M.; Whale, M.; of a snowfall event over France at microwaves for passive and Pavolotsky, A.; Flygare, J.; Olofsson, H.; Conway, J. (2015). active modes and evaluation with satellite observations. Atmos. A new 3 mm band receiver for the Onsala 20 m antenna. Meas. Tech., 8, 1605-1616. Astron. Astrophys., 580. Isoz, O.; Buehler, S.A.; Eriksson, P. (2015). Intercalibration Trifonov, A.; Lubenchenko, A.; Polkin, V.; Pavolotsky, A.; et al. of microwave temperature sounders using radio occultation (2015).Difference in charge transport properties of Ni-Nb thin measurements. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 120, 3758-3773. films with native and artificial oxide. J. Appl. Phys. 117, 1-6. Kahnert, M. (2015). Modelling radiometric properties of Yadranjee Aghdam, P.; Rashid, H.; Pavolotsky, A.; Desmaris, inhomogeneous mineral dust particles: Applicability and V.; Meledin, D.; Belitsky, V. (2015). Direct Measurement of limitations of effective medium theories. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Superconducting Tunnel Junction Capacitance. IEEE Trans. Ra., 152, 16-27. THz Sci. Technol. 5, 464-469. Kirkwood, S.; Osepian, A.; Belova, E.; Urban, J.; Pérot, K.; et al. (2015). Ionization and NO production in the polar mesosphere during high-speed solar wind streams: model validation and comparison with NO enhancements observed by Odin-SMR. Ann. Geophys., 33, 561-572.

Moradi, I.; Ferraro, R.R.; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2015). Intercalibration and Validation of Observations from ATMS © NASA and SAPHIR Microwave Sounders. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53, 5915-5925. Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling Moradi, I.; Ferraro, R.R.; Soden, B.; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2015). Retrieving Layer-Averaged Tropospheric Humidity from Aires, F.; Prigent, C.; Orlandi, E.; ... ; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2015). Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Water Vapor Microwave hyperspectral measurements for temperature and Channels. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53, 6675-6688. humidity atmospheric profiling from satellite: The clear-sky case. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos. 120, 11334-11351. Navas-Guzman, F.; Kampfer, N.; Murk, A.; … ; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2015). Zeeman effect in atmospheric O-2 measured by Andersson, E.; Kahnert, M.; Devasthale, A. (2015). ground-based microwave radiometry. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, Methodology for evaluating lateral boundary conditions in 1863-1874. the regional chemical transport model MATCH (v5.5.0) using combined satellite and ground-based observations. Geosci. Rahpoe, N.; Weber, M.; Rozanov, A.V.; ... ; Urban, J.; Murtagh, Model Dev., 8, 3747-3763. D.P; et al. (2015). Relative drifts and biases between six ozone limb satellite measurements from the last decade. Atmos. Bender, S.; Sinnhuber, M.; von Clarmann, T.; ... ; Urban, Meas. Tech., 8, 4369-4381. J.; Pérot, K.; et al. (2015). Comparison of nitric oxide measurements in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from Thomas, M.; Kahnert, M.; Andersson, C.; et al (2015). ACE-FTS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY, and SMR. Atmos. Meas. Integration of prognostic aerosol-cloud interactions in a Tech., 8, 4171-4195. chemistry transport model coupled offline to a regional climate model. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 1885-1898. Burton, S.P.; Hair, J.W.; Kahnert, M.; et al. (2015). Observations of the spectral dependence of linear particle depolarization ratio of aerosols using NASA Langley airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13453-13473.

Christensen, O.M.; Eriksson, P.; Urban, J.; Murtagh, D.P.; et al. (2015). Tomographic retrieval of water vapour and temperature around polar mesospheric clouds using Odin-SMR. Atmos. Photo: Bo Galle Meas. Tech., 8, 1981-1999.

Dore, A.J.; Carslaw, D.C.; Braban, C.; … ; Simpson, D.; et al. Optical Remote Sensing (2015). Evaluation of the performance of different atmospheric chemical transport models and inter-comparison of nitrogen Beecken, J.; Mellqvist, J.; Salo, K.; Ekholm, J.; et al. (2015). and sulphur deposition estimates for the UK. Atmos. Environ., Emission factors of SO2, NOx and particles from ships in Neva 119, 131-143. Bay from ground-based and helicopter-borne measurements and AIS-based modeling. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5229-5241.

20 Bobrowski, N.; von Glasow, R.; Giuffrida, G.B.; … ; Arellano, S.; … ; Galle, B.; et al. (2015). Gas emission strength and evolution of the molar ratio of BrO/SO2 in the plume of Nyiragongo in comparison to Etna. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 120, 277-291.

Hidalgo, S.; Battaglia, J.; Arellano, S.; … ; Galle, B.; et al. (2015). SO2 degassing at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) between 2007 and 2013: Transition from continuous to episodic activity. J. Photo: Jens Dahlström Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 298, 1-14.

Vigouroux, C.; Blumenstock, T.; Coffey, M.; ... ; Mellqvist, J.; ... Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics and ; Persson, G.; et al. (2015). Trends of ozone total columns and the Swedish National Facility for Radio vertical distribution from FTIR observations at eight NDACC stations around the globe. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2915-2933. Astronomy

Zelenski, M.; Taran, Y.; Galle, B. (2015). High emission rate of Aalto, S.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Muller, S.; … ; Costagliola, F.; et al. sulfuric acid from Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka. Geophys. (2015). High resolution observations of HCN and HCO+J = 3–2 Res. Lett., 42, 7005-7013. in the disk and outflow of Mrk 231 -- Detection of vibrationally excited HCN in the warped nucleus. Astron. Astrophys., 574, 85.

Aalto, S.; Martin, S.; Costagliola, F.; ... ; Muller, S.; et al. (2015). Probing highly obscured, self-absorbed galaxy nuclei with vibrationally excited HCN. Astron. Astrophys., 584.

Agertz, O.; Romeo, A.; Grisdale, K. (2015). Characterizing gravitational instability in turbulent multicomponent galactic discs. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 449, 2156-2166. Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Alatalo, K.; Crocker, A.F.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). Evidence Anderson, D.; Desaix, M. (2015). Introduction to direct of boosted 13CO/12CO ratio in early-type galaxies in dense variational and moment methods and an application to the environments. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 450, 3874-3885. Child-Langmuir law.Eur. J. Phys., 2015, 065032. Amanullah, R.; Johansson, J.; Goobar, A.; … ; Varenius, E.; … ; Anderson, J.; Botha, G.J.J. (2015). Statistical properties of Wallström, S.; Wiegert, J.; et al. (2015). Diversity in extinction laws Charney-Hasegawa-Mima zonal flows. Phys. Plasmas, 22, 052305. of Type Ia supernovae measured between 0.2 and 2 μm. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 453, 3300-3328. Eriksson, F.; Nyqvist, R.; Lilley, M. (2015). Kinetic theory of phase space plateaux in a non-thermal energetic particle distribution. Azulay, R.; Guirado, J.; Marcaide, J.; Marti-Vidal, I.; et al. (2015). Phys. Plasmas, 22, 092126. Dynamical masses of the low-mass stellar binary AB Doradus B. Astron. Astrophys., 578, A16. Imbeaux, F.; Pinches, S.D.; Lister, J.B.; … ; Strand, P. et al. (2015). Design and first applications of the ITER integrated modelling & Belitsky, V.; Lapkin, I.; Fredrixon, M.; Sundin, E.; Helldner, L.; analysis suite. Nucl. Fusion, 55. Pettersson, L.; Ferm, S.; Pantaleev, M.; Billade, B.; Bergman, P.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Lerner, M.S.; Strandberg, M.; Whale, M.; Jarmén, A.; Anderson, J.; Malinov, P. (2015). Effects of parallel Pavolotsky, A.; Flygare, J.; Olofsson, H.; Conway, J. (2015). ion motion on electromagnetic toroidal ion temperature gradient A new 3 mm band receiver for the Onsala 20 m antenna. modes in a fluid model. Phys. Plasmas, 22, 082508. Astron. Astrophys., 580.

Liu, Y.; Akers, R.; Chapman, I.T.; et al. (2015). Modelling Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Calmonte, U.; Charnley, S.; … ; Wirström, toroidal rotation damping in ITER due to external 3D fields. E.; et al. (2015). Cometary Isotopic Measurements. Space Sci. Nucl. Fusion, 55. Rev., 197, 47-83.

Moradi, S.; Anderson, J.; Gurcan, Ö. (2015). Predator-prey Boquien, M.; Calzetti, D.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). Measuring star model for the self-organization of stochastic oscillators in dual formation with resolved observations: the test case of M 33. populations. Physi. Rev. E. Stat. Nonlin. Soft Matter Phys., 92, Astron. Astrophys., 578. 062930. Bouchet, P.; Garcia-Marin, M.; Lagage, P.O.; … ; Justtanont, K.; Olsson, O.; Billeter, M.; Sintorn, E.; et al. (2015). More Efficient et al. (2015). The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Space Telescope, III: MIRIM, The MIRI Imager. Publ. Astron. Graphics, 21, 701-713. Soc. Pac., 127, 612-622.

Yadykin, D.; Frassinetti, L.; Delabie, E.; et al. (2015). Studies of Cabrera, J.; Csizmadia, S.; Montagnier, G.; Fridlund, M.; et al. the non-axisymmetric plasma boundary displacement in JET (2015). Transiting from the CoRoT space mission: in presence of externally applied magnetic field. Plasma Phys. XXVII. CoRoT-28b, a planet orbiting an evolved star, and Control. Fusion, 57. CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit. Astron. Astrophys., 579.

Camps, P.; Misselt, K.; Bianchi, S.; Lunttila, T.; et al. (2015). Benchmarking the calculation of stochastic heating and emissivity of dust grains in the context of radiative transfer simulations. Astron. Astrophys., 580.

Photo: Leif Eriksson Carozzi, T. (2015). Imaging on a sphere with interferometers: The spherical wave harmonic transform. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Radar Remote Sensing Soc. Letters., 451, L6-L10.

Berg, A.; Dammert, P.; Eriksson, L.E.B. (2015). X-Band Carrasco-Gonzalez, C.; Torrelles, J.M.; Canto, J.; ... ; Vlemmings, Interferometric SAR Observations of Baltic Fast Ice. W.; et al. (2015). Observing the onset of outflow collimation in a IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 53, 1248-1256. massive protostar.Science, 348, 114-117.

Santoro, M.; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Fransson, J. (2015). Reviewing Coppin, K.E.K.; Geach, J.; Almaini, O.; … ; Knudsen, K.K.; ALOS PALSAR Backscatter Observations for Stem Volume et al. (2015). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the Retrieval in Swedish Forest. Remote Sens., 4290-4317. submillimetre properties of Lyman-break galaxies at z=3-5. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 446, 1293-1304. Soja, M.J.; Persson, H.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2015). Estimation of Forest Biomass from Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass Costagliola, F.; Sakamoto, K.; Muller, S.; ... ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). InSAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 53, 5083-5099. Exploring the molecular chemistry and excitation in obscured luminous infrared galaxies -- An ALMA mm-wave spectral scan Soja, M.J.; Persson, H.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2015). Estimation of NGC 4418. Astron. Astrophys., 582, A91. of Forest Height and Canopy Density from a Single InSAR Correlation Coefficient. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 12, 646-650. 21 Csizmadia, S.; Hatzes, A.; Gandolfi, D.; ... ; Fridlund, M.; et al. Homan, W.; Decin, L.; de Koter, A.; ... ; Vlemmings, W.; et (2015). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission al. (2015). Simplified models of stellar wind anatomy for XXVIII. CoRoT-33b, an object in the brown dwarf desert with interpreting high-resolution data Analytical approach to 2:3 commensurability with its host star. Astron. Astrophys., 584. embedded spiral geometries. Astron. Astrophys., 579.

Danilovich, T.; Olofsson, G.; Black, J.H.; Justtanont, K.; Olofsson, Indriolo, N.; Neufeld, D.; Gerin, M.; … ; Black, J.H.; ... ; Persson, + + H. (2015). Classifying the secondary component of the binary star C.M.; et al. (2015). Herschel Survey of Galactic OH , H2O , and W Aquilae. Astron. Astrophys., 574, A23. H3O+: Probing the Molecular Hydrogen Fraction and Cosmic- Ray Ionization Rate.Astrophys. J., 800, 40. Danilovich, T.; Teyssier, D.; Justtanont, K.; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2015). New observations and models of circumstellar CO line Izumi, T.; Kohno, K.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). Alma observations of emission of AGB stars in the Herschel SUCCESS programme. the submillimeter dense molecular gas tracers in the luminous Astron. Astrophys., 581. type-1 active nucleus of NGC 7469. Astrophys. J., 811, 39.

De Beck, E.; Vlemmings, W.; Muller, S.; Black, J.H.; O’Gorman, Justtanont, K.; Barlow, M.J.; Blommaert, J.; ... ; Olofsson, H.; E.; ... ; Maercker, M.; et al. (2015). ALMA observations of TiO2 et al. (2015). Herschel observations of extreme OH/IR stars: around VY Canis Majoris. Astron. Astrophys., 580. The isotopic ratios of oxygen as a sign-post for the stellar mass. Astron. Astrophys., 578. Emonts, B.H.C.; De Breuck, C.; Lehnert, M.D.; … ; Drouart, G.; et al. (2015). The Dragonfly Galaxy II. ALMA unveils a triple Kanekar, N.; Ubachs, W.; Menten, K.M.; … ; Muller, S.; et al. merger and gas exchange in a hyper-luminous at (2015). Constraints on changes in the proton-electron mass ratio z=2. Astron. Astrophys., 584. using methanol lines. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 448, L104-L108.

Emonts, B.H.C.; Mao, M.Y.; Stroe, A.; ... ; Drouart, G.; et al. Keimpema, A.; Kettenis, M.; Pogrebenko, S.; … ; Yang, J. et al. (2015). A CO-rich merger shaping a powerful and hyperluminous (2015). The SFXC software correlator for very long baseline infrared radio galaxy at z=2: the Dragonfly Galaxy. Mon. Not. R. interferometry: algorithms and implementation. Exp. Astron., 39, Astron. Soc., 451, 1025-1035. 259-279.

Falstad, N.; González-Alfonso, E.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). Herschel Kirsten, F.; Vlemmings, W.; Campbell, R.M.; et al. (2015). spectroscopic observations of the compact obscured nucleus in Revisiting the birth locations of pulsars B1929+10, B2020+28, Zw 049.057. Astron. Astrophys., 580, A52. and B2021+51. Astron. Astrophys., 577.

Fathi, K.; Izumi, T.; Romeo, A.; … ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). Local Lindroos, L.; Knudsen, K.K.; Vlemmings, W.; Conway, J.; Marti- instability signatures in ALMA observations of dense gas in Vidal, I. (2015). Stacking of large interferometric data sets in NGC 7469. Astrophys. J., 806, L34. the image- and uv-domain – a comparative study. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 446, 3502-3515. Finet, F.; Elyiv, A.; Melnyk, O.; ... ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2015). Predicted multiply imaged X-ray AGNs in the XXL survey. Mon. Liseau, R.; Larsson, B. (2015). Search for HOOH in Orion. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 452, 1480-1492. Astron. Astrophys., 583, A53.

Fomalont, E.B.; Vlahakis, C.; Corder, S.; … ; Conway, J.; ... Liseau, R.; Larsson, B.; Lunttila, T.; Olberg, M.; Rydbeck, G.; ; Maercker, M.; ... ; Marti-Vidal, I.; ... ; O’Gorman, E.; ... ; Bergman, P.; Justtanont, K.; et al. (2015). Gas and dust in the star- Vlemmings, W.; et al. (2015). The 2014 ALMA long baseline forming region r Oph A. The dust opacity exponent b and the campaign: an overview. Astrophys. J. Letters., 808. gas-to-dust mass ratio g2d. Astron. Astrophys., 578.

Foster, G.; Karastergiou, A.; Paulin, R.; Carozzi, T.; et al. (2015). Liseau, R.; Vlemmings, W.; Bayo, A.; ... ; Black, J.H.; ... ; Intrinsic instrumental polarization and high-precision pulsar Fridlund, M.; Justtanont, K.; et al. (2015). ALMA observations timing. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 453, 1489-1502. of . First detection of main-sequence stars at 3 mm wavelength. Astron. Astrophys., 573, L4. Frey, S.; Paragi, Z.; Fogasy, J.; et al. (2015). The first estimate of radio jet at z > 5. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 446, Lykou, F.; Klotz, D.; Paladini, C.; … ; Maercker, M.; et al. (2015). 2921-2928. Dissecting the AGB star L-2 Puppis: a torus in the making. Astron. Astrophys., 576. García-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.; Usero, A.; Aalto, S.; ... ; Costagliola, F.; et al. (2015). High-resolution imaging of the molecular Marti-Vidal, I.; Muller, S.; Vlemmings, W.; Horellou, C.; Aalto, S. outflows in two mergers: IRAS 17208-0014 and NGC 1614. (2015) A strong magnetic field in the jet base of a supermassive Astron. Astrophys., 580. black hole. Science, 348, 311-314.

Gandolfi, D.; Parviainen, H.; Deeg, H.J.; ... ; Fridlund, M.; et al. Matsushita, S.; Trung, D-V.; Boone, F.; ... ; Muller, S. (2015). (2015). Kepler-423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very Resolving the Bright HCN(1-0) Emission toward the Seyfert 2 old solar-like star. Astron. Astrophys., 576. Nucleus of M51: Shock Enhancement by Radio Jets and Weak Masing by Infrared Pumping? Astrophys. J., 799, 26. Goicoechea, J.; Teyssier, D.; Etxaluze, M.; … ; Black, J.H.; ... ; Persson, C.M.; et al. (2015). Velocity-resolved [C II] emission and Matthews, B.C.; Kennedy, G.; Sibthorpe, B.; … ; Fridlund, M.; et al. [C II]/FIR mapping along orion with Herschel. Astrophys. J., 812, (2015). The AU Mic Debris Disk: Far-Infrared and Submillimeter 75. Resolved Imaging. Astrophys. J., 811, 100.

Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Sturm, E.; … ; Aalto, S.; Falstad, McDonald, I.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Lagadec, E.; … ; Justtanont, N.; et al. (2015). High-lying oh absorption, [C II] deficits, and K.; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2015). ALMA reveals sunburn: CO extreme LFIR/MH2 ratios in galaxies. Astrophys. J., 800. dissociation around AGB stars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 453, 4324-4336. Grenier, I.; Black, J.H.; Strong, A. (2015). The nine lives of cosmic rays in galaxies. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 53, 199-246. Moldon, J.; Deller, A.T.; Wucknitz, O.; ... ; Carozzi, T.; Conway, J.; ... ; Varenius, E.; et al. (2015). The LOFAR long baseline snapshot Hajigholi, M.; Persson, C.M.; Wirström, E.; Black, J.H.; Bergman, calibrator survey. Astron. Astrophys., 574, A73. P.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Olberg, M.; … ; Hjalmarsson, Å.; et al. (2015). On the accretion process in a high-mass star forming Müller, H.S.P.; Muller, S.; Schilke, P.; … ; Black, J.H.; et al. (2015). region - A multitransitional THz Herschel-HIFI study of Detection of extragalactic argonium, ArH+, toward PKS 1830- ammonia toward G34.26+0.15. Astron. Astrophys., 585, 20. 211. Astron. Astrophys., 582, 4.

Harada, N.; Riquelme, D.; Viti, S.; ... ; Aladro, R.; et al. (2015). Neufeld, D.; Black, J.H.; Gerin, M.; ... ; Persson, C.M.; et al. (2015). Chemical features in the circumnuclear disk of the Galactic Herschel observations of interstellar chloronium. Ii. center. Astron. Astrophys., 584. Detections toward G29.96-0.02, W49N, W51, and W3(OH), and determinations of the ortho-to-para and 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratios. Heald, G.H.; Pizzo, R.F.; Orru, E.; … ; Varenius, E.; … ; Conway, J.; Astrophys. J., 807. et al. (2015). The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) I. Survey description and first results. Astron. Astrophys., Ning, T.; Haas, R.; Elgered, G. (2015). Determination of the local 582, 22. tie vector between the VLBI and GNSS reference points at Onsala using GPS measurements. J. Geodesy., 89, 711-723.

22 O’Gorman, E.; Harper, G.M.; Brown, A.; ... ; Vlemmings, W.; et Vlemmings, W.; Ramstedt, S.; O’Gorman, E.; et al. (2015). al. (2015). Temporal evolution of the size and temperature of Resolving the stellar activity of the Mira AB binary with ALMA. Betelgeuse’s extended atmosphere. Astron. Astrophys., 580. Astron. Astrophys., 577.

O’Gorman, E.; Vlemmings, W.; Richards, A.M.S.; ... ; De Beck, E.; Wagner, J.; Roy, A.; Krichbaum, T.; ... ; Bergman, P.; Conway, J.; … ; Muller, S.; et al. (2015). ALMA observations of anisotropic Haas, R.; Johansson, J.; Lindqvist, M.; Olofsson, H.; Pantaleev, M.; dust mass loss in the inner circumstellar environment of the red et al. (2015). First 230? GHz VLBI fringes on 3C 279 using the supergiant VY Canis Majoris. Astron. Astrophys., 573, L1. APEX Telescope (Research Note). Astron. Astrophys., 581.

Olmi, L.; Persson, C.M.; Codella, C. (2015). Herschel-HIFI Wallström, S.; Muller, S.; Lagadec, E.; Black, J.H.; ... ; Justtanont, observations of H2O, NH3, and N2H+ toward high-mass starless K.; et al. (2015). Investigating the nature of the Fried Egg nebula: and protostellar clumps identified by the Hi-GAL survey. Astron. CO mm-line and optical spectroscopy of IRAS 17163–3907. Astrophys., 583, A125. Astron. Astrophys., 574, A139.

Olofsson, H.; Bergman, P.; Lindqvist, M. (2015). Detection of Watson, D.; Christensen, L.; Knudsen, K.K.; et al. (2015). A dusty, Cl line emission from the detached CO shell of the AGB star R normal galaxy in the of reionization. Nature, 519, 327-330. Sculptoris. Astron. Astrophys., 582, 8. Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Brajša, R.; ... ; Black, J.H.; et al. (2015). Olofsson, H.; Vlemmings, W.; Maercker, M.; … ; Lindqvist, M.; et SSALMON - The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large al. (2015). ALMA view of the circumstellar environment of the Millimeter Observatory Network. Adv. Space Res. 56, 2679-2692. post-common-envelope-evolution binary system HD 101584. Astron. Astrophys., 576. Wells, M.; Pel, J.W.; Glasse, A.; ... ; Justtanont, K.; et al. (2015) he Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Orru, E.; van Velzen, S.; Pizzo, R.F.; … ; Conway, J.; et al. (2015). Telescope, VI: The Medium Resolution Spectrometer. Publ. Wide-field LOFAR imaging of the field around the double- Astron. Soc. Pac., 127, 646-664. double radio galaxy B1834+620 A fresh view on a restarted AGN and doubeltjes. Astron. Astrophys., 584. Willacy, K.; Alexander, C.; Ali-Dib, M.; … ; Wirström, E. et al. (2015). The Composition of the Protosolar Disk and the Privon, G.C.; Herrero-Illana, R.; Evans, A.S; ... ; Aalto, S.; ... ; Formation Conditions for Comets. Space Sci. Rev., 197, 151-190. Conway, J.; et al. (2015). Excitation mechanisms for hcn(1-0) and HCO+ (1-0) in galaxies from the great observatories all-sky lirg Wright, G.S.; Wright, D.; Goodson, G.B.; ... ; Justtanont, K.; et al. survey. Astrophys. J., 814. (2015). The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, II: Design and Build. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 127, Rieke, G.H.; Wright, G.S.; Boker, T.; ... ; Justtanont, K.; et al. 595-611. (2015). The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, I: Introduction. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 127, 584-594. Young, A.; Wijnholds, S.J.; Carozzi, T.; et al. (2015). Efficient correction for both direction-dependent and baseline- Rocca-Volmerange, B.; Drouart, G.; De Breuck, C. (2015). dependent effects in interferometric imaging: An A-stacking Supernova remnant mass accumulated during the star formation framework. Astron. Astrophys., 577. history of the z=3.8 Radio galaxies 4c41.17 And tn j2007-1316. Astrophys. J. Letters., 803. Xu, C.K.; Cao, C.; Lu, N.; … ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). ALMA observations of warm dense gas in NGC 1614-breaking of the Romeo, A.; Fathi, K. (2015). A double molecular disc in the triple- star formation law in the central kiloparsec. Astrophys. J., 799. barred NGC 6946: structure and stability. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 451, 3107-3116. Östlin, G.; Marquart, T.; Cumming, R.J.; et al. (2015). Kinematics of Haro 11: The miniature Antennae. Astron. Astrophys., 583, Rosenberg, M.J.F.; van der Werf, P.P.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2015). A55. The Herschel Comprehensive (U)lirg Emission Survey (Hercules): Co Ladders, Fine Structure Lines, and Neutral Gas Cooling. Astrophys. J., 801, 2.

Sandqvist, A.; Larsson, B.; Hjalmarson, Å.; … ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2015). Herschel HIFI observations of the Sgr A+50 km s(-1) Cloud Deep searches for O-2 in emission and foreground absorption. Astron. Astrophys., 584.

Sanna, A.; Surcis, G.; Moscadelli, L.; ... ; Vlemmings, W. et al. (2015). Velocity and magnetic fields within 1000 AU of a massive YSO.Astron. Astrophys., 583, L3. Space Geodesy and Geodynamamics Schulz, A.; Henkel, C.; Menten, K.M.; Muller, S.; et al. (2015). The inhomogeneous ISM toward PKS 1830–211 SW: A detailed Hobiger, T.; Rieck, C.; Haas, R.; et al (2015). Combining GPS view of molecular gas at a look-back time of 7.5 Gyr. Astron. and VLBI for inter-continental frequency transfer. Metrologia, Astrophys., 574, 108. 52, 251-261.

Shulevski, A.; Morganti, R.; Barthel, P.D.; ... ; Horellou, C.; ... Kareinen, N.; Haas, R. (2015). Experience from geodetic very ; Conway, J.; et al. (2015). AGN duty cycle estimates for the long baseline interferometry observations at Onsala using a ultra-steep spectrum radio relic VLSS J1431.8+1331. Astron. digital backend. J. Geod. Sci., 5, 26-34. Astrophys., 583, A89. Kareinen, N.; Hobiger, T.; Haas, R. (2015). Automated analysis Simpson, J.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A.; … ; Knudsen, K.K.; et al. of Kokee–Wettzell Intensive VLBI sessions—algorithms, results, (2015). The scuba-2 cosmology legacy survey: alma resolves the and recommendations. Earth Planets Space, 67. bright-end of the sub-millimeter number counts. Astrophys. J., 807. Ning, T.; Haas, R.; Elgered, G. (2015). Determination of the local tie vector between the VLBI and GNSS reference points at Surcis, G.; Vlemmings, W.; van Langevelde, H.; et al. (2015). Onsala using GPS measurements. J. Geodesy., 89, 711-723. EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions: III. the flux-limited sample. Astron. Olsson, P-A.; Milne, G.A.; Scherneck, H-G.; et al. (2015). Astrophys., 578. The relation between gravity rate of change and vertical displacement in previously glaciated areas. J. Geodyn., 83, 76-84. Torchinsky, S.A.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Censier, B.; et al. (2015). EMBRACE@Nançay: An ultra wide field of view prototype for Timmen, L.; Engfeldt, A. & Scherneck, H-G. (2015). Observed the SKA. J. Inst., 10. secular gravity trend at Onsala station with the FG5 gravimeter from Hannover. J. Geod. Sci., 5, 1-8. Varenius, E.; Conway, J.; Marti-Vidal, I.; … ; Carozzi, T.; ... ; Aalto, S.; ... ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2015). Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of the M82 nucleus at 118 MHz and 154 MHz. Astron. Astrophys., 574, A114.

23 Public Outreach In our outreach programme we engage with the public in order to communicate the excitement and importance of science to people of all ages.

Sensing Planet Earth: Water and Ice

During 2015 we initiated and produced the online Our SALSA radio telescopes were booked for material for two new Chalmers MOOCs (massive an average of 24 hours per week, on average open online courses), Sensing Planet Earth — 4.5 h per booking, by students, teachers and (1) from Core to Outer Space and (2) Water and amateur astronomers from Sweden and from as Ice. The courses will be given on the edX web far away as the US, Bangladesh and Honduras. portal during February–April 2016 and the target Most users study the movements of interstellar audience is teachers and students at the upper gas in the Milky Way. We provided supervision for secondary school level as well as the general public a number of Swedish high school projects using in order to stimulate the interest and knowledge of SALSA. our planet. We communicated news from scientists to the In total 1889 people visited the observatory in media in collaboration with Chalmers press office Onsala, its telescopes and exhibition. School and with ESO. News reports from Sweden and groups of all ages accounted for 27 of the tours. around the world reported on the super tide gauge, We also supported a small number of visits LOFAR’s image of galaxy M82, ALMA’s discovery and Skype conversations with school classes. In of strong magnetic fields near a supermassive October we hosted two work experience (prao) black hole, a surprisingly dusty galaxy in the early students. Many visitors to Onsala came as part universe, evidence of activity on the red giant star of two public open days, during the Gothenburg Mira, and the installation of Sepia on APEX. Science Festival and on the open house the last We handled many media enquiries on Sunday in May. Fifty invited guests attended the astronomical topics and were regularly quoted inauguration of the super tide gauge in September. in news media. We provided support to the SKA During both the Science Festival and on Mother’s Key Science meeting in Stockholm in August 2015, Day and Night of Astronomy in October, we and during the year communicated news about organised and co-organised many talks and other SKA via the project’s Swedish website. In October events in Gothenburg and in Kungsbacka. we hosted a meeting of the EU-funded network RadioNet3’s outreach project, and helped finalise the production of a comic book for young people (“Eagle View Network”) about the history of the European VLBI Network. We translated “Invisible Universe”, a workbook on radio astronomy for primary schools.

GARD guided pupils of ages 10–13 from schools in the Göteborg area in the cleanroom facility during the yearly Science Festival. Through hands-on microelectronics experiments the pupils Sensing Planet Earth: From Core to Outer Space became “nanoscientists for a day”.

24 Facts and Figures


Income (SEK 1,000) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Research grants 95,977 91,513 90,298 86,816 88,868 Research, faculty funding 41,339 41,543 38,099 37,561 35,195 First degree & master’s studies 7,637 7,720 6,602 5,980 6,394 Other 4,419 2,308 4,003 3,531 4,040 Chalmers foundation 1,481 1,771 – 125 524 Total 150,853 144,855 139,002 136,025 135,021

Used grants (SEK 1,000) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Personnel 85,490 78,622 74,068 68,504 67,284 Internal overhead, IT, etc. 18,232 17,561 17,410 18,144 17,492 Fees (APEX, JIVE, etc.) 10,043 10,322 9,274 9,580 7,680 Premises 8,780 9,505 9,322 8,656 8,776 Other 14,372 12,724 14,279 12,685 19,959 Investments 6,325 5,919 6,174 6,472 5,130 Travel 5,816 4,110 4,086 3,818 4,500 Total 149,058 138,763 134,613 127,859 130,821

External funding (SEK 1,000) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Swedish Research Council 51,921 46,128 46,006 49,007 50,654 European Community 9,185 11,821 6,238 12,885 12,378 Swedish National Space Board 18,251 16,516 17,429 12,621 10,898 Other 11,741 9,863 10,735 7,413 8,345 Intl. Org. – ESA, ESO, CNES 7,821 - 7,404 2,391 1,548 VINNOVA (Swedish Govt. Agency for Innovation Systems) 1,817 2,547 4,553 4,112 4,537 Total 100,736 95,318 92,365 88,429 90,342

Personnel (Dec 31) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Professors 16 15 14 12 11 Adjunct professors 6 7 7 6 5 Associate professors/ University lecturers 9 10 8 10 10 Assistant professors 1 1 3 3 4 Researchers 3 3 2 2 5 Post doc 20 13 10 8 1 Research engineers 28 26 24 21 21 Technical staff 15 12 12 16 13 Administrative staff 7 7 7 7 8 Doctoral students 27 25 30 31 36 Ammanuens 1 - – 2 – Total 133 121 117 118 114

25 Organisation

Local Collaboration Head of Department Departmental Management Group Teaching staff Group (Gunnar Elgered) Advisory Group

Deputy Head and Director of Graduate Studies (Donal Murtagh) HR Specialist (Sofie Jansson) Vice Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies Onsala Space (Magnus Thomasson) Observatory (John Conway)

The Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy

Global Environmental Advanced Receiver Optical Remote Plasma Physics and Radar Remote Radio Astronomy and Space Geodesy and Administration Measurements and Development Sensing Fusion Energy Sensing Astrophysics Geodynamics (Ingrid Jakobson) Modelling (Victor Belitsky) (Bo Galle) (Hans Nordman) (Leif Eriksson) (Susanne Aalto) (Rüdiger Haas) (Donal Murtagh)

Departmental Advisory Group

The advisory team’s task is to identify and take a Internal representatives 2015 standpoint on overall strategic issues that are of relevance • Gunnar Elgered, Head of Department to the long-term development of the department, and to • Camilla Andersson, Secretary support the department’s steering group in other matters • Alessandro Romeo, Teachers’ representative that may arise. The team met three times during 2015. • Leif Eriksson, Teachers’ representative • Alexey B. Pavolotsky, Technical/Administrative External representatives 2015 staff’s representative • Göran Netzler, Chairman • Niklas Falstad, PhD Student’s representative • Göran Berndes, Chalmers’ President’s representative • Emil Rosenberg, Students’ representative • Thomas Lewin, Ericsson Research • Filippa Hallqvist, Students’ representative • Sven Grahn, Swedish Space Corporation • Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Substitute teachers’ • Marie Rådbo, University of Gothenburg representative

Management Group Teaching Staff The management group handles strategic as well as The teaching staff had on the average over 2015 operational matters for the department as a whole. approximately 25 members. Johan Mellqvist was It meets every third week. The group consists of: the Chairman and Arto Heikkilä was the Vice the Head of Department, the Deputy Head, the Chairman up to the summer. Thereafter, these Vice Head, a Secretary, the Head of Administration tasks were taken over by Alessandro Romeo and Finance, the Personnel Officer, the Director and Hans-Georg Scherneck, respectively. The of the Onsala Space Observatory and our seven group has an advisory function on research and research group leaders. educational issues and meets 4–5 times per year.

Local Collaboration Group The Local Collaboration Group is a forum for discussing all issues concerning the management of the department: appointment of staff members, matters related to the premises and general working conditions, including the work environment (physical as well as psychosocial) and gender equality. The group consist of the Head of Department, the Head of Administration and Finance, the Personnel Officer, three representatives from our unions, a work environment ombudsman and an equality ombudsman, and meets every sixth week.

26 Administration and Finance The group works with organisational and financial planning and follow-up, accounting, study administration, HR administration, purchasing, web and other forms of communication, as well as any other services needed by the research and teaching staff. On December 31 the group consisted of: • Ingrid Jakobson • Paula Rosell Head of Administration and Finance Administrator • Maria Karlsson • Paulina Sjögren Department Financial Officer Administrator • Katarina Norheim • Oskar Ängermark Financial Officer Communications Officer • Camilla Andersson Administrator

Leif Eriksson and Wiebke Aldenhoff on the Swedish icebreaker Oden in the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard. Frej, the second Swedish icebreaker on the expedition, can be seen in the background.

Photo: Magnus Thomasson Antennas

27 Department of Earth and Space Sciences Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Telephone: +46 31-772 10 00 Internet: