
Applied Research Forum National Online Resource Center on Against Women

Update of the “Battered Syndrome” Critique

Mary Ann Dutton

With contributions from Sue Osthoff and Melissa Dichter

Battering and the effects of battering are com- of women who have been victimized by intimate plex phenomena, which often are not well under- partner violence or to explain their response to such stood by the lay public. In addition to physical injury, violence and is both misleading and potentially individuals who have experienced battering often harmful. As currently defined, the construct of BWS confront an array of psychological issues that differ has several important limitations: (1) BWS is often in both type and intensity. The effects of domestic not relevant to the central issues before the court in a violence vary according to the social and cultural specific case, (2) BWS lacks a standard and contexts of individuals’ lives and include differences validated definition, (3) BWS does not reflect in the pattern, onset, duration, and severity of abuse. current research findings necessary to adequately Importantly, this context is also determined by explain either the experience of individuals who have institutional and social responses to the abuser and been battered or their behavior in response to to the survivor of abuse and many other factors battering, and (4) BWS can be unnecessarily characteristic of both persons in an abusive relation- stigmatizing (Biggers, 2005; Ferraro, 2003). This ship: level of social support, economic and other paper reviews the definition, evolution, and utilization tangible resources, critical life experiences (e.g., of BWS in the courts, and offers a critique of its prior trauma, violence history, developmental framework and its use. history), and cultural and ethnic factors (Dutton, 1996; Dutton, Kaltman, Goodman, Weinfurt, & What is ? Vankos, 2005; Heise, 1998). Although individual women experience and BWS is a term typically used to refer to respond to battering differently, a number of reac- women’s experiences that result from being bat- tions are common among those who have been tered. It has evolved from a term used to describe a exposed to these traumatic events. “Battered broad range the victim’s (e.g., ) woman syndrome” (BWS), a construct introduced and abuser’s (e.g., ) behaviors to a in the 1970s by psychologist Lenore Walker, is mental health disorder describing symptoms experi- sometimes used in an attempt to explain common enced by an individual following traumatic exposure experiences and behaviors of women who have (e.g., Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD). been battered by their intimate partners (Walker, 1989; Walker, 2006). However, through more than Learned Helplessness three decades of accumulated empirical research, Initially, BWS was conceptualized as “learned we have come to recognize major limitations in both helplessness” (Walker, 1977), a condition originally the original and revised conceptualizations of BWS, conceptualized by Seligman and his colleagues as well as with the term itself (Osthoff & Maguigan, (Miller & Seligman, 1975) to describe the failure of 2005). The use of BWS to describe the experience dogs to escape a punitive environment, even when

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*The production and dissemination of this publication was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U1V/CE324010-05 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessar- ily represent the official views of the CDC, VAWnet, or the Pennsylvania Coalition Against . VAWnet Applied Research Forum given the opportunity to do so. The theory was later the lives of the individual woman and her partner, as used to explain in humans (Abramson, well as their relationship together. Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978). Walker (1977) applied the theory of learned helplessness to de- Cycle of violence scribe women’s seeming lack of effort to leave or Another early definition of BWS referred to the escape an abusive relationship or their failure or “cycle of violence” (Walker, 1984), a theory that inability to take action to protect themselves and describes the dynamics of the abuser’s behavior, their children. which is characterized in three stages: tension Seligman and colleagues (Peterson, Maier, & building, acute battering, and contrite loving. The Seligman, 1993) have clearly refuted Walker’s use theory suggests that the abuser keeps the survivor of learned helplessness by stating that within his control largely by the contrite loving behaviors that follow even severe violence. There is In sum, we think the passivity observed little empirical evidence testing the cycle of violence among victims/survivors of domestic vio- theory. Walker’s own early research showed that lence is a middling example of learned only some of the women interviewed in her study helplessness. Passivity is present, but it may reported patterns of abuse consistent with this well be instrumental. Cognitions of helpless- theory, with 65% of all cases reporting evidence of a ness are present, as is a history of tension-bulding phase and 58% of all cases report- uncontrollability. But there may also be a ing evidence of loving contrition afterward (Walker, history of explicit for passivity. 1984). Further, a recent study (Copel, 2006) of the Taken together, these results do not consti- patterns of abuse in a small sample of women with tute the best possible support for concluding physical disabilities did not find a contrite loving that these women show learned helplessness phase in the aftermath of abuse. (p. 239). Posttraumatic stress disorder Seligman and colleagues further argue that passivity In an attempt to standardize criteria for BWS, may be instrumental behavior that functions to Walker (1992) revised the definition to be synony- minimize the risk of violence, instead of reflecting mous with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a “learned helplessness” as it was originally conceptu- psychological condition which results from exposure alized. Some women who have been battered may to a traumatic event. Indeed, PTSD is described in appear helpless or intentionally use “passive” the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental behavior (e.g., giving in to demands) to stay safe. Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Indeed, research with low-income African-American Association, 2000). Many single instances of women who have experienced domestic violence domestic violence, and certainly the cumulative showed that, as violence toward women increased, pattern of violence and abuse over time, easily meet they increased their use of both passive (placating) the DMS-IV-TR criteria of a traumatic stressor. and active (resistance) strategies for dealing with the These criteria are (1) events that involved actual or violence (Goodman, Dutton, Weinfurt, & Cook, threatened death or serious injury, or a to the 2003). Further, as Seligman suggested, women physical integrity of self or other and (2) intense , sometimes use strategies that may seem passive or helplessness, or horror. The symptoms that defined tantamount to “doing nothing,” but these may PTSD include (1) intrusive symptoms (images, actually be active efforts to reduce the risk of thoughts, perceptions, ; distress at violence and abuse to themselves and their children. exposure to cues that symbolize or remind one of Indeed, the intended and actual function of a par- the traumatic event; physiological reactivity to ticular strategy is understood only in the context of exposure to internal or external cues that resemble

Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) Page 2 of 11 VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on www.vawnet.org VAWnet Applied Research Forum the traumatic event), (2) emotional numbing1 (feeling Schuller, Wells, Rzepa, & Klippenstine, 2004; detached or estranged, inability to recall important Stark, 2007; USDOJ/DHHS, 1996). Instead, today aspects of the trauma) and behavioral avoidance many practitioners use the term “battering and its (efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations effects” to describe the experiences of women associated with the trauma and activities, places and exposed to domestic violence (Osthoff & Maguigan, people that arouse recollections of the trauma), and 2005). Even so, it is important to note that some (3) hyperarousal (difficulty sleeping, and experts and attorneys continue to utilize the term irritability, difficulty concentrating, hypervigilance, BWS in their work. exaggerated startle response) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The psychometric validity of Use of BWS in Expert Testimony PTSD symptoms has been recently validated with women exposed to intimate partner violence Expert testimony about battering and its effects (Krause, Kaltman, Goodman, & Dutton, 2007). has been introduced in a wide range of criminal and Walker again revised the definition of BWS in civil cases. Most typically, it has been introduced by 2006 to include not only the three symptom clusters the defense in cases involving women who are of PTSD (re-experiencing, numbing of responsive- criminally charged, especially women who have ness, hyperarousal), but also three additional criteria killed their abusers. It can also be offered by the (disrupted interpersonal relationships, difficulties with prosecution in criminal cases, usually to explain why body image/somatic concerns, and sexual and the survivor of a has recanted or is unwilling to intimacy problems) (Walker, 2006). Many “associ- participate in the prosecution, or to explain other ated features” (e.g., impaired ability to regulate behaviors that might be difficult for jurors to under- emotion, dissociative symptoms, , feeling stand without the aid of expert testimony (e.g., why permanently damaged, hostility, social withdrawal, don’t the survivors leave, why would a survivor feeling constantly threatened, impaired relationships return to an abuser, why did the survivor act emo- with others) often accompany PTSD, but these are tionally unaffected right after a shooting). Expert not included in the criteria for its diagnosis. Walker testimony about battering and its effects has also has not provided a rationale for selecting a particular been introduced in civil matters, such as child subset of these associated features and for including custody cases, marital dissolution, tort, or personal them as criteria for BWS. injury cases. Here we will focus more heavily on the During the 1980s, BWS was included in educa- use of the testimony in criminal cases, and more tional programs and materials of many domestic specifically in self-defense cases, although many of violence advocates, in trainings for lawyers and the issues described here are also applicable to judges and was used by some therapists and coun- other uses of expert testimony. selors to describe the experiences of women ex- It is in the legal (rather than clinical) arena that posed to domestic violence. Having a scientific- BWS continues to be most firmly embedded and to sounding term like BWS to describe what they receive the most attention. Indeed, the term BWS learned from talking and working with women who appears in some state statutes, as well as in numer- had experienced domestic violence proved useful in ous legal decisions. Even today, it is not uncommon some cases; it increased credibility with other to hear about cases that involve expert testimony on professionals and the general public. However, as BWS. Notwithstanding widespread misconception, the field developed, more and more practitioners BWS is not a legal defense. Regrettably, even to this grew to understand the problems and limitations of day, many myths persist about a specialized legal using BWS; most stopped using the term. During the defense using the BWS. Osthoff and Maguigan past 15 years, numerous articles and books have (2005) outline five basic misconceptions related to been published discussing the limitation of BWS the legal defense of women exposed to domestic (Ferraro, 2003; Ferraro, 2006; McMahon, 1999; violence. The most central misconception is that

Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) Page 3 of 11 VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women www.vawnet.org VAWnet Applied Research Forum defendants who have been battered invoke a example, they may not understand why the defen- separate “battered syndrome defense.” There is no dant did not “simply” leave the batterer, assuming special “battered women’s defense” or “battered that leaving would have made the woman safe. As a woman syndrome defense” (Maguigin, 1991; result, they may the woman for the abuse she USDOJ/DHHS, 1996). Other important miscon- experiences. They may believe that unless the ceptions are that expert testimony is only about defendant had previously reported the abuse, she is BWS and that it is based on an analysis of the not to be believed when she later asserts self- victimization dynamic only, excluding information defense against an abusive partner. It is essential that about women’s strengths, including responsibility judges and jurors have the information necessary to (e.g., taking care of her children, providing eco- fairly understand a defendant’s situation, especially nomic resources to her ), agency (e.g., making when jurors are asked to put themselves “in the decisions intended to protect herself and her children defendant’s shoes.” from violence and abuse), and capacity ( e.g., Thus, expert testimony can be useful to aid the competence to act independently and endurance to factfinder in determining the “ultimate issue” (e.g., in continue functioning in the face of great adversity). a self-defense case, reasonable perception of Both expert and lay testimony about battering immediate danger), as well as to educate the and the effects of battering may be useful in support factfinder about common myths and misconceptions of (but not to replace) already existing legal de- (Maguigin, 1991). Expert testimony may cover a fenses, such as self-defense or duress when the wide range of topics, such as domestic violence and defendant in a criminal case is a women who has abuse, characteristics of abusers, the emotional and experienced domestic violence. Also, it may be physical effects of violence and abuse on women offered to explain the defendant’s behavior to and children exposed to domestic violence, support a different criminal defense or defense women’s efforts to protection herself and her theory other than self-defense or duress and/or to children, women’s use of strategies to cope with negate the specific intent element of a crime. domestic violence, including the use and responsive- In criminal cases involving a woman who has ness of community resources, the impact of domes- experienced domestic violence as the defendant, it is tic violence on economic stability, employment, and necessary for jurors to understand why the defen- social and family relationships and the influence of dant did what she did. The context of her behaviors contextual factors (e.g., race and ethnicity, eco- – including her motivation – is essential for determin- nomic status, prior trauma history, and ing the ultimate issues in a criminal case. For ex- , physical and mental health status) ample, a can be ruled as if judged on battering and the effects of battering. to be premeditated “cold-blooded” intent to kill, or it can be ruled as justifiable if understood as an act What is Wrong with Battered Woman of self-defense from a “reasonable” perception of Syndrome? danger. When the defendant is a woman who has been battered, what she did (and in some cases, did Even though expert witness testimony can be not do) is not always understandable to the lay useful in cases involving domestic violence, there are individuals on the jury. Judges and jurors can hold serious limitations of using BWS as the framework myths and misconceptions, which may result from for this work. Where expert testimony is used to their limited experiences with women who have been explain an individual’s state of mind or behavior, to battered, and bring these misunderstandings and support a particular defense, or to bolster credibility biases to the bench or jury box. Without information (when allowed) in situations that might otherwise to better understand the defendant’s experiences seem unreasonable or unlikely (Parish, 1996), a and behaviors, judges and jurors often inaccurately packaged “syndrome” can be convenient and have evaluate and unfairly judge the defendant. For the perceived of a “diagnosis” (Schuller

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& Hastings, 1996). A number of factors, however, experiences may make it even more difficult for a make this package particularly problematic. The woman who is being abused to seek help and most fundamental of these concerns is the lack of effectively protect herself and her children from relevance of BWS to the issues before the court. A abuse. Typically, BWS is not adequate or perhaps second concern is the lack of a standard and vali- even relevant to these issues. dated definition of BWS with which to guide ex- According to Federal Rule 702 , “If scientific, perts’ use in evaluation and testimony. Third, BWS technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist does not adequately incorporate the vast scientific the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to literature on victims’ response to battering. Finally, determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an BWS suggests a pathology that can stigmatize the expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or defendant unnecessarily and inaccurately. education, may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise”(Federal Rule of Evidence, BWS may not be relevant to the issues before 2009). There is a great deal of scientific literature the criminal court. that can be brought to bear and is potentially helpful An initial limitation of BWS testimony is that it to understand the evidence and to determine facts in may not be relevant to the specific issues before the issue in domestic violence cases. However, BWS is court in a particular case; that is, PTSD (whether simply insufficient to this task. referred to as BWS or not) simply may not be First and foremost, an expert witness needs to relevant for those issues which require explanation know the relevant questions for which expert by the expert witness. testimony is needed. Too often an attorney will begin For example, BWS may not be helpful for with one question: “Does she have BWS?” without explaining why a woman returns to an abuser after considering the particular relevance of this question separating or fails to call police. She may be reluc- to the defense theory or considering how the tant to tell others about the abuse. Expert witness defendant’s particular abusive history is specifically testimony may be needed to challenge relevant to her conduct. The goal of the expert mischaracterizations when a woman is well-edu- testimony in most cases is not to “prove” that the cated, has access to economic resources, or has defendant has been battered. Rather an expert can specialized training (e.g., police officer) since a judge help the jury understand better the defendant’s or jury often does not understand how such a experience of abuse and why those experiences are woman could not simply leave or protect herself legally relevant. For example, in self-defense cases, against an abusive partner. BWS is not particularly perhaps the most relevant question is, “What factors relevant for these issues. A woman who appears would inform the court to better evaluate the unemotional right after or right before shooting her defendant’s assertion that she was in immediate abusive may be thought merely to have danger?” When the expert focuses his or her killed in “cold blood.” PTSD may be relevant here, evaluation on this question, the result is an but dissociation as a part of acute stress disorder analysis of those factors that support or fail to may be even more accurate. Certain experiences support the reasonableness of the defendant’s that an abused woman may have had (e.g., sub- perception of immediate danger, given the stance abuse history, prostitution, criminal history) circumstances. can easily lend themselves to . Expert Since the expert cannot testify to the ultimate witness testimony may be required to understand issue, the expert offers to the court an analysis that how these experiences do not necessarily negate the allows the trier of fact to make a more informed reality that the woman may have been abused by her decision about these “ultimate” issues. BWS is partner, or that she perceived her partner’s behavior neither necessary nor sufficient to explain the defen- as an imminent threat to her safety. These particular dants’ perception of immediate danger. Relying on

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BWS as the primary explanation for the defendant’s the abuser’s behavior. While this explanation “fits” perception of danger offers the untenable formula- some battered women who might – due to PTSD - tion that only when the defendant has a clinical experience objectively nonthreatening events as diagnosis of PTSD is her perception of danger threatening and might respond in self-defense, it fails reasonable. BWS is simply not a sufficient explana- to account for many women’s accurate understand- tion for this central question or most other questions ing of unique danger cues learned over repeated typically posed to the expert witness in criminal incidents of violence and abuse from their abusive cases involving a woman who has experienced partners. domestic violence Indeed, there is a large scientific literature pertaining to PTSD, including empirical research, BWS lacks a standard definition and evidence theoretical and conceptual articles, and clinical case of scientific validity. studies. And, a significant portion of this research BWS – even as currently conceptualized – includes victims of domestic violence and sexual lacks both a standard definition and evidence of , as well as other types of traumatic events, scientific validity for many of the purposes for which such as , vehicle accidents, terrorism, it is used. As stated, BWS is not recognized in the and combat. At this point in time, the scientific DSM-IV-TR. Although the International Classifica- community does not distinguish PTSD arising from tion of Diseases, 10th Version (ICD-10; World one type of trauma vs. another. When the diagnostic Health Organization, 1993), classifies “battered criteria are met, a PTSD diagnosis is appropriate spouse syndrome” and “effects of abuse of an adult” regardless of trauma type. However, clear scientific as maltreatment syndromes, these do little to clarify evidence for PTSD does not translate to support of the definition for use in legal matters. Although the construct of BWS. There is no “type” of PTSD numerous articles have been written about BWS, called BWS. few include validation through empirical research. The inclusion of associated features in Walker’s The term BWS does appear in several state laws, 2006 revised definition of BWS further contributes but its definition is not consistent from state to state to the lack of standardization in its definition. The when a definition is actually included in the language reliability of several of the measurement scales used of the statute, which often it is not. in Walker’s study (2006) to “operationalize” BWS If it is argued that BWS is really just PTSD, then using these additional indicators of BWS is unac- BWS is entirely redundant and there is no need for a ceptably low. Further, no threshold level of these separate term. Clear and well-validated criteria for a additional criteria for defining BWS was described. PTSD diagnosis exist. Expert testimony relying For example, how much or what kind of body primarily on PTSD can – and is – used by expert image distortion is required to meet criterion for witnesses in court. However, it is only appropriate to BWS? Does sexual dissatisfaction refer to an do so when PTSD is relevant for explaining a abusive partner or someone else and how much particular issue before the court that might not dissatisfaction is required to be considered BWS? otherwise be well understood by the jury or judge. Again, how much loss of the perception of power PTSD might well explain important issues before the and control is necessary? Regrettably, Walker’s court in some cases. An example is when a woman’s newer definition has clouded the criteria for assess- perception of danger is explained by an intrusive ing BWS even more than had previously been the recollection or subjective experience of “reliving” case. Perhaps more importantly, these issues really prior domestic violence that may be “triggered” by have little relevance for many issues raised in crimi- events leading to the criminal act (e.g., shooting). In nal cases? this example, the focus is on the woman’s internal Without standard and validated criteria, we do psychological state (e.g., PTSD), not on external not have a way to determine with reliability who events to explain the perception of threat posed by meets criteria for BWS and who does not. This is a

Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) Page 6 of 11 VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women www.vawnet.org VAWnet Applied Research Forum problem in the legal context because, without a used as if it were a standard against which to scientifically accepted definition or standard criteria, determine whether a particular woman is justified in the use of BWS can fail to meet basic standards of her actions against an abusive partner, is credible as scientific reliability and, therefore, may be inadmis- a woman claiming to have experienced domestic sible as expert testimony in court under the scientific violence, or deserves consideration in some other reliability prong according to Daubert v. Merrl Dow way. While we know that there is a range of com- Pharmaceuticals (1993). In sum, because it is not mon reactions to being battered by an intimate clear what is meant when we say BWS and because partner (Dutton, Hohnecker, Halle, & Burghardt, we do not have a clear way of measuring the condi- 1994), how an individual woman experiences or tion, BWS is not even a good shorthand term for reacts to being battered will vary depending on her explaining the experience of women who have been psychological, social, cognitive and practical circum- abused by their intimate partners. Thus, the lack of a stances. Given this reality, it is not appropriate to clear definition of BWS makes it difficult for jurors describe “the profile of a battered woman” or to and judges, attorneys, parties to a legal case and the describe the effects of battering as a “syndrome.” lay public, to understand even what is being referred The expert witness must rely on the continually to when the term BWS is used. expanding body of existing scientific literature to develop a formulation in each case about factors BWS does not adequately incorporate current that address pertinent questions posed to the expert. research. This body of scientific knowledge, which provides The state of knowledge concerning battering and relevant information for the issues before the court, its effects has increased dramatically in the past three is extensive. A few of these research areas include decades since BWS was first introduced. Simply, primary stress appraisal (“How do victims evaluate scientific knowledge continues to expand on an the seriousness of actual and threatened violence ongoing basis as new research is completed. A and abuse?”), secondary stress appraisal (“What qualified expert witness is compelled to rely on the options do abused victims perceive that they have to most rigorous available scientific evidence that is deal with violence and abuse?”), coping (“What do pertinent to an evaluation of a defendant and provid- victims actually do to deal with violence and ing expert testimony. abuse?”, “Why don’t victims leave or do other When an expert witness is called to testify in a things that some others might expect?”), traumatic legal matter involving battering and its effects, he or stress reactions (“What are the traumatic and related she is required to have command of the current mental health effects of being exposed to violence scientific literature as the foundation for sound and abuse?”), and social and cultural context (“How theoretically- and empirically-based testimony. It is does having children, poverty, gender, racism, clear from the current scientific literature what immigration status, , and other social advocates have known, which is that no single and cultural factors influence a victim’s experience of profile adequately characterizes women’s experi- violence?” “How do these factors influence the way ences following domestic violence. BWS is often in which she responds to it?”). Notably, there is very used to describe victims as if they all experience little empirical research on BWS per se. similar effects from having been exposed to battering A full discussion of alternatives to BWS as a and all respond in the same way. For example, we framework for expert testimony in cases involving know that patterns of violence and abuse vary battering is beyond the scope of this paper. Briefly, across women, as does their desire to remain in these include expert testimony referred to as “social relationships, the extent to which they stay or leave agency” (Schuller et al., 2004; Schuller & Hastings, (Bell, Goodman, & Dutton, 2007), and the extent of 1996) or social framework (Monahan & Walker, traumatic effects (Dutton et al., 2005). BWS is often 1988) testimony, both of which are available gener-

Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) Page 7 of 11 VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women www.vawnet.org VAWnet Applied Research Forum ally to criminal defendants and are not specific to the defendant who is viewed as “flawed,” “damaged,” defense of victims of domestic violence. Another “disordered” or “abnormal” by virtue of a mental option is simply referring to the testimony as about health diagnosis (PTSD) should be justified in her “battering and its effects” (Osthoff & Maguigan, actions based on the reasonableness of her percep- 2005; USDOJ/DHHS, 1996). These three ap- tions. Her perceptions – and even her actions – may proaches all refer to the idea that the issues pre- be understandable, given her history of domestic sented to the expert can be explained in terms of the violence and its impact on her (e.g., PTSD). How- context in which victims experience violence and ever, this argument is likely to be insufficient for a abuse – relying on the available scientific literature straightforward self-defense claim2. and the expert’s experience to inform that testimony. Expert testimony to explain a victim’s experi- ence and behavior must also rely on information BWS can be stigmatizing. about non-psychological effects of battering, includ- For whom is BWS intended to explain experi- ing disruption of a woman’s economic stability and ence and behavior? The answer is not clear. BWS is employment, impairment in physical health, and sometimes used as if to describe the experiences of alterations in her view of the world and others in all women who have experienced domestic vio- such a way as to influence her trust of others and lence. At other times, it is used to describe a stereo- sense of safety in day-to-day life. Women can feel typic image of the so-called “good” or “sympathetic trapped in an abusive relationship because of the battered woman.” The “image” of a woman who has very real threat of further violence, lack of economic experienced domestic violence is often clouded by resources, and lack of institutional and social sup- stereotypes based on race, culture, ethnicity, social port (Anderson et al., 2003; Fleury, Sullivan, & and economic class, and sexual orientation. Bybee, 2000). In most cases, a woman’s behavior BWS often evokes the image of a woman who is best characterized as logical within the context of ends up “snapping” and killing her abusive partner. her abuser’s behavior and functional in its attempt to BWS often creates a stigmatizing image of pathol- stop the violence and abuse, not the product of a ogy, which may affect the decision-making of judge, mental health problem. Although emotional depen- jury, clinician, and/or researcher (Schuller et al., dence and feelings of hopelessness may keep a 2004). Interestingly, some research using simulated woman in a relationship with an abusive partner jurors found that testimony utilizing BWS and PTSD (Short, McMahon, Chervin, Lezin, Sloop, & in combination was associated with jurors’ opinions Dawkins, 2000), these emotions are not defined as focusing on the women’s deficits, a pathological a . Even when mental health prob- view of the hypothetical defendant, even more than lems, such as PTSD and depression, result from BWS alone (Terrance & Matheson, 2003). Al- battering, and influence a woman’s decisions or her though BWS is intended to explain the experience of behavior, they are usually only a part of it. Empirical women who have been abused, the use of “syn- evidence has found that predictions of risk of future drome” language defined essentially as a mental assault by women who have experienced domestic disorder (PTSD) helps to create an image of pathol- violence are often correct (Bell, Cattaneo, ogy. Ironically, a woman with PTSD may also Goodman, & Dutton, 2008; Cattaneo, Bell, reasonably perceive immediate danger, but not Goodman, & Dutton, 2007; Heckert & Gondolf, because of PTSD. Nevertheless, the image of 2004; Weisz, Tolman, & Saunders, 2000). PTSD or BWS runs counter to the self-defense If a women’s behavior is not understood in the argument that the defendant’s perception of immedi- full context of their lives, important decisions in a ate danger was reasonable for someone in her legal case can be incorrectly influenced by stereo- circumstances and therefore that her actions were types or assumptions about how or why women justifiable under the law. It is difficult to argue that a who are battered behave the way that they do. In

Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) Page 8 of 11 VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women www.vawnet.org VAWnet Applied Research Forum sum, the concept of BWS does a poor job of Endnotes describing for the court the range of experiences or behaviors of women exposed to domestic violence. 1 Emotional numbing and behavioral avoidance Thus, in the courtroom, the use of BWS by those symptoms are combined in a single symptom cluster with scientific knowledge and specialized experience in the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria. with domestic violence fails to serve those who demand, and deserve, the very best: jurors and 2 In some states, this situation may give rise to an judges and, ultimately, women who have endured “imperfect self-defense,” but this option varies domestic violence. across jurisdictions.

Conclusion Distribution Rights: This Applied Research The conceptualization of BWS helped the field paper and In Brief may be reprinted in its entirety focus on the fact that battering has adverse effects or excerpted with proper acknowledgement to the on those who have been exposed to it. Over three author(s) and VAWnet (www.vawnet.org), but may decades later and an accumulation of a wealth of not be altered or sold for profit. scientific knowledge, BWS is now recognized as a flawed model (Rothenberg, 2002, 2003), even as a Suggested Citation: Dutton, M. A. (2009, shorthand reference. Its use persists, in part, be- August). Update of the “Battered Woman cause it conveniently packages in a single phrase a Syndrome” Critique. Harrisburg, PA: VAWnet, a far more complex issue. Indeed, we need to under- project of the National Resource Center on Do- stand the unique experiences of each defendant mestic Violence/Pennsylvania Coalition Against informed by the large and continually growing body Domestic Violence. Retrieved month/day/year, of scientific literature that is pertinent for understand- from: http://www.vawnet.org ing an individual’s experience and reaction to having been exposed to domestic violence. This information can be invaluable in support of expert testimony for References explaining the state of mind and behavior of a woman who has experienced domestic violence and Abramson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E., & Teasdale, J. D. who has been charged with criminal conduct that (1978). Learned helplessness in humans: critique and was influenced by her history of violence and abuse. reformulation. Journal of Abnormal , 87(1), 49-74. Author of this document: Mary Ann Dutton, Ph.D. American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Professor and Associate Director Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental Center for Trauma and the Community disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC: Department of Psychiatry Author. Georgetown University Medical Center Anderson, M. A., Gillig, P. M., Sitaker, M., [email protected] McCloskey, K., Malloy, K., & Grigsby, N. (2003). “Why Doesn’t She Just Leave?”: A Descriptive Consultants: Study of Victim Reported Impediments to Her Sue Osthoff and Melissa Dichter Safety. Journal of Family Violence, 18(3), 151-155. National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women Philadelphia, PA

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In Brief: Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique

Battering and the effects of battering are complex phenomena, which often are not well understood by the lay public. In addition to physical injury, individuals who have experienced battering often confront an array of psychological issues that differ in both type and intensity. The effects of domestic violence vary according to the social and cultural contexts of individuals’ lives and include differences in the pattern, onset, duration, and severity of abuse. Importantly, this context is also determined by institutional and social responses to the abuser and to the survivor of abuse and many other factors characteristic of both persons in an abusive relationship: level of social support, economic and other tangible resources, critical life experiences (e.g., prior trauma, violence history, developmental history) and cultural and ethnic factors (Dutton, 1996; Dutton, Kaltman, Goodman, Weinfurt, & Vankos, 2005; Heise, 1998). Although individual women experience and respond to battering differently, a number of reactions are common among those who have been exposed to these traumatic events. “Battered woman syndrome” (BWS), a construct introduced in the 1970s by psychologist Lenore Walker, is sometimes used in an attempt to explain common experiences and behaviors of women who have been battered by their intimate partners (Walker, 1989; Walker, 2006). However, through more than three decades of accumulated empirical research, we have come to recognize major limitations in both the original and revised conceptualizations of BWS, as well as with the term itself (Osthoff & Maguigan, 2005). The use of BWS to describe the experience of women who have been victimized by intimate partner violence or to explain their response to such violence and abuse is both misleading and potentially harmful. As currently defined, the construct of BWS has several important limitations: (1) BWS is often not relevant to the central issues before the court in a specific case, (2) BWS lacks a standard and validated definition, (3) BWS does not reflect current research findings necessary to adequately explain either the experience of individuals who have been battered or their behavior in response to battering and (4) BWS can be unnecessarily stigmatizing (Biggers, 2005; Ferraro, 2003). This paper reviews the definition, evolution, and utilization of BWS in the courts, and offers a critique of its framework and its use. BWS is a term typically used to refer to women’s experiences that result from being battered. It has evolved from a term used to describe a broad range the victim’s (e.g., learned helplessness) and abuser’s (e.g., cycle of violence) behaviors to a mental health disorder describing symptoms experienced by an individual following traumatic exposure (e.g., Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD). Notwithstanding widespread misconception, BWS is not a legal defense. Notwithstanding widespread misconception, BWS is not a legal defense. Regrettably, even to this day, many myths persist about a specialized legal defense using the BWS. Osthoff and Maguigan (2005) outline five basic misconceptions related to the legal defense of women exposed to domestic violence. The most central misconception is that defendants who have been battered invoke a separate “battered syndrome defense.” There is no special “battered women’s defense” or “battered woman syndrome defense” (Maguigin, 1991; USDOJ/DHHS, 1996). Even though expert witness testimony can be useful in cases involving domestic violence, there are serious limitations of using BWS as the framework for this work. Where expert testimony is used to explain an individual’s state of mind or behavior, to support a particular defense, or to bolster credibility (when

In Brief: Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) www.vawnet.org

*The production and dissemination of this publication was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U1V/CE324010-05 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, VAWnet, or the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Applied Research Forum National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women

allowed) in situations that might otherwise seem unreasonable or unlikely (Parish, 1996), a packaged “syndrome” can be convenient and have the perceived legitimacy of a “diagnosis” (Schuller & Hastings, 1996). A number of factors, however, make this package particularly problematic. The most fundamental of these concerns is the lack of relevance of BWS to the issues before the court. A second concern is the lack of a standard and validated definition of BWS with which to guide experts’ use in evaluation and testimony. Third, BWS does not adequately incorporate the vast scientific literature on victims’ response to battering. Finally, BWS suggests a pathology that can stigmatize the defendant unnecessarily and inaccurately. We need to understand the unique experiences of each defendant informed by the large and continually growing body of scientific literature that is pertinent for understanding an individual’s experience and reaction to having been exposed to domestic violence. This information can be invaluable in support of expert testimony for explaining the state of mind and behavior of a woman who has experienced domestic violence and who has been charged with criminal conduct that was influenced by her history of violence and abuse.

In Brief: Update of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Critique (August 2009) www.vawnet.org

*The production and dissemination of this publication was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U1V/CE324010-05 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, VAWnet, or the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence.