United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,830,224 Brison [45] Date of Patent: May 16, 1989

[54] SAFETY AND TAMPER-PROOFING DEVICE 4,735,346 4/1988 Stoody ...... 222/153 FOR A NASAL TYPE SPRAY Primary Examiner-—Kevin P. Shaver [76] Inventor: Marc Brison, 4 rue Robert d’Artois, Assistant Examiner—Kenneth Noland 27170 Beaumont Le Roger, France Attorney, Agent, or Firm—-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak and Seas [21] Appl. No.: 111,757 [57] ABSTRACT [22] Filed: Oct. 23, 1987 An operating safety and tamper-proo?ng device for a [30] Foreign Application Priority Data spray, the spray being of the type comprising a valve (2) Oct. 23, 1986 [FR] France ...... 86 14695 for mounting on a receptacle such as a can, an axial ejection elongate spray head (4) such as a nasal spray [51] Int. Cl.‘ ...... B67B 5/00 with actuator means of the type including two diametri [52] US. Cl...... 222/153; ZZZ/402.11; 222/562 cally opposite wings (6) on either side of the spray head for receiving ?ngers, a protective cap (7), and a sleeve [58] Field of Search ...... 222/153, 402.11, 402.13, 222/182, 542, 538, 562, 544, 559, 541; 215/26, (3) surrounding the valve for determining, together 27, 28, 254, 253, 256, 257 with the spray head and/or the ?nger-receiving wings, safety means for preventing the spray from operating [56] References Cited depending on the angular position of the spray head U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS and/or the ?nger-receiving wings relative to the sleeve, wherein the ?nger-receiving wings constitute a part 2,610,940 9/1952 Endicott ...... 222/402.11 which is independent from the spray head and which is 2,706,660 4/1955 222/402.1l 3,180,532 4/1965 222/402.l1 preferably engaged thereon by wedging. 3,185,350 5/1965 222/402.ll 3,884,393 5/ 1975 Wassilieff ...... 222/402.11 6 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets US. Patent May 16,1989 Sheet 1 of 8 4,830,224 US. Patent May 16, 1989 Sheet 2 of 8 4,830,224 US. Patent May 16,1989 Sheet 3 of 8 4,830,224 US. Patent May 16, 1989 Sheet 4 of 8 4,830,224

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20 4, 830,224 1 2 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of one of the parts (the SAFETY AND TAMPER-PROOFING DEVICE FOR ?nger-receiving wings) of the device in accordance A NASAL TYPE SPRAY with the invention; FIGS. 5 to 8 show another variant embodiment of the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 invention; FIGS. 9 to 13 show yet another variant embodiment The present invention relates to a safety device for an of the invention; and spray, and more particularly for pumps and cans FIGS. 14 to 17 show yet another variant embodiment which include a pushbutton in the form of two ?nger of the invention, with FIG. 17 being a section on line receiving wings. Some spray heads include an outlet XVII-XVII of FIG. 14b. nozzle on the thrust axis (for example a nasal spray) and cannot therefore be operated by exerting thrust directly MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTION on the same axis, whence the use of ?nger-receiving FIG. 1 shows a can 1 ?tted with a valve 2. The valve wings. The shape of these ?nger-receiving wings com may be a depressable valve designed to release a prod plicates the of spray heads and constrains de uct contained under pressure in the can, or else it may sign possibilities. The invention seeks, in particular, to be a pump which expels the contents of the can when ensure safety during use and during transport, i.e. to actuated. The valve 2 may be crimped or screwed to the prevent unwanted operation, and to provide tamper neck of the can, preferably in conjunction with an anti proo?ng for the (and its contents) and for the unscrewing system such as a non-reversible latching pump or valve mechanism up to the ?rst occasion of 20 notch in order to guarantee for the purchaser that the use. These results may be obtained in known manner by contents of the can is complete. A cylindrical sleeve 3 is adding a tear-off ring to the spray head or to a protec placed around the valve 2 and the top portion of the tive cap for covering and protecting the head when not sleeve has cutouts 3a and 3b which delimit arms 30 and in use. This ring may prevent the head from being de 3d therebetween. The sleeve may be integrally molded pressed, thus preventing it from operating. The head 25 with the can if the can is made of molded material, or can only be depressed after the ring has been removed else it may be ?xed to the can by any appropriate means. by tearing through a certain number of attachment Preferably, it should be ?xed so as to be incapable of rotating about the can so as to facilitate operation and points or lines. However, it is expensive and dif?cult to use. A spray head 4 is mounted on the valve and has a manufacture a spray head including both a tear-off ring spray nozzle 5 at the end thereof. Since it is not possible and laterally-projecting ?nger-receiving wings by to spray the product in the can be pressing on the end of molding, and complicated molds are required. the spray head, i.e. because the spray nozzle would then SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION be obstructed, the spray head is actuated by ?nger receiving means 6 in the form of a 6a having two According to the present invention, a cheap, conve 35 wings 6b and 6c (FIG. 4). The ?nger-receiving means is nient and practical device is obtained by making a spray distinct from the spray head and is delivered separately head whose ?nger-receiving wings are constituted by a to the consumer within the same packaging. The ?nger part which is independent from the spray head. In the receiving means 6 is preferably wedged on the cylindri~ device according to the invention, the spray head is cal portion 4a of the spray head 4 and bears down mounted so as to be capable of rotating on itself about 40 wardly on a flange formed at the bottom of the spray the thrust axis, and the device comprises a sleeve sur head. In order to obtain proper ?tting, the bore of the rounding the valve rod and the spray head. This sleeve ?nger-receiving means may include a ?at, or else the has two diametrically opposite cutouts for passing the cylindrical portion 4a of the spray head may be slightly ?nger-receiving wings when they are angularly dis conical and/or may be non-circular in section. It can be posed to face the cutouts. When the spray head is ro 45 seen, that if the ?nger-receiving means is rotated so that tated together with the wings, it can no longer be actu the wings 6b and 6c can engage between the arms 3c and ated, with the arms formed on the sleeve between the 3d of the sleeve 3, then the spray head can be actuated cutouts preventing the ?nger-receiving wings from and the product contained in the can extracted. If the descending. The device thus comprises, in addition to ?nger-receiving means is suitably rotated, preferably the valve: a spray head, a cap, and a sleeve. According through 90° from the preceding position, it can no to the invention, the ?nger-receiving wings may be longer be depressed and the valve cannot be actuated. molded integrally with the cap and may be detached The device constituting this ?rst embodiment of the therefrom when the spray is ?rst used, or else they may invention also includes a cap 7 and a tamper-proo?ng ring 8. The cap 7 and the ring 8 are interconnected by be molded separately. The sleeve may be made indepen breakable stubs 9 to constitute an independent molded dently, or else it may be molded with the cap in which part PMl. The ring has other breakable stubs 10 for it is detached on ?rst use. co-operating with a circle 11 ?xed to the sleeve 3 by BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS breakable stubs 12. The stubs 10 are shaped so as to snap-fasten beneath the circle 11; however the stubs 10 Embodiments of the invention are described, by way cannot be extracted from the circle 11 without breaking of example, with reference to the accompanying draw the stubs 10 or the stubs 12. ings, in which: FIG. 2 shows both portions of the device shown in FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a device in accor FIG. 1 in the assembled state as delivered to the vendor. dance with the invention prior to ?nal assembly; In order to put the apparatus into service, the stubs 9 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the FIG. 1 assembly 65 must be broken as must the stubs 10 or 12, and prefera shown assembled and prior to ?rst use; bly both sets. The ring 8 is thrown away and the ?nger FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the device after the receiving means 6 is threaded over the spray head 4, tamper-proo?ng items have been removed; thereby enabling the apparatus to be actuated after the 4, 830,224 3 4 ?nger-receiving wings have been properly oriented. 16b) it is capable of moving down into the cutouts 3a After use, the ?nger-receiving wings are turned to a and 3b of the sleeve 3, and the product may be ejected safety position and the cap is put into place. Appropri (FIG. 16b). The bottom surface 62 of the ?nger-receiv ate snap-fastening means of conventional type serve to ing means situated in an axial plane bears, when in its hold the ?nger-receiving wings temporarily in the operating position, against a ?ange or shoulder 65 on safety position. FIG. 3 shows the apparatus ready for the spray head, thereby positively driving it regardless use. of the degree of wedging between the concentric con FIGS. 5 to 8 show a variant embodiment of the inven tacting surfaces between the spray head and the ?nger tion in which the ?nger-receiving means are integrally receiving means. molded with the cap rather than being delivered sepa In order to ensure that the device operates properly, rately, and constitute together with the cap and the the outside surface of the tube 60 of the ?nger-receiving tamper-proo?ng ring an independent molded part PM2. means 6 may be provided with at least one radial rib 61 The ?nger-receiving means is separated by the user co-operating with grooves 31 formed in the inside sur prior to use. The can 1 is not shown for the purpose of face of the sleeve 3 (see FIG. 17). The snap-fastenings simpli?cation. The spray head and the sleeve 3 sur 15 determined in this way de?nes two positions at right rounding it together with the arms 3c and 3d separated angles for the ?nger-receiving means. In one of these by the cutouts 3a and 3b can all be seen. The second positions the spray head may be depressed using the portion is constituted by a molded part PM2 of plastic fmger-receiving means, while the other position is a material comprising a cap 7, ?nger-receiving means 6, safety position in which it cannot be depressed. By and a ring 8. The ring has stubs 10 which co-operate virtue of this snap action, the spray head remains in the with the circle 11 ?xed to the receptacle by means of position in which it is put. When so desired it depresses stubs 12. The cap 7 is connected to the ?nger-receiving when pressed upon, however when in its safety position means 6 via breakable stubs 76 and the ?nger-receiving it does not randomly move away therefrom, for exam means 6 is connected to the ring 8 by breakable stubs 68. ple in a handbag. The assembly is shown assembled in FIG. 6. 25 I claim: In order to put it into operation (FIGS. 7 and 8), the 1. An operating safety and tamper-proo?ng assembly user must break the stubs 78, 68, 10, and 12. The circle for a spray dispensing valve (2) mounted on a portable 11 is thrown away together with the pieces of stub. The pressurized container (1) and extended by an elongate ?nger-receiving means is put into place and the assem spray head (4) having a top and a base, the spray being bly is ready for use (FIG. 8). 30 emitted upwardly, characterized by: FIGS. 9 to 13 show a variant embodiment of the (a) a protective cap (7) for said spray head, present invention in which the cap 7 is integrally (b) ?nger-receiving means (6) formed by a hollow molded in a single part PM3 together with the sleeve 3 cylinder (6a), an inner cross-section of which is having its arms and safety cutouts 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, and complementary to said spray head base, said hol with breakable stubs 73. Unlike the preceding embodi low cylinder being equipped with two diametri ments, the sleeve is not initially ?xed to the can but is cally opposed wings (6b,6c) projecting radially ?xed thereto, when sent to the distributor, by non-rev outwardly for receiving ?ngers of an operator, and ersible snap-fastening (FIG. 10). In order to put the (c) a sleeve (3) ?xed relative to said container, com apparatus into operation, the user must break the stubs prising an upper part and a lower part, said lower 73 (FIG. 11), thereby releasing the cap, and place ?n part surrounding said valve and said upper part ger-receiving means delivered with the can but not having two diametrically opposed arms (3c,3d) ?xed thereto. The apparatus is then ready for use (FIG. extending upwardly, wherein 12) and after use it can be put into a safety position by (d) when said ?nger-receiving means are wedged on rotation through 90° (FIG. 13). said spray head and pressed downwardly, either Like the embodiment shown in FIGS. 5 to 8, the 45 said wings abut said arms and the valve remains molded part PM4 shown in FIGS. 14a and 14b includes closed, or said wings move downwardly between the ?nger-receiving means. The cap is connected via said arms and the valve is operably opened, de breakable stubs 76 to the ?nger-receiving means 6 pending on the angular rotation of said spray head which is connected in turn via breakable stubs 63 to the relative to said container, and sleeve 3. In the FIG. 14a variant, the sleeve 3 is 50 (e) said cap and at least said sleeve are molded to mounted on the neck of the can, ?ask or the like by gether as a single molded piece, said cap and at screwing, preferably with a non-reversible (i.e. un least said sleeve being easily separable by breaking screwable) locking latch. In the FIG. 14b variant, the frangible elements (73) of said molded piece. sleeve 3 is of a type suitable for snapping directly onto 2. An assembly according to claim 1, wherein said the neck of a flask in order to ?x the valve 2 thereon ?nger-receiving means are also molded together with together with an intervening sealing ring 20. Otherwise said cap and said sleeve in order to initially form said the two embodiments are equivalent. The goods are single molded piece, said fmger-receiving means also sent to the vendor in the form shown in FIG. 14b or being easily separable from said cap and said sleeve by 15b. In order to put the device into operation, the user breaking frangible elements (63,76) of said molded breaks the stubs 76 and 63 (FIGS. 14c and 16a), and piece. lowers the ?nger-receiving means to its operating posi 3. An assembly according to claims 1, 2, 4 or 5, tion on the spray head 2. The user then places the cap wherein said breakable frangible elements of said (FIG. 150) into position. When the device is in its safety molded piece comprise thin stubs, spaced relative to position (FIGS. 15a and 15b) the ?nger-receiving wings each other, and bridging a small gap provided between 6b and 60 press against the arm 30 and 3d of the sleeve 65 the different components of said molded piece. 3. The ?nger-receiving means cannot be depressed and 4. An operating safety and tamper-proo?ng assembly the device cannot eject any product. When the ?nger for a spray dispensing valve (2) mounted on a portable receiving means is turned through 90° (FIGS. 16a and pressurized container (1) and extended by an elongate 4,830,224 5 6 spray head (4) having a top and a base, the spray being (f) said cap and at least said tamper-proo?ng ring are emitted upwardly, characterized by: molded together as a single molded piece, said cap (a) a protective cap (7) for said spray head, and at least said tamper-proo?ng ring being easily (b) ?nger-receiving means (6) formed by a hollow separable by breaking frangible elements (9) of said 5 molded piece, and cylinder (6a), an inner cross-section of which is (g) said tamper-proo?ng ring and said sleeve are pro complementary to said spray head base, said hol vided with complementary snap-fastening means low cylinder being equipped with two diametri (10,11) so designed that said tamper-proo?ng ring cally opposed wings (6b,6c) projecting radially and said sleeve cannot be separated without break outwardly for receiving ?ngers of an operation, ing said snap-fastening means. (c) a sleeve (3) ?xed relative to said container, com 5. An assembly according to claim 1, wherein said prising an upper part and a lower part, said lower ?nger-receiving means are also molded together with part surrounding said valve and said upper part said cap and said tamper-proo?ng ring in order to ini having two diametrically opposed arms (3c,3d) tially form said single molded piece, said ?nger-receiv extending upwardly, and 15 ing means also being easily separable from said cap and (d) a tamper-proo?ng ring (8) having a top and a base, said tamper-proo?ng ring by breaking frangible ele wherein ments (68,76) of said molded piece. 6. An assembly according to claim 4 or claim 5, (e) when said finger-receiving means are wedged on wherein said snap-fastening means comprise an annulus said spray head and pressed downwardly, either 20 (11) secured around said sleeve by a plurality of spaced, said wings abut said arms and the valve remains short frangible stubs (12), and a plurality of pawls (10) closed, or said wings move downwardly between protruding downwardly from said tamper-proo?ng ring said arms and the valve is operably opened, de base so that said pawls snap-fasten radially inwardly of pending on the angular rotation of said spray head said annulus. relative to said container, 25 ll * i * i