BROOKLYN MEETING NEWS A publication of the Brooklyn Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends April 2016 Meet the Meeting: work together; it also teaches that we But silence in the classroom is not get to a greater truth when there are limited to the weekly meeting. Quakers in the Classroom more voices contributing. Jonathan points out how important it is to walk the line between making an This is the first installment of our new Similarly, silence is a Quaker observation or connection for a “Meet the Meeting” feature, in which principle that also has a pedagogical student versus simply being in the we get to know Brooklyn Meeting purpose. At BFS, lower school moment and letting students make members and attenders while students have meeting time once per those leaps themselves. highlighting the myriad ways in which week in their classrooms. As a they apply their Quaker values to the teacher, Jonathan uses silence to mark “Silence is key to getting them to a outside world. Would you – or the transition from the busy activity of deeper spot,” he said. “Knowledge is someone you know -- like to be the classroom to the more not just quick recall. They need space featured in an upcoming article? Then contemplative time in meeting, in to grapple with what they’re thinking get in touch! (Talk to one of the which children can begin to get a about.” communications committee members, sense of themselves as part of a or email community as well as an individual. Jonathan notes that he is interested
[email protected]) As the meeting goes on, silence also and active in the Quaker identity of sits in the gentle pauses between the school, as a member of the Quaker What makes for a Quaker education? speakers, as children take the time to Life Committee and Quaker Spiritual Is it the use of silence in the absorb what friends have said.