Joint issue of the Journals of the Soil Association and the Food Commission editorial $~~ ~~ICSl,.,J

TteSrJil ~ttOflCX!~tJ lore~rth dfr\IetJp BIld fH~!e sus(ilInaDit lela.tlor· sllgs OIJt\\leef1 tIE SIll!, tIIiW1!$, 1Wl1rm\.~, pee­ pM OM 1tIe bKIspl"t!re In mdes tl) iYOWr.e /1eaiI!IV food arvj ott>es prOOLt:IS Vt11il8 ~o letfll'q drd erthata'lg the erMl(J1mE:l'l~ I The Soil AssoclinJon's S';TTto1 St;iIe~ij IS 'lin b"~ SAOMCo lIl! IIIId hC9n$(ls ccrnmerc:ial lal is food qualitv' Unblemished lomaloes, jllst turning red the News tODd j}ux!uctioo to IhP 11g~ erg:lf'IC star' day they are put on display? Apples all 01one size' Patrick I);1td: iUlB art! iii a COl'lSlJrrEr gl.il13rllee of T"mslats uoo"' fire again 3 QlIjlfIU: UW W:Holden 01tl le Soil Association (page 6) argues Ihat UlC modem 10m erus for woole I11Ilk 3 SDii Assocll!ltron OffICers food industry ~"rpc tuates the ml'th Ihalquality is abollt II lIlloonityand NesUE ""banasses SPA 3 Pre.'ildfYlf Gortge McA"be conformily. We must, he says, rediscover the connections betw~ the S6cv~lI1)' ftaoci! be I3dtlOlY ~"" S do sufi.r 4 (hann,a" Ch.lrlin" MITthe!I' way tbat ou r food is produced and it> environmental and health impact Shephard saves srn.ep 4 TrwstNel Craig Sams' TIle earliest food adu lteration legislation in England was in 1203 when Bosnia baby ad ~lammed 4 Soil AsSO ClaiUon Co.mcil laws governing the purity of bread were inrroduced, wriles Craig Sams SA launches new CAP polICy 5 t-le\en BrO\\'fHng ' Joh~ Montngl.i\! (page 8) . And looking hlrther back. the people 01 ancirllt China !' campaign 6·) ~.t'!ir"l1 af1d 1I1furmar.YV/ Msnsgt i en by local people are being replaced by foods ~ro wn lor expOlt Orallgr CiliOI Da/£] groves may beaubfy the is land, yet he foun d il impossi ble to find anything Cra'll SOI11> on toston",,1 Rt>cecoor;v~l &AliJflldJiPlQfl StJPPClff I.JIldJ HDOe't'1uad other than imported orange drink, fu ll of added sligar. Plecedl!f1ts 89 Pr&ss and PutWt: Ret.lIII'.L'7! O1"1cet Tofl'p' Mlir TIle amount of juice in a frui ljuice drink can be very small indeed. A ~itlli~S1W.IOi'I As.sLrtiMf Seltah P1ttret {~t$ As.5't.Sl8tlr Milllll"> howell Food Commi,sioo survey rev",lis thai, although these drinks are often Checkout ~lIliOff ASS!Sfan1 Corti Imllt'l'l1Jftooo1/Adn'1;1 AsstsI',v,j sold 10 look like juices, full of pictures of healthfnI fruit, some producl' hUIt juice drinks 11 t2 Rejes¥t'/liOev(IIt;~.menr CtmsuIrnN contain as little as 5per cenljui ce. On page 11 we nan1\' the brands. Dr M;"'Red...., lOOllY labels 1:3 And in an exclusive preview of a forthcoming report on supt: nnarkets, Art~lool s~veetenel S 14-15 SAOMCo lId we see how lhey have left many town centres dying while adding to local Cluwmtil't R~t Cacll:lJly FDA·, OBW labels 16-17 SflT'lJoi {JlleGfN rrnncts 8bke road Iraffic (page 19). With decisions in the hands of ju,t a lewtX('C\I­ IV"'.....t!C!G!\'f' DotPr,rClf H!;!I~ 8rownJlg II1tvI-t!.fecurl\lf! O:u~ [)QupI tan~ 1 byes, supt'rmarkelS may have to be lorced by legislalion 10 be mu re I 1_1lv1lCl1iI _ Dalby socially respo nsible in leons of access, transport, pricing and, of course, feature ~/JrtJI. _Cam.. 'iIlIIl1i

Aesoor.$ible ftfeSl1"y PT09rarrme ~ df!.~ ()ff!l:ef Dr Oorolhy Jaclson ADVERTISING POUCY Letter from Cyprus 23 frNesrry (}ff,"CI:( l.;jn Rowland 111e promotion of commercial producl, in this e ;s doue only by CUI!.rIC8OOfl A:JmrruttrillOl t:eflf lowson Ihe Soil Associabon, not the Food Commission. For details on how10 Letters 2~ adverose, or com ments on the advcl1isemenls, please conta<;t Stephanie THE ­ Jones 0Z72·29066 1. FOOD National Food Alliance COMIIUSSION News 25

1le food CCfTlmlSSion 15 Brit..,', tsadltljJ Cbrl lMng E. n!I tl,""",~ Momer E"",. "" irl)lT1 Ol.'lJlot~e Mltd'ctlL ~...JI~ Jnd s1IT'IIf w-atchdog onlood We ai'll r1~' Journal of 'he SOlI ASSOCiation. a~ {he SOil f'atnct I-tJI~n . l~setunollrodes9'1 bIr' Books 26 !lent Dl.,l1Jstrv and gO\lemlT1enl ard lely on ASSO CII1I:\! on Ouartec1y RElVIIlWj6 p.JbWied S(WOO DOOllS(ln of ArtwO'kafS. la Betr'/ gt.iltc:ngtitYlS, OOf'(l!iI:flS.'Ioo pi~ tOI WI lJ~!!IY tflIee FTJlntfl'l by Ute Sol At$OOOtKln r'-dCe, SebiJ5Uafl Suee'!. london EetV OJO hlrriing We 'llhl[o 'CfOV0e ooepf;1'II:~n ( \, ttd. 8& 88 Cotsfan Slrl!l3t, SiIS1lJI. A~0tI8S 1 • PI.,oo b, Sr>de< WIi! 14-20 SU"'" l Et I~arr.hed intr.llmalion (In Ilia load WI: "ml to \88. wI 027219Ililil. to< om·252~04. Wa~. LoodonN76AS .• Ir'18lIjeI'JiltJesp-rmed ven S 27 flnSUre ~ QJa&J'f toed ftJ: aU flus edt!11I1 AliJI..ISt 199J, the 5O\tI)BiI 01 -'In I1!t"",ied paptJ. (over nnn:ptI- tlfI CDIl!ii!IVIt­ The Food C(/{fU; . 1l'1$edlfXln r..-ss boor· edrt~ b~ fm 1'(]IIlE'CtSS­ ptoduclS whi:h "",rained transtats and target of ac(J1unulng consumer W"'tef Willott. wntlog in tho Nnetlcall I.rr" only f 5per cenl u,nsiars, a Ihot !he ad,..rt t.Ilduly appealed ro lear. boycon fill lis "",I.rrons 01 baby Joomai of Publlt: He!J1rll ., May claims reduction from arooor:! 7per Cl!ltl Bul kl upll[lktrng the compi"lnt the milk mailceMg has embar· I\1t tran als catJ;e a! least JO,OOO iu Older to reduce tim amount CO""', or ASA acknowledged Il10t tit",. """ rassed semor O1embe-rs 01 the deaths aI'ear '" the US , t","sfal. ll'ey ha"" IflCreased tlielevel t!VIdence ro suggoSI that the COn· Bntish PaedlatIlt Association T"'nsfats are a type 01 fal which CIt s.att.Jated fat. As most nutrioornsts sumptJon of tJansfats may have negn­ [SPAI by ma',ng • senes of 'nony· dJE cleated when fals llf\4J cas are orTi­ now !1gre8, .( is the total amo1l11 of tive health elfl!cts. but col1S>dOled that moos nonatlOns te the SPA's fiCially haldonetllllVdlDgenaled] and 'dtOlest",l)I·m,srng· fats - salumtes the extent .or:! nature 01 !liese effects resealth pm9ramme firsl tlevnloped margo..,. were 100 plus IIllOS ,'oilrch are Important So were still unclear The ASA CtlnSrd· Staff at lhe SPA w.., forced 10 fhey arlJ now t'Klwn to act 11 a SlITlJl.ilr the tatal reducUoo acooved ~1 Flora IS ",ed thaI the adl'llr1rsemenl """stal· admit 10 Ihe.r gld aor:! actl'f!r'lrsemem f()j lIS S~rspread health benefits of lherr pforuct and dJ::cep;llng Ihe doniJtlon """n baby loods l;ee IJvrng v.11~h apptlilred" the Aunrnn 1991 nevel ment100 hydlOgenmed lats, Ironicall,', fill. Ilauy milk EartlrlFood M.JgalJffe rab­ hns been published ., I_ed medical gal in "arlJfactiJfefs for selMg mar· cemlng lhe health nsks an.tched ro and S'lOn me journals ' • fUtlr.e. details • Am J Pub!<: /Ieo',f>. 84, 'Ar/ 1994, gaMe Oil a health platfurm rile COil~Oon 01 hydrogenated fat s ppm.., Bilby M>< AcMn, t~ 0113 464410 MeanwtJle Van den Be~, tho rnak· u;ed in mat1l'l""" and spteads The

EC offers 10m ecu to reverse Sales o( turl·fat and sernl·sk,mmed milk in Europe hea lthy eating trend

t\e European Commissloo is offmmg SerTI'Sllmmed tTIIlk: The Commission 10m BCU (aboul (lml to dlSlliootOrS, POfO to an ad"B

Bosnia baby milk I, School food news Battery hens suffer adverts withdrawn • The Na...... Assocrabon 01 Teochers 'unequivocal' stress 01 tbne EcomTrcs ­ o;erwhelmingly OldH;.s battery egg lead a COnlontll" ife ' feeding The advert also showed b'e for pu~ls to choose lood lecIlnoIogy orodvcflOO as cBUsing intense suffer­ Dr Baxter is amembeI of the bo,es being unloaded, claimrng that at alater~ . The 00ad UNHCR, tIIoUIJh ther • A repOO /fea/rfr ySclrool food calls food, but at lhe last 11lIIlute swilched sh­ s"""" The report leatures "hools Gennan. Dutch, Danish arnd BeljJran dency this summar and I""e said p""le products, wllh com~le disre' wh~h have successfully tadded the demands fOl bett.. treatment 01"'" tlrey will push lor"" im[lf oyed dirac· gard for their in eMeers' S'aod Ihe Baby 'healthy lood IS bomg' 1Jl0000m, animals. live, She denied suggesnons Irom M,lk AcOOn spokesperson, • iliRllth; Sdo'i '000 AGIII!i& tx Sch# Onty aweek earher NIChol.. the RSPCA thet she had been Influ­ ~ lIItd SrJto« brztf Ci iWaiat:Ae ~ 11'18 ~ POlb4ll2. tm:t. Soames, MAFF mOllstll! for lood. had enced by public o~iDPulamy 'fOWl _Slvtr07I.J8316311. the UK wou!d accep, • 22 hour jour I ~ • (Nino Ealth &The FOO

Although undetiunded at present, this 's ooe of sevel.1 scileme, e>s

defamatorv inl[)rmallon aboot the Fast food I hamburger cham.. I SAFE Alliance starts biodiversity in May. Jeremy Corilyn MP sub­ The case of the McLib.1 2 opened at mittetl twtl ea,ly day mOI1011s to count on organic farm s the High Court rn London at the • Par tmment condemning the oosine ss of June as we wen! to press DalJe practices 01 the McDonald's Moms and Helen Steel of londOll CospQ[ation. lIS advenrsing claims Greenpeace. wo unempillyed envi · ana its use of 1,001 writs to ijilg crm­ The SAfEAn,.oce ISrun ning, pilot iog as astrategic component of mnmemahsts, are c:kJfaodm g [hem­ clsm . fIe furth.. called for muluna­ 'compar,)J [Y9 hlooJV ersny' study t ~ s fu ture agricu~ural poliCY , selvesagamst the multinational cor­ tional "",porarions to be barretl flO'" summer mestigating the number MOOlt[)rlllg of farmlano birds by poratlon's claims that London suing thei r CJ iticsfO( hbeL as ale and vanely of Id pl."t and bJttill1ly the 8TO lIos shown that 018111 com­ Grp.enpeace were distributing Go.vernmental bodies . species 011 organic farms BUilding on mon 'pooos meludlng the linnet. the excellent wmt of too BmlSh Trus t feed bootIng, skylark-LInd 'fee ­ for Ornithology IB1OI. 111. WOlX" f[}'o't' have declined 11 number SIflC€ part· by WNF UK and is being the ".tl-1970s. These changes COIn· fJl st fOOd whICh threatells Ihe rich ""nducted in coll,borationwith two cide wrtll too increased Intensibca· Slow food and VaIied national and IOglon,1 en\lironmeotal charities - PlafltJilc tlon of lowland agriculture unde< the ClBSIOOS. ona Bunertly Co",,,,vatlon - together CAP Since Apnl 1M2. the 810 has N plans arebetng made to IMth researchers ~ro m Oxford boon ""ndocung a specifIC study on In 1989 ca,lo Petrilli wos so hornfied develop a ""paratechapter for the University. the nOOlbers. di\01lrsily and by the proposed openo og of a Slow Food Movemont III Bntain Acc ordlog to SAFE eo.ardinator. ot birds on pairS01 DfganlC and coo­ MCOO""lds at the bottom of lhe Hugh Raven. Ijttle lesearch has been l'!!f1uonal fanms across the UK. • fQJ tunl'lt:! -.IOIMilllOll (Dr!. Spamsh Steps in Rome tha t ""_-.. undertaken upon lhe enYIJOnmental Results reveal that organic farming he deCided to set up Nihtllll GiJla, 1Jifiey, impact of organIC farming. This PIa' methods can halt the dectine In bird the Slow Food HarByWI1~, joel has been deyeloped in clos. coo­ ,..,mbers and slg,.ficantly Irtenease ~ile MO\01lment. RGZl 8J' sunation with the BTO. MAFF and too theabundance of breedwlg and oyer· Tho move­ ~eI' O~ 2 SOil Association and """ make a SJg­ winlering brrds. 84J26S ment IS now nmcal'lt contribution to diSCUSSions h'~ 0252 established In 84<0921 ove r the. significance of orgarwc farm ­ _ CorTI.lCI S/OltioJ""'" I~ O/ t.anSS60 over 26 coun· tri es. II atm,';. to combat Ihe wortd domiMnce of More news on page 10

LNong Eanh &The Food Mogame . Aug"" t~ . 5 Food Quality

He-discovering our food

In this 4- page special feature we focus on the quality of our food : the Soil Association's Patrick Holdenarguesfor a renewed look at the meaningof 'quality'; the work of Soil As sociation pioneer Mary Langman in celebrated; and CraigSams of Whole Earth Foods looks at the chequered history ollood quality from its ear1iest days.

I hoteve' els8 thO. organ/(: Producers, processors and retailess peJpe1uate the WmOllemenr mayor may modem ml'1h of unnorrmty and conforml!)' 11 food . not have DecomplJshod so Shan telm marketing considemtioos demand 0 '8f. if has cefrBmly rigrdly.defined, techoologrcal approach to food aroused ml9f8Sl In {he llU.fity sue Bnd appearance. plIckaglng, tlutfmonaJ p!operlles of food. Ihal ;s the" SiOfi.1gC and procesSU19 tJllella ncrw reign o..,er the mhelent qualttv as conve~o,s of vitalil'y as 100e abstract and complex cooeepl of a wI>ole , distmct (rom thei, quontrtO(lv8 chemIcal anal SO""" mtAl>·faceledbiological quality orrgl""lIy Mary Langman, afounding VSIS rdenufied by the 10undl1g members of the SQ made relat"""'" !rtlle The.e " no douhllh.lI the S04I Associalioo can prQ9ress tn our Itlderstand,ng of thelrue nat..eof about her life'swork. take much credn fOf the nemendous growth of food qualny We may be 11 a bene, ()OSlt.on to aIIIC­ inte.est .. orgaOtC fa.mltlg espoclally over the last ulate OUI oprmOIlS on the full range of food quality decaoo Tho development of o.ganic standafd oumlillgmember of the Soil As:.ociatioo, ~""'s , bur huge gaps In (HJ' knO....ledge s,,11 eXISt and their adoptioo by the UK go""'''"'''''t tile Mary u.ngrnao has acruev.d the """l:Ilition ond Is socrety so dIVOrced from lhe realilies of food EU, 0.. tnfluence In matters of agnetA, that she deser\""fS for ht-r sen-ices to the lnae'''''g prodocllon that people have lost ...en the most organic famting mo\'emenL Mary was recenl· lUIal pobey, au' work In develo"",g the market for basic InsllllCts for alStingulShlng good quakty f,om OfgaOit foods, the Q,awltlg ,ecQ9..tlOn of organoc Iy .warded an MBE in this y,",'sQ u"""·s bad_lot alone recQ9ntSe that there IS apletho,a of fumllng ilmOl1g the conservation and OOYlronmen· birthdayF honoors jj.L l ler interes( and pr.lctical cxperi­ related quality ISsues oevond high profile ooes coce in organic f3rrrtir\St and in nutritional and em;ron· tal organlSat"." and, mOle mcent/y, our ..,,,,,,,1 such as food salety o. adulleralrOn during process­ woHme, cOIOmuOity supported ag"ctAWle atld Ilg1 meotal rt'Starrhstrrtch back 0'''' hall a mltury. Yct \1Jry has seldom been .illing to toke sufficient rndit ror educanon .,!tiiHlVCS me il'sohd achievements we hope not The rocellt moo," anenllOn giwln to lay claim to But thOle IS ooe Challenge slIli facing ' her ,chiewmeots and ha, gffirrally undcr-YaIurd the the DalllSh .esearch linking rrnte ferUrty to aret tis: rostomg our nghtful piace i1 the food quality port she has played in promoting org-.rni< i,,",b to a Is one encoUraging example of ~IIc debate wilkr publi<, In the brll!lOO' quos"ons COncerning dret and In 1946l.dV E,e BaWoor Wlote that Ofl. 01 til. ~Iary was born in 1008 and grew up in the ClI\IIIlry, lunan health But dthe Soil AssoCl'''on IS to alms of lhe newly formed Soil AsSIlCIilIiOO should Herinvoh'cnwnl v.ith lht Soil As·soriIltion Glme about recialnI "S POSItIOl1I1 the food qually debate" must be 'ro oaur:

6 • lMnO £.nh &1lII' r.oo Masa""" • A.'1J" t991 mm"elDe'Dt and on inspiration to 1}1DSe of us whowor­ ry about losing momeotum on reorl'mcnL Though n. k)l1J!"' fanning she is still a Dir/. " registered dunt)' wlueh pro­ mot.. rtSCarch and inform.1lion on heaJUI ""d organ, Mary Langman icagriCbltufC. 'he lay..n,ctivr part in the bonk depat\nM.'Ill of the \1'holeCoods shOjl, which ,tocks. wide range of bonks Oil nu:riDon and nutritional ther· apies, a1tcmalivt medicine,o¢fanning and gar. deoing and reJated so ja1s. Organic Pioneer 'he has .....r lost touch . ith he.,. roots. Convinctd 01 the rel,,':lllCe of the Peckham findings and COIlCOflI, 10 the probk:,.s 01 today. ,he i' a mCD> ber of a small group wi<:,vation by Scott Il'Cent ,,;cnwie war!< in the fields of nutrition and slandards for all produce wiUt an ""anic;,beI have WUli"""",,'s that .H ealth is " infectious as disease be... "IlJiculLun: and of hrr own l't>Carth project basod on officially agI\!Cd by the European Comm;,sion given liIe right l'Onditions for iL.spread '. Her pIe.. her form at Haughley in '-dIolk. '!1w two books ann by ;dl the rountrie< oflile European Union . Of sur. was gn!.t at hearing Utal phrase pie'ked up from brought their 'U~lO'lltog!'ther, for as Mruy iudit.les , pec~ 1 intere>! 10 Mary was the harmonisation of Ute Ille vidoo in the coun;e of adeoole in the HOUSf or there was. close altinity. 1be com:epts tlu! slandperimen~;o plan ~ Progn:-s- whose lively annual tllll'<'ed environm.nt of. soci3I . tting: The French mganic farms in """,hof prod"", for Livilt/l EDrIII, Mary is now engaged in conjunction Wholefood, health of families using U,e Pedham Centre for with l.1dy Kathleen Oldtitld (L>dy E, e's much social and leisure aaj,itie< was c1d)' Eve, If By 1950 Mary was running asm3ll1ann a! Organic Agrirulwre MOI'eu",nlS - Coonded 01, an" reader has k."t or chance; to come upon. b.reb Bromley ommon. set up 10 produce org;micAlly ~.turr el Progres Congress wilil the Soil A>:iociation nf~ l d len"" or recuDecrions of Lady Eve. she would grown food of known QUalltpnd fresiln,",. [or "", in as one of the five original foonding n_bers. In the be dclighted 10 h..". from lhem via the Soil nutritional research at the Pioneer Healtl, Ctntre. early days Mary aded as SoilAssociation representa­ As~tion. !>ne kept Ihe Cann going for 25 years alter the centre live ", the Coordinati ng Conmlittce for ma""lli g the lntthods of organic conferences held In Switurland, Canada. Belgium, for six hours during which 1Ceu 1iI,1 I100 was being food productiQn 01. broe when ,""h Ideas "ere di.. ule Unilfd State;, and Glm,")'. t.1king part in Ute intrrviewcd. I wusn'l ,\1~~ to get away with ony rms.,.,j by mOic'. Through this porind she ..lin· lrmth regret that d close links . ith th< SoU Associatk1ll and lady detp commitm... t to and enjoym""tof her Iife'nor!<. Eve who blong mend. read the journal conferenct: in ~ ew Zealand. Although Mat), beU..,.> u,..mage and fami~' to bt IToliltr EDr/h, participated in conkrences and in la!­ qually impoltmt on the home fronL Mary lhe mn>! hlIfi1Jing life-paUl for."men, h..,. can'el' tor yean; attended course; on org;mic husbandlY run was one of the older IIlCmber> who wel, ilIu~tcs the impoJ1aIJct of unmarried ",omen's ser­ comed now young mc.'IJ1bE,,,, with active b)' the Association. \Vith her farm a men: 14 miles vice in our society. She has dt1lK'.1fd her ufe 10 iiiI' from Piccadilly Circus,she beam. OIle of the earliest farming experl""..onlo the Soil organk mo\'efl1("f1t which , V.ithOUl her in~iration . ;uppli<:r.; oC organic.1ly grown vegeubi

ood quality through the ages

The search for a hea lthful, than stone tools and fire. l11e earlil'st debatC' about and their allies, the Frisian!',Jules ami Saxons w3 ~ 011 food was concerned \\ith the n'lilrious and lribal .;g. the coastal land of the North s.a. The !lam"" 01 the unadulterated food supply is far nifianre of foods, and aboul rompeting nomadic and mosl common bra-d. of canJe - Hoi;!";•• Friesian ­ from new, writes Craig Sams. sedental)' food-producing ')">1.m,. V,!(etarianism rdlt'Ct the small geographical area of the North ~a was al;" an issue fronl lhe earll"'t times. The Ilible coast wh.... dair;ing """I,,-d, lhc Engli"" and other ood ;s the found,tio n of pn)'>icallifc ond opens with dil'1aJj' counsel from God: 'Bebold, Igive North sea peoples enjo), a geneti<: abnonnalily that )'00 I'Vl1}' hern bearing-" .'hich is upon the f:Ice uealth. 5O ;t is naturnl lhat t hrou ~h"' tI has beenth,· key 10 theer su"ival and b l o l o~ icaI suc, of aUt he earth. and ,",l'IjI iret!, in which is lire fruil of cess: they keep producing all enr.ynll' thaI digest!; hislOf)' it has "'-~'11 at !hectO"" of ,"Ir cultural. >OJ.ial, spiritual and philosophical atrff yi elding "",rohibiting the coo­ and the quality of We is not ,/1fW phetJomonon. The suJVivf- in a climate where sunshine is almost non­ sumption of fal and blood. whether from OXCO. sn..p existent for /ali\' parts of the )'ear. Witllllul milk, ...-lies! ca'''' paintings ~ho"l-d the degnoe to which or goats. Shakespea",', ref...... io the Merchanl of osttcponlSlS our 3JJCCSIOr; vesled magical ' ignifiCiIIIC< in the pro­ ricket>; and would have substantially """ of oblairung fond. 0i1'1aJj' laws are 1M of nm Venice to Shvlock's problem in taking a pound of reduced the chances of,u" mI. Ilesh Ihat is complelely blood·free refer; obliquely to he trade in ",a salt owed much ID ",~gio." traditiO'"', and ""rve10 define acomm'Ulity .my and distinguj.Jl it from outsiders. The hygienic and this dilemma of keeping a cow and eating it 100. Ihe nero 10 restore mineral, Iosl from nulritiooal roolSof dielaJj' laws may boo forgollen with lb. theme of observing adit:1aIjI prl'Cept while the ""d. in particubr iodine. In the n", practising il is comlOOn, In TllaiLmd. Buddhists th. """It that the redl""'~1jI of thr rell'vance of diel Uni trd SUItes.lhe 'Goiler Belt ' ,trelch· SlJkuyobs<"rvc the Buddha', againsllhf lak· e> 10 encorn~ng to health and con<;eiousne<.' can excite hootilit)' ~ il sanction fromOhio Kansas, ing of any M<' by allowing Muslims 10 run the slaugh­ mostT of the Amrrir:m ~l iclwetor of the meubolism as it foods. and thr nulritional quality of food as • reIIec· would be kept on a slril1 '''1!etarUm diti for 3tlIllnths i, the main compo","t of the thjToid h""",,Of thyrox· lion of soH quality, before his meal was considered fit for consumplion. ine. Without Illelhargy. d.'dine and g!'lltlir degcol'f' products thr row 5pL'Cial In the beginning, the earth .~s fertile. food was Dairy and play a role in ation take place. The inh.bitant' of Alpine conunoni· Angifs abundanland fond technology I'I'I~ on nothing more the F.ll)(lish dirt '0" original home of the ties grew arabic tTOPS on ;teep mountain slopes. By the Middle Ages, Ihe in. ..itlble I"aching 01 iodine from the soil and th. lack 01 lUly mher iodine source A tlUl Cl!mty dishonest bike.- is dragged through the streets with an underweight loaf tied round his neck from the $i:'il, led to an incm:;;e in bjrt h ~ or mentnliy retarded baIJIes. 'Jbe comlOOl1 practice of p lltl j n ~ 'z;...... ~ ~ ~ such babies to dcaUl .." justified on Ute gt'\~tnds th" ,, ~ ~ ~ . ) . ~ , ' they werr nlll h. malL The Church, app,1D«1,t thi ~ ~: .... . practice, mode it a mornl cri.., to do '" by dedaring ,~ that the victims of this nutritional deficiency had >ouls -. in the tj1'S uf God and W'ere Iherefore 'CIU'elicn5' or Christians, and urerefo", eotitltd to n,'e. The word 'cretin· reminds us of this nulritionalJy induced condi· tion and of the importanct of di(1 to foNl health . In thin! cenluljI China the same proble1l1 aruse as agriculture expanded. Atrade in dried seaweed soon developed w;th roasl.1 area, to redify iodine delicien· . ,~" ci(";.; in the inland regi o J\ ~ . The intrinsic Iodine d~ ciency of arablr land means that there is a ~ at N "­ -~ ...;...,; c...,. ","-:-.,. ;~ . f-'-r- ."""~- rt­ rdiancc on alternative sourct'S such as fi sh, sea"'eed

5. iJvlng Eanh &The Fcod Magame . Ant form of arlullt.... tion now pr:tCIiF..rfoods preYenied illness and 1!fS, n_1y lhe ,.. bslilution of margarine f... buner, encouraged 1oogC\;ty. n.. Yin Vang ",blionship of of chkory lor colle., and of cottonseed or othe, ch.,p loxic heat and damp heat leads to a oo,lant stan'h m1 for oti\~ oil; the manulJi<.1Ilrer dOC',; the_' for baJance. or harmon),. Tht mosl elfecti\'t" \IIoy to reo . 1the IW11 of the ",...tury the re!> iler maintain this is throu.'" foods which 113" ,..noos WaS tht: first cilndidatt for prosecution properties thai affect the natural baI""", The core and hac] the duly of 'duTui wrote in th, 6th cenlury d.s~, . My ry and grain extracts, and now twists to the mar· T,.chiJrg 10 Poslrrily: 'I h've been in the habitof cal· garin...buller tkool•. Pf.. CO cilo"llt... ing kidnt)' tollics throughout m)' life, which i, why I The earlicsl irgisl,tion in England thai denlt ,-ith could <: thy ml'dicin,". his neck. For a serond offeoct the same punlshm ...... t of aIItird offence, the offender wasbanned IJIt'nded VS believed Lht)' laws was vesIed in the trad. gnilds go,Wlling th.l would not be able to comprehend his i':lrhings. His trade, with the perhaps inev;tablr rL'Suli that eofon:.. - ~ - lasting influence was such !haL uoJil the I.,. centur) , menl was r.... 1y carried out to any great cJfII.'!I1o refrain from hUJtin,o( their human sub­ um in "'1JIt' form 10 white bread is compulsor;' in J follow e(011Ont­ ators, probably rute, a buul of food po> cancer. The while colour and Iighl 1001o,e of Ihe ie grt)wtharound 0" II'11M Only when food quality soning: 'Wl' ha\'e menthaIsteal mo-ney. bread' . rebined. Pcrbaps tho", medieval b, k.rrs is idenliJied ~;th the quality of lift is il likely 10 Ulk< Tht~ wretches str..alour money andour weren't such conmen afteral l priority o\'cr materialistic and short lenn attitu des lEives too, and gel off !;Col-free.' Much adulteration of 7500 additives arecurrentlyu~ in producing !hat are risking the future of aU life 0 0 Earth. food is lIlf> fraudu lent.,. but i1 can ofl en be injurioHs food , an area the size of Italy is lost every YC"M to soil • Craog ~ ~ Charman 01_ Eorth Foods and and sometimes falal. erosion and cruelty to animalsto convert cheap nutri­ honorary treaSU'er of the SOIl Association

liWJg Eanh &The Food M3cjaJJne • August 1994 . 9 Parents back FDA faces corruption charge curbs on kids foo d adverts The us /1lod atld Or"9 Adm1rllslraoon ljlOUp GllneucsFotum , lhe fDA's An-iunded Twe out 01 th,ee palents want 1 the USA may fac•• CongessrOOilI and IS now representIng Monsanto in contract. tougher re sln(:1 iOf\S on eM­ enQuiIy lollo",ng charYeI f,rmOlg, pestiCIde taxation and CAP foous which the parent. prefared Foods and Plocesses has a~eady rec­ renego1iatJon are urged upon the them not to eat ommernJoo 1/1,11 anliblotic .",astance DanISh Government The NFA IS calling lor ad,ems­ genes ""ould be remQVed or deatb­ Ing codes of pr.cuce to be valed If the anbbiollC Is currently In • VIM I/e,."rch /icpclt /It. PesIJl>de _flOO /'rognImme m0enmiJl1­ amended to ensure that advertis­ ",","cal use. Publrc consoltatl"" on Updatg, VNIf "'ttmaIIOIlOl, SWltzeflatld 'ng. palli,ularly to children does ll1is issue WIll be rovicwe

fraud? Onll rIV. percni 'rait (orange pulp) plus sugar m • dose of artifi";.' sweetener saccharin in Kia Ora

ov8J canon. in the roost p~ . of bUlt In mnny hilt

vegetable COrlSuntpUoo, these plOd­ Fruit juice drinks ur:ts masquerotle as reall!ul\, but aDan from ""me addod ,;\amIII C they will have little 01 none 01 1M olh· Cootinued form prerious ~ or II1I lualYe '''!l.edient, - the Dthet VltiJmlrtS, enzymes. biollaYlnrnds. Illtn :JlteC1IYP, 011 quOObt.lti\'e' mgreclienl erals and other bace nutsients tI,at docl","~il'1s IOUIOs) has be(!ll stailed leal filJlI has We bell""" the pre­ lIP se,eml years, eod " nnt likely to sUlf,ce unti t995, TI,..,,, wll' be tu"'s 0' lrult sl10uld be 18Illoved and the afOOL,ln o~ Iwee deafly dfclared­ dIScussed 101' a Y'l'" or tw1l and ~ only 10 em""lfass lhe manulartur­ become" dorOCIMl, wllh ltJ~k, hy "IS 11110 ImploVlng 11>e" pmthJClS. 1991 That,.,11 reqlJlre r1'€mOOI In tl>e me"""me, II th. product sliJles IQ dra~t legislation Wlltll". say doesn't aecla.ethe quanlll'( of I.Ult aoother 18 mc"tIts Thmlr.gislaoon In tum WIll be IOSSelmea InJI these plodllCts <:3n lea­ sugar [lffi Ihe fIrs, twa IOgred.allts. ture thelf 'real iruit IUlC£f Image even ther yuu can 00 sure thOle ... very ht­ Two ,he... to R•• i... tli! when Il>ev me as muell.s 95 per II'.r ..,...;'. ~iB friJ lt In Ule pock., u«blrio I"," thlir dri,l ..d dlel ..I.! I.. [;ent sU!J.Jr-wal£~-f A.s hea.r'h experts - - jui<1 'ollle,t 112 par , ..I joi,. pto. 2 per Cdil on lJ!j to Inr.rease CUf f!l.Jit and • ResearChed IlV Tim toosl.,n an , ••1 OTlI." puipi ~ Fruit juice drinks· less than you might expect

P"ducl Fruit c••t..t Addld n",orl•• Aj'd col.,ring CajxI'StJII oron!!" HI% 'j!lS no Capri-Sun tropical orange 10% yes no Capn-Sun mOUlltill'''1 cooler ,~ V., 00 De: MOniC O~~e Bum seoul no no Del Monte Lemonade Burst sscrct ves no Fi ... eAWe mIXed Citrus 4,,,, yes no Frve AIr'o'e medlterrnnpan 44% vas no FlVo AI"", uop'ca1 32% V'" no Jura~lc JUI~ orany,e 11%' yes no Kla·OIH wilDie Q~ng~ 5"" yes no llbhf. Apple 'C' 6% • ves I"" IIbbv's DIn,,!!" 'C' 24% yes yes Ubb{s Um80"110 211% .ves no BuI"""" Oronglna 15% yes no

RlUena blackeu''"''t 5% ' 00 nO

Rloo"" 'trawtlell\, 5"" ~ves ves Rlo~a ..,pIIl!J'Y. 5% ' ves no

Rloona olllnge &8Pll

RolJinsoo's O"'nge 14% yes 00 Rawnl1ee FrUit Juice 9'11.' yes no • Ihe qu;mb'y of added s.g.. lit these p.oducts exceeds !fl. Q"""bty at flUI /~JU/CIl fflfJfIIJfacturers daca coI/,'aw 10193-5/94/

IZ• lMnD Eonh. The food Mog"""" • ""9"'" 1994 a es

We feature another al" Illegal LOlless IheV are backed up Chocotl1e foo by figures declaring how nluc;h of the the nghl, a fllIr· batch of barmy brands VltBmio or minerallhafe IS" the pie pack) con­ sent in by our sharp­ ploduel. usually., telms of the tained addod el1""",,1 III • s.Pilng ... apropMlon ot saIl and flrlVOur· eyed shoppers. your recommend.. dally Intak. "'g, I'Ihereas '110 Neither Teseo nor Olstalnm make prE!lllOUS suclt 0 09ciarellOn We phoned .IId Cglnal rl n COnlalned these adde '·Sou!", .XCf!IIl tl1a1 VOO gal OOllhe leallhlngl acfdEd 31 'nwruJe set S(]ml! klw fal CriSPS. so whrr.h _bout ha~ the quanlrIY ., , pack levels' plus a p"'ch of "II Symhell: sIloold you choose' II wrns out lllat Selling a sma (jf pO/1J()n accounted ",,,ma fIavor1 and sall had oclllal I'IllIIJhllor _gt1l lhe Silapers Clrsps lor mudl Ihe reduc;ed calories, val of been used from the 1950s through ID have more calOfies and IIDre fal­ slrlM1ecs llIin< thoy are getbng a soe 1!l87 001 were dropped Ihat y."r as and lhr•• limes the salt - as the low 0",1 100000001,uon and are ",ruced to part or 'a drIVe to remove art flcel fat crisps In act the only good tlvng pay apremium plica, We think IhlS" juice and salad .rtd~rv.s' hom Iheir produc;ts. aboul the Silapers paClC " ,hat JI is mislead,r>g eadbury's weJe swe consumers box labels smililer You gel 20 grams of coold barol, Iell the drffere",. when H'Ilh on "101111" Cdeclares me T.sco Cadbury's thai chance was made Now, though they feellhal 'a small dis Of;l11(le jUic. label RICh III vila",," C. ~ drinking iron and pro,"", declares Ihe ,,,,"'IS comng minonly m'!illl ",efer Ihe DrslllfrlJlI salad bo. labellfrorn fI.,111! \ cbocolate p

Uvorg E.r1Ir &TIle food MIga,... . AlJguSl 1994 . ,3 checkout

we •

Are artificial sweeteners replacing sugar or a!Jean Thus we fTlilnag. to 1001 less StJ!}aI, it rameins to be s.een oursel'" thaI we're ClItlIog back on whelhe, they l1elp to retltJce the total are we just eating more sweet food? The Food the calorre, but may end up e;ltrng amoll'lI of sugar., OUI DIetS. Commission investigates the changing market even mme Iloweve{ the artmciai sweetener for sweetness. mar~et IS now r&ooSAtKlfling l{Sell MaoufactlIlers are real"'''9 the "rmls How much are of the 'dret" ",,"'ot ","Icllls As SlJgar has Incteasmgly taben Out of d:en uad.. tan prefBr the uj)-from m51 we eating? beIng seen as old fesluoned ar\!l I"ftJlTi!mnal fawUl, the mari:et f()ll arti· s...... t"." provIded by oruf1cial unhealthy The smart muve IS now tD In the UK c,""ume mOle low· hclal s.weetener!; has taken off In a sweatonefS. Once they acquire the we assOCIate your Pfodoct wtlh 'hea!th'_ cakme than atly olhel big 1/I.1'(t1( Inlilatty .altered as an allet"­ taste It'S much harde, to Interest chll sweetoom At1ifioal S' manufac1Ulers. EUlopean counttv 'Mlllrllotal UK nato"" to sugar lor d"'te.. and diabet­ In less ISWeiltened and wen 0"'''' have been qUIck to ust! govelnmetll ICS, aflIflcel swel:lteners aro mM' "" lous IDod., say nealth carn­ ,uga' consumption Is roughly the recttmmendtltlOf1S {(X' a reduction m faund III a ""ole "lOge of toods com · pa·gncr:s same as In France Ilust ...,r 2 m~hon QII sugat COt'lStlmpttOO as a new lannes a yearl. Ow consumption of "",nly consumed by Ihfl gIl"""" po~ InterlS-f sweeteoefS were original· marketing oP\llHtunrty Ihese sweeteners is m~ally fN8111TlCS UI,toQn IndtJdiflll chlldr"" IV nna',et"" as an aid to have helped Sugar ""PIl'V . lfllllYalt:nt ~r salt rirink> keep us slim In facl the numbers 01 1"000 tonnesl 01 POOuliltlon Ikgl Meanwhile aUf c""sump1l0n 01 OV"""""gIlt and obese oeople are low caklrE artificial sweetener.:! has rncreaslng and the government is 2400 45 grown and is predlCled to carry on

t4 e Uvrng [arth &The Foud M3go1lin, e A"!JU!' 19~ : " Sweet • Low-t.alone ca(bonate"~ Imdhons of luesI alternatives tODD gOO Up until 1983 saccharin wa. the I e Onfllow calode sweeten.. penniI. 800 ted 10, ... in the UK, but then 700 ..part..... ltllde name, ....ulfame.K and 600 Ib_were given IIP"",,If. thlhl use (the Dntv festncl10n IS the 500 Now EUJQpean Itglslatlon moans amO\Jnl 01 sacch.nn thaI can be used Ibill two otb.. Intense sweet~ne .., In ,oh dmksl. Fvr 8)([lmple. unlike 400 neo/Ie.perldine and cyclamate the UK. France ha> not permilled 300 sweeleners to be used .IDIlgSloo (binned In tilt UK since the tat. 200 'U\jilr in soh drln s and sQuashes ­ 1967) .... also likely to be ati oMII. lMy collSlde..c II adult...""n But 100 Th.ln"'n.. sweetness of these now 0"''')'1hI09 IS aboul to change o additives mea. that they .re ....d All EU II1roctM! 01\ sweeteners IS In ve" .moIl quanlllles and .... due 10 come Into force WIthin the _ ,lrIIIlfty cIIorie!!ee, ne,t rgllteen mond.. and lor the UK OdClnaUyll1e1r mlln rrtlrttet ""'" In It will set muth suiClet enteria rot 'dlet' and 'I... calorie' products but their use limiting the foods whICh now 1I10y oro widely Ioood '" e can contain lC.weetefiers oilnd setllng wool. ran:e 01 products often In combination w~b ...,h to pn> maximum levels Df USB . For some UK t::OOllrlues IQ glOw useel, 1M ea,'let IhiS year. MAFF's oIlier manufactLJrer.i this 'Mil mean refD{­ Vide a greater intemiity 01 ftavour. lile roosl,acent official 5Urvcy Food M"sory COOImillee expr~sseC mulaling products and USlng 1lI0re thel """mined alii c,",sump""n of liS dls.JppOOltment thaI rome malllJ· Aspartame is considered 10 lite blends 01 swe.IOIletS SUl iiS WlI are artillClal sweeleners doltes IJack to facMEllS wete lallrng to rnplement tiweeteoel with a taste profite most eahOll Rod dnoking more of die loods 1987/8 and was pobli£hed by MAFF MAWs a1Me8. Anow sU!Vey of alll· like sugar. lhat contarn artifICial s\...".ru,ners, ill. In 1990. llis WIW'f wowed that fioal sweetene, use among diabelrt: There are currently two new tow­ unlikely thai thiS 'MIl roduco 0"' total roore sacc:hann th,m recommeJJded people is due to be publrshed by calori. sweetenell ""ieb oro being ,"""''''plron It would appear thai was bl!ll1g con,"med by some Y01l1g MAlf I>P.lnre tile end of the year. evaluated by most Iood regulatory whr" aspartame has ,eplaced ,ac· ch,ld,en (Irom dunks aod s."aslms! rile mar);el r", sweelene" nas authorities, IUcralase, made by eha,in., 8 flUmber 01 foods and arr. LlJa"""CS Ifrom t.bIe lOP s""eet­ changBli rapidly SlflCe Ihe MAWs Tat. & lyle, and .Iitame. 801b drinks OLI :i<1cdmnn constJrnptioo Ilas ooorsl MAFF asked manufaclurers sUlvevs were carrred 00' III he mid claim the _ntago OVtr asfl8l' rama.,BIi abO\Jt the saffle. rather ro wnrn tbabeUc.s 001 to t(lf'lSUmB lilaO. Bul dele lad figures arll a ...... of being beat stable wllilo po.. than la 11"11 as perhaps expected eXC-eSS-!Ye amounts of 5al;:ChalVl enn closely guarded trallo .eClOt O,el sesslo: I slmtla' quail\) of _weet· Meall'lvMe the mBrke for aspartame tQ vall 10 the 1\'1l1!S 01 prod""t' they the Ia.llhree years MAFF has ness. II appro,ed these new sweel· requested and recewed marke1 Infor· tneI5 may develop new markets fot Artificial sweeteners and children mauon fllJIT1 the sweetener compil· reduced alorio ....Ion. of baJy of \!1C'fll ~1I"r:m. Re.....h.. already undenray Into The malor SOOlal 01 satcha,ill lOi cally Inrg(!led 'lid fI'lP

lr.nQ tanh & lhe food Mag.... . A

• a e I e

New US labelling regulations will limit nutrition ofood can ""Ie a healtl1 cl..", If .t IS higl1 .n fat or sait and health claims made by manufacturers of and " ~ eJqJected mere wtl be processe4 foods. The Food Commission went lestnctions on the i,Jse of health clanns In ether 'Junk' t{Jods like sbopping to see which British claims would be swealS "nd soft d,.,ks, ~.tOR~ TI,e definrOOns fa. what can • Sunflower banned In America, , t the >looslly u~ to $2,3 per SBIVlny and pe,centage 01 tile lillY. laid down rukl, 00 food brllilln ove' the "eJ

guidelines' I but ",ven tMy are now wavering over this. Keallh claims ora much berde, to defiJl. and ..gul.I•. Th... are Ihe kind. of claims that suggest or Imply that porticuw foods may hove • beneficial elfeet on h•• lth, lOch '" 'holp. low· er cholesterol' or 'builds healthy teeth and bones' The govam­ m.nt'l Food Advitary Commlnee hal ro,.aladly ••proiSed con. cern .bout the polentlilly mlll ••ding natu... of soma hBilIth claims and has can.d fo, tough.r controls. Claims, lhey .oid, should only be allowed if thoy ,of.. 10 ·m...... '.b1. and obJective characte,lstics' which would rule out maamngle.. description, luch as 'healthy' or 'wholesome' But on EC Directiva, first pro· po••d 14 yea.. ago is stiU no ne.,., ogro....nt .nd tho..... f.... th.t tbe European Commission mey d,op its plan••Ito­ gether '0' rooulating th... kindo of clo'ms. Whil. the Food Advisory Com...- racommended that health claIms Ibould only b. permitted if.upptJrtod by the Chief Medical Officer, it looks unlikely that tho UK will ItlOpt 0 oimilar 'app,oved list' strolOgy for h.alth .lIlm. u in Ihe US. And ,ome health campaignen argue that'. not. bad thing. They don't Wltnl 10 .00 any health clar"",. II. II the industry ...ert., the... ara no 'good' Dr 'bad' foods. Ihen manuf8c!U1ors .houldn't be pennlt. ted t. claim particular food. "'. bonoficlall. health.

Tl1is a.irlk is lIot sU~(lr rrco as il con· tains fmit syrups. IIIl1lhB levil 01 $USiE,S laktls illll!!!11 olUllle the US milli.lIIm 01 [J .5 urilms IIe" serviu!! .lIowed for ,1 su!a,.frec clairll.

tMng Ea"" &The food M"'l"'" • Augu" 1~ • 17 market lace

The Nursery Food Additives· Your Book Complete Survival 1\ 11",,1'000 prnt:1lcallxinll .,pklnf1a Guide alIlS'Ues re!ollng to lood, "''''lJOn. Stili the best reler,,"ce book with h\'lli..", and mul"cultural nee!lS. with comprehensM::= tables, and summaoos lip'. ",r:lpo' 'lid sample menu, al,.,g 01 tM eVlIlence on the ..!etV 01 each Wllh Ce .ecrelM! wolld of fast food, [5.95 inc; p6p • BACK ISSUES Of THEF OOD MAGAZINE IlItW alleduceri pllce only £2 "'c plip Send fOf compleMf1"va mdex of tho news and I••tures fill all bact issues. eneques payable 10 'The fcod Clllnrnisslm' Send your ord.. to PubllCallon" SUBSCRIBE to the food Magazine and s"w"" the wlllk ollhe Food The food CommlSslOIl. 3nJ Flclll, 5 11 Worship Street, Lon coo ECZA ZBH. (;(lrM""'''''. Full diltalls from tlte Pubhcaoon, dept. address bel()l'/ r------order------form , TO; '"" fOOd Com"",SlOIl. 3rd floor, 5 1t Worship Street. Name I lOlloon Ee2A 2BIi I Acldl.'S: I PIUs( SEND ME I I I I I aoclose £ I o pleas. also send me ''''1 froe copy of ThiS food &S1nes< I Cheques payable 10 The Food CommissIOn' I Ov""easPlOchasl!!s sfmorld,.,nd payment In Es.u"'ng, and add £1.00 pur o please s""d me SlJbscllPtion detall, fof The food Maga'lI1e I book for ilITTnc1li deJl\leIV. I o please s""~ me det",ls lor donatmg 10 the reyistered chamy The Food ColTV1liss>on Research Charity IL ______~I

18 . U""i r'n~ &Th, Food Mag'_ . "'IlIU>! 1!f'l4

eshops we love to hate

Supermarkets dominate Britain's food industry, dictatingtheir tenns around a Vilflety of shops. tOOay O1elo i$ one UIP (ohen by pnvate carl to OI'e shop al which almoSI to farmers and manufacturers alike. We love them and hate them ev"f'll!llng - and mo,e -lhat lh. 'ounne shoppe' and, accordingto a forthcoming report by Hugh Raven and Tim Lang, lequi,es. The stores are warm. clean and familiarly consistent. we urgently need to bring them under greater public control. Inslead of queuing 1C>r O1e attenOOn of anen· ddnts behOld colJl1telS. almost all 01 the modem SIloPllIRg e'pe'Hlnce is Wlde, lhe CIM1lrel of I/Ie ooay Ihe number ollood shops is a O1lfd of Supermarkets. in sholl. have lor decades been customer S/hecan amble 01 whip aroooo me \\IMt 11 was in 100 19£Os, Brnaln " in facIa happily p""onted as prime .,amples 01 how ma,· aisles; can spend as long 01 as IllllB time perusing Tnation 01,kels and hypeflnarkelS. ket forces b""efil col\SlJmers and s!1a'Bl>oklers, to lh. labels as is de~ , ed; and can choose between a and dechning streel 0' open markets Ihe .nuwalbtlfler.1 of all. Now. WI01 a Par1tamental'/ number of Wl!lf.I(flown b,oods a' the 'own label' lM>eJI'/S) 'e'",wed been liSassocrallon as the vehocle which Comroomty Cam And in 1994lo,d SainSbory blouglll uromag,ned loods down to the pflce deregufaoon adVISer to the Prnsident of the Board Ihal ordln."! BritISh pe<>ple (oufd afford of Trade. himsen inlloducetf O1e govem"",nl.wlde Meanwhile. me proportion of hoosehokl food assault 00 'ed tape. W. a'e nol • ""lIOn of shop­ e,pendltur. OIl the main lood grouos fbever· keepers bUI analloo governed by shopkeepers a!}€s, bread/oareals: fru,l.nd vegotaWes : Giani CQr,tinonlal EUlopo.niow OOSI re taliefS SUgal and pres"","s. fats, maat, fish and like Aid, and Neno are moving in to lhe UK eggs; and mi'. cream and cheeselll8s Ouesoons have be

lMng f""n &The Food M.g.,.." . August 1994 . 19 of tile nal",",,1 chiliild food rmrl:el The "",,ally only rocketeunc~. Avon C<>UI1IY Council. Ihe 10CiI1 MP and """nly tJuOughoullhe YO,I- which Ihe, donl ­ hortlcullure ArId nOf do consumers have" 'perfect MEP. ofl tlte focal political portiCS. Ihe Clty'SBishop lne supermarkel means IOe>! have lhe ""nOll kllowledge' otlhe comparable I'",,"' in Othlll nod numerous local amcfilry groups Testo ignored Pro"i1I~ IhtS choICe can OI1IV be achieved by stores .n ",der la make a property inlotmed cholCB the 'leWS 01 thtt commun'ty. blnll thoir s.rpermar­ remarkable plalulln G. communk.nons. uansp"'l ket and 1.",rtOO 10 IrilgatiOlt to p.event demons~a - .nd new lechnologles such as C(Jntrol 110", by local reSidenls 10 ledUce w""le and ron,ng. Living IIlIhe he.n of Planni ng Supermarke ts led Ihe way In the I..,·down 01 0"" of Ihe WlMlds greal tities - a, both authors dO The Im""cial muscle ano e' peniSe 01 supetmarkets tho Hrgh SHeel. According 10 the Automobile - .IIS easy to forgel or ur.del rale Ih. exlTllordinary make thorn lomtldable operalors al tho planning AssociallOn 'out-

20 e ""1lg Earth 6The food MafjalKl' e AuguSI 1994 hiS10flCal shih In how people 'I'.. e their Ir.oes W. "'e oot romanne, hasi.m9 back 0 ",me mylhtC era wOOn local shops wet. ptent~ul . clean hen with" the same supormatk ct chain the larger brnnches can be substalttlilily eIleapor. The fig"''' and customer-onented. Nor ate we Wlthool OOml­ are for odemrcal shopprllll baskets (3 I Itemsi ,atioolor ",me aspects of modern lood ' atai man­ aoemen The po.nt of oor m"ew IS to encourage MiRistate __S_"p. ..tan difference more people to stand back and 100< at the shepe 01 Tesco £23.13 £21.55 £L58 t/Iould he set Secondly. Go,ernmenl policy is 10 encourage port. pack"lling. employers and '" tilt We oote • Expenments WI1h altematrY. schemes such.s CGOsume/s to shop. cook and eal healthrly 11>0 the "smg concern aboot the ol ,oodec" 100D ""pact direct ma,keting, LfTS ""d box schemes should be standard market defence 01 the smtus quo IS that relm log Wlth greal mteresl That so many ale supponoo supermarkets cannot be blamed If ConSln\eIS eat beymmng to VOice concerns lS a manet 01 pfOtound what they eIloos. to buy Ve t supermarkets do hope. W. ""\111 hTtle doobt that t/Iole - is amajcr rS:shed bre( rhls ,ear Cootar:l SAfE AttI3rlce 071 B23 goas, their atllrertising and product promotions. therr labe lingp!actic.s mld 11".r pnong And thldly. their policies have adlied adistincl and extre b.. den lor peop", 00 low incomes. I'oor ",nsume" are caught in a nasty cleh tICk. ShOGtage of iocome me(lns more pressure to make money go lurthe<, yet to be able to ta <. 100 atllrantage of cheapa' loods costs ""liemGOey. lranspon to and Irom t/I: "... 50 ~ .M uihpr~ mOle informatMlIl en rnJtr ltloo, had iJ greater variety '" I of vegetables and frui t. had mOfe choral in puis.. E 40 and herbs and mOla healthy products leg low fila . t sugar Of salt or I>gh II1lrhre) than supeflnarkets in ...v 30 ther areas. ...0 20 In Hampstead in the late 1980s a study by ll1e ntII1

"""v brnt1 &The Food Maganne • At9r" t 994 • 21 INDEPENDENT CERTIFICATION FO R TIMBER GROWERS (Q~'(Y (i) HAR V E S T OCTOB E R '9 4

WOODM ARK The mooth of October win be devoted to mal:¥tg organic food. !aIming and garden;,g a national IIlpic of convorsaltonl THE SOIL ASSOCIATION'S • Otgarnc bre.1ldasts at Waterloo StatJOn, October lrd Press conference led by CERTIFICATE OF the Sectetaty of State for lIIe EnvIrorvnent RESPONSIBL E FORESTRY • Jooalllan Otmbleby lecture The fu\u!e of food and ralmlng. London October lrd • Organic Harvest SU1lper for MPs.)oumailsls, MAIf. NR.i. October lrd • Th. Arelle'S Will be co,.,ing lIIe .'ents and 100 inthe actlYtties ADD value to your timber • Supermarket price promo"oos 00 organic foods PUBUCISE your woodland management Ski lls • Pubhca"oo 01 a flI!W GUide to help >hoppel' link10 locn organic fanns DEMONSTRA TE environmental commitment • Farm watls on DI~rtIC farms ltIroughotu [he country ACCESS the new market for independently • tocal Hat'Jest Suppers lII,ougiwlul Bntal" certified sustainable timber • Speelal O'II"noe HaNest days SO ,hops, restaurants and cafes • Plus mugs, postelS. ik",",,",. T-shlllsi REGISTER YOUR WOODLANDS WITH THE SOil ASSOCIATION' S Woodm...k SC HEME. Sponsored by the SOil Assoc"'tion. HORA. BOr, [lnt FaInt. Go Olga". and OfG furthel delalls hom ilia Sol ' Assocratron. We offer profeSSIO nal, independent certification serv ices for timbe r and timber products from large and small w oodlands, ba sed on • high standards for woodland management • inspection by qualified inspectors Although the sun is shining at the moment ­ • competitive prices it will be Christmas in the not too distant For an application pack fprice £ 10) contact: future! Here are examples ofthe new WOODMARK Soil Assoc;e(ion 86 Colston S(r68t, Bristol 8S f 588 Christmas cards for 1994. rBI, 0272 290661 F8x,0272 252504 We stili han' sornt: ..:..Jrd s from 1.ISt J'C'a T as seen 1.0 pr('\,iClU\ c

...... ------...-~.- ...... -.. ~ ...---.--.-...... ~ ...... -----­ ­ Th e~ nc:w cards Will be 'l'.,•• ilahfe from early r~,. '1li' .. '" . OClober, In E n-;;;:~-;C Oll eg e " I ' I. . _ . . \" packs of "n. A M'ft 01 Mil. td.;CIIIIm'1Ih~ . ,,-~. 5'1 .J ¥d_vs.­ re5M'(h bu!tIm;'.m 01 . '~ ' .' ,: w, OJ ~ -Pfi ~ Association ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN COURS E ~ . ~ .~ . cban ty cards . . available from: Sopl''''''''' 15 th 1994 - June 24th 1995 ~ Carol Dale, 86 Col<;to l1 Street, Ayrar'k»n& ptKlicil trlining In Imdsc:~ ,J '--~... plJnl'\:ng ilnd t'l"Viron""t('ntil O('~ I ~n Brhtol, BSl 5BII

Chllln1) '0 2(16$10,2 [nqulries 10 Registrat ion Secretary. (m."on College, Fore;r Row [, st Sussex RH18 SjX, U. K, UYlN6lARTIt Order I AOVIllT1SING RA TES &INFORMATIOrl ,i Tel: 03 42 822 238 Fax : 034 2 826055 ~=.:::·c·: ·· ..- .-. - ~:..--=::::::::. your 1liopfIy_.ettdIsM alVAT 1111.5'1. books BI.....4 wltit. BAKE by erghlll pag. £15 ORGANIC . . . LEMON RAN Colour '~'llCl!UWlO~"'" post! Spot Ooloul £125 per 001001 'oc., ..&(It ~1ldW Senilg -oharged at cost lapplox.fl }",r...~ Over 2'50 1il h' s un o!,;!nulic . ~,UCliln

11 8 IIYlny fMh &The Iood Maga/lfll! 8 ~' 1994 Global news

'rngatlon schemes are belfloQ developed. diS­ tnbutB19 dammed water Jrom the meltIng snows Of lhe Troodos ",ouolalns. The COnrry8lde 1$ donad with windmills. '....at8rt8f1ks. sola' onergv units anti Cyprus: an odyssey Ire es planled undel lhe 8llltsh admlnlsue Ion. CypriDI farmers can IJIke two crops of pom""s each """r frorn the rich red so.l. Harvesling. sortitg and packing enliIJIs much manuallaboor. mainly \'lumen bu"ed In o freshly Sf1\JOOzed JUICe 110 abettle boO 111 haz.1 fIJIs could be lound lor salo 001 were all Toulou,e anll Crele have "'rl!l anll l>eallhy INOS ana avain anempl I'D ..fluence the holel' upply. importetl. as WOfe dales ,nd ,esame Seed S. low ralC S01 coron!UV heart drseasede5plle high 'Sorry: salli ihe ,nallagel We have afixed COli­ We saw herds of sheep anll 9Im". lept mainly levels 01 blood c/Ioleslerol ,,"0. high co"",mptlon uaCI WIth" .atenng sUflillier You ,",ow how It ~..: for Ihei, m"llo ma e yogun anll cheese . cleBnng 01 fal 11 ihe<1 d"'l In the Ifad oollal The owner of the gloves. where a faw chicken up aher 'he pOlalo pickers. The Bnusft lamrers atelS 01 soolheln Europe ISdeally benefiCIal 10 scratclted among lhe rom. was 8 SlOCky 10'V1lar cheered from Ihe coach al every 'tghling of liv.,. hearth. ·d. s ~1I spry. who ws.~n tit. 8.rmSll stocked In profusion 11 shops IUlCeand vegetables. It was fallrers. lhough the fuesseemed w~ noonshed sOlVIng the fie~·caterllg happoly pruvtded. ahhough it Strawbemes WIlre pJCl;oo by foreign ,.....kels. main­ apanmem blocks - wlUt a was 001 on ihe menu and was ly \'Xlmen from Roman.. &I9Ona. who had to range of foods haraly drtfe,"nt Cy,",,: o"'ge, grow. for export no Iongor a staple mool IOf lhe and use finhy latmes I'/nh no washIng lecilities. III ones Ihat wnuki be loonliin s..fI. The Coca·CoIa Ctlilure Alleady Ute IradJlionallooos ooten by I(lClJI pe

["'nl bnlI &"'" food ~ne e Augusl 199' e 13 I letters

10 rernforce Cor,n Spence!'s prelu, benelilS to Ilealih - of eaul'9 Cow concern dice, agall1s11/1e dairy iooustry by Help needed organic produce? appearing 10 Iflply lhat 'non·OIQanic' 51 What do yOU 1001 are the maIO an olganlc mllllf.1f with (I I my 93 ws are all permanently housed, I am uooenakil1ll postgraduate b..,efits - for Ihe en",ronm..,1 - of acres rejJi,t",.d WIth the Soil cannot stand natulally and Ii. down researdl into the lutIBe p,ospects lor organic iarrrong llIIl1/1ods? Association 8J1d the Symbol 0111/1. ea Slty, do not benefil from !IOod Olg8J1ic Farming In Europe_One area 6) Is price a laClO< In your purchase beel and sneep I produce filr neafly stockmanship etc , in whlch empirical data is partioularly of orgalli cprooocrs? 30 years, howe,,,,r, I was a 'conven­ I'mnot suggesting l/1a1 alilarm, scarce, Conca-rns the reason why Iron,!' dairy larmer and I om ,ull ers ale W1thoUt fail, generous and people buy arga"" produce. A.l/1e rllease sent your repltes. 10 real;h me rnvolvoo on m. da,ry Industry as a kind 10 animals, DUll would d,sJ"te mometll, I am In the process 01 earlY' by l/1e J1 01 Auyus t, 10· vAlolc l/1at thl11gS are as bad on oU! d..ry 11'9 OOrtanc.lor leedlng l/1e the fi!IIJre 01 35 per cent mastnrs and worlds rnor.""'9 pooufatioo by 25 per cent lameness In the dairy 'woo king WIth the natwal and IiVOIg row So how can it be ' tiling' to provide roor. lood than lrIuue'7 Anrj who is it that IS sufier· woui

24 • UW1g UrnJr &The food Maqazine • Ac'1l"" 1994 National Food Alliance news

' noon's final speake,. Professor Tan .,.._ ...... of tH MIA [ Lang Doca JUSI plain Dr Tan lang of The Natlonai Food Alliance IS an associ.\­ lion uf v 11· ry professional t'eallh QIn­ Par""ts lor Safe Food, lim had recently sumer a other publ ic Interest ~nl . Toboldly go ... been asked 10 hei1d" new Centre lor lions. liS: ~e is 10 develop food and Food PoIrel al Thames Va!ey agricultUl e po· y in erder to imp.olle the hea 1 at th e \)fneral public. inuea:;e UrwetSlIj', From thIS new "nlage This year's AGM was OIganlSlOg regional,. In~t· knOWledge and appreciation j the way in pornllim co,,"rad an exlraOldmry yt" "h food is prodJced and mstributed :ng local food cRJb representatives 00 I range 01 food poky issues from the and the effect ttIs can have on human addressed by anew !be Gel Ulokirlgl comfl'it ee, nnd pro· hoalth and ,he ' ortman!. duang more publt(3trons 10 build on coosumer movement'ssuccesses ­ Professor, saw new tJ>e success of !be pad; bIockmg the introduction 01 new BOO _ ,,"1M IfA...... : Adrfleren but equallyImpresSMI lIOdetactable lood processes sud! as At:tio n Information on Sugars Trustees elected, added Baby M Action success story was told by SueDobb "radiatIOn and fIlIlk priXMed usitg BST 10 he failw-e of consurnern to maxe It1ish Dentdl AsSOCI3 IIOn another new member, Also Iaooched one ye ar ago. the repod Sue and the Communnl' Nutri tion Gr ~ actIVists and reln.lgornle the food prelll, caoalsrde venue; Ihe Nalr"",,1 wolkrng pill\)' be/lmd the rapon Cenrsmg 11110 their prJollty work pUr who 1'111 and rf not now. when? McCor",o" Sootty 910W'"9 and drverse membership, gramme Mat""'IV AAante Nalmu As"""tJOn 01 r..chon of lOre There was evan good tl(IWS on lhe Tho NutnlDn Task Frxce has also New members EconomiCS and 1ec ~ fundfa~rn9 front . Jack W<1kler. so InckJded as ooe af Its PUOflt!eS the Nail""" OentJIliDafth Eliucalll1 Gf1lI!l ohen !be se/f,plOciarmed Cassandra of problems of ea ng hea~t.ty on ,low The latest new memoc< was ilPpr"""" NatlOlW Farmu fs· Union members' meellngs, was abie to Jl"I'" income The NfA was therelme attheAGM, NotJonaf F&:.""'''tm of C;!i r.rm. cauliously optrmostlC lreasaar's raport, delrghted thai, as port althls Ifltlallve. The National Dental Heahh Nntltlllil FeoeImllOn uf CooSlffler Groop.s thanks to rocen granls hom the Health we have been ,"nded by the Ed ucation Group arc:ourages Noll""'" Feda'allOll of £lloko 1_ 3I1t sold, BOO a sell ·out conference led 10 to.:.Jl.QrIal Con!tJmE:!f Coun:J1 dealrog With food, health and low Co-ordll'linor) Ihe developer..nt of adlloctory (liSIJf1g rICO"'" was now frrmly on the pohucal Socil~', ~ some 100 food tlubs up and down the Mello.. food aowl H Forum genda W EAll 'lfl counbyl ar>d a newsletter. Hfmdr..s· The length end breadth 01 !be pohu­ ThIS page h s hell c0l11riblJtellily 1111 SCl't.l hCMliumBJ Co 'lei! "0 IS successM, uture plans Include cal agenda was covered by the allar· r~l trDllal FoDd AJfrallce Wt':;h Cons Co....::U

LNIf1\l eanh &r.... fo:td ""'_. Augu.t t9'>4 • Z5 books

an inf()rm~tNe and fa scmat­ • IS. by the "Y, Chairman 01the '!I Associatioo revISe !IS raoge of mg' l Yes, 11I11nk thos is a book for me Orgaroza tions' and booijets So he ­ of diseases are ilfst (born clt

26 • ~ ,.."", e...o&The f cod Mag,liln• • Aug",' 199< events classified

!FOAM · 10th REGISTE HFDFLOCK L1eyn sheep; 40 international organic I Local events FREE OFFER! c"''S, :1O ,heaf1lng>.'O ewe lambs. I conference ram. 3 H.",tord suckle< 00.,,, strong Brighton and Lewes S••day 24 JMIy. THEFIRS[ 190 Soil As"""ialion 10 be hekl in Canterbury, New cal\'es at foot. Adm Emi rn Iilir 6/7AMps!: Organic membrrs 10 send an A4 self Zealand. 11·16 D'J se {'()JUrot Ro ad. TI,ombory, Oristol . BSI 2IHP. 3 NUfe", i er AGM lolklwed by qu.". CLASSIFIED RATE S· llocl"""" nI Fifth Annual tion time. For iuJ1h('rdetails 00,,\.1('1: VAl al 17 6'11, SA Headquarter< loraddrKSe' & t.1 Apple Day NORMANDY 60 acre Org'J.nic Fann O'1nher 2151. Ideas for promoting phone number. LJIleage for ~11e (French) S)whol holIem;'c Bob flowcrdew talk on di"",,,,, con· [!xlensive barn::;, OIK' hour Channel All classif4ed ads must be p::m'l fix in Ferries. 20 minutes lo beachb. lro\. 25 Octiibff: udk on man'j/ernenl advance 01 publication, PI""•• sent Income fro mCite. Owner's disable­ or or,lVlnic y,."aSlf'. For (lIr1ht'r cletfl:ls paymlll1l with Ill. ad ctlP)' and romt fo rces sale. Hanscn, La GriSt:ne mnlart Hanni Betelel Q39.12863&l makll cheQIJIlS p.y;lllie 10 lhe SOil de Hallt, 50510 Lengronne, Tel (010 AssociallOn 33) 33 61 43 18 Suffolk Group 21July. vi,,;t In the Cambridge hotanical fr.lrdcns, 10 AugJISI: ,;sil to ili'lh Ch.tto garOeus. 13 &pltmbtr: talk nn gla gar· den, cloche'. rmn""and grl'euhou",s. o LOCAL GROUPS For further details please contact: Nigcl Moir Bacton 7al2Yl! Scientific Expertise 'Ilte Soil A..';sodatioll have alway~ cOlllmitted to developing aUour mem­ in European Public West & .Ilid Yorkshire group encouraged their local groups to par­ bership ~.·rviL'(,~ and would welcome Policy 5/6/7 Augm' Leeds show. 21 A"G"-'I: ticipate in national projects implemen t­ input fro GU r local groups as hJ .....hal l'd from their Coision Street neadqu

lJ'IYIg Ulnft ~ The rood ~lln(l . AugWi11994 . 27 backbites

MAFF speak 1 MAFF speak 2

It SHIIS .ays silce we ~.d tD mi, ,.. tlIl SOTl"leMe has a sens~ 01 OOmoul ~.d ne"" G~li,. Sha,h,nI -'d d,.ld,d .heep dip. "' MAFF Normaliy limy MIlO. Good Tltiog, Sie declared IIIaI ke, happily speOO oor moocy by scientists told thlt tbe .Isty pesticidll.l i. the dips ""nw'!! millions of ""mphle,s wore parle"" ..fe . s lo.g t...h••p·h.ndUn. designe~\.a~ .n fl llipt bvl b... th. fa,.,... "kG p.i.ted oil because we don't .mderst3Od Of f • Ibt lIck "".Ii" .l1it.des ..".nI. tho h.ltII ••• lorgol to wa;" "ur tlands .' wen·bei.g of sh.p bodli.g pe..o.. (Sh,'S) eollid B.J, lheillolesl serIes 01 eJpOse MAFF to IIlDsecutia n for ~ a llllies if nel I pflmptllels indudes 5cveraliities we .iqle si" COMld sb." tbi ke o••h. bd "Hered , ClIwdl1't rp5-if"ol There was once i} tlfllF: c ri ~,liDg aillient I S a rrsalt If LII e sunGsedly when MAff wnu!d I"" us .hat Ihe'. di,. was nothlny frightemng about me word And SO illllSl bve ...... hOIlIUI MAff felt cherme.,ls - ,'I oor food was made of abUgl. to iss.. a few guilleliaes fir sh,s. illnet chemicals. aoo thele wefe no nw ,. !like 'lear Ill., if th.y d.,'1 follow,.",id,fin.. !>e<;auselt1a, lesled everythrng and found Ih,"'s llI,i. 0'" si lly I••h, 1.1••I ....r ""v. CWI)'lhmu Ihey tested 10 be good Now Iheir lu"" Iss••dtw. "IS .1 .oideli... , .,e fo. di ppin. shep Is dJIf",..,l .."""ably dlHelent. JuS! t"~ •• squinl alit j" lh allel. al the hodeous, lund co,,,, 10 the" alarmingly ~\tea Personal PtotectIY' f..,lr_r.r1 jPPE) aluS ole lor leallot 'Cltemoea,s rn lood Maoo9'0fJ the IIsks' or ,~ d,,,i'g ..." in lhe nuclea. fears engendered by 'UnoolSl,orjmg Toothle ss ministry ._­ • poorly radlOactlvltv mfooc,. ___P« __ W. 'h,ollhe pme goe s III I'" much more ... "milaled I, """" be a good 11'10 yeal, "nee Ihe ---_ _­ boildi,!, discreet Covel that fEfcrs 10 ratt'lB! unmentionable gave,"""",:' s Heafth of 'he Naoo/l was launched th.ngs. YOLICM h(!'{lr the whispers 11 tfie corTldors ." Wkll 'hi' k," upon an unsusoectHrg public full of I'/ondertul _I__ "<\''' \ or ""fund closed do..s, eyes .",med .. 'fooo aliel come.p with talgels whclt \he Doll ltly, OJ ...... IS appropriate and om.., er. IJI1ple.",nt reaclrons to 1000' woold never try 10 meet ,-'------*­--- ",' ,fotki.g for - ,­ B.Jt al leasl lhey were saying somelhing , Not lIippinl sheep so anotht:l( publM:iltloo which has been -.--. I- ;; With 'Sitting ""c ...... ",-",,_ . ill'ufe' Dry bacon arO\Jnd t.. more th,n 18 rnontlls '" Ihe DoH and, ,estici.e in De a' we go 10 press, hos st,1I nol surtaced. 'sale' .pel ,if Berne""" t ~e days when lIacon sizzled ia tile pil, It rs aworthy documllfl' called Dental Heafth 01 is show.nre. ntbel th.. boiled il • mes'S af white Itlillbles? rhe NalXJ" U,"""y rehable SOIJILCS lell us Ito, -- Indoors die Those were tile dlYs whel Hcon was IIlIde by tha1 ore only two ImpOnant paDf $~P his to WUI ill mask w;t~ ItSJirltOI soaking pon i. krine lor a fe w weeks ud then rocommendatlOns and Ihe- gCJVemment cannot It1JCilmelts c lpa bl ~ IIIf liherilg YI1UIIlS to as ho.sin! ~ up i• • coo l dry sh. d to keoptillD..d,d bm,,!]ltsetf to anmmce Mher ollhern. One IS me - after I few dlYs in the slIDkekouse Y-0II EN14!, whl"ve, tlrll is. il likd lhot'ny issue of mass huondatioo. which won't WW'I "e n..DIf, lhem ...any votes. The other is thm we,e all go, 10 WeD. try Uiis news from a Sainsbury pru s eal less sweet food and drinks, especiall/ cI1ildren ref...e llSl May: Fill US Up! ThaI won; ",n many vole, erth"" and il mi!Jhl lose 'At fISt Sainsbury's has salved Ill. ,.oblem 01 'herr patlY pal,onago from me processed lood "00 wet haton! The camp.., has lIewelo,ed I uniqle so~. dfllk g>1nlS fsee belowl The dele<;boo ,n Germany at small.moo"l, of Jrrotess fo r producing a dry c:urcd bacon.. : carcinogen;: b!?nrone ,n bonles of ofilia oil ha~ U"fortunately they ha v~ DO t decided 10 sell I S led 10 some pmdl.l:1S beflg wilhdrdl'lll hnm tile traditional prodla fDstead 0' the usual wlter­ Tories take the biscuit she""" WhO! cnu[J'lt out eye, lho"'lh, , Ih.1 105ged one . Rather dlay seem10 bave htu ud I WI, "". 'epart of I"'s ,lctlDn ""tM Ihal Ihe ",oautlS 01 tarling pork into bacon" ",mutes. without th e Unlll!d BiscUils was ooe 01,lI1e compan..s whicll 1W'[!18 being removed -,.,even though SOlflt: food us~ of wlter at al l. They also clailll there will ke stJtcessfullV [lmsuadet11he GcNefnmflf11 10 scrap proaucrs sold in 5e1VtCff srattOflS cut) sometimes less salL Ihe llIndon lorry ban as pan of r15 OeregJldUOO have htp/rer levels of benzene than lhese 01,',8 0'/ TIle, won't IIYh aw tIIey are doilg it bit we can BIll In 1992 Unrlod BlscUllswlOtl 'he large,' S,1mp!es ' i.lline. If ' au can get been flnour crisps you can '"'gie dono< 10 Tory lunds, donatrng El30,aOO : Ass'tJrnillQ bonler.e \I()Oours are getting lostrle the g.l kacon ft..... ,ork: a few hypodermics hili ' f Ill. Othe< Comll"l1"" wtllcl1lnbilled fOI tit. ban 10 pockaUUlg loon falty looth would De the wors., ,iglrl chemical sb. 1Ifd d. Ihe tri ck, And whynOI be scrapped rnclude 111, superma'kol QlilIlt like ctlOcolat!) l rwJ CriSPS· anyone aat;wllfl tf has c~i ck el DlvDur po rk fo, thllllitter, or chocol.te Samsllury's Tim Samsbury MP, who has a lhe levels of benz.Mln "'~""" StJUOIl tood tlnal',.. srgnlflcan, >horeholdl"!J rn !he company, " (he protJ:Jcts, plaase us kno'N !ct MiJI. you, a bit of genetic engineering should mrllSler charged \\11m qUlIfing the OeregulalJOn Bill SOOI create a hacon fla ~alf piy. through lhe Commons,

28 . ~ [mh , Tho fooo M'lgalrne • A_I 1994