Bhaderwah/ Rajouri/Poonch '! 43-47 I Suptt., D

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Bhaderwah/ Rajouri/Poonch '! 43-47 I Suptt., D Government of Jammu & Kashmir Directorate of Animal Husbandry Jammu ,|'lo>1 No.:- DAHJfl-ech-37s1 8S >+ - I5 Dated:- >51 6 Copy of Revised Operational guidelines of Integrated Dairy Development Scherne (202L-22) issued by the Administrative Depaftment dated:- 22.A6.2021 is endorsed to the:- Ll Chief Executive Officer, Livestock Development Board, Jammu 2.41 Joint Director, Poultry/Farms/ARV Lab., R.S.Pura 5-141 Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Jammu/Samba/Kathua/Udhampur/Reasi/Doda/ Ram ban/ Kishtwa r/Rajouri/Poonch 15-18/Deputy Director, Res. & Production/Deputy Director, Poultry/Deputy Director(AH)/Deputy Director (P&S), Jammu Lgl L/F cum Rinderpest Control Officer, Jammu 201 Epidemiologist, Jammu 2L-22 I Suptt., Vety. Hospita l, Ja m m u/R. S. Pu ra 231 Principal, StockAsstt.Trg.Institute, Jammu 241 Manager, Frozen Semen Ban( Jammu 25-2BlPoultry Geneticist/Poultry Nutritionist/Poultry Marketing officer/Manager, Poultry Production, Jammu 29-33lOfficer I/c, A.B.Station, Hakkal, Jammu/Kathua/Udhampur/Nowshera/Surankote 34-421 Livestock Dev.Offi cer, Jammu/Akhnoor/R.S. Pura/Kathua/Udhampur/Dharmari/ Bhaderwah/ Rajouri/Poonch '! 43-47 I Suptt., D. V. H ., Kath u al Doda/Ud ha m p u r/Raj ou rilPoonch 4B-53/Disease Inv.Officer, Jammu/Kathua/Udhampur/Ramban/Rajouri/Poonch 54-59/ Poultry Dev.Officer, Jammu/Kathua/Udhampur/Rajouri/Poonch/Doda 601 Extension Officer, Publicity wing, Jammu 6Ll Manager, Hatchery, Udhampur 621 Accounts officer, Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Jammu 631 I/c Website, Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Jammu -for information & necessary action. u\F' " k MS, T Animal Husbandry De Jammu 7 7p36612021/O/o Tech Off I F.No. A$tlF'PLglr7rS$lt-1 0'ASH&F t !r Aovsrnment nf Jarnmu & Kashmir Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department Civil Seeretari*t, JammuI Srinagar O*t*dl 2t.08-2$2{ subject: Revised operational guidelines of lntegrated Batry $evelaprnent $c,heme (1il21 -2?) 1. The guideLines witt be in force titl 31st March, 7:027 ar reptaced by a new set of guidetines whichever is tater' 7. rhe support by the department in terms of incentivesl subsidy wil't be avaitabLe for the following:- a) Estabtishrnent of dairy un'its; b) Estabtishrnent of Mitk cstlection/chiltinglprocessing unit; c) Estabtishment of market infrastructure including mitk ATMs; & d) Estabtishment of mil.klmil.k product transportation system" ei Env"ironment Managernent of Dairy Farms' 3" The scheme shatl. be impiernented through Animat Husbandry Department JammulKashmir and monitored by committee constituted by the Adrninistrative Department for the purpose. 4. Mode of oPeration: i. Any .individuat /group of individuats/mitk processing unit hol.ders/mitk federation/ retaiter/ setf hetp group/ dairy cooperative societylfarmers producer organization (an avail the benefits of scherne' ii. Efforts witl. be: madem:r{o to}n coverrnvpr 707" 5C/5T and $% women beneficiaries. iii. The component wise detaits of benefits and subsidy avaitabte are prrvided at "Anilexure A". iv. "$airy units wor"rtd mean a unit uf minimum five csws/buffaloes'*' However, if an Subsidy is fixed for one uhit of five eows/ buffaloes. he witl be entrepreneur sets uP muttiPle units sf five cowslbuf{aloes, unit entitted to subsidY acccrdinglY in muitiptes avai{ab'l'e tor singte unit of cows/buffatoes' T* clarifY, if a per$on want$ to s€t up a dai:rl! tirrxss af tlrat of 50 cows/ buffatoes, he witt be entitte for subsidy lCI availab:te for one *ingle uni{ sf 5 eowsl buffatoes. tactation and in The cows/buffaLoes shatt be preferabty in }nd sr 3td or in n0 4rh and can be in advanced PregnanuY .\ -,t ID& L} v , ,1.. i a v"\ ". ,| -_*..._",.. # r# q,fi /O/o Tech Off earty lact*ti*n with calf at foot. lnsurance premium rfiay be inetuded in cqst af an*mal, vi. The dairy animats shntt be inducted f.r$rn ou,t$ide ur of J&K so that more dairy animals witt be introduced in the, mf[q poCIt sf J&.K ur. Dairlr anima{s sha{{ be preferab{y purehased through e-pashuhaat ( e-marketing web portal. by using e-Gopata App. Animat Husbandry Department Jammu/ Kashmir shatl contact att teading cattle and buf to breeders o neighboring s,tates and convtnce thern to uplead the detaits of dairy anirnats: f,sr sate Bn e- pashuhaat so that the:intending entreprene$rs witt be able to setect and buy animal through the portal. Ati ths inducted Anima{l shatt be ulD tdgged & r:egistered on IF{AFH weh portnt, The dairy animats with ulD tags atready procured by bene tcriaries under th{s lchenfte during 2070'21 and onwards, shatt not be etigibte for subsidy for estabtishrnent of new dairy units under the scheme for next fiva year$. The concerned vAS shatt regutarly check and update status of these anirna{s on INAPH web portal and shalt not,ister thsse animal.s on INAPH for next five years. vii. The deaters of the dairy animats, if domicite of Jammu & Kashmir shtutd have a proper registration qertificate as Dairy cattte deal,er and they can atso uptoad atl. requisite detail.s of dairy cows/buffaloes inctuding source of animats on e-pashuhaat web portat. The Dairy catttelbuffato deaters shatl not be ent*tled for benefit und*r cffryjp*nent tr of Annexure "A" of tlre scheme lls beneficiar{es. sairy Animal sourced from outside ur of ,I&K shalt onty be inductcd under the scheme" No incentive under component "Transportation of dairy ,iA:r animats" { Cornponent l,l} of AnnENure stra{l be given, if animats are provided, by a tocat dairy animat dealer:. vii*. The beneficiary can purchase dairy equipr*ent from any registered company/ authorized deater/ distributer/ sole rnanufacturer within or outside union Territory of JK in accordance with minimum standard specifications in vogue as issued by the department or any central government institute. However, the rates shatt be as per the company rate list or less. ix. The rnachinery/equipment shoutd be certified as per requ'isite safety / quatity standards and subsidy shal,t be reteased as fixed per unit by the departrnent regardless of prices as Long as specifications prescribed are met. x. The refrigerated rniik yan can be purchased as a unit or. separately as chaises + refrigeration tank from authorized deaters, distributers, i'r K.- 2'OoTechffi rnanufacturers etc. The make/model of the vehicte shoutd be ffiandatority of currsnt financial year. xi. lnterested beneficiaries witl submit their appticatisns in the fon'*a,t AHD-1 to their respective Chief Animat Husbandry Officer (CAHO) whe in turn after due scrutiny wilt submit it to the Directsrate of Animal Husbandry within 15 days from the receipt of the apptication. xti. A br{e'f b'usiness pla*i indicating the s.ite of inst-attation/pur.p*se/:r*itk suppty chain if any/shat[ be enctosed with appticatior-r; Suhridy sha[t be exterded on first come firrt serve hasis subjee't:to avaitahitity of funds, however estabtishment of targe dairy units (25 to 50 dairy anima{s} shall b* encouraged, ' xiii. Once beneficiary h*s procured the eguipmefit or urrit of animats, 50% of total etigibLe subsidy amount or of rnaxirnurn ceiting, which ever is tess, witl be reteased upon submission of dul,y verified invoice to the Birectnrate cf Anirnat l"{usbandry through concerned CAHO, Balance 50% subsidy witt be r*teased after phystca[ yeriftcation by a team constituted by the CAHO concerned. xiv. Such verification witL be carried out within 15 days of the submission of inyoice and intimation that the unit has been esta,btished or equipment hirs been procured. xv. There wi[[ not be detay of more than 30 days in release of subsidy once the beneficiary l"ras submitted the required,doeumentation" XVi. Retease of subsidy witt be onty:thrcugh BBT. xvii. Registration of Mitk van/ refrigerated milk van is mandatory before retease of subsidy. xviii. The beneficiar,y can opt for loan fasitity by depositing 10% mar.gtn money and 50% subsidy shatt be provided as back ended with defined Lock in period as per RBf guidetines and terms and conditions of different comrnerciat hanks. xix. Att such beneficiaries who intend to avail this faciLity shal.t appty in Form AHD-I in the office of ehief Animal Hu*bandry Officer of] concerned district atong with supporting documents' *f any, The CAHS shatl ascertain etigibil.ity of beneficiary befor:e forwarding h{s case to concerned Directorate of Antmat Husbandry for approvat. xx. ln case beneficiary avaits bank toan for purchase of the equipment, (AH0'shatt forward ths Frafo,rma itt of the equipment atong with copy of apptication of beneficiary and a letter to Bank. The bank shatl fol.tow att RBI guidetines for sanctioning of such [oan. After receipt of NOC from Bank, CAHO shatt submit the case to respective Directorate for approvat and release of subsidy and as per the &__ l2C21tOlo Tech Off conditions mentioned at point No. xvi, xi and verification of suppty as Per Point No. xjii. xxi. AtL cLarificatisns issued by this Department regarding impternentation of the scherne are appticable to these guidetines. xxii. The Adm'inistrative Department witt constitute a monitoring committee for monitoring the imptementation and irnpact of thE program. xxiii. The Director Animat Husbandry Kashmir/Jammu sha[[ draft a uniform manual for beneficiarjes which shalt inctude checktist, att procedures invotved for appl,ying under different components of scheme as welt as weLt documented success stories of IDDS imptemented during 2020-21" Th*y shatl atso submit tist of beneficiaries with address/phone number and photographs atong with equipment/ facility and month-wise detaits of utitizatio6 of subsidy to the Administrative Department.
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