Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
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ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT: BUSHELLS FARM, MILL LANE, GOOSNARGH, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE Planning Reference: Pre-application NGR: SD 5608 3663 AAL Site Code: GOML 18 Report prepared for PWA Planning By Allen Archaeology Limited Report Number AAL 2018127 August 2018 Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.0 Site Location and Description ..................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Planning Background .................................................................................................................. 5 National Planning Policy ..................................................................................................................... 5 Local Planning Policy ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 7 Data Collection .................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 Archaeological and Historical Background ................................................................................. 8 6.0 Site Visit..................................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 Constraints ................................................................................................................................ 17 8.0 Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 18 9.0 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 19 10.0 References ................................................................................................................................ 19 Cartographic Sources ........................................................................................................................ 20 List of Plates Plate 1: View of the northern part of the site looking southwest ........................................................ 11 Plate 2: View of the eastern part of the site looking northeast ........................................................... 12 Plate 3: View of the site looking west towards Church Lane and Churchgate ..................................... 12 Plate 4: View of the depression in the centre of the site looking south towards Whittingham Lane .. 13 Plate 5: View of housing along Church Lane from the site, looking west ............................................. 13 Plate 6: View of warehouses to the northwest of the site looking northwest ..................................... 14 Plate 7: The southern boundary of the site and housing along Whittingham Lane looking west........ 14 Plate 8: The Church of St Mary, looking north ...................................................................................... 15 Plate 9: The Grapes Inn (Site 13) looking northwest ............................................................................ 15 Plate 10: The former Bushells Arms (Site 17), looking south................................................................ 16 Plate 11: Goosnargh Oliverson’s Church of England School (Site 7) looking northwest ...................... 16 Plate 12: Bushell’s Hospital (Site 11) looking northwest ...................................................................... 17 Plate 13: Views of the church and Bushell’s Hospital from the site, looking north ............................. 17 List of Appendices Appendix 1: List of LCASHER Entries within a 1km search area............................................................ 21 Appendix 2: Figures ............................................................................................................................... 24 2 List of Figures Figure 1: Site Location outlined in red .................................................................................................. 24 Figure 2: Location and direction of site visit photographs with the site outlined in red...................... 25 Figure 3: LCASHER entries within a 1km radius of the site with the site outlined in red ..................... 26 Figure 4: LiDAR imagery within a 1km radius of the site with the site outlined in red ........................ 27 Figure 5: Extract of 1 st Edition Ordnance Survey map (1844) with the site outlined in red ................. 28 Figure 6: Extracts of 1849 Goosnargh with Newsham tithe map (north), and 1850 Whittingham Tithe Map (south) with the site outlined in red ............................................................................................. 29 Figure 7: Extract of 1893 Ordnance Survey map with the site outlined in red .................................... 30 Figure 8: Extract of 1912 Ordnance Survey map with the site outlined in red .................................... 31 Figure 9: Extract of 1932 Ordnance Survey map with the site outlined in red .................................... 32 Figure 10: Extract of 1938 Ordnance Survey map with the site outlined in red .................................. 33 Figure 11: Draft proposed site layout provided by client with site outlined in red .............................. 34 Document Control Element : Name: Date: Report prepared by: Isobel Curwen MSc BSc (Hons), Tobin 26/07/ 20 18 Rayner BSc MSc ACIfA, and Harvey Tesseyman BA (Hons) PCIfA Illustrations prepared by: Isobel Curwen MSc BSc (Hons), Tobin 26/07/ 20 18 Rayner BSc MSc ACIfA, and Harvey Tesseyman BA (Hons) PCIfA Report edited by: Matt Parker Wooding MPhil MCIfA 01/08/2018 Report reviewe d by: Chris Clay BA MA (Hons) 02/08/2018 Version no: v0.1 02 /08/2018 Cover image: View of the site looking east 3 Executive Summary • Allen Archaeology Limited was commissioned by PWA Planning to prepare a desk-based assessment to evaluate the archaeological potential of land at Bushells Farm, Mill Lane, Goosnargh, Preston, Lancashire in advance of the submission of a planning application for 155 dwellings. • Data was gathered from a range of primary and secondary sources, including a search of the Historic Environment Record, Preston Archives, appropriate published sources, and a site visit. • No prehistoric or Roman activity has been recorded in the search area, with limited evidence for activity of this date in the wider region. While this is in part due to a lack of systematic survey, the absence of evidence suggests a negligible potential for encountering remains of these periods. • While no early medieval archaeology has been recorded within the search area, documentary and place name evidence suggests settlement developed in Goosnargh prior to the Norman Conquest. The focus of this activity is likely to have been in the existing historic core, and as such there is considered to be a negligible potential for early modern activity. • Medieval activity is likely to have been focussed around the church and moated manorial site to the north, with the settlement core developing around the church, and gradually expanding during the post-medieval period. There is no evidence for medieval settlement activity on the site and later historic mapping suggests, that except for localised resource extraction the site has remained as agricultural land to the present day, suggesting a low archaeological potential for medieval and later activity. • Several Listed Buildings share intervisibility with the site, and have the potential to be adversely affected by the proposed development. However, appropriate screening and other mitigation measures proposed by the developer should help to offset some of these potential impacts. 4 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Allen Archaeology Limited was commissioned by PWA Planning to prepare a desk-based assessment to evaluate the archaeological potential of land at Bushells Farm, Mill Lane, Goosnargh, Preston, in advance of the submission of a planning application for the construction of 155 dwellings and associated utilities and infrastructure. 1.2 The document has been completed with reference to current national guidelines, as set out in the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists ‘ Standard and guidance for historic environment desk-based assessment ’ (CIfA 2014), and the Historic England documents ‘Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment ’ (Historic England 2015a) and ‘Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning ’ (Historic England 2015b). 2.0 Site Location and Description 2.1 The proposed development site is located in Goosnargh, in the administrative district of Preston District Council. It is situated 7km north of Preston and 26km southeast of Lancaster. The site is approximately 8.3 hectares and presently in use as agricultural fields. The site is centred at National Grid Reference (NGR) SD 5608 3663 and is c. 66m above Ordnance Datum in the northern part of the site c. 71m above Ordnance Datum in the southern part of the site. 2.2 The bedrock geology comprises the Hodder Mudstone Formation, with overlying superficial deposits of glacial till recorded (http://mapapps.bgs.a