F A L L 2 0 1 6 #178 October, November & / Ј Е С Е Н октобар, новембар и децембар In this issue:


English / српски / русский Attached:



Wish everyone on our mailing list a Merry ! Пожелите срећан Божић свим парохијанима!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We privately spend a lot of time and money on Christmas cards each year, and we only send them to a few people. This is an opportunity for you to send a greeting to all of the faithful of St. Nicholas Church as well as friends of our community for only $20.00 or whatever you can afford. This includes the , envelope, stamp, and your name being printed on the card and the time and effort to mail it out to around 700 addresses.

The profit from the Community Card will go towards supporting our Seminarians, people studying to be priests and teachers of our faith. We personally deliver the gift to them every year.

Knowing this, please note that by giving towards the community card, you are supporting our future church leaders.

We need your RESPONSE by December 1, 2016.

Thank you for being a part of this. May God Bless You!

V. Rev. Dragan Petrovic Mirko Milivojac Parish Priest Executive Board President

Special Thanks – We take this opportunity to thank Stevens Mortuary for their support in this endeavor. We also thank all of you participants for your donations.

Please tell us how you would like your name(s) to appear on the Christmas card. 3 WAYS TO RESPOND: 1) E-mail us at: [email protected] 2) Send a text to 317-490-5379, 3) Write below and mail this portion (along with your donation) to the church at

7855 Marsh Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46278.


A Letter of St. Nikolai Velimirović to an English Noble Charles B., who asked about the meaning of the person of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), the preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Although written many decades ago, the letter proves to be relevant to this day.

As a man of faith, you are troubled by the thought — what will Providence do with Gandhi? And what is the meaning of the appearance of this strange person among the statesmen and politicians of our time?

A warning from God. That is surely the meaning of the leader of the great Indian nation. Through that person, Providence is showing politicians and the statesmen of the world, even Christian ones, that there are other methods in politics than skill, wiliness and violence. Gandhi’s political method is very simple and obvious: he does not require anything except the man who cries out and the God Who hearkens. Against weapons, ammunition and army, Gandhi places FASTING; against skill, wiliness and violence, PRAYER; and against political quarrel, SILENCE. How puny and pathetic that looks in the eyes of modern men, right? In modern political textbooks, these three methods are not even mentioned in footnotes. Fasting, prayer and silence! There is hardly a statesman in Europe or America who would not ironically see these three secrets of the Indian statesmen as three dry twigs pointed on the battlefield against a heap of steel, lead, fire and poison. However, Gandhi succeeds with these three “spells” of his; he succeeds to the astonishment of the whole world. And whether they want to or not, political lawmakers in England and other countries will have to add a chapter into their textbooks: “Fasting, Prayer and Silence as Powerful Weapons in Politics.” Imagine, would it not be to the fortune of all mankind if these methods of the unbaptized Gandhi replaced the methods of the baptized Machiavelli in political science?

But it is not the Indian’s method in itself that is such a surprise to the world, as it is the person using the method. The method is Christian, as old as the Christian faith, and yet new in this day and age. The example of fasting, prayer and silence was shown by Christ to His Disciples. They handed it down to the Church, along with their whole example, and the Church hands it to the faithful from generation to generation until this day. Fasting is a sacrifice, silence is inward examination of oneself, prayer is crying out to God. Those are the three sources of great spiritual power which make man victorious in battle and excellent in life. Is there a man who cannot arm himself with these weapons? And which crude force in this world can defeat these weapons? Of course, these three things do not include all of the Christian faith, but are only a part of its rules, its supernatural mysteries. Sadly, in our time, among Christians, many of these principles are disregarded, and many wonder-working mysteries are forgotten. People have started thinking that one wins only by using steel, that the hailing clouds are dispersed only by cannons, that diseases are cured only by pills, and that everything in the world can be explained simply through electricity. Spiritual and moral energies are looked upon almost as working magic.

I think that this is the reason why ever-active Providence has chosen Gandhi, an unbaptized man, to serve as a warning to the baptized, especially those baptized people who pile up one misfortune on another upon themselves and their peoples by using ruthless and harsh means. The Gospel also tells us that Providence sometimes uses such warnings for the good of the people. Your Grace will immediately realize that I am alluding to the Roman captain from Capernaum (Matt. ch. 8). On the one hand, you see the Elders of Israel who, as chosen monotheists of the time, boasted of their faith, meanwhile rejecting Christ, and, on the other hand, you see the despised Roman pagan who came to Christ with great faith and humility, asking Him to heal his servant. And when heard it, He was astonished and said to those who followed Him, “Truly I say to you, not even in Israel have I found faith like this.” The Christian world is the new, baptized Israel. Listen! Is Christ not telling the same words today to the consciences of the Christian Elders by pointing to today’s captain of India?

Peace and health from the Lord to you.

Source: Missionary Letters of Saint Nikolai Velimirović, Letter 90 ГОДИНА ПРЕДСЕДНИЧКИХ ИЗБОРА

Писмо Светог Владике Николаја Велимировића енглеском аристократи Чарлсу Б., који га је питао о значају личности великог индијског државника Махатме Гандија (1869-1948). Иако је написано пре много деценија, остало је релевантно до данас.

Као човека од вере Вас мучи питање: шта хоће Провиђење са Гандием? И шта може да значи појава ове необичне личности међу државницима и политичарима нашег времена?

Опомена Божија – свакако то је значење личности садашњег вође великог индијског народа. Кроз ту личност Провиђење чини опомену политичарима и државницима целога света, па и хришћанским, да има и других метода у политици осим вештине, лукавства и насиља. Политички метод Гандиев сасвим је прост и очигледан: он не потребује ништа осим човека који вапије и Бога који чује. Насупрот оружја, муниције и војске Ганди иставља пост; а насупрот политичких препирки – ћутање. Како то све изгледа ништавно и бедно у очима модерних људи, је л' те? У модерним политичким уџбеницима ова три оружја не спомињу се чак ни у напоменама испод текста. Пост, молитва и ћутање! Мало који државник у Европи и Америци да не би с иронијом гледао на ове три тајне индијског државника као на три сува прутића, уперена на бојишту против брда од челика и олова и огња и отрова. Међутим, Ганди успева са ове три "чаролије" своје, успева на дивљење целога света. И хтели – не хтели, политички правници у Енглеској и у осталим земљама мораће у новим својим уџбеницима ставити нарочито заглавље: пост, молитва и ћутање као моћна средства у политици. Шта мислите: не би ли било на срећу човечанства, да ови методи некрштенога Гандиа замене у политичким наукама методе крштенога Макиавелија?

Но није толико метод Индијанчев изненађење за свет колико личност која се служи тим методом. Метод је хришћански, стар као вера хришћанска, па ипак нов као данашњи дан. Пример поста, молитве и ћутања показао је сам Христос својим ученицима; ови су то предали Цркви, укупно са својим личним примером, а Црква је то предавала вернима с поколења на поколење до данашњег дана. Пост је жртва, ћутање је удубљење у себе, а молитва је вапијање к Богу. То су три извора велике духовне моћи која човека чини победоносним у борби и напредним у животу. Који човек не може себе наоружати овим оружјем? И која груба сила у свету може скрушити то оружје? Наравно, ово троје не исцрпљује сву веру хришћанску, но представља само део њених прописа, њених надземаљских тајни. На жалост, у наше време међу хришћанима пренебрегнути су многи од тих прописа и заборављене многе од тих чудотворних тајни. Почело се мислити, да се само челиком побеђује, и само топом разгоне градобитни облаци, и само пилулама лече болести, и само електриком објашњује све у свету. А на духовне и моралне енергије почело се гледати безмало као на гатање. Због тога је, мислим, милостиво и вазда активно Провиђење истакло Гандиа, човека некрштена, да послужи као опомена крштенима, нарочито оним крштеним који гомилају несрећу за несрећом на себе и своје народе, служећи се суровим и грубим средствима. И Јеванђеље нам сведочи да се провиђење понекад служи таквим опоменама ради добра људи. Ваше благородство сетиће се одмах да ја овде мислим на римског капетана из Капернаума (Мт. 8). На једној страни видите старешине Израиљеве, који су се као изабрани једнобошци хвалисали својом вером а међутим одбацивали Христа, а на другој презреног паганина римског, онога капетана, који је са силном вером и скрушеношћу припао Христу и моли Га да му исцели слугу. А кад чу Исус, удиви се и рече онима што иду за њим: «Заиста вам кажем: ни у Израиљу толике вјере не нађох.»

Хришћански свет представља нови, крштени Израиљ. Ослушните! Зар не говори Христос у наше дане сличне речи савести хришћанских старешина указујући на данашњег Капетана Индије?

Мир Вам и здравље од Господа!

Извор: Мисионарска писма Св. Николаја Велимировића, Писмо 90. ГОД ПРЕЗИДЕНТСКИХ ВЫБОРОВ

Письмо Св. Николая Велимировича Англичанину Чарльзу Б. на вопрос о личности индийца Ганди (1869-1948)

Как верующего человека, Вас мучает вопрос: "Что Промысл Божий ждет от правления и личности Ганди? Что означает появление этой необычной фигуры среди политиков и правителей нашего времени?"

Предупреждение Божие – вот в чем состоит роль современного вождя индийского народа. Промысл предостерегает политиков и правителей всего мира, и христианских тоже, о том, что в политике существуют и другие методы, помимо интриг, лукавства и насилия. Политический метод Ганди совсем прост и очевиден, он не требует ничего, кроме самого человека, вопиющего к Богу и слушающего Его.

Оружию, боеприпасам и армии Ганди противопоставляет пост; интригам, лукавству и насилию – молитву, политическим раздорам – безмолвие. Каким смешным и ничтожным это выглядит в глазах современных людей, не правда ли? В современных политических учебниках эти три оружия не упоминаются, даже в примечаниях к тексту. Пост, молитва и безмолвие! Вряд ли найдется в Европе и Америке политик, который без иронии посмотрит на эти три тайны индийского правителя, на три хрупких прутика против стали, олова и ядов. Однако успехи Ганди с его тремя "волшебными" прутиками удивляют весь мир. Хотят они или не хотят, но политическим законодателям Англии и других стран придется ввести в новые учебники отдельную главу: "Пост, молитва и безмолвие как мощное политическое оружие". Как Вы думаете, человечество не станет счастливее, если эти методы некрещеного Ганди заменят в политической науке методы крещеного Макиавелли?

Но не столько метод индийца удивителен для мира, сколько сама личность, которая этим методом пользуется. Это христианский метод, древний, как сама вера, и новый, как нынешний день. Пример поста, молитвы и безмолвия показал Своим ученикам Сам Христос, они передали его Церкви вместе со своим личным опытом, а Церковь передает его верным своим из поколения в поколение до нынешних дней. Пост – это жертва, безмолвие – самоуглубление, а молитва – вопль к Богу. Вот три источника великой духовной силы, которая делает человека победителем в борьбе и праведником в жизни. Кто из людей не способен вооружиться таким оружием? И какая грубая сила может сокрушить это оружие? Конечно, этими тремя элементами христианская вера не исчерпывается: они представляют собой лишь часть ее правил, ее неземных тайн.

К сожалению, в наше время христиане пренебрегают многими из этих правил и забывают о чудотворных тайнах. Преобладает мнение, что побеждает только сталь, что тучи разгоняют только пушки, а излечивают только таблетки. Поэтому я думаю, что Господь по милости Своей выдвинул Ганди, не христианина, но служащего предупреждением христианам, особенно тем, которые умножают беды и несчастья своих народов, используя грубые и жестокие средства правления.

И Евангелие нам свидетельствует, что Господь иногда прибегал к таким предупреждениям ради блага людей. Ваша честь сразу же вспомнит, о чем я говорю, – о римском сотнике из Капернаума (см.: Мф. 8:5–13). С одной стороны, Вы видите израильских вождей, которые похвалялись своим избранничеством и верой во единого Бога, но при этом отвергли Христа, а с другой – презренного римского язычника, того сотника, который с крепкой верой и сокрушением припал ко Христу, прося исцелить его слугу: Услышав сие, Иисус удивился ему и, обратившись, сказал идущему за Ним народу: «Сказываю вам, что и в Израиле не нашел Я такой веры.»

Христиане, это – новый, крещеный Израиль. Прислушайтесь! Разве не обращается Христос в наши дни с подобными словами к совести христианских правителей, указуя на сегодняшнего сотника индийского?

Мир Вам и здравия от Господа!

Источник: Миссионерские письма Св. Николая Велимировича, Письмо 90.

SAINT NICHOLAS SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 7855 Marsh Road, Indianapolis, IN 46278 NOVEMBER 19, 2016, 9 am – 4 pm


Chili and hotdogs will be available to purchase for lunch. SUNDAY ATTENDANCE daughter of the first cantor of our parish; + George Mlachak, uncle of Phil Michael; 07-03-16: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 107 + Lucia; 07-10-16: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 94 + James Russel – Perret’s father 07-17-16: 4th Sunday after Pentecost 97 07-24-16: 5th Sunday after Pentecost 90 passed on to the Lord. th 07-31-16: 6 Sunday after Pentecost 127 th May God establish their souls where the saints 08-07-16: 7 Sunday after Pentecost 98 th repose and give their family strength to endure 08-14-16: 8 Sunday after Pentecost 124 this temporary separation. 9th Sunday after Pentecost 08-21-16: 112 08-28-16 10th Sunday/Dormition of Theotokos 145 PRAYING FOR YOUR CHURCH FAMILY 09-04-16: 11th Sunday after Pentecost 132 th 09-11-16: 12 Sunday/Beheading of St. John 85 Please, pray for the health of: David, Daniel, 09-18-16: 13th Sunday after Pentecost 138 Mirko, Ruslan, Jim Yerich, Oksana (Paly), 09-25-16: 14th Sunday after Pentecost 102 Nikola, Rada (Stanisic), Sabo, Lee, Zoya, 10-02-16 15th Sunday after Pentecost 108 Natasa, Tomislav, Kathryn Ralich, Jason, Ronny, Borivoje, Branka, Christina, Dario (Dimac), Igor, Pooja Sant, Steven, Maria, Hudson, Emily, Milica, Milena, Ethen, Katlyn, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Sarah, Brian, Lawrence, Philip, Jordan, Miroslav, Susan, Sophia, Eleni, Marian, Katie, - Francesca Violet (August 16, 2016) – Eleni. daughter of Andrew and Erica Loiacono; If you would like to add or delete a name, please - Eleni Nektaria (August 23, 2016) – daughter call the office. of Fotios and Diana Kafantaris. Congratulations to the parents, family and SHUT-INS: Phone call could be enough friends! Many years! Многаја љета!

… for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I THEY HAVE PUT ON CHRIST was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and Chrismated: you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; - Dawn Bresich (September 18, 2016) I was in prison and you came to Me. Baptized and Chrismated: In as much as you did it to one of the least of - Victoria Coffey (September 24, 2016) these My brethren you did it to Me… in as much as you did not do it to one of the least of Congratulations to godparents, family and these, you did not do it to Me. Mt. 26:35-45 friends! Many years! Многаја љета!

THANK YOU MEMORY ETERNAL Thank you for your time, talent and treasure! + Archpriest Peter Burlakov, a child of Following are just some of the people who set Russian emigrants, born and raised in Serbia, an example: served as a priest in the Russian cathedral in - Ruth’s Chris Steak House – for donating for Cleveland, Ohio, and spent last of months of his the lunch after Divine Liturgy on June 24, when earthly life in a nursing home in Indianapolis; we hosted the participants of the Youth + Zaharoula, sister of teta Eftimia Cvetinović; Conference of the Serbian Orthodox Church in + Philip, long-time member of St. George North America; Serbian Orthodox Church in East Chicago, - Fr. Petar Petrović, Fr. Mihailo Mikić and Fr. spent his last months in Indianapolis; Monforte for serving while Fr. Dragan + Tanja Flin, mother of Marko and Kristina; was in Serbia; + Dušica, grandmother of Fr. Dragan; - Mark Morgan and Mile Berić – for making + Ljubica Despotović (Violet Guynn), the candles; eldest member of our community (102) and - All those who prepared food on Sundays and - Vladimir Osherov – for making back-up week days after liturgies; copies of all of our precious old group photos; - Mark Morgan – for regularly maintaining - George Kazacoff and Vladimir Osherov for censers in the altar; taking photos during Serb Fest; - Miroslav Miždalo, Zoran, Marko and Tina - All those who helped at the Fish Fries, with Smajević, and Milan Stojković for making a the Holy Week and Pascha flowers, dying bocce ball court; Pascha eggs, roasting lamb and bringing dishes - George Šeat – for regularly cutting grass; in various occasions; - Olga Dosen, Judie Gajić, Popadija Vesna, - Rade Savić – for painting the playground and Popadija Zora, Ana Stanišić, Cheryl Babić, organizing another concert of Talija; Elisaveta Mace and Antonios Kafantaris for - Daniel Stanjević and the Serb Fest Committee taking care of flowers; for working hard to prepare well this big event; - David Rayman Rajkovic for taking care of the - All those who helped restoring and cleaning of vineyard and orchard; the gravestones at the Floral Park Cemetery (Fr. - David Rayman Rajković, Dylan Remeš Jensen Dragan, Mirko Milivojac, Mihail Kovalenko, and Denis Kosorukov for mountain climbing Rade Savić, Richard Goris, David Rayman- trip in Colorado and praying for our whole Rajković, Andrej Djukić, Mile Berić, Mladen community; Jeftenić, Vedran Miždalo, Ranko Radlović, - Teta Jovanka and Theodosia – Philis for Luka Živković and Dale Smith); reading matins canons before Divine Liturgy - and many others, not mentioned here this time every Sunday; – THANK YOU! - Petrović and Goris Families for bringing gifts from Serbia and Russia for all parishioners; CABBAGE - Choir members for organizing the International Luncheon; If you need some cabbage for sauerkraut, please - Church School teachers for preparing for and call or text Fr. Dragan (317-374-3414). He and teaching another school year; Dn. Marko are going, God willing, to the slava - Jovanka Mijić for administrating our website; of New Gračanica Monastery on October 13-14, - Serb Fest Committee – Daniel and Casey and will use the opportunity to buy sacks of Stanjević, Dale and Feona Smith, Doroty Cross, good and cheap cabbage from Wisconsin. Millie Arsić, Vera Schuster, Stana Edwards and Nedeljko Djukanović, and all donors, supporters CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS and over 200 wonderful volunteers (!!!) for everything they did for our 1st Annual Serb If you haven’t registered your child this school Fest; year, please do so. This year the kids will be - All sisters who wash dishes and all brothers learning about saints as role models and who sweep and take garbage our every Sunday; teachers of life and how to read and sing in - Millie Arsić for cleaning the big oven in the church. Spiritual upbringing of children is a fellowship hall; sacred responsibility of parents – please, - Popadija Vesna, Eftimia Cvetinović and bring your children to Divine Liturgy and Jovanka Savić for baking prosfora bread; Church School regularly. It will be a great - For two-day work in and around children’s st blessing for you and your children! playground: (1 Day) Zoran, Vesna, Marko and Tina Smajević, Nada, Nedeljko and Snježana Djukanović, and Gorana Tomić; (2nd Day) FALL FESTIVAL

Mirko Milivojac, George Šeat, Rade Savić, Our traditional Fall Festival with hayrides and Nikola Babić, Rade Radović, Mladen Jeftenić and Daniel Stanjević; pumpkin coloring will take place on Sunday, October 23, after Divine Liturgy. While - Nick Babić’ company for laying new concrete children are enjoying games and activities, at the side entrance; - Svetislav, Stefan and Bato Arsich for fixing parents will have a chance to speak with Fr. Dragan about challenges of raising children in the air-condition in the kitchen, offices and our age. restrooms;

person you are suggesting must be a steward in CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION IN LITURGY good standing, and if you are nominating a

We encourage boys to help in the altar and girls president of the Board, he/she must be involved to read Epistle and help at the cantor stand. in church life on a regular basis and know what Parents, for more information, please call or text is going on and should have an experience of Fr. Dragan at 317-374-3414. serving on the Board for at least a few years.


After two years, they are coming again – on All Stewards in Good Standing are being asked Saturday, October 29, 5-7 PM. The fellowship to please attend this important, once-a-year at our church hall with live music, dance and meeting, which will be held on Sunday, food will follow the concert. See the attached December 4, following Divine Liturgy. Lunch poster for more details. will be served. Who is a Steward in Good Standing? - A person who is a practicing Orthodox FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Christian (comes to church regularly and

partakes of the Sacraments of the We are collecting non-perishable food for the Church); needy for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The - A person who supports the church food barrel will be in the vestibule for you to through time, talent and/or treasure. drop off your donations. Monetary donations Executive Board Members for 2017 will also be helpful to purchase turkeys and Executive Board members are responsible for hams. Please, help fill the barrel located in the social and financial issues of our parish, as well vestibule! as for maintaining the church property. If you

have been a steward in good standing of our KSS NEWS parish for at least one year and are interested in being a part of this wonderful group of Saturday, November 19, 2015, 9am- volunteers for the coming year or you would 4pm: KSS Annual Bake Sale and Bazaar like to propose someone else, please call the church office: (317) 471-8006, or one of the Thursday, December 1, 2016, 6 pm: Nominating Committee members: Fr. Dragan, KSS at the Greek Islands Jovanka Savić, Michael Bresić and Mladen Restaurant – 906 South Meridian Street, Jeftenić. Every year, the proposal of the Indianapolis, IN 46225 Nominating Committee for the Executive Board is voted at the Annual Meeting, and then Soup during Fast approved by our bishop. Your talents will be Every year we have soup and bread during the welcomed and appreciated and your works will Advent Fast for coffee hour. Please, sign up on be blessed. Thank you for your consideration. the kitchen door if you are able to provide Lenten soup and bread for 100+ people for one CHOIR NEWS of the following Sundays: December 11, December 25 and January 1. Choir is preparing a meal for the Annual

Meeting on December 4, as a fundraiser. Let us FROM THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE support our Choir! Since all the positions on the Executive Board are for one term (one year), the Nominating POEMS FOR ST. SAVA PROGRAM Committee is working on a list of names for the next year’s Executive Board. Please, call them If you woul like your child to start preparing for (Fr. Dragan, Jovanka Savić, Michael Bresić and reciting a poem at St. Sava Program 2017 early Mladen Jeftenić) with any suggestions. The and if you need assistance in selecting a poem, please call Fr. Dragan (317-374-3414) or Dn. Marko (317-490-5379).


If you have any type of icons (from wall 101st ANNIVERSARY DINNER/DANCE calendars, funeral cards, etc.) that need to be of St. Stephen Bulgarian Orthodox Church disposed, please, bring them to church – we will at Primo Banquet & Conference Center find them another use or bury them with the 2615 E. National Avenue deceased. Indianapolis, IN 46227 Saturday, October 15, 6 pm - midnight NEW/OLD TRADITION OLD WORLD CHRISTMAS MARKET We are reestablishing an old tradition where on Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church the eve of St. Nicholas, 18th of December, Friday, December 2, 5-9 pm & children clean and put in front of their room Saturday, December 3, 10 am-2 pm their favorite shoes and wake up on St. Nicholas Day to find gifts from their parents. St. Nicholas 1ST ANNUAL SERB FEST used to leave gifts (in shoes) for people in front of their door. This is why this tradition There was no entry fee and therefore it is developed and why probably the stockings are somewhat a mystery, but estimates say that hung at Christmas and St. Nicholas (Santa there were more than 1,200 people (possibly Claus). The idea and hope is to have something close to 2000) present and experienced the to remind us and our children of the actual date Serbian world-renowned hospitality at our Saint of the feast day of our patron saint. Nicholas Church on the second Saturday of September. CHURCH SLAVA AND KUMOVI Around 200 volunteers (some from out of state) were thrilled to offer delicious Serbian cuisine, Our Church Slava will be celebrated on traditional Serbian dancing, authentic Serbian Sunday, December 18, 2016. Please, make an music, and family fun. One could also learn effort to be here to celebrate it with your church about the Serbian/Balkan/European history, as family for St. Nicholas is a patron saint of all of well as experience the ancient faith of Orthodox us. Kumovi for this year are: Bogdan and Christianity to which Serbs were converted to in Dorothy Milivojac. Kumovi serve as the hosts the sixth century AD. for the special event and they most generously Most of the comments heard were: "One could offer to contribute financially for the expense of feel a lot of positive energy at the event." the Slava or give a donation (whatever they can It was a very blessed day, glory be to God and afford). If you would like to have this honor, thanks be to all of you who made it possible. you may call Fr. Dragan and ask to be a Looking forward to doing the same thing next Kum/Kuma for next year. year around this time. Welcome! WINTER YOUTH RETREAT 2016

New Gračanica Monastery, December 26-31 For High School and College Students only – if you are interested, please call or text Fr. Dragan (317-374-3414) as soon as possible to reserve a spot – the number of participants is limited.


We are down to $160,713.80.

The Sisters of Serbian Orthodox Church

Thursday, December 1, 2016 6:00 pm

Greek Islands 906 South Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46225

The cost is $30 per person (or whatever you can afford - please, call the priest).

Please have your reservations (and payment) turned into the church by November 18, 2016.

You can call the church 317-471-8006 or sign up at church on the bulletin board by the kitchen.

A fun gift exchange is part of the evening. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift of up to a $10 value. Please do not put your name on it. It is the fun of finding out who brought what. ENGLISH / СРПСКИ / РУССКИЙ FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD

We are doing well, glory to God and thanks to all of you, but please know - the average monthly expenses of our church, including helping and support of the poor and needy, support of our Diocese, events, projects, mortgage payment, utilities, insurance, maintenance of buildings and grounds, church school support, salaries (priest, deacon, janitor), bookstore, food/drinks, plus unexpected and/or emergency expenditures are approximately $18,000. This is around $220,000 a year.

The church is much grateful to all of you for support so far. Our church, obviously, first of all needs you!!! You, practicing your faith and being involved in church life, make our church a living body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The church also needs your time (and talent), which nowadays, we understand, is worth more than millions of dollars.

At last, the church needs your financial pledge, which is just a promise not a contract, and will help the Executive Board plan ahead to meet these financial obligations successfully each month and each year. Thank you. ОД ЦРКВЕНОГ ОДБОРА

Просечни месечни издаци наше цркве, који укључују помоћ и подршку сиромашнима и потребитима, отплату црквене зграде, комуналије, осигурање, одржавање зграде и имања, црквену школу, плате (свештеник, ђакон, домар), књижару, храну и пиће, и друге неочекиване и хитне трошкове, крећу се око $18,000. На годишњем нивоу, то је око $220,000.

Црква је веома захвална свима за сву указану подршку до сада. Пре свега, нашој цркви смо потребни ми!!! Практикујући своју веру и узимајући активног учешћа у црквеном животу, ми чинимо цркву живим Телом Господа и Спаса нашега Исуса Христа. Цркви су такође потребни и наше време и таленти, а време је данас, тога смо сви свесни, драгоцено.

На крају, цркви је потребно и да испунимо приложени упитник, који не представља никакав уговор, већ којим на савестан и домаћински начин исказујемо своје очекивање како ћемо и колико бити у прилици да помогнемо своју цркву. На тај начин ћемо помоћи Црквеном одбору да направи најбољи финансијски план за наредну годину и сваки месец појединачно, како би сви расходи били уредно и благовремено намирени. Због тога вам унапред велико хвала! ОТ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО СОВЕТА ЦЕРКВИ

Средние ежемесячные церковные расходы на помощь и поддержку малоимущих и нуждающихся, погашение ипотеки, коммунальные платежи, страховкку, содержание имущества, поддержку церковной школы, зарплаты (священник, диакон, техник), книжный магазин, еда и напитки, плюс непредвиденные и неотложные расходы составляют около 18 000 долларов. Это примерно 220 000 в год.

Церковь премного благодарна за вашу поддержку до сего момента. Нашей церкви, очевидно и прежде всего, нужны вы!!! Вы, претворяя в жизнь свою веру и участвуя в жизни церкви, делаете нашу церковь живым телом нашего Господа и Спасителя Иисуса Христа. Церковь также нуждается в вашем времени (и талантах), что в наше время, как мы понимаем, стоит многие миллионы долларов.

И, конечно, церкви нужен залог вашей финансовой поддержки, что является обещанием и не контрактом, и поможет Исполнительному Совету в финансовом планировании для выполнения финансовых обязательств каждый месяц и каждый год. Спаси Бог. Please complete below Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church

Signature: ______Date: ______Indianapolis, Indiana

Printed name: ______

Cell Phone Number: ______STEWARDSHIP 2017 *Do you receive text messages? Circle: Yes No H e l p y o u r c h u r c h p l a n a h e a d

Email: ______"Let us give thanks to God for all things" Please mark 1 or 2: Facebook name: ______1. Supporting Stewards may not be part of our church but are ------our much loved and loving brethren, who support the work we do. Thank you. How much should you give?

2. Stewards In Good Standing are those who: You should give as much as it feels comfortable giving. - Love God and brethren - Attend Divine Liturgy We encourage people to choose a percentage from the - Partake of Confession and Communion household income 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10% or more. - Donate time, talent and treasure - May vote at meetings and be eligible for election to the Imagine if each of us gave 10% from our annual Executive Board and other committees. income. If the household income was only $50,000 a year – with hundred families that would mean a $500,000 "... Serve God and give glory to Him..." Rev. 14:7 budget.

Imagine how much more we could do. Please fill out this pledge form and return in October 2016. THIS IS MY/OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CHURCH THIS IS MY/OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CHURCH

TIME / TALENTS TREASURE / FINANCIAL PLEDGE check as many as you wish Please mark A or B (choose one only) □ We are/I am able and willing to prepare a light lunch one Sunday this year for all present at the Divine Liturgy. A. For a General Yearly Pledge to Total $ ______Indicate an amount to be given (check one only)

__ Altar assistant __ Vestibule assistant Weekly ____ Monthly ____ Other ______Church School involvement __ Sisterhood involvement __ Brotherhood involvement __ Beautifying church B. For a Categorized Yearly Pledge to Total $ ______Maintenance of machinery __ Delivering food to needy Indicate an amount next to those you wish: __ Care of trees and plants __ Cleaning 1. Weekly/Sunday Offerings $ ______Computer/Internet __ Refreshment area 2. Altar/Nave/Vestibule needs $ ______Cutting grass __ Bookstore 3. Christmas $ ______Library __ Children's playground 4. Easter/Pascha $ ______Candle making __ Prosfora (church bread) making 5. Church Slava $ ______Visiting Shut-ins __ Fish Fry help 6. Saint Sava Celebration $ ______Photograph/video __ Fellowship set up/cleanup 7. Family Slava $ ______Executive Board and/or committees 8. Birthdays $ ______9. Anniversaries $ ______Below, please list any other special talents: 10. In Memory of ______$ ______11. Mortgage Payoff $ ______12. Building Fund (Church) $ ______Stewards - One rule to follow: LOVE. 13. Fish Fries $ ______Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is 14. Other ______$ ______not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs... It always protects, And indicate an amount (of the total above) to be given (check always trusts, always hopes, endures all things… one only): Weekly ____ Monthly ____ Other ____ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church O c t o b e r 2 0 1 6 7855 Marsh Road Indianapolis, IN 46278-1626

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY October: Month of Stewardship - Saturday, October 29: 1 Concert of Talija ______Folklore Dance Group, followed by fellowship ______Please, bring or mail at our church ______Sunday, October 30: Fall Festival with 6 PM Vespers your Stewardship Pledge Cards Hayrides and Pumpkin Coloring 2 ______3 4 5 FAST DAY 6 ______7 FAST DAY 8 ______10 AM Divine Liturgy ______CONCEPTION OF ST. ______MEMORIAL followed by Church ______JOHN THE BAPTIST SATURDAY ______School______6:30 PM ______Stewardship Teleconference 5:30 PM Memorial Executive Board Service ______(please bring or mail Meeting 6 PM Vespers your pledge cards)

9 10 11 12 FAST DAY 13 14 FAST DAY 15 ST. JOHN THE ______VENERABLE ______PROTECTION OF THE ______THEOLOGIAN ______CYRIACUS THE MOST HOLY MOTHER ______10 AM Divine Liturgy & ______HERMIT OF GOD ______Church School ______Slava of the New ______Stewardship Gračanica Monastery 6 PM Vespers (please bring or mail ______your pledge cards) 16 ______17 18 19 FAST DAY 20 21 FAST DAY 22 10 AM Divine Liturgy ______HOLY APOSTLE STS. SERGIUS AND ______HOLY APOSTLE followed by Church THOMAS ___ B A C CHUS JAMES School ______9 AM Divine Liturgy ______Stewardship ______6 PM Vespers 6 PM Vespers (please bring or mail ______your pledge cards)

23 ______24 25 26 FAST DAY 27 ______28 FAST DAY 29 ______10 AM Divine Liturgy, ______ST. PETKA ______ST. LONGINUS (say a Church School & Fall ______(PARASCEVA) prayer for our bishop) Festival 31 6:30 PM ______9 AM Divine Liturgy 4 PM Vespers ______ST. LUKE & ST. PETER Teleconference Special ______5 PM - 7 PM Concert of 30 ______OF CETINJE Executive Board 6 PM Vespers "Talija" Folklore Dance 10 AM Divine Liturgy 9 AM Divine Liturgy Meeting Group & Church School 6 PM Moleban

OFFICE HOURS: V. REV. DRAGAN PETROVIC, PARISH PRIEST CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:30 AM — 3:30 PM CELL PHONE: 317-374-3414 PHONE: 317-471-8006 PAGER: 317-304-1974 (EMERGENCY ONLY) EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.st-nicholas-indy.org St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 7855 Marsh Road Indianapolis, IN 46278-1626

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 FAST DAY 3 4 FAST DAY 5 MEMORIAL ST. PROHOR OF ______SATURDAY PČINJA & ST. JOVAN _ _ 9 AM - 12PM Christmas Fasting Season: OF RILA Prosfora Baking November 28 - January 6 ______5:30 PM Memorial Service 6 PM Vespers 6 Set your clocks 7 8 9 FAST DAY 10 11 FAST DAY 12 back one hour ______HOLY GREAT ______ST. VARNAVA OF ______MARTYR DEMETRIUS ______INDIANA ______10 AM Divine Liturgy ______9 AM Divine Liturgy ______9 AM Divine Liturgy followed by Church ______6:30 PM ______and Pitch-in Lunch School & Meeting of 6 PM Vespers Teleconference 6 PM Vespers ______Credentials Committee Executive Board 6 PM Vespers Meeting 13 14 15 16 FAST DAY 17 18 FAST DAY 19 ______STS. COSMAS AND ______RENOVATION OF ST. ______10 AM Divine Liturgy DAMIAN ______GEORGE CHURCH - _ _ 9 AM - 4 PM followed by Church 9 AM Divine Liturgy ______ĐURĐIC ______KSS Bake Sale School & Nominating ______9 AM Divine Liturgy ______Committee Meeting _ 6 PM Vespers 6 PM Vespers

20 ______21 _____ 22 23 FAST DAY 24 25 FAST DAY 26 10 AM Divine Liturgy SINAXIS OF ST. NEKTARIOS OF ______ST. STEFAN OF ST. JOHN THE ST. JOHN followed by Church ARCHANGEL MICHAEL AEGINA _ DEČANI MERCIFUL CHRYSOSTOM School, Auditing Board 9 AM Divine Liturgy ______Meeting & Decoration ______Thanksgiving Day ______of the _ Office Closed Office Closed 6 PM Vespers by parents & children

27 28 ADVENT FAST 29 FAST DAY ___ 30 FAST DAY ______BEGINS HOLY APOSTLE AND ST. GREGORY THE 10 AM Divine Liturgy ______EVANGELIST WONDERWORKER & Saturday, November 19: KSS Bake Sale followed by Church _ MATTHEW ST. SEBASTIAN OF School ______JACKSON Sunday, November 20: Decoration of 6 PM Vespers & 9 AM Divine Liturgy Confession the Christmas Tree - Family Event

OFFICE HOURS: V. REV. DRAGAN PETROVIC, PARISH PRIEST CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION MONDAY — FRIDAY 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM CELL PHONE: 317-374-3414 PHONE: 317-471-8006 PAGER: 317-304-1974 (EMERGENCY ONLY) EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.st-nicholas-indy.org St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 7855 Marsh Road Indianapolis, IN 46278-1626

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 FAST DAY 2 FAST DAY 3 FAST DAY Sunday, December 4: Annual Meeting & Lunch ______Sunday, December 18: Church Slava ______6 ______December 26-31: 6 PM KSS Christmas ______Winter Youth Retreat Dinner 6 PM Vespers and at New Gračanica Monastery Confession

4 FAST DAY 5 FAST DAY 6 FAST DAY 7 FAST DAY 8 FAST DAY 9 FAST DAY 10 FAST DAY ENTRY INTO THE ______ST. ALEXANDER HOLY GREAT MARTYR ______TEMPLE OF THE _ NEVSKY KATHERINE ______MOTHER OF GOD ______10 AM Divine Liturgy _ _ 6 PM Vespers and followed by Church Confession, followed School, Lunch and by Church School Annual Meeting Seminar 11 FAST DAY 12 FAST DAY 13 FAST DAY 14 FAST DAY 15 FAST DAY 16 FAST DAY 17 FAST DAY ______ST. MARDARIJE OF HOLY APOSTLE ______HOLY CAR UROŠ & ______HOLY GREAT MARTYR 10 AM Divine Liturgy LIBERTYVILLE ANDREW THE FIRST- ST. JOANIKIJE OF _ BARBARA & ST. JOHN followed by Lenten 9 AM Divine Liturgy CALLED DEVIČ OF DAMASCUS Lunch ______End of the 1st _ _ 6 PM Vespers and Semester of Church Confession School 18 FAST DAY 19 FAST DAY 20 FAST DAY 21 FAST DAY 22 FAST DAY 23 FAST DAY 24 FAST DAY SERBIAN CHILDREN'S ST. NICHOLAS ______DAY 9 AM Divine Liturgy ______9:45 AM Divine Liturgy ______presided by Bishop ______Longin, followed by 6 PM Reader's Lunch Vespers; Confession Church Slava on Sunday morning 25 FAST DAY 26 FAST DAY 27 FAST DAY 28 FAST DAY 29 FAST DAY 30 FAST DAY 31 FAST DAY SERBIAN MOTHERS' ______HOLY PROPHET ______DAY WINTER YOUTH ______DANIEL ______10 AM Divine Liturgy RETREAT: December ______followed by Lenten 26-31 at New ______Lunch Gračanica Monastery ______6 PM Reader's Office Closed Office Closed Vespers; Confession on Sunday morning