May Day CALIFORNIA Sorry MAYDAYI EC we're late J Volume XCIII, Number 25 Pasadena, California May 1,19921 L. A. Violence Spreads to Pasadena Violence Occuring in the Wake of the Controversial Acquittal of the Officers Indicted in King Beating Approaches Caltech Linda Maepa from northern California are arriv­ ing to augment the overextended The beating of Rodney King on LosAngelesservices.Additionally, March 3, 1991 marked the begin­ a total of six thousand National ningofwidespreadsocietalconcern Guards troops hsve been ordered over the issue of brutality. into the LA area. UCLA, USC, Betweenthehoursof9amand5pm, and the LAUSD have suspended many people put their day on hold classes until further notice. The as K1TV broadcast the entire six medical facilities associated with weektrial. Whentheverdictsofnot theuniversitiesarestillfunctioning guilty were read near 3:15pm on although all hospitals in affected April 29 shock, disbelief, and ela­ areas request that patients call to tion raced through separate seg­ confirmany appointments.Freeway ments of the commu­ and street closings are being ex­ nity. The disgust and anger being tensively reported in the television expressedmay,inpart,beexplained and radio news, especially during bythefact thatsomanywatchedthe the moming. It is important that trial, yetreached a differentverdict non-essential travel to affected ar­ Thejury,composed ofsix men and eas are kept to a minimum as a sixwomen,was entirely caucasian, safety measure. Currently, the cit­ exceptfor a Hispanicwoman and a ies ofLos Angeles, Pasadena, and Filipino man. Eight of the jury San Francisco in addition to other membershad militarybackgrounds. areasareundera curfewwhichruns Therehasbeenmuchspeculationas roughly from sunup to sundown. In to whether or not the change of Pasadena,alone, more than10busi­ venue to a mostly white, suburban nesses have been attacked includ­ community affected the trial's out­ ing Eddie's Market, the gun and come. ammunitions store at Hill and The federal governmenthassped Walnut, andThe GapnearLake and up its own investigation into the Del Mar. Fifty people have been King beating. Because it is uncon­ arrested for looting. stitutionaltotryanyoneforthesame Two students; Nirav Patel and crime more than once, the federal HuiJaeYoo, witnessed the event at investigationisfocusingonpossible the Gap on Lake Avenue Thursday civilrightsviolationsbythe LAPD. afternoon. As they were making Noneofthislegalactivity, however, their way to the bank before going has served to lessen the nationwide to The Gap, they observed a group protests; rioting, and looting that of approximately 20 well-dressed has greeted the news ofthe acquit­ Mrican-American youths heading tals for Sgt. , and Of­ towards the mall area where The ficers Powell, Wind and Briseno Gapislocated.Hearingnoises; they (see end ofarticle for a listing ofthe saw the youths running off, carry­ charges in this case). In Los Ange­ ingclothes. When they reached the Photo by Rajesh "0" BHimoria. les; for instance, over 1000 arson store, it was locked and employees This banner was placed on the wall of Winnett Student Center by an employee ofthe Caltech Y Thursday morning. fireshavebeensetandasofmidnight of the Godiva chocolatier nearby Thursday evening, the banner was seen burning; it is unknown who set fire to the banner. The banner was placedon Thursday, 24 people have been explained what had happened at the wall in response to Wednesday's acquittal ofthe officers indicted in the Rodney King beating ofMarch 3, 1991. confirmed dead. Fire fighting units continued on page 3 Caltech to Host Industry Conference Outward Matt Met:. private industry. ernment funded research. Compa­ ernment facilities for research. De­ Bound Expectedtobepresentatthecon­ nies did not generally try to utilize velopments made in university Chris Launey & Rich Song On May 29, 1992Caltech hosts a ference are the Secretaries of En­ technology that was available to laboratories may also be given by The lone figure struggled conference forming part of the ergy, Comme~e, and Transporta­ theircompetitors.Thegovernment's the government to private sector against the rock face. The calls government's "National Technol­ tion, aswell astheAdministratorof concern was that a company might companies. of his companions below, the ogy Initiative." This is one in a NASA The government isinviting take exclusive rights to a piece of Specific areas that will be ad­ criesofthe birdsabove, thatlittle series of cabinet-level meetings large and small companies in the technology, andthen leaveit on the dressedforthisregionalconference "chrkck"noise your boot makes across the country addressing the area, and representatives from uni­ shelf." are biological, aerospace, andenvi­ asit slips offofa half-inch foot­ sharingofgovernmentresearchwith versities. Finding that the products of its ronmental technology. Some di­ holdjust before you fall; all this Nick Nichols of the Caltech In­ research were often "left on the lemmas are likely to arise from the was lost to him as he clawed at dustrial Relations Centerstatesthat shelf" when available to all the new policy. JPI., as a government the unforgiving surface. The Inside this week's the purpose ofthis initiative is for, companies, the government is now funded lab may become open to menacing granite peak sneered "developing relationships between workingonpoliciesforissuingsome profit-making companies for use. in defiance at the climber. thegovernment and theprivate sec­ exclusive licensing to companies. The question of who receives ex­ This unique experience was tor," Previous policy, "disallowed Further encouragement which the clusive licensing tocertain govern­ theCaltechY sponsoredOutward I exclusive licensing to anyone of government is trying to present to ment developments is also prob­ Bound. Student's leamed a lot TEcH .• developments made through gov- the private sector is access to gov- able to come up. . continued on e 4 Editorial 3 Crime & Incident Beat 4 Bridge Without Sam 5 Caltech IHCMinutes 6 ASCIT Minutes 6 Responds Seniors Only 6 Chemistry Prowess 7 Outside View 7 to the Verdict YNews 7 What Goes On 8 page 2 2MAy 1, 1992 THE TECH The Caltech Community Responds The acquittal ofthe four police officers, indicted in the Rodney G. King was a big city and every­ "This is a real outrage, be­ cause for the officers to do beating, and the violence which has followed have had grave impact, not only on the life ofLos Angeles but on that ofCaltech community as well. thing, but it was always a cause I think that the evi­ whatthey obviously didn't Thoughwe oftenlike tothinkofourselves as being ina separateworld, the pretty safe place to be and dence was pretty irrefut­ exactly deny doing on the events ofthe last few days have shown this myopiato be a dangerous self­ live. And so I'm kind of able that they indeed did videotape, and I guess it deception and that we must view ourselves as members of the greater surprised to see my home­ use excessive force and, community. Thursday afternoon, the Tech interviewed ten people about was the court's belief that theirthoughts inthe aftermath ofthe acquital and the first night ofviolence town turn it to this kind of unfortunately, I think that Kingbehavedin away that in ourtrolJbled city. Opinions at Caltech, overthe outcome ofthe trial are a mob scene. And espe­ the jurors, even though scared them enough for sharply divided, as the following statements reflect. This was what some cially surprised to see so they claimed that they that to be reasonable ... I of the members of the community had to say: much theft and so much made a fair decision, may haven't heard anything "These people got their Pasadena or all ofL.A. or violence that'sjust so ran­ have goofed in the sense that I would construe as chance in the system, and the whole country or dom. It's shocking." that they did not foresee anything near reasonable they lost, and now they're world. People don't want -Mike Nassir, Sr. whathas comeofthis.And cause for doing what they complaining about it ... to be responsible for their it has been pretty deadly . did to him ... I'm not Here's a case where they own actions ... " ..Based onwhat I'veseen exactly surprised [about get the chance and after­ "Ithought the vQ"dict was and what I've read about the riots], 1 don't really -Steven Roe, Technician, Watts, its consequences think that it'sa good thing. wards they complain. IT Astronomy Dept. expected, if you have an they didn't get the chance, allwhitejuryinan allwhite and its background ... but I don't particularly theywould complain any­ neighborhood in which a L.A. wassimmeringand it have any idea about what way. They're not happy "My reaction to the -out­ lot of retired police offic­ was close to the time that could have done to pre­ something like this was vent it except starting ten with any outcome." come ofthe trial is [that it ers live ... I would have going to happen. And the or twenty years ago or is] very disturbing, be­ expected some riots, but -Antonio Ramirez, So. King trial definitely pro­ whatever ... there's obvi­ cause 1 feel that it is ... its sad that you could ex­ vided the trigger ... " ously been enoughtension injustice ...beating [on] . pect them. Its just the for the last couple of de­ .. a human being like that. situation that exists in -Julian Chen, Jr. "I think it's very surpris­ cades that something this 1can not see that thejurors some parts ofLA... .Its a ing that both Channel-7 stupid ... ,this blatantly did not look at that video terrible situation,butitwas· news, Peter Jennings, and discriminatory against and see what was going expected, and it all had to " ... I understand people PBS news, Macneil­ blacks, ... builds enough on, and 1really feel sorry do with the fact that the beingangry,butpeople are Lehrer, ... didn't mention tension that it's pretty for the world today ... for L.A.P.D. wasuncontrolled only going by the thirty that the jury had no blacks much expected ... " in it, which is obviously having our justice system in the frrst place." seconds they've seen on look at something and say the videotape. They have -Noam Bernstein, Sr. one of the main reasons -ZackBerger, Fr. for the anger. And 1 think that these four men were yet to hear the complete that it is absolutely ri­ not guilty ...And its sad, story; they need to do a diculous that they found because things are hap­ little bit ofresearch. They peningnowthat should not "I would have expected don'tknowwhatthejurors THE CAUFoRNIA TECH the men innocent, and it's some version of a guilty not surprising, but pretty happen. I mean the burn­ heard, and obviously, the Volume XCIII· Number 25 ing of buildings, I mean verdict for the officers., jurors heard enough be­ May 1,1992 terrifying what's happen­ although possibly with a ing." the looting andthe hurting sides the videotape to in­ EDITORS each other. Innocent mild punishment. A thing Rajesh "Q" Bilimoria -Carlos Brody dicate the officers acted Michael Oder people should not have .that really struckme when maybe not appropriately Christopher Orth . I watched TV was the been." butthey didn'tdo anything CRIME BEAT EDITOR phrase "officers fulfilled illegal. I'm not saying the • PHOTOGRAPHER " ...Alotofpeopleweren't -Sheila Walker, Caltech Rajan Ranga their duties to the best opf officers did do anything given a lot of information Employment Office WRITERS their abilities." Is the legal that was right. Just judg­ on the trial. 1 think there definition of beating up a Jill Bush iqg by the videotape it Jim Caron was obviously unneces­ person differentfrom what looked like there was un­ Christopher Dunn sary force used ...letterof "I think that it's possible Jeff Goldsmith we've seen on the tape? due violence, but it's not the law needs to be looked that there is moreinforma­ Four men kicking one ly­ Linda Maepa thatitwasunprovoked,we MaitMetz at. 1 do think the public tion that was released in ing on the ground ... of don't know that." BUSINESS MANAGER reaction to it was a little the trial that the public course, ifthis is what they Khurram Dastgir-Khan extreme. Senseless vio­ doesn't know, and as a call the best oftheir abili­ -Stuart Wagner, Jr. CIRCULATION result 1have faith that the John Grade lence is not going to solve ties, they are not guilty. Jennifer Wright the problem ... People juryprobably made avalid But is this what we ex­ THE CALIFORNIA TECH need to start taking a decision .... [About the pected from the police­ " ... I don't see how virtu­ Caltech • 40-58 SAC greater awareness ofwhat riots]I'm kind of shocked men?" ally any behavior by 1201 East California Boulevard because I'm from L.A. Pasadena, California 91125 is going on in ourcommu­ -Alex Zeyliger, So. Rodney King himself (818) 356-6154 nities whether it be just And I always felt that it could have been sufficient Published weekly exceptduring examina­ tion and vacation periods by Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Inc. The opinions expressed Jterein are strictly those ofthe authors. Letters and announcements are welcome. All contributions should include the author's name and phone number and the intended date ofpublication. The editors "THI Pl:RmRI. \~f"Si'.~!: OII,n'OI'r,!" reserve the right to abridge and edit all Baxter Lecture Hall ESQUIRE COLORADO submissions for literacy, expediency, or "IIIO !.!I.l.~.!.~s lp!" 2670 E. Colorado Blvd. 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. anything else. "SIIRRI'I<; \'D "\ SPRI\f\ "R\'D May 1, 1992 [\lOIIO\\I.!·· hWIRI'/; I:PIf!" (818) 793-6149 (818) 796-9704 Tumincopy (preferablyonMacintosh3.S inchdisk)tothe mailbox SAC ·'I'fRWIBI.\ Tech outside PIRmRI.ID!" 7:30 and 10:00 pm room 40. E-Mail may be sent to Academy Award [email protected]. The deadline for copy is Wednesday at noon; for an­ $1.50 ASCIT Winner E. M. Forster's nouncements, Tuesday at SPM. ~ CoJifomUJ Tech is distributed free. $2.00 Other Issues will· be mailed off-campus upon ••••••••••••••• Mediterraneo receiptofSl0 peryear to coverthinklass : Next Week: : Daily 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 p.m. Howards End postage and preparation costs. Sat-Sun Matinee 2:30 p.m. Printed byNews.-Type Service. Glendale. • Strange Brew • Daily 4:00, 7:00, 9:45 p.m. ISSN 0008-1582 • • stilTts May 8 ••••••••••••••• Raise the Red Lantern Sat-Sun Matinee 1:00 p.m. THETiCH MAy 1,19923 continued from page 1 plistic interpretation of the events might be that violence is the only solution----the only way to fight the violence ofthe law is to be violent. I Violence honestly believe that only peaceful actions will serve any constructive The Real Verdict purpose. But I. do not see the attacks and the looting as constructive The Gap. Not long afterward, the protests.Ifthe violence is intended to be a protest~ it is a gross failure. The Rajesh "Q"Bilimoria majority of the Lake Ave. shops violence is an expression of frustration. The acquittal seems to have .were closed. At 11:00 P.M., I justheard that Eddie's MarketonMichigan was looted. triggered this response all across the country. On our own Caltech campus, a The acquittal cameonWednesday, and that nightthe cityburned. Tonight, To be fair, I cannot condone the violence of the looters if I do not large sign that was posted on the it's Thursday, over twenty-four hours have passed, and now the situation condone the violence of the officers on trial. It is interesting to notice a south side of Winnett (see photo, is worse. The violence has not only spread to neighboring cities like similarities between the lootings and the officers' beating ofKing: both page one) was burned around Pasadena, but is reaching as far as Atlanta. would not occur ifthe participants knewthey were on camera, and both 9:30pm. Security also felt it was I have to admit that I was surprisedby the magnitudeofthe violence that appear to only occur when large groups are present. I do not condone the necessary to add three more offic­ has occurred since Wednesday. If I plead for peace, it won't be a new violence, but I feel I have some understanding ofcauses ofthe rioting, but ers to the Thursday night watch, message. Butitissincere. Thereisnoexcusefor excessiveviolence. Either not of the police violence. I cannot understand how four men, accompa- bringing the total number of secu­ by the police or by the citizens. It's still easy for me to say this; as strong . nied by over twenty men and women who are also trained to deal with rity officers to eight. Many off­ as my convictions are, I'mnot moved to violence. Perhaps that's because violent people, can be so intimidated by one unarmed man. Yet both campus students have chosen to I'm approaching the issue more philosophically than emotionally. But try occurences are so very destructive; the rioting and looting will again remain on-campus for the duration to imaginebeingAfricanAmericaninLosAngelesfor thelasttwenty-five prevent new businesses from opening in South Central LA, while the of these mcidents. Undergraduate years. What you see is a group of people who have police violence will further fear ofthe police among student houses are welcoming seen the legitimate channels fail to address their many people. people, providing crash space and issues fairly, in their eyes. And now it seems as ifthe Some have argued that the jury did not con­ sleepingbags. Becausethereissuch system has :fmally failed catastrophically. Several sider the possible repercussions of their verdict. I a de¥th of information about any issues come tomind inthis case. The question raised certainly hope they did not, for it is not their job to areaotherthanLosAngeles,itmight ' in mymind isthat howcouldsomanypeoplefeel that consider how the publicwill react to their decision; be interesting to note that there is a the outcome was wrong ifit were correct. Ifso many people saw exactly they must however, reasonably and rationally arrive at their verdict. Ifthe telephone grapevine funneling in­ whatthejurysaw,theirdisgustwiththe v~rdict canbeexplainedbythefact jury were to convict an innocent man in order to pacify a community, it formation about the Pasadena area that they drawdifferent conclusions from the same evidence. Noperson is would be as incredible a wrong as the misuse of authority by the police to the student body. Rob Hanly is completely impartial; and the members ofthejury are notexempt.I am not officers, ifnot worse. I very much hope that the jurywas true to itself, for handling the information dissemi­ proposing mob rule, butI wonder, given that within the Los Angeles area ifnot, it has betrayed not only itself, but the citizens ofthis country. nationfor the graduate studentsand the entire trial wasbroadcastto the public, howcouldthepublicbewrong? Somethingseemswrong. Andwhile we all wishthattheviolence would Kim West is the locus ofinforma­ The broadcast of the trial did not prevent people from being tnisin­ stop, that the :fIres would beextinguished, that everyone could go home to tion for undergraduates. Through formed-some think that the jury was all white (it was not, one member sleep inpeace,we must realize that even iftheviolence stops, suppressed her, information is funneled to the was Asian, one was Hispanic), etc. Many informed people were also by the National Guard, the LAPD, the Sheriffs, and the citizens of Los RAs and thenthe HousePresidents. shockedbytheverdict.Asin any trial with racial overtones, I wonderwhat Angeles and its surrounding communities, the problem will not go away. Thewordfrom Hal Ginderis,"Stay the outcome would have been ifthe victim were white and the attackers Theproblem is notthe lootingandthe fires and the violence.These arebut inside and donotwander the streets were black. We know the trial was held in Simi Valley, a predominantly mere symptoms ofthe actual problem. The problem that stems from the and don't go north ofColorado." white community. The composition of the jury, even in the fairest of economicinequality in the United States.Theproblemthat stems from the Sgt. Stacey Koon----NOTGUILTY: people, must have an effect upon the outcome. racial. stereotypes and misunderstandings and hatred that persist from AsSllallt with a deadly weapon, What isdifferent inthistrial is notthat a white manbeatablackman and hundredsofyears ago. Unless all the citizensofthis country areconvinced Assault under color of authority, was acquitted, are present that officers ofthe law, who were white, beat a they are treated equally, the problem will notgo away. It has been saidthat Filing a false police report, Acces­ black man, and were acquitted. The specific charge against two of the the acquittal was a trigger for the expression offrustration building up for sory after the fact. officers was "assault/excessive force under color of authority." The the last twenty-five years. Ifwe do not actively change how minorities Officer Laurence Powell-NOT underlying implication of the acquittal of the officers, regardless of (which may soon be the majority) are treated, this will happen again, and GUILTY: Assault with a deadly whether or not it is correct, is that what we saw in the now famous thirty again, until something changes. weapon and enhancement (great secondsofamateurvideotape is acceptable. Itisyery easy to perceive that I hope for peace. I'mfrightened, I'm tired, I'mdisappointed. And I hope bodily injury), Filing a false police this could happen to anyone of us. I've heard people ask, "Ifthat is not that we, as a nation, realize what is really happening and take real steps to report. excessive force, then what is?" And I wonder the same myself. change. MISTRIAL: Assault undercolorof WhileI nowhave an understand­ authority and enhancement (there ing ofthe motivation for the rage, I was a hung jury, 8 not guilty to 4 still do not condone the violence it against). has spawned. Yet I have to wonder Officer Theodore Briseno-NOT what people are to think. One sim- COFFEEHOUSE MARATHON 1992 GUILTY: Assault with a deadly APRIL 30 THROUGH MAY 3, weapon, Assaultunder color ofau­ thority. Officer Timothy Wind-NOT ACADEMY GUILTY: Assault with a deadly BARBER SHOP GUEST WAITERS: weapon and enhancement, Assault CHRIS BRENNEN under color of authority and en­ 27 N. Catalina Ave., Pasadena RICH FAGEN hancement. Open Tues.-Sat., 7:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. COURTYARD DAVID WALES (818) 449-1681 SOUNDS KIM WEST MAY 2ND ROBERT COBB BLOSSOMS 'N' THINGS LIVE BAND: LEE REAVIS (TOTAL) More Than a Florist COLLR6E GINA & ELIZABETH REMEMBER TO FILL OUT THE 9-" PM ALBERT EINSTEIN GEORGE BUSH COMIC HE-MAN & SHE-RAH! SURVEY! 15% OFF AND MANY MORE! CORSAGES AND BOUTONNIERES FOR THE ASCIT FORMAL SCAVENGER HUNT FREE COFFEE WITH CALTECH ID DICE GAME 3 - 6 AM CEILING DARTS EVERY DAY! COIN COUNT 548 S. Lake Ave. SPUD TOSS Pasadena AND... NAME THE COFFEEHOUSE! (818) 792-1800 ~, EATING CONTESTS: Get Your Tux for the ASCIT Formal at STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER BASEMENT X-6929 FRI: NACHO CHEESE SAUCE


BLACKER SAT. , PM-3PM CENTER DABNEY SUN. 9PM -" PM FLEMING SUN 7PM - 9PM 250 S. Lake (818) 796-4651 LLOYD FRI. 9PM-" PM PAGE SAT. 3PM-5PM ALL THIS IN ONLY Ritz Tuxedos - $45 RICKETTS FRI "PM-' AM 77 HOURS! Designer Coats - $15 Off RUDDOCK SUN 3PM-SPM 4MAy 1, 1992 THETiCH continued from page 1 Capitol Steps Begin At Beckman Outward Bound Collage Performs at about themselves as they CaraStemen climbedGiants'Ladder-struggling Whisky A Go-Go just to keep from falling off the The Capitol Steps blasted thing! Together they had to The band will and "Travel on," songs recently bring musical political fight to reacheachrung,bouldering marketedona demotape andeasily satire to Beckman Au­ withfifty pounds ofgearweighting join two Caltech the crowd favorites. ditorium on Friday and them down. Itwas no walkthrough "War Song" featured Older on Saturday, May 1 and 2 the park. bands in S.A.C. lead vocals. His performance was at 8 p.m. The first two weekends of the well-receivedby thecrowd,butwas -Ibeirprogramwillbe term brought ten Techers together Brandon Bandhauser over-shadowed by the three-song selected from such for the experience of a lifetime. set of their earliest work. "Look pieces as "Leaderofthe Whether belaying one another for It didn't take long for the crowd Inside,"perfomeda capella,slowed PAC," "We Arm the rock climbing in the mountains of at the Whiskey A Go-Go to getinto the show down without dissipating World," "Dances with Collage's Tuesday night perfor­ Red Rock Canyon or cleaning up the .energy of the crowd, who re­ Wolf,""ReadMyFlips" mance. Just an accidental mention brokenglassas a serviceto thepark, acted as strongly to it as they did to and "Lirty Dies." of their name on stage was enough they learned to trust each other and the guitar duet of"Prejudice." "Pe­ The Capitol Steps are work as a team. to elicit cheers, screams, and yells nisEnvy,"asalwaysbroughtrounds a group of current and Ken and Cheryl were cool in­ from what is quickly becoming a of laughter and screams from the former Congressional very large and loyal following. structors. They taught the students audience, and allowed Recht to re­ staffers, who first began everything they needed to knowfor And the band didn't disappoint ally showcasehid understanding of performingtheirmuscial rock climbing. And they managed them. blues phrasings on the guitar. political satire as enter­ to gelwithnine Techers in different Neither did anything else. Therestofthebandrejoinedthem tainment for a Capitol classesfrom differenthousestoform From the time the opening bands on the newsong"BiteSizePieces," Hill office party. They The Capitol Stff3PS will perform in Beckman. a damn good team. What an expe­ stepped onto the stage, to the mo­ the only song played by them that have been performing rience! AsEdEtzkorn putitbest, "I ment Collage finished their encore, wasrelatively unknowntothe audi­ their song parodies for more than eight years and have recorded a to the final wails of the closing didn'tevengo,butitsoundedreally ence. The crowd, nonetheless, numbe ofalbums, including"Stand By Your Dan", "Workin' Nine to band-Whiskey Biscuit-the crowd neat." cheeredon, asthey didforthe better Ten" and "Sheik, Rattle and Roll."Tickest available at the Caltech But Outward Bound was notjust was treated to a smoothly-run, in­ known "I Remember Well." Ticket Office. some kind of religious experience, spired show. "I Miss the Rain," a song that nor was it like some weird combi­ The band fronted by the clear . Olderdedicated to a friend from his nation of boot camp and a huge vocals ofand guitar palyingofBen home town, was the only one ofthe Older and Rick Recht, played ex­ truly old tunes played by the entire Brahms'Requiem hug-fest.Theyclimbedsomerocks, tremely tight, working the groove slept with some rattlesnakes, and band. laid down by bassist Morgan Berlioz, Verdi, and Faure. Brahms got sunburned. They made some The set finished up with "Mr. DonCaldweU Spencely and drummer Sean Bar­ represents the major exception. good pasta sauce. The trip was a President" and "Dream Your Life rows with ease and showmanship. Brahms'Requiem , certainly one His Ein deutches Requiem has kick, even the tough parts. For all Away," songs that left the crowd Themusdicwaspunctuatedwellby of the great works in the choral been revered by all since its initial the desert sun, cactus needles, stillcheeringas thebandmade their literature ifnot in all music, will be performances in 1867 and was the mosquitoes in Red Rock, and other Brad Weber's rhythmic wailings way off the stage. So much so that performed by the combined forces workwhich really established the minor bits of japery, it was a fun ontheharmonica. WeberandRecht the master of ceremonies was were both clean and simple with ofthe CaltechMen'sGlee Cluband composer's reputation. Employing trip. Even belaying someone,being drowned out while he called Col­ the Mount Chorus from Mt. Saint texts taken from both the Old and readytocatch them ifthey fell, was their solos and embellishments, not lage back to the stage for an encore Mary's College at 4 PM Sunday New Testaments, the work has a quite an experience. disappointing the crowd that has - a lively rendition of "Love the afternoon, May 3 at the Pasadena curioushistory. Unlikethoseofmost The Caltech Y is planning on become used to the alternating soft One Your With." phrasingsandlongbendsofRecht's Presbyterian Church (on Colorado other composers, itwas not written sponsoringfuture excursionswhich The band was well supported by four blocks west of Lake); admis­ in memoryofaparticularindividual, will include five Techers and five guitar and to Weber's exclamatory their entourage - the people help­ sion is free. butratherevolvedin thecomposer's at-risk teens from local areas. We use of the harmonica. The effect ing them to market themselves and often drove the crowd to frenzied Next to the settings ofthe Catho­ ,mind over an eleven year period all might reallybenefitfrom getting the roadies who allowed for the screams, and most of the crowd lic Mass text, the Requiem is the which saw the death ofhis mentor, to know people from such different llIlticsofOlder, Recht andWeberto spent the majority of the evening oldest continuously composed mu­ Robert Schumann and also his backgrounds. Outward Bound was happen without any hassles on the sical form, having been used by mother. about halfway between hell and a swaying or tapping to the music. small stage. Theset, too, movedwell, starting composers from the fIfteenth cen­ The piece is the work of a man slumber party. Anyone want to go Inthe end, whatitcomesdown to off with fast regular beat of "Bu­ tury to the present day. There have who apparently drew much conso­ next year? is that these guys are tight, they're reaucracy"andmovingquickly into havingfun and theyhavean appeal­ beenoccasionaldeparturesfrom the lation from the words of the Holy the much more familiar "Don't ingenergythatleadsto agreatshow. Catholic liturgical model, using Writ but had no place in hislife for Wantto Seeso Clear,""LittleBird" Collagewill perform in the SAC textsofgreatvariety,fromscripture organized religion. It is significant courtyard with two Caltech bands, to the poetry of Nietzsche, though that Christ'sname isnowhere men­ from 9 to 11 p.m. The concertis an on the whole the most famous ex­ tioned in the text. Brahms claimed adjunct of the Coffehouse Mara­ amplesofthe form use the Catholic no individual applications, rather thon,whichisrunningthisweekend. text, e.g. the settiilgs by Mozart, he had 'the whole of humanity' in SERVING CALTECH mind. SINCE 1945 CLASSIFIED ADS Authorized Agents for Airlines; LOST- Crime & Incident Beat Hotels' and Steamships RajanRanga PAIR OF GLASSES (20/25) with black rims in a black case. Call (818) 577-4890 if you 4/16 The victim parked his have information. truck at the North Lura HELP WANTED- ParkiJig lot between 8:15 AMand 1:25 PM.During TOP INSTRUCTORS ONLY, please, Biology, this time, someone re­ chemistry, or physics. Grads, post-docs, moved the sliding glass or adjuncts with great evaluations, call for window from the rear of part-time or full-time teaching opportuni- the cab. ties. Hyperlearning (800) 843-4973. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP with tech- nical assistance and design of Art and Tech- nology GAS payload for US Space Shuttle. Contact Richard Clar, Art Technologies, (310) 276-5584 JOB OPPORTUNITIES- STUDENTS ­ NAVSYS, aconsulting company specializing in the Navstar/Global Positioning System GET $4.00 OFF (GPS), seeks an undergraduate for part- time work. This job has the potential for summer employment in beautiful Colorado WITH THIS AD and will provide hands-on experience with a variety of GPS equipment. For further Shampoo, Style Cut information, call (805) 523-2102 or ·'690 Ii. GRQEN ST. (719) 481-4877. MEN Reg. $20.00 NOW $16.00 PASADENA ADVERTISING SALES REPS wanted for (between EI·Molino &: (jaJi KnoU) small campus newspaper. Caltech students WOMEN Reg. $25.00 NOW $21.00 preferred. Will train! Call ext, 6154 today! ~,\,,!~ .'~~ ~ ~ ~ RATES, ,,.,,.$4,00 for first 30 words; ,, .10¢ for each additional word, 449-6967 ,:,:JlJJA: Send written ad with payment to 40-58, "rit~\,'" Deadline is 6 p,m., Monday before issue. 1009 E. COLORADO . PASADENA No charge for on-campus lost & found. Offer valid only Monday-Friday, expires June 30, 1992 THETiOCH MAy 1, 19925 ~------ENTERTAINMENr.F------1

(a unit for men with genius IQ's) The Germans become aware that and whose characters in the film Americans are in the area yet they Bridge Without SaID were inspired by the men he served choose not to fight. Rather they A Midnight with. The story takes place at taunt them by chanting at night JeffGoldsmith Christmas 1944 in the Ardennes "Schlafgut" (sleepwell).When the Clear Forest of France. Americans first encounterthe Ger­ The Right Stuff The story takes off as a half­ mans they find that they are merely Playing in a Victory Pointed Swiss team event, I had the luxury 12345678910 crazed, cowardly and dumb Major a rag tag ensemble of old men and ofhaving the event nearly locked up going into the last match. All Atthispointandtimeinour soci­ who malfunctions as the platoon young boys. This becomes a turn- we had to do is avoid getting blitzed. I pick up a likely swing hand: ety people have reached a stage of leader orders six of . heightened awareness that can be his most intelligent +KJ83 V'AKJ42 OA mostly attributedto Hollywoodand men to function as the movies. People no longer just forward observers I am dealer and have an easy 1V' opening bid. Partner responds want to see a phony story set on the behindenemylines. 1+, which in our methods promises a five card suit, and I have a silver screen and walk away with a Atthispointthefilm problem. + are going to be trump and a slam is definitely in the pleasantsmileontheirface. Todays takesona moresur­ picture. I need to getpartnerto help, though. I choose40, a splinter movie viewer wants to be shookby real quality as the raise showing four card support, a singleton diamond, and game" realism and drawn into the film. "sixmensetupcamp goingvalues. Normally, I do notlike to splinterintoa singletonAce This transition can not be better in. a mystical and because partnerevaluates his KQx asjunk, whereas here it isworth seen than in the way movies about beautiful chateau two tricks. On this hand, however, I do not see any sensible war have changed. Early war films set upon the gently alternative; whatI need are majorsuit cards in partners hand, not0, of the John Wayne genre always sloping hillsides so if he devalues 0 cards, that is just fine. glorified battle. War films now try covered in pure Partner thinks for at least 30seconds before making his next call, to teach us about loss. A Midnight white glistening snow. The splen­ ing point in the film. The men see and fail9 to Alert my bid as being conventional. I am not entitled to Qearis inkeepingwith the present dor of the setting prompts the star each other as people rather than the this information, but I still get nervous when partner fails to alert. trend. andnarratorofthefilmEthanHawke enemy. This film is about soldiers I knowthatisouragreement, though,soI'm notworried aboutit. He This film is mostly based on fact who plays Will Knott (or Won't as who try reach a peacebetween each tinally comes up with 4V'. from a 1982 novel written by Wil-· his friends are quick to call) to re­ other at Christmas while caught in Ifhe did notlike his hand for this auction, he wouldsign offat4+. liam Wharton who used his war mark, "I am having my same prob­ the brutal surroundings of war. Ifhe isstill interestedin slam, heshould cue-bid a control. Does he time experience as a soldier in the lem-noticing how pretty the world Most ofthe charm and quality of have a singleton V'? Ifso, how good is that? This partner has heard ArmySpecializedTrainingProgram is just when I may be leaving it." this movie lie within the actors mesay,"Yourfmtcue-bidisneverin partner'ssuit,"so,no, hedoes themselves. This film does not try nothavea singleton. What he has, instead, is a filler in mysuit, here to capturethe audiencewith special clearlytheV'Q. Hethinksthatitmightbeausefulcard,andheisvery effectsorhightechfilm techniques. right. Normally, he will haveQJx orso to show a filler, so why did Itis filmed simply and plainly butit he notraise V's immediately? His+mustbe goodenough to want to draws the viewer into the story by find a spade fit. Ifso, we surely have a slam. Ifhe has five+ to the the beautiful backdrop and the in­ AQ and the V'Q, plus at least two 0,we have 13 tricks at+ infive+, spired empathy towards the actors. five V's, two Aces, and a ruff in the short hand. How can I find out? The six Americans in the Special­ We play Roman Key Card Blackwood, so I can ask about the Ace ized Unit were a young noble ser­ and Queen oftrump, but I am going to bid a small slam at least, so geant Ethan Hawke (Will Knott), a I just trot out the Grand Slam Force (5NT,) asking partner to bid shell shocked soldier Gary Sinise sevenwithtwoofthe topthreehonorsintrumps. + areclearlytrumps, (Mother), a Jew Arye Gross (Stan so it ought to work. " Shutzer), a wise and skilled GI By the way, a generalization ofthe maxim that the first cue-bid is Kevin Dillon (Mel Avakian), a notin partner'ssuitis,"Yourfirst cue-bidcannotbein a suitthat can failed seminarian Frank Whaley possibly be trumps." Therefore, it is imperative to unambiguously ?' (Father) and a fake officer Peter set trumps in slam auctions so that partner can cue-bid in as many ~ Berg. The film attempts toshowthe suits as possible. '------...,,~ viewerthe stupidity and injustice of Gene was less than impressed Partner obligingly responds 6NT, showing two of the top three with his partner's trump support. war and it succeeds. honors, inthis casethe AQ. (The normalversion ofthe Grand Slam Force uses sevenofthe trump suit show two ofthe topthree honors, butwe use 6NTinorder"to be able to use the GSFtofmd the higher scoring slam at matchpoints.) On this hand, I shall bid a grand, but first, might itbe safer in notrump? We will need a minor suit King from his hand to make 7NT. He cannot have one since I already COURTYARD SOUNDS knoweight points inhishand (+AQ,V'Q,) so 7+ mustbebest. That PRESENTS is my choice, and it turns out to be cold. Partner held:

+AQ9742 V'Q53 042

The Caltech Bridge" meets every Monday night at 7:15 in the Red Door Cafe and holds lessons for new players every Tuesday night in 72Jorgenson Hall at 8:15. Everybody is welcome; call Jeff coLLAGE Goldsmith at x2818 for details. Thisterm, the lessonserieswillbecovering"intermediatetopics" and will be taught by expertguest lecturers. Everyone is welcome.


May 2,1992

9:00·11 :00 pm

SAC Courtyard (next to the Coffeehouse) MANDARIN CUISINE AND SEAFOOD WNCH SPECIAL Featuring also: C~oice of 13 entrees 425 11 11.30 a.m.-3 p.m. from -The Famous Coffeehouse EARLY BIRD DINNER SPECIAL ) Marathon -2 [alteth Bands Choose from 13 items 575 3-7 p.m. DAILY ONLY CLASSIC DINNERS f1~ 1;\vo-StarAward Winner Sunday-Thursday 3-10 p.m. by the Southern California Friday-Saturday 3-10:30 p.m. Restaurants Association Between J,ltiJdena Dr. & Sierra Madre Blvd. 2475 EAST COLORADO BLVD., PASADENA FOR RESERVATIONS: (818) 449-8018 Open 7 Days • Cocktail Lounge • Food To Go Orders Welcome. Free Parking in Rear ~~:~~~~::::Jb~~ 6MAy 1, 1992 THETiCH Interhouse Committee Minutes Seniors Only Karen Ross ion similar to the fall lottery. A sofew that they willmostlikely get personwho chooses a South Hovse housing. Present: Paquito (pa), Rich (Fl), space isjustchoosinga hOUse, not a Kim and David left at 10:35 PM. Jonathan N. Lifjeblad Joanna (Ri), Kate (Bl), Rob (Ll), room. Rooms will be assigned a MJUorrevisions to the petpolicy AU (Da), Ed (Ru), Pablo room according to that Hovse's are needed. The IHC will go over On King, his Trial, and Emotion Thienprasit, Stanley Grant, David summer roompick. Squatting and the policy with Nancy Carlton be­ I suppose there really isn't much to say about what's been going on Wales (MOSH), Kim West (DRL), settling will be allowed according fore it is put into effect. the past few days-the facts ofthe case and the results of the verdicts Ben, and me. to each Hovse's normal policy. At the dinner/meeting at the have been made plain. Not guilty on all counts except one, for which The meeting started at 9:00 PM. North Hovse people will pick with MOSH's House Wednesday night there was a mistrial. All four officers cleared of charges, except Duringprefroshweekend,several their class. Thecurrentoff-campus C-Hall, the Women's Center, Rob Powell's "questionable use of excessive force." King lost. They won. groups set offthe motion detectors .affiliated assignments will remain Cobb'sposition, and the RA selec­ Simple as that. in thestearn tunnelsandwerecaught ineffectoverthesummer, although tion process were discussed. Ev­ Toprotectand to serve... be security. Ben warned people to Rickettsmighttake290S.Holliston eryone agrees that such meetings As expected, therewereriots and therewas anarchy. Despite thebest be more careful. (ifthecurrentresidentsagree) since are helpful and wants to have them efforts of the 7 ministers of the coalition, the citizens of several .Pablo tookdownnamesofpeople theyarelosingFrameHouseinJune. more often. Joint IHC-ASCIT communitieswent on a rampage. As always, the voices ofreason were from eachHovsetobeontheASCIT In off-campus unaffiliated spaces, meetingsweresuggestedto discuss lost in the wilderness. Violence, as it has always been, engulfed peace, Excomm, which is responsible for settling will take priority over issues that concern the whole cam­ and rage eclipsed reason. settling any conflicts arising from squatting. A fund to coverdamages. pus, such as the Women's Center. Stop the violence. Increase the peace... the ASCIT by-laws. Pablo left at in the South Hovses over the sum­ Joanna expressed concern over Inonecrowdit is a peoplethingversus a LAPDthing. Insouth-central 9:10PM. mer was suggested. insects in the meeting room. Los Angeles, it is a black versus a white thing. Somewhere else, it is a The following plan was adopted 'The minority house issue is still Students returning from leave in power thing-between those whohave it and those who feel they have to deal with summer housing: not settled There are cases in the the fall who must go before UASH lost it. Incomeplaces,itisnothingmOre thantheventingofdespairand South Hovsepeopleareguaranteed pastinwhichminority groups have are not guaranteed housing. Ac­ anger. a spot in their own Hovse for the requestedhousingandbeenrefused cording to Dean Brennen this has There are those who believe that Kingwas a criminal who got what summer. Remainingspaceswillbe Itwas suggested that a club or cul­ always been the case. The IHC hedeserved.Therearethosewhobelievethat Kingwasa personabused available to North Hovse people, ture center, perhaps incorporated would like the policy changed so because he was a black man speeding away from the police. although some spaces will be left withtheWomen'sCenter, mightbe that people who are reinstated by Equal before the law..• empty sothatkitchens are notover­ a bettersolutionto the problem that UASHareguaranteedaroom. They There was no surprise, really. You could see that the only things the crowded The available spaceswill separatehousing. Eddy Grado will would not be assigned a space until juryreallyhadtolistentoweretheofficersinquestionandthevideotape be put into a lottery together with. be invited to the next meeting to after UASH meets and they know in particular. From the questioning, you could tell there was a slight theoff-eampusspaces. NorthHovse discuss the issue further. they can register. focus on the defendant's position. Judging from the ruling, you could peoplewhowanttoliveintheSouth Kim saidthat the fewpeoplewho BDR and the Page Holly party see that the jury followed what reasoning they could with what they Hovses and anyone who wants to turned in fall lottery cards late will are this weekend Come and hear had..And what they had was not from the testimony of Rodney King. liveoff-campusmustsignupforthe be putonthe endofthewaitinglist. Ken(BlackerRA)'sbandatBDR! Ain't no sunshine, anytime... lottery. Numbers will be assigned These people are technically not The meeting ended at 11:55 PM. Citizenship dictates that we as a populationmust in some way have andspaceswillbe chosenin a fash- guaranteed housing, but there are respect for the law, that we as a people must abide by the common precepts indicated by the notions ofcitizenship. This extends to non­ violentactionandtorational expressionofouropinionsovertheactions of the courts. This means that we understand the proper channels ASCIT Minutes 4/28/92 necessarily maintained for law and order. Unfortunately,I don'tthinkthatthosepeopleriotinginthestreetssee Korhan Giirlcan and Stanley Grant (Ru). but, Jennifer wants to help next themselves as citizens anymore. The AScrr Formal is on May year's Totem Editors. All I see is that a man who was speeding was chased down by the Presentare the BOD, EricStout, 8, 1992. So far, 55 couples have Phone System: Ben brings a police, who then told him to lie down on the ground and then beat him Sam Webb,. Jill Bush, Jennifer signed up. Ifyou still want to go to proposalforanundergraduatephone with everything they had. Granted he had a criminal record, but that Miller,JingTyingChao,JoeJensen, the formal, then you need to find system by Walker Aumann. The does notjustify thathebebeatenfor speeding. Theofficers claimedthat Pablo Thienprasit, 0, Mike Oder; Derek. systemiscompletely designed.The they beat him out offear for theirlives---get real, people, there were at Christopher Orth, Gavin Oaypool. Tanning Invitational: Joe total cost will be about $20,000. least4officersthere(actually more)andyou'retellingmethatyouwere Appointed Offices: Signups for Jensenbrings a budgetproposal for According to Walker, it can pass afraid of one man on the ground being beaten by the 4 ofyou? Being Big T Business Manager, Little t the Tanning Invitational at 150 S. FCC regulations. Walker will con­ beaten with everything you had... Business Manager, Little t Editor Chester.Itwill be on May 16.They tact us later. They beat him. They beat him like they would beat an animal. and Publications Darkroom Chair­ are asking for $500 from ASCIT. MikewantsinputontheWomen's Reading their reports, they did not see him as a man but as something man are closed. The interviews for However, since the CaltechY gave Center since he will attend the sub-human.Theybeathim sohard. My God,theybeathimlikesavages. these offices will be next Tuesday them $200 less than their request., Faculty Board Meeting. And they say that his head injuries were caused by "encounters with right after the BOD meeting. they would appreciate it ifwe give Jill wants info on the argument the ground." Signups for BigT Editor and Cof­ them more. The BOD decides to about funding the ASCIT Movies. Whatever, man, whatever. feehouse UsersGroupRepsare still givethem$700from thesocialbud­ She is supposed to write an article I am very confused over the issue. There is the law, and there is the open. The interviews for some of get. for The Tech. The BOD does not court. But this case has ramifications above a ruling decl~g 4 men the offices were held tonight and AScrr Van: Eric Stout brings understand the point of the article. innocent. The verdict given by thejury threw the trial into the political the BOD appointed the following: an orderform for the van. The total Caltech Y picks up the $450, and emotional realm. As said, ''Don't you understand? (Congrats!) cost will be $2OK. He needs $100 which was approved last week, for Youjustf--witha timebomb."Theruling onthese4 meninfluences Election Chairman,Ewald deposit to order the van. The BOD broomball. theimageandstatureoftheirpolicedepartment--howeverpeopleview Hueffmeier; CaliforniaTech Busi­ approves (8-0-0). Salaries of the Tech editors and them, they will also view all officers. ness Manager - Khurram Dastgir­ SWE: Jingsubmitsa budgetpro­ the Tech Business Manager for is­ And so what do you think happens when people have no respect for Khan; Totem Editors - Michael posal for Society of Women Engi­ sues 23 and 24 are approved (8-0­ their police? Oemens,ChiefEditor; Lucy Chen, neers (SWE). The BOD decides to' 0). So much...rage... Assistant Editor; zackaryBerger, give them $300 (5-1-1). H you want a copy ofthe ASCIT But the ministers are right. Peace is the only not destroy Assistant Editor Totem: Jennifer Miller reports Minutes or if you are getting the&e yourselves or your communities-as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ExecutiveCommittee:Pablohas on Totem 1992. She put notices minutesbut, you don't wanta copy, '''There is a moral and spiritual battle that must be fought as welL" a committee and needs approval. aroundfirst term. But, lastterm she pleasecontact me, Korhan Giirkan, I know one thing. IfI'd been pulled out ofmy car and ordered onto The BOD approves (6-0-2). The was on leave. There was some lack Page Rm.209, 405-0475, Box 565.. the ground while everybody around me was beating me with "their members of ASCIT Executive ofcommunicationbetween herand ,~,it\ batons, I would havemade every effort tostand up.Itwouldhavebeen Committee are Paul "Pablo" .herco-editor;JeffFoust.Thewhole CCN'4l",'t • futile, and it would have done nothing to help. But Jesus Christ in re~ ~ Thienprasit (Chair), Gary Olsen thing never started going. They .e"·.... •• Heaven, ifI was going to be beaten like he was,·I'd have rather been (HI), JonLange (Oa), Forrest Long ceived very few entries.. So, the fre•. beaten as a man, not like some animal. On your knees, standing up, (Fl), Audra Meng (Ll), Charles Totem will not come out this year whatever, looking at your punishers in the face, not with your nose to Halloran (pa), Steven Fought (Ri) the ground and hands cuffed to some rope. Y~, King did not follow orders to lie down. Yes, he tried to stand when told not too. But better than beingbeaten as something less than -.n.~ ~ human. Even after he did lay down, they kept beating 1Pm, because he Ii) t1 Mfi did not keep his arms still. SUN TUNG LOX RESTAURANT To protect and to serve. Stop the violence. Increase the peace. .3 Master Chef Specialities

DIM SUM, SZECHUAUN, CANTONESE, SEAFOOD rr-_..__...... ~'_...... _-_....._ ....,--,...... _ ....,- Dim Sum Lunch Daily 11 am-3 pm Special Dinner $5.75 I LORENZO'S BARBER SHOP I m " Ask for Your I OPEN 4:30 ~ 7:30 pm Dine-In or Take-Out U Unisex Hairstyling Caltech Student Discount! CJ'imeJ Regular Cut (men) $ goo $1 off I\ilg 7 DAYS 400 S. ARROYO PARKWAY I I on Gue'l. I Regular Cut (women) $ goo $1 off I RESALE CLOTHING llAM-llPM Between California and Del Mar I Style Cut $1200 $2 off I for FREE PARKING I Permanent Wave $40°0 $5 off I WOMEN 584-6719 1136 E. Green St. • Pasadena I 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Saturday (818) 795-5443 I ( VISA) 584-6720 • INPASADENA (818) 796-9924 INN LOT L14 N.~:~=~=~ ~~~~:~~~ Wed 10-6 • Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-3 THETiCH MAy 1,19927 Caltech Chemistry Ranked YNEWS Number One Worldwide Philip Cofield outside view If you're still on campus, you're RobertFinn ence Watch identified 65 papers by Khurram Dastgir-Khan Caltechscientiststhatwere cited50 missingnot only one, but two excit­ The Philadelphia- based Institute times or more by the end of 1991. ingY trips. Thismorningweleft on Thoughts About Science At Caltech for Scientific Information (lSI) has That's 7.4% of its total output of amountainbikingtrip, andlastnight ranked the California Institute of 873. Only 2,127 of the total people went to Tijuana again. Did Caltech, supposedly, is a place full of people who care passion­ Technology number one in the 3777,790 papers surveyed were you know the Y has been sponsor­ ately about science. Or is it? Most of my colleagues are highly world for the impact ofits research cited50timesormore,whichisjust ing volunteer trips to build a com­ intelligent but apparently not very passionate. Can I draw the con­ inchemistry. Therankingwasbased 0.6%ofthetotal. Theconcentration munity center in Tijuana? Well, clusion that intelligence and passion do not go together? on a citation analysis of 377,790 . ofexcellenceinchemistryatCaltech there are still at least two more so That indeed is the conventional image; rational, scientific thought scientific articles published in the is clear. you can still sign up to go. By the is detached and unemotional. Just the bare facts, please. But science field of chemistry between 1984 "Several researchers helped way, Moeen just said the volunteer would have made little progress had there been no passion. Thomas and 1990. The "impact" of an ar­ Caltech achieve itsstellarranking," trip to the Foodbank lastweekend Kuhn has shown, convincingly in my view, that science progresses ticleisdeterminedbythenumberof thearticlecontinues."OneisAhmed was a success. as much-ifnot more-by subjective decisions asby rational thought. times that article has been referred H. Zehwail, a pioneer in ultrafast, Next week, for your listening Perhaps the students are removed from the crucial scientific deci­ to in other scientific papers. Ac­ orfemtosecondchemistry.Histeam enjoyment, we will have two noon sions, and thusjustsee themselves aspatientworkerswho haveto get cording to lSI, the 377,790 papers fielded fully 21 of the 65 papers concerts outside Winnett. Thurs­ through the next lab. We are back atthe side of"cold philosophy." received a total of 2,012,150 cita­ cited 50 times or more...Other day will feature the Jazz Band, and I admit that it is hard to get really excited about the undergraduate tions,foranaverageof5.33citations Caltech superstars-those who Friday Dionysus (sorry if I mis­ curriculum. Mostly it is a nuisance; legwork that has to be done, perpaper. The Caltechaveragewas fielded at least a half dozen papers spelled that) will play. The great ·basics that have to be mastered before one can get to the really much higher. The 873 Caltech cited 50 times or more during the music should get you in the perfect interesting stuff. Such stuffis, however, not likely to appear before chemistry papers published during 1984-1990 - are Harry Gray (8 pa­ mood for Boffo BonecruSher senior year, or in most cases, before graduate school. So should that time were cited and average of pers), Rudolph Marcus (7 papers), Broomball on Saturday. If you academics remain bleak for freshmen, sophomores and juniors? 18.44 times each. and William A Goddard (6 pa­ haven't entered a team yet, you No. Academics should not be bleak. I am moving towards a topic lSI'sanalysis appears in the Feb­ pers)." probablyshoulddo thatreally soon. that I have discussed before; science education does not have the ruarylMarch 1992 issue ofScience Over the years, 21 Nobel prizes Backtracking a bit, the first sense of adventure anymore. I believe, some will say naively, that Watch, a newsletter that tracks have been awarded to Caltech fac­ meeting for the Y Hikewill be next with proper teaching, every science course can be turned into an trends and performances in basic ulty members and alumni. Thirty­ Tuesday at noon because we didn't adventure ofdiscovery. Even AMa 95. research. Accordingto the article (a six Caltech faculty members and tell anyone that it was actually last Science, by definition, isprofound because itisnot concernedwith copy of which is attached), "Mea­ alumni have received the National Tuesday. Thanks to those who appearances, it is concerned withwhat is behind the appearances. To suring the impact of a university's Medal ofScience, and four alumni showed up anyway. Ifyou want to learn how somethingworks is to learn something profound. So here chemistry output by its average ci­ andonetrusteehaveonthe National go on next year's Hike and corrupt is my gripe with my illustrious alma mater. Itis not showing me the tations per paper permits one to Medal ofTechnology. Since 1958, frosh even before Frosh Camp profundity behind the science. Harking back to AMa 95, to take the compare a large university with 12 faculty members have received UCC's get to them, come on Tues­ extreme example, I have lately come to realize that Cauchy Integral smaller one." the annual California Scientist of day. Theoremismathematicsatoneofitselegantpeaks. But I neverfound "I am delighted that an objective the Year award. On the Caltech Forthoseofyouabletoplanfarin .that out in the lecture. rankingconfirmssomethingthatwe faculty are 64 fellows of the advance, the week after next will At Caltech, students are shown the processes and how they work, have believed for some time - re­ American Academy of Arts and feature a Whiffle Ball competition but they are rarely shown how the processes come together to search in chemistry at Caltech is Sciences, and on the faculty, Board onWednesday andtheInternational functionassomethingwhole, somethingbeautiful. IfCaltechstudents secondtonone,"saidFredC.Anson, of Trustees, and professional staff Day bonanza on Friday. If you do not appear passionate about science, it is perhaps because they professorofchemistryandchairman thereare 67 membersoftheNational want to know anything else, espe­ cannot see its beauty. Strangely, it seems what is true ofromance is of the Division of Chemistry and . Academy of Sciences and 34 cially stuff regarding Y activities, also true ofscience; let there be beauty, and passion will follow. Chemical Engineering. "It is grati­ membersinthe National Academy stop by the second floor ofWinnett fying to see that the articles pub­ of Engineering (NAB). There are or call x 6163. lished by Caltech chemists are also more than 100Caltech alumni widely read and have had great who are members of the NAB, impact composing 7 percent of the total Pasadena Computer Center According to the article, "Sci- membership. Now TWO locations to serve you! Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 1756 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena Phone: (818) 568-1088 FAX: (818) 568-9132 11737 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles Phone: (310) 575-4028 FAX: (310) 575·3831

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NOTICES CaltechY ExcommMeetingwillbeheldin Commisar (Soviet Union, 1967/68 GE CorporateR&D is seeking graduating The Society of Women Engineers an­ the Wes Hershey lounge of the Winnett Askoldov)will sqeen at 7:30p.m. onTues­ seniors to apply for a Research Analyst/ nounces its 1992-93 Freshman and Reentry Pny for Los Angeles - Come join us for Center on Monday at noon. The Y invites day, May 5, in Baxter Lecture Hall. This Associatepositioninvolvingromputer-based Scholarship Programs. This year they are {lfayer today at 7:00 in Winnett Oubroom 1 anyone who wish to rosponsor an event to innovative and daring work will screen at financial modeling. seeking applicants for seven scholarships (upstairs from the bookstore). Everyone is attend on the first orthird Monday ofevery 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, in Baxter totaling $8,500. Applications including welrome. Sponsored by CCF. month. Lecture Hall. This innovative and daring Columbia Business Schoolls offering the supportive materials, must be postmarked workwasbannedand then later heralded as Chazen Fellowship for rollege seniors who on or before May 15,1992 Grads Apply For 92-93 Housing Now - IntemationalFolkDance-Cinrode Mayo a "lost" masterpiece. The story is set during plan a career in international business. An Graduate student housing applications for folkdance featuringtheMerakBandplaying the 1922CivilWarbetweentheRedsand the application can be obtained by calling(212) The CaliforniaCouncilofCivil Engineers the 1992-93 year are now available at the Balkan Gypsy music. Admission is free. Whites. 854-5567. and Land Surveyors will award several housing office. Rooms are allocated by lot- Folk dancing lessons begin at 7:30 on $2,ooscholarshipsfor the 1992-93academic tery. Theapplieationdeadline is Friday, May Tuesday, May 5. For more information call Paris Ainbow 1987 - The Caltech Student We sometimes get requests for students to year. Scholarships are available to upper 1, 1992 For more information call Linda Michael McKenna (818)401-1557. Branch of the American Institute of Aero­ do translations and language tutoring. H division undergraduates and graduate stu­ OIappell at x6178. nautics and Astronautics invites the Caltech you'reinterested in getting paid to do these, dents who are rontinuing their education in Caltech Medlenl Renaissance Society rommunitytoenjoytheAviationWeekvideo sign-up with Carol in the CDC. She will the field of civil engineering and land sur­ ME-72 Preregistr8tion-The ME-72 pre- Meeting- The society is gathering to plan of the 1987 Paris Airshow. Come see the keep your name on file, and when a request veying. Scholarship recipients shall be US registration for fall term 1992 will NOTbe theirMay 16tournament. InWinnett lounge French Rafale, British EAP, Israeli "Super romes in, she'll try to rontact you. We have citizens witha minimum GPAof3.5 in civil on a first-come/first-servedbasis. Each pre- at 7 p.m., Wednesday. For further informa- PhantomW F4, and theF-16and F-18 fighters a specificrequestfrom XEROXinPasadena engineering and land surveying rourses and registrant will be asked to fill out a ques- ., tion call Allison Johnson at 584-3828. in flight demonstrations. in room 306 fro a brief Arabic translation. Stop by the aminimumoverall GPAof3.2Deadlinefor tionnaire, and the responses will be used to Firestone at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May CDC for more information. application is May 31, 1992. determine who is eligible to take the class. Caltech Y Volunteer Trip to Tijuana, 6. Refreshments will be served. For more (At this time it is my intent to have these departs from the Caltech Y at 3:30 p.m. on information call Andrew Fung at (818)449­ SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS Two new scholarships are being offered by questionnaires available at the registrar's Thursday, May 7. Students will participate 4380 or e-mail [email protected]. Bolla Italian Wines and the National office during pre-registration week). A list in the ronstruction ofa rommunity center in The Financial Aid Office has applications Italian American Foundation. The ofeligibleclassparticipantswillbepostedin ronjimction with the YMCA de Baja Cali­ The Men's _dWomeo's Glee Clubs will and/or information for the following schol­ scholarships, each in the amount of$5,000, Thomas at the end of the pre-registration fornia. Signupfor the May 7 or 10trips. For present their annual Spring Concert on arships. Forarompletelistofallscholarships will focus on diverse areas of International period. further information call Chris SUnderherg, Friday and Saturday, May 15 and 16at 8:00 checkthebulletinboardnexttothebookstore Studieswith anemphasisonItalianBusiness ext.6163. p.m. in Dabney Lounge. The Men's Glee or check the bulletin board in the Financial andItalian-American History. Applications Student Investment Fund (SIF) The SIF C1ubwillperformmovementsfrom Maurice Aid Office. All qualified students are en­ canbeofany nationality,and mustbeatleast Durufle's "Messe Cum Jubilow and Carl 21 years of age upon the awarding of the now meets every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in Puadena Needs You! - Be a volunteer, w rouraged to apply. Our office is located at Oub Room Ifl ofWinnett. Members ofthe after-school tutor in tbe Pasadena School Orff's "Carmina Burana . The Women's 515 S. Wilson, serond floor. scholarship, and have a 3.0 GPA The Caltech rommunity arewelromedto attend System. It takes just one hour a week. Sign Glee Club will reprise their Boston tour deadlinefor theapplicationis May 31, 1992. The SIFhas established an award, $500, to upat the Caltech Y orcallRiki at 356-9258. repertoire, includIDg works by Handel, MeritAwards for 1992-93 - Each year, the promote outstanding research in finance. Debussy, Korte, andMatthias.The gleeclubs Scholarships and Financial Aid Committee The Federal Employee Educational As­ Selectiontakesplaceonthebasisofaresearch FortunetellingatCaltech-well,sorts.Tarot willjoin fon:es to presentthe everdelightful awards a number of Merit Awards to the .sistance Fund has $8,000,000 to loan and report. The SIFwill disburse up to $4000 to card classes (hosted by Poetry Workshop). love songs of Brahms, "Liebeslieder mostacademicallytalented oftheInstitute's $320,000 in scholarships for the 1992-93 otherclubsandorganizations.Proposalf