The Culture of around the world

1. Which country has KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) for dinner on Christmas?

2. Which country dresses their trees in spider webs for Christmas?

3. La is a character that goes around in Italy on Day. Describe who a La Befana is and what she does on Epiphany Day.

4. Every morning between 16 – December 25, this country, closes off its roads to cars and trucks as only people on roller skates are allowed on their way to church.

5. Which country celebrates with a Cat (Jolakotturinn)? What do they believe the Yule Cat (Jolakotturinn) does?

6. What country has plum pudding (aka )? It can last for up to a year.

7. Which country symbolizes Christmas with a straw as their main decoration?

8. A few Christians are still in this country. They will light a fire made of dried thorns outside their house. The future of the family's house for the coming year depends upon the way the fire burns. If the thorns burn to ashes, the family will have good fortune. When the fire is reduced to ashes, everyone jumps over the ashes three times and makes a wish. Which country is this?

9. Throughout history, this country believed that witches come out on to look for brooms to ride. Women in this country still hide all the brooms in their houses to avoid witches.

10. Which country has a tradition where everyone eats rice budding. The goal is to find an almond in your rice budding. What country and what happens if you find the almond?

11. In which country do they have Krampus Night. Krampus is Santa’s evil twin whose job is to punish all the children who have misbehaved.

12. On Christmas Eve, may ride a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer over North America, but during the night he frequently switches modes of transportation. Santa rides a ______in Australia, he a ______in Hawaii, he rides a______in the Netherlands, he travels by a ______in Switzerland, and he is dropped from heaven on a ______into the Czech Republic.

13. Each year teams of Santa Clauses from all around the world come to this country to compete for who is the best Santa. They chimney climb, snowball fight, sledge race, donkey Trek, and Santa ski – in the hope of capturing the title “Santa Claus World Champion.”

14. Which country decorates banana or mango trees for Christmas?

15. 80% of this country celebrates Christmas, but they do it a little different. Children will leave their brightly polished shoes and freshly washed socks on the window sills for the Three Kings to leave gifts in when they pass through their houses at night.

In our country:

16. In 1902 which US president banned cutting down Christmas trees, since he said it was deforestation.