KLP Annual Report 2012 Key Figures 2012 Development Over the Last 5 Years
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KLP annual report 2012 Key figures 2012 Development over the last 5 years NOK millions KLP Group 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income 1 002 653 515 776 348 Total assets 331 783 291 784 271 736 258 549 205 264 Owners' equity 13 547 12 064 10 749 9 721 8 429 Capital adequacy ratio 10,3 % 10,9 % 11,5 % 12,0 % 13,5 % Number of employees 808 775 762 741 683 Kommunal Landspensjonskasse 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income 775 705 563 738 397 Premium income (without premium reserves transferred in) 27 477 21 641 20 291 18 583 21 993 Net transfers in/out of premium reserves and other funds 1 401 -199 -1 335 -1 784 -2 707 Income to customers 5 455 3 594 4 651 6 636 -1 802 In 2012 KLP hosted an internal photo contest where the staff were to visualize one of KLP’s values. of which supplementary reserves - 2 143 2 070 4 211 -3 705 of which to premium fund 2 365 1 451 2 581 2 425 1 903 Open, Clear, Responsible and Committed. Olav Storm, photographer, was head of the jury. Insurance funds 275 843 243 439 227 533 204 486 180 076 We present some of the contributions in this annual report. Total assets 299 671 261 746 244 194 223 863 201 896 Owners' equity 13 390 11 941 10 647 9 642 8 437 Solvency capital 44 132 36 190 33 338 25 329 17 882 Solvency capital measured against insurance funds with interest guarantee 17,4 % 16,0 % 15,9 % 13,1 % 9,9 % Capital adequacy ratio 10,6 % 11,5 % 12,0 % 12,6 % 14,6 % Solvency margin ratio 233,2 % 243,5 % 230,6 % 221,5 % 195,5 % Return on the common portfolio: 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % - book return 5,0 % 4,5 % 5,1 % 6,4 % 1,0 % - value-adjusted return 6,7 % 3,2 % 7,5 % 7,7 % -3,0 % - value-adjusted return including VAT on assets recognized at amortized cost 7,5 % 3,9 % 7,4 % 7,6 % -1,7 % Return investment options portfolio 7,5 % 2,2 % 8,6 % 9,2 % n/a Insurance-related administration costs measured against average customer funds 0,32 % 0,34 % 0,34 % 0,33 % 0,36 % Number of premium-paying members 316 298 309 333 304 985 304 651 299 408 Number of pensioners 182 562 172 272 163 701 155 306 149 833 Number of employees 477 460 449 427 407 KLP Bedriftspensjon AS 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income -25 -24 -17 -13 -10 Premium income (without premium reserves transferred in) 126 93 52 25 24 Net inward/outward transfer of premium reserves 216 182 89 21 32 Income to customers 15 16 10 12 11 PHOTO ANDERS EIDSNES PHOTO SVEIN MAGNE FURULUND Total assets 1 317 904 614 436 360 Capital adequacy ratio 9,6 % 13,9 % 19,6 % 18,9 % 21,7 % KLP Skadeforsikring AS 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income 106 25 70 217 35 Annual premium 750 650 631 609 574 Combined ratio 107,8 % 118,1 % 121,9 % 95,5 % 97,3 % Capital adequacy ratio 34,1 % 31,8 % 32,0 % 33,6 % 39,3 % KLP Banken Konsern 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income 83 -62 36 -39 n/a Deposits 2 946 1 840 1 026 36 n/a Lending 21 875 28 416 26 320 33 097 n/a Capital adequacy ratio 20,1 % 14,4 % 26,7 % 113,0 % n/a KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS and KLP Fondsforvaltning AS 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Pre-tax income 21 26 19 12 63 Assets for management in total 252 037 215 915 196 046 176 609 160 192 Assets for management from external customers 21 153 13 650 14 132 11 343 7 580 Contents Key figures see cover Solid result for the year for KLP 5 Important events in i 2012 6 This is KLP 11 KLP pensions and life insurance 17 Non-life insuranse 20 Asset and Fund management 22 Property 24 Banking and municipal lending 26 Corporate governance 28 Annual report of the Board of Directors for 2012 37 Group Accounts Income statement 53 Financial position statement 54-55 Schedule of changes in owners equity 56 Statement of cash flows 57 Notes Group 58–108 COVER PHOTO ANNE WESTAD PHOTO ELI BLEIE MUNKELIEN Non-financial Accounts 114 Audit report, non-financial Accounts 117 Accounts KLP Income statement 122-123 Financial position statement 124-125 Schedule of changes in owners equity 126 Statement of cash flows 127 Notes KLP 128-192 Audit report 196 Declarations 199-203 Elected representatives 204 4 annUAL RepORT 2012 5 Solid result for the year for KLP KLP delivers good results for 2012. The Company is demonstrating good returns, low costs and a large inflow of new customers. We are delighted that, for the fourth consecutive year, KLP has the best value-adjusted return of the companies competing in the public sector occupational pensions market. Notwithstanding sometimes uneasy financial markets and low inte- which the securities adjustment fund represented NOK 9.3 billion. rest rates, KLP can point to a good return for 2012. Value-adjusted The Company’s solvency is strong in relation to the requirements and book returns for 2012 ended at 6.7 per cent and 5.0 per cent of the authorities. respectively. Shares, short-term bonds and property are the most important contributors to the good return. The expected longevity of the population is increasing. This means that pensions will be paid out over longer periods and entails a need KLP did extremely well in last autumn’s public sector occupational to strengthen the premium reserve. From 2012 we will therefore pension competitive tendering rounds. From New Year, KLP has set aside NOK 3.0 billion to strengthen these reserves at the same gained 14 new local government customers. In addition the three time as we transfer NOK 2.3 billion to our customers’ premium fund. KLP local government administrations that went out to tender chose to continue their customer relationship with the Company. From Taking corporate social responsibility is an important part of KLP’s the New Year KLP will thus gain a net inflow of customer assets identity. Increased market share and increased pension funds to of almost NOK 6 billion and 28,000 new members of the pension be managed are also accompanied by increased responsibility. In scheme. This is KLP’s best transfer result for several decades, and 2013 it is 10 years since KLP signed the UN Global Compact, as a recognition of KLP as a competitive and cost-effective pension a universal standard for corporate social responsibility. We shall provider. continue to work to protect human rights, employee rights and the environment, as well as against corruption. All business areas are showing good growth and good results. It is particularly pleasing to see that so many of our owners’ employees We shall be our owners’ best partner for the days to come. There- have become customers in banking and non-life insurance, and that fore our owners’ needs will always stand central and our activities they are very pleased both with the service and the terms and con- will be aimed at strengthening their finances, facilitating their day- PHOTO: Olav Storm ditions. We shall continue our work to offer exactly this, as support to-day life and strengthening them as employers. to our owners in the battle to retain and attract capable employees. GROUP CEO SVERRE THORNES KLP has customers and owners who prioritise solvency and a long- With total assets in excess of NOK 330 billion, KLP is Norway’s lar- term approach to asset management. With good financial strength gest life insurance company, a factor that grants us the economies and with employees who are both competent and committed, we of scale to the benefit of our customers and owners in the days to have the best prerequisites to continue achieving good results for come. With an increased number of pensioners and increasing need our customers and owners into the future. for information about pensions, there is a great deal of investment in IT systems, processes and customer service to accommodate this growth efficiently and effectively. KLP continues to have excellent financial strength. At the end of the fourth quarter KLP had total solvency capital of NOK 44.1 billion, corresponding to 17.4 per cent of insurance funds, and in Sverre Thornes, Group CEO IMPORtant EVents in 2012 7 JANUAry FEbrUAry MARCH AprIL mAY JUNE Important events in 2012 PHOTO ALETTE KROGDAHL STRAMME PHOTO KARI JACOBSEN PHOTO LIV NÆRSTAD PHOTO MARIANN KILLI BJØLVERUD JANUARY FEBRUARY the theme was «Norwegian local authorities in JULy AUGUST SEPTEmbEr OCTOBEr NOVEmbEr DECEmbER Delighted winners of KLP’s working en- Good results Despite troubled financial mar- a troubled world». vironment prize KLP awarded two prizes kets KLP can point to good results in 2011. this year, each of NOK 150,000. Trond Gun- Total financial returns were finalized at NOK Credit card launch KLP Banken launched nar Skillingstad from Nord-Trøndelag Health 9.9 billion and the Company enters 2012 with its credit card for members. The card gives Enterprise was acclaimed the winner of KLP’s strong buffers. you the opportunity to split up payment on Working Environment Prize ”Enthusiast of the larger purchases and gives you up to 45 days’ year 2011”. Rissa Municipality won the prize Customer pages at www.klp.no.