9:30 A.M. County Board Room #705 - Government Center

Public comments are welcome at committee meetings. For a schedule of committee meetings please go to

1. Chair calls meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Present: District #1 Matt Look District #2 Julie Braastad District #3 Robyn West District #4 Mandy Meisner District #5 Mike Gamache District #6 Jeff Reinert District #7 Scott Schulte


4. Tax claims and abatements.

5. Consider accepting the regular claims paid over $500 and purchase-card claims paid for the periods ending July 16, 2021 and July 30, 2021. See attached action item worksheet.

6. Approval of minutes from the July 27, 2021, county board meeting.

7. Chair’s remarks.

8. Committee reports. A. Management Committee report. B. Transportation Committee report. C. Finance and Capital Improvements Committee chair report. D. Intergovernmental and Community Relations Committee report. E. Parks Committee report. F. Public Safety Committee chair report.

9. Consider approving the following liquor license application, as reviewed by and consented to by the township, sheriff, and attorney:

A. Stacy Lions Club by Judith Kay Hanna – One-day, on sale, 3.2 malt liquor license (License #2021-01) – Township of Linwood – September 11, 2021.

See attached application.



August 10, 2021


ACTION REQUESTED Motion for acceptance of the regular claims paid over $500 for the periods ending 07/16/021 & 07/30/2021 and purchase-card claims paid for the periods ending 07/1 6/021 & 07/30/2021.

BACKGROUND Resolution 2019-107 delegated the Finance & Central Services Division Manager the authority to pay all claims of the County.

Pursuant to Resolution 2019-107 and Minn. Stat. §375.18, the list SOLUTIONS of all claims paid since the last regularly scheduled Board Meeting is now presented to the Board for informational purposes and acceptance. The Claims Register is on file with the Clerk of the Board.




The Managen'ient Conunittee meeting was held on July 27, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. in County Board Room #705 of the Anoka County Goveinment Center, Anoka, Miiu'iesota.

Present: Committee Members - Conuuissioner Robyn West (Cliair), Coi'iui'iissioner Julie Braastad, Conunissioner Jeff Reineit, and Coininissioner Scoff Scliulte

Others - Coi'iunissioner Matt Look; Con'in'ffssioner Mandy Meisner; Commissioner Mike Gamache; Steph Beito-Ziemer, Employee Relations Director; Rhonda Sivarajah, County Adn'iinistrator; Marcy Crain, Chief Deputy County Attoipey; John Lenarz, License & Passpoit Services Director; Tony LaJ License & Passpoit Services Assistant Director; Erica Geissler, License Center Manager; CO17 Kampf, Finance and Central Sex-vices Division Manager; Dee Guthman, Deputy County Administrator; Colleen Haubner, Library Director; Nicole Beckers, Accountant II; Yvonne Kirkeide, Budget Manager; Dan Lekatz, Infoimation Technology Deputy Director; Paul Linnell, Elections Manager, Pam LeBlanc, Propeity Records and Taxation Division Manager; and Teresa Swoyer, County Board Coordinator

All items were approved by all coininittee members unless otherwise noted.

Information Items

In accordance with the Persoru'iel Rules and Regulations, and at the request and recon'unendation of the respective depaitment heads, the Management Committee approved the consent items. See attached consent items.

The Management Cominittee approved the following personnel transaction:

A. Restructure/replacement - Administration/Infomiation Technology - effective July 31, 2021 - vacancy due to a resignation effective April30, 2021 - PC#1992000369

FROM: 1.OFTE End User Technology Specialist - Grade Blll, range $23.88 to $40.85 per hour

TO: 1.O FTE Sr. ETS Suppoit Technician - Grade CO12, range $23.98 to $35.95 per hour

The Management Comn'iittee considered, for infoimational purposes, a presentation relating to the proposed 2022 budgets for the following areas:

Administration Couit Appointed Attorneys Management Appropriations License & Passpoit Services Libraiy Employee Relations l




See attached dated 1. Reclassifications as recon'unended by tlie Employee Relations director. July 27, 2021. Employee Relations Department

Recommendations for Reclassification

Approved Incumbent Present Title Proposed Title i'::::t Grade Level Level IDepartmentlEffective DateI PCN

IPropertyRecords and

Wolid Ahmed Elections Specialist Elections Specialist 10 11 ITaxation 07/31/2021 1992000268 'Property--- - - 'Records and

Jacob Probst Elections Specialist Elections Technician 10 Taxation 2017003191 12 - l______07/31/2021 l-'----l--- - I I Property Records and j Thomas Hunt Elections Coordinator Lead Elections Specialist 11 12 Taxation 07 /31/2021 1992000271 ANOKA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT FOR THE AUGUST 10, 2021 COUNTY BOARD MEETING

The Transportation Committee meeting was held on Monday, August 2, 2021 at 8:30 A.M. in the Lac qui Parle Conference Room at the Anoka County Transportation Division Facility.

Committee Members Present: Commissioners Schulte, Look, Braastad, West Department Staff Present: Joe MacPherson, Jerry Auge, Jill Kent Others Present: Rhonda Sivarajah, County Administrator; Christine Carney, Asst. County Attorney; Jared Wagner, Resource Specialist, Anoka Conservation District; Wes Volkenant, Andover Resident



"1 . The committee recommends approval to enter a Joint Powers Agreement (#COOO8365) with the City of Ham Lake for Project CP 20-20-60, the addition of right turn lanes on CR 60 (Constance Boulevard) at Tippecanoe Street in the City of Ham Lake; and authorizing the County Administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the County Attorney as to form and legality.

"2. The committee recommends approval to enter a Joint Powers Agreement (#COOO8639) with the City of Ramsey for Project 002-716-021, the reconditioning of CSAH 116 (Bunker Lake Boulevard) From CSAH 83 (Armstrong Boulevard) to CSAH 57 (Sunfish Lake Boulevard), in the City of Ramsey; and authorizing the County Administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the County Attorney as to form and legality.

"3. The committee recommends approval of a contract (#COOO87"l3) with WSB , for the design, permitting and environmental documentation services for Project No. SP 002-649-003, intersection improvements at CSAH 49 (Hodgson Road) and CSAH 32 (County Road J) in the Cities of Lino Lakes & Shoreview; and further authorize the Chair of the County Board and the County Administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the County Attorney as to form and legality.

"4. The committee recommends approval of Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Agreement (#COOO8131 ) Amendment No. I for Project SAP 002-656-001, the design services for the CSAH 56 (Ramsey Boulevard) and US Highway 10 interchange project in the City of Ramsey; and authorizing the County Administrator to execute said agreement amendment, subject to review by the County Attorney as to form and legality.


5. The committee authorized the County Engineer to make payment to the Anoka Conservation District (ACD) in the amount of $15,000 for services provided by ACD pertaining to the Minnesota Buffer Law.

6. The committee reviewed Transportation Division agreements executed since last meeting.

7. The committee reviewed Corridor Updates and Project Progress.

8. The committee received comments from Wes Volkenant, Andover Resident, regarding the current COVID Delta variant, encouraging the County Board to pass a resolution that employees and anyone visiting the County buildings return to wearing masks. Page 2 ANOKA COUNTY BOARD ACTION ITEM

August 2, 2021


enter a Joint Powers Agreement ACTION REQUESTED Consider recommending approval to (#CO008365) with the City of Ham Lake for Project CP 20-20-60, the addition of right turn Lanes on CR 60 (Constance Boulevard) at Tippecanoe Street in the City of Ham Lake; and authorizing the County Administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the CountyAttorney as to form and legality.

BACKGROUND The City of Ham Lake has received a proposal for o residential housing development along the south side of Constance Boulevard at Tippecanoe Street. The proposed development, perAnoka County's development guidelines, requires the developer to instaN an eastbound right turn lane for the development. County Ditch 1l is currently adjacent to Constance Boulevard and prohibits the installation of the right turn lane without the extension of the existing roadway culvert and re-grading of the in-slope and shall be County Ditch 11. The County and City agree that project costs shared.

The proposed improvements along said portion of Constance Boulevard include: extension of the in-place culvert on County Ditch 11, re-gmding of the in-slope of the roadway, removal of the existing guardrail system adjacent to the roadway and County Ditch 11, construction of eastbound to and westbound right turn lanes, and any other associated improvements provide for the safety of the travejing public.

The City of Ham Lake approved the JPA at their regularly schedujed Council meeting on July 19, 2021.

This work wjff be constructed as part of the 2021 County-Wide Overlay in August/ I Program. The project is scheduled to begin construction September of 2021. I

PREVIOUS ACTION 10/05/2020 - Approval of Resolution #2020-TR28 authorizing the acquisition TAKEN OfROW 01/11/2021 - Authorization to negotiate JPA with City of Ham Lake



August 2, 2021


ACTION REQUESTED Consider recommending approval to enter a Joint Powers Agreement (#CO008639) with the City of Ramsey for Project 002-716-021, the reconditioning of CSAH 116 (Bunker Lake Boulevard) from CSAH 83 (Armstrong Boulevard) to CSAH 57 (Sunfish Lake Boulevard), in the City of Ramsey; and authorizing the County Administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the County Attorney €75 to form and legality. BACKGROUND MnDOThas conducted a traffic analysis along the US Hwy 10/169 corridor to determine the impacts associated with the upcoming Anoka Solution, Rum River Bridge Replacement, and Ferry Street Interchange Improvement projects. Based upon said traffic analysis and traffic management plans (TMPs) developed for each project, Bunker Lake Boulevard from Armstrong Boulevard to Sunfish Lake Boulevard will experience additional traffic loads during construction which require improvements along the corridor to accommodate the increased traffic during peak hour periods.

Proposed improvements along said portion of CSAH 116 include: constructing designated turn lanes; increasing the length of merge lanes; restricting left turning movements at designated locations and access points; installation of a new traffic control signal system ajong with roadway/lane modifications at the Sunwood Avenue intersection; signage; and other associated improvements.

Anoka County, in coordination with the City of Ramsey, will cost share in the improvements along this corridor to provide safe, efficient, and improved mobility. The joint powers agreement (JPA) spells out the cost share responsibilities for the project.

The proposed construction schedule for this project is September 2021 through November 2021. PREVIOUS ACTION 05/17/2021 - authorization to acquire right-of-way TAKEN 06/01/2021 - authorization to negotiate a JPA with the City of Ramsey



August 2, 2021


ACTION REQUESTED Consider recommending approval of a professional services contract (#C0008713) with WSB Engineering, for the design, permitting and environmental documentation services for Project No. SP 002-649-003, 32 intersection impmvements at CSAH 49 (Hodgson Road) and CSAH (County Road J) in the Cities of Lino Lakes & Shoreview; and further authorize the Chair of the County Board and the County Administrator to as to execute said agreement, subject to review by the County Attorney form and Iegality. BACKGROUND Anoka County and the City of Lino Lakes have determined that, in northwest conjunction with the proposed Lyngblomsten development in the quadrant of Hodgson Road and County Road J/Ash Street, the intersection J to will require improvements to both Hodgson Road and County Road accommodate the modifications needed for the development.

roadway To properly analyze the corridor operations, determine necessary improvements, and develop a more comprehensive infrastructure improvement project in conjunction with the proposed Lyngblomsten should be development, the agencies agree that a consultant design team hired to complete the environmental analysis, preliminary and final design, and public engagement necessary to deliver this project.

We sent a request for proposals (RFP) to seven (7) firms. Due to current workjoads, four (4) firms did not submit proposals. The following is a list of the proposais we received: * WSBEngineering-5159,635.86 * SEH-5249,933.00 * SRF Consulting - 5342,023.00

All three consultants are qualified to perform the work. Based upon the Costs I proposals we recommend awmding the contract to WSB Engineering. with this contract will be shared by Ramsey County, the City of i associated Lino Lakes, and the City of Shoreview.

construction The proposed Lyngblomsten development is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2021 and be completed in the of 2022/2023.

Lino PREVIOUS ACTION 06/01/21 - authorization to negotiate a JPA with Ramsey Countyr, TAKEN Lakes, r:ind Shorevjew

be provided at the COMMENTS The contract is currently being prepared and will meeting.


August 2, 2021


ACTION REQUESTED Consider recommending approval of Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Agreement (#CO008131 )Amendment No. I for Project SAP 002- 656-001, the design services for the CSAH 56 (Ramsey Boulevard) and US Highway 10 interchange project in the City of Ramsey; and authorizing the CountyAdministrator to execute said agreement amendment, subject to review by the County Attorney as to form and legality.

BACKGROUND The City of Ramsey, Anoka County, and MnDOT have been successful in obtaining partial funding for the proposed CSAH 56 (Ramsey Boulevard) / CSAH 57 (Sunfish Lake Boulevard) and US Hwy 10/169 interchange and rail crossing improvements in the city of Ramsey. The City of Ramsey was instrumental in securing 52M in Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) bond funds during the 2018 Legislative session. The County has been working with Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) and MnDOT Office of State Aid to address ail the requirements associated with the LRIP funds to allow the County to spend said LRIP funds on project development activities.

The allocated 5i2M of LRIP funds for this project will be used to pay for the Bolton and Menk, Inc. design services contract, in the amount of §1,788,712.00.

The amendment grants the remaining 5211,288.00 of the 5;2M of LRIP funds to be used for additional project design services.

PREVIOUS ACTION 04/20/2020 - Approved to enter Contract #CO007902 with Bolton & Menk TAKEN for design services 09/14/2020 - Approved Resolution #2020-TR26 supporting MN Highway Freight Program (MHFP) funding application 09/14/2020 - Authorization to enter LRIP Agreement #COOO8131 for design services 11/16/2020-Approved Resolution #2020-TR34 addressing additional MMB funding requirements associated with LRIP agreement #CO008131 for design services 01/11/2021 - Review project development status 06/14/2021 - Authorization to prepare ROW Plat 06/14/2021 -Authorization to acquire ROW 06/14/2021 - Approval to enter Contract #C0008642 with ProSource for ROW relocation services





*Action Item

1. The cliair recon'unends the county board approve an amendment to Contract #COOO6567 witli OpenGov Inc, PO Box 41340, San Jose, CA 95160, to add a module for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) repoiting. Tlie amount for five months in 2021 is $12,775 ($10,375 pro- rated subscription plys $2,400 one-time deployment fee) and then three annual subscriptions of $24,900. Tlie cost of this amendment for 8/1/2021 - 12/3 1/2024 is $87,475 - See attaclied action item workslieet. ANOKA COUNTY BOARD


August 10, 2021

Finance and Central Services

Improvements committee ACTION REQUESTED The Chair of the Finance and Capital recommends the County Board approve an amendment to Contract #COOO6567, with OpenGov Inc., PO Box 41340, San Jose, CA 95160, to add a module for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reporting. The amount For five months in 2021 is $12,775 ($10,375 pro-rated subscription plus $2,400 one-time deployment Fee) and then three annual subscriptions or $24,900. The total cost of this amendment for 8/1/2021 - 12/31/2024 is $87,475.

the processing and reporting of BACKGROUND OpenGov has a module to assist in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This module allows us to create forms for requests with workflow to process the form through multiple processing steps and approvals. The system will track and store the data points for measurements, outcomes, expenditures, budget, etc.

OpenGov will also be used to meet the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) requirement to have public facing reporting. The reporting requirements have detailed points that will be accommodated through the OpenGov public facing portal.

OpenGov is currently our system used for Budgeting and Transparency reporting. This additional module will enhance our ability to gather data and report.

The pricing has been quoted to align with our current contract. The annual cost for the module is $24,900. The pricing is prorated for 5 months in 2021 and continues until 2024. There is an additional one- time professional services fees for product comiguration, setup, and training or $2,400.

County Board approve an RECOMMENDATION The committee recommends the amendment to Contract #COOO6567, with OpenGov fnc., PO Box 41340, San Jose, CA 95160, to add a module for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reporting, for a total amount of $87,475

with American Rescue Plan Act FUNDING This purchase qualifies to be paid for (ARPA) funds under the administration category. ANOKA COUNTY



The Intergoyernmental & Community Relations Committee meeting was lield on August 5, 2021, in Conference Room #710 of tl'ie Anoka County Government Center.

Present: Committee Members - Commissioner Julie Braastad (Chair), and Commissioner Robyn West

Others - Comn'iissioner Scoff Scl'iulte; Commissioner Jeff Reinert; Coini'nissioner Mike Gamache; Rhonda Sivarajali, County Administrator; Marcy Crain, Chief Deputy County Attorney; Karen Skepper, Community and Government Relations Director; Shane Sheets, Medical Examiner's Office Director; Jolin Kriesel, Veteran Services Director; Cory Kampf, Finance and Central Services Diyision Manager; Dave Kent, Accounting Specialist; Nicole Beckers, Accountant; Chris Lord, Anoka Conservation District Manager; Glenda Meixell, Anoka Conservation District Treasurer; and Tina Pedersen, Principal Administrative Secretary

There were no comments froin the public.

"Action Items

*1. The committee recommends tlie county board adopt Resolution #IG 2021-06, Resolution Accepting Dedicated Gifts for Anoka County Veteran Services. See attached resolution.

*2. The committee recommends tl'ie county board renew the following contracts for autopsy services, extending contracts to December 31, 2023 at which time tlie contracts will automatically renew for one additional 2- period:

Pine County Cliisago County St. Louis County

See attached worksheets.

*3. Tlie committee recommends the county board approve Contract #COOO8685 with the University of Maryland Brain and Tissue Bank allowing tlie Medical Examiner's office to provide brain removal services for the university. Tlie terin of the agreement is for one-year, with automatic renewals of one-year terms up to seven . See attached worksheet.

*4. Tlie committee recommends the county board approve Contract #COOO8654 witli Dave Johnson and Faegre Drinker, LLP for lobbyist and legal services in an amount of $3,825 per month effective September 1, 2021 tlirough August 31, 2023, at wliich time one additional two-year terin may be agreed upon. See attached worksl'ieet. Intergoverrunental & Comi'nunity Relations Coininittee Report For tl"ie August 10, 2021 County Board Meeting Page 2

*5. Tlie committee recommends the county board approve Contract #COOO8653 with Ward Einess Strategies, LLC for lobbyist and legal services in an amount of $4,166.67 per month effective September 1, 2021 tlirougl'i August 31, 2023 at wliich time one additional two-year terin may be agreed upon. See attached workslieet.

Informational Items

For inforinational purposes, a presentation by Cliris Lord, Anoka Conservation District Manager, regarding the 2022 Anoka Conservation budget request.

7. For informational purposes, a presentation relating to the proposed 2022 budgets for the following areas:

Medical Examiner's Office Veteran Services Goveri'u'nent Relations


WHEREAS, various organizations in and around the County of Anoka have provided donations to the Anoka County Veteran Services; and,

WHEREAS, tlie following organizations liave donated the specified sum to tlie Anoka County Veteran Services as follows:

Ham Lake Chamber of Commerce $2,000 Ham Lake Lanes $1,500 Jayne and Craig Walker $1,500 Coon Rapids American Legion Auxiliaiy $50

'%VHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 8, 465.03 requires a county to accept the gift by resolution expressed in terins prescribed by the donor in fiill; and,

WHEREAS, acceptance of the funds in accordance with the donor's terms is in the best interest of the County of Anoka:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners does hereby accept the above-described gifts from said organizations in accordance with the terms set forth herein.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners wishes to extend its grateful appreciation to the Ham Lake Chamber of Commerce, Ham Lake Lanes, Jayne and Craig Walker, and the Coon Rapids American Legion Auxiliary. Anoka County Action Item A Intergovernmental Committee

ACTION REQUESTED Consider approval to renew the agreement between the Anoka County dba Midwest Medical Examiner's Office and Pine County for appointed medical examiner services.

Background/Description The Midwest Medical Examiner's Office has been acting as the appointed medical examiner for Pine County, and the existing contract terminates on December 31, 2021 if not renewed.

Other The term of the agreement, if approved, will commence January 1, 2021. The agreement will be for one (1) year and will automatically renew for two (2), two (2) year terms, beginning January 1, 2024 and terminates on December 31, 2025. Anoka County Action Item ','A Intergovernmental Committee

ACTION REQUESTED Consider approval to renew the agreement between the Anoka County dba Midwest Medical Examiner's Office and Chisago County for appointed medical examiner services.

Background/Description The Midwest Medical Examiner's Office has been acting as the appointed medical examiner for Chisago County, and the existing contract terminates on December 31, 2021 if not renewed.

Other The term ofthe agreement, if approved, will commence January 1, 2021. The agreement will be for one (1) year and will automatically renew for two (21 two (2) year terms, beginning January 1, 2024 and terminates on December 31 2025. Anoka County Action Item .A Intergovernmental Committee

ACTION REQUESTED Consider approval to renew the agreement between the Anoka County dba Midwest Medical Examiner's Office and St. Louis County for appointed medical examiner services.

Background/Description The Midwest Medical Examiner's Office has been acting as the appointed medical examiner for St. Louis County, and the existing contract terminates on December 31, 2021 if not renewed.

Other The term of the agreement, if approved, will commence January 1, 2021. The agreement will be for one (1) year and will automatically renew for two (2), two (2) year terms, beginning January 1, 2024 and terminates on December 31, 2025. Anoka County Action Item A Intergovernmental Committee ACTION REQUESTED Consider approval of an agreement between the University of Maryland Brain and Tissue Bank and the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office.

The term of the agreement is for (1) year and wil1 then automatically renew for successive (1) year terms up to seven years.

Background/description The University of Maryland is a non-profit organization that coordinates brain donations for neurodegeneration research and neurological diagnosis in accordance with NIH BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies). This agreement, if approved, will allow the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office to provide brain removal services for the University of Maryland across the State of Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

County Contract Pending Number

Other As ofJune 30, 2021, The University of Maryland Project Coordinator, Grace Flannery, has verbally agreed to move forward with reviewing and submitting an agreement for approval with their director.

If approved, the Midwest Medical Examiner's Office anticipates an increase of approximately 3-5 additional brain removal cases (!52,550-.§4,250). However, the University of Maryland expects this number to grow with a centralized location in Minnesota for brain removal services.

I Anoka County Action Item .A Intergovernmental Committee ACTION REQUESTED

Approve a contract with Dave Johnson, Faegre Drinker, LLP for lobbying and legal services.

Background/description Dave Johnson has provided the county with lobbying services. He is respected by his peers and works well with the Anoka County delegation and our staff.

Amount of contract S3,825 per month effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023.

County Contract Number Contract #COOO8654

Other Anoka County Action Item .A Intergovernmental Committee ACTION REQUESTED

Approve a contract with Ward Einess Strategies, LLC for monitoring and lobbying services.


Background/description Ward Einess has provided the county with lobbying services. He is respected by his peers and works well with the Anoka County delegation and our staff.

Amount of contract S4,166,67 per month effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023.

County Contract Number Contract #COOO8653


The Parks Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at Locke County Park.

Committee Members Present: Commissioner Mike Gamache (Chair); Commissioner Jeff Reinert; Commissioner Robyn West

Department Staff Present: Jeff Perry, Parks Director; Andy Soltvedt, Assistant Director; Cory Hinz, Recreation Services Manager; Karen Blaska, Park Planner

Others Present: Christine Carney, Assistant County Attorney; Laurie Elvig, Accountant

County Board Action Items:

The Committee recommended to the County Board to approve Resolution 2021-PRK14 authorizing three equity programming projects:

a. S20,000 for a Partnerships in Translation Program (Anoka County Contract #COOO8689) b. S34,000 for a Learn to Bike Program (Anoka County Contract #COOO8690) C. S52,500 for an Augmented Reality Trail Program (Anoka County Contract #COOO8691)

The Committee recommended to the County Board to approve Parks and Trails Funding Agreements:

a. 5325,000 for the Bunker Hills Activities Center Roof Replacement and Drainage Improvements (Anoka County Contract #COOO8693). b. 51,345,539 for Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve park entrance road, boat launch, beach area improvements (Anoka County Contract #COOO8697). c. 5125,000 for Natural Resource Management (Anoka County Contract #COOO8698).

The Committee recommend to the County Board to award a contract for the Design and Engineering of the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Expansion Project to TKDA of Saint Paul, MN in the amount of S188,279 (Anoka County Contract# COOO8700).

Informational Items:

The Committee approved the application for funds from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Preparing for EAB Grants Program.

The Committee was provided an updated and shared comments on building repair needs and potential future uses for the Banfill Locke Tavern.

The Committee was provided an update on the status of the Bunker Hills Activities Center Roof Replacement and Drainage Project.

The Committee was provided an update on the status for adding Coon Lake, Rum River North and Rum River South County Parks to the Regional Park System.


Parks Committee

Committee Date: August 3, 2021 County Board Date: August 10, 2021

Action Requested For the Committee to recommend to the County Board to approve Resolution 2021-PRK14 authorizing three equity programming projects; Anoka County Contracts #COOO8689, COOO8690, and COOO8691.

Previous Committee / County Board Action March 2021- Committee Action Item

Background / Analysis The Metropofitan Council provides financial support to the Regional Parks Implementing Agencies for capital and non- capital projects which intend to strengthen equitable usage of the regional parks and trails. The County applied for 4 grants and were successful on three. Those projects are:

1. 520,000 for a Partnerships in Translation Program: which will fund translation services for park maps, information sheets and monuments/signs, review the parks website for ADA accessibility, and work with Outdoor Latino on translation services. All components intend to make diverse populations feel more welcome in the regional parks and trails system. Anoka County Contract #COOO8689.

2. S34,000 for a Learn to Bike Program: which will fund a partnership between Anoka County, Washington County and REI to provide the Learn to Bike program. REI would provide the bikes and staff person for these programs. The program would be free to the public and will be offered at various locations within Anoka and Washington Counties. Anoka County Contract #COOO8690.

3. 552,500 for an Augmented Reality Trail Program: which will provide interpretive and park information to users in an augmented reality platform along existing trails at Bunker Hills Regional Park. Visitors would use the camera function on their phone or a borrowed I-Pad that will pop up images and information along the trail. Information will be in multiple languages and formats for easy accessibility. Anoka County Contract #COOO8691.

The Parks Department is excited to get these projects going and will begin implementation as soon as the grant agreements are fully executed. The requested action will allow the Parks Department to proceed with contract signatures and execution upon receiving the agreements.

Conclusion / Recommendation Forthe County Board to approve Resolution 2021-PRK14 authorizingthree equity programming projects; Anoka County Contracts #COOO8689, COOO8690, and COOO8691.

Supporting Documents Draft Resolution

Lead Staff Karen Blaska, Park Planner BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Anoka County, Minnesota

DATE: August 10, 2021 RESOLUTION #2021-PRK14


WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council provides regional park bonds and park interest earnings financial support to Regional Park Implementing Agencies for capital and non-capital projects that will strengthen equitable usage of regional parks and trails; and

WHEREAS, said funding is provided through an Equity Grant Program, for which Regional Park Implementing Agencies may apply; and

WHEREAS, the Met Council requires each jurisdiction's governing board give authorization for funding agreements related to selected funding applications; and

WHEREAS, Anoka County is to receive Equity Grant funds and has identified several eligible projects from the County's appropriation as follows:

* S20,000 for Partnerships in Translation * !>34,000 for a Learn to Ride Bike Program in partnership with Washington County !>52,500 for an Inspiring Youth through Augmented Reality Trail Program

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the above projects and authorizes implementation of the projects upon receipt of fully executed grant agreements from the Metropolitan Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator, the Parks Director, and/or their designees are authorized on behalf of the County any time hereafter and without further action by or authority from the Board of Commissioners to execute and deliver on behalf of the County, all grant agreements, permits, declarations, and other legal or contractual documents necessary to secure funding for the above-listed projects.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts this Resolution, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Anoka County Administrator, and directs that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council and Anoka County Parks Department. COUNTY BOARD ACTION ITEM 2 - AUTHORIZATION OF GRANT AGREEMENTS FOR PARKS AND TRAILS LEGACY


Parks Committee

Committee Date: August 3, 2021 County Board Date: August 10, 2021

Action Requested for For the Committee to recommend to the County Board to approve Parks and Trails Legacy Funding agreements three projects within the regional system.

Previous Committee / County Board Action July 2021- Budget Presentation - 5 year CIP January 2021-10 year project forecast

Background / Analysis The Metropolitan Council provides Parks and Trails Legacy funding agreements to the Regional Parks Implementing 22 Agencies for projects within their jurisdictional area. Anoka County"s Parks and Trails Legacy appropriation for FY was 51,795,539 for three projects listed below:

1. !>325,000 for the Bunker Hilts Activities Center Roof Replacement and Drainage Improvements. Anoka County Contract #COOO8693.

2. Sl,345,539 for Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve park entrance road and boat launch improvements, as well as park enhancements to the beach area. Anoka County Contract #COOO8697.

3. S125,000 for Natural Resource Management or to contract with the CCM crew to conduct natural resource management and park maintenance with the County's regional parks and trails system. Anoka County Contract #COOO8698.

The Parks Department is excited to get these projects going and will begin implementation as soon as the grant agreements are fully executed. The requested action will allow the Parks Department to proceed with contract signatures and execution upon receipt of the agreements.

Conclusion / Recommendation For the County Board to approve Parks and Trails Funding Agreements (Anoka County Contracts #COOO8693, COOO8697, and COOO8698) for three projects within the regional system, upon review and approval by the County Attorney's office as to form and legality.

Supporting Documents Map of Project Locations


Parks Committee

Committee Date: August 3, 2021 County Board Date: August 10, 2021

Action Requested For the Committee to recommend to the County Board to award a contract to the lowest responsible proposer for the Design and Engineering of the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Expansion Project from Golden Lake Elementary to Baldwin Park in Circle Pines.

Previous Committee / County Board Action July 2021- Budget Info item - 5 Year CIP April 2021- 2021 Parks Capital Improvement Budget Amendment Request January 2021-10 year project forecast April 2020 - Rice Creek North Regional Trail Master Plan Amendment

Background / Analysis The County received S500,000 state bonding for the design and engineering of the segment of Rice Creek North Regional Trail from Golden Lake Elementary to Baldwin Park in Circle Pines. Parks staff worked with the Purchasing Department to issue a request for proposals for the design and engineering of the project. Three proposals were received. Parks staff recommend to award a contract to the lowest responsible proposer, TKDA of Saint Paul, MN, with a proposal amount of S188,279.

Conclusion / Recommendation For the Committee to recommend to the County Board to award a contract for the Design and Engineering of the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Expansion Project to TKDA of Saint Paul, MN in the amount of S188,279 (Anoka County Contract# COOO8700).

Supporting Documents Proposal Tabulation and Evaluation Matrix TKDA Proposal


Cliair Julie Braastad requests to bi'ing the followiiig forward for consideration by tlie county board:

*Action Items


1. The chair recointnends adoption of Resolution #2021-PSO7, Accepting Dedicated Donation from Kottkes' Bus Sei'vice Inc. See attached resolution.

2. The chair reconunends approval and execution of Coi'itract #COOO8711, Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Project 2021 Grant Agreement, with the Miiuiesota Depaitment of Pu'blic Safety, Office of Justice Programs, in the amount of $160,982, and a tenn of July 1, 2021, tl'irougli September 30, 2023. See attached action workslieet.

Attorney's Office

3. The chair reconunends adoption of Resolution #2021-PSO8, A Resolution Autl'ioriziiig Acceptance of a Grant from the Mii'inesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs for tl'ie Sexual Assault Kit Initiative. See attached resolution.

4. The cliair recon'unends adoption of Resolution #2021-PSO9, Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Crime Victun Prosecutorial Services Grant Agreement witli tl'ie Minnesota Depaitment of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs. See attached resolution.

"Requires board approval.

The next Public Safety Comtnittee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 10:30 a.m., at the Anoka County Goveminent Center, #710, 2100 3rd Avenue, Anoka, MN. Resolution # 2021-PSO7


County of Anoka on WHEREAS, Kottkes' Bus Service Inc has offered to donate to the for transportation of personnel behalf of the Slieriff's Office a 2006 Coi'poration Bus to be used is approxiii'iately $3,000; for law enforcement pui'poses. Tlie estimated value of tlie donation and,

the donation by WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute S, 465.03 requires a county to accept resolution expressed in tei'i'iis prescribed by the donor in full; and,

terms and in tlie best WHEREAS, acceptance of the gift is in accordance with the donols interest of tlie County of Anoka:

County Board of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tliat the Aixoka Bus Service Inc and extends its Commissioners accepts tlie aboye-described gift from Kottkes' grateful appreciation. ANOKA COUNTY BOARD ACTION ITEM .A August 10, 2021 Anoka County Sheriff"s Office

ACTION REQUESTED Approval and execution of the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Project 2021 between the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, and Anoka County Sheriff's Office

BACKGROUND The Sheriff's Office has been awarded funds to continue the objective to reduce the number of untested/unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits held by our office identified in a 2015 state-wide survey.

The grant funds will be used to reimburse personnel costs for CID commander, detective FTE year 3, overtime, benefits, cell phone, clothing allowance, and travel to attend training and conferences. The Sheriffs Office is to present an invoice for reimbursements for expenditures incurred.

Contract Number COOO8711

Amount of Contract The total obligation is S160,982 with an effective date of July 1, 2021, through September 30, 2023.

CONCLUSION The grant funds ensure just resolution to sexual assault cases and will assist in the resolution of unsubmitted sexual assault kits.

RECOM M ENDATIONS Approve acceptance of the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Project 2021 Grant Agreement. RESOLUTION #2021-PSO8


Assault Kit WHEREAS, tlie State of Minnesota is tlie recipiei'it of tl'u'ee federal Sexual Initiative grants (Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020); and,

of FY2020 WHER)EAS, tlie Anoka County Attorney's Office was selected as a subrecipient Sberif'f's Office, grant funds, aloyigside the Bureau of Crin'iinal Appreliension, Anoka County Alexandra House, and Miiuiesota Coalitioi'i Against Sexual Assault; and,

of a 'l)VHEREAS, tlie Anoka County Attoi'ney's Office ("Grantee") lias received notification and victun/witness grant award in tlie amount of $272,780 to be used to suppoit prosecution effoits Marchl, 2021; and, services related to sexual assault kit testing over three years begiiu'mig

of the WHEREAS, in order to accept tlie grant funds, Aiioka County must agree to conditions grant:

iiqto a Grant NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVgD tliat Ai'ioka County hereby enters to tlie Sexual Assault Kit Agreement witl'i tlie Department of Public Safety to fund work related Initiative (SAKI) program.

and tlie BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tliat tl'ie Aixoka County Board of Conunissioners to execute the grant Aiioka County Admii'iistrator hereby authorize the Aiioka County Attorney agreement on belialf of Anoka County. RESOLUTION #2021-PSO9


'IVHEREAS, tlie Crime Victim Services Grants Unit of tl'ie Office of Justice Programs ("OJP"), a division of tlie Minnesota Depaitment of Public Safety ("State"), has made available grant funding for general ci'iine victin'i services; and,

WHEREAS, Victim/Witness Services of tlie Anoka County Attorney's Office ("Grantee") lias received notification of a grant award in the amount of $279,028 to be used to expand sex-vices for underserved populations, sucli as elderly and non-English speaking ci'in'ie victiins, for 24 n'iontlis begiiu'mig Oct. 1, 2021; and,

WHEREAS, the Grantee intends to use the funding to suppoit two Victim/Witness specialists, staff trainiiig, and emergency financial assistance for victin'is; and,

WHEREAS, tlie Grantee first received tl'ffs grant fundiiig fron'i OJP in 2017 for ci'ime victiin services; and,

WHEREAS, to accept tl'ie grant funds, Anoka County must agree to conditions of tl'ie grant:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tl'iat Anoka County is hereby authorized to enter into Grant Agreement Number A-CVS-2022-ANOKAAO-002 witli Minnesota's Office of Justice Prograz'iis.

BE IT F{JRTHER RESOLVED that the Anoka County Board of Cominissioners and the Ai'ioka County Administrator hereby authorize tlie Aiioka County Attorney to execute tlie grant agreement on belialf of Aixoka County. ANOKA COUNTY offioo ofVltal Stntl*t)os . d5E!Mhm.stpparSarp.l20 ANOKAiMN({6908-EI086 Tai 708/32t3-!i202 FAXi 7a3/323-8203 Combination Applicatiori for'.Retailer's 3,2'Malt L.iquor L!cense . (On-sale) -ee4e')

EVERY guEE3TION MUST BE AN8WERED, lf n aorporatlon, 4n officer shall,ex:cul thls appllcatlon, If a partnershlp, a poi'tnei'shall execute thls appilcatfon, 44, 123 ;) 174?:) btoenseeoesatosauseraxtoaimberq t0flpplyfOt'8nleStaXnumter'Oall298-6't81Qrl.a00,es7.3777 , 't n , { " . . .

i Appll66nta Name'((3uslnfflsffi, PurlnorsJllp, Ooi'porntlon)' "' TrndoNam6orDElA " ="="' /'l j / {S / i r t A P r { i i 'T'a 'l'MC'J. (. r h A/ % (,}LC!_'(') 'm}AcA. L:r'>ti* (':ki,,te "' I ' "" " " AppTloan!aHomeP)iorio "- ""' )jP':8a ,Ar:a

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birth Of Oath pai'tnori , ii ,IIIA .J ___ Parbiar rw (7r?Tamj!4ntivjiiio/,Ial!5;6:u,ff 'ljmJl'l(i,7'ri x- i'or'l.>wxJ,:N xre '.*'-rr-ev;a AddrJiad ' " =- " " "D'OB' " 'a ' r' ;.en,,,or'f(t:tag,J,Hare)a,n.d(taltl;' p'. J@,t (dl%ffl3,,,b!=c.,,q',,',,,'AAU,,,,,.....,o,,, aaai-Mi 'DOEi': " -#s;ri:.O,ff(l,o:ranlje"r!t,le- --f%-i"' "" '-,=AA" taS?i' O'!"jAo;p;.ANl &c.F'[''..'i' Pffirtn6? /Offl6nr t4aio tma T(llo 'Addreffis ' aa" ' " """ ' (.,""(; "' COB ""'

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OTHER INF-Of'MATION " " " ' " "' "" '

WlilllllsastuheeighplpBll1loO:nil:o;?oanyYofEth8ei abates In this applfoatton a ofthe cprity board orfho townshlpboard,which 2,," %iirly*'i71;::I;e,;;;,::r:tya,;;;;:7;..:;;;;,tsauedundar.tholtq7orolvllllabllltj(Dram81top)(tVliS,840A802),' ;ire.::::It,':'2':',':',:",':',:', ;or,': ',:';,;',:':'::t,"'::"',, =:::a:';',"t:',;"iVo#' ;;i;;;il':l;:::t::i','.iea:: .oi',',n' vi6iation.' s

41Ic.enDBoeedsOarneymplSeerss?on YotElies7Nn;at!Tevaepsp(ale,ai:tns,ahm6e<:seaanndydrla6thatl,Istlfle orlnterestln the fumituro,fixtures orejulpmen'tln ehe II "-"-" - " - =- 6, HavYeEthseapONO tslafnyyesin,:,el:eesnesaimdeireacntdlyaodrdlrnedsisi'eocftl(yh,elneBatnayblols[hl1emrellnqtuorestabllshments}nMlnnesota? II '

of soft drlnlts for "mlxltu;l" purposoa and wlll servo pslronsln Tuff vlew'of I V/111 coinply strlctly V/1111 the provlslons or tlie ordlnance rolatlnO to tho sale tho publlo, patmlt Pa(IC(! ofncorn to Inspocf my promlsss and aqree to the I agree to walVo iny Conetltutlonal Rlghts aOalnsl soorc5 and sol::uro and wlll ffoely provldlng for tha aranttng of tltls 11conae. iorreiiQQeiflWsirbqrovistons or ihe ordlnanco (rasolutlon) my knowledOo tind tltak I aOree to comply with sfl the I mnly nitRAMt0io(%!blng stnlJoiits ano truo oml correct to tlio best or provl € ldlklmaeimMp,fflhl4MilThl9,QNn!AJB tlrantedi Nolotlal Otflcer (o:x-olllcla notary publlo) > . My form I(l Indolormlnale 'q.l_la '-6'-/ / .i.r t h-.tqy- suLis!#'!aWlfW'fl8Wf'W'M'lMffl?'!o")" ,.....3!>U-ir -' : Ilavio.; 'S)"-li'-"l ,- i20;lr B'ha'a"'A__jl'Yn,txi tk_rrx Vc-tA:)t-'\<('!Qi_"vv' ." ffl""""""""" I " "' - " The Licensee must(leave one or the fotlowlngi "' HECK ONE %: ,__ :.,rBon, Lr;o,r 41a,,bj:,;:s %::'t:::c't::;"iff::,!o.' a' %W"",;:; ,,, y;;;a,rso;,r,,:O,(i%OEmo;:,at, " TO THIS FORM. Or as speclfled above In A, B, A 8urety bond from a surety company wlth minimum coverage's Or C, AcertlflcatefromtheStateTreasurerthatthaLIcenseehasdeposltedwlththeStateiTrustFundshavlnga market vaiue of $300,000 or $300,000 In cash or securities, ((Y3) fNO' IRcEerPUoryRt7iatotoFtcheObuesNtToYf:yTkTnoowRt"edEgYethaappllcantsnamadaboveateeliglblatobollcensod,If no, state reason, ,

1%, . _ . . . . 11, inty 06te" ' 1181(lnat7nly Alto?, 17!"k ' ?-'-f-Ll i aAnRdTtl'iMeEasNsTociates, named hereln Itavo no( been convlcted within the pastflve years for TRhElsPlVtRoTceBrtYlfy!'!'h\iFp'pslloD%ntP, ro)atlnH to Intoxlcatlng Liquor or'3,2 Malt any vlolstlon or Laws of tliCi State of Mlnnasotai Mtrnlalpal or cotinty Ordlnances Llouor. except as follows: .1 !/I I -"-"-"' l Pollce, 8horlff Departmsm Narria ' A@1.(2:i,kr;=(x:5p::.. :T.1(2i"ltp- 'pJ i,.p-=! [} l'j) //l AllOka €p, MN b[reSO(UtrOn'!l,_Il I;ls'htre;v Cartlf[Gd"thatthe T0Wn-E3-Oard Of{':___jA)_I?_-l:60J_"agju5 C4 I '=-OJffi-'-=""tha .____ aayor , "' I,,cH)y,,- , zo:l_l diocorisanttotlielsguancaoftfiaticenseapplladrorinthawtthlnappucatio'n,=-"-"-"' a-- a a"' '-T6inClork "' = """ -' ""' " Chalm;ffin .-u (',-'-" r -' // ' " " "it M ?r--' IDa' 1/ ssiao=;_'i ' il,(, 1, l/ (_-,[,_;f;?sa o?,,=r!c,(>(." IIWPORTANT NOTiCE or lha Town Board of SUG'l} Town, and no Town Oo County Board sliall Issua Ilcensa for safe (ri any Town wl(liout trio consent of the County Attorney and the Slierlff, Boerd shall consard to f/ie issuance of nny ffcense without the writtein raaommendatlon Stamp. This stamp is Issuod by (/te Bureau or All retell Hquor Ilconsaas must /I(IVC! a currant federal Spaofnl Occupational Ah;ohol, Tobacco and Firearms, For fnformaUori, caH 6'(2-290-a496. ANOt(A COUNTY --- -- Offiae-Of Vital Statlsti5s 2100 3rd Ave N, Suite 119, Anoka MN 55303 TEL: 763/323-5202 FAX: 763/323-5203


1. Exactlegaldescriptionofthepremisestobelicensed:


2. Description of exact location (e.g,, rooms) where liquor is !o be sold or consumed, floor plan of the dining room or rooms with dimensions and number of persons intended to be served in each room,


3. Name/addresses of all persons other than applicant who have any financial interest in the business, building, premises, fixtures, furniture or stock in trade, including information on the nature of such interest (e,g., lease, mortgage, promissoiy notes, etc.), amount thereof, terms for payment or other reimbursement.


4. The amount of inves(ment that the applicant has in the business, building, premises, fixtures, furniture, and stock in trade along with information on the source of such money,


7/2/2020 Compiance Mannesota Workecs' Cogrbpensatjon Law

PRINT iN INK or TYPE. Minnesota Statutes, Section 1-/6.182 requires every state and local licensing agency to withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or engage in any activity in Minnesota until the applicant presents acceptable evidence oF compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota-Statutes, Chapter 176. The required workers' compensation insurance information is the name of the insurance company, the policy number, and the dates of coverage, or the permit to self-insure. If the required information is not provided or is falsely stated, it shall result in a $2,000 penalty assessed agaii'ist the applicant by the commissioi"ier of the Department of Labor and Industry. A valid workers' compensatron policy must be kept in effect at all trmes by employers as required by jaw. if your Workers' Compensation pojicy is cancelled within the license orpermit period, you must nofffythe agency who issued the Jicense orpermitbyresubmitting thrs form.

BUSINESS NAME (lndividtial name: only if no company name used)

DOING BUSINESS AS (DBA) (if applicable)

LICENSE OR PERMIT NUMBER ,,;? '- r>i,J' ')-'./"')= f.,a")aq( l '

YOUR THE FOLLOW!NG INFORMATION. 'ournustcompletenumberl, 2or3 below.

2) COMPLETE THIS PORTION IF SELF-INSURED: I have attached a copy of the permit to self-insure.

3) COMPLETE THIS PORT}ON IF EXEMPT: I am not required to have workers' compensation insurance coverage because: o l have no employees. o I have employees but they are not covered by the workers' compensation law. (See Minn. Stat. § '176.041 for a list of excluded empioyees) Explain why your employees are not covered:

o Other

ALI APPLICANTS COMPLETE THIS PORT!ON I certify that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete if I am signing on behalf of a business, I certify that I am authorized to sign o3"i behalf of the business.

APPLICANTSIGNATURE DATE5-24-2@2 LINWOOD TOWNSHIP ANOKA COUNTY 228al 7 Typo Creek Drive N.E. Staacy, Minnesota 55079 (651)462-28a)2 * Fax(651)462-0500 E-Mail: [email protected] Webslte:



WHEREAS, the Linwood Fire Association l'ias reqxiested that tbe Stacy Lions Club be allowed to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at the Linwood Fire Association's Annual Fundraisirig Event; ai'id

'+VHEREAS, the Stacy Lions Club has submitted to tl'ie Townsf'iip acceptable proof of liability insurance; and

WHEREAS, a copy of the fully executed liquor license application aiid associated forins shall be provided to tlie Townslnp by fhe Stacy Lions Club when approvals have been attaitied by the Aixoka County Attomey, Anoka County Sheriff and the Anoka County Board of Con'uissio-i'iers;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Stacy Lions Club shall be allowed to sersre non-intoxicating 'i'nalt liquor on Township prope8 during the Linwood Fire Association's Event from 11 a,m, to 5:00 p.m, on September 11, 2021.

ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Linwood tbis 8tli day of June, 2021.

Michael Ht44, Chairman


:E'amela J 01son.'-dlerk

PAMELA J. OLSON Ciletk, Llnwood Twp, Anoka County, MN Nolailal Ollk,or (ax-oillclo notary publlc) My term Is Indetormlnale lk of the Sherjff


August 2, 2021

Susan Anderson Record Services Supervisor Records Anoka Coru':iLy Property Records-'i7ital 2100 3" Ave N, Suite 119 Ai'ioka MN 55303

Licenses regttrding Juditii Kti)i Hannri, RE: Application of Liquor, , Club or 3.2 Dba: Strtcli Lions Club.

Dear Ms. ,%derson:

regarding tl'ie above. Liqrior, 'M7ine, Chili or 3.2 Licenses 1 received the atf:aclied Application for was coml:ileted upon the following: As you reqriested, a crin'iinal backgroru'id cl-ieck

1. Juditli Kay Hanna, DOB: 08/17/1946.

Sheriff's Office Certification by the Anoka County

been convicted of iny knowledge tlie above-named individual has not Tliis is to certi5i tliat to tIie best of laws of tl'ie State or Mini'iesota, or Mrinicipal tl'ie past nvc )iears of any yiiolation witliii'i sfated: liqrior or intoxicating liquors except as lierein relating to the sale of non-intoxicatii'ig malt

No i'e)iorts of concern.

associates of tlie background searcli is needed on otliei' ln tlie evem it is detei'n'iined tliat a crin'iinal and last names), me witl'i tlie individual's coinplete naine (first, iniddle, business entity, Iilease proviele otl'ier-i'eported tliat tl'ie above-nained ii'idividuals may liave along willi his/l'ier date of liirtli. Please note liquors. noi'i-ii'itoxicatii'ig inalt ]iquor or intoxicating incidents tliat do riot inclride tlie sale of


Paul Son'imer Background Investigator PI-L 763-324-5021

133€11 Hanson Blvd NW, Andover, MN 55304-4009 o (763) 324-5000 www.anokarounty.us7'sheriff In the event a discrepancy occurs in the description, catalog, etc of the applications, the information contained on the application is to be considered. LIST OF ABATEMENT APPLICATIONS TO BE PRESENTED August 10, 2021 PIN Number and Commissioner Property Owner Payable Year Property Address District Application For Classification City of East Bethel Eugene Peterson R31 33 23 34 0001 1630 Briarwood Ln NE Unassigned Situs 2020 2nd East Bethel MN 55011- East Bethel MN Braastad

Reason: Ag use adjusted on behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 318 to 159. No change in value. Tax reduced from $293.92 to $51.53. Eugene Peterson R32 33 23 41 0005 1630 Briarwood Ln NE unassigned situs 2020 2nd East Bethel MN 55011- East Bethel MN Braastad

Reason: Ag use adjusted on behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 7 to 4. No change in value. Tax reduced from $6.52 to $1.60. Eugene Peterson R32 33 23 43 0006 1630 Briarwood Ln NE Unassigned Situs 2020 2nd East Bethel MN 55011- East Bethel MN Braastad

Reason: Ag use adjusted on behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 194 to 97. No change in value. Tax reduced from $179.30 to $31.44. Eugene Peterson R32 33 23 44 0001 1630 Briarwood Ln NE Unassigned Situs 2020 2nd East Bethel MN 55011- East Bethel MN Braastad

Reason: Ag use adjusted on behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 1309 to 655. No change in value. Tax reduced from $1,209.66 to $244.38. Application For Homestead City of Anoka Keith Barnes R06 31 24 14 0061 1051 Lincoln St 1051 Lincoln St 2021 7th Anoka MN 55303- Anoka MN Schulte

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2146 to 1967. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,355.88 to $2,201.77. Page 1 PIN Number and Commissioner Property Owner Payable Year Property Address District

City of Blaine Gwendolyn Whitlow M99911 025001 3242 89th Curve NE 3242 89th Curve NE 2021 3rd Blaine MN 55449- Blaine MN West

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 149 to 89. No change in value. Tax reduced from $174.40 to $115.13. Sompong Phouthavong M99912 114003 3615 91st Dr NE 3615 91st Dr NE 2021 6th Blaine MN 55434- Blaine MN Reinert

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 417 to 250. No change in value. Tax reduced from $534.54 to $361.85. William & Amy Kenow R05 31 23 13 0044 1541 130th Ave NE 1541 130th Ave NE 2021 2nd Blaine MN 55449- Blaine MN Braastad

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2626 to 2490. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,919.44 to $2,800.43. Jean Moe R07 31 23 14 0050 12144 Duke Dr NE 12144 Duke Dr NE 2021 3rd Blaine MN 55434- Blaine MN West

Reason: On behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 2054 to 1965. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,304.84 to $2,226.96. City of Columbia Heights Maria Elvia Lema R25 30 24 23 0004 4924 Tyler St NE 4924 Tyler St NE 2021 4th Columbia Heights MN 55421- Columbia Heights MN Meisner

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2333 to 2171. No change in value. Tax reduced from $3,434.88 to $3,217.02. City of Coon Rapids Alexander Peterson & Chloe Rosten R11 31 24 41 0011 11916 Olive St NW 11916 Olive St NW 2021 5th Coon Rapids MN 55448- Coon Rapids MN Gamache

Reason: On behalf. Tax capacity reduced from 1906 to 1705. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,188.74 to $2,005.51.

Page 2 PIN Number and Commissioner Property Owner Payable Year Property Address District

Sandra & Jeffrey Hince R12 31 24 41 0087 45 120th Lane NW Sandra & Jeffrey 2021 5th Coon Rapids MN 55448- Coon Rapids MN Gamache

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 3094 to 3000. No change in value. Tax reduced from $3,552.96 to $3,467.23. Darlinda Alexander R21 31 24 23 0017 10618 Hollywood Blvd NW 10618 Hollywood Blvd NW 2021 7th Coon Rapids MN 55448- Coon Rapids MN Schulte

Reason: Going from 50% fractional to 100% homestead. Tax capacity reduced from 2252 to 2171. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,605.44 to $2,531.44. Robert Lunde R26 31 24 24 0039 9732 Zilla St NW 9732 Zilla St NW 2021 5th Coon Rapids MN 55433- Coon Rapids MN Gamache

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2397 to 2240. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,752.58 to $2,609.44. City of Fridley Mohamed Mohamed R11 30 24 34 0072 6965 W Locke Point Dr NE 6965 W Locke Point Dr NE 2021 4th Fridley MN 55432- Fridley MN Meisner

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 771 to 468. No change in value. Tax reduced from $1,013.70 to $663.51. Martin Peterson R23 30 24 22 0031 6045 2 1/2 St NE 6045 2 1/2 St NE 2021 4th Fridley MN 55432- Fridley MN Meisner

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2167 to 1990. No change in value. Tax reduced from $3,175.22 to $2,951.73. City of Ham Lake Todd Mensing R29 32 23 42 0038 1452 143rd Ln NE 1452 143rd Ln NE 2021 2nd Ham Lake MN 55304- Ham Lake MN Braastad

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 3001 to 2899. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,929.46 to $2,854.03.

Page 3 PIN Number and Commissioner Property Owner Payable Year Property Address District

City of Ramsey Lineth & Musyoka Innocent R23 32 25 14 0170 5665 154th Ave NW 5665 154th Ave NW 2021 1st Ramsey MN 55303- Ramsey MN Look

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2016 to 1825. No change in value. Tax reduced from $2,316.40 to $2,142.18. City of Spring Lake Park Oliver Nihart-Arango R02 30 24 42 0084 8016 Jefferson St NE 8016 Jefferson St NE 2021 3rd Spring Lake Park MN 55432- Spring Lake Park MN West

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 2434 to 2281. No change in value. Tax reduced from $3,153.90 to $2,977.93. City of St. Francis David Hildebrandt M99951 001081 4125 234th Lane NW 4125 234th Lane NW 2021 1st St Francis MN 55070- St. Francis MN Look

Reason: On behalf. Clerical error removed homestead. Tax capacity reduced from 964 to 678. No change in value. Tax reduced from $817.94 to $808.16. Township of Linwood Corey & Courtney Williams R17 33 22 31 0003 6012 S Linwood Dr NE 6012 S Linwood Dr NE 2021 6th Stacy MN 55079- Linwood MN Reinert

Reason: Homestead application not filed. Tax capacity reduced from 518 to 311. No change in value. Tax reduced from $633.58 to $349.12. Application For Value Reduction City of Blaine Roger Anthony Schwarz R03 31 23 41 0063 3332 128th Lane NE 3332 128th Lane NE 2021 2nd Blaine MN 55449- Blaine MN Braastad

Reason: On behalf. Clerical error overstated values. Tax capacity reduced from 4719 to 4329. Value reduced from $471,900 to $432,900. Tax reduced from $5,246.28 to $4,812.68.

Page 4 PIN Number and Commissioner Property Owner Payable Year Property Address District

City of East Bethel Nancy Fisher R25 34 23 24 0004 4525 Fawn Lake Dr NE 4525 Fawn Lake Dr NE 2021 2nd East Bethel MN 55011- East Bethel MN Braastad

Reason: Clerical error missed division. Tax capacity reduced from 3972 to 0. Value reduced from $400,500 to $0. Tax reduced from $4,093.62 to $0.00.

Page 5



Government Center Anoka, Minnesota

July 27, 2021

Chair Schulte called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and called for participation in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: District #1 Matt Look District #2 Julie Braastad District #3 Robyn West District #4 Mandy Meisner District #5 Mike Gamache District #6 Jeff Reinert District #7 Scott Schulte

Others Present: Rhonda Sivarajah, County Administrator; Tony Palumbo, County Attorney; and staff

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Commissioner Braastad made motion granting reductions of valuation and/or abatements of taxes, special assessments, costs, penalties and/or interest as requested and approved by the county assessor, county auditor and/or county treasurer. (A full text of persons receiving tax abatements is on file and available for public inspection in the County Administration Office.) Commissioner West seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Look made motion accepting the regular claims paid over $500 for the period ending July 2, 2021, and purchase-card claims paid for the period ending July 2, 2021. (Claims are on file in the County Administration Office.) Commissioner Reinert seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Reinert made motion approving the minutes from the July 13, 2021, Anoka County board meeting. Commissioner Meisner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Schulte offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:



WHEREAS, The Office of Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan proclaimed July 27, 2021, as County Staff Appreciation Day; and,

WHEREAS, Anoka County staff serve as the cornerstone of this community, dedicating their time, skills, and expertise for the benefit of their neighbors; and,

WHEREAS, Anoka County staff went beyond expectations, taking on personal risks, to continue delivering essential services to the citizens of our county during the COVID-19 pandemic; and,

WHEREAS, in addition to their regular duties, many Anoka County staff were called upon and accepted new and challenging responsibilities during the pandemic such as expediting the distribution of thousands of dollars in economic recovery appropriations, empowering the survival of our local business community; successfully managing a deluge of mail-in ballots in an unprecedented federal election; and, retooling local public health outreach to flatten the curve; and,

Anoka County Board Minutes From the Meeting of July 27, 2021 Page 111

WHEREAS, although the state has turned the corner on the COVID-19 pandemic, Anoka County staff continue their exemplary work, assisting with recovery through vaccination rollouts and preparing for the American Rescue Plan’s multi-year recovery effort; and,

WHEREAS, the work of Anoka County staff over the past year and a half has kept our community safer, healthier, and productive throughout months of unprecedented global transition:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED we, the Anoka County Board of Commissioners, proclaim July 27, 2021, as County Staff Appreciation Day and extend our thanks to the staff of our county and express deep gratitude for their commitment to excellence in public service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Motion carried unanimously. Resolution declared adopted.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chair Schulte introduced Anoka County’s Love Where You Live Campaign encouraging residents to shop, work, and enjoy recreation activities in Anoka County.

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Commissioner West presented the Management Committee report from the meeting of July 13, 2021. All items were of an informational nature and required no board action.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Schulte presented the Transportation Committee report from the meeting of July 14, 2021.


1. Commissioner West made motion approving entering into Contract #C0007279A, the revised Programmatic Maintenance Agreement with the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) for maintenance of the stormwater facilities permitted and constructed within the RCWD; and authorizing the county board chair and county administrator to execute said agreement, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality. (Contract is on file in the Highway Department.) Commissioner Meisner seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Schulte presented the Transportation Committee chair report.


1. Commissioner Look made motion approving entering into Contract #C0007964A, a Professional Services Agreement amendment as a Sub-Client with the City of Anoka, for professional services for Project 17-34-00, the proposed interchange improvement project on U.S. Highway 10/169 at the intersection of West Main Street, Fairoak Avenue and Thurston Avenue in the city of Anoka, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality. (Contract is on file in the Highway Department.) Commissioner Gamache seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Look presented the Finance and Capital Improvements Committee report from the meeting of July 20, 2021.

1. Commissioner Gamache made motion approving an amendment to PO#0006118, the current Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and Server Cloud Enrollment with Insight Public Sector, to expand existing licensing and provide a vehicle to merge current Active Directory user authentication service with Microsoft’s Azure Cloud authentication services, for an additional amount of $311,321.50, for the remainder of the term which expires May 31, 2024, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality. (Amendment is on file in the Finance Department.) Commissioner West seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

2. Commissioner Braastad made motion approving the following contracts for hazardous materials professional services surveys giving the county maximum flexibility, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality:

Anoka County Board Minutes From the Meeting of July 27, 2021 Page 112

• C0008637 with Techtron Engineering, 640 East Main Street, Anoka, MN, 55303 • C0008638 with Nova Consulting Group, 1107 Hazeltine Blvd, Suite 400, Chaska, MN, 55318

(Contracts are on file in the Finance Department.) Commissioner Gamache seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

3. Commissioner Reinert made motion approving the following contracts for abatement/remediation giving the county maximum flexibility, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality:

• C0008670 with Envirobate, 3301 East 26th Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55406 • C0008671 with Mavo Systems, 4330 Centerville Road, White Bear Lake, MN, 55127

(Contracts are on file in the Finance Department.) Commissioner Gamache seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Reinert presented the Human Services Committee report from the meeting of July 20, 2021, which also acts as the Local Social Services Agency and Health Board.


1. Commissioner Reinert made motion approving the following, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality:

Economic Assistance

A. Ratifying Medical Assistance and General Assistance medical expense payments for Economic Assistance clients in an amount of $324,186.61 as identified in the Economic Assistance Client Payments Report for June 2021 on file in Human Services Administration.

Community Corrections

B. Accepting the following grant program allocation renewals from the Minnesota Department of Corrections for SFY 2022–2023 (July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023):

Contract #C0007179 (Amendment I) Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM) $16,000 per year

Contract #C0007215 (Amendment I) Sex Offender Programming at the Juvenile Center $18,325 per year

(Contracts are on file in the Human Services Department.)

Commissioner Braastad seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried.

* * * * * * * * * *

Commissioner Meisner presented the Property Records and Taxation Committee report from the meeting of July 19, 2021. All items were of an informational nature and required no board action.

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Commissioner Braastad presented the Public Safety Committee report from the meeting of July 20, 2021.


1. Commissioner Braastad made motion approving Contract #C0008684, Purchase of Services Agreement with Charter Solutions to evaluate and assist in replacing the Sheriff’s Office jail management, warrants, and civil process software system in an amount not to exceed $95,480, subject to review by the county attorney as to form and legality. Commissioner West seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.

* * * * * * * * * *

Anoka County Board Minutes From the Meeting of July 27, 2021 Page 113

Committee appointments:

1. Commissioner Reinert made motion reappointing Dr. Ed Evans, representing District #1, to the Community Corrections Advisory Board for a term ending July 2023. Commissioner Meisner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

2. Chair Schulte presented, for informational purposes, his appointments and reappointments of the following to the Anoka County Workforce Development Board for two-year terms expiring June 30, 2023:

A. Appointing the following: (1) Don Wellman, Ajax Metal Forming Solutions, LLC (2) Leslie Greves, Kraus-Anderson Companies, Inc.

B. Reappointing the following: (1) Kyung Chun ‘KC’ Kye, K-Mama Sauce, LLC (2) Paul Johnson, Aggressive Hydraulics, Inc. (3) Shym Cook, Department of Employment and Economic Development

3. Chair Schulte presented, for informational purposes, his appointment of the following commissioners to the Intergovernmental and Community Relations Committee for the remainder of 2021:

Braastad (Chair) West (Vice Chair)

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The county board meeting was adjourned at 9:53 a.m.


By: ______By: ______Rhonda Sivarajah Scott Schulte, its Chair County Administrator

Motion carried means all commissioners in attendance voted affirmatively unless otherwise noted.