Birdwatching guide for Protected Natural Areas Published by Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Board - PROMPERU. Calle Uno Oeste N° 50, Piso 14, Urb. Córpac, San Isidro, Lima-Peru. Tel: (51-1) 616-7300 © PROMPERÚ. All Rights Reserved. Legal Deposit made at the National Library of Peru No. 2015-06418 Printing office: Servicios Gráficos JMD S.R.L. Av. José Gálvez 1549, Lince / Tel: 470-6420 472-8273 June 2015 - Lima Research and content: Fernando Angulo Pratolongo, Principal Researcher at CORBIDI
[email protected] Map design: Grupo Geographos Graphic design and edition: PROMPERU Subdirección de Turismo Interno y Subdirección de Producción (Sub-Directorate for Domestic Tourism and Sub-Directorate for Production) The content of this guide has been updated in December 2014 by PROMPERU through official information sources and the assistance of SERNANP (National Service of State-Protected Natural Areas). Free distribution- Not for sale Birdwatching guide for Protected Natural Areas Birdwatching guide for Protected Natural Areas Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary TUMBES LORETO Cerros de Amotape National Park Pacaya – Samiria PIURA AMAZONAS National Reserve Laquipampa Wildlife LAMBAYEQUE Refuge Bosque de Pómac SAN MARTÍN Historical Sanctuary CAJAMARCA LA LIBERTAD Tingo María National Park ÁNCASH HUÁNUCO Huayllay UCAYALI National PASCO Sanctuary Lachay JUNÍN National Reserve CALLAO Manu LIMA National Park MADRE DE DIOS HUANCAVELICA Ampay National Sanctuary CUSCO Paracas APURÍMAC National ICA Reserve PUNO AYACUCHO Titicaca National Salinas and Reserve Aguada Blanca National Reserve AREQUIPA Lagunas de Mejía MOQUEGUA National Sanctuary Ite TACNA Wetlands Aprobado por R.D. N° 0134 / RE del 20 de abril de 2015 Birdwatching guide for Protected Natural Areas Content Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary Introduction .....................................................................................................................................