Exxonmobil Bislett Games Med
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Welcome to Bislett The Bislett Alliance is delighted to welcome you to Oslo for truly world class athletics at the Bislett Stadium on 11 June for the 50th anniversary edition of the Bislett Games. The ExxonMobil Bislett Games is the sixth in this year’s IAAF Diamond League series following Doha, Shanghai, Eugene, Rome, and Birmingham. With quality fields in all events, including more than 40 Olympic Champions, World Champions and European Championships, we are set for yet another exciting evening at Bislett. The Bislett Stadium is known globally as "the World Record Track", testimony to the 69 world records in athletics that have been established at this unique stadium. Bislett is equally well known for the electric atmosphere in the stadium and its knowledgeable spectators that encourage and support all competitors. Since 1966, Oslo's position as a leader in world athletics has been recognized and the Diamond League series, which is now in its sixth year, will guarantee world class athletics at the Bislett Stadium for the years to come. In an effort to reduce the environmental footprint of the IAAF Diamond League all information is made available online and less items are printed. In the Information Finder Guide on page 8 you will find an overview over where to find the various information. I hope this guide will help you in your work and answer your questions. Please see oslo.diamondleague.com for all the latest information, including start lists, Diamond Race standings and press conferences. I wish you an enjoyable evening! Solveig Høyland Acting Press Chief Weather forecast for Thursday evening 0mm Gentle breeze 5 m/s from west-northwest 24°C 2nd edition 9 June 2015 1 Velkommen til Bislett Bislett Alliansen ønsker velkommen til friidrettsfest på Bislett 11. juni. Årets stevne markerer 50-årsjubileet for stiftelsen av Bislett Alliansen og begynnelsen på Bislett Games. ExxonMobil Bislett Games er det sjette stevnet i årets IAAF Diamond League etter Doha, Shanghai, Eugene, Roma og Birmingham. Det er sterke startfelt i alle øvelsene. Flere enn 40 olympiske mestre, verdensmestre og europamestre er klare til dyst, så alt bør ligge til rette for nok en fantastisk friidrettskveld på Bislett med spennende oppgjør og gode resultater. «The World Record Track» er et begrep, og med sine 69 verdensrekorder er det ingen andre steder det er satt flere verdensrekorder enn på Bislett. Den intime atmosfæren og det kyndige og entusiastiske publikumet bærer utøverne fram til topp prestasjoner. Diamond League-serien er inne i sin sjette sesong, og med den er vi sikret at det også i årene som kommer, vil være verdensklassefriidrett på Bislett, slik det har vært siden Bislett Alliansen arrangerte for første gang i 1966. Vi har også i år mange norske utøvere som er med og hevder seg i kampen mot den ypperste verdenseliten. Henrik Ingebrigtsen, Ezinne Okparaebo, Jaysuma Saidy Ndure, Karsten Warholm og Isabelle Pedersen stiller i spissen for den norske troppen. Vi prøver å redusere papirmengden som brukes i IAAF Diamond League og legger derfor ut all informasjon på hjemmesiden og kopierer opp færre dokumenter. Under Informasjons- guide på side 14 finner du en oversikt over hvor du finner ulike typer informasjon. Jeg håper dette heftet vil hjelpe deg i arbeidet og gi svar på de spørsmål du måtte ha. Du finner alt av oppdatert informasjon på oslo.diamondleague.com, blant annet startlister, stillingen i Diamond Race-konkurransen og pressekonferanser. Vel møtt! Solveig Høyland Fungerende pressesjef Værmelding for torsdag kveld 0 mm Lett bris, 5 m/s fra vest-nordvest 24°C 2nd edition 9 June 2015 2 Content 1. General information ....................................................................... 4 2. Time schedule............................................................................... 16 3. Find your seat – written press ...................................................... 17 4. Radio and TV commentators’ boxes ............................................ 19 5. IAAF Diamond League .................................................................. 20 6. Diamond Race standings .............................................................. 22 7. History of the Bislett stadium and the Bislett Games .................. 33 8. Track and field records at Bislett .................................................. 39 9. Bislett, The World Record Track ................................................... 40 10. World Athletics Championships Entry Standards ........................ 42 Innhold 1. Generell informasjon .................................................................... 10 2. Tidsskjema .................................................................................... 16 3. Plassering på pressetribunen skrivende presse ........................... 17 4. Radio- og TV-kommentatorbokser ............................................... 19 5. IAAF Diamond League .................................................................. 21 6. Stillingen i Diamond Race ............................................................. 22 7. Historien til Bislett stadion og Bislett Games ............................... 36 8. Banerekorder på Bislett ............................................................... 39 9. Verdensrekorder på Bislett .......................................................... 40 10. Kvalifiseringskrav til VM i Beijing – IAAF og Friidrettsforbundet . 42 2nd edition 9 June 2015 3 General Information Meeting Hotel Thon Hotel Opera Home page Dronning Eufemias gate 4 View in map 0191 Oslo Press Centre Sub-press centre The sub-press centre is located at the meeting hotel, Thon Hotel Opera. Opening hours Tuesday 9 June 10:00-20:00 Wednesday 10 June 10:00-22:00 Thursday 11 June 08:00-16:00 The Press centre relocates to Bislett Stadium at 16:00 on 11 June. Press Centre at Bislett Stadium (11 June only) The press centre is located on the same level as the track, two floors down from the entrance, which is in Sofies gate, between areas I and J on the illustration below. Address: Bislettgata 1, 0168 Oslo View in map 2nd edition 9 June 2015 4 Internet access and working areas There is a working area with desk seating space at the sub-press centre PLEASE NOTE at Thon Hotel Opera and at the press There is cabled Internet access only at the centre at Bislett Stadium. Wireless Bislett stadium. Please bring an adaptor if Internet access is available at the sub- your PC does not have an Ethernet port. press centre, whereas there is cabled Internet access only at the press centre and in the media tribune at Bislett. For photographers, there will be wired access points in the photo tribune and in the photo room next to the press centre. Picking up your accreditation card Accreditation cards must be picked up in person. The cards can be collected at the sub-press centre during the opening hours except for on the day of the meeting (Thursday 11 June) when the accreditation cards can be collected until 14:00 at the sub-press centre and then outside the press entrance at Bislett Stadium from 15:30 until 19:00. Please note: On Wednesday 10 June, accreditation cards can be picked up at the Strawberry Party at Oslo City Hall from approximately 16:30 until 18:30. For practical reasons, it is therefore not possible to pick up accreditation cards at the sub-press centre at Thon Hotel Opera between 16:00 and 19:30 that day. Press Photography All photographers have to wear an IAAF Diamond League photo vest. There is a different colour for infield photographers. The names of the photographers who have been given an Infield Pass will be announced in the sub-press centre at the Thon Hotel Opera at around 20:00 on Wednesday 10 June. Deposit: NOK 300 / EUR 30 (or a similar amount in another currency). There are no-go-zones for the infield photographers. There will be a photographers’ briefing at the Bislett Stadium on Thursday 11 June at 16:30. The briefing is mandatory for all photographers with infield access. Please be at the press centre at the stadium at 16:15. TV Commentators’ briefing The NRK briefing for broadcaster personnel (rights-holders) will be at Thon Hotel Opera in the meeting room La Traviata (adjacent to the sub-press centre) on Thursday 11 June at 11:00. The pacemakers of the evening will be announced. Commentators can apply for short interviews in their boxes with athletes of their own nationality during the meet. 2nd edition 9 June 2015 5 Procedures during the meeting Interviews with athletes Athletes will pass through the mixed zone after finishing their event. Mixed zone order: NRK (host broadcaster), unilateral TV of athlete's country and other unilaterals. Non-rights holding radio and TV, and newspapers (videographers) are given a position in the indoors mixed zone. Press conferences Press conferences during the meeting will be announced on boards in the press centre and in the media tribune. The press centre room is right next to the press centre. Refreshments Press guides will bring refreshments to the commentary boxes before the meeting. Light refreshments and soft drinks are available in the press centre during the meeting. Media Events Press Conferences The following press conferences are scheduled ahead of the meeting (subject to change). Changes will be announced in the Media Information section of the Bislett Games home page. Tuesday 9 June Thon Hotel Opera, meeting room Rigoletto (room adjacent to the sub-press centre) 11:00 Henrik Ingebrigtsen (NOR) and Jaysuma Saidy Ndure (NOR) 11.45 Isabelle Pedersen (NOR) and Jasmin Stowers (USA)