Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-01-07

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-01-07 s Forecast Basketball Snow lind much colder tocIey with low.', Hewke,," cerry e .Ix-ge.". win· hlllirdeus driving. HI,h. 15-20_ Mostly ning st,uk into tonight'. Big 10 balleetIMlI cloudy tonight with .now Ind coldlr ..-.r ..elnst Indlenll In the Flelet H...... temper lltul'ft. PIIrtly cloudy lind wllrm· See story on P... 4. ail er Iv_y, Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CittJ Bltabliahed-------------------------------------------------- In 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press LeaBed Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City. lowa-Saturday, January 7, 1967 Bus Line Future Will Be Studied Senators Divided By Chicago Firm On Possibilities By JAMES MARTZ has come because of our new route to SteH Writer Hawkeye Apartments," Negus said. Half­ The Chicago consulting firm of Barton­ hour service between the apartments and . Aschman Associates will meet here Thurs­ the central business district is provided day with members of the Iowa City Coun· during the day. cil to discuss the future of the city's bus Many of the buses, Negus said, are run­ system. ning above capacity_ Although they are , .. Glenn V. Eckard, city clerk and acting all 31-passenger buses, sometimes 45 to 50 MILLINGTON F, CARPENTER city manager, said Friday the Council was persons are riding at certain peak periods. For Viet Peace hiring the firm to study the Iowa City "We have eight buses at the peak peri· Coach Company's books, its present and ods - 7 to 9 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. WASHINGTON t.fI - Senate Democrat­ from that quarter that I can see to raise releasing a letter by Secretary of State proposed routes. and Its complete opera­ We use six buses from 9 to 3:30 p.m.," Me F. Carpenter ic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said any new hopes." Dean Rusk expressing U.S_ willingness tc tion. Negus said. There are four buses in and Friday he believed "the opening has Symington Pe ..lml ..lc meet Hanoi envoys - "either in public Ot Last fall the council agreed to subsidize out of the downtown district every 20 min­ been enlarged" for possible negotiations Sen. Stuart Symington <D-Mo,) , just in ' secret" - to seek a peaceful setUe­ the bus company, which had been flounder­ utes and two buses every half hour. to end the war in Viet Nam. back from a Southeast Asia trip, told a ment. ing for several years. Temporarily, the N.. d More Routes Dies At Age 78; But Republican Leader Everett M. news conference he was more pessimist. Mansfield disclosed that after a N()o city is paying $3,000 a month to keep the Negus said another route was needed Dirksen of 1IIlnois said in a separate in­ ic about military prospects in Viet Nam vember speech In which he urged U.N. - operation going. The University agreed In into Towncrest, on Rochester Road, to go terview there had been "no hard evi· than he was a year ago. Security Council action on Viet Nam, September to pay about F'OOO a year out West Benton Street. He added that Here Since 1919 dence and no firm clues" that Hanoi As a result, he added, he is "more fav· JohnsOn commissioned him to tallt per­ in additional subsidy . a route should eventually go to the Fair wanted to negotiate. orably Inclined toward political settle­ sonally with the secretary·general and Also last fall, the fare for all city bus Meadows Addition. Millington F . Carpenter, 78, associate Mansfield said he believed the "great ment" than he was at that time. He ex­ U.N. Ambassador Arthur J_ Goldberg. professor emeritus of English, died here degree of flexibility" President Johnson plained, "It looks to me like It's going to users was reduced from 25 cents to a dime. Four more buses ($14,000 each) would Security Council Hope. Some bus routes were expanded and an­ have to be purchased for the expanded Friday. gave U.N. Secretary-General U ThaIlt in be a long, drawn-out effort-and it's very He was a member of the faculty for seeking peace negotiations already may expensive." As an outgrowth of these conversa· R RENT - other bus was added for the late after­ routes, and six more drivers would have tions, Mansfield expressed the belief that noon service. The pay of drivers was to be hired. He said two more buses were more than 40 years, and in HI63 estab­ be paying off. These varying senatorial assessments lisbed the Millington F. Carpenter Pro­ But Dirksen said, "Nothing has come came while the State Department was "tbere is still the possibility of having the :nlshed hoillt S also increased. needed to maintain present service. matter brought before the Security Coun· mils. No Pt~ Gross Rev.nue Drop. fessorship of Literary Criticism. His po­ Itverslty couph. "We're doing what the city and the cll." L, H. II! egus, president of the bus com· University want - carrying people - sition will be filled ;n September by Pro£. ---~ pany. estimated that it cost 30 to 35 per and they pay the difference," Negus said. Sherman Paul of the University of Win­ * * * * * * Mansfield made public a letter from ed dUPS.;jjj ois. Chairman J.W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) an· , AvoUable Ftl cent more to operate the system because He noted. however, that only a verbal of these changes. He said gross revenue agreement had been made between the bus From 1920 to 1950. Dr. Carpenter su­ nouncing that Rusk had agreed to appeal U before the Senate Foreign Relations Com· -.h-ed-, -11lI-~ had dropped about two per cent because of company and the city and University. He pervised practice teaching and taught Rusk Bids For Talks IUe. furnilhe{ the cut in fares, thus the need for subsidy, said a written agreement might be reach­ methods of teaching English. He headed mittee in a closed session Jan. 16 and tG WASHINGTON IA'I - Amid mounting tions may well be merely part of maneu­ testify publicly Jan. 23. These hearings =.-.==;:~J , Patronage of city buses , on Monday ed following the recommendations made the English department at University .hrough Fridays has doubled from a year by Barton-Aschman. High School, and coached the debating speculation about negotiations, Secretary of vers by Hanoi to force a permanent, uncon­ are expected to be a sweeping and con­ 19o, Negus said. About 4,000 persons are Council Not Bound team, directed plays, and advised on State Dean Rusk offered Friday to meet ditional halt to U.S. bombing of the North_ troversial review of U.S. foreign polic­ riding the buses each week day, he said. Negus said the council would not be student publications. He also coached the with Communist envoys - {'either in pub­ These officials speculate that Hanoi may ies. 5aturday patronage is less than tbat of bound to the suggestions of the consultants, track team there. lic or in secret" - to work out a settle­ hope that by combining demands for an Mansfield said the question of whether ;ide If weekdays, he added, and basn't risen but that they would be used in determin­ He was born Oct. 21, 1888, here, son ment on Viet Nam. cnd to tbe bombings with vague wOrds there should be a pause in the bombing markedly since a year ago. There is no ing whether the bus system should be of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Carpenter. "We stand ready - now and at any lime about negotiations they can build pres­ of North Viet Nam - even without a sig­ bus service on Sundays and bolidays. owned by the city and operated by taxes, He received a B.A. in 1911 at the Uni­ In the future - to sit down with repre­ sures inside and outside the United States nal from Hanoi of willingness to talk - lents "The biggest percentage of our increase privately owned and subslzed, or if bu. versity of Chicago, where he participated sentatives of Hanoi. either in public or in that would lead Washington to halt air was certain to come before the commit­ service should be altogether dropped. in track under Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg. secret, to work out arrangements for a strikes without any real balancing conces· tee. "Although I have no way of knowing for He taught three YE'ars in the public just solution," Rusk said. sion coming from North Viet Nam. d furnished schools of Houston, Texas, and was in Rusk's remarks came in a letter to 100 Officially, the State Department spokes­ Unconditlonel End sure," Negus said, "I'd estimate that if North Vietnamese officials have called tments and the Army for two years during World stUdent leaders, headed by Robert Powell, man expressed puzzlement over 8 new Mao Assumes bus service was discontinued, there would for an unconditional end to the air strikes 'ownhouses be from 2,000 Lo 2,500 more cars downtown War I. In 1919 he joined the University University of North Carolina student body Hanoi broadcast giving an "authorized" each day." to teach dental English , and remained president, in response to a Dec_ 29 letter quote from North Vietnamese Premier as a preliminary to any negotiations. The United States has said there must be re­ t move the The traffic consultant for the University, here thereafter, except for the summer of from them to President Johnson. Pham Van Dong. Part Of Blame Lawrence K. Sieck, associate professor of 1936, which he spent at the University Mood Of Doubt Let.,.t Stili Uncle.r ciprocal de-escalation in military action utments civil engineering, conducted a survey with of Mississippi.
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