1. Interfaculty doctoral programme: OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL Subject title: Epistemology of the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences

Subject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Tanja Rener

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Tanja Rener Prof. Dr. Rastko Močnik Hours: 300 Lectures: 40 Seminar: 20 Laboratory work: Other: 240

ECTS credits: 10

2. Subject requirements:

3. Educational aims and In-depth knowledge and awareness of contemporary theoretical intended learning outcomes: issues, promoting independent use of this knowledge, using the concepts and definitions in one's own work and engaging in dialogue with modern theories. Ability to cut across disciplinary boundaries and carry out an in-depth examination of a given topic of research, to link one's own work with alternative interpretations of the same subject or by using analogous methods from other disciplines. (Subject-specific Ability to engage in active and critical (also self-critical, reflective) competences) dialogue with other theories and disciplines. Ability to cut across disciplinary boundaries, to produce work within the context of contemporary debates, and to articulate one's work with analogous or alternative solutions.

4. Subject outline: The subject will examine the most important 20th-century theoretical issues in the social sciences and humanities. It will deal with turning points, controversies, and particularly with the interplay among different disciplines. The presentation will focus on a challenge and will test the hypothesis that the productive theoretical moments of the 20th century are linked with the overcoming of disciplinary boundaries, the transformation of the scope of the challenge and the integration of theoretical practices in various areas. This will be made possible by examining the development of the Durkheimian model of social sciences in sociology and (Mauss, Radcliffe-Brown, Lévi- Strauss) – in light of the development of psychoanalysis (Lacan), the formation of new challenges (Foucault), the redefinition of social sciences (Bourdieu), the establishment of a new linguistic and its subsequent radiation across the entire scope of the humanities (Benveniste). And especially in light of the expansion and intensification of the historiographic theoretic production: the early Annales (Bloch, Febvre); economic (Braudel, Wallerstein); the history of mentalities (Delumeau, Mandrou, Vovelle, Ariès, Lloyd); social history (Labrousse, Noiriel); l'histoire sérielle (Chaunu); new historicism (Greenblatt); cultural history (Darnton, Chartier); microhistory (Levi, Ginzburg); the "cultural turn" (Hunt). The theoretical production of the 20th century will be examined in terms of its accomplishments and limitations. The subject will show that there is no linear "progress" and that for theoretical production the dialogue among theories and disciplines, their articulation and restructuring are considerably more important than the linear accumulation of knowledge.

5. Primary sources: 1. Bourdieu, Pierre: Sociologija kot politika, Založba /*cf., , 2003. (Incl. the foreword by Dejan Dejanov.) 2. Bourdieu, Pierre, Wacquant, Loic: Načela za refleksivno družbeno znanost in kritično proučevanje simbolnih dominacij. Collected and edited by: Taja Kramberger and Drago B. Rotar, Annales, , 2006. 3. Böcke H. et al., eds.: Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser, Argument, Hamburg-Berlin, 1994. 4. Breznik, Maja: Proti kulturi, a column in: Časopis za kritiko znanosti, no. 207-208, vol. XXX, 2002. 5. Caillé, Alain: Splendeurs et misères des sciences sociales, Droz, Genève etc., 1986. 6. Flaker, Vito: Odpiranje norosti, Založba /*cf., Ljubljana, 1998. 7. Kaplan, Ann; Sprinker, Michael, eds.: The Althusserian Legacy, Verso, London etc., 1993. 8. Levi-Strauss, Claude: Anthropologie structurale, Plon, , 1958. Also in Croatian. 9. Wallerstein, Immanuel: Utopistike – Dediščina sociologije, Založba /*cf., Ljubljana, 1999. 10. Wallerstein, Immanuel: Unthinking Social , Polity Press - Blackwell, Cambridge - Oxford, 1991 (1995). 11. Wallerstein, Immanuel, in drugi (“Gulbenkianova komisija”): Kako odpreti družbene vede, Založba /*cf., Ljubljana, 2000. Immanuel Wallerstein, a column in: Časopis za kritiko znanosti, no. 198-199, vol. XXVIII, 2000.

6. Learning and teaching Lectures; seminars; round table discussions. methods:

7. Assessments and student Written paper. Presentation of one seminar. Participation in obligations: seminars.

8. Lecturer-specific references: Tanja Rener: 1. Nazionalismo e donne nelle società post-socialiste. V: RICHTER, Melita (ed.), BACCHI, Maria (ed.). Le guerre cominciano a primavera : soggetti e genere nel conflitto jugoslavo, (Altera). Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino, 2003, pp. 61–76. 2. Private is political (30 years on). V: MITEV, Petur-Emil (ed.), RIORDAN, James (ed.). Towards non-violence & dialogue culture in South-East . Sofia: Ivan Hadjiysky Institute for Social Values and Structures, 2004, pp. 227–229. 3. RENER, Tanja, SEDMAK, Mateja, ŠVAB, Alenka, UREK, Mojca. Le radici e le ali : la vita famigliare in . Cassino: Qualecultura: Università degli studi, 2005. p. 216, charts, tables. ISBN 88-16-90106-5. 4. Politična ekonomija družinskega dela in novo očetovstvo. Teor. praksa, Jan.–Apr. 2007, vol. 44, no. 1/2, pp. 127–141. 5. Globalizacija, individualizacija in socialna izključenost mladih. IB rev. (Ljubl.), 2007, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 40–49, tables. [COBISS.SI-ID 26701917] 6. KRALJ, Ana, RENER, Tanja. Poklic posebne vrste. V: SEDMAK, Mateja (ed.), MEDARIČ, Zorana (ed.). Med javnim in zasebnim : ženske na trgu dela, (Knjižnica Annales Majora). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2007, pp. 211–234.

Rastko Močnik: 1. Forewords to: Michel Foucault, Nadzorovanje in kaznovanje, DE; Roman Jakobson, Lingvistični in drugi spisi; Roland Barthes, Retorika Starih - Elementi semiologije; Claude Levi-Strauss, Rasa in zgodovina - Totemizem danes; Marcel Mauss, Esej o daru in drugi spisi; Bogdan Lešnik, Subjekt v analizi. - Vse v zbirki Studia humanitatis, ŠKUC-FF. 2. “Mit v teoriji ideologije”, v: Paul Veyne, So Grki verjeli v svoje mite?, Založba *cf., Ljubljana, 1998. 3. “Sistem družboslovja in njegovi učinki”, Časopis za kritiko znanosti, let. XXVIII, št. 200-201, Ljubljana, 2000. 4. Teorija za politiko, Založba /*cf., Ljubljana, 2003. 5. Julija Primic v slovenski književni vedi. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2006. 241p. ISBN 961-6294-82-2. ISBN 978-961-6294-82-9. 6. Veselje v gledanju. Ljubljana: Založba /*cf., 2007.