Recent Research and Excavation in Wales

st nd Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 September 2019 Mariners Hotel, Haverfordwest, SA61 2DU

Cost: £50 (Students £35)

To include refreshments, packed lunch (Saturday only) and book launch.

Field trip (Saturday pm) £20

Three-course conference dinner £26.50

To register: Please send a cheque made out to Nancy Edwards (EMWARG) to Professor Nancy Edwards, School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, LL57 2DG.

th Closing date Friday 6 September 2019

Please contact Marion Shiner with any queries – [email protected]

st Saturday 21 September

09.00: Registration

09.20: Welcome

09.30: Keynote: Jacky Nowakowski ‘Researching Tintagel, Dumnonia and post-Roman Britain’

10.30: Coffee

11.00: Paul Belford ‘Recent work on Offa's and Wat's Dykes in Wrexham’

11.30: Keith Ray ‘Offa’s Dyke north of Treuddyn, Flintshire: Reconsidering the Gwynedd/Mercia frontier in North-East Wales’

12.00: Chris Caple ‘Traces of an Earlier Welsh Culture in an Anglo-Norman World – Evidence from Castle’

13.00 –18.00: Field trip (packed lunch provided). Suitable clothing and footwear necessary.

Taking in St Dogwells Church ogham and Latin inscribed stone and newly noted cross-carved stone; Garn Turne (‘Three Lords Stone’) meeting point of 4 cantrefi; Crugiau Bronze Age barrows with later burials with assembly site?; Caer Bayvil early medieval cemetery in an older enclosure with Bayfil Fair/assembly site nearby; Nevern Church, cross and inscribed stones; Nevern Castle. Led by Rhiannon Comeau, Chris Caple, Nancy Edwards, Heather James.

19.00: Reception to launch Living off the Land (eds) Rhiannon Comeau and Andy Seaman (Oxbow Books)

nd Sunday 22 September 9.30: Andy Seaman, Tudor Davies and Stephen Rippon ‘Manifestations of Empire: Palaeoenvironmental Analysis and the End of Roman Britain: Preliminary Results and Interpretations’

10.00: Marion Shiner ‘Shared Spaces: Identifying Potential ‘Cemetery Settlements’ in Early Medieval Wales

10.30: Coffee

11.00: David Parsons ‘Dating place-names in llan’

11.30: Keynote: Adrián Maldonado ‘Iona at the Millennium: new insights on the monastery in the Viking Age’

12.30: Marion Shiner ‘A brief introduction to the latest excavations at St Patrick’s Chapel’

12.45: Depart for visit to current excavations at St Patrick’s Chapel, Whitesands Bay, StDavids (in cars)

Speakers: Ken Murphy, Marion Shiner. Suitable clothing and footwear necessary.