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Frobenius Normal Forms of Doubly Stochastic Matrices Received August 15, 2019; Accepted November 22, 2019

Frobenius Normal Forms of Doubly Stochastic Matrices Received August 15, 2019; Accepted November 22, 2019

Spec. Matrices 2019; 7:213–217

Note Open Access Special Issue Dedicated to Charles R. Johnson

Pietro Paparella* Frobenius normal forms of doubly stochastic matrices https://doi.org/10.1515/spma-2019-0015 Received August 15, 2019; accepted November 22, 2019

Abstract: An elementary proof of a fundamental result on doubly stochastic matrices in Frobenius normal form is given. This result is used to establish several well-known results concerning , including a theorem due to Runi.

Keywords: Frobenius normal form, doubly stochastic , , permutation matrix

MSC: 15A21; 05A05

1 Introduction

In 1965, Perfect and Mirsky [5, Lemma 3] stated, without proof, that a doubly is permuta- tionally similar to a direct sum of irreducible, doubly stochastic matrices. Furthermore, they state that the result “is almost certainly well-known” and omit a proof because it “follows very easily from the denitions” [5, p. 38]. This result is fundamental in the Perfect–Mirsky conjecture, but, to the best of our knowledge, it ap- pears sparingly in the literature: Liu and Lai [4, Theorem 2.7.4] prove the weaker result that a is either irreducible or permutationally similar to a direct sum of two doubly stochastic matrices; and Hartel and Spellman [2, Lemma 1(b)] give a proof via strong induction. In this work, an elementary proof of this fundamental result is provided that relies on weak induction and the Frobenius normal form of a matrix. To demonstrate its import and utility, we apply it to permutation matrices and and characterize the Frobenius normal forms of a permutation matrix. This, in turn, is used to derive two well-known results concerning permutations, including the disjoint cyclic form and the result due to Runi that the order of a permutation in disjoint cyclic form is the least common multiple of the lengths of its disjoint cycles.

2 Background

n For F = C or F = R, we let Mn(F) denote the set of n-by-n matrices with entries over F, and F denote the collection of all column vectors of length n over F. We let In denote the n-by-n and e denotes the all-ones vector (the size of which is determined by the context in which it appears). Finally, for n ∈ N, we let hni := {1, ... , n}. A directed graph (or simply digraph) Γ = (V, E) consists of a nite, nonempty set V of vertices, together with a set of arcs E ⊆ V × V. A digraph Γ is strongly connected if, for any two vertices u and v of V, there is a (directed) walk in Γ from u to v Every vertex of V is considered strongly connected to itself so that strong

*Corresponding Author: Pietro Paparella: University of Washington Bothell, E-mail: [email protected]

Open Access. © 2020 Pietro Paparella, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution alone 4.0 License. 214 Ë Pietro Paparella connectivity denes an equivalence relation, and hence a partition, of the vertices into strongly connected components. Notice that Γ is strongly connected if and only if Γ possesses one strongly connected component. If A ∈ Mn(C), then the digraph of A, denoted by Γ(A), has vertices V = hni and arcs E = {(i, j) ∈ V × V | aij ≠ 0}. For n ≥ 2, a matrix A ∈ Mn(C), is reducible if there is a permutation matrix P such that " # > A A P AP = 11 12 , 0 A22 in which A11 and A22 are nonempty square matrices and 0 is a zero block. If A is not reducible, then A is called irreducible. It is well-known that A is irreducible if and only if Γ (A) is strongly connected (see, e.g., Brualdi and Ryser [1, Theorem 3.2.1]). If A ∈ Mn(C), then there is a permutation matrix P such that   A11 ··· A1k >   P AP =  .. .  ,  . .  Akk

> in which the matrices A11, ... , Akk are irreducible [1, Theorem 3.2.4]. The matrix P AP is called a Frobe- nius normal form (FNF) of A and is not unique. The irreducible matrices A11, ... , Akk, called the irreducible components of A, are unique up to permutation similarity.

3 Main Result

> Recall that a A ∈ Mn(R) is called doubly stochastic if Ae = e = A e. With this denition, we are now ready to present the main result.

Theorem 3.1. Let A ∈ Mn(R) and suppose that   A11 ··· A1k >   P AP =  .. .   . .  Akk is a Frobenius normal form of A. If A is doubly stochastic, then Aij = 0, i < j, i.e.,   k A11 > M   P AP = Aii =  ..   .  i=1 Akk

and the irreducible components A11 ∈ Mn1 (R), ... , Akk ∈ Mnk (R) are doubly stochastic.

Proof. Proceed by induction on k, the number of irreducible blocks in any FNF of A. When k = 1, then A is irreducible and the result is clear. For the induction-step, assume that k ≥ 2 and that the result holds for any doubly stochastic matrix having k − 1 irreducible blocks in any FNF. > > > Since Pe = P e = e, it follows that P AP is doubly stochastic. Consequently, A11e = e and A11e ≤ e (inequality here is considered entrywise). We claim that A11e = e. Otherwise,

>  >  > > n1 = e e = e A11 e = e (A11e) < e e = n1, Spectrally Perron Polynomials Ë 215

a contradiction. Thus, A11 is doubly stochastic and   A11  A A  >  22 ··· 2k P AP =   .  .. .   . .  Akk

The submatrix   A22 ··· A2k    .. .   . .  Akk > of P AP is doubly stochastic and has k − 1 irreducible blocks; as such, the induction-hypothesis applies and the result is established.

n > n Remark 3.2. For α > 0 let CSα := {A ∈ Mn(R) | A ≥ 0, Ae = αe = A e}. Notice that A ∈ CSα if and only if n n ri = cj = α, ∀i, j ∈ hni. Furthermore, A ∈ CSα if and only if B := A/α ∈ CS1, therefore Theorem 3.1 applies to n matrices in CSα, α > 0.

4 Permutations and Permutation Matrices.

Denote by Sn the symmetric of hni. For σ ∈ Sn, the permutation matrix corresponding to σ, denoted by

Pσ, is the the n-by-n matrix such that (i, j)-entry is δi,σ−1(i), where δij denotes the Kronecker delta. When the context is clear, Pσ is abbreviated to P. As is well-known, Pσ Pγ = Pσγ and so the set of all n-by-n permutation matrices, denoted by Pn, forms a group under and the map Φ : Sn −→ Pn, dened by Φ(σ) = Pσ is an isomorphism.

Observation 4.1. If P ∈ Mn(R) is a permutation matrix, then P is irreducible if and only if Γ (P) is an n-cycle.

Proof. Let v ∈ hni. Since Γ (P) is strongly connected, Γ (P) has a k-cycle of distinct vertices v := v1 −→ ··· −→ vk −→ v1 with 1 ≤ k ≤ n. We claim that k = n; otherwise, if k < n, then Γ (P) clearly contains more than one connected component, which is a contradiction. Thus, k = n, i.e., Γ (P) is an n-cycle. Conversely, the matrix P is clearly irreducible when Γ (P) is an n-cycle. " # 0 1 Observation 4.2. For a positive integer n ≥ 2, the matrix Cn := is called a basic circulant. No- In−1 0   tice that Cn is the permutation matrix corresponding to the 1 ··· n . Thus, if P is an > irreducible permutation matrix, then there is a permutation matrix Q such that Q PQ = Cn.

Corollary 4.3 (FNF of a permuation matrix). If P is a permutation matrix, then there is a permutation matrix Q Q>PQ Lk C k n such that = i=1 ni , 1 ≤ ≤ .     Lemma 4.4. If α = α1 ··· αk ∈ Sn and β = β1 ··· β` ∈ Sn are disjoint, cyclic permutations (i.e., −1 −1 αi ≠ βj) and γ ∈ Sn, then γαγ and γβγ are disjoint, cyclic permutations.

−1 Proof. If yi := γ(αi), 1 ≤ i ≤ k, then γ(α(γ (yi))) = γ(α(αi)) = γ(αi+1) = yi+1, where, for convenience, −1 −1 −1 αk := α and yk := y . If y ∈ hni\{y , ... , yk} and x := γ (y), then (γαγ )(y) = γ(α(γ (y))) = γ(α(x)) = +1 1 +1 1 1   −1 −1 γ(x) = y. Thus, γαγ = y1 ··· yk . A similar argument demonstrates that γβγ = z1 ··· z` with zi := γ(βi), 1 ≤ i ≤ `. 216 Ë Pietro Paparella

For contradiction, if γαγ−1 and γβγ−1 are not disjoint, then there are positive integers i and j such that γ(αi) = yi = zj = γ(βj), i.e., αi = βj, a contradiction.

Theorem 4.5 (disjoint cyclic form). If σ ∈ Sn, then there are disjoint, cyclic permutations σ1, ... , σk ∈ Sn, k n σ Qk σ 1 ≤ ≤ , such that = i=1 i.

Proof. If P is the permutation matrix corresponding to σ, then, following Corollary 4.3, there is a permutation matrix Q corresponding to γ ∈ Sn such that k ! k M > M > P = Q Cni Q = QCni Q , 1 ≤ k ≤ n. i=1 i=1 > If σˆi is the cyclic permutation corresponding to Cni and σi is the permutation corresponding to QCni Q , i.e., σ γσ γ−1 σ ... σ σ Qk σ i = ˆi , then 1, , k are pairwise disjoint (Lemma 4.4) and = i=1 i, as desired.

Remark 4.6. Johnson [3] arrives at the FNF of a permutation matrix, however the disjoint cyclic form of a permutation is assumed.

5 Runi’s theorem.

Before we derive a matricial proof of Runi’s theorem, we will require the following fundamental fact.

Lemma 5.1. If Cn is a basic circulant, then |Cn| = n.

n Proof. The matrix Cn is the of the polynomial p(t) = t − 1. As such, p is the characteristic n and minimal polynomial of Cn. By the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, p(Cn) = 0, i.e., (Cn) = In and |Cn| ≤ n. For m contradiction, if |Cn| = m < n, then the polynomial q(t) = t − 1 annihilates Cn, contradicting the minimality of p. Thus, |Cn| = n.

The following well-known result is due to Runi.

Theorem 5.2. Let σ ∈ Sn. If there are disjoint cyclic permutations σ1, ... , σk ∈ Sn, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, such that σ Qk σ |σ| |σ | ... |σ | = i=1 i, then = lcm( 1 , , k ).

Proof. Let P be the permutation matrix corresponding to σ and let Q be a permutation matrix such that Q>PQ Lk C P = i=1 ni is a Frobenius normal form of . Since the irreducible components of a matrix are unique (up to permutation) and correspond to disjoint cycles of σ, without loss of generality, it may be assumed that > σi is the permutation corresponding to QCni Q . > > Since |σ| = |P| and since P 7−→ Q PQ is an inner automorphism, it follows that |σ| = |Q PQ| = | Lk C | i=1 ni . By the mechanics of multiplication, m k ! k M M m Cni = (Cni ) , i=1 i=1 whence k M C |C | ... |C | |σ | ... |σ | ni = lcm( n1 , , nk ) = lcm( 1 , , k ), i=1 i.e., |σ| = lcm(|σ1|, ... , |σk|). Acknowledgments: The author thanks the University of Washington Royalty Research Fund for nancial support, Georey R. Robinson for the idea of the proof of Theorem 3.1, and the anonymous referee who alerted the author to reference [2]. Spectrally Perron Polynomials Ë 217

Supported by University of Washington Royalty Research Fund Award # A139510.


[1] R. A. Brualdi and H. J. Ryser. Combinatorial matrix theory, volume 39 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. [2] D. J. Hartel and J. W. Spellmann. A role for doubly stochastic matrices in . Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 36:389–394, 1972. [3] C. R. Johnson. An inclusion region for the eld of values of a doubly stochastic matrix based on its graph. Aequationes Math., 17(2-3):305–310, 1978. [4] B. Liu and H.-J. Lai. Matrices in combinatorics and graph theory, volume 3 of Network Theory and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000. With a foreword by Richard A. Brualdi. [5] H. Perfect and L. Mirsky. Spectral properties of doubly-stochastic matrices. Monatsh. Math., 69:35–57, 1965.