Latchingdon C of E Primary School The Street, Latchingdon , CM3 6JS

Telephone 01621 740328

The Diocese of Chelmsford Vine Schools Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in No 8709542. Registered Office: 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT

The Diocese of Chelmsford Vine Schools Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No 8709542. Registered Office: 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT

Latchingdon Primary School Mission Statement

Christian values guide our work and behaviour.

Aiming high to be the best that we can be.

Being respectful and helpful to everyone.

Keeping safe and being happy. Our Christian Values: Creativity, Peace, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Friendship, Truthfulness, Hope, Courage

Statement Latchingdon Church of England Primary School aims to provide a stimulating environment, in which high standards of achievement are fostered and where all pupils are challenged and encouraged to reach their full potential. The Christian ethos of the school seeks to promote high levels of self-esteem and confidence, enabling pupils to develop independence and maturity. All individuals are encouraged to respect and value others regardless of their age, gender or culture.

The school Latchingdon School admits Infant and Junior Boys and Girls aged 4 to 11. The admissions limit is 25 pupils per year group Since being built in 1852 the building has been extended and improved on three occasions. The pleasant working environment consists of five class rooms, four art areas; special needs room, group teaching area, library, changing rooms and hall. The school is set in attractive grounds and has a large playing field providing ample space for a wide range of summer and winter games. There are safe, adventure play areas for the children to use at break times and sheltered areas to provide shade in the summer. The school also has an environmental area and pond for wildlife studies.

Admissions Policy and Early Years

The admissions arrangements are set out in our Admissions Policy and are available on our website or from the school office.

The school has close links with the local pre-schools. Latchingdon pre- school is also on the school site.

Free transport is provided for children living in the parishes of Althorne and Latchingdon if they live more than 1 ½ miles (infants), or 2 miles (juniors), from the school.

Parents of children living outside the two parishes who wish to apply for a place at the school must contact the Planning and Admissions Department for the Chelmsford and Areas: Tel: 0345 6032200. Free transport is not automatically provided.

Disabled Access

The school has facilities to admit disabled children and arrangements will be made to ensure that they can access the full curriculum as far as is possible. The school has an action plan in place to increase access to the school for disabled children in the future. The school has policies for Equal Opportunities and Inclusion to ensure that no pupils are treated less favourably than others.

School Organisation Head Teacher – Miss Amery Deputy Head Teacher – Mrs Kemp

From September 2019 we had four classes in the school and envisage having the same in September 2020: Reception & Year 1 - Red Squirrels Year 1 & 2 - Hedgehogs Year 3 & 4 - Foxes Year 5 & 6 - Badgers

School Day School hours are: 8.45am to 3.10pm Morning break: 10.15am to 10.30am Lunch: 12.30pm to 1.20pm Afternoon break: (infants only) 2.35pm to 2.45pm

Playground gates are opened at 8:35am when a member of Staff will be on duty and children can go straight into their classrooms.

Absence If your child is absent, please telephone the school every day and leave a message giving the reason for the absence. A letter stating the reason for absence is required on their return. The Local Authority monitors absences regularly.

Parents should not arrange holidays during term time. If a holiday is taken it will not be authorised and the Local Authority will be informed. They may issue a penalty notice of £120 (or £60 if paid within 28 days) to each parent for each child.

In order to protect pupils, parents and staff, pupils may not be taken out of school during school hours without advance notification, in writing, except in emergencies.

School Meals

Our meals are prepared and cooked in the school kitchen at Primary School and transported here for serving. Menus are shown on our website and displayed on our notice board outside the school office.

We supply free school meals for all infants. Any pupils in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 that are entitled to free school meals will also be receiving a meal. There is an opportunity for all others to purchase the meals if they wish for £2.20 per day. All meals must be ordered and paid for in advance on by the Thursday of the week before. No meals can be ordered on the day.

To be eligible for free school meals you must be receiving one of the following:

Income support or income-based Job Seekers Allowance; Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of less than £16,190; Pension Guarantee Credit; Income-related Employment and Support Allowance; Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Universal Credit, with a household income of £7,400 or less (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

If you think you may be entitled to free school meals and have not yet applied please complete an application form on the Essex County Council website

Please note: if your child has a packed lunch no nuts or nut products are allowed in school as some children can suffer a serious reaction to the presence of nuts.

Morning Snack

Pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning break. Pupils may bring water, fruit, dried fruit or vegetables. No nuts, chocolate or chocolate cereal bars please. Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fruit or vegetable for mid-morning snack every day. Children are encouraged to bring water to school in the hot weather (water only, not juice or squash) because it is important to maintain hydration during the day but to avoid an over consumption of additional sugars or additives.


Milk is free for under 5’s and must be applied for through Cool Milk or by completing the form in the application pack. All children over 5 can have milk by applying through


School Uniform: Girls: Boys: Grey or black pinafore dress, skirt or Trousers Grey or black trousers White blouse White shirt Red and white summer dress Pillar-box red jumper or fleece Pillar-box red jumper, cardigan or fleece Grey or white plain socks Grey or red tights Plain white, red, black or grey socks Black shoes or sandals, low heeled with an enclosed toe for safety reasons.

No hoodies or clothes with logos other than the school logo are allowed.

For health and safety reasons it is advisable for long hair to be tied back with a plain band or a band in the school colours.

P.E. kit: Red or plain black shorts Plain red T-shirt with or without the school logo Plimsolls must be worn for games in the hall and on the playground Trainers may be worn for games outside Pupils may wear plain tracksuit bottoms in the winter Long hair must be tied back.

School sweatshirts, fleeces, t-shirts and shorts are available from Patricias, 13 Trinity Square, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5JX or via PTFA

Please mark all items clearly with your child’s name.

Jewellery Please do not send children to school wearing any type of jewellery, including earrings, for health and safety reasons. A small watch may be worn in KS2.

Regulations for schools state that no jewellery can be worn for P.E. and Games lessons and during use of play equipment when injuries can occur. This means that any child wearing jewellery to school will not be permitted to go outside at playtimes. Make up is not permitted to be worn by pupils.

The Aims of the School The school aims to provide a safe, stimulating environment in which pupils will develop;

• Lively, enquiring minds, with the ability to question and argue rationally, and to apply themselves to tasks confidently and independently. • A reasoned set of attitudes, values and beliefs. • Health and fitness and become equipped with a range of physical skills. • The skills necessary to cope with an ever-changing world and become well-rounded individuals. • Interests, which will enable them to enjoy and make the best use of their leisure time. • Respect for others, regardless of their ethnic origin, socio-economic background or any form of disability, and to understand that people have different religions, beliefs and ways of life. • Good relationships and a sense of belonging to the school community.

Parent’s assistance Parents can assist the school in achieving these aims by:

• Ensuring that children attend school in good health maintained by an adequate diet.

• Ensuring that they attend regularly, punctually and suitably dressed.

• Providing support for discipline within the school.

• Being realistic about their children’s abilities and offering encouragement and praise

• Encouraging and helping with homework and hear child reading.

• Attending parent’s consultation evenings and other meetings relevant to their child.

Parents are welcome

Arrangements can be made to visit the school by appointment with the Headteacher, who will be pleased to talk to parents and show them around the school. Parents of children due to begin in the Reception class will be invited to a meeting with the Class Teacher prior to them beginning school. Children are also invited to attend sessions in the classroom in the summer term. Meetings are held by class teachers at the beginning of the year to discuss the curriculum.

Informal afternoons are arranged for parents to look at work around the school and to have refreshments. There are further opportunities throughout the year for parents to visit the school to watch performances and class presentations. Parents’ consultation evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. An annual written report is sent to parents in July. Teachers are available to speak to parents without an appointment on Fridays between 3.15 and 3.45pm. Parents are welcome to make appointments at other times. Latchingdon School sees teaching and learning as a process of co-operative teamwork, and welcomes and encourages the involvement of parents and other members within the school community. All adults who work regularly with the children have had appropriate checks carried out in line with DfES policy. As required by the 1988 Education Reform Act, parents are entitled to view school documents. Parents should contact the school in advance if they wish to make an appointment.

The Curriculum

At Latchingdon we teach our curriculum through a thematic approach where possible, because children find this more interesting and we can capture their enthusiasm to develop subject specific skills in a purposeful way. Children are also able to see the connections between the different subject areas. We believe that children should develop independence and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. We support our children in becoming ‘aspirational’ – aiming high – in order to make the most of their learning opportunities.


Children learn best when:

1. The whole team works and collaborates effectively 2. Their learning is well planned and differentiated, with tasks well matched to abilities, interests and learning style. Work is differentiated and groups and individual children are given additional support when needed. 3. They clearly understand the purpose, context and content of what is being taught. 4. Their learning is evaluated and assessed and they are clear about what they need to do to make further progress. 5. They are happy and secure in school, feel valued for their efforts and their individuality. 6. They are supported by their peers and work as part of a learning community. 7. Their learning is supported at home and there is strong communication between home and school. 8. Their learning environment is purposeful, well organised, varied and inspiring. 9. They have a positive and confident attitude towards learning and feel involved, inspired and motivated. 10. Their physical, spiritual, moral, cultural, social and emotional needs are understood and valued.


Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening skills are developed as an integral part of our learning in all subjects. Through our topic work we ensure that children’s vocabulary is developed. Use of talk partners enables children to practice talk and dialogue for learning. We use drama to explore different types of talk and we are introducing ‘Talk for Writing’ which involves children in learning and retelling stories.


Reading in school starts with a phonic based approach to learning to read. Our Reception children enjoy learning the corresponding sound (or phoneme) for each letter through rhymes, songs and actions. This approach is supplemented by the use of ‘Letters and Sounds’ so that children have a secure knowledge of all their sounds for reading in years 1 and 2. Reading books are carefully banded with reading based on texts at an appropriate level for the child’s decoding skills. Reading comprehension also starts from the very beginning with guided reading sessions to explore understanding. Once children have learned to reliably decode print, guided group reading continues throughout Key stage 2 to explore the skills of:

• Skimming and scanning texts to find information • An appreciation of themes. • A deeper level of understanding using inference and deduction

We encourage a love of reading through the reading of stories regularly in class as well as a daily quiet or shared reading time. Children are able to select a wide variety of books and upper KS2 use the Library Bus regularly. Children are also encouraged to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge at the local library.


In the earliest stages children are encouraged to breakdown the sounds they hear in words and use their phonic skills to write them as part of their daily phonics sessions. They are taught correct letter formation using the cursive style and are encouraged to have-a-go at writing in a variety of ‘play’ settings as well as in guided groups with the teacher. We use class topic work as a focus for reading and writing activities. Our children enjoy writing and the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach will give children plenty of oral rehearsal before writing so that they feel confident and clear about the content of their writing before they start. We ensure that children have a variety of purposes and contexts for their writing, including Newspaper reports, letters, diaries, reports, biographies, instructions, persuasion, discussion and recounts. In addition, children are also taught grammar and punctuation for 15 minutes daily. Spelling skills and strategies are taught weekly and parents are asked to help children with learning spellings at home as part of homework.


Our core teaching in Mathematics follows the Abacus Evolve scheme published by Pearson. Using a scheme ensures a structured progression of maths skills with a consistent approach from year 1 to year 6. The published scheme includes active problem solving as well as book-work and our teachers supplement the scheme with a variety of activities and resources which make the maths learning more lively and connect it with real life experiences. We place a strong emphasis on the learning of key maths facts (addition and subtraction of numbers to 20, and multiplication facts to 10 x 10) and we ask parents to help with homework practice to ensure that children have instant recall of these facts which they will need for more advanced problem solving.


We have a two year rolling programme to ensure continuity and progression in our science teaching from year 1 to year 6 and to make sure children in mixed year groups cover all units of study. Children enjoy learning the skills of being a scientist through planning, carrying out and evaluating regular investigations as well as learning about the important science concepts and knowledge.


We have chosen to use the ICTinspires Computing Curriculum because it ensures Computing is integrated into all subjects across the curriculum to enhance all learning. The ICTinspires Computing Curriculum provides clear progression in skills from EYFS to Y6 and covers:

• Digital Skills • Digital Literacy • Technology in the World • Technical Understanding • E-safety

History and Geography

These subjects are taught through a different topic each half-term. We take the children on educational visits and organise speakers and workshops to make these as interesting as possible. We also plan whole school themed weeks during the year which often focus on a particular country.

Religious Education

We follow the Essex agreed syllabus for RE which ensures a rich mix of learning about Christianity and other World Religions through themes. Through Collective Worship we also teach children about special days and festivals celebrated by Christians and other faiths.

Person, Social, Moral and Health Education

We aim to enable our pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage them to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community which develops their sense of self- worth. Pupils learn how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the school council and that they learn about rights and responsibilities. They also learn to appreciate what it can mean to be a positive member of a multicultural society. Emphasis is placed on active learning by involving the pupils in discussions, investigations and problem-solving activities. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a range of activities, e.g. charity fundraising or the planning of special events such as an assembly. Pupils participate in discussion to resolve conflicts and set agreed classroom rules of behaviour. Opportunities are provided for pupils to hear visiting speakers, such as health worker, police, representatives from charities and the local church talking about their role in creating a positive and supportive local community. Sex Education and Drugs Education are taught within the Science scheme of work. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from sex education if they so wish. We are always happy to discuss and share with parents the materials we use for this area of the curriculum and parents are notified in advance when this topic is due to be taught. Collective Worship is based on the Values for Life scheme produced by the Diocese of Gloucester, and is followed up in classroom with links to other subjects where possible.


Weekly music sessions develop children’s sense of rhythm, timing and pitch through listening and composition activities based on the ‘Music Express’ scheme of work and ‘Charanga’ produced by Essex Music Services. We have a wide variety of instruments in school and a peripatetic teacher offers individual lessons in guitar, piano, keyboard and violin which are popular. He also teaches groups of children keyboard, hand-chimes and singing and leads whole school singing practice.


Art is based on our cross-curricular themes and planning ensures that the skills to be taught are covered each year through these themes. We make sure that children have the opportunity to experiment with different materials and techniques.

Design Technology

Our design Technology curriculum is linked to our topic themes and science work. Children are able to be creative whilst developing their skills in designing, making and evaluating products. By the time pupils leave school we want them to be able to make informed choices about products that they use, to analyse, investigate and make judgements about simple products.

Modern Foreign Languages

In KS2, children learn French using the Rigolo programme which is interactive and fun. Children develop their knowledge of the language through different activities such as games, songs and rhymes.


All classes have two hours of PE each week. In addition to lessons taught by class teachers, we employ an experienced sports coach for one day per week to provide lessons for all classes and an early morning club for KS2. The school takes part in activities and tournaments with other local schools, including football, tag rugby, country dancing, cricket and cross country. After school clubs in variety of sports, dance and athletics are run at different times of the year.

Themed Weeks At certain times during the year children take part in activities relating to a particular theme. Recent themes have included Fairtrade and Stories from other cultures. These weeks are sometimes linked to other schools in the area.

Worship Daily assemblies, involving an act of worship are held each day. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship. This right can be exercised for any reason and notice of withdrawal needs to be given in writing to the Headteacher. Children who are withdrawn from collective worship are supervised in an appropriate alternative activity. Being a church founded school, there are close links with the local church communities, who have representatives on the school governing body. Pupils attend services in the church for Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter.

Assessment Children are formally assessed at 7 and 11 years of age when they take Standard Assessment Tests. (SATs). These are national tests and are a legal requirement. Pupils may only be exempt in cases of severe physical or learning difficulties. Pupils in year 1, 3, 4 and 5 also take Optional SATs at the same time to provide an indication of their progress.

Homework All pupils will be set homework as stated in our Home-School Agreement. Please see our website for the full school Homework Policy.

Special Educational Needs The school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), with responsibility for pupils with special needs. These children are identified by means of teacher assessment and the monitoring of standardised tests. Children who are on the SEN register have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that lists their targets and strategies for achieving these. The IEP is monitored continually by the SENCO and the class teacher and is reviewed at least twice yearly in partnership with parents. The school has a policy for SEN and an action plan is drawn up annually by the SENCO, Headteacher and Educational Psychologist for the school.

Individual Music Lessons Pupils may have individual tuition in piano, keyboard or guitar at a small cost. A specialist teacher, who visits the school each week, provides tuition.

Behaviour The school has received praise for the good standard of behaviour of pupils. A successful system of rewards and sanctions is operated consistently throughout the school. Please see our school website for a summary of the school Behaviour Policy.

Extra Curricular Activities A variety of clubs take place, mainly after school for KS2 children. Clubs vary according to staff availability and the time of year. Currently these are:

• Country Dancing • Cross Country • Craft • Homework • Multi-Skills • Gymnastics • Pilates

Health and Personal Development The school is concerned with the individual development of each child. The principal elements are; personal hygiene, safety, drug awareness, sex education, food and nutrition and spiritual and moral education. These are introduced through other areas of the curriculum, such as Science, Religious Education, P.E. and Personal Social Health Education (PSHE). Year 6 take part in an activity day and workshops organised by Council to develop their awareness of how to stay safe. Sex Education is taught in upper KS2 using videos produced for this age group. The school nurse is also involved in the teaching programme. Parents may view the videos if they wish and have the right to withdraw their children from sex education when the content is outside National Curriculum requirements.

Administration of Medication Prescribed Medication may be administered at the discretion of the Headteacher on written request only. The medication must be in a suitable container clearly labelled from the issuing doctor or pharmacist, with the child’s name, the name of the medicine, dosage and timing and date of issue and expiry. Please inform the school if your child suffers from asthma or any other allergic condition. Asthmatic pupils should have an inhaler permanently available in the school office. The school cannot take responsibility for pupils who forget to report to the office for their medication.

Illness It may be necessary to send children home if they are ill during the day. It is important that the school has telephone numbers of parents or guardians who can be contacted at any time.

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) The school has an active association, which organises a variety of events for adults, children and families. Much needed funding is raised from these events to buy additional resources for the children, such as play equipment, extra computers, books and musical instruments, to name but a few. Parent helpers are very welcome. Current information is supplied by newsletter or can be obtained by contacting the Secretary of the PTFA through the school.

Charging and Remission Policy All children are taken on excursions, which are related to the curriculum they are studying. Parents are asked for a voluntary contribution towards the cost, as it is not possible for the school budget to fund them all. If we do not receive sufficient contributions it may be necessary to cancel the trip. However, no child is ever excluded from an activity if the parent is not able to contribute.

Child Protection Our first priority is the welfare of the children. If there are concerns about any child, it may be necessary for the school to follow the procedures set out by the Essex Children’s Safeguarding Boards. Policy and Procedures are in the office on request. This may mean that other agencies must be contacted before the parent. Any concerns or information about these procedures is available from the Headteacher.

Theft, Loss and Damage — Personal Property of Pupils Essex County Council does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to the personal property of pupils, unless the Council or its employees are negligent.


It is natural that parents may, occasionally, be concerned about an aspect of their child's education or welfare at school. This could include issues concerning the school's approach to aspects of the curriculum, homework, behavioral problems or any other issue.

The usual format is to speak to the child's class teacher in the first instance, or to contact the school office to arrange an appointment to discuss your concern with whoever you wish. At all times the staff will help to resolve a problem. If occasionally parents feel they must state their concern formally, the school has defined procedures for handling complaints. A copy of this is on the school website, or can be obtained from the school office.


If you would like to contact any member of staff in writing please can you send your letter via the school office for their attention.

It is not advisable to send correspondence via e-mail as certain e-mail addresses will automatically be placed in our clutter account and may be missed. Furthermore, for the safeguarding of your children we cannot reply by email as this is not a secure way of discussing your child.

Safeguarding your children is of paramount importance to us and we ask for your cooperation in following this process to ensure the security of your children is followed at all times.

Governing Body Clerk: Mrs G Crisp Mrs Garrigan (Chair of Governors) Mrs Saward (Vice Chair) Miss Amery Mrs Kemp Mrs Minister Mrs Ashworth Mrs East


Headteacher Miss Amery

Deputy Headteacher Mrs Kemp

Teaching Staff Miss Mallett Mrs Kemp Miss Taylor Miss Harrington Mr Capper – Sports Coach

SENCO Mrs Bishop

Admin Asst. Mrs Keeble Mrs Warr

Caretaker Mr Kemp

Teaching Assistants Mrs Pennock Mrs Pye Mrs Simcock Mrs Tyler Mrs Argyle Mrs Walker

Midday Assistants Mrs Pye Mrs Pennock Mrs Fuller Mrs Argyle Mrs Payne Mrs Simcock Mrs Warr Mrs Radmall

Catering Assistant Mrs Fuller & Mrs Radmall

To help your child get off to the best possible start at school please help us by making sure they can do the following independently

Get dressed and undressed for PE Sit and listen to adults and other children

Put on coats and shoes and fasten them up

Follow instructions

Behave well and have good manners Use the toilet and washbasin

Open their packed lunch or eat their school lunch in 30 minutes

Please note: no nuts or nut products are allowed in school as some children can suffer a serious reaction to the presence of nuts.

Share, take turns and play well with other children

If you send money into school for any reason, please send it in with your child in a sealed envelope (old or re-cycled envelopes are fine). Please state their name, class, the amount enclosed and the reason for the money. This prevents any misunderstandings or chances of your child losing their money.

Childs name Class £ enclosed £ donation for non uniform & £ for cakes