Public Document Pack


Committee Administrator: Democratic Services Officer (01609 767015)

Monday, 8 July 2019

Dear Councillor



Date Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Time 2.00 pm

Venue Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, , DL6 2UU

Yours sincerely J. Ives.

Dr Justin Ives Chief Executive

To: All Members of Council AGENDA

Page No

1. MINUTES 1 - 6

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2019 (C.35 - C.36) and the Annual Meeting held on 21 May 2019 (CA.1 – CA.6), attached.




Date of Meeting Minute Nos

4 June 2019 CA.1 to CA.3 2 July 2019 CA.6 to CA.8


a) Statement from the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance 17 - 18

b) Statement from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure 19 - 20

c) Statement from the Portfolio Holder for Governance 21 - 22

d) Statement from the Portfolio Holder for Planning 23 - 24

e) Statement from the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, Waste and 25 - 26 Recycling


None received.


To be moved by Councillor Andrew Robinson and seconded by Councillor Paul Atkin:

"I would like the Council to consider the provision of a crematorium somewhere in the Hambleton District for the use of the population of Hambleton and others."


Report of the Chief Executive


Report of the Chief Executive


Report of the Chief Executive Agenda Item 1

Minutes of the meeting of the COUNCIL held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 at Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor D M Blades (in the Chair)

Councillor P Atkin Councillor Mrs J W Mortimer P Bardon J Noone M A Barningham B Phillips G W Dadd G Ramsden C A Dickinson A Robinson D B Elders M S Robson Mrs B S Fortune Mrs I Sanderson B Griffiths M Taylor K G Hardisty P Thompson D Hugill A Wake R Kirk S Watson N A Knapton D A Webster C A Les P R Wilkinson

Also in Attendance

Honorary J E Fletcher Honorary M J Prest Alderman Mrs J Imeson, OBE Alderman J N Smith Mrs S M Latter

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins



That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2019 (C.32 - C.34), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


The Chairman presented a cheque in the sum of £830 for monies raised in support of the Chairman’s Charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance to Linda Stead, Regional Fundraiser.

The meeting closed at 2.05 pm

______Chairman of the Council

Page 1 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the COUNCIL held at 2.15 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 at Yorkshire Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor D M Blades (in the Chair)

Councillor P Atkin Councillor Mrs J W Mortimer P Bardon J Noone M A Barningham B Phillips G W Dadd G Ramsden C A Dickinson A Robinson D B Elders M S Robson Mrs B S Fortune Mrs I Sanderson B Griffiths M Taylor K G Hardisty P Thompson D Hugill A Wake R Kirk S Watson N A Knapton D A Webster C A Les P R Wilkinson

Also in Attendance

Honorary J E Fletcher Honorary M J Prest Alderman Mrs J Imeson, OBE Alderman J N Smith Mrs S M Latter

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins


It was proposed by Councillor Mrs B S Fortune and seconded by Councillor C A Les that Councillor K G Hardisty be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. There were no other nominations.


That Councillor K G Hardisty be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

(The Chairman then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Chair).


It was proposed by Councillor J Noone and seconded by Councillor C A Les that Councillor M Barningham be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. There were no other nominations.


That Councillor M Barningham be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

(The Vice-Chairman then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office).

Page 3 COUNCIL 21 May 2019


The Chairman announced that he would be supporting the Herriot Hospice Homecare as his chosen charity for his term of office.


It was proposed by Councillor P R Wilkinson and seconded by Councillor Mrs I Sanderson that Councillor M S Robson be appointed Leader of the Council until the Annual Meeting in May 2023. There were no other nominations.


That Councillor M S Robson be elected Leader of the Council until the Annual Meeting in May 2023.


The Chief Executive presented a report which asked the Leader to inform the Council of the appointments to the Cabinet for 2019/20 and asked the Council to approve the Scheme of Delegation for Officers.



(a) the appointments to Cabinet by the Leader for 2019/20 be noted as follows:-

Councillor Peter Wilkinson - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Economic Development Councillor Mrs Bridget Fortune - Portfolio Holder for Leisure Councillor Mrs Isobel Sanderson - Portfolio Holder for Governance Councillor David Webster - Portfolio Holder for Planning Councillor Steven Watson - Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, Waste and Recycling

(b) the Scheme of Delegation for Officers be approved.



(1) the Council appoints the Committees indicated at Annex ‘A’ of the report;

(2) proportionality rules be waived in respect of the membership of the Standards Hearings Panel;

(3) Membership of the Committees be that shown at Annex ‘B’ of the report;

Page 4 COUNCIL 21 May 2019

(4) the Council appoints as the Council’s representatives on Outside Bodies identified with an asterisk within Annex ‘C of the report those Members indicated against those Outside Bodies;

(5) the Council appoints Mr J Nelson, Mr S Green and Mr R Martin as the Council’s Independent Persons of the Standards Hearings Panel and Parish Councillors Angela Smith and David Atkinson as Parish Council representatives on the Standards Hearings Panel;

(6) the Scrutiny Committee be responsible for crime and disorder issues;

(7) the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning be appointed as the representative on the Building Control Partnership;

(8) the Deputy Leader of the Council be appointed as the District Council’s Member of the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel; and

(9) Councillor N A Knapton be appointed as the representative on The Parking and Traffic Regulation Outside Adjudication Joint Committee.

The meeting closed at 2.40 pm

______Chairman of the Council

Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4



16 JULY 2019

Since the election in May, my Cabinet colleagues and I, in conjunction with senior officers, have been working hard to develop a draft Council Plan for the period of this Council, building upon our fantastic achievements in the previous Council. This Plan will be presented to Cabinet and Council in September for approval. However, prior to that it is vital that all members have an opportunity to engage with and have input into the new Council Plan. A workshop will be arranged over the summer for all members to look at this.

In a similar vein, workshops will also be arranged for all members to have input into the Commercial Property Strategy and the detailed review of the Planning department which is currently under way.

Councillor Mark Robson Leader of the Council

Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank Decisions to be considered by Full Council on 16 July 2019 Decisions of the meeting of the CABINET held at 9.30 am on Tuesday, 4th June, 2019 at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC CENTRE, STONE CROSS, NORTHALLERTON


Councillor M S Robson (in the Chair)

Councillor Mrs B S Fortune Councillor S Watson Mrs I Sanderson D A Webster

Also in Attendance

Councillor P Bardon Councillor J Noone K G Hardisty A Wake

An apologie for absence was received from Councillor P R Wilkinson


The subject of the decision:

This report sought the introduction and implementation of the use of rent repayment orders the powers for which were available to local housing authorities from the Housing and Planning Act 2016.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To comply with the Housing and Planning Act 2016.


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council the introduction of a policy and procedure for the application of rent repayment orders in accordance with the Housing and Planning Act 2016 and associated guidance and the Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy at Appendix A of the report.

Page 9 CABINET 4 June 2019


The subject of the decision:

This report sought approval for the introduction of and appointment to a new permanent post of Director of Leisure and Communities and consequential changes to the remit of the other Director posts.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

Cabinet was satisfied that this decision would ensure that the Council continued to provide excellent services in the face of increasing service demands, complex corporate projects and aspirations to improve performance.


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-

(1) the new post of Director of Leisure and Communities be approved;

(2) the appointment of the Director of Leisure and Communities be delegated to the Chief Executive; and

(3) following appointment to the new post the revised Senior Management structure contained within the Senior Management Pay Policy be amended as set out at Annex 1 of the report.


The subject of the decision:

This report sought the introduction of the requirements of the Private Water Supplies () (Amendment) Regulations 2018 which amended the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016, made under the Water Industry Act 1991. The amendment regulations came into force on the 1st October 2018 and were to be fully implemented by July 2020.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To comply with the Private Water Supplies (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 which amended the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016, made under the Water Industry Act 1991.

Page 10 CABINET 4 June 2019


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:-

(1) the introduction and enforcement of the Private Water Supplies (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 which amended the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 as detailed within the report;

(2) that where appropriate sampling criteria will be excluded or reduced based on the criteria provided in the Regulations and with the agreement of the Drinking Water Inspectorate; and

(3) that a procurement process is undertaken to appoint a provider for sample transport and analysis.

The meeting closed at 9.40 am

______Leader of the Council

Page 11 This page is intentionally left blank Decisions to be considered by Full Council on 16 July 2019 Decisions of the meeting of the CABINET held at 9.30 am on Tuesday, 2nd July, 2019 at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC CENTRE, STONE CROSS, ROTARY WAY, NORTHALLERTON, DL6 2UU


Councillor M S Robson (in the Chair)

Councillor P R Wilkinson Councillor S Watson Mrs B S Fortune D A Webster Mrs I Sanderson

Also in Attendance

Councillor P Bardon Councillor N A Knapton D B Elders G Ramsden K G Hardisty M Taylor D Hugill


The subject of the decision:

This report presented the capital outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2019 and also provided an update on the annual treasury management position. Capital expenditure was intrinsically linked with treasury management as the way that the Capital Programme was funded, directly affected the treasury management arrangements of the Council.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To ensure that the overall Capital programme remained affordable and sustainable over the 10 year approved capital plan.


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-

(a) the 2018/19 capital outturn position of £15,730,840 at paragraph 2.3 and attached at Annex A of the report be noted;

Page 13 CABINET 2 July 2019

(b) the over spend of £1,050,267 at paragraph 2.6 of the report and under spend of £205,048 be approved;

(c) the requests at paragraph 2.9 of the report for re-profiling the capital schemes totalling £504,460 from 2018/19 programme to 2019/20 and at paragraph 2.6 for re-profiling £58,870 from 2019/20 to 2018/19 be approved;

(d) the request at paragraph 2.10 of the report for re-profiling the capital schemes that changed during the year totalling £11,726,028 from 2018/19 programme to 2019/20 as attached in Annex B of the report be approved;

(e) the request to enable the Council to bank roll the timing difference for the Dalton Bridge BID contributions and additional voluntary contributions in paragraph 3.2 of the report of £274,407 and £70,247 be approved;

(f) the treasury management outturn position 2018/19 detailed at paragraph 12.4 of the report be noted; and

(g) the Prudential Indicators attached at Annex C of the report be noted.


The subject of the decision:

This report presented the revenue outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2019, which included the position on reserves. The Statement of Accounts, which was the consolidated financial position of the Council for 2018/19, was the responsibility of the Audit and Governance Committee which would meet on 23 July 2019 to approve the Annual Financial Report – Statement of Accounts.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To comply with the legal requirement under S25 of The Local Government Act 2003 to set a balanced budget and monitor the financial position throughout the year.


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:

(1) the transfer to the Council Tax Payers reserve of £884,845 as detailed in paragraph 2.5 of the report, which represents the underspend of £149,765, increased business rates received of £617,744, and increased additional grant received of £117,336;

(2) the transfer of the One-Off allocation in paragraph 4.1 of the report totalling £48,910 and £50,000 from the Council Tax Payers Reserve to the Repairs and Maintenance reserve as stated in paragraph 4.2 of the report;

Page 14 CABINET 2 July 2019

(3) the waiver of procurement rules in paragraph 6.1 of the report be noted;

(4) the position of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in paragraph 5.1 of the report be noted;

(5) the increase in the use of the One-Off fund at Quarter 4 of £47,471, detailed in paragraph 3.5 and attached at Annex B of the report be approved; and

(6) the increase in the reserve position of £1,712,822 at paragraph 3.2 and detailed in Annex C of the report be approved.


The subject of the decision:

This report sought approval of the Hambleton Local Plan: Publication Draft and Policies Map, attached at Annex 1 and 2 of the report, for formal publication, representations and submission to the Secretary of State for public examination. It also sought approval for publication of the Local Development Scheme.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To comply with sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-

(a) the Hambleton Local Development Scheme is published;

(b) the Hambleton Local Plan: Publication Draft as attached at Annex 1 and the Policies Map at Annex 2 of the report are approved for the purpose of publication for representations to be made commencing on or around the 23rd July 2019;

(c) the Sustainability Appraisal and Infrastructure Delivery Plan are published for consultation;

(d) the Director of Planning and Economy be authorised to make minor amendments and graphical improvements that (taken together) do not materially affect the policies set out in the Local Plan prior to publication;

(e) in the event of modifications being required to the Hambleton Local Plan: Publication Draft or supporting documentation prior to its submission, the Director of Economy and Planning in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Planning be authorised to make these changes and undertake any necessary pre-submission consultation; and

Page 15 CABINET 2 July 2019

(f) following the period of representation the Hambleton Local Plan: Publication Draft and Policies Map, proposed minor modifications and all relevant documentation is submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination by an independent planning inspector.

The meeting closed at 9.50 am

______Leader of the Council

Page 16 Agenda Item 5(a)

Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance

16 July 2019 C4Di

The Beta project for the Centre for Digital Innovation is building steadily on the existing Hull model but with a distinctly Hambleton focus, looking at the food and technical sides of agriculture to develop AgriTech across the district.

Vibrant Market Towns

Vibrant Market Towns projects continue to support activity across all of Hambleton’s market towns with recent developments in the form of an HDC-funded Sustrans Design & Delivery Report for the ‘Endeavour Way’ Stokesley to Great Ayton Cycle Link has been published which is now helping inform the ‘delivery’ phase of the project; re-introducing Famers’ Markets to ; ongoing work to improve the appearance and ‘offer’ of the volunteer-led TIC in Easingwold; current consultation exercise on a Northallerton Design Guide and of course, the recent success of the hosted finish for the Tour de Yorkshire.

Graduates and Apprentices

Interest in the successful HDC schemes for supporting Graduates and Apprentices into local businesses across the district continues with ten enquiries, and three approved applications since April 2019. Businesses have seen this as a positive boost to developing the skills they need to grow and we are now seeing businesses retaining apprentices into their second and third year of apprenticeship.

Business Support

Supporting businesses of all sizes across the District is one of the core services that we offer through Business and Economy and is highly valued by our existing business networks. A recent example is the assistance offered to Mason’s Gin. Hambleton District Council had originally assisted the company to obtain grant funding to extend their production at the premises, but in early April a fire at their Aiskew distillery threatened production. Mason’s Gin have complimented the Council on being the first to call and offer assistance, with Mason’s now being temporarily based in one of the units at our Leeming Bar Food Enterprise Centre whilst they prepare new premises. Officers are supporting them in developing new funding bids.

Finance Notes for Portfolio Holder Statement for July Council

2018/19 Capital Outturn and Annual Treasury Management Review

The 2018/19 capital programme final outturn was £15.7m which included an £8.8m loan to the local housing association, £1.8m expenditure for treadmills and £350k for Lambert Hospital, £1m on North Northallerton Bridge Development, £1.5m on Thirsk & Sowerby Sports Village, £500k for Dalton Bridge and £400k for Disable Facility Grant schemes. This highlights the variety of projects that the Council is delivering.

Borrowing of £11.5m was taken during the year to support the capital expenditure programme at an average interest rate of 2.39%, with the remaining capital programme being funded from capital receipts, external funding, and reserves.

Interest earned on the £35m investment to the local housing association totalled £1.2m

Page 17 2018/19 Revenue Outturn and Position on Reserves

The outturn position for 2018/19 was £7.9m which resulted in an underspend of £200k compared to the original budget; the underspend was mainly due to increased planning fee income. This underspend along with increased funding being received mainly from business rates, resulted in £1m being transferred to reserves at year end. The position on revenue reserves is therefore £14m at 31 March 2019.

Councillor Peter Wilkinson Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance

Page 18 Agenda Item 5(b)

Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure

16 July 2019

Easingwold Sports Facilities

Brilliant news for Easingwold as we’ve had confirmed that funding and planning permissions are now in place to deliver a new sports hall and full-sized 3g pitch on the secondary school site. This will be a £2.5m investment, including £650k from HDC Section 106 funds. The Council and Outwood Grange Academy have worked closely with other funders and stakeholders to get to this stage. Details on timings will be announced shortly.


GovRadio was installed into the 4 leisure centres recently. Broadcast within the leisure centres, the station is played in the communal areas of the facilities and is supported by local and national business advertisements. It is also used to promote the leisure services in a professional and informative way, as well as being available to promote other HDC services.

Toning Suite Open Morning

Dozens of new and regular customers attended the Northallerton Leisure Centre Toning Suite open morning. New users particularly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere with many commenting how easy the equipment was to use. Existing users remarked upon the improvements to their mobility, the gentle exercise levels and the social benefits of the service. Further open mornings will be held.

Disney inspired swim sessions

Disney inspired Toy Story 4 family swim sessions were introduced at Thirsk & Sowerby Leisure Centre in June. The weekly 45 minute sessions include 10 fun and exciting activities based on core aquatic skills to motivate children to keep healthy and learn a key life skill. Sessions are delivered by a trained Activator, featuring content inspired by Disney story-telling and are targeted at children aged 3-11 years.

Leisure Centre Quest Success

Both Stokesley and Bedale leisure centres have been rated ‘excellent’ by the national quality scheme– Quest, following recent assessments. Quest is the leisure industry equivalent of Ofsted and includes is a rigorous 2 day inspection. Staff and customers are consulted during the assessment process and mystery visits are carried out to measure the consistency of service standards. Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centre is due next, with Northallerton Leisure Centre’s turn in 2020.

Sowerby Sports Village – Phases 1 and 2

Phase 1 and 2 works, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, to prepare the site and install grass pitches have been completed. The project has now entered into a 12 month maintenance phase for the extensive planting works. Officers are currently considering an operations plan for the site and discussions are continuing with potential funders for phase 3 to develop facilities for formal sport. Visit the council’s website for a short video of the extensive site.

Page 19 Celebrating Inclusive Sport

Two very successful events have been held recently as part a project that has been part-funded by Tescos Bags for Help. 31 people attended a 4 hour Bikeability event at Northallerton Leisure Centre on 31 May and 52 people attended the Primetime Celebration Event at the Galtres Centre on 14 June. Feedback from both sessions has been really positive.

Leisure Managers First to Respond

Workers from a hospice in Sowerby recently requested urgent use of Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centres defibrillator to provide emergency treatment to a male resident. Fiona Wilson (Centre Manager) and Tom Stuart (Assistant Manager) took immediate action and ran across the Flatts to the home on Sowerby Road with the defibrillator. After providing CPR for 20 minutes, the paramedics arrived, but sadly the man was pronounced dead at the scene. Fiona and Tom were commended by the hospice and paramedics for their professionalism and efforts to provide emergency treatment to the man.

Councillor Mrs Bridget Fortune Portfolio Holder for Leisure

Page 20 Agenda Item 5(c)

Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Governance

16 July 2019

Elections May 2019

As everyone here is aware District Elections were held in May and we had the unexpected European elections also held in May and I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the 3 full time staff in Electoral services who are responsible for the delivery of these services and highlight the scope of this small team.

Their work covers all areas of the election process.

On an Election Day, we have in Hambleton 80 venues providing 97 Polling stations, the smallest being Kirby Sigston with an electorate of 112 to the largest being Northallerton Forum where 8306 people are registered to vote. We have 71,000 electors on the Electoral roll in Hambleton and of these 12,000 are postal voters.

• 400 additional staff where recruited for each election and given the necessary training. • 477 nomination papers where hand delivered to staff between the hours of 10am and 4pm then processed over the next 2 weeks. • 3257 hours were worked on Election Day from 6am to 2am next morning.

The team are to be congratulated on their work.

Electric Bollards and Update of Northallerton Leisure Centre Car Park

Turning to other areas of my portfolio, those Councillors in Thirsk will be aware of the installation of our first electric Bollard in the Market Place. This will provide both an electric “hook-up “point for Market traders to use and reduce the need for generators on some market stalls and will also provide a charging point for Electric Vehicles. When this technology is fully working payment will be made using a swipe card.

We have planned to install a further 6 in Thirsk Market Place and then move firstly to Northallerton installing 12 Electric Bollards with more to be delivered across the District.

The Design and Maintenance team are also engaged in the further upgrade of Northallerton Leisure Car Park and we will see a designated Coach Bay ready for use by the beginning of September. As a result of the Peer Review in January, we have engaged the services of a Communications Stratagist, Deborah Smith, to refresh the way we as a Council deliver our messages to residents and work with Members and Officers to achieve this. We look forward to seeing the results.


ICT are currently excelling in the area of Cyber Security where they are providing mandatory training to Officers and Members across the Council as well as providing training to other North Yorkshire Councils – Selby, Ryedale and Richmond shire – where income is also being generated from this service

ICT also continue to provide Member training on other software packages including Office 365 where Hambleton was the first Council in the UK to implement this to Members in May 2015; this was delivered by Microsoft Europe as there was no UK implementation team at that time.

Councillor Mrs Isobel Sanderson Portfolio Holder for Governance

Page 21 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5(d)

Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning 16 July 2019 Local Plan

Cabinet and Council approved the production of a new Local Plan to replace the existing Local Development Framework in 2015 and work subsequently took place to develop the Local Plan using a robust and comprehensive evidence base, community and stakeholder involvement and two rounds of public consultation. Part of this preparation has included a number of Duty to Cooperate obligations with Local Authorities in , North Yorkshire and the Tees Valley; there has also been consultation with other key stakeholders.

The Members’ Local Plan Working Group has been involved throughout the development of the Hambleton Local Plan, which sets out a vision and framework for future development across the district up to 2035. The policies and proposals within the Local Plan address the district’s needs and opportunities in relation to housing, economic growth, community facilities and infrastructure as well as providing a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design.

The Local Plan is a key enabler for the Council to deliver its vision of Hambleton as ‘A Place to Grow’ and includes the provision of 77.6ha of employment land and 6615 new homes to be delivered between 2014 and 2035, whilst facilitating the provision of new infrastructure to ensure that development is sustainable; it will also protect important local green spaces and the District’s high quality natural and built environment.

As Members will hear, later in the agenda, the Publication Draft Local Plan represents the Plan that the Council wishes to submit for independent examination and considers ready for adoption and following a period of representations will be submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination.

Members will be pleased to hear that although the Local Plan looks forward to 2035 it will be kept under review and formally amended when necessary.

Development Management

Improvements to the Planning Service continue, with the most recent piece of work being to engage in a review of processes, procedures and core systems.

Investment in the service to date has enabled significant improvements in Planning Enforcement; this has included consideration of all open and historic cases and increased activity in managing Planning Enforcement issues:  Since June 2018 - All historic cases have been fully reviewed with 765 authorised for closure - 130 historic cases are pending, 45 of which served with notices  June status - Cases closed since 1st April – 159 . 99 of these were received prior to 1st April . 60 of these were received on or after 1st April

- Cases opened on or after 1st April – 126, of these . 14 cases have applications received . Two sites have stopped work whilst resolution reached. . 38 cases of a breach of planning control rectified through negotiation . 20 cases regularised through a grant of planning permission

Page 23

- Since 1st April 2019 . 3 enforcement notices served . 2 Breach of conditions notices served . 1 listed building enforcement notice served and complied with . 1 planning contravention notice served . Emergency TPO served . Two enforcement notices which were up held on appeal have recently been complied with

The Planning Enforcement area of the Council website has been updated, a draft online enforcement register has been designed which will shortly go live and work continues to engage with stakeholders to improve the management and communication of Planning Enforcement.

As an update to the ongoing issues at Ings Lane, Great Broughton, the occupier gave a formal undertaking to the Court to comply with the terms the Council is seeking in the injunction and is now required to move all chattels from the site within 6 months.


Recent feedback to the Housing Options Team from the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Directorate of MHCLG was very positive, commenting on their excellent working relationship with DWP on Duty to Refer, low overall use of temporary accommodation and that advice regarding Homelessness has been updated on the Council’s website to provide much more comprehensive and relevant advice to customers.

Councillor David Webster Portfolio Holder for Planning

Page 24 Agenda Item 5(e)

Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, Waste and Recycling

16 July 2019

Waste and Street Scene

Green waste income is £752,000 (98% of last year’s total and set to achieve the target).

Recycling contract was allocated to UPM and is going well. Many people will be watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s new series highlighting the global problems of plastic. There have been a lot of members of the public concerned that plastic collected for recycling is ending up in Far Eastern Countries where it’s left to pollute the environment.

All our kerbside collected mixed recycling (excluding glass) is sorted and sent for reprocessing at Shotton in North Wales. UPM provide us with detailed information about where the sorted materials have been sent for recycling. Since the start of the contract in April our plastics have been recycled by licenced companies in the UK, Germany and Slovakia, it would be good to keep it all in the UK but there just is not enough reprocessing capacity in this country. Please be reassured and reassure others that all the plastic collected on our kerbside collection scheme is recycled and is not ending up in a plastic mountain in Malaysia. Please check the HDC website for greater detail of what happens to Hambleton’s recycling.

New DEFRA Waste Strategy launched by Michael Gove (2019- 2050) Highlights include:-

• Polluter pays principle- producers bear full responsibility and cost of packaging • Tax on plastic packaging that doesn’t include 30% recycled material • Extend producer responsibility in other areas- i.e. tyres and textiles • Consistent LA set of dry recyclables to be collected, so most UK recycling schemes would like similar or the same • Consult on compulsory food waste collections • Consult on deposit schemes.

The potential impact on collection authorities is significant in terms of collections, costs and funding with implementation expected from 2023.

Fly tipping and littering continue to cause nuisance across the country and the Waste and Street Scene team are engaged in a range of measures to tackle these problems, these include:-

• increased publicity for fly tipping; • developing shared fly tipping campaign with the York and North Yorkshire Waste Partnership; and • implementing an electronic fly tipping reporting system, which is presently being tested pre going live.

A full report will go before the Scrutiny Committee shortly.

All other areas within my portfolio are on track.

Councillor Stephen Watson Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, Waste and Recycling

Page 25 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8


Report To: Council 16 July 2019

From: Chief Executive



1.1 The Council designates polling districts and polling places for use at all elections and referenda taking place within its area.

1.2 In accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to undertake a review of the polling districts and polling places used within its area for parliamentary elections. The next review must take place by 31 January 2020.

1.3 The Council’s administrative area is divided into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections. In general, each polling district within the Council’s area will comprise of one or more parishes.

1.4 A polling place is the building or area in which polling stations are located. A polling place is to be selected for each polling district in a constituency. There may be more than one polling station (ballot box) within a polling place.

1.5 The aim of the review is ensure that polling districts and polling places meet the reasonable requirements of electors in the constituency and take sufficient account of disabled access to polling stations. Before the Council can formally designate polling districts and polling places it must carry out a consultation with stakeholders and interested parties (as identified at paragraph 3.1 of this report).


2.1 The Representation of the People Act 1983 requires polling districts to be agreed for the Council’s administrative area. Polling districts must follow parish boundaries unless there is a good reason to depart from this rule. A plan showing the current parliamentary election and parish boundaries within the district is at Annex A.

2.2 The legislation also requires a polling place to be designated for each polling district. Generally each polling place will be located within the polling district to which it relates. However, this does not apply if the size or other circumstances of a polling district are such that the situation of the polling place does not materially affect the convenience of the electors or any body of them. In addition:

a) the Council must seek to ensure that all electors in a constituency in its area have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances;

b) the Council must seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable every polling place for which it is responsible is accessible to electors who are disabled;

Page 27 c) the Council must have regard to the accessibility to disabled electors of potential polling stations in any place which it is considering designating as a polling place or the designation of which as a polling place it is reviewing;

d) the polling place for a polling district must be an area in the district, unless special circumstances make it desirable to designate an area wholly or partly outside the district;

e) the polling place must be small enough to indicate to electors in different parts of the district how they will be able to reach the polling station.

2.3 In 2015 the Boundary Commission for Local Government reduced the number of district wards within the Hambleton area. Following that decision the Council reviewed the polling districts and places in its area and subsequently made revisions to the structure of the polling districts. These were based largely on parishes and combinations of parishes. Whilst it is suggested that the majority of these polling districts remain unchanged, some amendments are proposed taking into account the electorate, the parish boundaries and the location of available polling venues. These proposed changes are identified in Annex B.

2.4 There are currently 80 buildings within Hambleton which are designated as polling places. Several of these buildings are used for more than one polling station (ballot box). These buildings were inspected in May 2019 by electoral visiting officers and polling station staff in relation to access and facilities for voters.

2.5 As a result of these recent inspections it is proposed that there are a small number of changes to polling places. These changes take into account polling places which are no longer available for use or where a more suitable alternative has been identified. These proposed changes are detailed in Annex B.

2.6 Officers are of the opinion that, if the proposed changes are approved, all the polling districts and polling places referred to in Annex B will meet the requirements of the Representation of the People Act 1983. However, responses to the consultation stage of the review may raise issues for further consideration.


3.1 In undertaking a polling district and polling places review the Council is required to:

a) publish notice of the review; b) consult the returning officer for every parliamentary election held in a constituency which is wholly or partly within the Council’s area; c) consult such persons who have expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for persons who have different forms of disability d) invite representations from any other interested parties, such as parish councils, electors, candidates and agents; e) take into account representations received; and f) on completion of the review give reasons and publish its decision.

3.2 A proposed notice of the review and timetable is attached at Annex C.

3.3 It is anticipated that much of the consultation will be carried out electronically and a page of the Council’s website will be designated for the review to keep interested parties up to date.


4.1 Representations made in response to the consultation will be reported to Council in September 2019. The Council must give due consideration to these representations before reaching a decision on the designation of polling districts and polling places within its area.

4.2 Once the Council has agreed the final proposals, details of the new polling districts and polling places must be made available to the public alongside reasons for the final decision of the review and the consultation responses.

4.3 If the review results in the alteration of one or more polling districts, the Electoral Registration Officer must make the necessary amendments to the electoral register.

4.4 The review is to be undertaken in relation to a duty to designate polling places for parliamentary elections, however, it is good practice to use the same polling places for all other elections. Therefore, changes to the designation of polling places will be adopted for all other types of elections within the district.


5.1 The Council will carry out the review in-house. It is anticipated that disbursement costs of the review (including publicising the review and contacting relevant parties as part of consultation process) will be met within current budgets.


6.1 The Council has a duty under the Representation of the People Act 1983 to complete a review of polling district and polling places within its area by 31 January 2020.

6.2 There is a right for some persons and bodies to appeal against the outcome of the review of polling districts and places to the Electoral Commission but only on certain grounds. Following a successful appeal the Electoral Commission has power to make alterations to the polling places designated by the review.


7.1 The principal equality consideration for polling stations is accessibility in particular for electors with mobility or sight impairment. In accordance with the relevant legislation the Council is under a duty to review polling places to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable every polling place for which it is responsible is accessible to electors who are disabled. As part of the consultation process the Council will seek and consider representations from groups or bodies with a special interest or expertise in disabled access.


8.1 There are no risk management issues relevant to this report.


9.1 It is recommended that Council:

(1) approves that a review be undertaken of polling districts and polling places within the Council’s area;

Page 29 (2) approves the publication of the notice of the review (Annex C) and the proposed changes (Annex B); and

(3) authorises the Director of Law and Governance to conduct the review on the Council’s behalf and take all reasonable actions to comply with the Council’s statutory obligations in that regard.


Background papers: None Author ref: LV Contact: Laura Venn Legal Manager (Deputy Monitoring Officer) Direct Line No: (01609) 767004

Page 30 Annex A

Over Dinsdale Newby Great Ayton


Worsall Seamer Low Little Ayton Kildale Middleton Easby Girsby High on-Leven Worsall Rudby Broughtonand Little Crathorne Great RICHMOND (YORKS) Great Busby Picton Skutterskelfe CO CONST Little Busby Appleton Kirkby Great Hornby Hutton Sexhow Carlton Ingleby Smeaton Wiske East Rudby Greenhow Faceby Cowton Little Smeaton

West Potto Deighton Rounton East Rounton South Welbury Ingleby Arncliffe Birkby Cowton Hutton Bonville East Whorlton Harlsey Bilsdale Whitwell Danby Wiske West Midcable with Lazenby Harlsey

Kiplin Stank and Osmotherley Brompton Winton, Hallikeld Ellerbeck Great

Langton Killerby Little Yafforth Thimbleby Kirkby Langton Northallerton (North) Kirby Sigston Hackforth Ainderby MiresFleetham Northallerton Sowerby with Holtbywith Fencote Northallerton (Central) under Ainderby Over Steeple (South) Cotcliffe Landmoth cum-Catto Silton

on-Swale Romanby Morton

Scruton Otterington Langthorne North Thornton-le Crosby Leake Nether SiltonKepwick

Thornton Beans Cotcliffe Warlaby le-Moor Aiskew Newby Wiske Cowesby Rand Grange Otterington with Cowling Exelby, South Borrowby Maunby Kirby Rookwith Leeming Knayton with THIRSK AND MALTON Bedale Thornton Knowle Thornton le-Street Brawith and NewtonGatenby Watlass Boltby CO CONST Firby Swainby North with Thirn Kirby Kilvington Clifton-on Theakston Burneston Allerthorpe Yore Wiske Thornborough Snape with Pickhill Carthorpe South Kilvington Thirlby Thorp with Roxby Thirsk Newsham with Breckenbrough Sutton-under Hood Kirklington Holme Sandhutton Whitestonecliffe Grange Upsland Well cum Sinderby on-SwaleSkipton Balk Ainderby Carlton Kilburn Quernhow Bagby Howgrave Miniott Sowerby High West Howe and Low Tanfield Sutton East with Howgrave

Tanfield Low with Catton Thirkleby HighOsgodby and Husthwaite Wildon Topcliffe Carlton Hutton Grange Dalton Sessay CoxwoldNewburgh Grange Angram

Birdforth Husthwaite Eldmire with Thornton Oulston Sessay on-the Yearsley Crakehill Hill



Brandsby-cum Dalby-cum Brafferton Stearsby Skewsby and Raskelf Crayke Helperby Whenby

Easingwold Martoncum Moxby Stillington Tholthorpe

Myton-on Huby Farlington Swale Flawith Alne Aldwark

Tollerton Sutton-on Youlton the-Forest

Linton on-Ouse Newton on-Ouse

Beningbrough Shipton


© CrownPage copyright 31 [and database rights] 2019 OS 100018555 [ Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton DL6 2UU Telephone: 01609 779977 Fax: 01609 767228 1:167,000 Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Annex B Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Appleton Wiske & Smeatons Ward AP01R Appleton Wiske Appleton Wiske Appleton Wiske Village Hall No change 357 402 45 AP02R Picton Appleton Wiske Appleton Wiske Village Hall No change 86 108 22 AP03R East Cowton East Cowton Village Hall No change 417 492 75 AP04R Birkby East Cowton East Cowton Village Hall No change 24 27 3 AP05R South Cowton East Cowton East Cowton Village Hall No change 78 93 15 Polling District AP06R East Rounton East Rounton Rounton Village Hall name change to 84 89 5 'Rounton' Polling District AP07R West Rounton East Rounton Rounton Village Hall name change to 124 165 41 'Rounton' AP08R Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 139 162 23 AP09R Deighton Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 56 90 34 AP10R Girsby Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 32 37 5 AP11R Hornby Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 149 210 61 AP12R Hutton Bonville Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 47 62 15 AP13R Little Smeaton Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 31 38 7 AP14R Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Hall No change 39 58 19 AP15R High Worsall Worsall Worsall Village Hall No change 27 32 5

Page 32 Page AP16R Low Worsall Worsall Worsall Village Hall No change 188 234 46 AP17R Welbury Welbury Welbury Village Hall No change 193 215 22

PROPOSED CHANGES: Change of polling district name from 'East Rounton' to 'Rounton' to better reflect the combination of the two parishes and the polling venue. Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Bagby & Thorntons Ward BA01T Bagby Bagby Bagby Church Hall No change 346 418 72 BA02T Balk Bagby Bagby Church Hall No change 49 57 8 BA03T Borrowby Borrowby Borrowby Village Hall Institute No change 297 329 32 BA04T Leake Borrowby Borrowby Village Hall Institute No change 5 5 0 BA05T Cowesby Knayton Knayton Village Institute No change 31 44 13 BA06T Knayton with Brawith Knayton Knayton Village Institute No change 238 271 33 BA07T Upsall Knayton Knayton Village Institute No change 43 53 10 BA08R Nether Silton Nether Silton - Gold Cup Inn No change 62 74 12 BA09R Kepwick Nether Silton Nether Silton - Gold Cup Inn No change 56 65 9 BA10R Landmoth-cum-Catto Nether Silton Nether Silton - Gold Cup Inn No change 10 13 3 BA11R Over Silton Nether Silton Nether Silton - Gold Cup Inn No change 42 55 13 BA12T South Kilvington South Kilvington South Kilvington - Old Oak Tree No change 173 214 41 BA13T South Kilvington South Kilvington - Old Oak Tree No change 21 24 3 BA14T South Kilvington South Kilvington - Old Oak Tree No change 8 11 3 BA15T Boltby Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 80 113 33 BA16T Felixkirk Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 64 82 18 BA17T Hood Grange Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 2 3 1 BA18T Kirby Knowle Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 37 57 20 Sutton-under- BA19T Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 221 258 37 Whitestonecliffe Page 33 Page BA20T Thirlby Sutton Sutton Village Hall No change 78 104 26 BA21T Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Village Hall No change 175 218 43 BA22T Cotcliffe & Crosby Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Village Hall No change 7 8 1 BA23T Cotcliffe & Crosby Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Village Hall No change 21 22 1 BA24T Thornton-le-Moor Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Village Hall No change 199 255 56 BA25T Thornton-le-Street Thornton-le-Beans Thornton-le-Beans Village Hall No change 63 93 30

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Bedale Ward Aiskew and Leeming Bar - Aiskew - St Mary and St BE01R Aiskew No change 1244 1462 218 Aiskew Ward Josephs Parish Centre Aiskew and Leeming Bar - BE02R Aiskew Leeming Bar Leeming Bar Community Hub No change 723 845 122 Aiskew Leeming Bar BE03R Bedale Bedale Bedale Hall No change 2156 2586 430 BE04R Burneston Burneston Burneston - Woodman Inn No change 187 234 47 BE05R Swainby with Allerthorpe Burneston Burneston - Woodman Inn No change 9 10 1 BE06R Theakston Burneston Burneston - Woodman Inn No change 49 66 17 BE07R Crakehall Crakehall Crakehall Village Hall No change 405 506 101 BE08R Ainderby Mires with Holtby Crakehall Crakehall Village Hall No change 14 18 4 BE09R Hackforth Crakehall Crakehall Village Hall No change 114 141 27 BE10R Langthorne Crakehall Crakehall Village Hall No change 45 60 15 BE11R Rand Grange Crakehall Crakehall Village Hall No change 3 6 3 Polling District Exelby Leeming & Exelby, Leeming and BE12R Leeming Village Hall name change to 1064 1284 220 Londonderry Londonderry 'Leeming' Polling District Exelby, Leeming and BE13R Gatenby Leeming Village Hall name change to 33 38 5 Londonderry 'Leeming' Page 34 Page PROPOSED CHANGES: Change of polling district name from 'Exelby, Leeming and Londonderry' to 'Leeming' to better reflect the combination of the two parishes and the polling venue.

Easingwold Ward EA01T Alne Alne Alne Village Hall No change 493 593 100 EA02T Aldwark Alne Alne Village Hall No change 130 156 26 EA03T Flawith Alne Alne Village Hall No change 49 68 19 EA04T Youlton Alne Alne Village Hall No change 27 31 4 EA05T Crayke Crayke Crayke Sports Club No change 267 323 56 Easingwold Methodist EA06T Easingwold Easingwold No change 3636 4279 643 Schoolrooms EA07T Linton-on-Ouse Linton-on-Ouse Linton-on-Ouse Village Hall No change 627 711 84 EA08T Newton-on-Ouse Newton-on-Ouse Newton-on-Ouse Parish Hall No change 426 495 69 Shipton-by-Beningbrough EA09T Shipton Shipton No change 501 580 79 Community Centre Shipton-by-Beningbrough EA10T Beningbrough Shipton No change 41 55 14 Community Centre Shipton-by-Beningbrough EA11T Overton Shipton No change 37 53 16 Community Centre Tollerton War Memorial EA12T Tollerton Tollerton No change 702 815 113 Institute

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Great Ayton Ward GR01R Bilsdale Midcable Bilsdale Midcable Chopgate Village Hall No change 222 259 37 Great Ayton Parochial GR02R Great Ayton Great Ayton (Marwood) No change 1369 1756 387 Church Hall GR03R Great Ayton Great Ayton (Roseberry) Great Ayton WI Hall No change 1700 2078 378 GR04R Little Ayton Great Ayton (Roseberry) Great Ayton WI Hall No change 66 99 33 Ingleby Greenhow & Easby GR05R Ingleby Greenhow Ingleby Greenhow No change 238 291 53 Village Hall Polling district name change to 'Ingleby Greenhow'. GR06R Kildale Kildale Kildale Village Hall Polling place 115 126 11 change to Ingleby Greenhow & Easby Village Hall.

Polling district name change to 'Ingleby Greenhow'. GR07R Easby Kildale Kildale Village Hall Polling place 65 83 18 Page 35 Page change to Ingleby Greenhow & Easby Village Hall.

PROPOSED CHANGES: Combine Ingleby Greenhow, Kildale and Easby parishes to form one polling district, 'Ingleby Greenhow'. The proposed polling place for Ingleby Greenhow polling district is Ingleby Greenhow & Easby Village Hall. The Hall is centrally located for the three parishes and provides improved facilities for voters.

Huby Ward HU01T Brandsby-cum-Stearsby Brandsby Brandsby Cholmeley Hall No change 199 229 30 HU02T Dalby-cum-Skewsby Brandsby Brandsby Cholmeley Hall No change 72 88 16 HU03T Whenby Brandsby Brandsby - Cholmeley Hall No change 44 52 8 HU04T Yearsley Brandsby Brandsby - Cholmeley Hall No change 86 97 11 HU05T Huby Huby Huby Methodist Church Venue change 840 964 124 HU06T Stillington Stillington Stillington Village Hall No change 577 685 108 HU07T Farlington Stillington Stillington Village Hall No change 81 98 17 HU08T Marton-cum-Moxby Stillington Stillington Village Hall No change 41 50 9 HU09T Sutton-on-the-Forest Sutton-on-the-Forest Sutton - Grey Village Hall No change 554 659 105

PROPOSED CHANGES: Change of polling place to Huby Memorial Village Hall as this venue provides improved facilities for voters. Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates

Hutton Rudby Ward HY01R Crathorne Crathorne Crathorne Reading Room No change 101 119 18 HY02R Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Village Hall No change 1113 1381 268 HY03R Middleton-on-Leven Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Village Hall No change 55 70 15 HY04R Rudby Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Village Hall No change 206 268 62 HY05R Sexhow Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Village Hall No change 15 18 3 HY06R Skutterskelfe Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Village Hall No change 86 105 19 HY07R Seamer Seamer Seamer Village Hall No change 409 519 110 HY08R Newby Seamer Seamer Village Hall No change 143 186 43


Morton-on-Swale Ward MO01R Danby Wiske with Lazenby Danby Wiske with Lazenby Danby Wiske Village Hall No change 219 253 34 MO02R Great Langton Great Langton - The Grain Store No change 80 103 23 MO03R Kiplin Great Langton Great Langton - The Grain Store No change 32 42 10 MO04R Little Langton Great Langton Great Langton - The Grain Store No change 26 39 13 MO05R Whitwell Great Langton Great Langton - The Grain Store No change 20 33 13

Page 36 Page MO06R Killerby Kirkby Fleetham Kirkby Fleetham Village Hall No change 14 16 2 Kirkby Fleetham with MO07R Kirkby Fleetham Kirkby Fleetham Village Hall No change 412 468 56 Fencote MO08R Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 413 531 118 MO09R Ainderby Steeple Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 138 172 34 MO10R North Otterington Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 26 37 11 MO11R Thrintoft Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 82 110 28 MO12R Warlaby Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 32 37 5 MO13R Yafforth Morton-on-Swale Morton-on-Swale Village Hall No change 87 132 45 MO14R Scruton Scruton Scruton - Coore Memorial Hall No change 313 384 71 South Otterington & Maunby MO15T South Otterington South Otterington No change 220 250 30 Village Hall South Otterington & Maunby MO16T Maunby South Otterington No change 103 123 20 Village Hall South Otterington & Maunby MO17T Newby Wiske South Otterington No change 106 138 32 Village Hall

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Northallerton North and Brompton Ward NN01R Brompton Brompton Brompton Methodist Church No change 1381 1642 261 NN02R Northallerton North Northallerton North Northallerton - The Forum No change 2406 3079 673


Northallerton South Ward NS01R Northallerton Central Northallerton Central Northallerton - The Forum No change 2960 3554 594 NS02R Northallerton South Northallerton South Northallerton - The Forum No change 1265 1644 379


Osmotherley & Swainby Ward OS01R Carlton Carlton Carlton Village Hall No change 195 234 39 OS02R Faceby Carlton Carlton Village Hall No change 113 161 48 OS03R Great Busby Carlton Carlton Village Hall No change 54 62 8 OS04R Little Busby Carlton Carlton Village Hall No change 19 19 0 OS05R East Harlsey East Harlsey East Harlsey Village Hall No change 208 229 21 OS06R Ingleby Arncliffe Ingleby Arncliffe Ingleby Cross Village Hall No change 220 282 62 Page 37 Page Kirby Sigston & District OS07R Kirby Sigston Kirby Sigston No change 71 80 9 Village Hall Kirby Sigston & District OS08R Sowerby-under-Cotcliffe Kirby Sigston No change 29 35 6 Village Hall OS09R Osmotherley Osmotherley Osmotherley Village Hall No change 455 514 59 OS10R Ellerbeck Osmotherley Osmotherley Village Hall No change 32 43 11 OS11R Thimbleby Osmotherley Osmotherley Village Hall No change 42 51 9 OS12R West Harlsey Osmotherley Osmotherley Village Hall No change 15 29 14 OS13R Winton Stank & Hallikeld Osmotherley Osmotherley Village Hall No change 40 52 12 OS14R Potto Potto Potto Village Hall No change 197 252 55 Swainby Holy Cross OS15R Whorlton Whorlton No change 415 492 77 Church Hall

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Raskelf & White Horse Ward Carlton Husthwaite RA01T Carlton Husthwaite Carlton Husthwaite No change 126 136 10 Village Hall Carlton Husthwaite RA02T Angram Grange Carlton Husthwaite No change 11 11 0 Village Hall RA03T Coxwold Coxwold Coxwold Village Hall No change 126 146 20 RA04T Kilburn High & Low Coxwold Coxwold Village Hall No change 136 172 36 RA05T Newburgh Coxwold Coxwold Village Hall No change 20 30 10 RA06T Oulston Coxwold Coxwold Village Hall No change 75 89 14 RA07T Wildon Grange Coxwold Coxwold Village Hall No change 14 16 2 RA08T Brafferton and Helperby Helperby Helperby Millennium Hall No change 350 405 55 RA09T Brafferton and Helperby Helperby Helperby Millennium Hall No change 213 247 34 RA10T Fawdington Helperby Helperby Millennium Hall No change 6 6 0 RA11T Myton-on-Swale Helperby Helperby Millennium Hall No change 96 126 30 RA12T Husthwaite Husthwaite Husthwaite Village Hall No change 291 349 58 RA13T Thornton-on-the-Hill Husthwaite Husthwaite Village Hall No change 23 26 3 RA14T Raskelf Raskelf Raskelf Village Hall No change 403 437 34 RA15T Birdforth Raskelf Raskelf Village Hall No change 7 14 7 RA16T Thormanby Raskelf Raskelf Village Hall No change 77 90 13 Thirkleby High & Low RA17T Thirkleby Thirkleby Parish Hall No change 187 223 36 Page 38 Page with Osgodby RA18T Tholthorpe Tholthorpe Tholthorpe Village Hall No change 182 209 27

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Romanby Ward Romanby - Broomfield Sacred RY01R Romanby Broomfield Romanby No change 1415 1864 449 Hearts RC School RY02R Romanby Romanby Romanby Romanby Methodist Church Hall No change 2539 3208 669


Sowerby & Topcliffe Ward SO01T Dalton Dalton Dalton Village Hall No change 487 585 98 SO02T Eldmire with Crakehill Dalton Dalton Village Hall No change 13 17 4 SO03T Sessay Sessay Sessay Village Hall No change 205 264 59 SO04T Hutton Sessay Sessay Sessay Village Hall No change 63 69 6 SO05T Sowerby Sowerby Sowerby Scout Hut No change 3103 3828 725 SO06T Topcliffe Topcliffe Topcliffe Village Hall No change 652 751 99


Stokesley Ward ST01R Great and Little Broughton Great and Little Broughton Great Broughton Village Hall No change 714 840 126 Page 39 Page ST02R Kirkby Great and Little Broughton Great Broughton Village Hall No change 205 257 52 ST03R Stokesley Stokesley Stokesley Town Hall No change 3106 3833 727

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Tanfield Ward TA01R Carthorpe Carthorpe Carthorpe Community Hall No change 174 223 49 Howgrave & Sutton with TA02R Kirklington Kirklington Village Hall No change 0 0 0 Howgrave TA03R Kirklington Cum Upsland Kirklington Kirklington Village Hall No change 155 179 24 Howgrave & Sutton with TA04R Kirklington Kirklington Village Hall No change 64 71 7 Howgrave Polling district name TA05R Pickhill with Roxby Pickhill with Roxby Pickhill Primary School 271 314 43 change to Venue change TA06R Sinderby Sinderby Sinderby & District Village Hall No change 97 112 15 TA07R Ainderby Quernhow Sinderby Sinderby & District Village Hall No change 35 50 15 TA08R Holme Sinderby Sinderby & District Village Hall No change 35 41 6 TA09R Howe Sinderby Sinderby & District Village Hall No change 14 17 3 TA10R Snape with Thorp Snape with Thorp Snape Village Institute No change 277 336 59 TA11R Firby Snape with Thorp Snape Village Institute No change 28 36 8 TA12R Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Village Hall No change 141 166 25 TA13R Burrill with Cowling Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Village Hall No change 52 66 14 TA14R Clifton-on-Yore Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Village Hall No change 28 34 6

Page 40 Page TA15R Rookwith Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Village Hall No change 17 22 5 TA16R Thirn Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass Village Hall No change 55 70 15 TA17R East Tanfield Tanfield West Tanfield Memorial Hall No change 14 19 5 TA18R West Tanfield Tanfield West Tanfield Memorial Hall No change 410 471 61 TA19R Well Well Well Village Institute No change 161 198 37

PROPOSED CHANGES: Due to safegurading issues Pickhill Primary School is no longer available to be used as a polling station (without forcing the closure of the school on polling days). Therefore it is proposed that Pickhill with Roxby, Sinderby, Ainderby Quernhow, Holme and Howe parishes combine to form one polling district, 'Sinderby'. The proposed polling place for Sinderby polling district is Sinderby & District Village Hall which offers a good standard of facilities for voters. Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Polling Register Current Polling District Total Postal Parish Name Current Polling Place Proposal station Code Name electorates voters electorates Thirsk Ward TH01T Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott - Vale of York No change 701 849 148 TH02T Sandhutton Sandhutton Sandhutton Village Hall No change 160 191 31 TH03T Catton Sandhutton Sandhutton Village Hall No change 71 87 16 TH04T Kirby Wiske Sandhutton Sandhutton Village Hall No change 68 84 16 Newsham with TH05T Sandhutton Sandhutton Village Hall No change 84 105 21 Breckenbrough TH06T Skipton on Swale Sandhutton Sandhutton Village Hall No change 47 58 11 TH07T Thirsk Thirsk (East of Cod Beck) Thirsk - East Thirsk Community Ha No change 2414 2922 508 TH08T Thirsk Thirsk (West of Cod Beck) Thirsk - Friends Meeting House No change 960 1109 149

PROPOSED CHANGES: None Page 41 Page Annex C



In accordance with the requirements of section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) notice is hereby given that Hambleton District Council is conducting a review of the polling districts and polling places that fall within the district of Hambleton.

The review will commence on 16 July 2019.

The Council has published details of the existing polling districts and polling places together with its proposals for the review.

The (Acting) Returning Officer for Thirsk and Malton Parliamentary Constituency and the (Acting) Returning Officer for Richmond (Yorks) Parliamentary Constituency will make representations on the proposals and those observations will be available for inspection on the Council’s website.

Comments and representations in writing are invited from persons and organisations that have particular expertise in relation to access to premises and facilities for people that have different forms of disability, any registered elector within the Hambleton district, elected representatives, local councils, political parties and community groups.

Any comments should include, where appropriate, alternative venue suggestions that may be used as polling places.

Comments and representations may be sent:

By email: [email protected]

By post: Electoral Services, Hambleton District Council, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton, DL6 2UU

The deadline for receipt of comments or representations is 14 August 2019 and any representations received will be made available for public inspection.

Documents relating to the review can be inspected on the Council’s website at or at the Council’s offices.

Page 42 Timetable

Timescale Action

16 July 2019 Publication of notice of review and commencement of the consultation stage

16 July 2019 – 14 August 2019 Consultation on the proposals for the review

15 August 2019 – 6 September 2019 Consideration of all representations received in response to the consultation stage and preparation of final proposals to full Council.

17 September 2019 Results of the consultation stage considered by full Council. Full Council publishes the outcome of the review.

Gary Nelson Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) Hambleton District Council

Page 43 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9


Report To: Council 16 July 2019

From: Chief Executive


All Wards Scrutiny Committee


1.1 The purpose of this report is to approve the appointment of Parish Councillor Peter Hull of Tanfield Parish Council to the vacancy of Parish Council Representative on the District Council’s Standards Hearings Panel.


2.1 The Standards Hearings Panel comprises a non-voting parish council representative drawn from a pool of three. Following a recruitment exercise which involved all Parish Councils two nominations were received and were approved at the meeting of Annual Council on 21 May 2019.

2.2 Following the recent local elections a third candidate has been nominated to the vacant post by Tanfield Parish Council, namely Parish Councillor Peter Hull. It is therefore recommended that the Council formally appoints Parish Councillor Peter Hull as a Parish Council Representative on the Standards Hearings Panel.

2.3 Appointments are made for a four year period, which is in line with the term of office for District and Parish Councillors.


3.1 It is recommended that the Council appoints Parish Councillor Peter Hull to the vacant post of Parish Council Representative on the Standards Hearings Panel.


Background papers: None

Author ref: GN

Contact: Gary Nelson Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) Direct Line No: (01609) 767012

Page 45 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10


Report To: Council 16 July 2019

From: Chief Executive

Subject: APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY ALDERMEN All Wards Scrutiny Committee


1.1 The Council’s Constitution makes provision for the appointment of Honorary Aldermen. This normally takes place following the election of a new Council.

1.2 This report asks Council to consider the recommendations of the Member Working Group and arrangements for the appointment of Honorary Aldermen.


2.1 The authority to award the title comes from the Local Government Act 1972. Honorary Aldermen must, under the Act, be people who in the Council’s opinion have rendered “eminent service” to the Council as past Members, but are no longer Councillors at the time of conferment. There is no definition in the Act of what constitutes “eminent service”, but it is clear that it is service to the Council rather than to the community or other authorities.

2.2 The criteria used for consideration are that nominees must have:-

• served at least five consecutive full terms (a minimum of 20 years); or

• served at least four consecutive full terms (a minimum of 16 years) and served as Chairman of at least two Committees or been a Member of the Cabinet during that period.


3.1 The process for recommending the appointment of Aldermen involves a Working Group of Members. This is considered to be a reasonable and appropriate forum for discussing the merits of potential candidates. The Chief Executive, at the request of the Leader, has convened a Working Group made up of one Member nominated by each political group plus the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, as specified in the Council’s Constitution.

3.2 Those fulfilling the eligibility criteria have been considered by the Working Group and the following principles applied:-

• the award be non-political and recognise the personal contribution made by the Councillor;

• the award recognise an outstanding contribution to the work of the Council.

Page 47 3.3 The procedure stipulates that the Working Group will make recommendations to Council which will determine the appointment of Aldermen.


4.1 The Working Group comprising of Councillor P Atkin, Mrs B S Fortune, M S Robson and P R Wilkinson met on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 and recommended that former Councillor, Geoff Ellis, be conferred with the title of Honorary Alderman at a special meeting of Council convened for this purpose.


5.1 Only Council can confer the title of Honorary Alderman, but recommendations can be made by a Sub-Committee or Working Group.


6.1 There are no financial implications of this report.


7.1 It is recommended that:-

(1) Council considers and approves the recommendations of the Working Group for the appointment of Honorary Alderman; and

(2) a special meeting of the Council be arranged to confer the title of Honorary Alderman of the District of Hambleton upon former Councillor Geoff Ellis.


Background papers: None

Author ref: JI

Contact: Dr Justin Ives Chief Executive

Page 48 Agenda Annex


Committee Date Page

Cabinet 4 June 2019 49 2 July 2019 51

Scrutiny Committee 21 May 2019 53 13 June 2019 55

Planning Committee 25 April 2019 57 21 May 2019 61 29 May 2019 63 30 May 2019 65 27 June 2019 69

Audit, Governance and Standards Committee 21 May 2019 73

Licensing Committee 21 May 2019 75

Licensing and Appeals Hearings Panel 6 June 2019 77 12 June 2019 81 9 July 2019 To follow

Page 49 This page is intentionally left blank Decisions taken under Cabinet authority to take effect on 17 June 2019 Decisions of the meeting of the CABINET held at 9.30 am on Tuesday, 4th June, 2019 at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC CENTRE, STONE CROSS, NORTHALLERTON


Councillor M S Robson (in the Chair)

Councillor Mrs B S Fortune Councillor S Watson Mrs I Sanderson D A Webster

Also in Attendance

Councillor P Bardon Councillor J Noone K G Hardisty A Wake

An apology for absence was received from Councillor P R Wilkinson



That the decisions of the meeting held on 12 March 2019 (CA.62 - CA.69), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


The subject of the decision:

This report sought endorsement of the refreshed Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plan for Stokesley.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To comply with the Council's legal responsibility to ensure funding is used in a way consistent with the individual S106 Agreements.


That the refreshed Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plan for Stokesley, attached at Annex B of the report, be approved.

The meeting closed at 9.40 am

______Leader of the Council

Page 51 This page is intentionally left blank Decisions taken under Cabinet authority to take effect on 15 July 2019 Decisions of the meeting of the CABINET held at 9.30 am on Tuesday, 2nd July, 2019 at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC CENTRE, STONE CROSS, ROTARY WAY, NORTHALLERTON, DL6 2UU


Councillor M S Robson (in the Chair)

Councillor P R Wilkinson Councillor S Watson Mrs B S Fortune D A Webster Mrs I Sanderson

Also in Attendance

Councillor P Bardon Councillor N A Knapton D B Elders G Ramsden K G Hardisty M Taylor D Hugill



That the decisions of the meeting held on 4 June 2019 (CA.1 – CA.5), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


The subject of the decision:

This report provided an update on the detailed feasibility study undertaken in relation to the introduction of Ground Source Heat Pumps at Civic Centre and the Council’s four leisure centres at Bedale, Northallerton, Stokesley and Thirsk Sowerby.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

Cabinet was satisfied that the findings from the feasibility study showed that the scheme would not sufficiently underpin the Council’s financial sustainability and therefore did not support the Council’s service requirements and did not contribute to the achievement of the priorities set out in the Council Plan.

Page 53 CABINET 2 July 2019


That Cabinet approves that:-

(a) the project is closed due to the long payback periods;

(b) the costs of £29,045 are transferred to revenue in accordance with paragraph 6.1 of the report; and

(c) in due course further work be undertaken to identify the best options going forward in managing the plant and equipment of the Council’s assets.

The meeting closed at 9.50 am

______Leader of the Council

Page 54 Minutes of the meeting of the SCRUTINY COMMITTEE held at 2.41 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 at Yorkshire Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor K G Hardisty (in the Chair)

Councillor P Atkin Councillor Mrs J W Mortimer P Bardon J Noone D Hugill G Ramsden C A Dickinson M Taylor C A Les A Wake

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins.



That Councillor D Hugill be elected Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

(Councillor D Hugill in the Chair)



That Councillor C A Dickinson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

The meeting closed at 2.42 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 55 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the SCRUTINY COMMITTEE held at 10.30 am on Thursday, 13th June, 2019 at Main Committee Room, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton, DL6 2UU


Councillor D Hugill (in the Chair)

Councillor P Atkin Councillor Mrs J W Mortimer P Bardon G Ramsden C A Dickinson A Wake C A Les D Watkins

Also in Attendance

Councillor K G Hardisty

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Noone and M Taylor.



That the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 14 February and 21 May 2019 (SC.26 – SC.29 and SC.1 – SC.2), previously circulated, be signed as correct records.


The Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer) presented a report setting out the final report on the Council’s Performance on the Council Plan for 2015-2019. The Committee asked a number of questions which were responded to at the meeting.


That the progress made against at Q4 of 2018/19 against the Council Plan for 2015- 2019, as detailed within Annex A of the report, be noted.


The Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer) presented the quarterly monitoring report on the strategic risks affecting the Council.

To ensure that strategic risks were appropriately measured and that suitable actions were undertaken to mitigate the effect of each risk it had been agreed that the Scrutiny Committee would receive a quarterly monitoring report.

Page 57 SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 13 June 2019


That the quarterly report on the strategic risks affecting the Council and the actions that are in place to mitigate the impact upon the Council of each risk be noted.


The Committee gave consideration to areas of policy review work for 2019/20 and a number of suggestions were discussed at length. These included the Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping; Promoting Economic Vitality (including Markets); Planning Enforcement; Enhancing Health and Wellbeing and Recycling. In considering topics for review, Members were reminded to consider the key priorities as detailed within the Council Plan. The Committee was informed that the new Council Plan for 2019-2023 would be approved by Council in September 2019.

The Committee agreed that, as the reviews on Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping and Promoting Economic Vitality (including Markets) had recently been undertaken and concluded, it would be beneficial to receive an update on the implementation of the recommendations from these reviews at their next meeting in July.

During discussions regarding Driving Economic Vitality, the Committee suggested that it would be beneficial to all Members of the Council to receive an update on the current position regarding the Central Northallerton Development and the progress regarding the Treadmills and requested that a seminar be arranged for this purpose.

Members suggested that two topics be prioritised for in depth review, these being Recycling and Enhancing Health and Wellbeing. The Committee agreed to proceed with the policy review on Recycling in the first instance and the review on Enhancing Health and Wellbeing be considered at a future meeting of the Committee.

The Committee requested that a Project Plan for the review on Recycling be produced for consideration at the Committee’s next meeting on 18 July 2019.



(1) an update be provided to the Committee at the meeting in July 2019 regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the policy reviews on the Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping; and Driving Economic Vitality (including Markets); and

(2) a draft project plan be produced for the in-depth policy review on Recycling for consideration at the Committee’s next meeting on 18 July 2019.

The meeting closed at 11.45 am

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 58 Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 1.30 pm on Thursday, 25th April, 2019 in the Yorkshire Suite, The Golden Lion Hotel, High Steet, Northallerton


Councillor P Bardon (in the Chair)

Councillor J Noone Councillor Mrs B S Fortune R A Baker K G Hardisty M A Barningham B Phillips D M Blades D A Webster D B Elders

Also in Attendance

Councillor Mrs C S Cookman

An apology for absence was received from Councillor C Rooke



That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4 April 2019 (P31 - P.32), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


The Committee considered reports of the Deputy Chief Executive relating to applications for planning permission. During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.

Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision. It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Deputy Chief Executive had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.

In considering the report(s) of the Deputy Chief Executive regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations. Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.

Page 59 PLANNING COMMITTEE 25 April 2019

Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below. Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, unless shown otherwise:-

(1) 18/00592/FUL - Residential development comprising 14 dwellings at the Allotment Gardens, Masham Road, Bedale for Arncliffe Homes Ltd

PERMISSION REFUSED with an additional two reasons relating to the failure to provide an alternative location for the allotments and a failure to provide improvements to pedestrian and cycle access.

(The applicant’s agent, Alastair Flatman, spoke in support of the application).

(2) 18/02660/FUL - Construction of 12 dwellings at land to the south of Robin Lane, Huby for Broadacres Housing Association


(John Phillips spoke on behalf of Huby Parish Council objecting to the application.)

(3) 18/01603/REM - Application for approval of all reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline approval 15/01543/OUT for construction of a dwellinghouse at land to the south west of Prospect House, Great Fencote for Mr Tim Brierley

DEFER to allow an opportunity to respond to the Yorkshire Water objection.

(4) 18/02278/FUL - Part demolition of existing workshop buildings, conversion of workshop building and construction of 2 No. buildings to create 6 No. dwellings at Ship Service Station, Low Worsall for Chris Richardson


(5) 19/00166/FUL - Alterations and extension to dwelling to form annexe accommodation at 11 Thornbrough Road, Romanby for Mr and Mrs N Hutton

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition controlling external lighting.

(6) 18/02247/OUT - Outline application with all matters reserved for the demolition of existing dwelling and buildings and construction of nine dwellings at Porch House, Village Street, South Otterington for Mr and Mrs R Nasby


Page 60 PLANNING COMMITTEE 25 April 2019

(The applicant’s agent, Jonathan Saddington, spoke in support of the application).

(Robert Freeman spoke objecting to the application.)

(7) 19/00084/OUT - Outline application for a detached two storey dwelling at land adjacent to 1 Manor Farm Cottages, Vicar Hill Lane, Little Thirkleby for Mr Trenholme


(The applicant, John Trenholme, spoke in support of the application.)

(8) 19/00185/FUL - Retrospective application for formation of an enclosed porch at Paddock House, Thornborough for Mr P Burton

PERMISSION REFUSED because the proposal was of poor design and caused unacceptable impact on neighbour amenity and, therefore, was contrary to policies of the Local Development Framework and the NPPF.

The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Executive.

(The applicant’s agent, Andrew Cunningham, spoke in support of the application).

(Valerie Langham spoke objecting to the application.)

The meeting closed at 3.30 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 61 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 2.43 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 in the Yorkshire Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor K G Hardisty (in the Chair)

Councillor P Bardon Councillor J Noone M A Barningham B Phillips D M Blades A Robinson D B Elders M Taylor Mrs B S Fortune D A Webster

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins



That Councillor P Bardon be elected as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

(Councillor P Bardon in the Chair)



That Councillor J Noone be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

The meeting closed at 2.44 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 63 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 10.00 am on Wednesday, 29th May, 2019 in the Solberge Hall, Newby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 9ER


Councillor P Bardon (in the Chair)

Councillor M A Barningham Councillor J Noone D B Elders B Phillips Mrs B S Fortune A Robinson B Griffiths M Taylor K G Hardisty D A Webster

Also in Attendance

Councillor Mrs I Sanderson

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins



That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 25 April 2019 (P33 - P.34), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


The Committee considered reports of the Deputy Chief Executive relating to applications for planning permission. During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.

Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision. It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Deputy Chief Executive had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.

In considering the report(s) of the Deputy Chief Executive regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations. Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.

Page 65 PLANNING COMMITTEE 29 May 2019

Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below. Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, unless shown otherwise:-

(1) 17/01285/FUL - Change of use to a residential training centre (Class C2), incorporating up to 550 guest bed spaces and staff accommodation as amended by documentations and plans received on 8th August 2018 and 5 February 2019 at North Yorkshire Police, Training Centre, Newby Wiske Hall for PGL Travel Ltd

Note: The meeting adjourned at 11.40 am and reconvened at 11.50am.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition precluding the use of quadbikes and other activities involving internal combustion engines.

(The applicant’s agent, Matt Faulkner, spoke in support of the application).

(John Hunter spoke on behalf of Newby Wiske Parish Council objecting to the application.)

(John Hunter spoke on behalf of NWAG (Newby Wiske Action Group) objecting to the application.)

Note: The meeting adjourned at 1.15pm and reconvened at 1.50pm.

(2) 17/01286/LBC - Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations to Buildings 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 as amended by documentations and plans received on 8th August 2018 at North Yorkshire Police, Training Centre, Newby Wiske Hall for PGL Travel Ltd


(The applicant’s agent, Matt Faulkner, spoke in support of the application).

The meeting closed at 2.25 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 66 Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 1.30 pm on Thursday, 30th May, 2019 in the Yorkshire Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor P Bardon (in the Chair)

Councillor M A Barningham Councillor B Phillips D B Elders A Robinson B Griffiths M Taylor K G Hardisty D A Webster J Noone

Also in Attendance

Councillor C A Dickinson

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs B S Fortune and D Watkins


The Committee considered reports of the Deputy Chief Executive relating to applications for planning permission. During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.

Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision. It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Deputy Chief Executive had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.

In considering the report(s) of the Deputy Chief Executive regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations. Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.

Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below. Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.

Page 67 PLANNING COMMITTEE 30 May 2019


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, unless shown otherwise:-

(1) 18/01132/FUL - Demolition of intensive livestock units and partial demolition of bungalow to accommodate vehicular access and construction of five dwellings at Bagby Hall Farm, Bagby for Mr T Robson


(M Rothwell, spoke in support of the application.)

(John Swales spoke objecting to the application.)

(2) 19/00348/FUL - Retrospective application for alterations, extension and change of use of barn, to include the installation of 3no roof lights to the South elevation and widening of the existing brick paviours to provide a dwellinghouse and the construction of a triple timber garage / garden store, associated parking and new access at Crakehall Ings, Ings Lane, Kirkbridge for Mr and Mrs Lee Green

PERMISSION REFUSED because the proposed development failed to comply with Core Policy CP4.

The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Executive.

(The applicant’s agent, Timothy Crawshaw, spoke in support of the application).

(3) 19/00439/FUL - Change of use from a dwelling to a holiday cottage and alterations, (The Dairy) and change of use from holiday cottage to dwelling (Shepherds Rest) at Grove Farm, Easby for Mr J Foster and Ms A Taylor


(4) 19/00461/FUL - Change of use of former agricultural building to workshop. Regularisation of existing use to permit external storage of vehicles. The siting of two secure steel containers for the storage of tools and equipment at Poplars Far, Londonderry for Mr Mark Swales

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition restricting the storage height of the vehicles, and the maintenance and height of the boundary hedge.

(5) 18/02022/FUL - Proposed agricultural building for cattle, farm machinery and other equipment at Land adjacent to Angrove Plantation, Yarm Lane, Great Ayton for Mr Leonard


(The applicant’s agent, Jonathan Saddington, spoke in support of the application).

Page 68 PLANNING COMMITTEE 30 May 2019

(6) 18/01565/FUL - Construction of an all-weather non-illuminated equestrian paddock and fence and re-location of existing stock fence at Land south of South View, Hutton Rudby for Mr R Readman


(Alan Mortimer spoke on behalf of Rudby Parish Council supporting the application.)

(Patrick Montgomery spoke objecting to the application.)

(7) 18/02676/FUL - Construction of one dwelling and conversion of former agricultural buildings to form three dwellings at Southfield, Fanny Lane, Knayton for Mr R Pearson and Mrs V Dickinson

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition requiring a submission of a construction method statement.

(8) 19/00087/FUL - Proposed residential development comprising of 8 No. 2 bed, 2 storey houses set out as four pairs of semi-detached dwellings with associated parking, garaging and accessway at Land East Of Ashlands House Bullamoor Road, Northallerton for Mr Lee Richardson Yorvik Homes

DEFER for drainage assessment, assessment of the impact of the development on neighbouring tree, and a site visit.

(Mr Dunn spoke objecting to the application.)

Note: The meeting adjourned at 3.30pm and reconvened at 3.40pm.

(9) 18/01113/FUL - Creation of 12 additional flats at first floor level, together with ground floor retail uses (Use Classes A1/A2/A3 only). Works include first floor extension to Regency Mews, together with the installation of shop fronts at ground floor level; two-storey extension to Romanby Court, together with the creation of 2no. new ground floor retail units (Use A1/A2/A3) following partial demolition and conversion of the existing building at Romanby Court, High Street, Northallerton for Ark Grove Limited

DEFER for assessment of recently submitted additional information.

(The applicant’s agent, David Marjoram, spoke in support of the application).

(10) 19/00617/FUL - Reconfiguration of existing Car Park, comprising of re-marking of parking spaces, repositioning of lamp posts and installation of new LED lighting and installation of electric vehicle charging facilities at Crosby Road Car Park, Crosby Road, Northallerton for Central Northallerton Development Company


(The applicant’s agent, Jonathan Stubbs, spoke in support of the application).

(Mr R C Pratt spoke objecting to the application.)

Page 69 PLANNING COMMITTEE 30 May 2019

(11) 19/00502/FUL - Construction of a dwelling at Field House, South Back Lane, Stillington for Mr Alan Hetherington

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition to ensure the access will accommodate a fire tender vehicle.

(12) 18/00916/FUL - Construction of five dwellings including garage provision and associated landscaping and private gardens as per amended plans received by Hambleton District Council 20th February 2019 at Land to the south and east of Lynne House, Carr Lane, Sutton on the Forest for F R Myers and Sons


(The applicant’s agent, John Beeson, spoke in support of the application).

(Don Rankin spoke on behalf of Sutton on the Forest Parish Council objecting to the application.)

(Michael Kitchen spoke objecting to the application.)

(13) 19/00267/FUL - Construction of two steel portal frame buildings for the storage of agricultural machinery at Weather Hill, Thrintoft for Mr John Adamson


(14) 19/00229/REM - Application for the approval of reserved matters for access, appearance, materials, scale, landscaping and layout following outline approval of a doctors surgery and residential development (20 units) with associated infrastructure and landscaping as amended by details received on 21st March, and 4th, 5th and 12th April 2019 at Land off Forge Lane, Tollerton, North Yorkshire for Mr D Gath


(The applicant’s agent, Melissa Madge, spoke in support of the application).

(Richard Walker spoke on behalf of Tollerton Parish Council objecting to the application.)

The meeting closed at 5.25 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 70 Minutes of the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at 1.30 pm on Thursday, 27th June, 2019 in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU


Councillor P Bardon (in the Chair)

Councillor M A Barningham Councillor J Noone D B Elders B Phillips Mrs B S Fortune A Robinson K G Hardisty M Taylor B Griffiths D A Webster

Also in Attendance

Councillor Mrs I Sanderson

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Watkins



That the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 21, 29 and 30 May 2019 (P.1 – P.2, P.3 - P.4 and P.5), previously circulated, be signed as correct records.


The Committee considered reports of the Deputy Chief Executive relating to applications for planning permission. During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.

Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision. It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Deputy Chief Executive had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.

In considering the report(s) of the Deputy Chief Executive regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations. Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.

Page 71 PLANNING COMMITTEE 27 June 2019

Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below. Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, unless shown otherwise:-

(1) 19/00689/FUL - Construction of a detached dwelling, following outline planning approval 16/02735/OUT at Former Little Hornby Farm, Hornby Road, Appleton Wiske for Mr and Mrs J Adams

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition controlling levels.

(Derek Partington spoke on behalf of Appleton Wiske Parish Council concerning the application.)

(2) 19/00834/OUT - Outline application with details of access (all other matter reserved) for the construction of two dwellings at Land to west of Smithy Green, Hornby Road, Appleton Wiske for Mr I Stansfield

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to additional conditions controlling the height of the development and that the dwellings shall not be anything other than bungalows.

(Derek Partington spoke on behalf of Appleton Wiske Parish Council objecting to the application.)

(3) 19/00016/MRC - Variation of conditions attached to planning appeal APP/G2713/C/13/2198583 – to allow the siting of an additional static caravan including a change of use of agricultural land to use as a single additional residence at The Workshop, Stokesley Road, Brompton for Mr C Bird

PERMISSION REFUSED because the Committee considered the landscape, highway safety and neighbour amenity impacts of the development are contrary to the policies of the Local Development Framework.

The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Executive.

(4) 19/00973/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with access to be considered (all other matters reserved) for a single dwelling to replace existing outbuildings on land to the rear of Rowan Brae at Rowan Brea, Sutton Road, Huby for Mr Wendon

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to additional conditions requiring the clearing of the existing buildings on site, the closure of the existing access and the re- establishment of boundary planting.

(The applicant’s agent, Steve Hesmondhalgh, spoke in support of the application.)

Page 72 PLANNING COMMITTEE 27 June 2019

(5) 19/00087/FUL - Proposed residential development comprising of 8 dwellings with associated parking, garaging and accessway at Land East of Ashlands House, Bullamoor Road, Northallerton for Mr Lee Richardson Yorvik Homes


(6) 19/00245/FUL - Construction of a 3 bedroom bungalow at 1 Craddock Row, Sandhutton for Mr and Mrs Richard and Elizabeth Reed

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition regarding levels and an amendment to condition 5 to remove the restriction on the boundary wall to the north.

(Cheryl Ward, spoke on behalf of the applicant’s agent, in support of the application.)

(7) 19/00579/FUL - Alterations to existing chapel to create a single 4-bed dwelling at Topcliffe Methodist Church, Church Street, Topcliffe for The Methodist Church

PERMISSION GRANTED because the Committee considered that the public benefits of the development outweighed the less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage assets.

The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Executive.

(8) 19/00580/LBC - Listed Building Consent for alterations to existing chapel to create a single 4-bed dwelling at Topcliffe Methodist Church, Church Street, Topcliffe for The Methodist Church

PERMISSION GRANTED because the Committee considered that the public benefits of the development outweighed the less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset.

The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Executive.

The meeting closed at 3.20 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 73 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the AUDIT, GOVERNANCE AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE held at 2.47 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 at YORKSHIRE SUITE, GOLDEN LION HOTEL, HIGH STREET, NORTHALLERTON


Councillor K G Hardisty (in the Chair)

Councillor P Atkin Councillor N A Knapton G W Dadd Mrs J W Mortimer D B Elders P Thompson

Also in Attendance

Councillor Councillor

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors



That Councillor N A Knapton be elected as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

(Councillor N A Knapton in the Chair)



That Councillor D B Elders be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

The meeting closed at 2.48 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 75 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the LICENSING COMMITTEE held at 2.45 pm on Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 at Yorkshire Suite, Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton


Councillor K G Hardisty (in the Chair)

Councillor M A Barningham Councillor N A Knapton P Bardon M Taylor C A Dickinson P Thompson R Kirk A Wake

Also in Attendance

Councillor Councillor

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Watkins.



That Councillor R Kirk be elected as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

(Councillor R Kirk in the Chair)



That Councillor M Taylor be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.

The meeting closed at 2.46 pm

______Chairman of the Committee

Page 77 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the LICENSING AND APPEALS HEARINGS PANEL held at 9.30 am on Thursday, 6th June, 2019 at Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton


Councillor R Kirk (in the Chair)

Councillor P Bardon Councillor K G Hardisty

Also in Attendance

Councillor C A Dickinson Councillor M Taylor


The subject of the decision:

The Director of Law and Governance submitted a report seeking consideration of an application for a premises licence in respect of Everyman Cinema, Treadmills, East Road, Northallerton, DL6 1NW. The application sought to authorise the performance of plays and the exhibition of films between the hours of 9am and 3am every day; the performance of live music, the playing of recorded music, the performance of dance and any entertainment of a similar description between the hours of 9am and 3am every day; the sale of alcohol between the hours of 9am and 3am every day and the provision of late night refreshment between the hours of 11pm and 3am every day.

Alternative options considered:

The Panel considered all of the options outlined in paragraph 7.2 of the officer’s report. The Panel was satisfied that the licensing objectives were not likely to be adversely affected by the proposed licensable activities provided that appropriate conditions were imposed. Therefore, the Panel concluded that the alternative options were not appropriate in this instance.

The reason for the decision:

The Panel considered the written representations of all parties, oral representations of the applicant and one local resident, the Licensing Act 2003 as amended, the four licensing objectives, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Panel noted that three local residents had submitted representations in relation to concerns in respect of anti-social behaviour, littering and noise nuisance.

The Panel noted that the applicant confirmed two amendments to the application, namely:

(i) that the terminal hour for all licensable activities will be midnight; and (ii) that the use of the terrace will terminate at 10pm.


The applicant informed the Panel that the application related to the provision of a cinema containing four auditoriums, a bar area and a terrace. The applicant informed the Panel that the premises (as defined by the plans accompanying the application) would only be suitable for use as a cinema. The applicant informed the Panel that only those attending as patrons of the cinema would be permitted to purchase alcohol. The Panel was also informed that alcohol sales only formed approximately 5% of the applicant’s business income.

The applicant told the Panel that the company currently operated 28 cinemas across the UK, providing a more expensive and comfortable style of cinema experience. The Panel was informed that several of those premises were located close to residential accommodation and that the company sought to develop a good relationship with its residential neighbours. The applicant informed the Panel that it had not had a single complaint of public nuisance, anti-social behaviour or crime at any of the other cinemas it operated.

The Panel noted that the applicant had proposed conditions in the operating schedule to promote the licensing objectives including the adoption of a “Challenge 25” scheme and the installation of CCTV.

The Panel noted that the application had not attracted representations from Environmental Health, the Police or any of the other responsible authorities.

The Panel noted that the application included a number of licensable activities in addition to the provision of films and the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment. The applicant explained that some of the events that it hosts can include the occasional use of live actors, dancers, musicians or Q&As with film directors, some of which require authorisation.

The Panel noted that the interested parties raised some concerns in respect of potential noise impact from the loading and unloading of delivery vehicles. The Panel noted that the applicant had confirmed that it would comply with restrictions regarding deliveries placed on the site through planning permission. The Panel was satisfied that it would not be appropriate to seek to duplicate existing statutory requirements in this regard.

The Panel considered representations which expressed concern over the use of the external terrace. In particular, residents were concerned about the noise that could emanate from users of the terrace if it was not enclosed. One local resident raised concerns that glass panelling would invade the privacy of local residents. The Panel was satisfied that such matters would be dealt with under planning law and that any decision in this hearing could only be with a view to promoting the licensing objectives. The applicant informed the Panel that the construction of the premises was still in the design stage. The applicant proposed to limit the use of the terrace to 10.00pm. The Panel was satisfied that the proposal would alleviate some of the concerns raised by local residents.

The Panel considered representations in respect of noise nuisance associated with the proposed terminal hour for licensable activities at 3.00am. The Panel noted that the applicant had proposed to reduce the terminal hour to midnight. The Panel was satisfied that such a reduction would alleviate most of the concerns raised by local residents.


The interested parties raised concerns in respect of children being exposed to adults drinking alcohol. The Panel noted that the sale of alcohol in premises where children may be present was not unusual. In any case, the Panel could not consider matters that were not included in the written representations and therefore concluded that no further action would be appropriate in this respect.

The Panel considered representations in respect of litter in the area. The applicant informed the Panel that it had produced policies and staff training in order to minimise anti-social behaviour and nuisance. The applicant informed the Panel that it promoted a clean environment for its patrons.

The Panel noted that all premises licences are subject to any relevant mandatory conditions in addition to any conditions consistent with the applicant’s operating schedule. Furthermore the Panel noted that all premises licence are subject to review in the event of any failure to adequately promote the licensing objectives.


The Panel resolved to grant the application subject to the applicant’s proposed modifications (namely to cease licensable activities at midnight every day and to prohibit the use of the external terrace after 10.00pm) and any conditions consistent with the operating schedule.

The meeting closed at 10.25 am

______Chairman of the Panel

Page 81 This page is intentionally left blank Minutes of the meeting of the LICENSING AND APPEALS HEARINGS PANEL held at 9.30 am on Wednesday, 12th June, 2019 at Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton


Councillor M A Barningham Councillor M Taylor K G Hardisty



That Councillor M Taylor be elected Chairman for the duration of the meeting.

(Councillor M Taylor in the Chair)


The subject of the decision:

The Director of Law and Governance submitted a report seeking consideration of an application for the variation of a premises licence in respect of The Tannery, 4 The Arcade, Great Ayton, TS9 6BW. The application sought to extend the licensable area to the front of the premises to accommodate an external seating area. The application indicated that the consumption of alcohol would not be permitted in the external areas after 9.30pm each day. The application also sought to remove a condition which required all external doors to be kept closed except for access and egress.

Alternative options considered:

The Panel considered the options in paragraph 7.2 of the officer’s report. The Panel was satisfied that the licensing objectives were not likely to be adversely affected by the proposed licensable activities provided that appropriate conditions were imposed. Therefore, the Panel concluded that the alternative options were not appropriate in this instance.

The reason for the decision:

The Panel considered the written representations of all parties, oral representations of the applicant, North Yorkshire Police and Great Ayton Parish Council, the Licensing Act 2003 as amended, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Panel noted that the police had made representations in relation to anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance, two local residents had made representations in respect of noise nuisance and the Parish Council had made representations in relation to interference with an adjacent thoroughfare.

The applicant informed the Panel that he has a lot of experience in managing licensed premises having worked for a number of years as an area manager for a large public house company before starting his own independent micro-pubs. Since the Tannery opened eight months ago he has developed good relationships with local residents,


customers and licensed and un-licensed businesses. The applicant informed the Panel that the Tannery has not received any direct complaints from the police or the local authority and that the application to vary the licence has not received any representations from environmental health.

The applicant informed the Panel that the Tannery’s customer base was aged mid-20s to early 30s and older. The applicant told the Panel that he has received a high number of requests from customers to be able sit outside and that the business is seeking to attract new customers such as dog walkers and cyclists.

The applicant informed the Panel that the premises is a micro-pub specialising in craft beer which is priced reasonably in the market and does not offer drinks promotions.

The applicant explained to the Panel that the external area would seat approximately 12 people at three tables of four with space for up to a further eight people standing. The applicant informed the Panel that the premises would install a clear boundary feature such as planters to clearly delineate the perimeter of the external area. The applicant also informed the Panel that he would be happy to agree to ensure the storage of the table and chairs after the external area was closed. The applicant informed the Panel that all staff would be trained on how to manage and close down the external area. The applicant also explained that he would display signage to encourage customers to be respectful of local residents and that the area would be covered by CCTV.

The applicant informed the Panel that the request to remove the condition to keep all external doors closed was intended to make it easier for customers to access the external area while carrying drinks. The applicant explained that the internal area seats between 20-30 people.

The applicant told the Panel that in the locality of the premises there are between 5 and 15 youths who use the Arcade as a place in which to congregate. The applicant told the Panel that the youths are not being abusive or threatening towards the customers or staff of the Tannery but their presence can be perceived as intimidatory. The applicant told the Panel that he has informed the police about youths congregating in the area and the police advised the applicant to report everything. The applicant informed the Panel that the premises had recently installed a mosquito device which creates a high-pitched noise which is only audible to young people (up to the age of 25). The applicant explained that the idea to install the device had received support from the police. However the applicant indicated that he only wanted to use the device on the occasions where there were instances of intimidation. The applicant informed the Panel that he believed that the presence of adults in the external area may serve to reduce the anti-social behaviour of young people in the locality.

The Panel considered representations from North Yorkshire Police who informed the Panel that the police had received a number of calls about youths congregating in the Arcade. The police expressed concerns that customers using the external area may be intimidated by youths in the locality resulting in the police receiving a higher number of calls about anti-social behaviour. The police made reference to its own incident report logs for the area and indicated that five of the six reports of anti-social behaviour were made between 6.00pm and 9.00pm and therefore it could only support the use of the external area until 6.00pm. The police informed the Panel that anti-social behaviour was not directly linked to the premises. However, the police would expect that the use of the external area would encourage youths to intimidate customers of the premises. The police acknowledged that the applicant is proactive in addressing anti- social behaviour issues.


The Panel noted that the licensing regime cannot be used to control activities outside of its remit. The Panel was only concerned with any potential adverse effects likely to be caused by licensable activities. The Panel was not satisfied that anti-social behaviour in the locality had any direct link with the carrying out of licensable activities at the premises.

The Parish Council informed the Panel that it believes the business was a success and that its concern regarding the introduction of an external area to the premises would be the potential interference with the public using the thoroughfare which runs adjacent to the external area. The Parish Council told the Panel that the existing thoroughfare is narrow and that the proposed external area would limit public access further. The applicant informed the Panel that the external area would leave more than a path’s width (approximately 1.5 - 2 meters) for the public to pass through the thoroughfare. The Panel was satisfied that the proposed external area was clearly defined on the premises plans and that any extension beyond the defined area could constitute a breach of the licence, which could be addressed accordingly if necessary. The Panel was satisfied that due to the size of the external area, the thoroughfare would not be so impinged to have an adverse effect on the licensing objectives.

The Panel considered representations from local residents in relation to potential noise nuisance emanating from the external area and from inside the premises if the external door was to be kept open. The Panel was satisfied that the use of the external area was limited by its size to approximately 20 people and that the application only sought to license the use of the external area until 9.30pm. The Panel noted that the external door to the premises faced away from residential properties and was satisfied that noise emanating from inside the premises would have minimal impact on local residents. The Panel was satisfied that the concerns raised in respect of noise could be alleviated by ensuring that the outside area was not in use after 9.30pm, with a condition requiring all tables and chairs to be stored by 9.45pm and with a condition requiring the external door to remain closed from 9.30pm.

The Panel noted that the licence is subject to all relevant mandatory conditions in addition to any conditions consistent with the applicant’s operating schedule. The Panel also noted that the premises had not been subject to any complaints.


The Panel resolved to grant the application and to impose the following conditions:

(1) the tables and chairs in the external area will be stacked and securely stored by 9.45pm;

(2) the external area of the premises will be visibly defined in order for customers to clearly identify the perimeter of the licensed area.

(3) All external doors to the premises shall be kept closed between the hours of 9.30pm and 8.00am except for access and egress.

The meeting closed at 10.55 am

______Chairman of the Panel

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