Older in Council No. 23 25 , Approved and Ordered DEC. -4.1987

Lieutetvnt Governor

Executive Council Chambers. Victoria DEC. -2.1987 ArAn . 87O/gg ) 3/r) 1157/co On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, orders that

1) Kitsumkalum Park, re-established by Order in Council 2369/47, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Kitsumkalum Schedule is re- established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Kitsumkalum Park.

2) Pure Lake Park, established by Order in Council 2283/81, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Pure Lake Schedule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Pure Lake Park.

3) Athalmer Beach Park, established by Order in Council 584/79, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Athalmer Beach SL,ledule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Athalmer Beach Park.

4) Mount Seymour Recreation Area, established by Order in Council 2339/81 is cancelled and the Crown land in the Mount Seymour Schedule is re-established as a Provincial Recreation Area and the name is declared to be Mount Seymour Recreation Area.

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rills part is fur the records of the011ice of Legislative Counsel, and it not portal the Order.)

Authority under which Order Is made: Act and section:- . ... P4.6..Acti-v5g.c.tign . .7-5PcOPP 50)1.. kitArPretWon Act: Section 27(4) 2369[47, 2283781, 584 79 2330'81 327787, Other (specify):- 1715/ /1'1716/U 1' 469./87/ Aft*.

Examined by: (A ttorney General examiner) -2-

5) Muncho Lake, re-established by Order in Council 327/87 is cancelled and the Crown land in the Muncho Lake Schedule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Muncho Lake Park.

6) Bear Creek Park, established by Order in Council 764/81 is cancelled and the Crown land in the Bear Creek Schedule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Bear Creek Park.

7) The Crown land in the Shelter Bay Schedule is added to Arrow Lake Park, a Class "A" Provincial Parke established by Order in Council 1097/81.

8) Akamina-Kishinena Recreation Area, established by Order in Council 1715/87, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Akamina-Kishinena Schedule is established as a Provincial Recreation Area and the name is declaed to be Akamina-Kishinena Recreation Area.

9) Elk Lakes Recreation Area, established by Order in Council 1716/87, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Elk Lakes Recreation Area Schedule is re-established as a Provincial Recreation Area and the name is declared to be Elk Lakes Recreation Area.

10) Garibaldi Park, re-established by Order in Council 327/87, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Garibaldi Schedule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Garibaldi Park.

11) Cascade Recreation Area, established by Order in Council 469/87, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Cascade Schedule is re-established as a Provincial Recreation Area and the name is declared to be Cascade Recreation Area.

12) Winter Cove Park, re-established by Order in Council 2587/81, is cancelled and the Crown land in the Winter Cove Schedule is re-established as a Class "A" Provincial Park and the name is declared to be Winter Cove Park. KITSUMKALUM SCHEDULE

All Crown land in Range 5 Coast District described as:

Commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 6733, said corner lying on the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum Lake;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 6733 to the southeast corner of said lot;

thence Southerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 1400;

thence Southerly along the east boundary of District Lot 1400, a distance of 402.336 metres (20 chains);

thence due West 764.438 metres (38 chains) more or less to the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum River;

thence Northerly along said natural boundary and then along the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum Lake to the point of commencement;

except Number 3 Kalum Lake Road (Gazetted Oct. 21, 1982) and Area for Acquisition both shown on Ministry of Highways Plan 52-3-30-B, dated July 13, 1983;

the whole containing 40 hectares, more or less.


File: 2-5-1-003 PURE LAKE SCHEDULE

The Fractional southeast 1/4 of District Lot 780, lying east of the Queen Charlotte City-Masset Road #330, shown on the Ministry of Highways District File #Q127;

The Fractional northeast 1/4 of District Lot 773;

Those parts of the north 1/2 of the fractional northwest 1/4 of District Lot 773 and the fractional southwest 1/4 of District Lot 780 lying East of the Queen Charlotte City - Masset Road #330, shown on Ministry of Highway District File #Q127;

A lake known as Pure Lake and shown on official plan 2172, Queen Charlotte Land District, filed in Land Records Division, Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing, Victoria, B.C.

All of Queen Charlotte District.

The whole containing 130 hectares more or less.



All Crown land and foreshore in Kootenay District described as:

A) That part of District Lot 267 shown on Plan 1143 described as:

1) Lots 8 to 14 inclusive and Lot 21 of Block 22, Plan 1143;

2) Lots 1 to 3 inclusive and Lots 5 to 32 inclusive of Block 23, Plan 1143;

3) Lots 1 to 32 inclusive of Block 24, Plan 1143;

4) Lots 1 to 31 inclusive of Block 25, Plan 1143;

5) Lots 1 to 14 inclusive of Block 26, Plan 1143;

6) Lots 1 to 9 inclusive and Lots 16 to 26 inclusive of Block 27, Plan 1143;

7) Lots 1 to 9 inclusive and Lots 13 to 21 inclusive of Block 28, Plan 1143;

8) Lots 1 to 8 inclusive and Lots 13 to 20 inclusive of Block 29, Plan 1143;

9) Lots 1 to 8 inclusive and Lots 13 to 20 of Block 30, Plan 1143.

10) The Road Rights of Way shown on Plan 1143 described as:

Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue lying south of Mulock Road;

Marion Street, Cordon Street, Cook Street and Lake Street lying east of the C.P. Railway Right-of-Way and west of Third Avenue;

The "lanes" shown in Blocks 23, 24, 25 and 26;

Those part of the "lanes" shown in Blocks 27, 28, 29 and 30 lying east of the C.P. Railway Right-of-Way;

That part of the "lane" in Block 22 lying east of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 22 and south of the easterly production of the northerly boundary of said Lot 10.

B) That part of District Lot 267 generally described as bounded on the west and north by Plan 1143, on the east by Plan 2139, and on the south by the natural boundary of Windermere Lake.

C) The unsurveyed foreshore and land covered by the water of Windermere Lake described as:

Commencing at the most southerly southwest corner of Assigned Parcel "C" of Plan 2139; thence S 40° 55' E to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Windermere Lake as shown on Plan 1143;

thence S 40° 55' E a distance of 100 metres;

thence southwesterly along a line parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the said natural boundary to a point thereon, said point being the point of intersection with the southerly production of the west boundary of Fourth Avenue, as shown on Plan 1143;

thence Northerly along said production to the natural boundary of Windermere Lake;

thence in a general Northeasterly direction along said natural boundary to the point of commencement;

the whole containing 14 hectares, more or less.



All Crown land in Group 1, New Westminster District, described as:

1)District Lot 1006, except Reference Plans 2333 and 2637.

2) The east 1/2 of District Lot 1007.

3)Parcel B, Reference Plan 2857 and Parcel C, Reference Plan 2857 of District Lot 1007.

4) Parcel A, Reference Plan 2932 of District Lot 1008.

5)District Lot 1536.

6) District Lot 5382.

7) Lot 1 of District Lots 1001, 1006, 1007 and 1008, Plan 21104.

8) Unsurveyed Crown land described as commencing at the southwest corner of D.L. 5382; thence West along the north boundary of D.L. 1008 to the point of intersection with the height of land forming the easterly boundary of Seymour River;

thence in a general Northerly then Easterly direction along said height of land to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary of D.L. 5382;

thence in a general Southerly direction along siad west boundary of D.L 5382 to the southwest corner of D.L. 5382, said corner being the point of commencement;

the whole containing 450 hectares, more or less.



All Crown land and land covered by water in Peace River District described as:

1) Commencing at a point on the southern limit of the right-of-way of the Alaska Highway and being 91.44 metres due South of a standard post and mound referenced as number 92 and shown on Plan 3, Township 408, by A.C. Pollard, B.C.L.S., and being approximately Mile 427.5;

thence due South for 4.83 kilometres;

thence in a Westerly and Northerly direction parallel to and 4.83 kilometres perpendicularly distant from the southerly and westerly limit of the Alaska Highway to the intersection with the centre of Prochniak Creek;

thence in an Easterly direction along said centre line to the intersection with the centre line of Trout River;

thence due East to the easterly limit of the Trout River drainage;

thence in a Southerly direction along the easterly drainage limit of Trout River and Muncho Lake to a point thereon, said point being the headwaters of the main stream of Nonda Creek;

thence in an Easterly and Southerly direction along the natural boundary of Honda Creek, on the right bank thereof, to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of the Toad River, on the left bank thereof;

thence an Easterly direction along said natural boundary to a point due north of said standard post and mound referenced as number 92;

thence due South to aforesaid post and mound;

thence 91.44 metres due South to the point of commencement.

2) District Lots 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 628, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1180, 1181, 1552 except 81k 1, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1651 and Blk 1 of DL 1552.


1. District Lots 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 627, 1168, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1179, 1182, 1183, 1641, 1650;

2. Commencing at a point 30.48 metres N 28° 42' 30" W of a point marked R. 70 P. Conc. C on the northerly boundary of the right-of-way of the Alaska Highway at Mile 433.6;

File: 2-4-6-2 -2-

thence N 29° 42' 30" W 182.88 metres;

thence S 60° 17' 30" W 457.20 metres;

thence S 29° 42' 30" E 182.88 metres;

thence N 60° 17' 30" E 182.88 metres;

thence S 29° 42' 30" E 30.48 metres, more or less, to the said northerly boundary;

thence Northerly 30.48 metres along said northerly boundary;

thence N 29° 42' 30" W 30.48 metres;

thence N 60° 17' 30" E 243.84 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 7.37 hectares, more or less.

3. Commencing at a point 30.48 metres S 27° 44' 00" E of the northwest corner of Lot 568;

thence S 27° 44" 00" E 30.48 metres, more or less, to the south boundary of Lot 568;

thence Northerly along the said southerly boundary to the southeast corner of Lot 568;

thence S 27° 44' 00" E 426.72 metres;

thence S 62° 16' 00" W 449.58 metres;

thence N 27° 44' 00" W to the southwest corner of Lot 622;

thence Northeasterly along the southerly boundary of Lots 622 and 621 to the southeast corner of Lot 621;

thence Northwesterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 621 to a point 30.48 metres southerly of the northeast corner of Lot 621;

thence N 62° 16' 00" E 121.92 metres;

thence N 27° 44' 00" W 30.48 metres, more or less, to the southerly boundary of the highway right-of-way;

thence Northerly 30.48 metres along the southerly boundary of the highway rightofway;

thence S 27° 44' 00" E 30.48 metres; -3-

thence N 62° 16' 00" E 60.96 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 19.43 hectares, more or less.

4. That portion of roadway identifieo as being part of the Alaska Highway and lying between Mile 427.5 to Mile 480 more particularly described on Plans 11489, 11533, 31772, 11542 except 31772, 11517, H541, H529, and 461.

The whole containing 88,416.02 hectares, more or less.

File: 2-4-6-2


All Crown land In Osoyoos Division of Yale District described as:

1)That part of District Lot 539 shown on Plan "B" 1520, except Plan 31195 and except that part shown in blue (containing 0.3563 ha) on Ministry of Highways Drawing 29-378 R/W (on File 2-2-1-134 with Ministry of Environment and Parks, Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division, Victoria, B.C.).

2) That part of District Lot 539 shown in yellow on said Ministry of Highways Drawing 29-378 B/W.

3) District Lot 3747.

the whole containing 167 hectares, more or less.

File: 2-2-1-134


All Crown land in Kootenay District described as:

1)Lot 1 of District Lot 8312, Plan 15937.

2) That part of District Lot 8312 shown as "Return to Crown in Right of the Province" on Plan 15937.

3) The northerly 190 meters of District Lot 12898 lying east of Revelstoke- Nakusp Highway No. 23 as shown on Plan 8234.

the whole containing 21 hectares, more or less.



All Crown land in the Kootenay Land District described as:

Commencing at a point of intersection of the Alberta/B.C./Montana borders located at Monument 272;

thence West along the B.C./Montana border for approximately 18.5 kilometers to a point being 1.2 kilometers east of the southwest corner of Lot 14602, Kootenay Land District;

thence in a general Northeasterly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Starvation Creek to the summit of Starvation Peak;

thence in a Northeasterly direction to a height of land being the headwaters of Ord Creek;

thence in a Northeasterly direction along the left bank of Said creek to its point of intersection with the confluence of Beavertail Creek on the left bank thereof;

thence due East to the right bank of Beavertail Creek;

thence Northerly along said creek to a point of intersection with the left bank of Way Creek;

thence in a Northeasterly direction along the left bank of Way Creek to the 1900 meter contour;

thence in a Northwesterly, Northeasterly, and Southeasterly direction along said contour to a point being approximately 1.4 km due west of the southwest corner of Lot 11078;

thence in a Southeasterly direction in a straight line approximately 1.2 kilometers to a point being approximately .95 kilometers West and .80 kilometers North of the southwest corner of Lot 11079;

thence due South for approximately 1.2 kilometers to a point being approximately .95 kilometers West and .50 kilometers South of the southwest boundary of District Lot 11079;

thence due East for approximately 2.3 kilometers crossing Grizzly Gulch to a height of land located on the 1900 meter contour being approximately .5 km south and .5 km east of the southeast corner of Lot 11079;

thence in a Northerly, Easterly, and Southeasterly direction along said contour to a point of intersection with the left bank of the most northerly tributary of Wall Creek being approximately 1.2 km south and 1.2 km east of the southwest corner of Lot 11081; thence in a Northeastly direction along said tributary of Wall Creek on the left bank thereof to the natural boundary of Wall Creek;

thence Northerly along the natural boundary of Wall Creek on the left bank thereof to the confluence of Wall, Akamina and Zur Creeks;

thence in a general Northeasterly direction to the natural boundary of Zur Creek;

thence In a general Northeasterly direction along the natural boundary of Zur Creek on the right bank thereof to the 1900 meter contour;

thence in a Northwesterly direction along said contour to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Akamina Creek;

thence in a Easterly direction to the B.C./Alberta Borders;

thence in a Southeasterly direction along said border to the point aforementioned point of commencement;

The whole area containing 10,915 hectares more or less.



Commencing at the point on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Cadorna Creek, said point being approximately 239'' and 1,100 meters from the southwest corner of Lot 8480, Kootenay Land District;

thence due south approximately 2,650 meters more or less to a point due west of the northwest corner of Lot 8471;

thence is a general southerwesterly, northwesterly, northeasterly direction along the easterly, southerly, westerly boundaries of the watershed of Cadorna Creek to most southeasterly point of the boundary of Elk Lakes Provincial Park;

thence in a general northeasterly, southeasterly direction along the northerly, easterly watershed of Cadorna Creek to the aforementioned point of commencement.

The whole containing 11,620 hectares more or less.



All Crown land in Yale Division Yale Land District described as;

Commencing at the point of intersection of the 3200 foot (975.36m) Contour, Yale Division of Yale District and the north boundary of E.C. Manning Park, said point lying 550 metres south and 550 metres west, more or less, of elevation marker 5251, as shown on NTS Topo Map 92H/3, lying west of Snass Creek;

thence in a general Easterly direction along said park boundary, as shown on Topo Maps 92H/3 and 92H/2, to a point there on, said point lying on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Skaist River;

thence is a general Northerly direction along said watershed boundary to the point of intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Granite Creek;

thence in a general Northerly direction along said watershed boundary to the summit of Granite Mountain;

thence Northwest in a straight line to the point of intersection of the left bank natural boundary of Coates Creek and the right bank natural boundary of Holding Creek, said point of intersection lying 3800 metres west and 600 metres north, more or less, from the summit of Granite Mountain;

thence due West to the left bank natural boundary of Holding Creek;

thence in a general Northerly direction along said natural boundary to the point of intersection with the Tulameen River natural boundary on the right hank thereof;

thence N 82° W a distance of 1550 metres, more or less, to the height of land forming the northerly boundary of an unnamed creek;

thence in a general Westerly direction along said watershed boundary to the point of intersection with the height of land forming the easterly boundary of the watershed of Podunk Creek;

thence in a general Southwesterly direction along said southerly watershed boundary to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary of the watershed of Snass Creek;

thence in a general Southerly direction along said westerly boundary to a point there on, said point being elevation marker 5251;

thence Southwesterly in a straight line to the point of commencement.

The whole containing 16,680 hectares, more or less.



All Crown land in New Westminster and Lillooet Land District described as follows:

Commencing at a point lying 4.0225 kilometres South and 201.12 metres East of the southeast corner of District Lot 5316;

thence due South 3.250 kilometres;

thence due West 5.631 kilometres;

thence due South 4.827 kilometres, more or less;

thence due West to the southeast corner of District Lot 7224, Group 1, New Westminster District;

thence West along the southerly boundary and the westerly production of the southerly boundary of said Lot 7224 a distance of 2.667 kilometres;

thence due South 12.872 kilometres;

thence East 4.827 kilometres;

thence due South 9.654 kilometres;

thence due West 1.0 kilometres;

thence due South 1.0 kilometres;

thence due West 842 metres, more or less, to a point due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 7132, Group 1, New Westminster District;

thence South 1.911 kilometres, more or less, to the northeast corner of said District Lot 7131;

thence South along the easterly boundary and southerly production thereof of said District Lot 7132 a distance of 1.307 kilometres;

thence due East 804 metres;

thence due South 342 metres; thence due East 3.226 kilometres; thence due North 1.609 kilometres; -2-

thence due East 1.609 kilometres;

thence due North 804 metres;

thence Fast 1.609 kilometres

thence due North 2.0 kilometres;

thence due Fast 3.50 kilometres;

thence due South 4.827 kilometres;

thence due Fast 39.50 kilometres;

thence due North 10.490 kilometres;

thence due West 5.705 kilometres;

thence North 2.415 kilometres, more or less, to the southeast corner of District Lot 5533, being Indian Reserve No. 12 "Glazier Creek", Group 1, New Westminster District;

thence East, and then In a general Northerly and Southeasterly direction along the south, west and north boundaries of said District Lot 5533 to the northeast corner of thereof, said corner lying on the natural boundary of Glacier Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence In a general Northerly, Westerly and Southerly direction along the natural houndary of Glacier Lake on the easterly, northerly and westerly shores thereof to a point thereon, said point lying 5.070 kilometres North and 935 metres Fast of the southeast corner of aforesaid District Lot 5533;

thence due West 3.195 kilometres;

thence due North 7.242 kilometres;

thence due West 6.437 kilometres;

thence due North 30.578 kilometres, more or less, to the 50 degree 14 minutes parallel of North latitude; thence West 19.312 kilometres along said parallel; thence due South 9.254 kilometres; -3-

thence due West 4.705 kilometres;

thence due South 4.000 kilometres, more or less, to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Horstman Creek, on the right hank thereof;

thence due Fast 1.125 kilometres;

thence due South 750 metres; thence due Fast 1.250 kilometres; thence due South 1.25 kilometres; thence due Fast 350 metres; thence due South 1.3 kilometres; thence due West 350 metres; thence due South 700 metres; thence due West 1.75 kilometres; thence due South 1.5 kilometres; thence due West 765 metres; thence due South 545 metres; thence due Fast 350 metres; thence Southerly and Westerly along the height of land to Flute Peak; thence Northwest along a straight line to Piccolo Peak; thence Northwest along said line 1.860 kilometres; thence West 1.935 kilometres more or less in a straight line to the point of commencement.

The whole containing 194,323.9 hectares, more or less.


All Crown land in the Cowichan Land District described as:

1. Lot 1, Section 18, 19 and 20; Saturna Island, Cowichan District, Plan 32126, except the road right-of-way as shown on the unregistered plan surveyed by R. Turner and dated September 11, 1981.

2. That portion of Winter Cove Road within Lot 1 of Sec. 18 and 19, Plan 32126 (discontinued and closed by OIC 686/87) shown outlined in green on a plan recorded in the Ministry of Highways as "Road Surveys 9598".

The whole containing 74.5 hectares, more or less.

3. Commencing at a point on the natural boundary of Boat Passage on the southerly shore thereof, said point being the most northerly point on Saturna Island;

thence S 45° W to a point, said point being N 45° W of the most westerly corner of Lot 1, Sections 18, 19 and 20, Saturna Island, Cowichan District, Plan 32126;

thence S 45° E to the said most westerly corner of Lot 1, Sections 18, 19 and 20, Saturna Island, Cowichan District, Plan 32126, said corner being a point on the natural boundary of Winter Cove on the southerly shore thereof;

thence in a Northeasterly direction along said natural boundary to the point of commencement.

Containing 16 hectares, more or less of foreshore, the whole containing 90.5 hectares, more or less.

File: 2-6-1-526