Cali: Compiler-Assisted Library Isolation Markus Bauer Christian Rossow CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT the full program’s privileges and address space. This lack of privi- Software libraries can freely access the program’s entire address lege separation and memory isolation has led to numerous critical space, and also inherit its system-level privileges. This lack of sepa- security incidents. ration regularly leads to security-critical incidents once libraries We can significantly reduce this threat surface by isolating the contain vulnerabilities or turn rogue. We present Cali, a compiler- library from the main program. In most cases, a library (i) neither assisted library isolation system that fully automatically shields a requires access to the entire program’s address space, (ii) nor needs program from a given library. Cali is fully compatible with main- the full program’s privileges to function properly. In fact, even line Linux and does not require supervisor privileges to execute. We complex libraries such as parsers require only limited interaction compartmentalize libraries into their own process with well-defined with the program and/or system. Conceptually, there is thus little security policies. To preserve the functionality of the interactions need to grant an untrusted library access to the program or to between program and library, Cali uses a Program Dependence critical system privileges. Basic compartmentalization principles Graph to track data flow between the program and the library dur- thus help to secure a program from misuse by untrusted code.