East Khandesh
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Government of Bombay EAST KHANDESH DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK (Based on (he 1951 Cellsus) BOMBAY 'rBD A!' '.CHE r...OHlWOO.R. PRINTING PRESS, RA'IMARl'£I RO-l.D, ::<O~PADA, rU.u<lA. Ie from the Om,-errunent Publica.tions Sa.les Depot., Institute of Sci.mce Building, 30mbllY (for purehosers in !tombay City). from the Government Book Depot, Charni lardeDB, Bombay 4 (for orders from the mofusail) or througb the HIgh CommiBsioDer lia, India House, Aldwych. London. W.C. 2, or through any r""ognized Book"Al'klr, PTice-R~. 2 As. 8 or 4 q 6 n. 1952 CONTENTS. PAGE. ~. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population 4-.1 A-IIT Towns and Villages classified by Population 6--9 A-V Towns arranged territorially with population by livelihood ~lasses. 1U-13 t Economic Tables. B-1 Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 14 -- 21 B-II Secondary Means of Livelihood 22-27 B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions .... 28-71 Index of non-agricultural occupations in the district. 72-79 C. Household and Age (Sample) Tables. C-I Household (Size and Composition) 80-83 C-II Livelihood classes by Age Groups 84.-87 C-III Age and Civil condition SS-97 C-IV Age and Literacy 98-105 C-V Single Year Age Returns 106-109 D. Social and CultUt'al Tables. D-I Languages: (i) Mother Tongue .. 110-11;) (ii) Bilingualism 116-119 D-JI Religion 120-121 D-Ill Schedu'ed Ca<;,("s and Scheduled Tribes I'W-I2l D-V (i) Displaced Persons by Year of \rrival in India 1'21-125 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 126-127 D-V [ Non-Indian Nationah 128-129 D-V.lI Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards 1:)0--133 -VITI Unemployment by Educational Standards lilt-lin E. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas. 138-14;) Primary Census Abstracts Small Scale Industries Census - EmpJoym ent in Establishments. 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DISTRICT EAST KHANDESH There has been no change in the constitution of the district since 1- except for the transfer of 13 enclave villages, having a 1941 population 7,648, from Chalisgaon taluka to Hyderabad State. Tae district hall a p )pui:>tion ( 1951 Census) of 1,471,351 and an area 4,535.1 square miles, a(lcordin~ to the area figure furnished by the Surve) General of Indi I. This Handbook contains taoles for East Kbandesh district, compile. aft.er the 195L Census of India. The main results of the 1951 Census are embodi in t.ile Stall:' TallIe.; pnhlished for the States of Bombay, Saurashtra and Kntch. this Handbook, the data are exhibiLeJ in greater detail. The numbers give! tables in this pnhlication correspond to those given in the State Census Rep' The following tables for the district have, however,· not been included this Handbook. A-II Variation in population during fifty years. A-IV TowIlfl classified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV Migrants. In the E. Summary table, some columns have heen omitted. In the case of the C - series of tables, except C-I, the data were extract Oil the basis of a sample count of approximately 10% of the census slips inste of a full count of all the slips. C-l. table was prepared from a four P("" B'-IffilJle of the households ['ecorded in the National Register of Citizens retat tn each town ol'village. In 1941, the population fi!.(111'fld were exhibited according to cOlllmnnities in the "Village Hanclboo(i:s" l.lllbll~ht'd by Ill" Govel'llmem of Bombay. In 1951, the basis of classification at the Census was chanl-(eLi from a social to an !-'conoIUic .:InfO, and the figUl'es for villaged given in Lha Pr'irnary Censns Abstracts and in la-,Ies A-V, B-1, B-1I, C-lI and E, are accurdll1g to the following eIght livelin. Classes:- Agricultural Classes 1 Cultivators of lano, wholly 01' mainly owned; and their depenua Il Cultivators of land, whully Or mainly unowned; and dependants. III Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV Non-cultivating owners of land; a.>Jl'icnltw·al rent recE-ivel's; their dependa.tlt~. NOD-Agricuiturmi Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of Ii, hood from:- V Production other than cultivation. VI Commerce. VII Transport. VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources, Dependants, whether ealning or non-earning, were classified at the ,ensus according to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom ey were dependent. The Primary Census Abstracts, which contain basic information in ,1!pect of every village and town, have been arranged according to lalukas and petas, units into which every district is divided for administrative )urposes. The taluka was, however, too smalJ a unit to adopt for preparing .he main census ti\bles. Therefore, in the B, C and D series of tables figures l}ave been given for tracts and not for talukas and petas. Before sorting the .;ensus slips and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tracts into which East Khandesh district was divided for the ourpose are shown below :- Rural Tracts (1) Rural areas ofJalgaon and Bhusawal talukas and Edlabad peta. (2) Rural areas ofYawal and Raver talukas. (3) Rural areas of Amalner and Parola talukas. (4) Rural areas of Chopda and Erandol talukas. (5) Rural areas of Chalisgaon taluka and Bhadgaon peta. (6) Rural areas of Jamner and Pachora talukas. Urban Tracts (1) Urban areas of ]algaon, Bhusawal, Yawal and Raver talukas. (2) Urban areas of Amalner, Parola, Chopda and Erandol talukas. (3) Urban areas of Chalisgaon, Jamner and Pachora talukas and Bhadgaor. peta Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. Shortly before the 1951 population census, a census of Small I ndustries was taken, and the result~ of this census are given in the table called "Small Scale Industrie:s Census-Employment in Establishments", mcli.tded in this handbook. The intention was to find out sometbing about Cottage and Home Industries and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power-using establishments with 10 or more workers and non-power us:ng e~tablishments vith :40 or more workers, were excluded from the scope of enquiry as they now submit returns under the Factory Act. The enquiry did not c~ncern itself also with workers functioning on their own and not employing other people, except when looms were used. If even one loom was used a return was required. Otherwise the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate activity where articles were produced, repaired or 'ltherwise treated for sale, use or disposal. 4 A-I-Area, HOlJl DISTR.l ---I -----Occupied Houses r'rea i,l Taluka or Pet. square Villages Towns miles I lotal Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 District Total 4,467.3 1,424 29 274,957 194,024 80,933~ 1 Amalner 324.5 157 1 27,072 18,745 8,327 2 Bhadgaon 196.5 59 1 10,447 8,739 1,708 3 Bhusawal 32"8.5 103 3 27,580 15, 7I 7 n,863 4 Chalisgaon 460.4 125 1 25,363 21,120 4,243 5 Ohopda 293.5 no 3 20,375 13,471 6,904 6 Edlabad 249.5 79 9,646 9,646 7 Erandol 368.5 150 3 23,711 16,348 7,363 8 Jalgaon 319.6. 85 3 30,662 14,233 16,42! 9· Jamner 521.1 141 3 25,006 19,425 u,5 cH. 10 Pachora 308.7 115 4 19,683 13,623 6,060 11 Parola 291.4 107 I 13,320 10,257 3,063 12 Raver 361.3 113 2 21,380 17,986 3,394 13 Yawal 368.5 80 20,712 14,7H 5,998 Notes:- 1. The arc'a of the district of Rast Khandesh communicated hy the Surveyor Geneenlof India is <1535.1 Sq. Miles. The area figures shown in column two were obtained from the District inspector of Land Records or from Local records. In the case of Ohopda, Raver and "lawaI talukas, the area figures given in this table and the E-tablc are not the mere arithme-tical totals of the area figures for villa.2;es given in the Primary Oensus Abstra.ctS. They include area figures for forest areas. 2. The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of revenue villages excluding uninhabited villages and villages which form part of municipal.areas. 3. The number of "owns given in column 4 is th", number of towns showf\. in table A-V. In general, a town means a mlmicipal area, cantonment area or a place which has a popUlation of 5,000 or mor" persons and oxhibits urban charac teristics. ;lnd Population 5 "<:AST KHANDESH Population - -----~-I Persons I Males Females -- ---: ---- - -[- Total Rural Urban \ Total Rural Urban Total -I Rural Urban I 9 10! 11 12 13 14 I IS 16 8 I ,471,351 1,003,918 467,433 746,452 505,946 240,506 724,899 497,972 226,927 144,672 100,026 73,390 50,409 22, 9~1 71,282 4D,617 21,66;) iHl,230 46,901 9,329 28,478 23,717 4,761 27,752 23,184 4,568 149,055 77 ,378 71,677 76,352 39,:377 36,975 72,703 38,001 34,702 146,444 116,099 30,345 74,713 58,847 15,86(l 71,731 57,252 14,479 108,291 73,173 35,118 54,229 36,501 17,728 54.062 36,1172 17,390 45,766 45,766 22,809 22,809 22,957 22,957 127,262 84,O(iO 43,202 64,178 42,495 21,683 63,084 41,565 21,519 , 164,532 72,714 91,1'11 S 84,771 36,666 48,105 79,761 36,048 43,713 r-- , , 2!:?,999 98,637 29,3G2 61,769 46,849 14,020 61,230 46,788 14,442 105,158 7],737 33,421 53,463 36,337 17,126 51,695 35,400 16,295 ~ 68,077 3:!,472 15,6(15 :14,797 26;841 7,956 33,280 25,631 7,649 117,674 94,720 22,954 47,381 11,820 58,473 47,339 11,134 11u,191 75,235 39,9.36 58,302 37,717 20,585 56,889 37,518 19,371 4.