Computer Science Division and Department

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720

[email protected]

ABSTRACT. The fastest parallel algorithm for a problem may b e signi cantly less stable

numerically than the fastest serial algorithm. We illustrate this phenomenon by a series of

examples drawn from numerical . We also showhow some of these instabilities

may b e mitigated by b etter oating p oint arithmetic.

KEYWORDS. Parallel , numerical stability, oating p oint arith-


Intro duction

The most natural way to design a parallel numerical algorithm is to take an existing numer-

ically stable algorithm and parallelize it. If the parallel version p erforms the same oating

p oint op erations as the serial version, and in the same order, one exp ects it to b e equally

stable numerically. In some cases, such as op erations, one exp ects that the parallel

algorithm may reorder some op erations such as computing sums without sacri cing nu-

merical stability. In other cases, reordering sums could undermine stability, e.g. ODEs and


Our purp ose in this pap er is to p oint out that designing satisfactorily fast and stable

parallel numerical algorithms is not so easy as parallelizing stable serial algorithms. We

identify two obstacles:

1. An algorithm whichwas adequate on small problems may fail once they are large

enough. This b ecomes evident when the algorithm is used on a large parallel machine

to solve larger problems than p ossible b efore. Reasons for this phenomenon include

roundo accumulation, systematically increasing condition numb ers, and systemati-

cally higher probability of \random instability."

2. A fast parallel algorithm for a problem may b e signi cantly less stable than a fast

serial algorithm. In other words, there is a tradeo b etween parallelism and stability.

We also discuss two techniques which sometimes remove or mitigate these obstacles. The

rst is good oating point arithmetic, which, dep ending on the situation, may mean care-

fully rounding, adequate exception handling, or the availability of extra precision without

excessive slowdown. The second technique is as follows:

1. Solve the problem using a fast metho d, provided it is rarely unstable.

2. Quickly and reliably con rm or deny the accuracy of the computed solution. With

high probability, the answer just quickly computed is accurate enough to keep.

3. Otherwise, recompute the desired result using a slower but more reliable algorithm.

This paradigm lets us combine a fast but o ccasionally unstable metho d with a slower, more

reliable one to get guaranteed reliability and usually quick execution. One could also change

the third step to just issue a warning, whichwould guarantee fast execution, guarantee not

to return an unreliable answer, but o ccasionally fail to return an answer at all. Which

paradigm is preferable is application dep endent.

The b o dy of the pap er consists of a series of examples drawn b oth from the literature

and from the exp erience in the LAPACK pro ject [3]. As our understanding of problems

improves, the status of these tradeo s will change. For example, until recently it was

p ossible to use a certain parallel algorithm for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem

only if the oating p oint arithmetic was accurate enough to simulate double the input

precision [19,35,73,10]. Just recently, a new formulation of the inner lo op was found

which made this unnecessary [48]. The fact remains that for a numberofyears, the only

known way to use this algorithm stably was via extra precision. So one can say that the

price of insuciently accurate arithmetic was not an inability to solve this problem, but

several years of lost pro ductivity b ecause a more straightforward algorithm could not b e


Section 1. describ es how algorithms whichhave b een successful on small or medium

sized problems can fail when they are scaled up to run on larger machines and problems.

Section 2. describ es parallel algorithms which are less stable than their serial counterparts.

The b ene t of b etter oating p oint arithmetic will b e p ointed out while discussing the

relevant examples, and overall recommendations for arithmetic summarized in section 3.

1. Barriers to Scaling up Old Algorithms

1.1. Sparse Cholesky on the Cray Y-MP and Cray2

We discuss the exp erience of Russell Carter in p orting an existing co de for sparse Cholesky

factorization to a Cray Y-MP [15]. Cholesky is a very stable algorithm, and this co de

had b een in use for some time. The Cray Y-MP was larger than machines previously

available, and Carter ran it on a large linear system Ax = b from a structural mo del. A

Computer Bits Nominal Displacement


Cray2 128 1.e-29 .447440341

Convex 220 64 1.e-16 .447440339

IRIS 64 1.e-16 .447440339

IBM 3090 64 1.e-17 .447440344

Cray2 64 4.e-15 .447440303

Cray Y-MP 64 4.e-15 .447436106

Table 1: Sparse Cholesky Results

had dimension 16146. Results are shown in table 1. The rst column is the computer

with which the problem is solved, the second is the numb er of bits in the oating p oint

format, the third column is the approximate relative accuracy with which the oating p oint

arithmetic can representnumb ers which is not the accuracy of computation on the Cray

[55], and the last column records one of the solution comp onents of interest. The top line,

which is done to ab out twice the accuracy of the others, is accurate in all the digits shown.

In the other results the incorrect digits are underlined.

It can b e seen that the Cray Y-MP loses two more digits than the Cray2,even though

b oth are using 64 bit words, and their 48-fraction-bit arithmetics are quite similar. The

reason for this discrepancy is that b oth the Cray 2 and Cray Y-MP subtract incorrectly,

but the Cray 2 do es so in an unbiased manner. In particular, the inner lo op of Cholesky




computes a a , where a is p ositive and the nal result is also p ositive. Whenever

ii ii


j =1


the Cray 2 subtracts an a , the average error is 0; the computed di erence is to o large as


often as it is to o small. On the Cray Y-MP, on the other hand, the di erence is always a

little to o big. So the error accumulates with each subtract, instead of averaging out as on

the Cray 2. The accumulating error is very small, and makes little di erence as long as

there are not to o many terms in the sum. But n = 16146 was nally large enough to cause

a noticeable loss of 2 decimal places in the nal answer. The x used by Carter was to use

the single precision iterative re nement routine SGERFS in LAPACK [3].

The lessons of this example are that instabilitymay b ecome visible only when a problem's

dimension b ecomes large enough, and that accurate arithmetic would have mitigated the


1.2. Increasing condition numb ers

The last section showed how instability can arise when errors accumulate in the course of

solving larger problems than ever attempted b efore. Another way this can arise is when

the condition numb er of the problem grows to o rapidly with its size. This may happ en, for

example, when we increase the mesh density with whichwe discretize a particular PDE.

Consider the biharmonic equation u + u = f on an n by n mesh, with b oundary

xxxx yyyy

conditions chosen so that it represents the displacement of a square sheet xed at the edges.

The linear system Ax = b resulting from the discretization has a condition numb er which


grows like n . Supp ose that wewant to compute the solution correct to 6 decimal digits a


relative accuracy of 10 .

Generally one can solve Ax = b with a backward error of order ", the machine precision.


Write " =2 , where p is the numb er of bits in the oating p oint fraction. This means the

4 p 4

relative accuracy of the answer will b e ab out "n =2 n .For this to b e less than or equal

6 p 4 6

to 10 ,we need 2 n  10 or p  4 log n + 6 log 10  4 log n + 20. In IEEE double

2 2 2

precision, p =52sowemust have n  259, which is fairly small.

One might ob ject that for the biharmonic equation, Laplace's equation, and others from

mathematical physics, if they have suciently regularity, then one can use techniques like

multigrid, domain decomp osition and FFTs to get accurate solutions for larger n for the

biharmonic, use b oundary integral metho ds or [12]. This is b ecause these metho ds work

b est when the right hand side b and solution x are b oth reasonably smo oth functions, so

that the more extreme singular values of the di erential op erators are not excited, and the

bad conditioning is not visible. One often exploits this in practice. So in the long run,

clever algorithms may b ecome available which mitigate the ill-conditi onin g. In the short

run, more accurate arithmetic a larger pwould have p ermitted conventional algorithms

to scale up to larger problems without change and remain useful longer. We will see this

phenomenon later as well.

1.3. Increasing probability of random instabilities

Some numerical instabilities only o ccur when exact or near cancellation o ccurs in a numer-

ical pro cess. In particular, the result of the cancellation must su er a signi cant loss of

relative accuracy, and then propagate harmfully through the rest of the algorithm. The

b est known example is without pivoting, which is unstable precisely

when a leading principal submatrix is singular or nearly so. The set of matrices where this

o ccurs is de ned by a set of p olynomial equations: detA =0, r =1; :::; n, where A is

r r

a leading r by r principal submatrix of the matrix A. More generally, the set of problems

on or near which cancellation o ccurs is an algebraic variety in the space of the problem's

parameters, i.e. de ned by a set of p olynomial equations in the problem's parameters.

Geometrically,varieties are smo oth surfaces except for p ossible self intersections and cusps.

Other examples of suchvarieties include p olynomials with multiple ro ots, matrices with

multiple eigenvalues, matrices with given ranks, and so on [23,24, 40, 41].

Since instability arises not just when our problem lies on a variety, but when it is near one,

wewant to knowhow many problems lie near a variety. One may conveniently reformulate

this as a probabilistic question: given a \random" problem, what is the probability that it

lies within distance ofavariety? Wemaycho ose to corresp ond to an accuracy threshold,

problems lying outside distance b eing guaranteed to b e solved accurately enough, and

those within b eing susceptible to signi cant inaccuracy. For example, wemaycho ose


=10 " where " is the machine precision if we wish to guarantee at least d signi cant

decimal digits in the answer.

It turns out that for a given variety,we can write down a simple formula that estimates

this probability as a of several simple parameters [24, 41]: the probabilityper

second P of b eing within of an instability is [55]


P = C  M  S 

where C and k are problem-dep endent constants, M is the memory size in words, and S is

the machine sp eed in ops p er second.

For example, consider an SIMD machine where we assign each pro cessor the job of LU

decomp osition of an indep endent random real matrix of xed size n, and rep eat this. We

cho ose LU without pivoting in order to b est match the SIMD architecture of the machine.

We assume that each pro cessor has an equal amount of memory, so that M is prop ortional

to the numb er of pro cessors M = p  M .From [41], we use the fact that the probability



that a random n by n real matrix has a kAk kA k exceeding 1= is

F 2


asymptotic to n . Finally, supp ose that wewant to compute the answer with d decimal


digits of accuracy, so that we pick =10 ". Combining this information, we get that the

probability p er second that an instability o ccurs b ecause a matrix has condition number

exceeding 1=  is at least ab out

S 3

d 3=2 d

 M  S  10  " P = p   n 10 " =




2n M




The imp ortant features of this formula is that is grows with increasing memory size M ,

with increasing machine sp eed S , and desired accuracy d, all of which are guaranteed to

grow. We can lower the probability,however, by shrinking ", i.e. by using more accurate


One might ob ject that a b etter solution is to use QR factorization with Givens rotations

instead of LU, b ecause this is guaranteed to b e stable without pivoting, and so is amenable

to SIMD implementation. However, it costs three times as many ops. So we see there is

a tradeo b etween sp eed and stability.

1=2 1=2

If we instead ll up the memory with a single matrix of size M by M , then the

3=4 d

probabilitychanges to P =1:5  M  S  10  ".Interestingly, the probabilitygoesdown

1=2 1=2 3=2

with M . The reason is that the time to solveanM by M matrix grows like M ,so

that the bigger the memory, the fewer such problems we can solve p er second.

Another consequence of this formula is that random testing intended to discover insta-

bilities in a program is more e ective when done at low precision.

2. Trading O Numerical Accuracy and Parallelism in New Algorithms

2.1. Fast BLAS

The BLAS, or Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines, are building blo cks for many linear algebra

co des, and so they should b e as ecient as p ossible. We describ e twoways of accelerating

them that sacri ce some numerical stability to sp eed. The stability losses are not dramatic,

and a reasonable BLAS implementation might consider using them.

Strassen's metho d is a fast way of doing based on multiplying 2-by-

2 matrices using 7 multiplies and 15 or 18 additions instead of 8 multiplies and 4 additions

[1]. Strassen reduces n by n matrix multiplication to n=2by n=2 matrix multiplication and

k k log 7


addition, and recursively to n=2 by n=2 . Its overall complexity is therefore O n  

2:81 3

O n  instead of O n . The constant in the O  is, however, much larger for Strassen's

than for straightforward matrix multiplication, and so Strassen's is only faster for large

k k

matrices. In practice once k is large enough so the n=2 by n=2 submatrices t in fast

memory, conventional matrix multiply may b e used. A drawback of Strassen's metho d is

the need for extra storage for intermediate results. It has b een implemented on the Cray2

[9, 8] and IBM 3090 [50].

The conventional error b ound for matrix multiplication is as follows:

jfl A  B  A  B jn  " jAj jB j


where the absolute values of matrices and the inequality are meant comp onentwise. The

b ound for Strassen's [13, 14, 49] is


kfl A  B  A  B k  f n  " kAk kB k + O " 

Strassen M M M

log 12


where kk denotes the largest comp onent in absolute value, and f n=O n  



O n . This can b e extended to all the other BLAS, such as triangular system solving

with many right hand sides [49], as well as many metho ds b esides Strassen's [11].

These b ounds di er when there is signi cant di erence in the scaling of A and B .For


example, changing A to AD and B to D B where D is diagonal do es not change the error

b ound for conventional multiplication, but can make Strassen's arbitrarily large. Also,

if A = jAj and B = jB j, then the conventional b ound says each comp onentofA  B is

computed to high relative accuracy; Strassen's can not guarantee this.

On the other hand, most error analyses of Gaussian elimination and other matrix routines

based on BLAS do not dep end on this di erence, and remain mostly the same when Strassen

based BLAS are used [27]. Only when the matrix or matrices are strongly graded the

diagonal matrix D ab ove is ill-conditione d will the relative instability of Strassen's b e


Strictly sp eaking, the tradeo of sp eed and stabilitybetween conventional and Strassen's

matrix multiplication do es not dep end on parallelism, but on the desire to exploit memory

hierarchies in mo dern machines. The next algorithm, a parallel algorithm for solving tri-

angular systems, could only b e of interest in a parallel context b ecause it uses signi cantly

more ops than the conventional algorithm.

The algorithm may b e describ ed as follows. Let T b e a unit lower triangular matrix a

nonunit diagonal can easily b e scaled to b e unit. For each i from 1 to n 1, let T equal


the identity matrix except for column i where it matches T . Then it is simple to verify T

1 1 1 1


. One can also easily see that T equals T T = T T T and so T = T

1 2 n1

1 2 n1


the identity except for the sub diagonal of column i, where it is the negativeofT .Thus


1 1 1

comes free, and the work to b e done is to compute the pro duct T T in log n T


n1 1


parallel steps using a tree. Each parallel step involves multiplying n by n matrices which

are initially quite sparse, but ll up, and so takes ab out log n parallel substeps, for a total


2 3

of log n. Error analysis of this algorithm [66] yields an error b ound prop ortional to T  "



where T = kT k kT k is the condition numb er and " is machine precision; this is in

Figure 1: Parallel Pre x on 16 Data Items

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f

0:1 2:3 4:5 6:7 8:9 a:b c:d e:f

0:3 4:7 8:b c:f

0:7 8:f



0:5 0:9 0:d

0:2 0:4 0:6 0:8 0:a 0:c 0:e

contrast to the error b ound T " for the usual algorithm. The error b ound for the parallel

algorithm may b e p essimistic | the worst example wehave found has an error growing


like T  " | but shows that there is a tradeo b etween parallelism and stability.

2.2. Parallel pre x

This parallel op eration, also called scan,may b e describ ed as follows. Let x ; :::x b e data

0 n

items, and  any asso ciative op eration. Then the scan of these n data items yields another

n data items de ned by y = x , y = x  x , ... , y = x  x x ;thus y is the reduction

0 0 1 0 1 i 0 1 i i

of x through x . The attraction of this op eration, other than its usefulness, is its ease of

0 i

implementation using a simple tree of pro cessors. We illustrate in gure 1 for n = 15, or f

in hexadecimal notation; in the gure we abbreviate x by i and x x by i : j . Eachrow

i i j

indicates the values held by the 16 pro cessors; after the rst row only the data that changes

is indicated. Each up dated entry combines its currentvalue with one a xed distance to

its left.

Parallel pre x may b e used to solve linear recurrence relations. For example, to evaluate

z = a z + b , i  0, z =0,we do the following op erations:

i+1 i i i 0

Compute p = a a using parallel pre x multiplication

i 0 i

Compute = b =p in parallel

i i i

Compute s = + + using parallel pre x addition

i 0 i1

Compute z = s  p in parallel

i i i1



This approach extends to n term linear recurrences z = a z + b , but the

i+1 i;j ij i

j =0

asso ciative op eration b ecomes n 1by n 1 matrix multiplication. Basic linear algebra

op erations which can b e solved this way include tridiagonal Gaussian elimination a three

term recurrence, solving bidiagonal linear systems two terms, Sturm sequence evalua-

tion for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem three terms, and the bidiagonal dqds

algorithm for singular values three terms [63].

The numerical stability of these algorithms is not completely understo o d. For some ap-

plications, it is easy to see the error b ounds are rather worse than the those of the sequential

implementation [20]. For others, such as Sturm sequence evaluation [76], empirical evidence

suggests it is stable enough to use in practice.

Another source of instability b esides roundo is susceptibilitytoover/under ow, b e-

cause of the need to compute extended pro ducts suchasp = a a ab ove. These

i 0 i

over/under ows are often unessential b ecause the output will eventually b e the solution

scaled to have unit norm  for eigenvectors. But to use parallel pre x,

one must either scale b efore multiplication, or deal with over/under ow after it o ccurs;

the latter requires reasonable exception handling [25]. In the b est case, a user-level trap

handler would b e called to deal with scaling after over/under ow, requiring no overhead

if no exceptions o ccur. Next b est is an exception ag that could b e tested, provided this

can also b e done quickly. The worst situation o ccurs when all exceptions require a trap

into op erating system co de, which is then hundreds or thousands of times slower than a

single oating p oint op eration; this is the case on the DEC chip, for example. In this

case it is probably b etter to co de defensively by scaling every step to avoid all p ossibility

of over/under ow. This is unfortunate b ecause it makes p ortable co de so hard to write:

what is fastest on one machine maybevery slow on another, even though b oth formally

implement IEEE arithmetic.

2.3. Linear equation solving

In subsection 2.1., we discussed the impact of implementing LU decomp osition using BLAS

based on Strassen's metho d. In this section we discuss other variations on linear equation

solving where parallelism or just sp eed and numerical stability trade o .

Parallelism in LU decomp osition and others is often attained by blo cking. For example,


if A is symmetric and p ositive de nite, its Cholesky factorization A = R R may b e divided

into three blo cks as follows:

3 3 2 2


R R R 0 0 R

11 12 13


7 7 6 6



 0 R R R R 0 R = A = R

5 5 4 4

22 23

12 22


0 0 R R R R


13 23 33

LAPACK uses the Level 3 BLAS which p erform matrix multiplication and triangular system

solving in its implementation of this algorithm [3]. On some machines, solving triangular

systems is rather less ecient than matrix multiplication, so that an alternative algorithm

using only matrix multiplication is preferred. This can b e done provided we compute the

following blo ck decomp osition instead of standard Cholesky:

3 2 3 2

I 0 0 U U U

11 12 13

7 6 7 6

A = LU = L I 0  0 U U

5 4 5 4

21 22 23

0 0 U L L I

33 31 32

Pivoting Pivot Worst Average

Metho d Search Pivot Pivot

Cost serial Growth Growth

2 1+x 1=2

Complete n O n  n

n1 2=3

Partial n 2 n


Pairwise 1 4 O n

n1 n=4 log n

Parallel 1 2 e

Table 2: Stabilityofvarious pivoting schemes in LU decomp osition

In [28]itisshown that using this blo ck LU to solve the symmetric p ositive de nite system


Ax = b yields a solutionx ^ satisfying A + A^x = b, with kAk = O "A kAk, where


A= kAkkA k is the condition numb er. This contrasts with the standard backward

stability analysis of Cholesky which yields kAk = O "kAk. So the nal error b ound from


blo ckLUisO "A ,much bigger than O "A for Cholesky. This is the price paid

in stability for sp eed up.

Another tradeo o ccurs in the choice of pivoting strategy [77]. The standard pivot

strategies are complete pivoting where we search for the largest entry in the remaining

submatrix, partial pivoting the usual choice, where we only search the current column for

the largest entry, pairwise pivoting [72] where only rows n and n 1 engage in pivoting

and elimination, then rows n 1 and n 2 and so on up to the top and parallel pivoting

where the remaining rows are group ed in pairs, and engage in pivoting and elimination

simultaneously. Neither pairwise nor parallel pivoting require pivot search outside of two

rows, but pairwise pivoting is inherently sequential in its access to rows, whereas parallel

pivoting as its name indicates parallelizes easily.Table 2 summarizes the analysis in [77]


of the sp eed and stability of these metho ds . The p oint is that in the worst case partial,

pairwise and parallel pivoting are all unstable, but on average only parallel pivoting is

unstable. This is whywe can using partial pivoting in practice: its worst case is very rare,

but parallel pivoting is so often unstable as to b e unusable. We note that an alternate kind

of parallel pivoting discussed in [42] app ears more stable, apparently b ecause it eliminates

entries in di erent columns as well as rows simultaneously. A nal analysis of this problem

remains to b e done. We also note that, on many machines, the cost of partial pivoting is

asymptotically negligible compared to the overall computation; the b ene t of faster pivoting

is solving smaller linear systems more eciently.

We close by describing the fastest known parallel algorithm for solving Ax = b [18]. It is

also so numerically unstable as to b e useless in practice. There are four steps:

2 3 n1

1 Compute the p owers of A A , A , ... , A by rep eated squaring log n


matrix multiplies of log n steps each.



2 Compute the traces s = trA ofthepowers in log n steps.



3 Solve the Newton identities for the co ecients a of the characteristic p oly-



Some table entries have b een proven, some are empirical with some theoretical justi cation, and some


are purely empirical. Alan Edelman b elieves the n average case pivot growth for partial pivoting should


really b e n .

nomial; this is a triangular system of linear equations whose matrix entries and


right hand side are known integers and the s we can do this in log n steps as



describ ed ab ove.

4 Compute the inverse using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem in ab out log n steps.


The algorithm is so unstable as to lose all precision in inverting 3I in double precision,

where I is the identity matrix of size 60 or larger.

2.4. The symmetric eigenvalue problem and singular value decomp osition

The basic parallel metho ds available for dense matrices are summarized as follows. We

assume the reader is acquainted with metho ds discussed in [47].

1. Jacobi, which op erates on the original dense matrix.

2. Reduction from dense to tridiagonal or bidiagonal form, followed by

a Bisection p ossibly accelerated, followed byinverse iteration for eigenvectors if


b Cupp en's divide and conquer metho d.

c QR iteration and variations.

Jacobi has b een shown to b e more stable than the other metho ds on the list, provided

it is prop erly implemented, and only on some classes of matrices essentially, those whose

symmetric p ositive de nite p olar factor H can b e diagonally scaled as D  H  D to b e

well-conditioned [30, 71]; for the SVD we use the square of the p olar factor. In particu-

lar, Jacobi is capable of computing tiny eigenvalues or singular values with higher relative

accuracy than metho ds relying on tridiagonalization. So far the error analyses of these

prop er implementations have dep ended on their use of 2-by-2 rotations, as used in conven-

tional Jacobi. Therefore, the inner lo op of these algorithms p erform op erations on pairs

of rows or columns, i.e. Level 1 BLAS [56]. On many machines, it is more ecienttodo

matrix-matrix op erations like level 3 BLAS [31], so one is motivated to use block Jacobi

instead, where groups of Jacobi rotations are accumulated into a single larger orthogonal

matrix, and applied to the matrix with a single matrix-matrix multiplication [67,68,70].

It is unknown whether this blo cking destroys the subtler error analyses in [30, 71]; it is

easy to show that the conventional norm-based backward stability analysis of Jacobi is not

changed by blo cking.

Reduction from dense to tridiagonal form is eminently parallelizable to o. Having reduced

to tridiagonal form, wehave several parallel metho ds from whichtocho ose. Bisection and

QR iteration can b oth b e reformulated as three-term linear recurrences, and so implemented

using parallel pre x in O log n time as describ ed in section 2.2. The stability is unproven.


Exp eriments with bisection [76] are encouraging, but the only published analysis [20]is

very p essimistic. Initial results on the dqds algorithm for the bidiagonal SVD, on the other

hand, indicate stabilitymay b e preserved in some cases [63]. On the other hand, bisection

can easily b e parallelized byhaving di erent pro cessors re ne disjointintervals, evaluating

the Sturm sequence in the standard serial way. This involves much less communication,

and is preferable in most circumstances, unless there is sp ecial supp ort for parallel pre x.

Having used bisection to compute eigenvalues, wemust use inverse iteration to compute

eigenvectors. Simple inverse iteration is also easy to parallelize, with each pro cessor inde-

p endently computing the eigenvectors of the eigenvalues it owns. However, there is no guar-

antee of of the computed eigenvectors, in contrast to QR iteration or Cupp en's

metho d [53]. In particular, to achieve reasonable orthogonality one must reorthogonalize

eigenvectors against those of nearby eigenvalues. This requires communication to identify

nearby eigenvalues, and to transfer the eigenvectors [51]. In the serial implementation in

[53], each iterate during inverse iteration is orthogonalized against previously computed

eigenvectors; this is not parallelizable . The parallel version in [51] completes all the inverse

iterations in parallel, and then uses mo di ed Gram-Schmidt in a pip eline to p erform the

. To load balance, vector j was stored on pro cessor j mo d p p is the

numb er of pro cessors, and as a result reorthogonalization to ok a very small fraction of the

total time; however, this may only have b een e ective b ecause of the relatively slow oating

p oint on the machine used iPSC-1. In anyevent, the price of guaranteed orthogonality

among the eigenvectors is reduced parallelism.

Cupp en's metho d has b een analyzed by many p eople [19, 35, 73, 51, 54, 10, 48]. At

the center of the algorithm is the solution of the secular equation f  = 0, where f is a

rational function in  whose zeros are eigenvalues. This algorithm, while simple and attrac-

tive, proved hard to implement stably. The trouble was that to guarantee the computed

eigenvectors were orthogonal, it app eared that the ro ots of f  = 0 had to b e computed

in double the input precision [10, 73]. When the input is already in double precision or

whatever is the largest precision supp orted by the machine, then quadruple would b e

needed, whichmaybesimulated using double provided double is accurate enough [22,64].

So the availability of Cupp en's algorithm hinged on having suciently accurate oating

p oint arithmetic [73, 10]. Recently,however, Gu and Eisenstat [48] have found a new way

to implement this algorithm which makes extra precision unnecessary.Thus, even though

carefully rounded oating p oint turned out not to b e necessary to use Cupp en's algorithm,

it to ok several years of research to discover this, so the price paid for p o orly rounded oating

p ointwas several years of delay.

2.5. The nonsymmetric eigenproblem

Five kinds of parallel metho ds for the nonsymmetric eigenproblem have b een investigated:

1. Hessenb erg QR iteration [6,79, 78, 21, 45,37, 82, 81, 75],

2. Reduction to nonsymmetric tridiagonal form [46,32,43, 44],

3. Jacobi's metho d [38,39,74,61, 69, 65, 80],

4. Divide and conquer based on Newton's metho d or homotopy continuation [16,17, 83,

57,58, 34]

5. Divide and conquer based on the matrix sign-function [59,7,60]

In contrast to the symmetric problem or SVD, no guaranteed stable and highly parallel

algorithm for the nonsymmetric problem exists. Reduction to Hessenb erg form the pre-

requisite to metho ds 1 and 4 ab ove can b e done eciently [33,36], but Hessenb erg

QR is hard to parallelize, and the other approaches are not guaranteed to converge and/or

pro duce stable results. We summarize the tradeo s among these metho ds here; for a more

detailed survey, see [26].

Hessenb erg QR is the serial metho d of choice for dense matrices. There have b een a

numb er of attempts to parallelize it, all of which maintain numerical stability since they

continue to apply only orthogonal transformations to the original matrix. They instead

sacri ce convergence rate or p erform more ops in order to intro duce higher level BLAS

or parallelism. So far the parallelism has b een to o mo dest or to o ne-grained to b e very

advantageous. In the paradigm describ ed in the intro duction, where we fall backona

slower but more stable algorithm if the fast one fails, Hessenb erg QR can play the role of

the stable algorithm.

Reduction to nonsymmetric tridiagonal form followed by the tridiagonal LR algorithm

requires nonorthogonal transformations. The algorithm can break down, requiring restart-

ing with di erent initial conditions [62]. Even if it do es not break down, the nonorthogonal

transformations required can b e arbitrarily ill-conditioned , so sacri cing stability. By mon-

itoring the condition numb er and restarting if it exceeds a threshold, some stability can

b e maintained at the cost of random running time. The more stability is demanded, the

longer the running time may b e, and there is no upp er b ound.

Jacobi's metho d can b e implemented with orthogonal transformations only, maintaining

numerical stability at the cost of linear convergence, or use nonorthogonal transformations

which retain asymptotic quadratic convergence but can b e arbitrarily ill-conditioned , and

so p ossibly sacri ce stability. Orthogonal Jacobi could play the role of a slow but stable

algorithm, but linear convergence makes it quite slow. The condition numb er of the trans-

formation in nonorthogonal Jacobi could b e monitored, and another scheme used if it is

to o large.

Divide and conquer using Newton or homotopy metho ds is applied to a Hessenb erg ma-

trix, setting the middle sub diagonal entry to zero, solving the two indep endent subproblems

in parallel, and merging the answers of the subproblems using either Newton or a homotopy.

There is parallelism in solving the indep endent subproblems, and in solving for the separate

eigenvalues; these are the same sources of parallelism as in Cupp en's metho d. These meth-

o ds can fail to b e stable for the following reasons. Newton's metho d can fail to converge.

Both Newton and homotopymay app ear to converge to several copies of the same ro ot

without any easy way to tell if a ro ot has b een missed, or if the ro ot really is multiple.

To try to avoid this with homotopy metho ds requires communication to identify homotopy

curves that are close together, and smaller step sizes to follow them more accurately. The

subproblems pro duced by divide and conquer may p otentially b e more ill-conditioned than

the original problem. See [52] for further discussion.

Divide and conquer using the matrix sign function or a similar function computes an

Q =[Q ;Q ] where Q spans a rightinvariant subspace of A, and then

1 2 1



11 12


divides the sp ectrum by forming QAQ = .To attain reasonable eciency,

0 A


Q should have close to n=2 columns, where n is the dimension, or if the user only wants


some eigenvalues, it should span the corresp onding, or slightly larger, invariant subspace.

One way to form Q is via the QR decomp osition of the identity matrix plus the matrix sign

function sAofA, a function which leaves the eigenvectors alone but maps left half plane

eigenvalues to 1 and right half plane eigenvalues to +1. A globally and asymptotically


. This divides quadratically convergent iteration to compute sAis A = :5A + A

i+1 i


the sp ectrum into the left and right half planes; by applying this function to A I or

2 i

A I  or e A I , the sp ectrum can b e separated along other lines.

This metho d can fail if the iteration fails to converge to an accurate enough approximation

of sA. This will happ en if some eigenvalue of A is to o close to the imaginary axis along

which the iteration b ehaves chaotically. A symptom of this maybeanintermediate A



is very inaccurate. It may require user input to whichisvery ill-conditioned, so that A


help select the correct sp ectral dividing line. It can monitor its own accuracy bykeeping


track of the norm of the 2,1 blo ckofQAQ ; since the metho d only applies orthogonal

transformations to A, it will b e stable if this 2,1 blo ck is small.

We close with some comments on nding eigenvectors, given accurate approximate eigen-

values; this is done if only a few eigenvectors are desired. The standard metho d is inverse

iteration, or solving A x = x until x converges to an eigenvector; is chosen

i+1 i i i i

to keep kx k =1. This involves triangular system solving with a very ill-condi tioned


matrix, the more so to the extent that  is an accurate eigenvalue. This ill-conditi onin g

makes over ow a reasonable p ossibility,even though we only want the scaled unit vector

at the end. This means the co de is to compute the answer despite p ossible over ow, since

this over ow do es not mean that the eigenvector is ill-p osed or even ill-conditi oned. Todo

this p ortably currently requires a \paranoid" co ding style, with testing and scaling in the

inner lo op of the triangular solve[2], making it imp ossible to use machine optimized BLAS.

If one could defer the handling of over ow exceptions, it would b e p ossible to run the fast

BLAS, and only redo the computation with relatively slow scaling when necessary. This is

an example of the paradigm of the intro duction. IEEE standard oating p oint arithmetic

[5] provides this facility in principle. However, if exception handling is to o exp ensive on

the DEC chip, 1 arithmetic requires a trap into the op erating system, which is quite

slow, over ow can cause a slowdown of several orders of magnitude.

For the generalized nonsymmetric eigenproblem A B we do not even knowhowto

p erform generalized Hessenb erg reduction using more than the Level 1 BLAS. The sign-

function and related techniques [60, 7] promise to b e helpful here.

3. Recommendations for Floating Point Arithmetic

We summarize the recommendations wehave made in previous sections regarding oating

p oint arithmetic supp ort to mitigate the tradeo b etween parallelism or sp eed and stabil-

ity: accurate rounding, supp ort for higher precision, and ecient exception handling. The

IEEE oating p oint standard [5], eciently implemented, is a go o d mo del. We emphasize

the eciency of implementation b ecause if it is very exp ensive to exercise the features we

need, it defeats the purp ose of using them to accelerate computation.

Accurate rounding attenuates or eliminates roundo accumulation in long sums as de-

scrib ed in section 1.1. It also p ermits us to simulate higher precision cheaply, which often

makes it easier to design stable algorithms quickly even though a stable algorithm which

do es not rely on higher precision may exist, it may take a while to discover. This was

the case for Cupp en's metho d section 2.4., and also for many of the routines for 2-by-2

and 4-by-4 matrix problems in the inner lo ops of various LAPACK routines, such as slasv2,

which computes the SVD of a 2-by-2 triangular matrix [3,29]. Higher precision also makes

it p ossible to extend the life of co des designed to work on smaller problems, as they are

scaled to work on larger ones with larger condition numb ers section 1.2., or with more

random instabilities section 1.3.. It is imp ortant that the extra precision b e as accurate as

the basic precision, b ecause otherwise promoting a co de to higher precision can intro duce

2 2 1=2

bugs where none were b efore. A simple example is that arccosx=x + y   can fail

b ecause the argument of arccos can exceed 1 if rounding is inaccurate in division or square

ro ot [15]. Extra range and precision are very useful, since they p ermit us us to forego some




testing and scaling to avoid over/under ow in common computations suchas x .



Ecient exception handling p ermits us to run fast \risky" algorithms which usually

work, without fear of having program execution terminated. Indeed, in some cases suchas

condition estimation, over ow p ermits us to nish early in this case over ow implies that

0 is an excellent approximate recipro cal condition numb er. In particular, it lets us use

optimized BLAS, thereby taking advantage of the manufacturer's e ort in writing them

see section 2.5.. In analogy to the argument for using RISC \reduced instruction set

computers", wewant algorithms where the most common case | no exceptions | runs

as quickly as p ossible.

This is not useful if the price of exception handling is to o high; we need to b e able to

run with 1 and NaN Not a Numb er arithmetic at nearly full oating p oint sp eed. The

reason is that once created, an 1 or NaN propagates through the computation, creating

many more 1's or NaN's. This means, for example, that the DEC implementation of

this arithmetic, which uses traps to the op erating system, is to o unacceptably slowtobe

useful. The LAPACK 2 pro ject will pro duce co des assuming reasonably ecient exception

handling, since this is the most common kind of implementation [4].


The author acknowledges the supp ort of NSF grant ASC-9005933, NSF PYI grant CCR-

9196022, DARPA grantDAAL03-91-C-0047 via sub contract ORA-4466.02 from the Uni-

versityofTennessee, and DARPA grant DM28E04120 via sub contract W-31-109-ENG-38

from Argonne National Lab oratory. He also thanks W. Kahan for numerous comments on an earlier draft of this pap er.


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