PDF Version of Contemporary Indigenous Arts
CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS ARTS IN THE CLASSROOM OTTAWA ART GALLERY Edited by Stephanie Nadeau and Doug Dumais Texts by David Garneau and Wahsontiio Cross Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Contemporary indigenous arts in the classroom / edited by Stephanie Nadeau and Doug Dumais ; texts by David Garneau and Wahsontiio Cross = L’art autochtone contemporain en salle de classe / sous la direction de Stephanie Nadeau et Doug Dumais ; textes par David Garneau et Wahsontiio Cross. Includes bibliographical references and index. Text in English and French. ISBN 978-1-894906-55-5 (softcover) 1. Native art--Canada--Study and teaching. 2. Koebel, Jaime--Criticism and interpretation. 3. Ace, Barry, 1958- --Criticism and interpretation. I. Nadeau, Stephanie, 1980-, editor II. Dumais, Doug, editor III. Garneau, David, 1962-, writer of added commentary IV. Cross, Wahsontiio, 1983-, writer of added commentary V. Ottawa Art Gallery, issuing body VI. Title: Art autochtone contemporain en salle de classe. VII. Title: Contemporary indigenous arts in the classroom. VIII. Title: Contemporary indigenous arts in the classroom. French. N6549.5.A54C665 2018 704.03’97071 C2018-904800-XE © 2018 Ottawa Art Gallery Cover: Barry Ace, Anishinabek in the Hood, 2007, acrylic on vinyl screen, 147.3 x 127cm, Collection of Ottawa Art Gallery. All rights reserved regarding the use of any images in this book. Textual content, including all essays, lesson plans and resource material, is licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For the license agreement, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode, and a summary (not a substitute) see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
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