Avon High School Lacrosse Curriculum 2019

Glossary of Terms Offensive Terms

1) Good Time – Initiate and dodge to go to the goal and shoot, or draw the slide and look to pass.

2) Help - Your Teammate is open and wants the ball.

3) Man - You are taking man on a groundball.

4) Ball - You are taking ball on a groundball.

5) Release - Call you make after you scoop the groundball.

6) Outlet - Make yourself available to receive a pass

7) One More - Pass me the ball, I have a shot (higher percentage of scoring)

8) One More - Make the easy pass right in front of you.

9) Shot - Your teammate has a good shot; he needs to shoot right away.

10) Good Time - We like the matchup it’s a good time to go.

11) Climb - Get outside the box to set up your dodge.

12) Swing it - Get the ball to the back side.

13) Numbers - We have a number advantage, push the ball.

14) Fade - Fade out the backside

15) Pop - Pop out from the crease, get high.

16) Exchange - Keep moving off ball

17) Double - You have a double coming.

18) Roll Back - Roll back away from pressure and pass the ball.

19) Mirror - Stay Opposite of the ball carrier

20) Pic - Pic and Roll

21) Slip - Fake pic, fade to space

22) Big Little - Pic for Attack by Midfielder on wing or at GLE

23) Little Big - Pic for Midfielder by Attack

24) Syracuse - Middie Sweep

25) Army - Ally Dodge

26) Xavier - Attack initiates dodge from X

27) Exchange - Pass and Pic away (off ball) 28) Legs – Run full speed with the ball, rush to create the .

Defensive Terms

1) Stop Ball – During a fast break someone needs to stop the ball carrier.

2) Ball - I am covering the man with the ball.

3) Left/Right - I am covering the man to the left or right of you.

4) Switch - Defense switches man to cover

5) Bucket - Area directly in front of the crease

6) Island – Area two – three yards directly to the right and left of the cage.

7) I’m One - I have the first slide.

8) I’m Two - I have the second Slide

9) Your going – You’re the next slide and extend quickly

10) I’m Bucket - Third slide, Helping in the crease

11) Go - Call you make when you are sliding to the ball.

12) Recover - You want the person who was on the ball to recover to the hole

13) Slough In - Get in and help.

14) Bonsai - Send guys to the groundball

15) Black – Cover man tight so he does receive the ball

16) Grey – Shut off the players next to the ball carrier

17) Hedge - You’re adjacent to the ball, slough to the ball but don’t slide, jab step

18) Double - You want to double the ball.

19) Jump Em - Good match up for defender. Shut off adjacent and pressure the ball

20) Redirect - Get the ball to the other side of the field on a clear.

21) Head man - Look straight up the field on a clear.

22) Swivel - Two looks to your man, One to the ball.

23) Check Up - You are either man watching or ball watching. Check up on the Ball or your man.

Overarching Coaching Mission & Objectives

Coaching Mission

Our mission is to develop a player-centric lacrosse program that teaches, exemplifies and reinforces the importance of life lessons through the sport of lacrosse. Our player-centric program will provide a higher level curriculum that allows players to acquire lacrosse intelligence, build disciplines around mental and physical conditioning, and the opportunity to meet very competitive challenges. (prepare for collegiate sports\lacrosse)

Coaching Objectives

Objective 1: A commitment to skill development and team progression.

Objective 2: Teaching life lessons through the sport of lacrosse.

Objective 3: Emphasizing respect and good sportsmanship through honoring the game.

Objective 4: Competing and Winning at a High Level.

Player Empowerment and Ownership Objectives

Objective 1: Own the team you make

Objective 2: Own the position you play

Objective 3: Own your playing time

Objective 4: Own the systems and schemes we as a program will run

Grades 9 thru 12

Overarching Offensive Principals

1) Create and find 2 v 1; Draw and Dump

2) ; Rotating Triangles

3) Always be moving (ABM); The importance of off ball movement

4) When we pass we cut, clear through, fill behind and support the ball carrier

5) Break down the defense by initiating the offense with a dodge from the top or from “X”

6) Look for the “One More Pass” either in fast break transition or a slow break

7) Create separation from your defender; off ball back cuts, change of speed (COS) and change of direction (COD)

8) “See the field”

9) Back up shots; regain possession after all shots

10) Swing the ball to the back side after a dodge

11) Change field sides often

12) 2 passes after a dodge, then an immediate re-dodge

13) Never throw the ball back to where it just came from

Skill Development

Cradling and Stick Protection

1) Two handed method of cradling Keep elbow up and stick is parallel to the body creating stick protection and ready to shoot and/or pass at all times.

2) One handed method of cradling Used when there is extreme pressure being applied from a defender. Cradle inside shoulders using the free bottom hand for maximize stick protection. Free hand creating separation from the defender with elbow up and palm out and thumb down.

Scooping 1) Top hand at throat of the stick 2) Plant foot next to ball 3) Bottom hand and stick parallel to the ground 4) Bend knees and get low and almost drag bottom hand on ground.

Dodging 1) Always be dodging North and South and not East and West; Always be attacking the cage 2) Face dodge 3) Split dodge 4) Roll dodge 5) Speed dodge 6) Bull dodge 7) Rocker dodge

Catching 1) Make sure they are giving with their stick, head of stick near box area 2) Soft Hands 3) Gently cradle as the ball goes into the pocket 4) Move to the ball; Do not stand still when catching

Feeding 1) Feeding starts with freeing the hands to pass the ball 2) Step away from the defender 3) Hands must be high on the feed 4) Must deliver the ball to where the cutter will be NOT where the cutter is

Cutting 1) Keep stick close to the body, preferably in the box area 2) Must follow ball into stick 3) Timing of the cut 4) V-cut; Breaking towards the crease and then back out to receive the ball 5) Frontside cut; Cutting in front of a defender 6) Backside cut; Cutting behind a defender 7) C-cut; Cutting in a C by creating an arc towards the ball

Off Ball Movement 1) Balance the field 2) Clearing out and away from the ball carrier 3) Clear out below and not above the ball carrier 4) Fill from where the carrier came from; Support the ball carrier 5) On-ball picks – picking for a man with the ball 6) Off-ball picks – picking for a man without the ball

Overarching Defensive Principals

1) Teach the features and benefits of a help defense

2) Communication

3) Drive ball carriers to low percentage scoring areas… Defend the “T”…force dodgers down the side when above goal, and keep dodges behind the net below goal

4) No checks are the best checks; Drive out using body position; Feet, body, stick

5) Create 2 v 1 when clearing the ball

6) Offense starts on the defensive end…after a save or a GB win, find ways to push transition.

7) Get in to the hole and help; Do not allow the offense to stretch the defense out or break you down.

8) Freshman slide package is “slide from the crease”

9) Identify who is #1 slide, #2 slide, and #3 slide

10) Sliding adjacent, or “Ajay, against a circle or open set

11) Work zone concepts, 3-3 formation, both passive and aggressive, in and out, methods

Basic Defense Skills

1) Always defend in this priority or sequence; Feet, body, and stick. 2) Defensive Stance ( i.e. On the approach) Break Down by getting into an athletic position; staying low, feet shoulder width apart; do not cross legs when moving laterally, drive the ball carrier away from the goal into the alley way (i.e take away the middle) or towards the end line (e.g take away the topside). 3) Match feet; run with ball carrier 4) Defender’s stick head never drop below his hips and always pocket up ready to scoop. 5) Defender’s stick is on the same side as his man holding his stick. 6) Elbow on top hand bent and up and strong to make a V with the stick. 7) Drive out towards sidelines or end line; Either take away the middle of the field or stop from going top-side from X. 8) Always maintain the ball carrier away from the goal by driving out; Use the body and good feet position 9) Checking the ball carrier gloves hand when 10 yards or more away from the goal. 10) Slap check the ball carrier across the uniform number or lift the ball carriers elbow as he starts to feed or shoot within 10 yards or less from the goal.

Transition Offense Drills 1) Fast break drills 2) Slow break drills 3) Fast break alley drills 4) Identify numbers situation drills 5) West Genny drill 6) Face Off 7) Ride / Clear 8) Substitution Game

Transition Defense Drills 1) Communication and identify numbers disadvantage 2) Defending the goal when the opponent has numbers; Rotating Triangle defense 3) Numbers drill 4) Face Off 5) Ride / Clear 6) Substitution Game

Settled Offense Drills – Offensive Formations (i.e. describe from restraining line to the end line) 1) 2 – 3 – 1 – rotating triangles 2) 2 – 2 – 2 - open set 3) 1 – 4 – 1 – 2 on crease set 4) 2-man game concepts 5) EMO / MDD

Settled Defense Drills 1) Extend and Recover drills 2) Slide from the crease drill 3) Pressure ball at “X” drill 4) Sliding adjacent drills (vs an open set) 5) Zone concept drills (both passive and aggressive / in and out like a piston) 6) Special Situation – Double ball, lock adjacent, or forced early slide 7) EMO / MDD

Grades High School LaxIQ and Game Concept Checklist

Position Specific Checklist:

- Goalies – positioning, reflex work, ability to come out of the net to chase down a shot, should be able to make a 5yd pass, as well as a 50yd pass accurately down the field - Defensemen – footwork, communication, long passes, checks (all pokes and lifts), between the elbow and the arm-pit of their man, should be able to make a 5yd pass, as well as a 50yd pass accurately down the field. - Midfield – dodges (split, roll, and face dodge), should be able to change hands at full speed, have the ability to run the field well, ability to read and react to offensive situations, defensive situations, and be able to tell the difference. - Attack – dodges (split, roll, face, inside roll or question mark), shooting and finishing in tight areas, ability to read and understand riding situations, when the other team’s goalie has the ball, the attack is not part of the defensive scheme, and must ride the opposing team.

Defensive Concept Checklist:

- Base I, slide from the crease defense, man to man defense. At this level the kids should be able to understand when the man they are covering is not an immediate threat to score. If the man they are covering is either two passes away from the ball or on the back side of the ball, our guys need to recognize that their man, in this situation, is not a threat to score, and this must come inside and establish a slide responsibility. Also include a base slide adjacent (AJAY) type of a defense for defending against an open or circle offense. Same concepts apply, but you are just simply sliding from left and right as opposed to from the crease. - Base II, 3-3 style . At this level the kids should be able to understand and execute a proper zone defense. In zone, the kids are responsible for an area, as opposed to a man. Kids must understand that playing zone does not mean that it is time to relax. When the ball is in their assigned zone, the kids must be active to ball as if they are trying to take the ball away. Same rules apply as above for off ball defense in a zone concept. If the ball is away or opposite the zone you are responsible for, the kids must be able to recognize this and help the inside. At this level, even in zone, it is ok for the crease responsible defenseman to pressure the ball behind the net. Both aggressive and passive concepts should be understood.

Offensive Concept Checklist:

- Base I, 1-3-2 motion concept or triangle offense. This offense is best to teach movement without the ball and to get everyone involved in the offense. The movement is simple. You have and attack triangle, and a middie triangle. When the ball changes triangles there is a forced rotation of the opposite triangle. Though this concept is tough to teach, it creates confusion for the opposing defense, and forces our team to share the ball, which in the end is best for the development of the players. - Base II, 1-4-1 or creases style of offense. You put your best 2 finishers on the inside of the formation, regardless of A or M, and then you “get big” around the outside. Object is to move the ball, with big runs and big passes, thus loosing up the middle to feed inside and score. The 1-4-1 is also a great formation to run isolation plays of. - Base III, umbrella style or open offense. Some call it a circle, some call it a 2-4, but in this offensive set you do not have a player immediately on the crease. The offense is open. It is here where you can run your “2-man” or “big-little” or “pick slip” type of match ups or plays. Best areas to do so are adjacent to immediately behind the cage or where you feel that the defense is uncomfortable. The kids off the ball from the 2-man, simply exchange or move to occupy their guys while the 2-man is happening. This is where offensive lacrosse has already begun to go, and our kids need to know how to do it. - Concepts for all Offensive Sets – work the 2-man game in all areas, after a dodge the ball gets moved twice before the next dodge occurs, never throw the ball back to pressure or where the ball just came from, and if players are on the crease, they must start opposite the ball and work back towards it.

Transition Checklist:

- Clears – have a shot clear and an end-line clear - “No Horns” on the side-lines – when the ball is awarded to you, push it! When the ball is awarded to the opposing team, drop to ride or drop to play D! - Face-Offs – use LSM, have a push play, have a draw back play, don’t be afraid to admit that if and when the opponent’s face off guy is better than yours, it that is the case, make it a 3v3 groundball situation. - Rides – Press Ride (need the ball), Drop Back Ride (stop transition), Overload Ride (force the long pass) - Substitutions on the fly…Introduce and use mid-line substitutions…Use the substitution game to create both mis-matches and odd-man opportunities.

Specialist Checklist:

- Extra Man – 1-3-2 or 3-3 draw and dump / have at least 3 plays - Man Down Defense – Box and 1 / lock off other team’s best player / 5 man rotation

Sample Practice Plan (2 hours):

- 15min dynamic warm-up and skill work (be working on skills while you warm up the kids): o Throw / Catch o Shooting o GB o Off hand o SHOOTING!!! - 15min “Indys” or position specific skill work: o Goalie positioning, reflexes, all the saves, clears o Defensive footwork, communication, long passes, checks o Mid-field dodges, changing hands, transition work, 2-way player type work o Attack dodges, inside rolls, finishing, riding - 15min “Skeleton” period to put in or teach specific plays or game situations o Defense walk thru o Ride / Clear / Face Off / Substitution walk thru o Offense walk thru o EMO / MDD walk thru - 30min “Skin on the Skeleton” enforce what you just taught by doing it live o 4V4 to work on offense and defense o Full Field Scrimmage to work on Ride / Clear / Face Off / Sub Situations o 6v6 Scrimmage to work on offense and defense and special situations o Put 1 min on the clock and go EMO vs MDD - 30min – PLAY LACROSSE – make it fast, competitive, fun, and encourage creativity. o Builds ODD MAN (2v1 to 5v4) and EVEN MAN (1v1 to 4v4) o Transition Drills o Small Area Games o Large Area Games - 15min – Cool down to closure!!! o Static Stretch o Reinforce!