
TO USE THE SKY MAP: Hold the map over your head with NORTH “North” pointing towards the northern horizon on the Earth. The center of the SKY GUIDE map marks the point directly overhead. February 2015 Vega The position of the on the map will match the night sky. Albireo




Polaris CASSIOPEIA Alpheratz EAST





Bellatrix Betelgeuse

CANIS Rigel This is the sky in MINOR EARLY FEBRUARY at 9:00pm and LATE FEBRUARY at 8:00pm The Sky Guide is drawn for Phases of the Moon Genesee County and other places 43 degrees north latitude. Planet positions are shown for mid-, unless otherwise noted. SOUTH FULL MOON 3RD QUARTER NEW MOON 1ST QUARTER February 3 February 11 February 18 February 25

VISIBLE SKY Evening Planets: Just after sunset look to the western skies to see Mars and Venus getting closer and closer as the month goes on. On the 20th of February Mars, Venus, and a thin crescent moon will all come within two degrees of each other. Jupiter will continue to hover right in front of the Lion all throughout February, look for the bright dot near the backwards question mark or look near the full moon on February 3rd. Morning Planets: Look for Saturn before Sunrise all through February. It will be low in the southern skies near the crescent moon on the 13th. SKY GUIDE February 2015

Longway Planetarium is closed to the public during renovation until early Summer. There will not be any public shows. However, there will be field trips and other programs during this time.

Check back next month or visit SloanLongway.org for updates on the radically different, full dome theater.