this week magazine twVolume 38 Issue 22 m• 6|1|17 - 6|7|17 BHA ANNOUNCES OLD HOMES TOUR HONORARY CHARIMEN FEATURED PHOTO Feature of the Week This fun picture prop is Volume 38 Issue 22 • 6|1|17 - 6|7|17 set up in Atlantic Beach in this photograph by Chuck Waters. To see your photograph in this space, email it and a short caption to megan. soult@thenewstimes. 3 COVER STORY com, share it with us on our This Week Magazine Each year, the Beaufort Historical Association social media feeds, or chooses an honorary chairman for its largest mail hard copies with a fundraiser, the Old Homes and Gardens Tour. postage-paid envelope if you would like the photo- graph returned to you. 4 MOVIE REVIEW ‘Wonder Woman’ film and star live up to the name. On the cover David and Shirley Pleace, of Beaufot, are this year’s Beaufort Historical Association’s honorary chairmen for the Old Home and Gardens Tour. (Dylan Ray photo) 5 RECIPES Text your friends, dust off your apron and fire up the grill. It’s time to throw a barbecue party CONTACT INFORMATION that won’t sink your summer budget. twm is published weekly by Carteret Publishing Co. Inc. 4206 Bridges St., Morehead City, N.C. 28557 CALENDARS 8 EDITOR: Find out what’s happening this week and Megan Soult beyond on the Crystal Coast and in surrounding
[email protected] areas. PHOTOGRAPHY: Dylan Ray
[email protected] 10 ART GRAPHICS: Sarah Smith The Beaufort Old Homes Tour & Antique Show
[email protected] Weekend’s Kick Off Party is Saturday, June 3, at ADVERTISING: the Beaufort Historic Site.