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Appendix D: Species List

Appendix D: List

Appendix D: Species List

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 373

Appendix D:Species List

Appendix D: Species Lists, Crab Orchard NWR

This bird list contains 220 species which have been recorded on the refuge. Another 40 species, very rare or accidental and out of their normal range, are listed under “Accidental” birds. This list is based on: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Birds of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, .

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W # – irruptive species seen only during invasion years (2-10 year intervals) * – nests on refuge Sp – March-May S – June-August F – September-November W – December-February a – abundant: common species that is very numerous c – common: certain to be seen in suitable habitat u – uncommon: present but not certain to be seen o – occasional: seen only a few times during a season r – rare: seen only once or twice a year; some years not at all. LOONS u - o u Common Loon

GREBES Sp S F W Pied-billed Grebe u - c c Horned Grebe c - c o Eared Grebe o - - o

CORMORANTS Sp S F W Double-crested Cormorant c o a a

BITTERNS, HERONS Sp S F W American Bittern o - r - Great Blue Heron cccc Great Egret ouu- Little Blue Heron uuu- Cattle Egret o u o - Green Heron* u c c - Black-crowned Night-Heron* r o o - Yellow-crowned Night-Heron r - o -

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 375 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W

SWANS, GEESE, DUCKS Sp S F W Tundra Swan (Whistling Swan) o r u u Mute Swan r - r r Greater White-fronted Goose - - r o Snow Goose o - u u Goose* c u a a Wood Duck cccc Green-winged Teal o - o r American Black Duck c - a a Mallard* c c a a Northern Pintail o - u c Blue-winged Teal c u a o Northern Shoveler a o a c Gadwall a - a a American Wigeon c - c u Canvasback u - o c Redhead a - u o Ring-necked Duck a - a a Greater Scaup r - r - Lesser Scaup a - a c Common Goldeneye c - o a Bufflehead c - c c Hooded Merganser c - a a Common Merganser a - c a Red-breasted Merganser a - c o Ruddy Duck a - u c

VULTURES, HAWKS, FALCONS Sp S F W Vulture* cccr Osprey o r o r Mississippi Kite rrr- Bald Eagle* u u c c Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk) o r o o Sharp-shinned Hawk o - u u Cooper's Hawk* uuuo Northern Goshawk r - r r Red-shouldered Hawk* c u u c Broad-winged Hawk* o u u o Red-tailed Hawk* cccc Rough-legged Hawk o r r o

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 376 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W Golden Eagle o - o o American Kestrel* cccc Merlin r-rr

GALLINACEOUS BIRDS Sp S F W Wild Turkey* cccc Northern Bobwhite* cccc

RAILS Sp S F W Rail rrr- o- o- American Coot u u c c SHOREBIRDS Sp S F W American Golden-Plover c - u - Semipalmated Plover c - o - Killdeer* cccc American Avocet - - o - Greater Yellowlegs c - u - Lesser Yellowlegs c u c - Solitary Sandpiper c o c - Willet r o - - Spotted Sandpiper* u u - - Semipalmated Sandpiper u - u - Least Sandpiper c u u - White-rumped Sandpiper o - r - Pectoral Sandpiper a c c - Stilt Sandpiper r - u - Short-billed Dowitcher o - c - Long-billed Dowitcher o - o - Common Snipe c - c o American Woodcock* ccco Wilson's Phalarope o r o -

GULLS, TERNS Sp S F W Bonaparte's Gull c - u c Ring-billed Gull a o c a Herring Gull c - u c Caspian Tern r-r- Forster's Tern o - r - Black Tern o r u -

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 377 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W DOVES Sp S F W Rock Dove uuuu Mourning Dove cccc

CUCKOOS Sp S F W Black-billed Cuckoo ooo- Yellow-billed Cuckoo u c c -

OWLS Sp S F W Barn Owl oooo Eastern Screech-Owl* uuuu Great Horned Owl* cccc Barred Owl* cccc Short-eared Owl r - o r

GOATSUCKERS Sp S F W Common Nighthawk* o u o - Chuck-will's-widow* o o - - Whip-poor-will u u o -

SWIFTS, Sp S F W Chimney Swift* ccc- Ruby-throated * u c o -

KINGFISHERS Sp S F W Belted Kingfisher* uuuu

WOODPECKERS Sp S F W Red-headed Woodpecker* uuuu Red-bellied Woodpecker* cccc Yellow-bellied Sapsucker o - o r Downy Woodpecker* cccc Hairy Woodpecker* oooo Northern Flicker (Common cccc Flicker)* Pileated Woodpecker* oooo

FLYCATCHERS Sp S F W Olive-sided Flycatcher r - r - Eastern Wood-Pewee* c c u u Yellow-bellied Flycatcher r - r -

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 378 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W Acadian Flycatcher* o u u - Alder Flycatcher* r-r- Willow Flycatcher r - r - Least Flycatcher o - o - Eastern Phoebe* ccco Great Crested Flycatcher* c c r - Eastern Kingbird* c c o -

LARKS Sp S F W Horned Lark* oooo

SWALLOWS Sp S F W Purple Martin* c c o - Tree Swallow* ccc- Northern Rough-winged Swallow* u c u - Bank Swallow o - - - Cliff Swallow* c c o - Barn Swallow* c c u -

JAYS, CROWS Sp S F W Blue Jay* aaaa American Crow* ccc- Fish Crow oooo

CHICKADEES Sp S F W Carolina Chickadee* cccc Tufted Titmouse* cccc

NUTHATCHES Sp S F W Red-breasted Nuthatch o - o u White-breasted Nuthatch u o u u

CREEPERS Sp S F W Brown Creeper o - o o

WRENS Sp S F W Carolina Wren* cccu House Wren* ccc- Winter Wren ooo- Sedge Wren ooo- Marsh Wren r-r-

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 379 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W

KINGLETS Sp S F W Golden-crowned Kinglet u - u u Ruby-crowned Kinglet u - u u Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* c c o -

THRUSHES Sp S F W Eastern Bluebird* cccc Veery o - r - Gray-cheeked Thrush u - u - Swainson's Thrush o - o - Hermit Thrush o - u r Wood Thrush* o u r - American Robin* cccu

THRASHERS Sp S F W Gray Catbird* ccc- Northern Mockingbird* cccc Brown Thrasher* ccco

WAXWINGS Sp S F W Cedar Waxwing* c u u c

SHRIKES Sp S F W Loggerhead Shrike uuuu

STARLINGS Sp S F W European Starling* aaaa

VIREOS Sp S F W White-eyed Vireo* c c u - Bell's Vireo r r - - Yellow-throated Vireo* o u o - Warbling Vireo* cco- Red-eyed Vireo* u u o -

WOOD WARBLERS Sp S F W Blue-winged Warbler o r r - Golden-winged Warbler o r - r Warbler u - o - Nashville Warbler r - r -

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 380 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W Northern Parula* c c u - Yellow Warbler* o o - - Chestnut-sided Warbler o - o - Magnolia Warbler o - o - Cape May Warbler r - r - Yellow-rumped Warbler u - u o Black-throated Green Warbler o - o - Blackburnian Warbler o r r - Pine Warbler* o u o - Prairie Warbler* u u o - Palm Warbler o - o - Bay-breasted Warbler u - o - Blackpoll Warbler u - r - Cerulean Warbler* o r - - Black-and-white Warbler o r o - American Redstart o r o - Prothonotary Warbler* u u r - Worm-eating Warbler r - r - Ovenbird o r r - Northern Waterthrush o - o - Waterthrush u u r - Warbler* u u r - Common Yellowthroat* cccr Hooded Warbler o - r - Wilson's Warbler o - o - Canada Warbler o - r - Yellow-breasted Chat* u u o -

TANAGERS Sp S F W Summer Tanager* u u o - Scarlet Tanager* u u o -

SPARROWS Sp S F W Northern Cardinal* aaaa -breasted Grosbeak o - o - Blue Grosbeak* ooo- Indigo Bunting* aaa- Dickcissel* u u - - Rufous-sided Towhee* cccu American Tree Sparrow* c - o c Chipping Sparrow* u u o -

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 381 Appendix D:Species List

Bird Species Found on Crab Orchard NWR Species Sp S F W Field Sparrow* uuo- Savannah Sparrow o - u o Grasshopper Sparrow* o o r - Le Conte's Sparrow o - o u Fox Sparrow o - r u Song Sparrow* u o o c Swamp Sparrow u - u u White-throated Sparrow c - c c White-crowned Sparrow c - c c Dark-eyed Junco a - c a

MEADOWLARKS, BLACK- Sp S F W BIRDS, ORIOLES Red-winged Blackbird* c c a c Eastern Meadowlark* cccc Common Grackle* ccac Brown-headed Cowbird* cccc Orchard Oriole* u u o - Baltimore Oriole* u u o -

FINCHES Sp S F W House Finch cccc Purple Finch c - u c Pine Siskin# o - o o * cccc Evening Grosbeak# o - - o

OLD WORLD SPARROWS Sp S F W House Sparrow* cccc

Trumpeter Swan Water Pipit Accidental Species: Oldsquaw Least Bittern Solitary Vireo Vermillion Flycatcher White-winged Scoter Glossy Ibis Philadelphia Vireo Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Black Vulture Sandhill Crane Orange-crowned Warbler Bewick's Wren Common Moorhen Whooper Swan Black-throated Blue Warbler Rock Wren

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 382 Appendix D:Species List

Black-bellied Plover Mourning Warbler Ruddy Turnston Warbler Dunlin Swainson's Warbler Sanderling Henslow's Sparrow Baird's Sandpiper Vesper Sparrow Upland Sandpiper Lark Sparrow Franklin's Gull Lincoln's Sparrow Laughing GullLapland Longspur Black-headed Gull Pine Grosbeak Sabine's Gull Red Crossbill Least Tern Rusty Blackbird

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 383 Appendix D:Species List

Potential Reptile and Amphibian Check List for Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge

Common Name Scientific Name Class Residence Status on Habitat Refuge Salamanders spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum A B, W U W, BF, UF marbled salamander Ambystoma opacum A B, W U W, BF smallmouth salamander Ambystoma texanum A B, W U W, BF tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum A B, W U W, UF, BF eastern newt Notophthalmus viridescens A B, W U W, BF northern slimy salamander Plethodon glutinosus A B, W C UF, BF, RB lesser siren Siren intermedia A B, W U W, S Toads and Frogs cricket frog Acris crepitans A B, W A W, RB, R, UF, S, BF American toad Bufo americanus A B, W C W, RB, UF, PF, BF Fowler=s toad Bufo fowleri A B, W C W, RB, UF, PF, BF green treefrog Hyla cinerea A B, W U W, R, BF gray treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis / versicolor A B, W C W, UF, BF, PF spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer A B, W C W, UF, BF upland chorus frog Pseudacris feriarum A B, W C W, RB, UF, BF crawfish frog Rana areolata AB, WR W bullfrog Rana catesbeiana A B, W A W, R, BF, S green frog Rana clamitans A B, W C W, R, BF, S southern leopard frog Rana sphenocephala A B, W A W, R, BF, S wood frog Rana sylvatica A B, W R W, BF eastern spadefoot Scaphiopus holbrookii A B, W R W, BF Turtles snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina R B, W C W, R, S painted turtle Chrysemys picta R B, W C W, S eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina R B, W A RB, UF, PF, BF red-eared slider Trachemys scripta R B, W C W, R, S eastern mud turtle Kinosternon subrubrum R B, W U W, BF common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus R B, W C W, BF spiny softshell turtle Apalone spinifera R B, W U W, R, S Lizards fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus R B, W U UF, RB, BF ground skink Scincella lateralis R B, W C UF, RB, BF five-lined skink Eumeces fasciatus R B, W C UF, RB, BF six-lined racerunner Cnemidophorus sexlineatus RB, WR RB Snakes worm snake Carphophis amoenus R B, W U RB, UF, BF racer Coluber constrictor R B, W C RB, UF, PF, BF

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 384 Appendix D:Species List

Potential Reptile and Amphibian Check List for Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge

Common Name Scientific Name Class Residence Status on Habitat Refuge ringneck snake Diadophis punctatus R B, W U RB, UF, BF rat snake Elaphe obsoleta R B, W C RB, UF, PF, BF mud snake Farancia abacura RB, WR W eastern hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos R B, W U RB, UF, PF, BF prairie kingsnake Lampropeltis calligaster RB, WC RB common kingsnake Lampropeltis getula R B, W U RB, UF, BF plainbelly water snake Nerodia erythrogaster R B, W C W, R, S diamondback water snake Nerodia rhombifer R B, W C W, R, S midland water snake Nerodia sipedon R B, W C W, R, S rough green snake Opheodrys aestivus R B, W U RB, UF, BF, PF brown snake Storeria dekayi R B, W U RB, UF, BF redbelly snake Storeria occipitomaculata R B, W R RB, UF, BF common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis R B, W C W, S, RB, UF, BF smooth earth snake Virginia valeriae R B, W R RB, UF, BF copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix R B, W U RB, UF, BF Total Amphibians = 20 Total Reptiles = 28

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 385 Appendix D:Species List

Mammal Checklist, CrabOrchard NWR Common Name Scientific Name Status on Refuge Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana C Southeastern shrew Sorex longirostris U Southern short-tailed shrew Blarina carolinensis U Least Shrew Cryptotis parva U Eastern mole Scalopus aquaticus U Little brown bat Myotis lucifugus U Northern myotis Myotis septentrionalis U bat Myotis sodalis unknown Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris noctivagans U Eastern pipistrelle Pipistrellus subflavus U Big brown bat eptesicus fuscus U Red bat Lasiurus borealis U Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus U Evening bat Nycticeius humeralis unknown Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus U Sylvilagus aquaticus U Tamias striatus U Woodchuck Marmota monax U Gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis A Fox squirrel Sciurus niger A Southern flying squirrel Glaucomys volans U Beaver Castor canadensis C Marsh rat oryzomys palustris unknown mouse Peromyscus maniculatus U White-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus U Cotton mouse peromyscus gossypinus U Golden mouse Peromyscus nuttalli R Prairie vole microtus ochrogaster U Woodland (pine) vole Microtus pinetorum U Ondatra zibethicus U Norway rat Rattus norvegicus U House mouse Mus musculus U Meadow jumping mouse Zapus hudsonius U Coyote Canis latrans U Red fox Vulpes fulva U Gray fox urocyon cinereoargenteus R Raccoon Procyon lotor C Long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata U Mink Mustela vison U Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis C River otter Lutra canadensis R Bobcat Felis rufus U White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus C

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 386 Appendix D:Species List

Class Code Type Code Status Code Habitat Code A= Agnatha A= anadromous A= Abundant, a common species that is very common L= Lake C= Chondricthyes C= catadromous C= Common, certain to be seen or encountered in suit- R= River O= Osteichthyes F= freshwater able habitat P= Pone S= saltwater U= Uncommon, present but not always seen SL=Slough R= Rare, seen only occasionally S=Stream S= Stocked populations Names of the fish herein are after: Mayden, R.L. 1992. Systematics, Historical Ecology, & North American Freshwater Fishes. Stanford University Press. Stanford, . Fish distribution data were collected from the following sources:Runyon, K.R. 1997. Determination of the effects of discharge from Little Grassy Fish Hatchery on Little Grassy Creek. M.S. Thesis. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 82p.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Survey of the fish of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge. Illinois Environmen- tal Protection Agency. 1997. An intensive survey of the Big Muddy River Basin.Additional presence, absence and distributional data was obtained from the ichthyology museum at Southern Illinois University at Carbon- dale. Fish Species of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Common Name Scientific Name Class Type Status on Refuge Habitat Exotic or Native Bigmouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus OFU L N Black bullhead Ameiurus melas O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Black buffalo Ictiobus niger OFU R N Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus OFR S N Blackspotted topminnow Fundulus olivaceus O F C S,L,P,R N Blackstripe topminnow Fundulus notatus O F C S,L,P,R N Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus O F A L,S,SL,P,R N Bluntnose darter Etheostoma chlorosomum OFR S,RN Bluntnose minnow Pimephales notatus O F A L,S,R N Bowfin Amia calva OFC L,SL,P,R N Brown trout Salmo trutta OFU,SL E Brook silverside Labidesthes sicculus O F C L,S,R N Bullhead minnow Pimephales vigilax OFU S,SLN Central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum OFU S,RN Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus O F C S,L,P,R N Creek chubsucker Erimyzon oblongus OFC S,SLN Common carp Cyprinus carpio O F A L,S,SL,P,R E Creek chub Semotilus atromaculatus OFC S,RN Fathead minnow Pimephales promelas OFU S,SLN Flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris OFU,SL E Flier Centrarchus macropterus OFU S,SLN Freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens OFU R N Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum O F A L,S,R N Golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Grass pickeral Esox americanus O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Hybrid stripedbass O F U,S L E Johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum OFU S,RN Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides O F C L,S,SL,P,R N Logperch Percina caprodes OFU L,SN Longear sunfish Lepomis megalotis O F C L,S,P,R N

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 387 Appendix D:Species List

Fish Species of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Common Name Scientific Name Class Type Status on Refuge Habitat Exotic or Native Mosquitofish Gambusia affinis O F A L,S,SL,P,R N Orangespotted sunfish Lepomis humilis O F U L,S,SL,P,R N Orangethroat darter Etheostoma spectabile OFU S,RN Paddlefish Polyodon spathula AFR R N Pirate perch Aphredoderus sayanus OFU S,SLN Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss OFU,SL E Red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis OFC S,RN Redear sunfish Lepomis microlophus O F C L,S,P,R N Redfin shiner Lythrurus umbratilis OFU S,RN Ribbon Shiner Lythrurus fumeus OFR S,RN River darter Percina shumardi OFR R N Shortnose gar Lepisosteus platostomus OFR R N Slough darter Etheostoma gracile OFU S,SLN Small mouth bass Micropterus dolomieu OFR,SL E Small mouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus OFU R N Spotted bass Micropterus punctulatus OFR S N Spotted sucker Minytrema melanops O F C L,S,R N Steelcolor shiner Cyprinella whipplei O F U L,S,R N Striped bass Morone saxatilis OFC,SL,RE Tadpole madtom Noturus gyrinus OFU S,RN Threadfin shad Dorosoma petenense OFC,SL E Walleye Stizostedion vitreum OFU,SL E Walleye x sauger hybrid O F U,S L E Warmouth Chaenobryttus gulosus O F C L,S,SL,P,R N White bass Morone chrysops O F C L,S,R N White crappie Pomoxis annularis O F C L,S,SL,P,R N White sucker Catostomus commersoni O F U L,S,R N Yellow bass Morone mississippiensis OFC L,RN Yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis O F U L,S,SL,P,R N Yellow perch Perca flavescens OFC L N TOTALSPECIESCOUNT=61

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 388 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence UN LCR1 C1 LCU1 U1 U1 U1 1 U1 LA 1 1 U1 LC 1 LAU1 LCC1 1 1 O1 R1 U1 LC 1 Form Growth Athyrium pycnocarpon Lycopodium complanatum Lycopodium flabelliforme var. Adiantum pedatum Asplenium pinnatifidum Asplenium rhizophyllum Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes Athyrium angustum Athyrium asplenioides Athyrium thelypterioides Cystopteris protrusa Isoetes melanopoda Equisetum arvense Equisetum hyemale affine hyemale Equisetum Botrychium dissectum dis- sectum Botrychium dissectum obliq- uum Botrychium virginianum Ophioglossum vulgatum pycnostichumm Osmunda claytoniana Polypodium polypodioides Polypodium virginianum Polypodium s-tongue fern = spleenwort] tail] bronze fernbronze [cut-leaved grape fern] bronze fern fern] [grape rattlesnake fern adder s- s- s- s- = = = = Adder Adder Adder Adder C C C C Clubmoss ground-cedar Fern Fern Fern spleenwort [lobed] pinnatifid Fern spleenwort ebony walking fern Fern spleenwort maidenhair FernFern lady fern fern lady southern Fern glade fern [narrow-leaved Fern silvery spleenwort fern fragile Fern fern maidenhair Fern Fern fern resurrection polypody

Royal Fern interrupted fern Horsetail horse- [field horsetail common Horsetail rush scouring C C C C C C C C C C C C C



Quillwort black quillwort C

Isoetaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Lycopodiaceae Polypodiaceae Equisetaceae Equisetaceae Ophioglossaceae tongue Ophioglossaceae tongue Ophioglossaceae tongue Ophioglossaceae tongue Osmundaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Isoetales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales OrderLycopodiales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Ficales Equisetales Equisetales Ophioglossales Ophioglossales Ophioglossales Ophioglossales Ficales Ficales Ficales Vascular of Crab Orchard NWR Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 389 Appendix D:Species List Ref. 1 1 /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence R1 U1 LCO1 LCO-C 1 1 1 O1 U1 LCR1 1 Form Growth tree LC N 1 treetree R O E E tree R E re EE1 treeA tree C E 1 tree C E 1 tree R E tree R E tree R E Juniperus virginiana Cystopteris X tennesseensis distichum Taxodium Typha angustifolia Typha Dryopteris marginalis obtusa Woodsia Dryopteris goldiana Onoclea sensibilis acrostichoides Polystichum Potamogeton diversifolius Potamogeton foliosus Potamogeton nodosus Potamogeton Sagittaria calycina Typha latifolia Typha Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo Pinus echinata Pinus taeda Pinus Pinus virginiana Pinus sylvestris Pinus ponderosa Pinus strobus Picea abies Picea s fern = fern] woodsia] waterthread pondweed waterthread leafy pondweed pondweed American poverty pine] poverty Pond- Pond- Pond- C C C

Fern Fern fern fragile Tennessee Goldie Fern Fern marginal shield fern [leather Fern Fern sensitive fern Christmas fern blunt-lobed woodsia [common Cypress eastern redcedar C C C C C C Baldcypress baldcypress Ginkgo ginkgo [maidenhair tree]

C Water Plantain Water arrowhead [arrowleaf]

C Cat-tail narrow-leaved cat-tail Cat-tail common cat-tail C


Pine shortleaf pine Pine pine loblolly Pine Virginia pine [scrub, Jersey, Pine Scotch pine Pine ponderosa pine Pine eastern white pine Pine Norway spruce C C


Typhaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Taxodiaceae Cupressaceae Typhaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Polypodiaceae Ginkgoaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Alismaceae weed weed weed Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Typhales OrderFicales Ficales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Coniferales Coniferales Typhales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ficales Ginkgoales Najadales Najadales Najadales Coniferales Coniferales Coniferales Coniferales Coniferales Coniferales Coniferales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 390 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence R(1) CU1 LCU1 C1 1 R1 O1 O1 ELC 1 U1 LCLCO1 LCO1 1 LA 1 LA 1 LCA1 1 O1 1 1 1 Form Growth shrub U N Elodea canadensis annua Poa Bromus japonicus Bromus pubescens tectorumBromus flavus Tridens Alisma plantago-aquatica parviflorum Arundinaria gigantea Eleusine indica Melica nitens Dactylis glomerata angustifolia Poa compressa Poa pratensis Poa sylvestris Poa Bromus arvensis commutatus Bromus inermisBromus racemosus Bromus striata Glyceria Eragrostis capillaris anacharis [Canadian water- weed] grass] chess] brome] brome] red-top] ered water plantain] ered brome] smooth s- = Frog C

Water Plantain Water water plantain [small-flow- C

Grass Grass Grass Grass giant cane Grass goose grass [yard grass] Grass grass melic three-flowered Grass orchard grass Grass bluegrass [low spear- bluegrass annual Grass Grass Canadian bluegrass Grass bluegrass Kentucky woodland bluegrass Grass brome] [field chess hairy [hairy brome chess] Grass [Japanese Japanese brome GrassGrass Canada brome [woodland GrassGrass bald brome [chess] [downy cheat grass brome Grass fowl manna grass red-top, purple-top tall [false lace grass Grass awnless brome [Hungarian, C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Hydrocharitaceae bit Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Alismaceae Hydrocharitales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales OrderAlismatales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 391 Appendix D:Species List Ref. 1 1 1 1 /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LCO-LCOE1 LCLC E E 1 1 1 1 O1 U1 LCO1 O1 O-LALCR1 1 O1 R1 LC 1 1 1 Form Growth faberii Setaria glauca Setaria viridis muricata ciliatifolium Paspalum Elymus virginicus glabriflo- rus Elymus villosus Eragrostis cilianensisEragrostis pectinacea Eragrostis spectabilis Eragrostis pratensis Festuca Danthonia spicata Sphenopholis obtusata Hordeum pusillum Elymus virginicus virgini- cus Eragrostis frankii Eragrostis obtusa Festuca Sphenopholis nitida Triticum aestivum Elymus histrix slender wild rye]slender grass] grass] grass] fescue] grass] wedgescale] ley] Grass Grass Grass Grass giant foxtail [nodding foxtail] Grass foxtail] grass [yellow pigeon common foxtail [green foxtail] barnyard grass bead grass [hairy grass] lens Grass wild rye] lyme grass [Virginia Grass hairy wild rye [silky wild rye, Grass wild rye] lyme grass [Virginia Grass Grass Grass grass [stinking love stink Grass grass love sandbar Grass Carolina love grass [small love Grasslove grass [sand purple love Grass fescue nodding Grass English bluegrass Grass [meadow oat grass [poverty curly GrassGrass shining wedge grass [prairie grass wedge prairie Grass wheat [wheat] bearded [small wild bar- little barley bottlebrush grass C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales OrderCyperales Cyperales FamilyCyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Common Name(s)Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Scientific Name(s) Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 392 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence R1 LAO-LALCLCLALCLALC 1 1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 1 C1 1 1 R1 1 LCLC 1 O1 1 O1 LCO1 U1 1 1 1 Form Growth Paspalum pubiflorum Paspalum Digitaria sanguinalis Agrostis hyemalis Agrostis perennans Muhlenbergia frondosa Aristida oligantha Sporobolus asper Paspalum dissectum Paspalum laeve Paspalum anceps dichotomiflorumPanicum gattingeri Panicum rigidulum Panicum Digitaria Cinna arundinacea Agrostis alba Muhlenbergia bushii schreberi Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia sobolifera Aristida longispica Phleum pratense paspalum] grass] crab grass] ter bent bent grass] muhly] will, wirestem three-awn, wire grass] tall dropseed] GrassGrass Grass Grass smooth lens grass bead grass [hairy seed Grass Grass panic grass GrassGrass [knee grass] panicum fall panic grass Grass grass Munro Grass smooth crab grass hairy crab grass [common Grass Grass stoutwood reed red top Grass tickle-grass [hair grass, win- Grass autumn bent grass [upland Grass Grass muhly common satin grass [nimble GrassGrass will nimble Grass grass] muhly [rock satin Grass three-awn [prairie plains three-awn timothy dropseed [rough dropseed, Grass bead grass C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales OrderCyperales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 393 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LCO1 LCO1 LCLCLC 1 LCLC 1 C1 LC 1 1 LCLA 1 1 1 1 1 O1 LC 1 O1 R1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 U1 LC 1 Form Growth Sporobolus vaginiflorus Sorghastrum nutans Sorghum halepense Brachyelytrum erectum Leersia oryzoides Leersia virginica Erianthus alopecuroides elliotii Andropogon gerardii Andropogon virginicus Andropogon scoparium Schizachyrium [Andropogon scoparius] Tripsacum dactyloides Zea mays Cyperus aristatus Cyperus esculentus Cyperus ferruginescens Cyperus Cyperus filiculmis Cyperus ovularis Cyperus strigosus Eleocharis acicularisEleocharis Eleocharis elliptica ellipticaEleocharis elliptica Eleocharis obtusa s broom-sedge = dropseed] grass] let] sedge, yellow nutgrass] sedge, yellow Sedge flat sedge bearded Sedge chufaalmond, nut [ground Sedge flatsedge slender Sedge fern flatsedge Sedge club rush hedgehog Sedge colored flatsedge straw Sedge spike rush needle Sedge rush spike Sedge C C C C C C C C C

Grass Grass Grass northern rush grass [poverty Grass GrassGrass long-awned wood grass rice cutgrass Grass white grass plume grass silver Grass Indian Indian grass [yellow Grass Grass Johnsongrass [Egyptian mil- Grass Elliott Grass big bluestem [turkeyfoot] Grass broom-sedge little bluestem gama grass corn [maize] C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae OrderCyperales Cyperales FamilyCyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Common Name(s)Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Scientific Name(s) Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 394 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 U U1 LC O1 LC O1 O C1 R2 LC 1 R1 LC 1 O-C 1 O1 C1 LC 1 O1 U1 C1 C1 O1 O1 O1 U1 Form Growth Carex digitalis Bulbostylis capillaris Carex emoryiCarex Scirpus atrovirens Carex festucacea Carex Scirpus cyperinus Carex frankii Carex Scirpus pendulus Carex glaucodea Carex Scirpus acutus Carex hirsutella Carex Scleria pauciflora Carex hystricina Carex Carex albursina Carex Carex jamesii Carex artitecta Carex lurida Carex Carex blanda Carex Carex meadii Carex Carex bushii Carex muhlenbergii Carex Carex cephalophora Carex Carex convoluta Carex Carex crinita Carex cristatella seed] rush] Sedge sedge Sedge beak- sedge [threadleaf hair Sedge Emory sedge Sedge rush green dark bul- [green Sedge sedge Sedge wool grass Sedge sedge Sedge red bulrush Sedge sedge Sedge great bulrush Sedge sedge Sedge nut-rush Sedge bottlebrush sedge Sedge sedge Sedge grass sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge woodland sedge Sedge Mead sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge Sedge Sedge fringed sedge Sedge sedge C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae OrderCyperales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 395 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 C-O 1 R1 U1 LALA 1 1 LC 1 LAU1 C1 1 LC 1 O1 O1 U1 U1 U1 O1 LA 1 O1 O1 LC 1 Form Growth Carex normalisCarex triphyllum Arisaema dracontium Carex oligocarpa Carex Wolffia columbiana Spirodela polyrhiza Acorus americanus Carex pennsylvanica Carex Tradescantia ohiensis virginiana Tradescantia Wolffiella gladiata Wolffiella Carex physorhyncha Carex retroflexa Carex Carex rosea Carex Carex scoparia Carex styloflexa Carex tenera Carex Carex texensis Carex torta Carex Carex tribuloides Carex umbellata Carex vulpinoidea Carex nip] mon water-meal] ducksmeat, duckweed] spiderwort common spiderwort Spider- Spider- C C

Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Pennsylvania Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge broom sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge sedge Sedge fox sedge Duckweed [com- water-meal Columbian Duckweed big Duckweed duckweed duckweed [common C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Arum dragon green Arum Arum [Indian tur- jack-in-the-pulpit [flag root, calamus] sweet flag C C C

Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Araceae Cyperaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Cyperaceae Commelinaceae wort Commelinaceae wort Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Araceae OrderCyperales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Cyperales Arales Arales Cyperales Arales Arales Arales Cyperales Commelinales Commelinales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Cyperales Arales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 396 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LCLC 1 1 O1 O1 AE1 LAO1 LCLC 1 E 1 1 LC 1 U1 R1 LC 1 LA 1 LA 1 O1 O1 U1 U1 O1 LA 1 LC 1 C1 Form Growth Commelina communis Commelina Tradescantia subaspera Luzula multiflora echinata Uvularia grandiflora Allium vineale canadense Allium Allium sativum Nothoscordum bivalve Hemerocallis fulva Juncus acuminatus Lilium superbum Lilium michiganense Juncus biflorus Erythronium americanum Juncus brachycarpus Juncus Juncus dudleyi Juncus Juncus effusus solutus Juncus interior Juncus Juncus nodatus Juncus Juncus secundus Juncus tenuis Juncus Juncus torreyi Juncus Luzula multiflora s-cap lily] = s tongue] = s-cap lily [Michigan lily] s-cap lily = common dayflower common wide-leaved spiderwort merry bells] rush] adder Spider- Spider- C C

Rush knotty-leaved rush [tapertip Rush rush two-flowered Rush rush Rush Dudley rush Rush common rush Rush inland rush Rush rush Rush rush Rush path rush rush] [poverty Rush rush Torrey Rush rush wood common Rush wood rush Lily Lily Lily [big bellwort large-flowered Lily Lily garlic field Lily onion] wild garlic [wild Lily onion] [garlic garlic false garlic [crow poison] [day-lily] orange day-lily Turk Lily Lily [Turk lily superb [yellow dog-tooth violet yellow C C C C C C C C C C C C


Commelinaceae wort Juncaceae Commelinaceae wort Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Juncaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae Commelinales Juncales OrderCommelinales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Juncales Liliales Liliales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Juncales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 397 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 LCC1 UE LC 1 1 O1 O1 LC 1 U1 LC 1 LCU1 O1 LAO1 U1 1 C1 LC 1 1 U1 UE O Form Growth rotundifolia villosa Dioscorea quaternataDioscorea Dioscorea oppositifolia [D. batatas] Hypoxis hirsuta Smilax pulverulenta Smilax hispida Smilax glauca Smilax bona-nox Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Yucca flaccida Yucca Asparagus officinalis Smilacina racemosa biflorum Polygonatum commutatum Polygonatum recurvatumTrillium Trillium flexipes Ornithogalum umbellatum Narcissus poeticus Belamcanda chinensis Iris X germanica s-seal [wild = s-seal s-seal = = s needle, Span- s needle, = s dung] = s narcissus = low stargrass] low [dove brier] ish bayonet] spikenard] obin] lium] Amaryllis common goldstargrass [yel- Amaryllis daffodil Amaryllis poet C C C Yam Yam Yam wild yam wild yam vine] yam [cinnamon Chinese

Greenbrier [catbrier] greenbrier Greenbrier carrion Greenbrier [catbrier] greenbrier bristly Greenbrier [catbrier] greenbrier Greenbrier greenbrier [catbrier, bull- C C C


Iris Iris lily [German flag fleur-de-lis] iris, Lily common star-of-Bethlehem Lily Lily Lily yucca [Adam Lily Lily asparagus [garden asparagus] Lily false Solomon Lily small Solomon great Solomon trillium red [recurved waker- white trillium [declined tril- C C C C C C C C C C

Dioscoreaceae Dioscoreaceae Dioscoreaceae Amaryllidaceae Amaryllidaceae Smilacaceae Smilacaceae Liliaceae Smilacaceae Amaryllidaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Smilacaceae Iridaceae Iridaceae Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales OrderLiliales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Liliales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 398 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O O O-LC U R LC-O LC-O R LC OE1 R1 O1 Form Growth tree O E 1 tree C N 1 tree C N 1 tree R N 1 tree O N 1 tree O-C N 1 tree R N 1 tree O N 1 tree C N 1 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Spiranthes cernua Spiranthes tuberosa pubescens Goodyera Liparis lilifolia Aplectrum hyemale Corallorhiza wisteriana Sisyrinchium albidum Populus alba Populus Saururus cernuus Populus deltoides Populus Salix nigra Juglans cinerea Salix fragilis Juglans Salix humilis Carya ovata Salix exigua [S. interior] [S. Salix exigua Carya laciniosa s coral-root orchid coral-root s = s-tail = [stout blue-eyed grass] twayblade] blade, purple Eve] root] [coral willow] ] hickory] Walnut butternut [white walnut] Walnut black walnut Walnut shagbark hickory [scaly-bark Walnut shellbark hickory [kingnut Walnut mockernut hickory Walnut pignut hickory Lizard-tail lizard Orchid Orchid Orchid nodding ladies-tresses Orchid little ladies-tresses rattlesnake plantain Orchid [lily tway- large twayblade Orchid puttyroot orchid [Adam-and- Wister C C C C C C


Willow white poplar Willow eastern cottonwood Willow black willow Willow [crack willow] brittle willow Willow [dwarf prairie willow prairie Willow sandbar willow

Iris common blue-eyed grass Iris grass blue-eyed C C C C C C


Salicaceae Iridaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Saururaceae Iridaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Juglandaceae Salicaceae Juglandaceae Salicaceae Juglandaceae Juglandaceae Juglandaceae Liliales Orchidales Orchidales Orchidales Orchidales Orchidales Orchidales Piperales OrderLiliales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Salicales Salicales Juglandales Salicales Juglandales Salicales Juglandales Salicales Juglandales Salicales Juglandales Juglandales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 399 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence Form Growth tree A N 1 tree C N 1 tree O N 1 tree C N 1 treetree R Ctree O N N N tree R N 1 tree C N 1 shrub O N treetree R Ctree R N N N tree C N 1 tree O N tree A N 1 tree O N 1 tree R N 1 treetree R R N E tree C-O N 1 tree C N 1 Quercus stellata Carya ovalis Quercus macrocarpa Quercus Carya cordiformis Quercus bicolor Quercus michauxii Quercus Quercus prinoides acumi- [Q. muehlenbergii] nata Carya texana Quercus rubra Corylus americana Ostrya virginiana Carpinus caroliniana Alnus serrulata Betula nigra Carya illinoensis Quercus palustris Fagus grandifolia carolini- grandifolia Fagus ana Quercus coccinea Quercus Castanea dentata Castanea mollissima Quercus velutina Quercus alba shagbark hickory] basket oak] nut oak] wood] beech] hybrids) Walnut hickory small pignut [false Walnut bitternut hickory Walnut black hickory Walnut pecan C C C C

Birch Birch eastern hophornbeam [iron- Birch American hornbeam [blue- [American filbert] hazelnut Birch alder] [smooth alder common Birch birch] birch [red river Beech cup oak] oak [mossy bur Beech oak white swamp Beech Beech oak, chestnut oak [cow swamp Beech chest- [yellow oak chinkapin northern oak red Beech pin oak Beech beech [beech] American Beech oak scarlet Beech chestnut American Beech oak] [yellow-barked black oak Beech Beech Chinese chestnut (various white oak Beech post oak C C C C C


Juglandaceae Fagaceae Juglandaceae Fagaceae Juglandaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Juglandaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae OrderJuglandales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Juglandales Fagales Juglandales Fagales Fagales Fagales Juglandales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Fagales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 400 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LA 1 U1 LC 1 C-LA 1 O1 LC 1 C1 LC 1 Form Growth treeshrub O O E E 1 tree O N 1 tree R E tree O N 1 tree R E tree A N 1 treetree Otree Rtree C Rtreetree Otree Ctree N Ctree N O 1 N O 1 N 1 1 N N 1 N 1 E 1 N 1 1 Morus alba Broussonetia papyrifera Quercus falcata Laportea canadensis Quercus pagoda pensylvanica Parietaria Quercus marilandica Quercus cylindrica Boehmeria Quercus phellos Asarum canadense reflexum Aristolochia serpentaria Pilea pumila Quercus imbricaria Quercus Polygonum tenue Polygonum Quercus shumardii Celtis laevigata Celtis occidentalis georgi- Celtis tenuifolia var. ana Ulmus rubra Ulmus americana Ulmus alata Maclura pomifera Maclura rubra Morus Polygonum aviculare Polygonum oak] nettle] richweed] Birthwort Canada wild ginger Birthwort [birthwort] snakeroot Virginia C C

Buckwheat knotweed slender Buckwheat knotweed C C

Nettle Canada wood nettle [wood Nettle pellitory Pennsylvania Nettle false nettle Nettle Canada clearweed [coolwort, Elm Elm Elm sugarberry Elm hackberry common Elm dwarf hackberry Elm slippery elm [red elm] elm American winged elm Mulberry white mulberry Mulberry paper-mulberry Mulberry Mulberry osage-orange [hedge-] mulberry red Beech cherrybark oak Beech southern oak [Spanish red Beech blackjack oak Beech oak willow Beech shingle oak Beech oak Shumard C C C C



Moraceae Moraceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Urticaceae Fagaceae Urticaceae Fagaceae Urticaceae Fagaceae Polygonaceae Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae Fagaceae Polygonaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Moraceae Moraceae Utricales Utricales Fagales OrderFagales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Utricales Fagales Utricales Fagales Utricales Fagales Polygonales Aristolochiales Aristolochiales Fagales Polygonales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Utricales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 401 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence R1 O1 U1 C1 O-LC 1 O1 O1 LAU1 1 LC 1 O-LCLCLA 1 1 1 U1 LCLCU1 O1 1 1 Form Growth Rumex altissimus Polygonum cristatum [P. cristatum [P. Polygonum scandens dumetorum] Chenopodium standleyanum standleyanum Chenopodium boscianum] [C. Polygonum virginianum Polygonum Chenopodium album Polygonum lapathifolium Polygonum pensylvanicum Polygonum laevigatum hydropiperoides Polygonum setaceum inter- Polygonum jectum Amaranthus sp. Polygonum punctatum Polygonum Phytolacca americana oleracea Portulaca Claytonia virginica Polygonum persicaria Polygonum Polygonum cespitosum long- Polygonum isetum Rumex acetosella Rumex obtusifolius Rumex crispus s thumb [pale = s thumb = s-quarters = dock] wheat] smartweed] [common smartweed] smartweed] weed] sheep sorrel]sheep dock, broad-leaved dock] dock] Goosefoot goosefoot Goosefoot lamb Amaranth pigweed Pokeweed pokeweed C C C Purslane Purslane common garden purslane spring beauty

C Buckwheat [smooth dock, water pale dock Buckwheat [false buck- bindweed copse Buckwheat knotweed Virginia Buckwheat curttop lady Buckwheat Pennsylvania Buckwheat smartweed [swamp water pepper mild Buckwheat smartweed [smart- bristly Buckwheat smartweed dotted Buckwheat lady spotted Buckwheat smartweed creeping Buckwheat sorrel common sorrel, [red Buckwheat dock [blunt-leaved bitter Buckwheat curly dock [sour dock, yellow


Chenopodiaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Chenopodiaceae Polygonaceae Amaranthaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Phytolaccaceae Polygonaceae Portulacaceae Portulacaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Caryophyllales OrderPolygonales Polygonales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Caryophyllales Polygonales Caryophyllales Polygonales Polygonales Polygonales Polygonales Caryophyllales Polygonales Caryophyllales Caryophyllales Polygonales Polygonales Polygonales Polygonales Polygonales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 402 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 C1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 O1 C1 LA 1 U1 O1 O1 U1 LC 1 LC 1 O1 O1 LC 1 O1 LC 1 LC N 1 R1 LC 1 Form Growth tree O-LC N 1 small tree Clematis virginiana Cerastium nutansCerastium hispidus Cerastium pumilum Cerastium Ranunculus fascicularis Cerastium vulgatum Cerastium Ranunculus abortivus abor- tivus Ranunculus recurvatus Stellaria media Ranunculus abortivus acro- lasius Arenaria serpyllifolia Holosteum umbellatum Hydrastis canadensis Dianthus armeria Anemone virginiana Anemone Silene antirrhina Actaea pachypoda Silene stellata Isopyrum biternatum Asimina triloba Aquilegia canadensis Delphinium tricorne s bower = s-eyes [white baneberry] = flowered crowfoot] flowered tulip-poplar] tree] Pink chickweed nodding mouse-ear Pink chickweed mouse-ear Pinkchickweed mouse-ear common Pink chickweed common Pink sandwort thyme-leaved Pink jagged chickweed Pink pink Debtford Pink catchfly sleepy Pink starry campion Buttercup bristly buttercup Buttercup early buttercup Buttercup hooked buttercup Buttercup little- buttercup [small- Buttercup small-flowered crowfoot Buttercup small-flowered crowfoot Buttercup goldenseal Buttercup tall anemone Buttercup doll Buttercup false rue-anemone Buttercup wild columbine Buttercup dwarf larkspur] [wild larkspur Buttercup virgin C C C C C C C C C

Magnolia yellow-poplar [tulip-tree, C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Custard-apple common pawpaw [banana C


Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Caryophyllaceae Ranunculaceae Magnoliaceae Annonaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae OrderCaryophyllales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Caryophyllales Ranunculales Magnoliales Magnoliales Ranunculales Ranunculales Ranunculales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 403 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic E2 Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LA 1 LA 1 LC LA 1 U1 LA 1 U1 O1 R1 C1 O1 LC OE1 CN1 LA 1 R1 OE1 Form Growth shrub R E 1 tree C N 1 shrub LA N 1 Corydalis flavula Podophyllum peltatum Podophyllum Nelumbo lutea luteum Nuphar Dicentra canadensis Caulophyllum thalictroides Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum Menispermum canadense Calycocarpum lyonii Berberis thunbergii Sassafras albidum Sassafras Dicentra cucullaria Arabidopsis thaliana Arabis laevigata Barbarea vulgaris Lindera benzoin Sanguinaria canadensis Stylophorum diphyllum Chelidonium majus Brassica rapa Capsella bursa-pastoris s-breeches = s-purse = s rape [field [field mustard, s rape = lily] coontail [hornwort]coontail moonseed cupseed fras, white sassafras] white fras, spice] poppy] turnip] Horn- Moon- Moon- C C C Lotus American lotus [giant Waterlily spatterdock

C Barberry mayapple Barberry blue cohosh Barberry Japanese barberry Poppy Poppy bloodroot Poppy Celandine poppy Celandine [wood

C Fumitory pale corydalis Fumitory squirrel-corn Fumitory Dutchman



Laurel sassafras common [red sassa- Laurel all- spicebush [feverbush, wild Mustard Mustard Mustard cress mouse-eared Mustard rock cress smooth rocket] [yellow wintercress bird Mustard shepherd C C C C C C C

Berberidaceae Fumariaceae Berberidaceae Fumariaceae Nymphaeaceae Ceratophyllaceae Berberidaceae Fumariaceae wort Lauraceae Menispermaceae vine Menispermaceae vine Nelumbonaceae Lauraceae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Papaveraceae Papaveraceae Papaveraceae Cruciferae OrderRanunculales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Papaverales Ranunculales Papaverales Nymphaeales Nymphaeales Ranunculales Papaverales Magnoliales Ranunculales Ranunculales Nymphaeales Magnoliales Capparales Capparales Capparales Capparales Papaverales Papaverales Papaverales Capparales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 404 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LCOE1 U1 LAO1 O1 O-LA 1 O1 N 1 1 LC 1 LA 1 O1 R1 LC 1 C1 C1 O1 Form Growth shrub O N tree O-LAtree LCshrub ? N 1 N 1 Eriophila verna Cardamine pensylvanica Cardamine hirsuta Cardamine parviflora areni- cola Dentaria laciniata Draba brachycarpa Lepidium virginicum Lepidium campestre Hydrangea arborescens Hydrangea Liquidambar Platanus occidentalis Sedum pulchellum Sedum Itea virginica Saxifraga forbesii Penthorum sedoides Penthorum Mitella diphylla Heuchera parvifloraHeuchera rugelii Heuchera americana hirsu- americana Heuchera ticaulis allegheniensis Rubus alumnus [R. orarius] Rubus alumnus [R. saxifrage s-cap = s-cross [stonecrop] = = s pepper] = [vernal Whitlow-grass] man sweetgum [red gum] sweetgum wod] alumroot] mon blackberry]mon Witch- C

Saxifrage wild hydrangea Saxifrage Forbes Saxifrage stonecrop ditch Saxifrage bishop Saxifrage small-flowered alumroot [late Saxifrage alumroot tall Stonecrop widow C C C C C C Planetree American sycamore [button-


Mustard Mustard hairy cress bitter Mustard cress bitter small-flowered Mustard Mustard [pepper-root] toothwort short-fruited Whitlow-grass Mustard mouse-eared Whitlow-grass Mustard [poor- peppergrass common cress] [field peppergrass field Mustard cress bitter Pennsylvania C

Rose Rose Allegheny blackberry [com- blackberry C C C C C C C C


Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Cruciferae Hamamelidaceae Cruciferae Saxifragaceae hazel Platanaceae Crassulaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Rosaceae Capparales Capparales Capparales Capparales Capparales Capparales Capparales Hamamelidales OrderCapparales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Hamamelidales Rosales RosalesRosales Escalloniaceae [sweet-spires] willow Virginia Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 405 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 C1 LC 1 C1 O-LC LC 1 ?N CN ON LC N 1 LC 1 U1 Form Growth vine C N 1 vineshrub O A N E 1 tree C N 1 shrub C N 1 small tree small tree tree R tree U 1 tree U 1 tree R Rubus enslenii Rubus occidentalis Rubus flagellaris Rosa carolina Rosa multiflora Rosa setigera Rubus pensylvanicus Rosa palustris Rubus roribaccus Rosa sp. (Hybrid ) Crataegus pruniosaCrataegus serotina Crataegus mollis Crataegus Prunus americana Amelanchier arborea Amelanchier Crataegus crus-galliCrataegus pumila Malus Prunus hortulana Malus Malus Pyrus communis Pyrus dewberry] raspberry] rose] climbing rose] blow, juneberry] blow, Rose Rose arching dewberry [southern dewberry Rose pasture rose Rose Rose black raspberry [blackcap blackberry Rose swamp rose Rose velvet-leaved dewberry Rose Rose [Japanese multiflora rose Rose rose, [prairie rose Illinois Rose hawthorn Rose black cherry Rose red haw Rose [wild plum] American Rose cock-spur hawthorn Rose Chickasaw plum Rose Rose serviceberry [shadbush, shad- common apple Rose plum wild goose Rose wild sweet crabapple Rose Iowa crabapple Rose common pear C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae OrderRosales Rosales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 406 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LALC E LC 1 U1 C1 LC 1 C1 LC 1 LC E 1 C1 C1 Form Growth vine Rvine ? shrub R E N 1 tree R 1 tree O-Ctree Otree O N 1 N 1 N? Puereria lobata Puereria max Glycine frutescensWisteria macrocarpa [S. Sesbania exaltata] Amorpha fruticosa Cassia fasciculata Cassia marilandica parviflora Prunus persica Agrimonia pubescens Agrimonia rostellata Fragaria virginiana Fragaria canadenseGeum Geum vernumGeum recta Potentilla Porteranthus stipulatus Porteranthus [ stipulata] Gleditsia triacanthos Gymnocladus dioicus Potentilla simplex Potentilla indigobush] partridge pea [locust-weed] pea partridge wild senna ered agrimony] ered cac] eastern redbud honeylocust coffeetree Kentucky Caesal- Caesal- Caesal- Caesal- Caesal- C C C C C

BeanBeanBeanBean kudzu-vine Bean soybean wisteria American sesbania [false dull-leaf indigobush Rose Rose Rose [small-flow- agrimony swamp soft agrimony Rose agrimony woodland Rose wild strawberry Rose white avens Rose spring avens Rose cinquefoil sulfur Rose cinquefoil common Rose ipe- Indian physic [American C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Caesalpiniaceae pinia Caesalpiniaceae pinia Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Caesalpiniaceae pinia Caesalpiniaceae pinia Caesalpiniaceae pinia Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales OrderRosales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 407 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 O1 U1 LCLCO1 U1 U1 O1 LC 1 1 LC 1 1 U1 C1 O1 U1 C1 U1 U1 U1 LCO1 O1 U1 1 Form Growth tree LC N? 1 Robinia pseudoacacia Robinia Crotalaria sagittalis Stylosanthes biflora Trifolium campestre hybridum Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens Trifolium Medicago lupulina Medicago sativa Clitoria mariana Desmodium canescens ciliare Desmodium nudiflorumDesmodium Desmodium laevigatum Desmodium obtusum Desmodium paniculatum Desmodium glutinosum Desmodium nuttallii Desmodium rotundifolium Desmodium sessilifolium psoralioides eglan- Psoralea dulosa Strophostyles helvola Strophostyles leiosperma Strophostyles umbellata Desmodium pauciflorumDesmodium s snaker- = s tick trefoil s [pointed tick lice tre- s lice [white-flowered = = = foil] oot] tick trefoil] BeanBeanBeanBean black-locust Bean rattlebox Bean pencil-flower Bean clover hop low Bean clover Alsike Bean clover red Bean white clover Bean black medic Bean alfalfa Bean butterfly-pea hoary trefoil tick Bean hairy trefoil tick Bean beggar bare-stemmed tick trefoil Nuttall BeanBean glaucus tick trefoil BeanBean trefoil tick stiff panicled tick trefoil beggar BeanBeanBeanBean round-leaved tick trefoil Bean sessile-leaved tick trefoil Bean scurf-pea [Sampson wild bean wild bean bean umbellate wild C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae OrderRosales Rosales FamilyRosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Common Name(s)Rosales Rosales Rosales Scientific Name(s) Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 408 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic N Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 O1 LALC 1 1 LC 1 O1 U-RU-R 1 1 LC 1 C1 A1 U1 LC-O 1 LA 1 LA 1 Form Growth tree R E tree U-R E 1 shrub C N 1 shrub C N 1 shrub O N 1 Amphicarpa bracteata bracteata Amphicarpa comosa dasycarpa Vicia Apios americana Amphicarpa bracteata brac- bracteata Amphicarpa teata Linum medium Tephrosia virginiana Tephrosia Desmanthus illinoensis Albizia julibrissin Linum striatum americanum Zanthoxylum Geranium carolinianum Geranium maculatum Geranium Rhus glabra Oxalis dillenii Oxalis stricta violacea Oxalis Rhus copallina Impatiens capensis [I. Biflora] Rhus aromatica Impatiens pallida tted touch-me-not s-rue = nois bundleflower] wood sorrel] wood oxalis] sumac [jewelweed] sumac] Balsam orange-spo Balsam pale touch-me-not Sumac smooth sumac Sumac winged [shining, dwarf] Sumac fragrant sumac [aromatic Quassia tree-of-heaven C C C C C

C Geranium cranesbill Carolina Geranium wild geranium Wood-sorrel wood-sorrel yellow upright Wood-sorrel wood-sorrel [yellow common Wood-sorrel violet wood-sorrel [purple


BeanBeanBeanBean hog-peanut hairy-fruited vetch ground nut goat Bean hog-peanut Rue prickly-ash [toothache tree] Flax flax Flax flax yellow stiff C C C C C C C C

Linaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Linaceae Geraniaceae Rutaceae Simarubaceae Geraniaceae Anacardiaceae Oxalidaceae Anacardiaceae Oxalidaceae Oxalidaceae Balsaminaceae Anacardiaceae Balsaminaceae Rosales Rosales Rosales Rosales OrderRosales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Linales RosalesRosalesGeraniales Mimosaceae Mimosaceae mimosa mimosa [Illi- Illinois/prairie Sapindales Sapindales Geraniales Sapindales Geraniales Sapindales Geraniales Geraniales Geraniales Sapindales Geraniales Linales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 409 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence AN1 LC 1 O1 LC 1 O1 LC 1 O1 O1 C1 C1 O1 LC 1 U1 C1 Form Growth shrub, vine shrub LAtree C N 1 N 1 treetree O C N N 1 tree O N 1 tree R N 1 tree O-LA N 1 Staphylea trifolia saccharumAcer Euphorbia commutata Toxicodendron Acer barbatum Acer Acer saccharinum [Poinset- Euphorbia dentata dentata] tia Acer rubrum var. rubrum rubrumAcer var. Crotonopsis elliptica Acer rubrum var. trilobum rubrumAcer var. Croton capitatus Acer negundo Acer Croton monanthogynus Polygala sanguinea Polygala Acalypha gracilens Chamaesyce maculata Chamaesyce [Euphorbia maculata] Acalypha rhomboidea Acalypha virginica Chamaesyce supina Chamaesyce [Euphorbia supina] Chamaesyce humistrata [Euphorbia humistrata] Euphorbia corollata rock maple] rock maple] cury Spurge wood spurge Spurge wild poinsettia Spurge sand croton [rushfoil] Spurge croton] [wooly capitate croton Spurge croton [prairie tea] Spurge mercury three-seeded slender Spurge spurge [wartweed] nodding Spurge three-seeded mercury Spurge milk spurge Spurge Virginia three-seeded mer- Spurge milk spurge Spurge spurge flowering Sumac poison-ivy Bladdernut American bladdernut C C C C C C C C C C C C C Milkwort milkwort] [field milkwort red



Maple Maplemaple, [hard maple sugar southern sugar maple Maple Maple soft, white silver maple [river, maple red Maple maple red Maple maple] [ash-leaved boxelder C C C C C C

Anacardiaceae Staphyleaceae Aceraceae Aceraceae Euphorbiaceae Aceraceae Aceraceae Euphorbiaceae Aceraceae Euphorbiaceae Aceraceae Euphorbiaceae Polygalaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae OrderSapindales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Sapindales Sapindales Sapindales Euphorbiales Sapindales Sapindales Euphorbiales Sapindales Euphorbiales Sapindales Euphorbiales Polygalales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Euphorbiales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 410 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 U1 O1 O1 U1 O1 OE1 Form Growth shrub LC N 1 vine Cshrub Ovine Oshrub Rshrub Rshrub O Nvine Nvine 1 Cvine U 1 E vine C Nvine U N tree 1 O N U-R 1 N N 1 N 1 N 1 N N 1 1 1 Hypericum mutilum Hypericum perforatumHypericum Hypericum punctatum Hypericum Hypericum gentianoides Hypericum Hypericum drummondii Hypericum prolificum Hypericum Triadenum walteri Triadenum Euonymus atropurpureus rad- Euonymus fortunei var. icans Ilex decidua Ilex opaca Ceanothus americanus quinquefolia Parthenocissus cordata Ampelopsis aestivalis Vitis cinerea Vitis vulpina Vitis Tilia americana Celastrus scandens Sida spinosa s-wort = s-wort = s-wort s-wort = = common St. John spotted St. John dwarf St. John pineweed nits-and-lice shrubby St. John's-wort marsh St. John creeper] ball] sweet] s- s- s- s- s- s- s- ======St. John St. John St. John St. John St. John St. John St. John Holly Holly holly] holly [swamp American holly Buckthorn New-Jersey-tea snow- [wild C C C C C C C Staff-treeStaff-tree eastern wahoo [burningbush] [winter climbing euonymus Staff-tree [climbing bitter- bittersweet C C


Mallow prickly sida

Linden linden [basswood] American C Grape Grape Grape Grape creeper Virginia Grape raccoon grape summer grape winter grape frost grape



wort wort wort Hypericaceae Hypericaceae wort Hypericaceae wort Hypericaceae wort Hypericaceae wort Hypericaceae Celastraceae Celastraceae Aquifoliaceae Aquifoliaceae Rhamnaceae Vitaceae Vitaceae Vitaceae Vitaceae Vitaceae Tiliaceae Malvaceae Hypericaceae Celastraceae Theales Theales Theales Theales Theales Theales Celastrales Celastrales Celastrales Celastrales Rhamnales Rhamnales Rhamnales Rhamnales Rhamnales Rhamnales Malvales Malvales Theales OrderCelastrales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 411 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 O1 LC 1 C1 O1 U1 LCLC 1 1 LA 1 C1 LA 1 C1 O1 LCO1 R1 1 Form Growth shrub LC E 1 shrub R E Elaeagnus umbellata Elaeagnus Hypericum stragulum Lechea tenuifolia Rotala ramosior Viola pratincola Viola Lythrum salicaria Viola pubescens Viola Decodon verticillatus Ludwigia palustris var. americana Ludwigia alternifolia Ludwigia peploides Circaea lutetiana Viola rafinesquii Viola Viola sororia Viola Viola striata Viola Viola triloba var. triloba triloba var. Viola Viola triloba var. dilatata [V. dilatata [V. triloba var. Viola falcata] Hybanthus concolor glabri- lutea var. Passiflora flora incarnataPassiflora s cross = s nightshade = St. Andrew estrife] enchanter marsh purslane seedbox willow primrose creeping violet] small passion-flower [may- passion-flower large pops] s- = Passion- Passion- C C St. John Oleaster autumn-olive [oleaster] C

C Evening Prim- Evening Prim- Evening Prim- Evening Prim-

Loosestrife tooth-cup Loosestrife loosestrife purple Loosestrife water-willow [swamp loos- C C C C

C C C Violet violet common blue Violet violet downy yellow Violet pansy] Johnny-jump-up [wild Violet blue violet wooly Violet white [common violet cream Violet cleft violet Violet [cleft violet lobed violet] Violet violet green Rockrose narrow-leaved pinweed


Hypericaceae wort Lythraceae Cistaceae Violaceae Lythraceae Violaceae Lythraceae Violaceae Onagraceae rose Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae rose rose rose Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Passifloraceae flower Passifloraceae flower Elaeagnaceae OrderTheales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Myrtales Violales Violales Myrtales Violales Myrtales Violales Myrtales Myrtales Myrtales Myrtales Violales Violales Violales Violales Violales Violales Violales Proteales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 412 Appendix D:Species List Ref. 1 1 1 /Exotic E1 Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence C1 U1 O1 R1 LAO1 1 U1 CN1 R1 ON1 LC 1 U1 LC 1 Form Growth tree O N small tree shrub O N 1 shrub O N small tree Oenothera biennis Oenothera laciniata Epilobium coloratum Aralia racemosa Myriophyllum exalbescens Myriophyllum Callitriche terestris Opuntia humifusa [O. Opuntia humifusa [O. compressa] rafinesquii, O. Panax quinquefolium Panax Nyssa sylvatica Eryngium yuccifolium Daucus carota Cornus drummondii Cicuta maculata Cornus racemosa Angelica venenosa Angelica Aralia spinosa Chaerophyllum procumbens Chaerophyllum Chaerophyllum tainturieriChaerophyllum Cryptotaenia canadensis s lace [wild car- s lace = common evening primrose evening common evening primrose ragged herb cinnamon willow spiked water milfoil water spiked terrestrial starwort [water starwort] tupelo] dogwood] rot] cules'-club, angelica-tree]] cules'-club, Water C WaterMil- C

Evening Prim- Evening Prim- Evening Prim- Ginseng ginseng Ginseng devil's-walking-stick [Her- Ginseng American spikenard Dogwood blackgum [sour gum, black Dogwood flowering dogwood [white Dogwood rough-leaved dogwood Dogwood dogwood [panicled] gray C C C Cactus prickly-pear

Carrot or Parsley rattlesnake master Carrot or Parsley Queen Anne Carrot or Parsley hemlock water Carrot or Parsley angelica wood Carrot or Parsley wild chervil Carrot or Parsley wild chervil Carrot or Parsley honewort C C C C C C C



Onagraceae rose Onagraceae Onagraceae Cactaceae rose rose Araliaceae Haloragidaceae Callitrichaceae Starwort foil Apiaceae Cornaceae Apiaceae Cornaceae Apiaceae Cornaceae Apiaceae Araliaceae Apiaceae Araliaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae OrderMyrtales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Myrtales Myrtales Caryophyllales Umbellales Haloragales Umbellales Cornales Umbellales Cornales Umbellales Cornales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 413 Appendix D:Species List Ref. 1 /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 LC 1 C1 U1 C1 R1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 LCU1 LCO1 1 1 Form Growth treetree Oshrub A R shrub R shrub R N N 1 1 E shrub Ctree N A 1 N 1 Fraxinus americana caroliniensis Sabatia angularis cannabinum Apocynum Fraxinus pennsylvanica spp. Forsythia vulgaris Syringa Ligustrum vulgare Erigenia bulbosa Erigenia hirtella Osmorhiza longistylis Sanicula canadensis Thaspium trifoliatum var. Thaspium trifoliatum var. flavum Thaspium trifoliatum var. Thaspium trifoliatum var. trifoliatum Torilis japonica Torilis Dodecatheon meadia Dodecatheon Diospyros virginiana Vaccinium arboreum Vaccinium Samolus valerandii Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia lanceolata Dodecatheon frenchii Dodecatheon s shooting-star = pink] and-salt] [short-styled snakeroot] wood] row-leaved loosestrife] row-leaved Milkweed milkweed tall green Gentian Gentian columbo American rose gentian [rose pink, marsh C Dogbane hemp] [Indian dogbane

Primrose Primrose shooting-star French Primrose Primrose brookweed [water pimpernel] Primrose loosestrife fringed lance-leaved loosestrife [nar- C C


Ebony common persimmon [possum- Heath farkleberry Carrot Parsley or harbinger-of-spring [pepper- Carrot Parsley or anise-root Carrot or Parsley Canadian black snakeroot Carrot Parsley or parsnip meadow yellow Carrot Parsley or parsnip meadow Carrot or Parsley parsley hedge C Olive white ash Olive Olive Olive Olive ash green Forsythia common lilac privet European



Apiaceae Oleaceae Oleaceae Oleaceae Oleaceae Gentianaceae Asclepiadaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Ericaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae Oleaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae Ebenaceae OrderUmbellales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Gentianales Gentianales Gentianales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Umbellales Primulales Primulales Scrophulariales Primulales Primulales Primulales Ebenales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 414 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence LA 1 LC 1 C1 O1 O1 C1 LC 1 C1 O1 O1 LA 1 O1 O1 U1 O1 O1 R1 LC 1 C1 O-LC 1 C1 Form Growth Hydrophyllum canadense Asclepias incarnata Phacelia bipinnatifida Asclepias purpurascens Cynoglossum virginianum Asclepias syriaca Hackelia virginiana Asclepias tuberosa var. inte- Asclepias tuberosa var. rior Asclepias variegata Asclepias verticillata Mertensia virginicaMertensia Cynanchum laeve lacunosa Ipomoea Ipomoea pandurata Myosotis macrosperma Verbena hastata Verbena X illicita Verbena bifida Phlox divaricata ssp. lapha- mii Phlox paniculata Polemonium reptans Polemonium s-ladder = broad-leaved waterleaf broad-leaved milkweed] milkweed] small white morning-glory vine wild sweet potato Water- Water- C C Morning- Morning- Milkweed milkweed swamp Milkweed milkweed purple Milkweed milkweed common Milkweed butterfly-weed Milkweed [white milkweed variegated Milkweed [whorled horsetail milkweed Milkweed blue vine Phlox cleft phlox Phlox blue phlox Phlox garden phlox Phlox Jacob

C C Borage wild comfrey Borage stickseed Borage cowslip] [Virginia bluebells Borage scorpion-grass C C C C C C C


Verbena Verbena blue vervain C C C C


Asclepiadaceae Hydrophyllaceae leaf Hydrophyllaceae leaf Asclepiadaceae Boraginaceae Asclepiadaceae Boraginaceae Asclepiadaceae Boraginaceae Asclepiadaceae Asclepiadaceae Asclepiadaceae Boraginaceae Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae glory glory Verbenaceae Verbenaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae OrderGentianales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Polemoniales Polemoniales Gentianales Lamiales Gentianales Lamiales Gentianales Lamiales Gentianales Gentianales Gentianales Lamiales Polemoniales Polemoniales Polemoniales Lamiales Lamiales Polemoniales Polemoniales Polemoniales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 415 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 O1 C-O 1 LC 1 O1 O1 LC 1 U1 LC 1 LC E 1 O1 LC 1 C1 O1 O1 OE1 LA E 1 O1 Form Growth Verbena simplex Verbena urticifolia Verbena lanceolata Phyla Salvia lyrata origanoides Cunila Scutellaria incana Lycopus americanus Scutellaria lateriflora Lycopus virginicus Scutellaria leonardii elon- Prunella vulgaris var. gata Glechoma hederacea var. var. hederacea Glechoma micrantha pycnan- Pycnanthemum themoides bradburiana Monarda tenuifolium Pycnanthemum flexuosum] [P. Monarda fistulosa canadense var. Teucrium virginicum Lamium amplexicaule Lamium purpureum Blephilia ciliata Blephilia Blephilia hirsuta Blephilia weed] ground] balm] sage] Verbena Verbena narrow-leaved vervain Verbena white vervain fog-fruit Mint lyre-leaved sage [cancer- Mint stone mint [dittany] Mint downy skullcap Mint common water horehound Mint mad-dog skullcap Mint weed bugle Mint small skullcap Mint self heal [heal-all] Mint ground ivy [gill-over-the- Mint mountain mint Mint [Monarda, mint burgamot Mint slender mountain mint Mint wild bergamot Mint germander American [wood Mint henbit Mint purple dead nettle Mint mint] pagoda [wood Mint pagoda plant C C C


Verbenaceae Verbenaceae Verbenaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae OrderLamiales Lamiales FamilyLamiales Lamiales Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Lamiales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 416 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence C1 U1 O1 U1 O1 R1 LC 1 LC 1 LC 1 RE O1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 U1 R1 O1 U1 O1 CE1 O1 C1 Form Growth Veronica peregrina Veronica Lindernia dubia Gratiola neglecta Collinsonia canadensis Leucospora multifida Agastache nepetoides Aureolaria flava Perilla frutescens Perilla Bacopa rotundifolia Bacopa Synandra hispidula Penstemon calycosus Penstemon digitalis Penstemon Trichostema brachiatum Trichostema Penstemon pallidus Penstemon Physalis heterophylla Physalis pubescens Solanum carolinense Solanum ptycanthum Verbascum blattaria Verbascum Verbascum thapsus Verbascum Veronicastrum virginicum Veronicastrum arvensis Veronica s- = speedwell] mon hedge-hyssop] balm] ered mint, synandra] glove penstemon] root] well] Figwort false pimpernel Figwort purslane speedwell [white Figwort clammy hedge-hyssop [com- Figwort Figwort smooth false foxglove Figwort water hyssop Figwort smooth beard-tongue Figwort [fox- foxglove beard-tongue Figwort pale beard-tongue Figwort moth mullein Figwort wooly mullein Figwort candelabra plant [Culver Figwort corn [blue speed- speedwell C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Nightshade ground-cherry Nightshade annual ground-cherry Nightshade horse-nettle Nightshade black nightshade Mint richweed [citronella horse Mint giant hyssop yellow Mint plant beefsteak Mint hairy synandra [white-flow- Mint false pennyroyal C C C C C C C C C

Scrophulariaceae Lamiaceae Scrophulariaceae Lamiaceae Scrophulariaceae Lamiaceae Scrophulariaceae Lamiaceae Scrophulariaceae Lamiaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Solanaceae Solanaceae Solanaceae Solanaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariales OrderLamiales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Lamiales Scrophulariales Lamiales Scrophulariales Lamiales Scrophulariales Lamiales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Polemoniales Polemoniales Polemoniales Polemoniales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 417 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 LCLCO1 E E 1 1 LA 1 LCLC N 1 1 LC 1 U1 LA 1 U1 C1 O1 LCO1 C1 1 LA 1 C-O 1 Form Growth shrub O N 1 vine Ctree Otree R N 1 N 1 E alatus Plantago lanceolata Plantago major Plantago pusilla Collinsia verna Plantago rugelli Plantago virginica Scrophularia marilandica Cephalanthus occidentalis Cephalanthus Agalinis fasciculata aparine Agalinis paupercula Galium circaezans Agalinis tenuifolia Justicia americana humilis Ruellia pedunculata Ruellia Campsis radicans Catalpa speciosa Catalpa bignonioides Plantago aristata Galium concinnum s = mon monkey-flower] plantain] cleavers] trumpet-creeper [trumpet- vine] northern [hardy] catalpa bean] tree, Indian [cigar southern [common] catalpa [lady cigar tree] Figwort winged monkey-flower [com- Figwort Mary blue-eyed Figwort late figwort Figwort foxglove false Figwort foxglove false Figwort false foxglove slender C C C C C C Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Plantain Plantain buckhorn [English plantain] Plantain common plantain Plantain small plantain red-stalked plantain [Rugel Plantain dwarf plantain Plantain plantain bracted


Acanthus Acanthus water-willow Acanthus hairy ruellia petunia] [wild stalked ruellia [wild petunia]

C C C Madder common buttonbush Madder annual bedstraw [goosegrass, Madder wild licorice Madder shining bedstraw


Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Scrophulariaceae Plantaginaceae Scrophulariaceae Rubiaceae Scrophulariaceae Rubiaceae Scrophulariaceae Rubiaceae Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Bignoniaceae Creeper Bignoniaceae Creeper Bignoniaceae Creeper Plantaginaceae OrderScrophulariales Scrophulariales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Plantaginales Plantaginales Plantaginales Plantaginales Scrophulariales Plantaginales Rubiales Scrophulariales Rubiales Scrophulariales Rubiales Scrophulariales Rubiales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Scrophulariales Plantaginales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 418 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 O1 LC 1 R1 LC 1 O1 O1 U1 LC? 1 Form Growth shrub ? shrub Ushrub Oshrub LC N 1 N 1 1 shrub Cshrub ? N Viburnum rufidulum Viburnum Viburnum prunifolium Sambucus canadensis Viburnum lentago Viburnum Galium pilosum Galium triflorum Diodia teres Diodia virginiana Hedyotis crassifolia [Hous- tonia minima] Hedyotis longifolia [Housto- nia longifolia] Hedyotis nuttalliana [Hous- tonia tenuifolia] Hedyotis purpurea [Housto- nia purpurea] Viburnum dentatum [recog- nitum] Viburnum nudum Viburnum recognitum Hedyotis pusilla [Housto- nia pusilla] rusty nannyberry [southern nannyberry rusty blackhaw] blackhaw [nannyberry] [elderberry, elder American elder] golden nannyberry straw] buttonweed] arrowwood southern wild-raisin arrowood smooth Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- C C C C C C C

Madder hairy bed- bedstraw [purple Madder sweet-scented bedstraw Madder rough buttonweed [poorjoe] Madder large buttonweed [Virginia Madder bluets tiny Madder long-leaved bluets Madder slender-leaved bluets Madder broad-leaved bluets Madder [star violet] small bluets C C C C C C C C C

Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Rubiaceae suckle Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae Dipsacales Dipsacales Dipsacales OrderRubiales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Rubiales Dipsacales Dipsacales Dipsacales Dipsacales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 419 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence U1 O1 O1 LCLCC1 U1 1 LCO1 1 1 LC 1 C1 OE1 Form Growth shrub LCvine Avine Rvine N U 1 E 1 E 1 N 1 vine Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Symphoricarpos var. japonica chin- Lonicera japonica var. ense Lonicera maackii Lonicera sempervirens Triosteum illinoense Triosteum perfoliatum Triodanis perfoliata americana Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia inflata Lobelia siphilitica Valeriana pauciflora Valeriana Valerianella radiata Valerianella Achillea millefolium Dipsacus sylvestris Sicyos angulatus s ] = looking glass = coralberry [Indian-currant, buck-brush] Japanese honeysuckle Japanese honeysuckle honeysuckle Amur trumpet [fire- honeysuckle cracker honeysuckle] Illinois horse gentian gentian late horse Venus bellflower American cardinal-flower Indian tobacco blue cardinal-flower row, nosebleed] row, Bell- Bell- Bell- Bell- Bell- C C C C C Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- Honey- C C C C C C C Gourd bur cucumber Valerian Valerian pink valerian corn salad [lamb

C Teasel common teasel C C

Aster yar- [common milfoil common C


Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Caprifoliaceae suckle Valerianaceae Valerianaceae flower Campanulaceae flower Campanulaceae flower Campanulaceae flower Dipsacaceae Campanulaceae flower OrderDipsacales Dipsacales FamilyDipsacales Dipsacales Dipsacales Common Name(s)Dipsacales Dipsacales Scientific Name(s) Dipsacales Dipsacales Campanulales Campanulales Campanulales Campanulales Dipsacales Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Campanulales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 420 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence C1 LC 1 LC 1 R1 O1 O1 LC 1 LA 1 U1 LC 1 U1 U1 O-LC 1 LA 1 R1 C-O 1 C1 U1 Form Growth Ambrosia artemisiifolia Aster shortii Ambrosia bidentata Aster simplex Ambrosia trifida Aster turbinellus Antennaria plantaginifolia Antennaria plantaginifolia plantaginifolia var. aristosa Antennaria plantaginifolia Antennaria plantaginifolia ambigens var. Bidens bipinnata Arctium minus Bidens cernua Aster drummondii Aster lateriflorus Aster novae-angliae Aster patens Aster pilosus Aster X sagittifolius tobacco, = tobacco] = s aster = s aster = Roman wormwood] ragweed] aster, white field aster] aster, horse weed] sunflower] pussytoes] burdock] tight] woodland aster] woodland aster] Aster Short Aster[bitterweed,ragweed common Aster [southern lanceleaf ragweed Aster panicled aster [tall white Aster weed, [buffalo giant ragweed Aster aster Aster everlasting [ladies Aster marigold [tickseed swamp Aster everlasting [ladies Aster needles Spanish Aster [smaller burdock common Aster nodding beggar-ticks [stick- Aster Drummond Aster side-flowered aster [white Aster England aster New Aster aster] daisy [spreading purple Aster hairy aster Aster arrow aster [arrow-leaved C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae OrderAsterales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 421 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence OE1 C1 LC 1 C1 O1 R1 O1 LC 1 LC 1 U1 R1 LC 1 O-LC 1 C1 R1 LC 1 LC 1 O1 O1 O1 O-LC 1 LC 1 Form Growth Bidens tripartita Bidens philadelphicusErigeron strigosus Boltonia asteroides altissimum Eupatorium coelestinum Cacalia atriplicifolia Cacalia Eupatorium fistulosum Cacalia muhlenbergii Eupatorium perfoliatum Cichorium intybus discolor Eupatorium rugosum Conyza canadensis tripteris Eclipta prostrata Eclipta Elephantopus carolinianum Elephantopus Erechtites hieracifolia Erigeron annuus s-foot = [swamp tickseed] [swamp fleabane] bane, whitetop fleabane] bane, whitetop wort] ageratum] weed] wort] Aster European beggar-ticks Aster [Philadelphia fleabane marsh Aster aster false Aster [rough flea- fleabane daisy Aster boneset false Aster boneset tall [tall thorough- Aster pale Indian plantain Aster wild boneset [mistflower, blue Aster Indian plantain great Aster [trumpet weed joe-pye hollow Aster common chicory sailors] [blue Aster common boneset [thorough- Aster field thistle [pasture thistle] Aster white snakeroot Aster bull thistle Aster late boneset Aster [mule weed] horseweed Aster coreopsis tall Aster de tajo yerba Aster elephant Aster weed fire Aster annual fleabane C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae OrderAsterales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 422 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence C1 U1 O1 O1 LC 1 U1 C1 O1 C1 R1 LC 1 C1 O-LC 1 LC 1 U1 C1 U1 O1 LC 1 Form Growth canadensis Euthamia graminifoliaEuthamia Lactuca floridana Gnaphalium obtusifolium Lactuca saligna Lactuca Gnaphalium purpureum flexuosum Leucanthemum vulgare decapetalus scabra Helianthus divaricatus Helianthus microcephalus Helianthus tuberosus var. Helianthus tuberosus var. subcanescens helianthoides Hieracium gronovii Iva annua biflora Krigia dandelion wild lettuce] tuce] sweet everlasting] sweet weed] tuce] white daisy] flower] land sunflower] heliopsis] delion] Aster [horseweed, Canada lettuce Aster goldenrod grassleaf Aster blue lettuce [woodland let- Aster catfoot [old-field balsam, Aster willow-leaved lettuce Aster cud- cudweed [purple early Aster compass plant [prickly let- Aster sneezeweed purple-headed Aster tansy daisy, common [ox-eye Aster [ten- sun- pale sunflower Aster blazing star Aster sunflower [wood- divergent Aster sunflower small wood Aster Jerusalem artichoke Aster false sunflower [sunflower Aster hairy hawkweed Aster marsh elder [sumpweed] Aster false dandelion Aster dwarf dandelion [potato dan- C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae OrderAsterales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 423 Appendix D:Species List Ref. 1 /Exotic Status Native Fed. State of Frequency Frequency Occurrence O1 LC 1 A1 LC 1 O1 U1 O1 C1 U1 C1 LC 1 C-O 1 LA 1 C1 O1 C1 O1 LA 1 LC 1 Form Growth perfoliatum Liatris spicata altissima Matricaria matricarioides Matricaria integrifolium Parthenium Solidago buckleyi canadensis Polymnia Solidago caesia Polymnia uvedalia Polymnia Prenanthes altissima Solidago nemoralis Prenanthes crepidinea Solidago ulmifolia carolinianus Pyrrhopappus hirta Rudbeckia Rudbeckia laciniata Rudbeckia Senecio aureus Senecio Senecio glabellus Senecio Silphium integrifolium s goldenrod = ing star] nine] land goldenrod] flower] goldenrod] golden glow] golden squaw-weed] wort] Aster [cup rosinweed] cup plant Aster button snakeroot [marsh blaz- Aster goldenrod tall Aster weed pineapple Aster Buckley Aster feverfew [wild qui- American Aster leafcup Aster bluestem goldenrod [wood- Aster bears foot [leafcup, yellow- Aster early goldenrod Aster white lettuce tall Aster Dyersweed goldenrod [gray Aster great white lettuce Aster elm-leaved goldenrod Aster dandelion false Aster black-eyed Susan Aster cutleaf coneflower [wild Aster ragwort [groundsel, golden Aster butterweed rag- [groundsel, Aster rosinweed wholeleaf C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae OrderAsterales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge / Final EIS/CCP 424 Appendix D:Species List Ref. /Exotic llinois. Southern Status Native Fed. State lora of southern I of base at http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/dela- linois. M.S. thesis, Southern Illinois 200 p. 200 Frequency Frequency inois University Press, Carbondale and Carbondale Press, inois University Occurrence Peterson Field Guide Series. Guide Series. Houghton Field Peterson R1 LC 1 O1 LA 1 O1 O1 U1 O-LA 1 Form Growth d guide to trees and shrubs.d guide to trees Co. Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. Co. Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. Williamson and Union counties, Il and Union counties, Williamson Taraxacum laevigatum Taraxacum officinale Taraxacum Tragopogon dubius Tragopogon Verbesina alternifolia Verbesina Verbesina helianthoides Verbesina Vernonia gigantea Vernonia Vernonia missurica Vernonia Xanthium strumarium var. Xanthium strumarium var. canadensis s = W. Voigt. 1959. A flora southernof Illinois. Southern Ill Voigt. W. Service.Mohlenbrock, Robert H., and John W. Voigt. A 1959. f Voigt. Service.Mohlenbrock, W. Robert H., and John and J. Karnes. 1999. Illinois Plant Information Plant and J. Karnes. Data Illinois Network. 1999. trides, George A. 1986. A fiel the grasses. William C. Brown the grasses. William the Devils Kitchen Lake Kitchen Lake area, the Devils s beard [sand goat = dandelion] beard] Aster red-seeded dandelion [smooth Aster dandelion common Aster goat Aster iron weed] [yellow wing stem Aster crownbeard yellow Aster weed iron tall Aster ironweed Aster cocklebur C C C C C C C C

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae OrderAsterales Family Common Name(s) Scientific Name(s) Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Asterales Frequency of Occurrence Key Frequency A = abundant locally abundant LA = common C = common = locally LC O = occasional R = rare? undocumented of 1988. The vascular flora = Ulaszek, Eric F. Reference Key1 University, Carbondale. 98p.2 = Mohlenbrock, Robert H., and John Carbondale. University, Edwardsville. 390 p.General ReferencesIverson, L.R., D. Ketzner, L.R., ReferencesIverson, p.General Edwardsville. 390 ware/ilpin.html. Illinois Natural History Survey and USDA Forest Illinois Natural Historyware/ilpin.html. Survey Forest and USDA 390 p.Pe and Edwardsville. Press, Carbondale University Illinois Mifflin Co., Boston. 428 p.Pohl, Richard W. 1968. How to know know 1968. How to Richard W. Boston. 428 p.Pohl, Mifflin Co., Vascular Plants of Crab Orchard NWR (Continued) Vascular

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Final EIS/CCP 425