Geneva, April 2001

Bibliography on IDPs (Conflict Induced Displacement)

The following bibliography was compiled for the NRC Global IDP Project by Hanne Melfald. This bibliography is an update version of the bibliography compiled for the Global IDP Survey in 1998. Best regards to the RSC Library in Oxford (UK) and to the CDR Library (UNHCR) in Geneva, for their systematic division of subject and geography. Researchers are requested to inform us of any additional sources, which can be included in a regular update.

1. Subject: Women/Economy/Social Geography: Mozambique Agadjanian, V. (1998) “Trapped on the margins: social characteristic, economic conditions, and reproductive behavior of internally displaced women in urban Mozambique” in Journal of refugee studies; vol. 11 no. 3 p. 284-303, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.

2. Subject: Armed Conflict/Civilian Population/Forced Migration/Return Migration Geography: Amnesty International (2000) “Colombia, return to hope: forcibly displaced communities of Uraba and Medio Atrato region (AMR 23/23/00)”, London: Amnesty International, International Secretariat.

3. Subject: Economic Resources/Fuels/Armed Conflict/Security Forces/Militias/ International Trade/Human Rights Violations Geography: Sudan ____(2000) “Sudan: Sudan, the human price of oil. Revised version (AFR 54/01/00 ERR)”, London: Amnesty International, International Secretariat.

4. Subject: Return Geography: Bosnia-Herzegovina ____(2000) “Waiting on the doorstep: minority returns to eastern Republika Srpska”, London: Amnesty International, International Secretariat.

5. Subject: Human Rights Monitors/Refugees/Ethnic Conflict/Right to Return Geography: Yugoslavia ____(1998) “Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: a human rights crisis in Kosovo Province. The protection of Kosovo’s displaced and refugees EUR 70//73/98”, London: Amnesty International, International Office.

6. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/Refugees/Regional Organizations Geography: Europe Atkinson-Sanford, Diane (2000) “The human rights of refugees and internally displaced persons before European human rights mechanisms” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July Chapter 4 p.95.

7. Subject: Migration/Internal Displacement/Participation Geography: The OSCE Region Bagshaw, Simon (2000) “Internally displaced persons and political participation: The OSCE region”, Washington (DC): The Brookings Institution Project on Internal Displacement.

1 8. Subject: Human Rights Geography: Universal ____(1998) “Internally displaced persons at the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on Human Rights, 16 March –24 April 1998” in International Journal of Refugee Law v.10 no.3 p 548-556, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press

9. Subject: Angolans/Refugees/Humanitarian Assistance/Refugee-Local Community Relations Geography: Zambia Bakewell, O. (2000) “Uncovering local perspectives on humanitarian assistance and its outcomes” in Disaster: the Journal of Disasters Studies, Policy and Management; Vol. 24, No. 2 p. 103-116, Oxford (UK), Overseas Development Institute.

10. Subject: Burmese/Migrants/Conflict/Armed Conflict/Civil War/ Internal Displacement/Forced Relocation/Resettlement/Land Resettlement/Migration/ Health/Education/History/Armed Forces/Government/NGOs/Red Cross/ International Organizations Geography: Myanmar Bamforth, V.; Lanjouw, S.; Mortimer, G. (2000) “Conflict and displacement in Karenni: the need for considered approaches”, Chiang Mai (): Burma Ethnic Research Group.

11. Subject: Refugees/Conflict/Forced Migration/Humanitarian Assistance/ Economic Resources/Political Situation/Deportation/Armed Forced/UNHCR Geography: Eritrea/Ethiopia Bariagaber, A. (2000) “Eritrea: conflict and involuntary population displacement”, Geneva: UNHCR.

12. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/ Refugees/Regional Organizations Geography: Universal Bayefsky, Anne; Hanrahan, Karen; Langham, Andrew (2000) “Protection of refugees and internally displaced persons under the complaints procedures of the United Nations treaty bodies. Draft only” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 2 157 p.

13. Subject: Bibliographies/Women/Gender Role/Human Rights Violations/Sexual Violence/ Violence against Women/Maternal and Child Health Care/ Education/Children Geography: Benjamin, Judy and Fancy, Khadija (1998) “The gender dimensions of internal displacement: concept paper and annotated bibliography”, Office of Emergency Programmes, UNICEF.

14. Subject: Human Rights/Conflict Resolution/Meetings/Conference Papers/Forced Migration/ Illegal Immigration/Receiving Country/Repatriation/Ethnic Conflict Geography: South Bertrand, Didier (2000) “Displacement, human rights and conflict resolution”: an international conference on forced migration in the South Asia region, held in Calcutta, 20-22 April 2000” in Journal of Refugees Studies v.13 no.2 p 223-225, Oxford (UK): Oxford University.

15. Subject: Forced Migration/Children-at-Risk/Forced Conscription/Militias/ Human Rights Violations Geography: Universal Blume, Michael A. (1999) “Hidden displacement: child soldiers” in People on the move no. XXVIII p 33-42.

2 16. Subject: Refugees/Migrants/Minority Groups/Refugee Status/Refugee Definitions/ Internal Displacement/Receiving Country/Refugee Law/National Refugee Law/International Refugee Law/Repatriation/Non-Refoulement Principle/Armed Conflict/History/OAU Convention Refugees/UNHCR/Government Geography: South Asia, , Bangladesh//Pakistan/Bhutan/Sri Lanka Bose, T.K. (2000) “Protection of refugees in South Asia: need for a legal framework”, Kathmandu: South Asia Forum for Human Rights.

17. Subject: Armed Conflict/Peace Efforts/Emergency Relief/ Emergency Relief Operations/Development Management/NGOs/UN Geography: Bradbury, M. (1998) “Normalizing the crisis in Africa” in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, Cambridge (UK): University of Cambridge.

18. Subject: Human Rights Instruments/NGOs/Refugee-Agency Personnel/ Family Reunification/Children/Protection/Humanitarian Assistance/Returning Residents/Reintegration Geography: Universal The Brookings Institution Project in Internal Displacement; Martin, Susan Forbes (1999) “Handbook for applying the guiding principles in internal displacement”, OCHA: Brookings Institution.

19. Subject: Meetings/Human Rights Violations/Forced Migration/UN/ International Humanitarian Law Geography: Colombia The Brookings Institution; Pettersson, Björn (t) (1999) “Internal displacement in Colombia: workshop on implementing the guiding principles in internal displacement. Summary report, May 27-29 1999, Bogota, Colombia”, Brookings Institution.

20. Subject: Maps/Testimonies/Security Forces/Armed Conflict/ Human Rights Violations/Forced Relocation/Civilian Population Geography: Myanmar Burma Ethnic Research Group; Friedrich Naumann Foundation (1998) “Forgotten victims of a hidden war: internally displaced Karen in Burma”, Burma Ethnic Research Group; The Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

21. Subject: Internal Displacement/Prevention Geography: Yugoslavia Carey, C. M. (1999) “Internal displacement: is prevention through accountability possible? A Kosovo case study” in American University Law Review; vol. 49, no. 1 p. 243-288, Washington (D.C.): Washington College of Law.

22. Subject: Forcible Migration/UNHCR Geography: Universal Cedeno, Victor Rodriguez (2000) La problematica de los desplazamientos forzosos de personas en el mundo: una cuestion de interes comunitario (=The problem of forcible displacement in the world: a question of community interest)”, Mission Venezuela ONU (UN).

23. Subject: Refugees/Adolescents/Children/Health/Public Health/ Emergency Relief/Malnutrition/Famine/Refugee Camps/Immigration/Emergency Relief Programmes/Assistance Programmes/Case Studies/NGOs/International Organizations Geography: Rwanda/Albania/Yugoslavia Centre for Refugee Studies (2000) “Health issues affecting displaced populations: the evolution of public health response in emergency and post-emergency phases of complex emergencies”, Toronto (Canada): Centre for Refugee Studies.

3 24. Subject: Resettlement/Forced Relocation/Resettlement Programmes/ Land Tenure/Employment/Housing/Food/Health Services Geography: Africa/China/India/Eritrea/Azerbaijan/Ethiopia Cernea; Michael M.(ed.); McDowell, Christopher (ed.) (2000) “Risks and reconstruction: experiences of resettlers and refugees”, Washington D.C.: World Bank.

25. Subject: Forced Relocation/Resettlement/Economic Development/ Development Induced Displacement/Economics/Poverty/Rural-Urban Migration/ World Bank Geography: Universal/Latin-America/India/China/Madagascar Cernea, Michael (ed.) (1999) “The economics of involuntary resettlement: questions and challenges”, World Bank.

26. Subject: Human Rights/Protection Geography: Universal Cohen, Roberta, The Brookings Institution (2001) “Masses in Flight: People Under Assault in their Own Countries” in International Policy Perspectives, Center for International Studies, St. Louis: University of Missouri-St. Louis.

27. Subject: Internal Displacement/Protection Geography: Universal Cohen, R. (2000) “The forgotten ones: A survey of recent literature on displaced persons” in Harvard International Review (Winter/Spring 2000).

28. Subject: Internal Displacement Geography: Universal ____(1999) “Refugee at home: The world of the internally displaced”, UN chronicle (fall 1999).

29. Subject: Internal Displacement Geography: Universal Cohen, R and Deng, F.M. (1998) “Exodus within borders: the uprooted who never left home” in Foreign Affairs/Hoge, J. (ed); vol. 77, no 4 p. 12-16:ill, Palm Coast (FL): Foreign Affairs.

30. Subject: Forced Migration/Government Policy Geography: Colombia Colombia, Departamento Nacional De Planeacion (1999) “Plan de accion para la prevencion y atencion del desplazamiento forzado”, Ministero del Interior, Red de Solidaridad Social.

31. Subject: Karenni/Forced Relocation/Forced Labor Geography: Burma Committee for Internally Displaced Karenni Persons (CIDKnP) (1999) “Documentation on internally displaced persons in Karenni”.

32. Subject: Peace Efforts/Development/Armed Conflict/ International Cooperation/Identity/Forced Displacement/Legislation Geography: Colombia Consultoría para los derechos humanos y el desplazamiento (2000) “Seminario internacional sobre desplazamiento, conflicto paz y desarrollo. Ponencias del seminario”, Bogota: Consultoría para los derechos humanos y el desplazamiento.

33. Subject: Internal Displacement/International Organization Geography: Universal (2000) “The Consolidated Appeals and IDPs: the degree to which the UN Consolidated Interagency Appeals for the Year 2000 support internally displaced populations”, The Brookings Institution, August 2000.

4 34. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/ Regional Organizations/UN System/Refugees Geography: Universal (2000) “Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000”, University of Washington School of Law.

35. Subject: Gender/Forced Migration/Internal Displacement Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion and Morris, Tim (eds.); Judy El-Bushra (2000) “Forced migration review no. 9 December 2000: Gender and displacement” in Forced migration review 47 p., Oxford (UK): Refugee Studies Centre; Global IDP Project; Norwegian Refugee Council.

36. Subject: Refugees/Emergency Relief/Refugee Participation/Evaluation/Management Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion and Morris, Tim (eds.) (2000) “Forced migration review no.8 August 2000: accountability” in Forced migration review 47 p, Oxford (UK): Refugee Studies Centre; Global IDP Survey; Norwegian Refugee Council.

37. Subject: Refugees/Returning Residents/Land Tenure/Housing Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion; Morris, Tim (eds.); Leckie, Scott (guest ed.) (2000) “Forced migration review no. 7, April 2000: going home: land and property issues” in Forced migration review 47 p, Oxford (UK): Refugee Studies Centre; Global IDP Survey; Norwegian Refugee Council.

38. Subject: Refugees/Cultural Identity Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion and Morris, Tim (eds.) (1999) “Forced migration review no.6, December 1999: culture in exile” in Forced migration review 47 p, Oxford (UK): Refugee Studies Centre; Global IDP Survey; Norwegian Refugee Council.

39. Subject: Refugees/Humanitarian Intervention Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion; Morris, Tim (eds.); Gibney, Matthew (guest ed.) (1999) “Forced migration review no.5, August 1999: learning from Kosovo” in Forced migration review 47 p, Oxford (UK): Refugee Studies Programme; Global IDP Survey; Norwegian Refugee Council.

40. Subject: Refugees/Refugee-Agency Personnel Geography: Universal Couldrey, Marion and Ford, Sharon (eds.) (1999) “Forced migration review no.4, April 1999: security at work” in Forced migration review, incorporating the RPN 45 p, Oxford (UK) Refugee Studies Programme; Global IDP Survey.

41. Subject: Refugees/Psychosocial Problems/Environment/Refugee Camps Geography: Universal ____ (1998) “Forced migration review no.3, December 1998” in Forced migration review, incorporating the RPN 43 p, Oxford (UK) Refugee Studies Programme; Global IDP Survey.

42. Subject: Refugees/Refugee Camps Geography: Universal ____ (1998) “Forced migration review no.2, August 1998: people in camps” in Forced migration review, incorporating the RPN 43 p, Oxford (UK) Refugee Studies Programme; Global IDP Survey.

5 43. Subject: Refugees Geography: Universal ____ (1998) “Forced migration review no.1, January –April 1998: internal displacement” in Forced migration review, incorporating the RPN 43 p, Oxford (UK) Refugee Studies Programme, Global IDP Survey.

44. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/Refugees/ Regional Organizations/OAU Geography: Bosnia and Herzegovina Cox, Marcus and Harland, Christopher (2000) “Displaced persons and institutional mechanisms in post-conflict societies: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 8 22 p.

45. Subject: Protection/International Organizations Geography: Universal (2000) “Crisis of internal displacement: status of the international response through IASC members and their partners 2000”, New York: OCHA, June 2000.

46. Subject: Refugees/Humanitarian Assistance/Internal Displacement/ Asylum Policy/International Aid/Refugee Law/Refugee Camps/Border Camps/Protection of Camps/Exiles/Reintegration/UNHCR/International Organizations Geography: Africa Crisp, J. (2000) “Africa's refugees: patterns, problems and policy challenges”, Geneva: UNHCR.

47. Subject: Meetings/Migration Policy Geography: Africa Crisp, Jeff and Mooney, Erin (1999) “Conference report: report on the Workshop in Internal Displacement in Africa, Addis Ababa, October 19-20, 1998” in International Migration Review v.33 (2) p 468-483, Center for Migration Studies.

48. Subject: Sri Lankans/Ethnic Conflict/History/Humanitarian Intervention/ Political Situation/Interviews/Research/Information Geography: Sri Lanka Demusz, Kerry (2000) “Listening to the displaced: action research in the conflict zones of Sri Lanka”, Oxford UK: Oxfam GB.

49. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Angola Deng, Francis M. (2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53, UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5/Add.5, 25 January 2001: “Profiles in Displacement: Angola”.

50. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Georgia ____(2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53, UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5/Add.4, 25 January 2001: “Profiles in Displacement: Georgia”.

6 51. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Armenia ____(2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53, UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5/Add.3, 6. November 2001: “Profiles in Displacement: Armenia”.

52. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus/Workshop Geography: South Caucasus ____(2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53,UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5/Add.2, 3 July 2000: “Summary Report of the Regional Workshop on Internal Displacement in the South Caucase”

53. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus/Forced Relocation Geography: Burundi ____(2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53,UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5/Add.1, 6 March 2000: “Profiles in Displacement: Forced Relocation in Burundi”.

54. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Universal ____(2001) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 2000/53,UN Doc E/CN.4/2001/5, 17 January 2001: “Internally Displaced Persons”.

55. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus/Human Rights Geography: East-Timor ____ (2000) “Question of the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world. Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis M.Deng, to the Commission on Human Rights in accordance with Commission resolution 1999/S-4/1 of 27 September 1999,UN Doc E/CN.4/2000/83/Add.3, 6 April: “Profiles in Displacement: East Timor”.

56. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Colombia ____ (2000) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights, resolution 1999/47,UN Doc E/CN.4/2000/83/Add.1, 11 January 2000: “Profiles in Displacement: Follow-up Mission to Colombia”.

57. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Universal ____(2000) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights, resolution 1999/47, UN Doc E/CN.4/2000/83, 26 January 2000: “Internally Displaced Persons”.

7 58. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Azerbaijan ____(1999) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1998/50, UN Doc E/CN.4/1999/79/Add.1, 25 January 1999: “Profiles in Displacement: Azerbaijan”.

59. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus Geography: Universal ____(1999) “Specific groups and individuals, mass exoduses and displaced persons”, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1998/50, UN Doc E/CN.4/1999/79, 25 January: “Internally Displaced Persons”.

60. Subject: Internal Displacement/Human rights/Guiding Principles Geography: Universal ____ (1999) “Documentation: guiding principles on internal displacement” in International Migration Review v.33 (2) p 484-493, Center for Migration Studies.

61. Subject: Internal Displacement/Guiding Principles Geography: Universal ____(1998) Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/39, UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, 11 February 1998: “Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement”.

62. Subject: Internal Displacement/Legal Norms/Protection Geography: Universal ____(1998) Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/39, UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.1, 11 February 1998: “Compilation and Analyses of Legal Norms, Part II: Legal Aspects Relating to the Protection against Arbitrary Displacement”.

63. Subject: Internal Displacement/Mass Exodus/Human Rights Geography: Universal ____(1998) Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Francis Deng, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/39, UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53, 11 February 1998: “Internally Displaced Persons”. 67.

64. Subject: Guiding Principles/Forced Displacement Geography: Colombia Diálogo Inter-Agencial (DIAL) (1999) “The Deng principles and forced displacement in Colombia” in Investigaciones, No. 1, July of 1999, Colombia: ARFO ltda.

65. Subject: Mass Exodus/Overcrowding/Sanitation/Food Supply/Yugoslavs/ Albanian Minorities/Forced Labor Geography: Yugoslavia Donald, Skye (1999) “Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo face hunger, overcrowding and forced labor”, Human Rights Watch.

66. Subject: Sudanese/Women/Children/Civilian/Civilian Population/Refugees/ Civil War/Uprootedness/Famine/Refugee Experience/Testimonies Geography: Sudan Drumtra, J. (1999) “Sudan: personal stories of Sudan’s uprooted people. Follow the women and the cows”, Washington (DC): US Committee for Refugees.

8 67. Subject: Meetings/Humanitarian Assistance/Migrant Workers/Dinka Geography: Sudan Duffield, Mark (2000) “Aid policy and displacement in Sudan: the case of displaced Southernes in the transition zone. Paper for international colloquium –War, Famine and Forced Migrations in Today’s World, Cortona, May 26-27, 2000”, Fondazione Giangaicomo Feltrinelli.

68. Subject: Refugees/Protection/NGOs/Housing/Freedom of Movement/ Social Welfare/Financing Geography: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The ECRE-ICVA Reference Group on Former Yugoslavia (2000) “The protection of refugees and IDPs in : an advocacy information report from the ECRE/ICVA Reference Group on former Yugoslavia, based on field and desk research, March-May 2000”, London: The British Refugee Council.

69. Subject: Protection/Safety of Refugees/UNHCR/Albanian Minorities Geography: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Eriksson, Anne-Christine (1999) “Protecting internally displaced persons in Kosovo”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

70. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/ Regional Organizations/UN System/Refugees/International Humanitarian Law Geography: Universal Fitzpatrick, Joan (2000) “The human rights of refugees and internally displaced persons” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 1 18 p, University of Washington School of Law.

71. Subject: Human Rights/Humanitarian Organizations Geography: Universal Frohardt, Mark; Paul Diane, and Minear, Larry (1999) “Protecting Human Rights: The Challenge to Humanitarian Organization”, Occasional Paper #35, USA: Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, Brown University.

72. Subject: Ethnic Cleansing/International Refugee Law/Sovereignty/Humanitarian Intervention/Human Rights Violations/International Criminal Tribunals Geography: Universal Galbraith, Kathleen “Moving People: Forced Migration and International Law”, in Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, vol. 13, no 4, Summer 1999.

73. Subject: Displaced Persons/Refugees/Return Migration/Reintegration/ Poverty/Household/Surveys Geography: El Salvador Gammage, Sarah and Fernandez, Jorge (2000) “Conflict, displacement and reintegration: household survey evidence from El Salvador”, Geneva: UNHCR, Centre for Documentation and Research.

74. Subject: International Law/Refugee Definitions/Human Rights/ International Protection/Internal Conflict Geography: Universal Geissler, Nils (1999) “Der volkerrechtliche Shutz der Internally Displaced Persons: eine Analyse des normativen und institutionellen Shutzes der Internally Displaced Persons im Rahmen innerer Unruhen und nicht-internationaler Konflikte”, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

9 75. Subject: Forced Migration/International Protection Geography: Universal ____ (1999) “The international protection of internally displaced persons” in International Journal of Refugee Law v. 11 no. 3 p 451-478, Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press.

76. Subject: Children/CRC89/Human Rights Monitors/Victims of War/ Child Refugees/NGOs/UN Agencies Geography: /Central America/Yemen/Pakistan Gezelius, Helena (1998) “Rights of children in armed conflict and displacement: how are they monitored?” (Art. no. 2122), Rädda Barnen.

77. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/ UN System/Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons Geography: Universal Giffard, Camille and Smith, Megan (2000) “The United-Nations-Charter-based mechanisms” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 3 77 p.

78. Subject: Political Change/UNHCR/Human Rights Geography: Universal Gilbert, Geff (1998) “Rights, legitimate expectations, needs and responsibilities: UNHCR and the new world order” in International Journal of Refugee Law v.10 no.3 p 349-388, OUP.

79. Subject: Human Rights/International Law Geography: Universal Goldman, R.K. and International Committee of the Red Cross (1998) “Codification of international rules on internally displaced persons: an area where both human rights and humanitarian law consideration are being taken into account” in International review of the red cross; no 324, Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1998/9 p. 463-466.

80. Subject: International Law/Policy Geography: Universal Hadden, T. and Harvey, C. (1999) “The law of internal crisis and conflict: an outline prospectus for merger of international human rights law, the law of armed conflict, refugee law, and the law on humanitarian intervention” in International review of the Red Cross; vol. 81, no. 833 p. 119- 133, Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross.

81. Subject: Refugees/Child Refugees/Armed Conflict/Ethnic Persecution/ Human Rights Violations/Forced Migration/Protection Geography: Universal Hampton, J. (ed) (1998)“Internally displaced people: a global survey”, London: Earthscan; Norwegian Refugee Council; Global IDP Survey.

82. Subject: Poverty/Employment Opportunities/Children/Child Labor Geography: Sri Lanka Hasbullah, S.H. (1999) “Child labour practices among internally displaced people in Sri Lanka: a case study of Kalpitaya Peninsula” in Paper for regional conference on Women & children in refugee and refugee like situations in South Africa, Dhaka, 12-13 November 1999.

10 83. Subject: Forced Migration/Protection/International Refugee Law Geography: Universal Helton, A.C. and Jacobs, E. (1999) “What is forced migration” in Georgetown Immigration Law Journal/Johnson Cameron, J; Vol. 13, No. 4 p. 521-531, Washington (DC): Georgetown University Law Center.

84. Subject: Refugee Return/Rural Settlements/Rural Development/ Land Tenure/Housing/Livestock/Decentralized Government/NGOs Geography: Rwanda Hilhorst, Dorothea and Leeuwen, Mathijs van (1999) “Villagisation in Rwanda”, the Netherlands: Rural Development Sociology Group, Wageningen University.

85. Subject: Mass Exodus/Humanitarian Assistance/Emergency Relief/ Development Aid/Media/Donors Geography: Universal Holtzman, Steven (1999) “Rethinking 'relief' and 'development' in transition from conflict”, The Brookings Institution Project on Internal Displacement.

86. Subject: Refugees/Human Rights Violations/Extralegal Executions/ Arbitrary Arrest and Detention/Abduction/Torture/Forced Relocation/Forced Labour/Children Rights/Violence Against Women/Freedom of Movement/Civil and Political Rights/Testimonies Geography: Myanmar Human Rights Documentation Unit (2000) “Human rights yearbook 1999-2000, Burma”, Nothaburi (Thailand): Human Rights Documentation Unit.

87. Subject: Human Rights Geography: Democratic Republic of Congo Human Rights Watch (2000) “Democratic Republic of Congo: Eastern Congo ravaged: killings civilians and silencing protest”, New York: Human Rights Watch, 2000/05 35 p.

88. Subject: Human Rights/Return Geography: Bosnia and Herzegovina ____(2000) “Unfinished business: return of displaced persons and other human rights issues in Bijeljina”, New York: Human Rights Watch.

89. Subject: Human Rights/Regroupment Geography: Burundi ____(2000) “Burundi. Emptying the Hills. Regroupment in Burundi”, Vol. 12, No. 4 (A), June 2000, New York: Human Rights Watch.

90. Subject: Refugees/Humanitarian Assistance/Forced Migration/ Refugee Camps/Women/Violence Against Women/NGOs/International Cooperation Geography: Universal Hyndman, Jennifer (2000) “Managing displacement: refugees and the politics of humanitarianism”, University of Minnesota Press.

91. Subject: Military Government/Economic Development/Ethnic and National Groups/ Armed Conflict Geography: Nigeria Ibeanu, Okechukwu (1999) “Exiles in their own home: conflicts and internal population displacement in Nigeria” in Journal of Refugee Studies v.12 no.2 p 161-179, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.

11 92. Subject: UN/Intergovernmental Organizations/NGOs/Protection/Case Studies Geography: Universal Inter-Agency Standing Committee Working Group (1999) “Manual on field practice in internal displacement: examples from UN agencies and partner organizations of field based initiatives supporting internally displaced persons”, OCHA: IASG-WG.

93. Subject: Red Cross/Protection Geography: Universal International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (2000) “Internally displaced persons: the mandate and the role of the international Committee of the Red Cross” in International Review of the Red Cross v.82 (838) p. 491-500, ICRC.

94. Subject: Protection Geography: Universal (1998) “Introduction to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement” in International Journal of Refugee Law, Oxford.

95. Subject: Human Rights Instrument/NGOs/Refugee-Agency Personnel/ Family Reunification/Children/Protection/Humanitarian Assistance/Returning Residents/Reintegration Geography: Universal Kalin, Walter; The Brookings Institution Project on Internal Displacement (C); The American Society of International Law (ASIL) (C) (2000) “Guiding principles on internal displacement: annotations”, Washington (DC): American Society of International Law; Brookings Institution.

96. Subject: Human Rights Geography: Universal Kalin, Walter (1998) “Introduction to the 'Guiding principles on internal displacement' submitted by Frances Deng, Special Representative of Secretary-General, to the UN Commission on Human Rights” in International Journal of Refugee Law v.10 no.3 p 557-562, OUP.

97. Subject: Meetings/Human Rights Instruments/NGOs Geography: Universal ____ (1998) “Guiding principles on internal displacement. Paper for seminar 'Internally displaced people: international commitments' 20 July 1998, ODI, London”

98. Subject: Needs/Human Rights/Humanitarian Intervention/Policy/International Law/ UN System/UN Security Council/UNHCR/NGOs Geography: Universal Kenny, K. (2000) “When needs are rights: an overview of UN efforts to integrate human rights in humanitarian action”, Providence (United States): Watson Institute for International Studies.

99. Subject: Victims of War/Refugee Camps/Malnutrition/Water Supply/Emergency Relief Geography: Eritrea Kessler, Wayne (1999) “Emergency relief for war displaced refugees of Eritrea” in Migration world v.27 no.5 p 26-30, Center for Migration Studies.

100. Subject: UN/UHCR/NGOs/Regional Organizations/International Assistance Geography: Universal Korn, David A. (1999) “Exodus within borders: an introduction to the crisis of internal displacement”, Washington (D.C.): Brookings Institution Press.

12 101. Subject: Human Rights Geography: India Kumar, Jeevan Dr. D. (2000) “Rights of internally displaced persons in the light of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement”, India: Bangalore University, Bangalore –560056.

102. Subject: UN System/Financing Geography: Universal Kunder, James (2000) “The Consolidated Appeals and IDPs: the degree to which UN Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeals for the year 2000 support internally displaced populations. Presented by Francis M. Deng, representative of the UN Secretary-General on IDPs”, Washington (DC): Brookings Institution.

103. Subject: International Relations/Emergency Assistance/Government Policy Geography: Universal/United States ____ (1999) “The US government and internally displaced persons: present, but not accounted for”, The Brookings Institution; US Committee for Refugees.

104. Subject: Women/Children/Family/UNICEF Geography: Universal ____ (1998) “The needs of internally displaced women and children: guiding principles and considerations”, UNICEF.

105. Subject: Children/Armed Conflict/Humanitarian Assistance/UNICEF Geography: Sri Lanka Kunder, James and Nylund, Bo Victor (1998) “Mission to Sri Lanka with a view to develop best practices to internal displacement”, UNICEF.

106. Subject: Surveys/Communities/Needs Assessment/Living Conditions/ Social Participation/Self-help Projects/Maternal & Child HealthCare Geography: Bosnia & Herzegovina Kurt, Tajma (1998) “Report. Survey and needs analyses of the internally displaced persons in Tuzla-Podrinje Canton”, London W2 4DR: 23 Pembridge Square, HMD Response.

107. Subject: Refugees/Protection/Government Policy/Asylum Policy/ International Cooperation/Regional Organizations Geography: South Asia Lama, Mahendra P. (2000) “Managing refugees in South Asia: protection, aid, state behavior and regional approach”, University of Dhaka, RMMRU.

108. Subject: Forced Relocation/Ethnic and National Groups/Human Rights Violations Geography: Myanmar Lanjouw, Steven; Mortimer, Graham; Bamforth, Vicky (2000) “Internal displacement in Burma” in Disasters v.24 (3) p 228-239, Blackwell.

109. Subject: Humanitarian Intervention Geography: Former Republic of Yugoslavia Lanphier, M. (Ed.) (1999) “Humanitarian intervention in the wake of the Kosovo crisis”, Toronto: Centre for Refugee Studies.

110. Subject: Internal Displacement/International Law Geography: Universal Lavoyer, J.-P. and International Committee of the Red Cross (1998) “Guiding principles on internal displacement: a few comments on the contribution of international humanitarian law” in International review of the red cross; no. 324 p. 467-480, Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross.

13 111. Subject: Peace Efforts/Ethnic and National Groups/Albanian Minorities/ Serbian Minorities/Roma/Refugees/Returning Residents/Killings/Crime/Human Rights Monitors Geography: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Lawyers Committee for Human Rights; Rudge, Philip; Kapferer, Sibylle (delegates) (1999) “Kosovo: protection and peace-building: protection of refugees, returnees, internally displaced persons and minorities”, LCHR.

112. Subject: Migration/Developing Countries/Migrant Workers/ Politics/Minority Groups/Illegal Immigrants/International Relations/International Security/Economic Change Geography: Universal Lohrmann, R. (2000) “Migrants, refugees and insecurity. Current threats to peace?” in International Migration, vol. 38, no. 4 p. 3-22, Malden (MA); Oxford (UK): Blackwell.

113. Subject: Forced Migration/Demography/Humanitarian Assistance/Sociology/Urban Communities/Data Collection Geography: Universal Lubkemann, Stephen C.; Minear, Larry; Weiss, Thomas George, Watson, Thomas J., Jr. Institute for International Studies (Providence, R.I.) (2000) “Humanitarian action: social science connections/edited by Stephen C. Lubkemann, Larry Minear, and Thomas G.Weiss”, Providence, R.I.: Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, 2000.

114. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/Refugees/ Regional Organizations Geography: Americas Lyon, Beth; Rottman, Soren (2000) “Manual of human rights complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons: Organization of American States” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 5 32 p.

115. Subject: Field Practice Geography: Universal (1999) “Manual on Field practice in Internal Displacement”, New York: OCHA IASC Working Group.

116. Subject: Children-at Risk/Victims of War/Killings/Rape/Mutilation Geography: Angola/Colombia/Federal Republic of Yugoslavia/Sierra Leone/Sri Lanka Mawson, Andrew; Dodd, Rebecca; Hilary, John (2000) “War brought us here: protecting children displaced within their own countries by conflict”, London: Save the Children.

117. Subject: International Protection/UNHCR Mandate/International Instruments/ Return Migration Geography: Universal McNamara, Dennis (1998) “Statement to ECOSOC –Humanitarian Segment Informal Dialogue (attachments: Non-Paper on internally displaced persons and extracts from selected General Assembly Resolutions on UNHCR's role with internally displaced persons)”, OCHA.

118. Subject: Refugees/Relief Geography: /Sudan Merkx, J. (2000) “Refugee identities and relief in an African borderland: a study of northern Uganda and southern Sudan”, Geneva: UNHCR.

14 119. Subject: Minority Groups/Ethnic Violence/Right to Return Geography: India Mishra, Omprakesh (1999) “Kashmiri Pandits: aliens in their own land” in Kashmir: violence in paradise p 117-125, New Approach.

120. Subject: Armed Conflict/Poverty/Resettlement/Land/Employment/Housing/Diseases Geography: Colombia Muggah, H.C.R (2000) “Conflict-induced displacement and involuntary resettlement in Colombia: putting Cernea’s IRLR model to the test” in Disasters v.24 (3) p 198-216, Oxford (UK): Blackwell.

121. Subject: Armed Conflict/Poverty/Victims of War Geography: Colombia ____ (2000) “Through the developementalist’s looking glass: conflict-induced displacement and the involuntary resettlement in Colombia” in Journal of Refugee Studies v.13 no.2 p 133-164, Oxford (UK): Oxford University.

122. Subject: Sudanese/Refugees/Return Migration/Armed Conflict/Humanitarian Assistance Geography: Sudan Nilsson, Desiree (2000) “Internally displaced, refugees from and in the Sudan: a review”, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; SIDA.

123. Subject: Internal Displacement/NGOs/Protection/Training/Resettlement/ Reintegration/Return/Self-Reliance/International Instruments/Assistance/Conferences Geography: Universal Norwegian Refugee Council. The Global IDP Project (2001) “The global IDP training project”, Geneva: Norwegian Refugee Council.

124. Subject: Human Rights Violations/Political Violence/Violence Against Women/ Civilian Population/Government/Political Opposition Geography: Universal ____ (2001) “Profiles of internal displacement: Compilation of the information available in the Global IDP Database of the Norwegian Refugee Council(, Geneva: Global IDP Project.

125. Subject: Internal Displacement/Ethnic Groups/UN Guiding Principles Geography: Burma ____(2000) “Workshop on Internal Displacement Among Burmese Ethnic Groups, Report of a Seminar on the Guiding Principles”, Geneva: Global IDP Project.

126. Subject: Internal Displacement/UN Guiding Principles Geography: Angola ____(2000) “Workshop on the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, Luanda, Angola 29-31 August 2000”, Geneva: Global IDP Project.

127. Subject: Internal Displacement/UN Guiding Principles Geography: Georgia ____(2000) “Workshop on the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, Borjomi, Georgia 13-15 November 2000”, Geneva: Global IDP Project.

15 128. Subject: Internal Displacement/Complex Emergencies Geography: Afghanistan/Sudan Norwegian Refugee Council; OCHA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway (2000) “Report from Roundtable seminar on internally displaced persons in protracted complex emergencies. The example of Afghanistan and the Sudan. Oslo 29 November 2000”, Oslo: Norwegian Refugee Council.

129. Subject: Statelessness/OAU Convention Refugees/Resolution/ Root Causes Mitigation/Durable Solutions/Conference Papers/Meetings/Africans Geography: Africa Organization of Africa Unity and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2000) “Special OAU/UNHCR Meeting of government and non-government technical experts on the 30th Anniversary of the 1969 OAU Refugee Convention: Conakry, Guinea, 27-29 March 2000”, Conakry (Guinea): OAU; HCR.

130. Subject: International Instruments/Refugees/ Return Migration/OAU/OAUR69/International Law Geography: Africa OAU; UNHCR; NGUNG, Sylvan E.M. ...( (2000) “Compendium of OAU instruments and texts on refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa 1963-1999”, OAU; UNHCR.

131. Subject: Human Rights Instruments/NGOs Geography: Universal OCHA (1998) “Guiding principles on internal displacement”, UN.

132. Subject: Meetings/International Refugee Law/International Instruments/Refugees/ Regional Organizations/OAU Geography: Africa Odinkalu, Chidi Anselm and Zard, Monette (2000) “The York/Mellon project: African regional mechanisms that can be utilized on behalf of the forcibly displaced. Internal draft” in Consultation on the international complaints mechanisms available to refugees and internally displaced persons, Oxford, 22 July 2000 Chapter 6 34 p.

133. Subject: Protection Geography: Universal Paul, Diane (1999) “Protection in Practice: Field-Level Strategies for Protecting Civilians from Deliberate Harm”, London: Relief and Rehabilitation Network Paper.

134. Subject: Refugees/Indigenous Groups/Refugee Camps/Settlements/Environment/ Humanitarian Assistance/Integration/Trade/Economic Development/UNHCR/NGOs Geography: Perouse de Montclos, M-A. and Kagwanja, P.M. (2000) “Refugee camps of cities? The socio- economic dynamics of the Dadaab and Kakuma camps in Northern Kenya” in Journal of Refugee Studies; vol. 13, no.2, Oxford (UK): Oxford University.

135. Subject: State/Sovereignty/National Law/International Humanitarian Law/ Human Rights/International Relations. Geography: Universal Phuong, Catherine (2000) “Internally displaced persons and refugees: conceptual differences and similarities” in Netherlands quarterly of human rights V.18 no.2 p 215-229, SIM; Kluwer Law International.

136. Subject: UNHCR/Refugees/International Law Geography: Universal Ponte Iglesias, María Teresa (2000) “Conflictos armadas, refugiados y desplazados internos en el derecho internacional actual”,Santiago : Tórculo Edicions.

16 137. Subject: Internal Displacement/Refugees Geography: North-East Sri Lanka Rajasingam, A (1999) “Displacement and refugees: North-East Sri Lanka as a case study” in South Asian Refugee Watch/Ahmed, I. (ed.); Vol. 1, No. 2 p. 54-68, Dhaka: Centre for Alternatives; Colombo: Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies.

138. Subject: Political Change/Armed Conflict/Mass Exodus/Ethnic and National groups Geography: Universal Raper, Mark (1998) “Understanding the refugee problem” in Doctrine and life v.48 Sep98 p. 388- 39, Dominican Publications.

139. Subject: Periodicals/Refugees/Russians/Muslims Geography: Georgia “Refugee: bi-monthly newsletter on refugee and IDP issues (2 issues, No. 2, 2000 (10), and Special Issue, no date)”, Publications UNA Georgia.

140. Subject: Refugees/Migrants/Meetings/Abstracts Geography: Bangladesh Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) (1999) “National conference on the internally displaced persons in Bangladesh: towards developing research and policy agenda. BIISS auditorium, Dhaka, 15-16 February 1999”, RMMRU.

141. Subject: Human Rights/Protection Geography: Universal (2000) “Report of the International Colloquy on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement”, Vienna Austria, September 2000, Washington (D.C): Brookings Institution.

142. Subject: Mass Exodus/UNHCR/Government Policy/Refugee Definitions/UN Security Council/Temporary Refugee Geography: Iraq/Former Yugoslavia/Somalia/Rwanda/Haiti Roberts, A. (1998) “More refugees, less asylum: a regime in transformation” in Journal of Refugee Studies/Zetter, R. (ed.); vol. 11, no. 4, Oxford (UK): Oxford University.

143. Subject: Internal Displacement/Internal Conflict/Ethnic Conflict/ Living Conditions/Government Policy/International Assistance Geography: India Ruiz, H.A. (2000) “India: Northeast India’s hidden displacement”, Washington (DC): US Committee for Refugees.

144. Subject: Children-at Risk/Victims of War/Killing/Rape/Mutilation Geography: Angola/Colombia/Fr Yugoslavia/Sierra Leone/Sri Lanka Save the Children (C) (2000) “War brought us here: protecting children displaced within their own countries by conflict. Summary (by report by Madson, Dodd & Hilary”, Save the Children.

145. Subject: Data Collection/Forced Migrants Geography: Universal Schmeidl, Susanne (2000) “The quest for accuracy in the estimation of forced migration” in Humanitarian action: social science connections (Key themes and papers for conference ‘Population studies and humanitarian action: exploring the connections’, Providence, RI, April 1999)/Lubkemann, Stephen C. …(et al.) (eds.) p 127-157, USA: Thomas J. Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Box 1970, 2 Stimson Avenue, Providence RI 02912.

17 146. Subject: Protection/Rehabilitation Geography: South Asia Sen, S. (1999) “The IDPs of South Asia: strategizing for protection and rehabilitation” in South Asia Refugee Watch/Ahmed, I. (ed.); Vol. 1, No. 2. p. 76-82, Dhaka: Centre for Alternatives; Colombo: Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies.

147. Subject: Man-made Disasters/Humanitarian Assistance/International Cooperation Geography: Universal Sheridan, Laura M.E. (2000) “Institutional arrangements for the coordination of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies of forced migration” in Georgetown immigration law journal v.14 no.4 p 941-984.

148. Subject: Refugees/Causes of Flight/Safety at Work/Conflict/Returnees/Peace Efforts Geography: Colombia Skretteberg, Richard and Sörheim, Marit (1999) “Colombia: antall internt fordrevne øker dramatisk” in På flukt tema, ISSN 0804-6166; 1, mars 1999, Oslo: Norwegian Refugee Council

149. Subject: Internal Displacement/Human Rights/UN Geography: Universal Stavropoulou, M. (1998) “Displacement and human rights: reflections on UN practice” in Human Rights Quarterly/Lockwood Jr. B.B. (ed. in chief); vol. 20, no. 3 p. 515-554, Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press.

150. Subject: Protection/Assistance Geography: Universal (2000) “Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations”, Report of the Secretary General, ECOSOC, May 2000.

151. Subject: Armed Conflict/Humanitarian Intervention/International Law/ Safety of Refugees/UN Geography: Iraq/Bosnia and Herzegovina Subedi, Surya P. (1999) “The legal competence of the international community to create ‘safe heavens’ in ‘zones of turmoil’ in Journal of Refugee Studies v.12 no.1 p 23-35, OUP.

152. Subject: Photographs/Sudanese/Field Research/Economic Conditions/ Ethnic Conflict/Cultural Identity/Women Refugees/Marriage/Gender Role/Language Geography: Sudan/East Africa Sudan Cultural Digest Project (SCDP) (1998) “Coping with dynamics of culture and change: Sudanese refugees in East Africa and internally displaced persons in Southern Sudan”, Egypt, Cairo: SCDP, Office of African Studies, The American University in Cairo P.O. Box 2511.

153. Subject: Refugees/Non-refugee Geography: West Bank/Gaza Sulayman, S. Al-Qudsi (2000) “Profiles of refugee and non-refugee Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza” in International Migration; vol. 38, no. 4 p. 79-107, Malden (MA); Oxford (UK): Blackwell.

154. Subject: Human Rights Violations/Forced Migration/NGOs/ Human Rights Monitors/Government Policy Geography: Colombia Support Group for Displaced People Organizations (GAD) (2000) “Report about forced displacement in Colombia, January –decembre (sic. December) 1999”, Support Group for Displaced People Organizations.

18 155. Subject: Forced Displacement/Political Violence/Human Rights Violations/Security Forces Geography: Colombia ____ (1999) “Follow up to recommendations of the Representative of the Secretary General of United Nations for Internal Displacements 1996-1999”, Colombian Commission (sic; Commission) of Jurists.

156. Subject: Tamils/Ethnic Persecution/Human Rights Violations/Mass Exodus Geography: Sri Lanka Tamil Centre for Human Rights (TCHR) (1998) “Internally displaced people: one million in the island of Sri Lanka. Press release 20 July 1998 , France: Centre Tamoul Pour les Droits de l'Homme (CTDH), Rue des Peupliers, 95140 Garges les Gonesse.

157. Subject: Refugees/Returning Residents/Right to Return/UN/Land Tenure/Right to Property Geography: Universal Thiele, Bret (2000) “Housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons: developments at the United Nations” in Netherlands quarterly of human rights, Part C: Appendix V. 18 no.2 p 283-288, SIM; Kluwer Law International.

158. Subject: Maps/Meetings/Armed Conflict/Forced Migration/Return Migration/ Political Change/Political Institutions/Conflict Resolutions/Economic Conditions/Human Rights/UNHCR/Humanitarian Assistance Geography: Russian Federation/Armenia/Azerbaijan Trier, Tom and Hansen, Lars Fuchs (eds.) “Conflict and forced displacement in the Caucasus: perspectives, challenges and responses. International conference on the Caucasus region (Copenhagen 28-30 September 1998)”, Danish Refugee Council.

159. Subject: Refugees/Migrants/Asylum Geography: Bangladesh/South Asia “UDBASTU, the uprooted: a newsletter on refugee and migratory movements (first issue called UDVASATU”, Bangladesh: Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) Room no.4019, Arts Building, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000.

160. Subject: Refugees/Women Refugees/Child Refugees/Returnee/Protection/ Voluntary Repatriation/Financing/UNHCR/Reintegration/Humanitarian Assistance/Assistance Programmes Geography: Rwanda/Horn of Africa/West Africa/Angola/Saharan Arab Democratic Republic/Middle East/Afghanistan/Tajikistan/South Asia/Cambodia/Balkans/Eastern Europe/Guatemala UNHCR (2000) “Global report: achievements and impact 1999”, Geneva: UNHCR.

161. Subject: Human Rights/Protection Geography: Universal (2000) “UK Paper on Internally Displaced Persons”, London: Department for International Development, June 2000.

162. Subject: Child Refugees /Adolescents/Education/NGOs/UNHCR/OAU/UN/Policy/ Safety of Refugees/International Protection Geography: Africa ____(2000) “UNHCR policy framework for Africa 2000-2001”, Geneva: UNHCR.

19 163. Subject: UNHCR Geography: Universal ____(2000) “Internally Displaced Persons: the Role of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, Geneva: UNHCR.

164. Subject: Refugees/Women Refugees/Urban Refugees/Returnees/ Country of Origin Conditions/Assistance/Receiving Country/ Reintegration/Financing/UNHCR/Reports/Environmental Protection Geography: Africa/Middle East/Asia/Europe/Americas ____(2000) “Mid-year progress report 2000”, Geneva: UNHCR.

165. Subject: Internal Displacement/Forced/Migration/Protection/Human Rights/ Violations/Armed Conflict/Famine/Humanitarian Assistance/Return Migration/Reintegration/Conference Paper Geography: Asia/Sri Lanka/Philippines/East Timor//Pakistan/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea/Afghanistan/India/Myanmar/Cambodia UNHCR. Centre for Documentation and Research (2000) “Internal displacement in Asia” in Refugee Survey Quarterly Volume 19 Number 2 2000, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.

166. Subject: Reports/Documents/Literature Survey Geography: Africa ____ (1999) “Internal displacement in Africa” in Refugee Survey Quarterly Volume 18 Number 1 1999, Oxford(UK): Oxford University Press.

167. Subject: Field Guide/NGOs Geography: Universal UNHCR and its NGO partners (1999) “Protection Refugees, A Field Guide for NGOs”, Geneva: Atar Roto Presse SA.

168. Subject: Internal Displacement Geography: Universal UNHCR (1999) “IDPs: The Hot Issue for a New Millennium: how to help millions of the world’s most vulnerable people...who are internally displaced within their own countries” in Refugees Magazine, Issue 117, 1999, Geneva: UNHCR.

169. Subject: Georgians/International Protection/Legal Proceedings/UNHCR/Manuals Geography: Georgia ____ (1998) “International legal standards applicable to the protection of internally displaced persons: a reference manual for the UNHCR staff”, UNHCR; UNA-Georgia Publication.

170. Subject: Georgians/International Protection/Legal Proceedings/UNHCR/Manuals Geography: Georgia ____(1998) “International legal standards applicable to the protection of internally displaced persons: a reference manual for UNHCR staff”, UNHCR; UNA-Georgia Publication.

171. Subject: Children/Women/Internal Displacement/Assistance/Protection/ Human Rights/Cooperation/UN Specialized Agencies/NGOs/Regional Organizations Geography: Africa UNHCR; OAU (1998) “Internal displacement in Africa: report of a workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 October 1998”, Geneva; Addis Ababa: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Brookings Institution; Organization of African Unity.

20 172. Subject: Periodicals/Forced Migration/Refugees/Research/Higher Education/ Inter-Agency Collaboration Geography: Universal/Middle East/Europe/Africa (1999) “QUNITWIN/UNESCO Forced Migration Network newsletter no.1, November 1999”, Jordan: UNITWIN-UNESCO Forced Migration Network; RDFSC, Refugees & Displaced Persons, Yarmouk University, Irbid.

173. Subject: Human Rights/Protection Geography: Universal (2000) “UK Paper on Internally Displaced Persons”, London: Department for International Development, June 2000.

174. Subject: Meeting/Gender Geography: Global UNICEF (1999) “Expert Meeting on Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement”, New York, 14-15 June 1999, UNICEF.

175. Subject: Refugees/Asylum Seekers/Durable Solutions/Resettlement/Integration/ Causes of Flight/Protection/International Organizations/UN System/Surveys/Statistical Data/Assessment Geography: Africa/Europe/Middle East/Asia US Committee for Refugees (2000) “World Refugee Survey 2000”, New York: US Committee for Refugees.

176. Subject: Internal Displacement/Protection/Assistance/Guiding Principles Geography: Universal ____(2000) “Special Issue: Internal Displacement” in Refugee Reports, Vol. 21 No. 6 July 2000, Washington (D.C.): US Committee for Refugees.

177. Subject: Refugees/Aceh/East Timorese/Protection/Refugee Camps/Humanitarian Assistance Geography: Indonesia ____ (2000) “Refugees and internally displaced persons in Indonesia: West Timor, Aceh, and Lombok: findings and recommendation from USCR site visit”, Washington (DC): US Committee for Refugees.

178. Subject: Military Government/Minority Groups/Forced Relocation/International Relations Geography: Myanmar/Thailand U.S. Committee for Refugees; Mason, Jana (2000) “No way out, no way in: the crisis of internal displacement in Burma”, Washington (DC): US Commission for Refugees.

179. Subject: Ethnic and National Groups/Minority Groups/Kurds/Separatism/ Housing/International Relations/Maps Geography: Turkey US Committee for Refugees; Frelick, Bill (1999) “The wall of denial: internal displacement in Turkey. Uprooted Kurds in Turkey’s Southeast”, Washington (D.C.): USCR.

180. Subject: Independence Movements/Security Forces/Militias/Forced Relocation/Refugees Geography: East Timor/Indonesia US Committee for Refugees and Mason, Jana (1999) “East Timor: a crisis of displacement”, Washington (D.C.): USCR.

181. Subject: Human Rights Geography: Universal US Committee for Refugees (1999), “World Refugee Survey 1999 –An Annual Assessment of Conditions Affecting Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced Persons”, Washington (D.C.): US Committee for Refugees.

21 182. Subject: Armed Conflict/Testimonies/Victims of War Geography: Colombia United States Committee for Refugees; Ruiz, M.A. (1998) “Colombia's silent crisis: one million displaced by violence”, Washington (D.C.): USCR.

183. Subject: Humanitarian Assistance/Meetings/Research/Refugees/Burden Sharing/ Refugee Definitions Geography: Universal Van Hear, Nicholas (ed.) (1998) “Journal of refugees studies, Vol. 11 no.4 December 1998: special issue, refugee studies and the refugee regime in transition [papers from conference, ‘The growth of forced migration: new directions in research, policy and practice’]”, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.

184. Subject: Meetings/Safety of Refugees/Refugee Participation/Durable Solutions Geography: Universal Vincent, Marc (1999) “Final report, a workshop on the guiding principles on internal displacement, March 29-31, 1999, Kampala, Uganda”, Global IDP Survey; Norwegian Refugee Council.

185. Subject: Armed Conflict/Refugees/Political Change/ Economic Conditions/Food/Employment/Family/Gender/Women/Men Geography: Central Asia/Georgia Vivero Pol, Jose Luis (1999) “Stable instability of displaced people in Western Georgia: a food- security and gender survey after five years” in Journal of Refugee Studies v.12 no.4 p 349-366, Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.

186. Subject: Armed Conflict/Civilian Population/Forced Migration/ Human Rights Monitors/Safety of Refugees Geography: Colombia Westerbaan, Wim and Pax Christi Netherlands (1999) “Peace communities in a war zone, an experiment: experiences of an international observer in Urabà, Colombia (Cover = Peace communities…)”, Pax Christi Netherlands.

187. Subject: Children/Adolescents/Returnees/Armed Conflict/Education/Sexual Violence/ Living Conditions/Reproductive Health/Psycho-social Problems/International Protection/NGOs Geography: Universal Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children (2000) “Untapped potential: adolescents affected by armed conflict: a review of programs and policies”, New York: Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

188. Subject: Forced Displacement/Urban Areas/Poverty/Family/ Social Problems/Women/Children/Females/Males Geography: Colombia Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children; Myers, Holly (1999) “A Charade of concern: the abandonment of Colombia's forcibly displaced”, New York: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

189. Subject: Women/Children/Victims of Conflict/Humanitarian Assistance/Donors Geography: Azerbaijan/Armenia/Georgia Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children (1998) “Women displaced in the southern Caucasus: an examination of humanitarian assistance needs in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno –Karabakh and Georgia. Field report of the April 1998 fact-finding delegation”, New York: Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children 122 East 42nd Street, 12th Floor.

22 190. Subject: Maps/Photographs/Literature/Adolescents/Youth/Family Reunion/Refugee Camps Geography: Azerbaijan Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children; Hendler, Noah (photographs); Aliyev, Elnur; Cohen, Craig (1998) “Looking toward home: internally displaced adolescents in Azerbaijan”, New York: The Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

191. Subject: Forced Migration/Refugees Geography: Universal World Council of Churches (1998-) “Uprooted people”, Geneva: World Council of Churches.

192. Subject: Women Refugees/Armed Conflict/Natural Disaster/ Internal Displacement/Humanitarian Assistance/Food Aid/Basic Needs/Protection/Inter- agency Collaboration/Case Studies/ Geography: Afghanistan/Angola//Nicaragua/Rwanda/Sri Lanka World Food Programme (2000) “Consultation on humanitarian issues: situations of displacement. Issues and experiences”, Rome: World Food Programme.

193. Subject: Forced Migration/Field Research/Armed Conflict/Women-at-Risk/ Violence against Women/Poverty/Family/Research Interviews/Questionnaires Geography: Colombia Zuluaga, Margarite (1999) “Women and socio-political violence in Colombia: a tale of forced displacement and resistance”, Thesis for MA in Women's Studies: Ruskin College.