Flood Control Improvement on Esopus Creek at Kingston, New York
17 May 1971 ENVTR01MENTA.L STATEMENT FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENT ON ESOPUS CREEK AT KINGSTON, NEW YORK HUDSON RIVER. NEW YORK prepared by U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 8 June 1971 Esopus Creek, Kingston, Hew York ( ) Draft (X) Final Environmental Statement Responsible Office: U. S. Army Engineer District, Hew York, H. Y. 1. Hame of Action: (X) Administrative ( ) Legislative. 2. Description of Action: Flood~protection project consisting of levees, floodwalls, a ponding area and pumping station as well as associated interior drainage facilities in Ulster County, Hew York. 3. a. Environmental Impacts; Provide flood proofing of unprotected flood plains, allow for expansion and accelerated development of the flood plain, loss of natural wetland area. b. Adverse Environmental Effects: Loss of a small wetland area, levees and floodwalls may restrict river access to man and wildlife; loss of some large trees along the stream bank. 4. Alternatives: Reservoir control, diversion tunnel, deepening and widening channel, and "no development." 5. Comments Received: Water Quality Office, EPA W. Y. Dept, of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Water Hygiene, EPA Urban Renewal Agency Kingston, W.Y. Soil Conservation Service,USDA Dept, of Water Resources, Hew York, H.Y. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, USDI 6. Draft statement to CEQ_________________ . Final statement to CEQ 1 JtJL 1971______ . 17 May 1971 ESOHJS CREEK AT KINGSTON, NEW YORK FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT 1 , Project Description: Esopus Creek at Kingston, Hew York, the site of the proposed flood protection improvement, is located near the Hudson River in Ulster County on the eastern edge of the Catskill Mountains, approximately 95 miles north of New York City.
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