Basketball Hi Story and at Titude of Organi Zations
.• <!®on ~tate Qtollege Qtreeb Oregon State Alumni Association ~ bclieue in Q)rr!)on ,§;tall'. January 1953 Vat. XIII, N o . 4 1!\uil~rr of men anlllt•omrn. ~eeker after !rut!). President-MARK CO RWIN, '39, Eugene. Q)rgani::cll for ll)c Sl'rl•irc of a !lrcat rommonlt•ral!IJ. Vice President- CLINK DAVIS, '40, O swego. Treasurer-HAL WHITESIDE, '33, Corvallis. J belicl•r in IJcr lrallitions. Alumni Director- R O BERT P . KNO LL, '48, Corvallis. _,.\ l)crila!)C from IIJr lll'Clls anll llrrams of \ll'Stl'l·llau; lin l1cr sporlsma ns l1ill anll l1onor, DIRECT ORS _,.\ rcalil!J It• ill) !l)c slullcnls of lollaM; MRS. WILBUR CARL, '20, Portland; G. AL lin l)rr aspirations anb ill cals. LEN BRO WN, '23, Portland; CLINK DAVIS, '40, Portland; ARTHUR L O WE, '36, Corvallis; 'ii:l)c assurance of a ma!)nifirrnt tom orroll•. PETER CO S O VICH, '22, Astoria; LYLE SPECHT, '41, Tillamook ; D O UG CHAMBERS, f bclirlle in l)rr llrmorru~ '41, Salem ; J O HN ENSCHEDE, '29, Hillsboro; JAMES JENKS, '27 , Albany; MARK CO RWIN, ,..\nb ~cr far-read) in!) honll of)!lcallcr brotlJCrlJooll; '39, Eugene; GEO RGE ELDEN, '32, Grants _,.\nb ;11 nali::c !IJul since sl1e lFtS urrrptrll mr as a 1!:h·aucr, Pass; GLENN GREGG, '23, B end; M . M . HUG GINS, '38, Medford; ROBERT THO MPSO N, ;11 too am u !)narllimt of tlJc 1!Jcuuer spirit. '25, Klamath Falls; EVERETT REYNO LDS, ;Jif ;Jillc!)ralle m~sclf, ;JIIlc!)rallc l1er, '39, La Grande; FRED HILL, '36, P endleton; GEO RGE A .
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