Red Winged Starling House Pied Crow White Necked Raven (Onychognathus ( splendens) (Corvus albus) (Corvus albicollis) (Corvus capensis) morio)

Measurements: Measurements: Measurements: Measurements: Measurements: Body Length 40-43cm Body Length 46-52 cm Body Length 50-54 cm Body Length 48-50 cm Body Length 27-30 cm Wingspan 76-85 cm Wingspan 85-98 cm Wingspan 75-86 cm

Head and Neck: Black face Head and Neck: Glossy Head and Neck: Shiny black Head and Neck: Completely Head and Neck: Males and throat. Grey breast and black head with white collar head with a white patch on Dark brownish, black heads have the same neck. Bill is pointed, black and breast. White plumage the nape of the neck. Faint plumage with a faint purple iridescent, shiny black and medium sized extends down to belly. Bill is purple gloss on the throat, gloss. Bill is black and slim plumage which is on the black and medium sized breast and neck. Bill is black body. Females, however, with a characteristic white tip have ashy grey heads and and is arched and large upper breasts

Body: Medium sized slender Body: Medium to Large Body: Large, stocky build. Body: Medium to large slim Body: Small to medium slim body with shiny black stocky build. Glossy black Glossy black plumage except build with completely black build with iridescent, shiny plumage except around plumage except on breast on the nape of the neck, plumage which has a faint black plumage with chestnut breast, nape and mantel and collar where the where it’s white. purple gloss brown/orange flight feathers where the plumage is grey plumage is white (near wing tips), which are notable in flight

Habitat: Urban and industrial Habitat: Mainly Farmlands, Habitat: Mainly mountainous Habitat: Open grasslands, Habitat: Mountains, cliffs, areas. Frequent Rubbish savannah and urban areas. areas, gorges and cliffs. cultivated fields and exotic gorges, rocky hills and dumps where they scavenge Frequent Rubbish dumps Open country at times plantations buildings in urban and rural for food where they scavenge for areas food Red Winged Starling Pied Crow White Necked Raven Cape Crow (Onychognathus (Corvus splendens) (Corvus albus) (Corvus albicollis) (Corvus capensis) morio)